Weak Boy Awakens His Powers As The Strongest Warrior After Taking A Deal With A Monster

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WHIO is an average looking guy who goes to high school likes drawing and wants to be a painter and I hope he gets admission in an art school because I can't sit through another world war he however descends from the bloodline of the Ancient Order of elite Samurai who used to fight against the evil of the world according to the legends that his father who is a lecturer at the temple told him 500 years ago this Earth was on the brink of getting destroyed because of a legendary monster that was on the rise and was killing everyone that came in his sight everyone was scared of him and ran away from the village as soon as they heard that this monster was even remotely nearby one of his ancestors however a strong Samurai used a spear which was created in China especially for the purpose of slaying monsters to impale this giant monster to the wall successfully stopping the monster but in the process he ended up dying busio has listened to this story countless times and is pretty much done with this story about a legendary monster a legendary Spear and a legendary Samurai none of them exist today and there is no evidence for any Spears or Monsters even this morning he has a small tussle with his father in which this absolute unit of a man ended up kicking his own father in the jaw later on musio tells his dad to shut the hell up or show him the legendary spear that he keeps talking about they again start fighting about this until his father gets up and starts packing his stuff oio asks whether he is leaving for good but his father tells him that he is just going on a vacation for 7 days to Netflix and chill and be away from his irritating face wow they seem to be more toxic than my ex they should probably drink some water ushio's father tells him to dust the books in the shed and show them some light before going and ushio tells him to piss off before closing the door later that day he decides to fulfill his father's wishes and goes inside of the shed to dust the books but while carrying the giant load of books his legs get stuck in something and he falls over he gets up to examine the ground and is surprised to see a trapo right beneath him that he has never seen before because it was covered by a carpet he grabs the handles and tries to open the door but the door seems to be very thick and heavy just like the woman next door this muscle head decides to use brute strength and literally rips the bolts of the door apart somehow but is unable to handle the weight of the door and falls inside he gets up and cleans the dust off of him when suddenly he feels a very eerie presence behind him he turns around slowly just to see a giant Yellow colored monster sitting near the wall this scares the crap out of him and then to put the icing on the top the monster is alive as it starts talking he asks why usio is staring at him as as it is creepy even for the monster then the monster suddenly tells ushio that it is good that he came down as he is currently impaled by this Dan Spear and only a human can pull it out of him the monster tells him that he has been trying to get himself out of this situation from the past 500 years but no matter what he does he cannot seem to get rid of the Dan spear he tells oio again to remove the spear but oio asks him what he will do if he does the monster looks him in the eye and tells him that first he will devour ushio and then he will kill the rest of the people living around and once again create this world a living hell buio starts kicking the spear more inside of a monster and the monster starts crying out of pain as he doesn't realize why WOIO doesn't want to let him loose from the spear the monster then tries to attack WOIO and is able to reach him with his nails cutting him above the forehead but ushio is a jiga Chad and just keeps pushing the spear even more inside of him he then gets up and starts going up the stairs but the monster gets scared of losing his chance to escape and starts calling him and saying that he didn't mean what he said and that he just got carried away by the thought of Freedom he tells usio that if he pulls the spear out of him he will do whatever he says and he will keep this promise as he is scared of humans Lucio however looks at him and tells him that he will not let a monster like him lose in this world ever and walks outside and proceeds to bore the entire trapo up while the monster cries out to him to not do it Lucio then proceeds to go to school as if nothing had happened the balls on this man must be made up of Steel he meets up with two of his classmates Nam Eno and Naka who both seem to like oio yo is the bubbly loving type whereas Naka is the classic suar Eno comments that luio seems to be lost in his own thoughts and asks him whether he was okay even Naka comments that it is not like usio to think about anything ever before she asks him whether he brought the book that he borrowed from her several days back and ooshio says he hasn't NAA tells him that she will be coming after school to his place so he better keep the book ready and they all go inside their classes even in class can't help but think about the monster in his basement and starts drawing a picture of it before he is invited to play soccer he has amazing reflexes and is able to win the game very easily for his team before he decides to go back to his place in the afternoon nakada alongside Eno visits his house to get the book back but as soon as Bush opens the door he spots some weird transparent flying thingies that look like the floaters that you see sometimes in your eyes he gets freaked out by them and not going to lie the first time I saw floaters in my eye I was scared as well you he tries to get rid of them but to the girls it looks like Wu has gone insane and to bring him back to reality NAA kicks him in the face excellent job woman now he has amesia as well buio gets up and runs towards the shed where he starts taking the wooden planks apart and shouts at the monster asking him what he did to his eyes as he is seeing Illusions the monster laughs at him and tells him that when usio opened the trap door 500 years worth of demonic energy was released in the outside world which attracted lesser demons and he can probably see them earlier only because he saw him inside of the shed the monster tells him that the Lesser demons will materialize soon and start killing humans left and right he then tells oio that it is all his fault that his precious little friends will die and cannot do anything about it but the monster promises that if he frees him he will not kill Osio or his friends and will get rid of every single lesser demon in the area not having a choice ushio goes down and grabs the spear with both hands he then starts pulling the spear and after some effort the spear gets free of the mon moner's body the monster is impressed by Uso's pull out game but decides to attack him anyways usio is thrown against the wall and he starts bleeding he looks at the monster and asks him why would he do that and the monster laughs in his face and tells him that he must be dumber than a cupbo to think that he will keep his promise to a weak little human buio can't believe himself and thinks about the girls in trouble before he starts getting angry an Unholy Aura starts generating around him his hair also starts growing which scares the living out of him he curses himself for not noticing that the boy still had the legendary Spear and looks in horror as usio starts looking more and more like the samurai who impaled him in the first place Lucio is still pursuing the monster even though he freaks out and runs outside killing every lesser demon in his path the monster runs and suddenly becomes Pikachu shocking every demon around him to a crisp and saying sorry to oshio and promising that he will kill every demon rishel looks towards the house and notices that the demons have congregated and became one huge entity he tells the monster to go and attack the greater demon first and that he will finish it off soon after the monster listens to ushio without a word and jumps in the sky using his claws to tear through the demon before Rio jumps and shreds the demon to pieces with the help of the spear he lands down his hair starts falling off and the monster tells him that he kept his promise and killed the Lesser demons and starts to walk away but ushio stops his path and tells him that more demons are