Top 10 Underrated Superheroes

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[Music] what's up everybody welcome to where we love comics more than Disney dominates the entertainment industry as always I'm your host tu eres quinones and today we're gonna talk about one of my absolute favorite topics by counting down our list of 10 most underrated superheroes and comics however we also have more amazing stuff to give away so let's do that first shall we last week we gave away three awesome collectibles from sideshow and hot toys and it was a lot of fun we had so many entries at varying comics calm and many of you added some really kind words with your submission so thanks a ton for participating and we'll love you back but this week we're doing it again with round 2 of our five-year anniversary giveaways this time we've partnered with our good friends over at for five different prizes which for you means five opportunities to win instead of three which is pretty great because all these prizes are awesome the prizes of choose from start with the amazing Dark Knight Returns Batman vs Superman statue sculpted by Derek Miller and is based on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns story I'm not ashamed to say that I love this thing with all of my heart the next prize is this ridiculously cool life-size BBA led floor lamp which is pretty much a must-have once you've seen it the remaining three prizes on the board are a set of six ThinkGeek exclusives guardians of the galaxy geeky tikis and a set of three collectible ceramic Star Wars snack bowls and lastly a marvel baby Groot USB car charger now did you notice that I said prizes you get to choose from well here's how it's gonna work our grand prize winner will get the first pick from the five great prizes from ThinkGeek second place will get to pick from the remaining four items third place will get to pick from the remaining three items and so on and so forth but no matter where you land you'll be taking home some geeky goodness you have from today July 20th through Monday July 24th to enter and the winners will be selected and contacted on Tuesday July 25th so head over to Barrett comics comport slash giveaways for complete details on how to enter for a chance to win one of five awesome prizes from you'll find links for everything in the description below and the clock is officially ticking my friends so happy hunting now with all that giveaway goodness out of the way we've got some underrated superheroes to count down so let's get to it in comics there is a long list of characters that are commonly considered favorites amongst most comic fans as such heroes like Batman spider-man Wolverine Wonder Woman Superman Ironman and so on tend to dominate most of our attention and conversation however there's an equally long list of amazing and even incredibly powerful characters that don't get nearly the attention or recognition they deserve from publishers or fans and among them there are a few who stand out more than others starting with number 10 on our list cuts off in the 10th spot is a character some mistakenly still write off as Marvel's ripoff of Batman and that of course would be moon night but this supernatural antihero is much more than just a cheap copy of The Dark Knight he's a former Marine named Mark Specter who was killed while working as a mercenary in Egypt only to then be resurrected by the egyptian moon god khonshu under the condition that spectre act as his night of vengeance khonshu also granted him superhuman strength that allows him to lift upwards of two tons along with enhanced endurance and reflexes all of which increased with the phases of the Moon munna is also a highly skilled hand to hand combat in as well as adept in a wide range of weaponry the only problem is that he also struggles with multiple personality disorder which makes him volatile and at times unstable but as you may have guessed it is also part of what makes him incredibly interesting and a fun character not to mention he's easily one of the coolest looking characters and comics ultimately despite munites over 40 years of existence cool origin story and compelling character traits he still doesn't get nearly enough love although I will say it does seem like that's starting to change at number nine is the question originally created by Steve Ditko for Charlton comics in 1967 Vic's age a Kay the question is an investigative journalist turned master detective and shaman who uses an experiment so artificial skin called sueded erm to mask his identity while uncovering major crimes and conspiracies he's also one of the world's most formidable martial artists and hand-to-hand combatants however it's his genius-level intellect and detective skills that stand out most as he's been shown to even rival Batman in those areas also if you're thinking that he has a strange resemblance to Rorschach from The Watchmen there's a good reason for that Alan Moore actually used the question as his primary inspiration when creating war shacks character including his tendency to beat answers out of criminals after Charlton comics was purchased by DC Comics the question was given his own series and reintroduced in 1986 and has since gone on to be a member of the Black Lantern Corps and the Justice League he's also made several appearances in the Justice League Unlimited animated series and Batman the brave in the bold the question is just a really cool character that I'm hoping to see play a major role and rebirth at some point at number eight is dr. fate this is another character that has been around for a long time as immensely powerful has played a huge role in