History of Brother Voodoo

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[Music] what's up my comic comrades for our first history of episode of 2023 we're going to talk about one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel Universe and I'm not talking about Doctor Strange I'm referring to brother Voodoo brother Voodoo is a widely unappreciated and underused character not to mention very cool and as mentioned extremely powerful So today we're going to give him the spotlight he deserves so sit back and relax and get ready to learn all about brother voodoo [Music] brother Voodoo first appeared in Strange Tales issue 169 in September of 1973. he was created by Lynn wine John romita Senior Stan Lee and Roy Thomas as for brother voodoo's real world creation Marvel publisher at the time Stanley suggested they create a hero who practice Voodoo and black magic and when Roy Thomas heard about this who was the editor-in-chief at the time he was like that's a good idea how about we name him Dr Voodoo Lee was like that's good and all but what about brother Voodoo and that's how the character was named but funny enough Roy Thomas's name of Dr Voodoo would be used for the character later on when the character eventually became the sorcerer Supreme Being dubbed Dr Voodoo now with the concept the name in place they picked the Marvel writer Len wine and John ramita Senior to flesh out the character creating a story and look of the character white even stated that brother voodoo's powers and abilities drew some inspiration from The Phantom the ghost who walks but now that you know a little bit about the real world origin for the character let's break down his fictional one all right brother voodoo's origin is given to us in his first appearance issue Strange Tales issue 169. in the issue we see a man who stepped from a plane that was not yet brother Voodoo but merely Jericho drum author scholar noted psychologist and accomplished man but today only another man coming home to a home he hasn't visited in a very long time drumden takes a taxi to his old Hometown in Haiti saying to himself how weird it is that nothing has changed since he was a kid as he approaches the house he grew up in he's jumped by two men who tell him to leave and never come back but he is able to fend them off he then gets up picks up his hat and bags and makes his way to his old house where he's greeted by his arm Matilda she says is it you child after all these years is it truly you he replies yes Auntie Matilda it's me come to answer Daniel's call is he in she replies your brother is always in these days I'll show you to him but you best prepare yourself for a shock he then sees his identical twin brother laying in bed with cheek sunken his eyes looking haunted and condemned Daniel then Whispers to his brother welcome Jericho after all these years it was good of you to come Jericho replies Good garbage you're still my brother aren't you Daniel and I'm still a doctor am I not as he proceeds to take a look at his brother to see what's wrong with him Jericho tells Daniel as a doctor I'll soon find out what's making you sick but Daniel replies no need for all this Jericho I can tell you what's wrong with me it's the candy brother I've been cursed to die Jericho says nonsense you've been the Hound again the voodoo priest of this island for most of your life Daniel even if it was more than merely superstitious bunk who could murder you then replies only one more powerful than in houndkin living Loa a spirit-given form dombala the servant God it is because I defied him that I die he then goes on to tell Jericho that dambala devoted himself solely to the extension of his own power by deriving our people deep into spiritual Darkness until I could no longer Stand By and Watch he then tells Jericho it is then in my righteous Fury I did the deed that doomed me I struck the serpent God viciously and sent him sprawling to the ground dumbbell swore it's a Revenge humiliation swore to destroy me slowly and painfully we then learned that dambala soon after made a voodoo doll of Daniel and cursed him to die projerico is a scholar a doctor he doesn't believe in any of that Voodoo and as he's telling his brother this dembala approaches their home yelling saying you in the house doctor man you would not leave when my followers tried to persuade you so now you must stay stay and watch your brother die Jericho tries to save his brother with medicine but to no avail gambala uses his voodoo doll of Daniel to strike his final blow Daniel on his deathbed says to Jericho don't argue with me I beg you just listen when I am dead you must go into the jungle find old Papa Jambo and beg him to come help you beg him to return to his people to defend them for if anyone can defy dumbbell is evil it is he and he alone and with that Daniel dies after Daniel dies Jericho goes out to fight them Bala but just gets laid out by him instead he then gets escorted back to his aunt Matilda telling her with sadness my brother wanted me to go out into the jungle and find Papa Jamba so Jericho takes his brother's body and sets out to the Jungle to find Papa Jambo and after a near fatal experience with a snake Jericho passes out due to exhaustion but wakes up to Papa Jambo who found him and brought him back to his home Jericho asked Jambo what happened and that his brother who jumbo trained years ago sent him to find jumbo to fight dambala and bring peace to his people again but Jamba refuses to fight saying no young man I will not go back to your village with you papa jumbo will not go anywhere he goes on to say my days of Defending causes are through young man but if people need a champion you could Supply that one Jericho asks what do you mean what are you talking about he then goes over to Daniel's body and takes off his hounding costume and gives it to Jericho saying your brother's costume young man now put it on Jericho does what Jambo saying if your people desire a champion Jericho drum we can give them one stay here become my pupil and brother Voodoo will live again this brings us to Strange Tales issue 170 where we see jumbo training Jericho to become brother Voodoo after some intense training and a ritual dance Jericho's body is infused with the soul of his brothers putting a mark on Jericho's head and causing the center of his hair to turn white Jericho then wakes up and Jambo tells him your brother's Spirit resides within you now Jericho drum you and he will never be a part again for you are now as one being but with the strength of two men the Power of Two And as Jambo is explaining this Jericho Jambo begins to pass out and with jambo's last words he tells Jericho if you believe you could be the greatest Hound again on the face of the Earth and you will believe young man you will then shall you truly be brother Voodoo farewell young man we will meet again as he dies after this Jericho now brother Voodoo would return to his village defeat dambala and go on to become one of the greatest Sorcerers the Marvel Universe has ever seen But now that you know his origin let's talk about some story arcs and publication history [Music] now unfortunately brother Voodoo doesn't have a lot of stories in comics but let's run down some of his most pivotal points because there's definitely some cool ones brother Voodoo is a character who appears in other people's stories or titles most of the time rather than appearing in his own self-titled book for instance the next brother Voodoo story we would get after his origin was in Strange Tales issue 171. in the issue he encounters Baron samidi we learned that Baron samidi is an agent of aim who created a base of operation in Haiti beneath the graveyard at this point with a mind mechanism aim was using they were able to turn groups of local people into zombies essentially that had no willpower of their own they would then use their zombies to do their bidding it's at this point brother Voodoo stepped in and was like like nah not today Voodoo ultimately won the battle as samiti was crushed by his own mind machine from a blast he caused this leads us to Strange Tales issue 172 where brother Voodoo would go up against a cult of the dark lord The Cult of the dark lord is led by Black Talent who much like brother Voodoo gets his powers from the Mystic Voodoo Arts however Black Talon doesn't use his powers for good instead he uses them to raise zombies and make them an army to do whatever he wants because apparently zombies and Voodoo go hand in hand anyway in issue 172 of Strange Tales the cult of the dark lord abducted a woman that they were going to use to rejuvenate the black Talon's mom mama Limba then in Strange Tales issue 173 brother Voodoo tries to save and stop Mama limbo but to no avail he ends up getting himself trapped the story would then come to a conclusion in Tales of the zombie brother Voodoo would break free and expose the cult to the true purpose of the rituals they were being made to perform at which point they all turned on their Leaders with the cult apparently disbanding and brother Voodoo saving the young woman named Laura Lee and then skipping some stuff here and there after Doctor Strange lost the title of sorcerer Supreme brother Voodoo became the new Sorcerer of supreme now going by the name Dr voodoo through as seen on the very last page of New Avengers issue 53 then in New Avengers 54 we got to see how Voodoo got the eye of agamoto and became the sorcerer Supreme the eye literally chose Voodoo presenting himself in his apartment saying Jericho drum you have been chosen then proceeds to say I am the ancient one I am the one who passed down to Stephen Strange the mantle of sorcerer Supreme I am the one who trained him to be the master of the Mystic Arts in this Dimension the mantle and responsibilities weigh heavy on those who choose to accept it this I know all too well and with the modern world changing so quickly so often it may have been inevitable that Stephen would be forced to make choices that he would not be able to live with for long choices that at the time save lives and help friendships but choices that nonetheless had powerful repercussions on himself and his Mastery because of this Stephen Strange has chosen to let go of his chores and pass them on of all the people who live within the world of mysticism of all those who have dedicated their lives to studying sorcery the eye of agamoto has shown that yours is the soul most deserving and ready to take on the mantle of sorcerer Supreme the all-knowing All-Seeing Eye of infinity chose you you and the spirit of your brother will begin given the gifts that come with the title including the eye of agamoto the cloak of levitation and the Book of Knowledge that will help you train for your questions Jericho drum brother Voodoo do you accept the challenge and responsibilities that are being offered to you the spirit of Jericho's brother says say yes which after a brief pause he eventually does becoming the new sorcerer Supreme pretty freaking awesome if you ask me but then in the 2010 Avengers title issue six to be exact Dr Voodoo would fight The Entity of agamoto itself to prevent agamoto from Gaining the power to rule Earth's dimension in order to stop agamoto Dr Voodoo creates an explosion to destroy both the I and agamoto killing himself in the process but you know this is Comics no one really stays dead so brother Voodoo would return in the axis storyline via none other than Dr Doom who made a deal to resurrect him but that's another story arc friends so let's move on to powers and abilities brother Voodoo is a master of the Mystic Arts so his powers are very similar to that of Doctor Strange first and foremost he has Divine Powers meaning through the combination of magic and Voodoo he possesses several mystical and quasi-physical powers that come from the low of the spirit gods of voodoo itself being able to tap into this power gives a magical and Mystical Force abilities as well as the ability to manipulate Elemental forces he also has the ability to summon mystical creatures Voodoo has a healing Factor able to use Voodoo to heal himself essentially if he gets hurt he just has a few magical words and boom healed as Dr Voodoo aka the source for Supreme he was given the cloak of levitation which enabled him to fly but even without the cloak he can use his own magical abilities to allow him to fly or levitate and clearly he's an incredibly powerful magician I mean the guy combines Voodoo and matches together which increases his overall abilities this also makes him immune to harmful magic and most magical attacks and effects and as the source of supreme Dr Voodoo was the most powerful sorcerer which means he was also one of the most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe he also has teleportation abilities and complete Mastery over Voodoo and Magic which allows him to do most anything besides that he's also incredibly intelligent he's got his MD in Psychology so he's pretty much a master in human behavior and he's a great escape artist combatant and tracker then Dr Voodoo possesses the books of knowledge which include the book of Ashanti also the eye of agamoto one of the most mystical powerful artifacts that Marvel has to offer and the wand of watum and more overall Dr Voodoo is one of the most OP characters Marvel has to offer but now let's move on to reading recommendations good brother Voodoo reading recommendations check out Strange Tales issue 169 through 173 the new Avengers title and Dr Voodoo Avenger of the supernatural that should be enough to get you guys started and that's going to bring today's episode to a close but if you enjoyed this video check out that one right here and if you like all of our content like subscribe and comment it helps us out but other than that I'll see you next time when I talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 89,736
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Keywords: marvel brother voodoo, marvel doctor voodoo, origin of brother voodoo, history of brother voodoo, who is brother voodoo, how powerful is brother voodoo, marvel sorcerers, shadowman, brother voodoo mcu
Id: 1jbYNiPDCUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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