around and until they have killed every single demon he's going to stay with him he names the monster Torah and starts walking towards his house with him thinking that a day will come soon when he will impale the monster and seal him again the following day WHIO wakes up to the loud sound of Torah breaking his TV as he thought the samurai inside of it was coming to kill him WHIO Goes to School alongside Torah who's sitting on his shoulder and is invisible to the rest of the students luio is forced to carry his spear with him as he needs the spear to draw out his powers in case Tor decides to Rebel he meet up with Ino and Naka inside of the school who CL claim that they both had the same scary dream last night about a bunch of monsters trying to kill him Lucio Just Smiles glad that they don't know what happened in reality he asked them about where they were headed to and they rep that they are going inside of the old school building to shift some books as they want to renovate buio reminds her that the class begins soon and she replies that she will be back before that buio goes inside of the class but sometime passes by and the girls still haven't returned the teacher has already started teaching about Japanese history and out of everyone in the class Tor seems to be the most interested in knowing what happened in the last 500 years and is even taking notes suddenly the ground shakes and a very shrill noise is being emitted by usu's spear that apparently only he can hear he gets scared for the girls and immediately grabs his Spear and rushes outside of the class the teacher tries to stop him but he keeps running and on the staircase he is shocked to see one of the girls that went with Naka and Eno half turned into stone asking for help and crying Osio screams at the teacher help help the girl and rushes outside the news spreads like wildfire and a bunch of media and police arrive in front of the old school building presuming it to be a case of kidnapping they enter inside the school but are unable to find anything and they come out once again confused as to where did the girls go bashio asks Toro what is this all about and he starts laughing saying he can't believe usio didn't feel the presence of the giant rock monster residing in the old building and didn't even see the barrier that made him invisible WHIO grabs his hair and tells him to give more information but Tora snaps back and scratches him on his hand claiming that you will give him no more information he tells luia that the humans don't mean anything to him and he will devour them if it comes to it liio gets mad and takes out his Spear and attacks Torah Torah Dodges and Strikes Back but usio is able to dodge his claws and hits him in the face before impaling his hand to the ground a little bit Torah starts crying out in pain and tells him to take it out usio removes the spear and Torah tells him that he is pretty sure the culprit here is a rock eater who lives inside of dark and musty places and waits for humans to enter his area so that it can devour them he also claims that rock eaters are dangerous and once he saw a rock eater turn an entire group of armored Samurai into stone hoio had enough of the conversation and decides that he needs to act now he rushes through the police who try to stop him and enters the old building where he slashes at the invisible barrier and it immediately breaks revealing a giant rock samurai the samurai attacks usio but he blocks it and jumps behind him stabbing him in the chest thinking that he killed him but torus starts laughing and tells him that the samurai is just a per and it's not the actual monster suddenly a tentacle arises from the Samurai's eye and stabs iio who loses his Spear and turns back to normal he tries to get to the spear but two more tentacles arise from the Samurai and they bang him against the ceiling the barrier starts closing and tore of decides to hop through the other side before telling ushio that if he is unable to run before the barrier closes he will die in agonizing death buio looks back at Torah and asks him to help Torah tells him not to order him to help him as he is done with him but to his surprise usio tells him to save the girls and run away Torah looks at him in disbelief and asks him whether he has gone crazy why would he want to save the lives of other humans especially when he himself is in danger but oshio stands his ground and pleads with Torah to save the girls Torah ends up giving in and rushes to carry all of the girls outside the barrier and he looks back at oio oio takes one last look at him thanks him for saving the girls and apologizes that he didn't get to devour him Torah has had enough and he jumps in between he barrier and stops it from closing while Tor is still turning to Stone The Rock eater is shocked to see a monster taking a human side and uses a bunch of his tentacles to stab Tor as well who can't do anything because he is stopping the barrier WHIO wishes very hard for the spear to come to him and surprisingly the spear flies towards him and stabs him in the stomach where the rock form has been completed suddenly he stops changing into a stone and then the spear rushes towards Torah who gets scared but the spear just lodges itself in the barrier letting Tor leave Tor gets out from between the wall and walks towards the rock eater and Pikachu's the crap out of him there is a huge explosion and both lusio and Tor launch themselves in the sky the samurai crumbles to pieces and the actual monster appears in the form of two ctipe heads Torah tells him that this is the real monster and oio has to use his spit on their eyes to weaken and kill them WHIO starts Falling Towards the centipedes and he spits on his spear which is kinky to say the least before stabbing it in the centipedes eyes one by one killing the monster in an instant he then quickly slashes at the girls who were turned to stone which releases them from the curse before running away with Torah and the sunset that night Torah and ushio are on TV which Delights Torah as he can't get enough of it while Lucio tries to sleep Lucio's father has finally returned from the trip and once again again he starts lecturing oshio in the morning about their history without knowing that the damn monster that he is talking about is literally behind him his dad once again tells him never to try and go under the shed and oio quickly changes the topic and gets up to leave for school his dad looks at the giant spear that he is carrying uneasily laughs about how it looks like the legendary spear but it obviously cannot be WHIO laughs with him saying that it obviously isn't before briskly walking out of the house his dad follows him and looks with his jaw dropped that the trapo has been completely destroyed later that day oshio alongside the girls in Torah visit the art gallery where oio seems to be very excited and happy looking at all these pictures Torah cannot really understand his excitement Over Paint splattered on paper but he still sits on his shoulder and goes alongside him they finally come to a picture which oshio describes as the Masterpiece of the great artist hanu who died after creating this picture the girls ask why this is just the photograph of the actual painting and ushio replies that the real painting belongs to his daughter Reiko Maca looks at the picture more closely before saying that she seems to have seen this girl before but quickly changes her mind saying that she might be mistaken and walks off Tor however stares at the picture for some time before realizing that the person who painted this is a human demon and this painting is cursed the following day as usio is walking to school a senior at his school trips him and begins punching him for no apparent reason Tor laughs and watches the fight from a distance suddenly a girl walks up from behind him and tells him to let go of him and the senior left him alone and moved everyone started talking among themselves and the girl simply moved away usio immediately recognized the girl as Reiko from the painting and calls after her she turns around and tells him that she didn't do it for him or anything so get any thoughts Lucio however keeps pressing and asks her whether she is Reiko the daughter of the famous painter hanu and she replies that she is he rushes after her and asks for a model for her but she refuses outright telling him to get away from her otherwise bad things will happen to him she turns around the corner and he still p sues her but as soon as he turns around the corner a