History of Space Travel (Part 4/6) by Extra History | A History Teacher Reacts

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[Music] hey history fans welcome back to another history teacher reacts video with mr. Teri's I continued my search for historical knowledge found to you're on the Internet alright today we are continuing on into the second half of extra histories mini-series on the history of space travel so this is episode four looks like it's titled red star now where we left off was Sputnik went up the first artificial satellite showing the at this time the Soviet lead in this space race and we'll see what the responses and how this really becomes a space race but anyway so yeah we're gonna get going with this so before we get going though let's get the shout outs out of the way the original video link is down below make sure you watch it click on it and give them the view time and all that stuff it's important that you do that these guys are a supporter of the channel and we love them and they make such awesome content so alright and if you haven't subbed here love to have you around enable those notifications as well also if you're into gaming we've got the new gaming channel is up mr. Tara gaming there's a link down there to search for mr. chary gaming a lot of fun stuff goin over there and again and also we still have some of the Mario Kart World War 2 shirts if you're looking to get your history and gaming on we got you covered in the teespring campaign down below alright let's do it you're a guarantor person in space another russian milestone achieved those were the first words spoken just before for the first time in human history a human being left the confines of our small blue planet but that exchange wouldn't be for a long time yet right now world war ii has just ended in atomic fire two massive superpowers cast their shadow across the Gloam and as the world rebuilds from the greatest conflict in human history everyone waits uneasily for the inevitable showdown between these giants so with everyone thought you know World War when World War one ended there was that famous thing right the war to end all wars obviously wasn't the case so when world war ii ended i think that optimism if you want to call it that that all right nobody would want to fight a war like this anymore because look what happened it's obviously devastating but nobody was saying that after world war ii right even though the casualties blue world war 1 out of the water people were still like okay this there's still a lot of problems specifically what's now happening the united states and so a union who are now these superpowers surviving after this war and very quickly within four years of the end of the war both countries had atomic weapons and now you see the race going on people are very scared because not only do they a lot of people think this war is inevitable inevitable but it's atomic and after seeing what happened in hiroshima nagasaki people now feel that this is what war is now it's massive strikes that can annihilate cities that's what the future is so it's a lot more pessimistic and understandably so this telling of humanity's quest for the Stars is brought to you by warframes most awesome explain for you in period to prepare for the all-new spacefaring action yourself for free and be entered for a chance to win two hundred and fifty thousand dollars towards an actual trip to actual space check out the game at the link below nineteen nineteen fifties the Soviets had tested their first nuclear bomb soon after fusion weapons were developed that could deliver a larger explosive charge than all of the munitions fired in the Second World War that's one of the creepiest things a spate about developing a weaponry is the things that were used in World War two and then even though the bombs that were used on on Japan the atomic weapons become tiny little things very quickly to what they could actually make that make those things look like a firecracker versus you know a grenade like it's it's it's night and day it's it's scary how fast this destructive power went it got obviously way bigger than of destruction that you would ever need ace race began not as a noble endeavor to get to the stars but as a military program to find ways for fuel destruction on each other from continents away as a way to build missiles that could reach across oceans by briefly reaching the Stars I truly think it's important for you understand that the space race does not happen without the Cold War and if this happened in true peacetime I don't think you get any of this you don't get any of this the motivation was developed technologies to protect yourself order all destroy some good or city obliterating weapons if you can't get them to the cities you want to obliterate and it's in this atmosphere of conflict dropping my plane isn't gonna work here's our story he was a rocket engineer in the early Soviet days who was thrown into a gulag during the Stalinist purges only to be hauled back out and put into a nicer prison when Stalin needed him to work on rockets again after the war ended he was put in charge of the Soviet ballistic missile program his work is so secretive no one will even be allowed to use his name he would be referred to as chief designer for most of his life he was mostly a cautious man but one fateful day on the 30th of January 1 hotsauce 56 he did something bold he told the president sauce the highest council in the Soviet Union that he could beat the Americans to space oh man except due to bureaucracy he was wrong because trying