several major story arcs in the DC Universe and it's pretty well known by most common fans in general but despite all of that the good doctor has never really been able to shed his second tier status which is just ridiculous the character is made up of two personalities the human host and the thousand-year-old Egyptian lord of order Naboo who inhabits the host through the mystical element this along with the mystical amulet and cloak grants whoever dons the mantle of fate incredible power and magical abilities such as super strength and vulnerability flight telekinesis telepathy spell casting pyrokinesis and the list goes on for days dr. fate has also made numerous appearances in animated and live-action series such as Smallville Justice League Unlimited and Superman the animated series so here's hoping the DCE you can find a way to give this awesome character so much deserved love Nandy at number seven is the weirdest character on this list but also the most surprisingly awesome and that is Squirrel Girl look I get it guys her greatest human ability and claim to fame is her empathic bond with squirrels okay she also looks and dresses like a squirrel but there's much more to her than just tree climbing rodents the young doors green aka Squirrel Girl has enhanced strength agility and reflexes she's so formidable in fact that she single-handedly defeated Doctor Doom while trying to impress Ironman enough to make her his partner come on not many characters can claim that feet and those Starks still turned her down she has since become an ally of shield and a member of the Great Lakes champions formally known as the Great Lakes excellent ultimately she's a fun and very underrated character who definitely deserves more time in the spotlight okay guys this one is kind of crazy because dr. Soler's powers are basically godlike it could easily be compared to character such as dr. Manhattan or Silver Surfer yet I'm sure the response for many of you when I said his name was who well this very Opie character was created by Paul Newman for gold key comics in 1962 but has since been seen in issues under Valiant Comics acclaim Dark Horse and dynamite dr. solar is a genius physicist who was exposed to a large amount of radiation during a failed experiment but rather than kill him it gave him the ability to absorb and manipulate all forms of matter and energy which essentially allows him to do almost anything in fact during his violent comic storyline dr. solar lost control of his powers during a conflict and inadvertently created a black hole that destroyed earth yeah that's a bad day at the office some of his other powers consist of flight invulnerability teleportation superhuman strength speed dimensional manipulation phasing and lest I forget he's immortal dr. solar was last published under dynamite comics in 2015 and his original gold key comics licensing rights were purchased by DreamWorks in 2012 maybe someone will give us insanely underrated character a new life number five is yet another incredibly powerful yet underrated character the cosmic entity known as Spectre I really have no idea how a character that is literally the physical embodiment of God's vengeance on earth could be underrated and unappreciated but Spectre somehow just can't seem to get the love he deserves similar to dr. fate the mantle of Spectre has been carried by several different characters since its creation in 1940 as he is a former angel who chooses a mortal person has a host in order to carry out God's vengeance I mean seriously who doesn't think that sounds freaking rad but don't get me wrong as a founding member of the Justice Society Spectre is a very well-known character but with a list of godlike powers and abilities that just go on and on and having played a key role in numerous major DC stories and events Spectre should get a lot more attention but Spectre is definitely one of the characters who could easily make his way onto the big screen in the DC EU I know you can make it happen Geoff Johns please make it happen coming in at number four is Wonder Man sure he doesn't have the best hero name and his costume could definitely use some work but this hero created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1964 is a freaking beast and without a doubt one of the Avengers most underrated members in fact in the comics it was Wonder man's brain waves that were used to originally create vision although Marvel left that part out of the MCU version but that should definitely tell you something about the importance of the character Wonder man's real name is Simon Williams and as the wealthy son of an industrialist who has turned into a being of pure ionic energy by Baron Zemo in order to help the Masters of evil against the Avengers but he decided that being on the side of good was a better idea and joined Earth's Mightiest Heroes just a few of as many powers include energy manipulation super-strength SuperSpeed energy blast healing flight and size manipulation with a few adjustments I think Wonder Man could get a lot more attention our top three is the king of Atlantis himself Aquaman I don't need to say a whole lot about this founding member of the Justice League as he's a widely known hero in the DC Universe however he's easily one of the most overlooked and unappreciated characters in all of comics we actually just made this case in our why Aquaman is cooler than you think episode a couple of months ago in short while many liked to make fun of Aquaman for being able to communicate with sea creatures and yes there were some pretty ridiculous takes on the character he is really one of the strongest and most fierce heroes that