speeding truck comes through hitting Torah but ushio was able to grab his Spear and transform just in time to split the truck at two and saves his own life Reiko disappears from there and ooshio also goes back to his house but later goes over Naka place and asks her about Reiko she seems to be defensive at first thinking that he likes her but he tells her that he only wants her to model for a painting and nothing else as it was his dream to draw her as one of his French girls Naka starts telling him about Reiko and reveals that she was a transfer student last year in their school and the boys were immediately Smitten by her beauty but she always kept to herself and never talked to anyone NAA however wanted her to have friends and started talking to her and slowly she started opening up they become friends but once a guy from her class asked her out and suddenly that very day he died because a bunch of bricks fell on him crushing him to death that very day Reiko tried to off herself inside of her own tub but thankfully she was found by the authorities before late and they saved her after that she was never for the same she stopped talking to anyone at all and once when macka tries to force her to talk she PS her away she tells her that she needs to stay away from her as if she doesn't bad things will happen to her just then sharp objects fall out of Sky ass for no reason but Reiko jumps on Naka and protects her from dying by getting stabbed she then told her to stay away from her as she doesn't want her to get hurt because of her that day when he was walking back to his place he's again stopped by the senior who grabs him and asks him why he is nosing around Reiko and punches him in the face which Delights Torah who starts enjoying a show as both the senior and oshio fight with each other finally ooshio the idiot stops the senior's punch with his head as he does an anyu brain inside anyways and tells the senior that he knows that the senior is aware of reiko's problem before punching the senior to the ground they then lay down on the ground next to each other and start talking the senior reveals that when they were young he and Reiko were best friends and practically Inseparable then one day her mother eloped with one of her dad's art students and everything changed the next time he saw her dad he was frantically and demonically working on the painting of Reiko and it looked like he was possessed the very next day he died and ever since he's been haunting Reiko and not letting poor Reiko live her life as he is scared that a guy will take her away from him Bush have decides that you will not back off this easily and next day during the folk dance he is able to convince Reiko to dance with him and she reluctantly agrees but slowly starts liking being normal but suddenly a dust devil erupts and covers both of them inside of it sudden WHIO is hit from behind and a huge gash erupts on his back and he starts bleeding suddenly a demon comes out of the dust devil and tells usio to piss off as Reiko only belongs to Daddy okay weirdo he tries getting ushio again but this time Tor comes through and stops the demon telling him that no half demon touches his human and shocks him away the senior rushes towards usio and helps him up and by the time they look around they realize that Reiko has disappeared they both Rush towards her house and her horrified to see her on top of her house as she jumps off the roof telling her dad that she is coming to him WHIO quickly throws his spear into the wall and she gets stuck on the spear a bit while he and the Senor run to the first floor and together they are able to grab it to their absolute horror the demon is standing below calling Reiko to him saying that she belonged to Daddy and daddy alone okay weirdo wiio screams at her to not listen to him he tells her that she is not alone that people care for her he tells her that she should chose the living over the dead and something resonates with her and she grabs their hand and they all are able to pull her inside the demon is distraught at her daughter for betraying her just like her mother did and grabs both Reiko and the senior and starts taking them back inside of the painting luio quickly grabs his Spear and launches himself at the demon and starts to stab it but his spear has no effect on it Tora laugh at him and tells him that he is already in the picture world and there he cannot kill the demon the demon grabs luio as well and starts sucking him in his well Tora laughs at oshio and tells him to beg him for his help only then he will help him but surprisingly usio doesn't say anything and gets sucked in by the painting this pisses Toro off and he launches himself on the painting and grabs usu's head telling him that only he gets to devour him but the painting is not letting go sutor goes inside the painting and slaps the demon and takes all of them out before telling oio to stab the painting ooshio grabs his Spear and stabs the painting but at the last moment this stupid thought Reiko gets in the middle and gets stabbed alongside the painting horrifying both Lucio and the senior but it turns out that the spear has no effect on her as she simply slips off and the painting behind her gets destroyed Torah claims that the spear is only effective on demons and does not harm humans they all see that a golden projection of reiko's dad erupts from the painting and it bows in front of them before telling Reiko to live her life to the fullest and disappearing Tor has adapted to living with ushio even though he still sometimes tried to find places where guio doesn't take his spear with him so that Torah can attack but even when he tried attacking him the bathroom guio beat him up as he even carried the spear inside WHIO walks to the living room and discovers a letter by his dad which told him not to look for him what a drama queen he then turns on the TV and sees an emergency announcement telling people that one of the areas in Tokyo is unsafe to go because there might be some big wild animal nearby according to the report a bunch of construction workers were trying to excavate a giant Landmark were killed by an unknown animal as there were a bunch of huge bite marks all over their bodies the thing that is puzzling to them is that whatever animal it was it even bit through the metal of the cranes oio immediately is filled with unreal rage as he thinks that it must be the work of Torah as he is the one who looks like an animal and can definitely chew through metal he shouts torah's name who was sitting on his roof he comes down and asks usio why he was making such a racket but is surprised to see usio already transformed and angry he asks him what is the matter but ushio straight up accuses him of killing the people in the city and attacks him Torah Dodges and screams that he has no idea what usio is talking about but ushio simply smacks the spear on his head with a lot of force hurting him Tor gets incredibly angry and backs off before trying to peachu the crap out of ushio usio however is able to absorb all of the lightning with the help of his Spear and Tor realizes that currently guio is stronger than him and jumps up in the sky before flying away telling oshio that he never ate any hum for the past 500 years but now that usio has already accused him for something that he never did usio calls after him a Toro flies away totally planning to eat humans just despite usio he goes into the City and is totally shocked to see so many weird things that he has never seen before he's shocked to see the huge buildings and the cars rolling around on the road and doesn't have any idea what he should make of them he's also shocked to see how many humans are walking on the road but thinks that it would just make his job easier he tries walking on the road but is instantly hit by a truck and gets stuck into the wall this angers him and he starts screaming at the car is driving by but obviously no one can see him so he just uses his lightning attack and destroys the battery of every single car nearby happy with his little Revenge meanwhile loia runs towards the city horrified at the thought that he has just let lose a Monster who eats human inside of the city he was walking past his street when he sees a bunch of people standing around a crime scene and he goes over to have a look at it the police are all telling people to stay back but one old man keeps telling the policemen that this is not some animals doing in fact it is the result of demons who got released the last night the police keep