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welcome to golf today I'm gonna get really really angry because I'm gonna control Shelly you're gonna get trusted I see the flag there ain't no such thing as getting trolled oh did you make it I saw a secret hole but I'm gonna try I'm gonna try to hit this one anyway I'm gonna try to hit it oh hold him what what Josh thanks for let uh try again today try again maybe third time's a charm eh can you really say that Josh how did you make this on your first go I just uh I just I guess no Josh I'm already on my fourth shot no no no no this is a good solid start I tried to go for the real hole but I got trolled hello hello oh my goodness I thought you liked out Jelly that's gonna only make it even more difficult oh my God I got online fine all right I see the black yet again but where is the fake hole I have no idea where is the fake hole where is he good I'm not gonna shoot first I'm not gonna okay all right all right all right you saw it you saw it too see it I'm not dumb ah that was the only one man how would you be the only one that saw I mean it's just like this one as well like this game Josh pushed me I could have gone all in one but I suck I can't believe you I I've got three hole in ones in a row are you kidding me bro bro and obviously this one's gonna be too obvious isn't it are you allowed to V well I didn't say not to B all right I'll look around I'll look around see I see a hole it continues like that then we go left left oh that's a bit odd isn't it a bit odd admit I think I understand [Music] what are you doing why did I do that I thought I could go through that for some reason I think I understand how this works Josh okay no I guess that that goes my hole in one streak all right yep there it goes Josh say bye to it so I'm gonna try it like this [Music] oh no wait was that recess well I don't know why I want to do like a big I'm resetting I'm resetting I'm going back to the start why does he keep pushing me up Josh this is here [Music] there's a lip here I feel like that has something to do with something what if I try to land there ah does she doing it Josh you're on a 10th shot I'm catching up well that's oh come on shoot faster man assuming assuming you make it we ran out of time oh can I just never win something at this point oh my gosh we've only got two minutes oh are you kidding me I was gonna try the plant by the way oh I mean it clearly must have been the plant I just don't know how we would have gotten to it I know right oh Josh I'm just gonna hit you just do it's gonna hit you mate why would hitting me be a good idea I don't know seemed like a good idea that is a good question like that oh that's pretty good that's pretty good [Music] nope all right I'm gonna try something else I actually follow a complaint I'm gonna try something else nope just your idea what if the real hole is just the hole I have a feeling it actually might be ready where am I going I ran out Josh you didn't adjust the settings I didn't let me adjust the settings why did I shoot what I am so confused I finally had a hole in one and then I get in four in four why is this trolling I am really lost Josh I am lost all right I'm kind of scared there's gonna be something I see where the hole is on this one you do because I don't oh it's on that it's not the barrels oh it literally says holes hey what's the best way to hit these are inwards what like inside what do you mean like you wanted to know how to get in them idiot Dot ow oh the things you think yes there you go I got in 10 shots I can still catch up believe it or not believe it or not I will be able to all right you're 12 behind no I see the hole I don't there's a cheat hole is it invisible what do you mean I tried that already did you not look no I didn't see it stay on the track Stay Stay Stay you did in five shots oh me too what a shot all right all right all right let's continue we're gonna find another way to do this Josh well this is not looking Susan anyway possible hmm color one oh Josh try that please yeah I got it nice oh it was a fake there must be a cheat you keep shooting well I'll do the looking all right keep shooting with our daughter looking I think that I think that's what sure is looking like it well as things go sometimes it's the easy option why can't I set you why did I reset why did it do that and now I'm still gonna do it worse than you no I didn't of course I didn't all right you don't need to get angry all right Josh why am I so bad at this stupid little freaking game whoa jelly sorry look all right why can I not just do it you know why can't I just do it okay calm jelly call sorry okay it's just golf it's just golf all right whoa what did I just do Josh look at your score you got minus four how did you do that I went on the Box on like the outside and it gave me minus three all right 14. why oh I love this map no I saw the hole yeah this isn't gonna work jelly I mean okay just making it even worse it's not I just said the hole is up here up where up on the thing I gotta make it down we go oh what a weird place to snap stand okay ah no yes oh you just clipped that Josh you need to get some uh you need to get some plus points made [Music] don't worry I did it with you it's gonna be this one because the other one was yeah see I'm not doing this on purpose it's doing it for me something tells me that that's not true Josh you don't understand the struggle man the struggle I have to with with what yeah I go in the water whoa minus ten why did you also get -10 I did get minus why I did that for you just shoot a little slower see what the Elder Bells do please see what the other Bells do Josh Dosh stop going for the water and try another Barrel just be original Josh no no because they're gonna give me still got minus one it's not exactly help I mean you have mine as ten yeah only five people can get in so if you have more than five people please try to hurry all right well I think that we've only got two of us yeah wait did okay you got it yes well done I got really scared there for a second whoa did you make it nope I got close but then it like kind of stopped me from going in why why I feel like this video is making you quite angry yes I got in four please please struggle a little more please get a dnf then I can catch up a little bit got it in four please struggle more how did you do that it literally hit you off twice that's your uh your internet my internet is really bad I'm a YouTuber I have bad internet oh nice let's go ketchup is on catch him on um all right I'm still like way too many points behind but don't hit it hit too hard or too okay don't use V Jelly yep I guess that was a little too soft wasn't it did that for me as well oh it's not that one oh we're really gonna get in five like in 60. bro I'm not catching them anymore it's impossible actually um well you never know it might come out of nowhere and be like minus 100. oh that is true that is true all right I'm just gonna try them there must be a cheat it's the water again that's not the one there's only two others you know Jenny I'll take the L and I will all right wait it disappeared but I got it oh what a shot in three it also I think that was the real one but mine already counted is this gonna be the minus 100 hole or something like that oh okay wait that was it I won ha ha I feel like it wasn't that fair but sure Josh you won thanks for watching click and watch another video what a terrible map never playing this again
Channel: Jelly
Views: 169,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, golf it, jelly, jelly golf it, troll, troll map, funny moments, game, games, gaming, I Played Golf It On IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY!
Id: Ctz-EQWMbbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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