History of the Gunbreaker Explained (FFXIV Lore)

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they served during the height of the Allegan Empire's campaign of Conquest the third astral era the region of ilsabard is one of their targets and thus the besieged trothgar deployed their most elite soldiers they broke through the line destroying powerful Allegan long-range weapons shattering the enemy's guns the legacy of those soldiers lives on this is the story of the gun Breakers in Final Fantasy 14. my name is Stout and I really hope you enjoy we don't have the luxury of Consulting the encyclopedia aorzia for the gun breaker job that information will likely come in the third volume of the books so we'll piece together this story using everything available in game let's begin by going back in time when Civil War raged among the races of boja a region in the southern reaches of ilsabard into the west of delmasca this bloody conflict only came to an end when the land was United under the rule of a queen gunhilder is the name and title given to that role in all who followed would inherit it boja was accepting of the various wrathgar tribes who struggled in isolation the rothgar are the animalistic feline race added in shadowbringers krothgar are divided into two clans the Hellion and the lost the former served under the Queen's Rule and the latter are a much more nomadic Clan boja enabled the hellions to grow and prosper with Rogan and heroes who also live there a vast majority of bosian queens were rothgar given they boasted the largest population in the region beauji's establishment as a nation was the only reason the Allegan Empire didn't conquer that Land Queen gunhilder's Direction kept the Empire at Bay until the fourth umbral Calamity it's in this era that the legend of gunhilder's blades begin the Queen's most elite fighting force rothgar soldiers who wielded unusual weapons with great Precision they broke Allegan Firearms effectively that's where the name gun breaker comes from now rothgar have passed the art of the gun blade from generation to generation so even though the most legendary gun Breakers served the Queen the Lost also knew how to wield them the gun Breakers of that time made their home in the beauja Citadel it was the Palace of the queen and even after beauja fell as a nation The Citadel remained survivors did slowly rebuild and boja was reborn as a city state it would co-exist for centuries to come though it was nowhere near as prosperous as it once was the Citadel remained until it was destroyed in what's known as the beauja incident you learn more about that by completing the beauja events in game radovan is a hrothgar gun breaker who appears in shadowbringers and serves as a mentor for the warrior of light during their training he considers himself the last of the gun Breakers due to the order's strict rules regarding the exclusion of Outsiders well until he meets the warrior that is we'll Circle back to his story in a minute but I want to mention him now because he gives us the details on how his gun blade works the gun blades that gun Breakers use are not like the more common models we see in the garlian Empire radovan tells us in the quest the makings of a gun breaker that the model he uses is the genuine article the Empire uses edged weapons with a firearm bolted on radovan says they pale in comparison to his that's because gun breaker weapons use etherically imbued cartridges in battle pulling the gun Blade's trigger ignites the powdered Crystal and releases The Ether inside that sends powerful shock waves through the blade and increases its destructive power but it's not just limited to offense these cartridges can be fired into the air as defensive barriers the gun blade is not an easy weapon to use and I'm not talking about the number of actions gun breaker has per minute compared to the other tank jobs radovan mentions in the quest Hired Gun blades that it normally takes a lot longer for a novice to use a gun blade over a normal sword speaking of abilities the gun breaker's actions reference a few characters in the franchise's history the job is inspired by Squall leonhardt and Cipher almacy from Final Fantasy VII and lightning from Final Fantasy 13. many actions like blasting Zone rough divide and solid Barrel are based on squall's limit breaks and attacks from the Dissidia games the ability is no mercy bloodfest and Demon slice are moves used by Cipher also the moves nebula and Royal Guard reference mannerisms by Squall and Cipher the former is Squall stance when using his limit break Renzo kukin and Royal Guard is a taunting motion we see Cipher perform as for lightning the female gunbreaker's Idol stance is the same as hers from 13. traditional gun breaker attire usually involves longer coats let's take a look at the bodyguards artifact armor besides being stylish these coats also offer utility and space to store etherically charged cartridges plated armor is worn underneath the coat the set also comes with plated gauntlets boots and a monocle now let's Circle back to Rod Avon's story given he's one of the few gun Breakers we encounter in the story radovan is a traveler from far north of ilsabard and a former unwilling soldier of the garlian Empire he was forced into servitude as a conscript that's because they held the frothgar's wife and son hostage the garliance forced him to fight for them or his family would die he followed orders for a while until one day during a mission in another Province radovan disobeyed a direct order that day and was thrown in jail because of it he was fitted with a magitek collar that the wardens could use to shock him this was common in Garland jails he was approached about working for the Empire again for his freedom but radovan refused and so the torture continued leaving him with shocks and intermittent paralysis they kept radovan in that jail for 10 years but he had not lost hope every night he dug a few inches playing the long game for Freedom little did he know he was digging in the wrong direction a decade later rodomon burrowed into someone else's cell Sophie is a Viera and former dumbass and resistance group member she was in jail awaiting execution the commotion of radovan's attempted Escape worked up the other prisoners radovan and Sophie used that noise to escape an opportunity to find radovan's wife and son the pair snuck their way to the beauja Citadel the home of the gun Breakers the place he last seen his family they would be there but when he arrived they saw nothing but the desolate remains of a once great palace like I mentioned before the Citadel had been accidentally destroyed in Project meteor radovan's wife and son were gone the two reasons he had clung to life all these years no longer in his grasp radovan breaks down he sees no way forward the only thing to do now is join them in death Rod Avon is prepared to take his own life but Sophie stops him and renews his hope that's when the pair resolved to head south into aorzia rodabond is a classic example of the my greatest failure Trove he holds a lot of regret for not being able to protect his family and queen this clouds his mind so much that he later prepares to take Vengeance on a guardian scientist who had defected someone who was trying to turn their life around the warrior steps in of course and radovan wrestles with his conscience But ultimately overcomes his desire for Revenge radovan later tells us that he didn't intend to kill the scientist only to have him confess of his sins but he acknowledges that that would have put his Integrity into question I mentioned radovan believes he's the last of his kind but we know that's not actually the case thankward Waters one of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn wields a gun blade beginning in shadowbringers he's unique in that he cannot manipulate ether so he needs assistance with charging his cartridges Reen assists with that in shadowbringers and eustola and Ariane take over that role in end Walker another surviving gun breaker taught thank rid the way of the gun breaker that's rustic eventually the warrior brings the two hrothgar together rostik wants to rebuild the Homeland in Bossier and restore the gunblade order but radovan has found new family in Sophie besides much like how rostik taught thankgrid radovan is passing the gun breaker skills on through you he wants to take on more students so that that Legacy lives on rodabon's Code of Ethics teaches us much about what it means to be a gun breaker soldiers who form strong bonds with their comrades fiercely loyal to the ones they serve honorable men and women who carry themselves with Integrity pride in their Homeland even after its fall and perhaps the most important one hope for the future even when everything seems lost and that's the story of the gun breaker job so far we'll likely get more information encyclopedia aorzia volume 3 arrives and when it does I'll be sure to update you on the juicy details so what jobs Laura do you want me to look at next let me know in the comments and if you like this video subscribe so you know when new videos come out take care Warriors and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Stout Helm
Views: 4,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv lore explained, ffxiv lore, ffxiv gunbreaker guide, ffxiv gunbreaker rotation, ffxiv thancred, thancred, stout helm, final fantasy, final fantasy 16, ffxiv story, lore for beginners, squall leonhart, ffxiv gunblade
Id: BtfMG0gjuRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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