trying to push the old man back but he pulls out a book and shoves it in their faces telling them that this is his grandfather's journal and it is clearly written that it was a site where demons were sealed away the policeman has had enough and he pushes the old man back who stumbles but usio catches him commenting about the rude policeman he asks the old man whether he was fine and picks his book for him but suddenly stops as he looks at the picture of a beautiful older woman on it he ask the old man about her and they go to a bench to talk the old man explains that this journal belongs to his grandfather and when he was a child there were demons lurking around in the forest who used to devour anyone who came nearby the villagers called everyone they can think off Samurai and Warriors and even exorcists but they never return back alive the villagers finally decided that they cannot stay here anymore as every other day someone from the village would get eaten by the demons one day however a beautiful young woman entered their Village who introduces herself as Mado she told the villagers to give her one chance and promised them to get rid of the Demons she entered the forest alone that the old man's grandfather was a young boy who was full of hormones and couldn't help himself but go after the older woman who went inside the forest alone risking his own life as well when he reached the forest he was shocked to see that the lady was standing in front of a bunch of monsters and forcing them back inside the Boxes by using some special enchantment the demons were screaming at her and Ving Revenge but she ended up closing them in separate boxes before using a large Landmark to bury them she then looked around and spotted the kid and walked up to him telling him that she might not be around the next time they get released so he should make sure that no one ever moves the Keystone otherwise the demons will be release and wreak havoc in this world he quickly made sure to let the entire Village know and even created a journal to make sure that people of the Next Generation know this as well buio is speechless and looks at the old man as he tells him that last night the kyone was removed by the excavators and the demons have been released now they will not stop till they have had their revenge on the person that captured the Mado buio suddenly takes a closer look at the picture and realizes that the woman in the picture has an uncanny resemblance to Eno it is most probably her ancestor the old man says that if it is so then she's in grave danger as the demons will definitely go after her buio begs the man to help him he gets his car and drives him to the city on the other end Tor is doing a very bad job navigating around this modern world world as he keeps hitting Glass Walls everywhere and he is unable to cope with a stench of modern perfume and can't eat other people because everyone has something or the other on their body that is indigestible to Torah such as a metal bracelet ring or earrings he sulks around the entire city thinking that he will never be able to eat a human ever again when suddenly he goes past Ino he doesn't recognize her but immediately stops and looks at her soft body he realizes that she smells nice and doesn't have any earrings or piercings on her he is very excited as soon soon as he realizes that he can eat her he prepares to jump on her but suddenly stops because he realizes that there are other monsters around this place that are not him he looks behind and spots a bunch of weird looking floating heads flying towards her they take one look at her and immediately attack her even before T has the time to react thankfully however wish arrives just in time and throws his spear at the heads who quickly move away it end screams at Eno to make a run for it but she is too Dazed and Confused to do anything one of the heads tries attack in her again but ushio simply calls his spear back forcing the head to move away from that position Eno quickly runs inside of the mall while Lucio stands in front to defend her the heads try to chase her but ushio simply swings his spear at them to his surprise however one of the heads simply grabs his spear in between his teeth and one of the heads uses its long hair to buy ushio while two more run up to him and start biting him and try to kill him luio however is made of tough steel and the heads are unable to kill him so they simply toss him away at a car injuring him before going after Ino again Tor gets angry at the heads as Ino is his prey and tries to go after them only to hit another glass window which enrages him and he stops being invisible breaking the window and getting inside of the mall he tries to find her but suddenly spots are falling out of the higher floor which was destroyed by the heads he quickly goes out and sees that thankfully she got stuck on an iron bar and is still alive she keeps slipping however and starts Falling Towards the head who has his mouth already open but Tor is incredible fast and grabs her before she could fall down he takes her up on the roof of the building and tells her that she is her prey and only he will eat her she is completely confused and her legs totally give away making her collapse on the floor suddenly the heads come up on the roof as well and ask Torah who he was they tell them that Ino was their prey and if he comes in between they will devour him as well Torah simply looks at them and smiles telling them to try their best one of the heads rushes towards him but Torah simply grabs him and smashes him into the ground killing him instantly the other heads are shocked at tor's Incredible strength but tell him that they will eat the girl no matter what and one of the heads uses his hair to bind Torah before telling the others to go after the girl as he will take care of him Eno starts running once again while Torah is bound by one of the heads and the others run after Ino the head that captured Torah looks at him and mocks him for thinking that he could take on all the heads on its own but Tora merely laughs at him saying that how could the heads be stupid enough to think that they ever had a a chance against him he breaks through the hair and jumps at the head biting half of it in a single go killing it instantly the heads chase the girl and finally catch up to her injuring her a bit but Tora arrives just in time flaunting the half-eaten head in his hand and telling them to back off and not to touch and dirty the girl up the heads are horrified to see another of their family member dead at torah's hands and rush to bite him Torah simply stands there grimacing and gives an eerie smile mocking their feudal efforts before he becomes Pikachu again and shocks the crap out of all of them burning them to crisps and killing them in an instant one of the heads who is still somehow alive tries to rush at Eno so he can at least kill her and take his revenge but before he could touch her wish arrives and stabs him in the head killing it in an instant Tor gets incredibly sad because now he won't be able to eat the girl and tries to quickly run away but usio stops him and Torah immediately gets ready for a fight but to his surprise WHIO looks at him and apologizes for accusing him of killing the humans in the city a hug smile erupts on tor's face and he starts trash talking Osio about how he's a numb skull who acts before thinking and how his entire bloodline must be stupid they start fighting again but Eno stops their fight and gives Torah a burger because she heard he was hungry Torah is completely dumbfounded at this stupid girl as he can't believe she just offered a human eating demon a burger Lucio suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night sensing something coming from the spear he gets up just in time to dodge tor's attack he yells at him about what the hell does he think he is doing and Torah casually replies that he is doing what he is supposed to do looking for an opportunity to devour him usio gets mad and grabs his spear to maybe lightly hit Torah on the head as he believed he must have reached some kind of compromise with him but Torah immediately Dodges his attack and slashes in his face clawing half of his face with deep gges of his claws wiio is completely blown away as he never suspected Torah will actually hurt him so easily after all they have been through Torah laughs at him and tells him that he he only has hatred for usio in his heart and no matter what he does he will always have to keep an eye out for him as Toro will