to get the Academy of Sciences the Ministry of the defense industry the Ministry of the radio technical industry the Ministry of the shipbuilding industry the Ministry of the machine building industry and the Ministry of Defence - all work together was like hurting oh I don't know let's say a Ministry of cats not to mention the rocket program was military and the strategic rocket forces who had no interest in space could repurpose his funding at any time so one of the big one of the big criticisms of the Soviet Union came from Stalin basically up to Gorbachev was how big the government was how complex it was like they're saying here right and how difficult it was to get anything done there's so much red tape going on because nothing is privatized the government has to make all the decisions they're just so many different committees and processes to go it it's why things economically move slower I mean they move slower and a lot of this stuff but you could see once you get the military involved in this kind of thing then you can really get your budget and that sort of thing this would not have happened in the private sector because there is no private sector doesn't doesn't exist so after two years it was clear that his beloved satellite full of scientific instruments would not be ready in time to beat the similar model the Americans planned to launch but then he had a flash of brilliance just build a metal beach ball slap some batteries on it and give it a radio transmitter telling the world how great the Soviet Union is spunda that we can get into space and we'll launch the complicated satellite in a year and so for one furious month his team manufactures clay to test now dubbed Sputnik stuck it on an intercontinental ballistic missile and fired it into the heavens where it would stay for 70 days orbiting the earth fourteen hundred and forty times and then somebody caught it down below yeah had no purpose other than to get something into space I mean it just beamed some radio signals of no consequence I'd said this in the last video but this freaked out a lot of people in America because they're like what is it you know is it a spy thing is it a weapon people are freaking out and let alone just the fact that the Soviet Union did something like this before the Americans had America is losing technologically difficult people thought as core American values are losing out to communism right that's that's what this whole thing can be is who's got the superior system and this the guinea pig of this or where they wanted to show it off was the space race whoever is winning that must be the superior culture and it's message would be heard around the world in every sleepy farm town anyone with a shortwave radio could tune in and hear a message from space a rudder to say this shattered the American idea that they were a scientific superpower competes the palos of brutal backwards state and all of the sudden it was a race to the Stars the American government stepped up efforts to enhance a time grab and find an area where they could tie fighter meanwhile the Soviet government genuinely surprised and pleased at the amount of positive attention the launch had gotten the USSR ordered Korolev to continue but now things would get harder he could no longer just send up beach balls the next achievement had to be a real achievement and not just the three moving round even scientific satellites animals nursed he had to get a human being into space but the Soviet space program worked on a project basis no orders from the leadership no guiding national mission or government commitment Korolev or someone from a rival design bureau would just ask to do something and if they got a yes they do it it was wholly unlike the u.s. program where all of the engineers scientists and pilots worked for a single team under NASA here each agency and each Bureau were fighting for funding recognition and government attention hard to get something efficient when you have so many people involved right too many cooks in the kitchen but one of Korolev strengths perhaps even more important than his skills as an engineer was his ability as a project manager yeah shout out to the producers yet he'd face a revelation that would almost derail everything you see he found out that his old friend Glushko his chief engine designer was one of the people who'd gotten him thrown in the gulag so as you can imagine their working relationship become rocky but even despite all of the rivalries despite all the petty sabotage progress began being made they had a lead over the Americans and human spaceflight was a problem Korolev had been thinking about for a long long time early tests were rough on there I don't know if you have anybody really in the American side like this Korolev guy who's basically the the guy you do have a lot of people now it's one organization with the NASA but it's like it looks like the Soviet got one guy that's really doing this and that can be talked on a high-risk high-reward the fact if this person is incompetent then it's gonna ruin the whole operation but it sounds like Korolev is I mean he's really good for this job here but yeah they're gonna go they gotta get organisms up there so no they're gonna send up animals first in fact a few ran away before liftoff well eventually he had a rocket that could go to space and a capsule that could come back with a living breathing being in it so now they just needed a human to go up in the thing so the Soviet Union took 200 of their fittest Air Force pilots and began to train them for humanity's first venture