DC has to offer even up there with the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman we're talking about a character who has full control of nearly three-quarters of the planet as the wielder of Neptune's Triton and at one point even went toe-to-toe with Darkseid using his Triton to stab him in the eye so before you go hating on the king of the seven seas I suggest you check yourself before you wreck yourself number two is none other than Billy Batson aka Shazam also known as Captain Marvel once again you would think a character that has magical abilities and can knock Superman on his backside would be utilized more often but nope despite the characteristic of being a young boy who transforms into a powerful being with divine abilities whenever he says the word Shazam Billy Batson is among the longest-running superheroes in all of comics created by Bill Parker for Fawcett publications in 1939 Captain Marvel was originally intended to capitalise on the success of Superman which is why the two have many similarities even to this day after the character was taken over by DC Comics he became a member of the JLA and has since played a large role in many DC storylines he's also taken on Thor in the crossover event Marvel vs. DC and gave Thor a run for his money some of Shazam as many powers and abilities are flight and vulnerability energy absorption and manipulation and vulnerability super speed super strength hearing and energy blasts he also possesses magical abilities but even though his powers are nearly infinite his comp of fanbase is minuscule so DC continues to relegate Shazam stories to backups and comic books and merely a part of a broader story which is sad because the stories in which the Sam is a main character he is often the best part into the top spot at number one it's easily the most shocking character on this list and that would be John Jones Martian Manhunter and why is he the most shocking as far as powers and abilities go Superman himself said that Martian Manhunter is the most powerful beam on the face of the earth in case you missed it that's Superman who said that close the book point made but even with all these awesome character traits he is still too often overlooked and underrated I will say that Martian manages popularity has been growing in recent years and he's even made appearances in the live-action Supergirl series but could you imagine a live-action Martian Manhunter on the big screen in the DCE you if they portrayed him comic book accurate fighting alongside Superman Wonder Woman and the rest of the Justice League let's make it happen DC please but that wraps up our list of the ten most underrated superheroes and comics a couple honorable mentions would be beta ray bill firestorm miss Marvel invincible and XO Man O'War now who do you think are the most underrated let us know in the comments section down below then head over to Van comics comm and join the conversation about today's episode with the rest of the variant nation I want to be healthy but I'm Way too busy to get to the store and buy a glorious mate what I am NOT lazy I have a lot of editing going on I want to get on well I want to be healthy but I am way too busy to go to the store to get all the ingredients to make a nutritious and delicious smoothie enter daily harvest o magic what do you mean that is not terrible that's production that daily harvest delivers perfectly portioned smoothies and ready to go Cubs right to your front door or a desk so what do you say we pick one and get two smoothie oh magic now let's get those ingredients in there and blend it up it's so easy man delicious almost like it was made from a team of chefs and nutritionists daily harvest has 14 different blends of smoothies not to mention other products go to daily - harvest com4 / variant or click the link in the description and use the code variance to get three free smoothies [Music] first up for Wednesday July 19th we have Peter Parker spectacular spider-man issue - a tech crime ring is tightening around spider-man if iron heart will stop beating them up she may be able to help him zero in on the source here we have green arrow issue 27 last issue we got the green arrow in the flash and in this issue we get green arrow and Wonder Woman and it looks like she's not happy with Green Arrow now we have Poe Dameron issue 17 black squadron is back in action and this time they're on the lookout for some new recruits for the resistance next we have invincible issue 138 marking his allies must fight to survive while the fate of the whole universe hangs in the balance and finally we have Batman issue 27 the war has spread to every corner of Gotham City and while Batman battles back the forces of the Joker and the Riddler an unlikely criminal becomes the pivotal key to its potential resolution well that'll do it my friends if you like what you see give the subscribe button a click and then click the bone next to it so you never miss an episode also remember that our round two of our variant 5 year giveaway is up and running with thinking as always links for everything is in the description below but I'll see you beautiful people next week I want to talk about all things coming
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,608,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comic Con, SDCC 2017, Comic Con 2017, DC, Marvel, Squirrel Girl, Moon Knight, Underrated Superheroes, Top 10, Comics, Comic Books, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Graphic Novels, Dr Fate, Spectre, variant, variant comics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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