always try to find Opportunities to kill him he tries to attack him again but the spear automatically starts defending ushio as he gets up angrily grabbing the spear and transforming ready to fight Torah Torah however quickly jumps out of the window and flies away while usio is left fuming with anger asio looks at himself in the morning and realizes that the claw marks still haven't gone away because he was in his human form when Tor attacked he gets even more mad and vows that he will kill Torah the next moment he sees him as a monster will always be a monster ooshio goes outside for a walk when he overhears a bunch of noise and notices a guy in Black beating the crap out of two punks who are bullying a family the man in Black however takes out his KES and throws it at them with the intent to kill the punks oio however quickly jumps in between and blocks The KES with his spear asking the man whether he has lost his mind as these men will die if he does that the man looks at oshio and he sees SE the shadow of a monster on him which angers him and he begins attacking him WHIO Dodges his attacks but gets caught up in a rope thankfully he's able to stabilize himself but not long after the man is able to trip him down and steps on top of him ready to kill him when the spear automatically hes itself towards the man injuring him the man immediately recognizes the Beast Spear and calms down he picks ashio up and bows down to the ground immediately saying that he was mistaken to attack a wielder of the Beast spear loio tells him to get up as he has already forgiven him and they start talking the man introduces himself as Hugh once as a Demon Hunter who rans around different places hunting for demons he tells vishio that he had a family a wife and a daughter who he loved more than anything in this world but once he had to go out for a business trip and when he returned back at his home and called out to his wife no one replied he got scared so he quickly opened the door and suddenly a demon who looked like an animal jumped out and clawed at his face leaving the Deep scars that he carries till day it says that he got a picture from the TV of a similar looking demon that was spotted near an old school building where a bunch of school girls were kidnapped and he shows usio a picture of Torah oio realizes that the monster that the man is looking for is not Torah because Torah was sealed away for 500 years inside his basement and was released only a couple of weeks ago so he can't possibly have killed the man's wife and kid he was about to tell Hugh that the monster he is looking for isn't Torah but stops in the middle and remembers how Torah attacked him in sleep a wave of anger rushes inside him again and he tells the man that the demon he is looking for is indeed Torah and you should kill him as soon as possible he tells the man every single weakness that Torah has and tells him that he will Aid and provide him with any information needed the man thanks him and tells usio that he will deal with the rest buio leaves the place and goes back to his home while he finds where Tor is hiding and engages him in a deadly combat bashio goes to school after that but seems to be very lost in his own mind and doesn't seem to be himself Naka and Eno both know notice it but he just brushes it off before leaving the conversation alt together after the school got over he started walking back to his house but notices that Naka has been following him all the way from school but isn't approaching him more talking to him he look annoyed at this and turns towards her asking what the hell does she think she is doing but Naka the weirdo immediately runs towards him and smacks him on the head with her bag and tells ushio to hit her back she screams at him saying that something has been clearly bothering him so he should just simply clean his brain up by punching naka and if he doesn't do that she will keep hitting him seriously what a weirdo she tells him that he is not a person who thinks for very long that he is someone who is very impulsive and takes rash decision and you should not change who he is before running away this is the single most stupid piece of advice that I have heard in a long time somehow however the advise resonates with ushio and he runs off to find where Torah and Hugh is I guess only an idiot can understand another idiot he finds Hugh and Tor it inside of a park were both seem to be extremely exhausted after fighting for quite some time but clearly Hugh has the upper hand and his tus seems to be completely drained of any energy and is lying on the floor just before Hugh was about to deliver the final blow luia runs and stands in front of Torah telling Hugh to stop Hugh seems to be confused and asks what does he think he is doing and finally oshio admits that he lied to him he tells Hugh that Torah couldn't have killed his wife and daughter because he was trapped in osh's basement for the past 500 years and was only released recently when usio pulled his spear out of him he tells Hugh to leave Tor alone as he is not the person who is guilty of his family's murder Hugh loses his mind and punches usio in the face telling him that it can't possibly be true he has traveled all around the globe to find this monster and now he is saying that this isn't the one Hugh tells vishio that this has to be the one and throws his KES at Torah but ushio intercepts them in the Middle with his spear he tells Hugh that Torah is not the culprit and then Compares his scar to Hugh's scar pointing out that Hugh's face has has a three claw scar whereas ushio's face which was slashed by Torah has a four clawed scar hu again punches ushio down and then starts punching him relentlessly in the face while he lies there helpless H gets up again and starts using a fire spell to set his cunes a blaze to kill Tor but once again usio stands in the middle refusing to give way Hugh throws his cones regardless thinking that usio will Dodge at the last second but he doesn't the cig R themselves deep into kush's body and he launches himself forward and punches Hugh telling him that if he kills Torah it will be coldblooded murder and his dead daughter will be disappointed in him before getting completely knocked out when Bia wakes up again and finds himself on a bench Hugh tells him that he has provided him first aid and his injuries should heal in time he tells vishio that he agrees that if he killed Torah he would have been a murderer and thanks him for stopping him he then says that his search for his family's killer is still going on and their paths might cross again and if they do he hopes they're on the same side and and then he leaves that day Lucio goes back to his house and sleeps without a worry Tora looks at him and prepares to attack but the last moment he changes his mind and decides to have a burger instead for now the summer vacation has finally started and U's dad has disappeared again to Netflix and chill somewhere now bosov himself has decided to go on a small summer trip to a beach alongside Naka and Eno he has decided to spend his time resting on the beach and playing in the water alongside two gorgeous girls his man is Max out r Square to God Torah seems to be pretty happy to get out of that City Life and spend some time in the sea which hasn't changed in the past 500 years unlike everything else he decides to go for a leisurely job on the ocean's surface and disappears from Oso's Vision who gets worried about his disappearance suddenly he notices that a kid is throwing sand all over their things and this angers ushio who runs out of the water and rushes at the kid before grabbing him by the neck Naka runs after him and tells him to leave the kid alone as he didn't do any harm l listens to her but as soon as he leaves the little uses his water pistol to give Naka a golden shower before running away they go back inside of a house where naca's relatives live to have some snacks and the old Uncle tells them that the kid is named Tatsu who used to be a nice little kid but recently his mom went to get milk and never came back following the footsteps of his dad which ruined his childhood and ever since then he has been acting out being violent and just a big pain in the butt for everyone around luio again wonders where Torah is who wants to become Jesus and starts running on the water before he suddenly stops when he feels a sudden disturbance beneath the ocean floor a mysterious voice asks him whether he is Torah the Ancient King of demons what's been missing for the past 500 years and