into the great up and out unfortunately though no one really knew exactly what being in space would do to a person so they base any screw everything they could at these pilots they put them in sensory deprivation tanks spun them around in giant centrifuges even put them in hyperbaric chambers and pumped all of the air out but you can sit there and hypothesize with sensory equipment or something about what it actually is like to be up there but space is no joke when it comes to that it's it's trying to kill you but pretty much it's not I'm not meant to be there you know what I mean we're defying all of these this physical and non-physical environment that we have that we're defying it when it's trying to literally destroy us so don't care who you are that you're going up there it doesn't matter if you're Yuri Gagarin the first person to go to space or you're those guys last week that went and SpaceX that launched up on the Dragon capsule up to the ISS it's no joke no joke but they only had one simulator for the actual cockpit of the spacecraft so they chose the six most qualified candidates and put them on a crash course to being cosmonauts then the fateful day came we can we appreciate how much cooler the word cosmonaut is than an astronaut I just think that's a great word Yuri Gagarin at the age of 27 has been chosen to be the first 27 Wow he settles into the capsule a ground crew seals him in systems checks begin the board's crafting experience then a message from Kagari he thinks the capsule isn't fully sealed the two more hours pass and it's checked and rechecked they're putting tape duct hangings good to go Oh actually the engines fire the Boosters fall away the rocket Rises the final stage flames out and the capsule separates and Gagarin the first person to ever see the earth from beyond its pale blue thing I just think that would be a cool thing to do you're the first person to look at the earth from that view and just get that perspective how big it is and just like hey that's our history of our species out there and I'm now looking at it from the outside and I think that'd be a very emotional moment for an hour and 48 minutes he would enjoy that view then he would begin his descent back to the earth seven kilometers out he's a ejected from the craft and his parachute deploys he lands in the middle of the Russian countryside a farmer and his daughter stand there slack-jawed then start to back away has this creature in an orange suit and permit that justice kneeling in the sky shouts to them I am a Soviet citizen like you who has descended from space and I must find a telephone to call Moscow somehow that line worked and he got his phone call soon the world know it sounds like they didn't have the equipment or whatever like to know exactly where he would be or do they not think about that now you can just pinpoint exactly where they are so you just Lance in some farm what humanity has reached the Stars it was the height of Soviet space flight Korolev began openly talking about his law dreams of going to the moon and even Mars but you know eventually they had time the Soviets were masters of Rila winners of the space race what 15s John F Kennedy moved the goal posts he announced to the world that within ten years America would put a man on the moon I mean with Yuri Gagarin up I mean it's it's not even close the Soviet Union is ahead of the Americans they're beating every milestone for us to get something into space you know an artificial satellite first to get a person up there the United States is way behind so this commitment from JFK which she said you know by the end of the decade because he got looked in sixth he's in there at six in 1960 and we do I mean Americans do it it's it's pretty late it's July of 1969 but it does happen but yeah this was in something and a lot of people wanted to get behind it and no one in the USSR took it seriously Kennedy was young after all and his frill never seen a morsel of embarrassing failures he'll be it was only three years later when Korolev started seeing the Jupiter Rockets that he realized the Soviet space program had to bolon its lead they needed a bigger rocket and fast but the new end ones had major problems chief engine designer Glushko refused to build the engine Korolev wanted not to mention the country's manufacturing wasn't up to the standards needed for a moon mission electrical failure was such a possibility that their best plan involves placing a spare lunar lander on the surface in case the first one didn't work Korolev was running out of time he started testing and one in-flight rather than on the ground four in a row blew up on the pad and in January 1960s I mean that's that's that's really bad if you you know you can't get up here you're blowing up before you get out okay then he does round four in a row blew up on the pad and in January 1966 he died of a heart attack depriving the program of its leader sounds like a huge thing because you know how we were saying how important he individually was more probably more yeah again more important than any individual on the American side so okay so it starts to make sense because I was wondering a little bit about at what point do the Amer arrogance surpass the Soviets I mean is it just with the moon landing or did that happen sometime in the 60s and maybe now we can start to see with the death of Korolev that that's when it's kind of starting to turn at two weeks later the Russian Luna 9 probe achieved a soft landing on the moon first to do Korolev had achieved his dream but another another Russian miles other