Torah tells him to show himself before he pach choose the water The Voice pleads with him to stop and reveals himself as an old man telling him that he wants his help in dealing with an insanely strong underwater demon who has been harassing everyone who comes nearby and feeds on demons and humans alike Torah doesn't really care about anything else but when The Old Demon man tells him that the demon is very strong this excites Torah who agrees to fight the demon for him suddenly a huge snake-like monster erupts from the sea and even Torah is shocked by how big the snake is he should see how big my snake is and then he will get even more shocked Tora tries to Pikachu the snake but it is all in vain as the snake is slathered in oil just like I slather my snake in oil sometimes the snake tries to get Tor with its tail and Torah Dodges but to his surprise the snake is extremely agile for its size and appears behind Torah before trying to eat him Torah immediately lodges himself between his jaws and tries to stop the monster from closing its mouth but fails as the snake decides to swellow in hole at the last moment however the old Spirit comes and grabs Torah stopping the monster from closing its jaws and Torah screams at him to find Osio and bring him here as he has the Beast spear which can kill this monster the old Spirit refuses to leave Taurus if he forced to pikach chew the spirit out of the monster's mouth and tells him to bring oshio as soon as possible luio on the other hand was walking around the beach again when he spotted the little roaming around and putting sand in people's bags again this time Lucio runs up to him and gives him a good smack on the head which he definitely deserves Naka however stops him yet again and tells him that the kit is just a child and he will be fine and runs after the kid who was running away crying some time passes as yio is laying down on the beach when suddenly senses that something is wrong he runs past the beach when he starts hearing a mysterious voice coming from a beach shower he stops nearby when the old Spirit emerges from it and tells him that Torah is in trouble inside of the Beast and is requesting assistance from it before he can reply however Ina runs up to him and tells him that Naka is in trouble he runs back to the house where the old uncle is talking to Naka on the phone oio grabs the phone from the old man asks Naka what's wrong who tells him that she was out on a boat with a little shihad when suddenly a giant snake monster swallowed both of them and she is currently inside of the Beast Lucio tells her to stay calm as he is coming and rushes outside with his spear he grabs a motor boat as the old Spirit guides him deep into the sea where he spots the giant snake he picks up his Spear and launches an attack on the snake but his spear cannot Pierce for the oiled up elastic body of the monster and he bounces back he tries stabbing it again and again but all in vain he uses another slash which hurts the monster it throws ush up in the air before swallowing a hole as well he rushes inside the body of the snake and spots Torah holding on to both Naka and the kid while trying not to get eaten by an another set of Jaws he stops right in front of Torah who saved both Naka and the boy from being eaten by the Beast he thanks him for saving them tor's grip loosens he starts to fall thankfully wish lodges his spear inside of the Beast and holds on to all of them but MAA has lost Consciousness and is about to slip away thankfully WHIO was able to con vinc the little to grabed maa's hand to prevent her from falling a problem appears however when usio loses grip of the spear and starts falling into the jaws of the Beast suddenly the spear gets a life from its own and whizzes past them at an incredible speed stabbing itself inside the eye of the Beast Torah flies in the air while holding the rest of them as usio grabs the spirit before telling Torah that they are going to perform a combo Torah starts becoming Pikachu again while Lucio uses his spear to cut open the Beast leading them to make an escape with all of them safe the next day they all wait on the platform when Naka starts asking Osio whether it was him who saved her as she doesn't remember anything because she hit her head on something Lucio tells her that she must have imagined him and that he just found her on the beach with the boy the little also comes on the station to tell them not to leave but ushio replies that they are just going to get some milk and are definitely going to come back ushio returns home but one thought has been constantly badgering him ever since he met that little kid on the beach Fu's mother died when he was really young but he never asked about her and neither did his dad ever tell him anything about her he goes on to his dad and he straight up starts asking things about his own mother his dad seems to be avoiding the topic which leads them to get into a small fight before he leaves rece a phone call as soon as he tries to check where his dad is he realizes that he's trying to run away again both the usio and Torah run after him but he gets away before they can catch up to him that evening Lucio takes Torah with him to visit the grave of his mom and states that this is the first time he is coming here and he doesn't even know whether she's buried here or whether even that was a lie that his dad crafted they say there for a bit before Torah tells him that he is hungry and they return to their place luio sits down and starts using his massive spear as a weight to cook his cup noodles while T eats his sausage in the ensuing chaos the cup Falls over and quickly starts cleaning his spear suddenly his dad enters the room notices that he has been using the spear for every tasks like cutting open sausages and gets mad at him before starting to to worship the spear he hands the spear Back to usio Before telling him that they will talk about his mother after they are done with dinner after the dinner they sit around The Veranda overlooking the rain when his dad simply throws an envelope full of money and tells him to keep it usio gets enraged by it thinking that his dad is telling him to forget about his mother by bribing him with money and ends up punching his dad his dad tells him that the money wasn't a bribe it was just for him to spend as if he wants to know the truth about his mother and whether she is alive or not he has to go on a trip he then wears a karat uniform before telling oshio that he is one of the demon Hunters working for a religious cult that has been Exterminating demons from the earth for thousands of years before vush can take this information in he tells him that his cult leader has deemed Torah to be a demon that needs to be exterminated so he's going to fight Torah while luio should leave to find the truth about his mother buio is still shocked at this Revelation whereas Tor is always itching for a fight so he agrees and they proceed to walk out into the courtyard they both engage in a standoff while luia watches in despair not knowing what to do as his dad starts chanting spells to exterminate Torah Torah seems to be on edge as well and they both run at each other attacking in a split second gauging each other's strength before Torah tries to Pikachu the old Monk and he shoots a shuriken at him buio keeps screaming at them to stop like a pathetic little girl while they acknowledge each other's strength and start battling out again hitting each other full force with the intention to kill buio runs in between them and tells them to stop but he is completely ignored as they keep fighting above him buio tries to stand up but is thrown away by them as he watches them fighting like two bloodthirsty beasts he once again tries to run in between but is struck by a stray attack and thrown away yet again this time however he gets mad and grabs his spear before cutting his dad's staff in half and scaring the crap out of Torah before hitting him on the head from the flat side of the spear he then hits his dad who blocked his attack but is forced to back off bosio tells him that he cannot let him kill Torah as he can keep him under control his dad smiles and says that he never intended to kill him and only wanted to check whether usia was man enough to step in and take control of the situation and he passed the test he reveals that he was given the job to evaluate whether Torah is still a Mindless Beast who will kill anyone who comes his way or whether ushio has actually tamed him if guio hadn't tamed him his dad would have been forced to eliminate both of them suddenly usio realizes that they are surrounded by a bunch of C figures as his dad announces to them that he deems both lusio and Torin not a threat and that they can use their abilities to kill demons the men however don't seem to take this news very kindly and one of them jumps in to attack Torah lash's father however jumps in and blocks the attack while telling them to back off as it was his duty to evaluate the two alone his father tells him to take the spear and Torah and find his mom while the men start attacking his father he thinks for a moment before standing his ground saying that he will never leave him alone in a situation like this they get into a Big Brawl in which one of the priests tries to seal Torah but his unbelievable strength shocks the priest as even after using the strongest sealing spell Torah is able to walk towards him before punching him away one of the priests captures his dad and cage of light and oio tries to attack the priest but gets hit by his staff and falls back to the ground unconscious when he wakes up he finds both Torah and his dad looking at him and telling him that they defeated all of the other priests and that Torah didn't kill anyone bashio tells his dad that he can't leave him at this stage age as those guys can come back for Revenge but his dad tells him to go and find his mom as he can handle these men by himself easily the next morning ooshio packs up and leaves on a journey with Torah to find the secrets of his mom and where she is oshio reaches the airport with Torah who has never seen a plane before and is wildly excited to go near one the concept of humans flying is unbelievable to him and he seems too eager to see how these planes work wiio is simply sitting on the seat when he overhears a man talking to a girl apologizing for the the death of her father and claiming that it was a demon that resulted in his death the girl however gets mad at him and tells him that just because she is a kid doesn't mean that she will believe anything that comes out of his stupid mouth apparently her dad was a pilot and on his last flight his plane ended up crashing after having a mere collision with another jet which was being pelleted by this man in the black suit who knew her dad she blames him for killing her dad because of it this interests lusio who asks Torah whether he knows any demons that are found in the air Torah replies that there is a demon called fusu who resides in the air and comes down to the ground when he wants to eat humans but if the humans are delivering themselves in the air that means he doesn't have any need to come down he also tells oio that he fought fumu once and that demon is one slay bastard he is basically made entirely of jelly and physical attacks are mostly useless on him even tor's Pikachu attack doesn't do anything the only thing that seems to work on him is huge amounts of fire they start boarding in in like a total creep wiio follows the girl and sits beside her before striking up a conversation the flight starts moving and notices that the girl seems to be scared so without asking he grabs her hand because everyone knows that consent is a myth the girl seems to be taking back but he starts saying that even he is scared and it's better if they are scared together what a loser Torah on the other hand seems to be having the time of his life watching outside the window some time passes and the girl whose name is you ends up sleeping the black suited man walks up and covers her with a blanket before sitting beside oia and telling him that buio might think that he is lying but he in fact saw the monster buio claims that he was brought up in a religious household and that he believes in his story however wacky it may sound they sit down in silence when suddenly the man gets up and claims that he is feeling a weird pressure which he felt that day when he saw that monster and suddenly the plane starts shaking weirdly and as soon as they see out of the window they spot a poorly rendered weird looking green snot monster engulfing the entire plane the plane starts losing elevation at a a very rapid rate when Tor walks up to him and tells him to get his spear out buio tells him that the spear is in the luggage compartment but ushio tells him that it is not a normal Spear and if he calls it it will appear in his hands buio focuses on the spear and it rushes up through the floor into his hands the suited man rushes towards the cockpit and busts the door open to see that there are no Pilots there so if he quickly sits down and starts navigating the plane while asking for assistance from the Air Force the Air Force however denies his quests as they don't see anything weird on the radar bashio tells Torah to get out of the plane and beat the crap out of fusu but Torah claims that he is in no mood for a fight and is here just for a vacation biva starts chasing Torah before poking him from behind and forcing him to go on top of the plane to fight fumu Toro begins his duel against the snot monster and uses his fiery breath to push him back a little which was enough to let the pilot gain control of the fle again Tor tries to fight against the snot monster but his punches are of no use and his fire is not not enough to completely disintegrate the monster oio runs into the cockpit and tells the pilot that they need a lot of fire to defeat this monster but the pilot says that the Air Force are refusing to help as they can't see anything on the radar Tor appears in front of them and tells ushio that he will pin the monster down and during that time he needs to stab the monster through the roof and he goes away luio quickly goes inside the plane and waits around for tor's Signal when suddenly you walks up to him and tells him that she wants to be a part of it what a dumb woman who looks at her and agrees to it what a dumb man they both get in position as Tor is somehow able to pin the monster down before giving Ashia the signal who thrusts the weapon through the roof of the plane stabbing the monster critically damaging him the monster loses composure and ends up revealing itself on the radar which results in the Air Force being called they confirm the presence of this monster but tell the pilot that the monster is too close to the plane and if they fire missiles at it the entire plane would crash fio quickly runs up into the cockpit and and tells Torah to take him on top of the plane and they both decide to deal with this monster together they run towards the monster but are stopped when he grabs both of them in his snot cover hands busho however breaks through with the help of his Spear and alongside Torah is able to cut his limbs off releasing the plane from its grass the Air Force decides that this is a good time to intervene and launches a missile at the monster killing it immediately the problems haven't subsided yet as the pilot informs ushio that the back landing gears have been broken and there is no way for a safe landing in these conditions buio immediately tells Tor to go outside and lift the plane up and he does so ensuring a safe landing as both of them decide to board off and go their own way WHIO goes out in a dressing room to try on some clothes when he realizes that he seems to have lost the money that his dad gave him if I was his dad I would have definitely gone out for one last milk run Tor seems to be uninterested in this and asks ushio why does it matter whether they have money or not but usio knows that this world is is filled with capitalist American pigs and he believes in socialism they finally move outside to try and find a police station to Lodge a complaint when suddenly a bunch of people seem to get a mysterious cut somewhere on their body loio seems to be confused but looks around to see a small Whirlwind in the corner but Torah immediately tells him to be on guard as it is not a small dust devil but a demon suddenly a large dog leg animal attacks oio whose spear moves on its own to block the attack but the creature attacks him again cutting him multiple times all over his body which enrages him he transforms into his Chad self and cuts the Demon's blade before slamming him on the ground and threatening to kill him suddenly a voice from behind tells him to stop and he turns around and spots a beautiful lady dressed in red spandex B down on the floor begging him not to kill the demon and to listen them out Torah tells him that they could have killed him already if they wanted to and they were just testing out whether you