nation who would be the first to set foot on lunar soil while I understand the necessity for the nations of the ancient earth to send animals into space it saddens me that they didn't have the technology available at the time to protect them on their journey yeah hard same Lotus though I think Zoe might have taken that idea to an extreme what do you mean what did your master do now again my cat isn't my master lies and only shield your pride for so long that like I was saying Zoe was looking for a way to settle her kitty stomach because the artificial gravity was making a mean hairball situation if he catch my drift no really they were like literally drifting across the bridge like wrong stop being gross and get to your point well she got into the cavity QED Bainer and may have infused one too many Smita genetic codes see what I mean oh she has never looked more beautiful or deadly she will make a fine addition to your loadout once you engage with Imperium FairPoint with warframes newest expansion and it's multi-role four player co-op rail jack missions I am going to need all the help I can get whether I'm infiltrating enemy ships from space or defending piloting and maintaining my own craft may be having a charmed cavana fight Zoe at my side would be the best way to go I just want to make sure to model real well so I know that she's safe oh I think she will be just fine does Grenier health insurance even cover that who's to say alright good stuff alright so we are up in space now we had we got a satellite up got a person up and then we got a landing on the moon not manned yet and again all three of those for a satellite first man in space putting some on the moon Soviet Soviet Soviet right United States was clearly losing the space race and again how so many of American culture and Soviet culture was tied to this thing it was just like what you put into again like oh saying before it's like whoever's winning this must be the superior Society and now the longer this goes on though obviously the more strain it's gonna have on the countries especially economically I think we we fail to estimate how much and I got a look at the numbers on this but how much of our national budgets okay both Soviet and the United States or put into this and I think when we we come out of this we find out that as far as like a percentage of the economy our Soviets are putting in more right but can they sustain that can they sustain that over years and years and years and I know later on that ends up being an issue because again the percentage of the economy that you know the Soviet Union had to use on their space program is really gonna hurt their country and then those those economic problems are going to really start to show up in the 1980s with how much of this going on Plus added to this as well is nuclear warheads that are being produced which is really gonna pick up and you add those things together and that's a huge part of our economy and it's gonna be a test of your economy can the communist system afford this right the American economy will be fine with it although it spent more money than way more than they do now which is why a lot of these types of missions don't happen anymore because we don't have the economic they don't put that they don't they don't allocate the budget to do like moon missions or anything anymore it's not they don't have that they don't do that anymore and that's something they'll get into later I'm sure which is interestingly after the moon landing the space programs just died they kind of died they did they were like alright I guess it's over and and then they focus more on nuclear warhead build-up after the 60s but the space race it's over and then you know people lost interest I mean there were more moon landings after the original 69 one and what was kind of sad is the people didn't care that much after the first one so that was big hit to the space program which goes on halts for many years and now you know slowly crawling back but that's it's been a while all right well this has been great so that was episode four so stay tuned look out for Episode five hopefully you caught episodes one through three if you're looking for some commentary for myself there but definitely go through and go through those videos check out the original ones for sure make sure they're getting their view time and all of those things really important to do that so we can promote these channels best so we can alright with that I think we're good thank you to everyone that's been here Thank You patrons for being involved with the contributions you do if that's something you want to get involved in specifically they get to vote on some of the videos they get out on this channel links in there also join our community over a discord we got a thriving community also if you're a gamer we just launched you'll see a an announcement before about our minecraft server our cool history minecraft server so look out for the information on that find the discord or in my previous videos and posts but anyway alright with that we'll go ahead and end it here thanks for being here part of our little community hopefully continuing to grow thank you for one year we literally hit one-year anniversary yesterday and I'm hoping for even more success and more awesome stuff here in the future all right we'll see you later bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 12,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, space
Id: KrTWC0-jpaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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