had the Beast spear or not they get into a train together and reach a small cottage deep inside the mountains where they both introduce themselves as siblings who are an ancient race of demons and have requests for him Bosa seems to be confused but they suddenly bow down to the ground and tell them that they want him to kill their brother jro he gets shocked at this statement and berates them for even thinking of killing their own blood and that he is not some Hitman that could be hired to kill demons on anyone's whims he grabs his Spear and tells Torah that they are leaving but suddenly one of the Demons throws a severed hand in front of him telling him that this belongs to a human from a nearby Village who was killed by their brother Juro and if ushio doesn't stop him he will keep killing even more humans the one takes Torah outside whereas the guy starts giving usio some well- needed context he tells him that the race of demons have been inhabiting Hills and dense forests for centuries and have no ill feelings towards humans to begin with they tend to just hide themselves and live in peace but lately humans started invading their places they started using a strategy in which they stay in a group fre and if a human comes near their area one of them distracts him while the other one delivers a small cut and the third demon rushes to heal them with their special healing potion and this all happens within a blink of an eye the humans are inh hared in any way but this scares them away from the area making them think that there are ghosts that haunt the area he also tells him that among their race there is a law which states that they should NE kill a human unprovoked or without any reason but from some time now Juro has been disregarding their law completely and is on a rampage of killing humans left and right he looks into oshi's eye and very seriously asks him whether he would kill jural for them as they can't bring themselves to harm their own brother just then B's ears start ringing and his spear starts acting on its own and suddenly a wall is cut to shreds and a young Emo guy stand there calling the man his brother and telling him that he's here to say his final goodbye as he's going to go on his own from now on and kill as many humans as possible the guy reminds Juro that killing humans is against the law but Juro tells him that the humans started it as all they ever wanted was to live in peace uninterrupted but it was humans who always invade their place and forced them to leave their homes and find new ones every single time but now he wishes to change it and is going to instill so much fear in humans that they won't even think of ever expanding their area he rips out of his human skin and tells them that he's never going to assume the form of a human again when suddenly he looks at oshio as he senses the power of the legendary spear coming from him and gets insanely mad shouting at his siblings and asking whether they want him dead so badly that they will ask the help of human busho as usual is always angry and runs at him with his spear but Juro ends up using a single slash of his blade to mortally injure oio who simply falls on the ground motionless and unbreathing the spear flies on its own and attacks jro but he is able to block it in time to deliver the final blow to ushio when suddenly Torah throws one of his sever arms through juro's chess surprising him and stopping him in his tracks Juro looks behind to see Tor who screams at him that oio is his food and no one can kill him but Torah Juro gets scared of this huge Pikachu and runs away Torah walks walks up to ushio and tells him that they should simply leave and go to haido to find his mom but realizes that he still seems to be completely lifeless and a little dead he shakes him and gets super angry at him for dying so easily suddenly the woman named kagari tells him that the damage dealt by a demon of their race can only be cured by a special medicine and hands it over to torat who uses it on oshio saving his life buio immediately wakes up with a gasp and tells Torah that Juro has nothing but hate inside of him and he will kill any human he sees if they leave him alone he looks over to the siblings and asks them where Juro is headed and starts running outside but he suddenly notices that torus seems to have lost one of his arms and gets worried for him even crafting a cast for him to try and fix his arm they all go outside and start running towards a construction site where Juro is waiting for the new shift to begin so that he can kill all of the workers there they reach an empty clearing and look around for Juro when suddenly wishu was attacked by an angry Juro who is furious that kagari healed the human bashio Dodges and both of juro's siblings try to stop him but he is too strong and attacks them as well pushing them back WHIO runs up to him and jumps up in the air to attack him is able to push through his spear hitting Juro and injuring him Juro immediately runs up a cliff and cuts the edge of the cliff making a huge area crumble on top of oshio and the others thankfully oio was in his Chad form and alongside Torah is able to hold the boulder preventing them from getting crushed unfortunately however both of the siblings end up getting stuck beneath truck cun which starts leaking oil and they are unable to move WHIO quickly screams at Tor to leave the Boulder and help the siblings Escape as the oil can catch fire which will result in an explosion at first Torah is reluctant to help them but after oshio pleads with him he decides to help them and moves over to try and lift truck off of them before it ISS them into another world Juro comes down to finish the job but he notices that oshio and Torah are helping his siblings which changes his heart a little bit and then Osio spouts some moralistic which I am not going to write down but this ends up making jro reconsider his choices when suddenly the new shift workers arrive at the scene and after having a look at jro think that he is some kind of an animal and start throwing rocks at him Juro looks around and gets furious at them swearing to kill them all making them all run away but one of the workers was smoking a cigarette which ends up lighting truck On's piss on fire churro was about to go behind the humans when Tora screams at him to help them save his siblings and after a moment's hesitation Juro runs towards Torah trying to lift truck cun however truck cun seems to be very op and doesn't move at all which makes oshio scream for help here giv cries for help some of the construction workers end up running towards the burning wreckage and helping them Lift Truck cun off of the siblings saving them they all Overlook the explosion as yio thinks that Juro might have had a change of heart and starts asking him to give humans another chance and that you will personally find them a place to live and make sure that humans stay out of it for a moment jro seems to have changed but suddenly he lunges at ushio trying to attack but ushio uses his spear to stab jro in the heart killing him immediately after that unsavory encounter with Juro WHIO was Disturbed and also physically hurt so the siblings showed him the location of a secret hot spring with healing properties that's supposed to get rid of any injuries and diseases that you might be troubled with both of them seem to enjoy the hot bath when suddenly usio overhears a girl singing in a very beautiful voice which makes him investigate however she gets startled and runs away from the spring making oio ashamed of himself for scaring the girl Tor doesn't understand why any of them should be upset over it and tells oshio that he felt a weird vibe coming from the girl and he thinks that the girl is not a normal human bashio dismisses him saying that he is just cautious around humans later that day they both go over to the town again to grab a bus so they can leave for haido when usio suddenly notices the same girl walking near the pavement but seems to get disbalanced and almost gets ice CED by truck K but once again iio comes in for he save at last and pushes her out of the way the girl seems to have gotten unconscious and one of the ladies of a nearby store tells him that this girl's name is SAA and she belongs to the household of the richest landlord of this town before pointing over to a giant mansion on top of the hills Lucio decides to put SAA on his back and starts taking her up the hill Torah calls him a giant s because the only reason he is doing this is because he likes the girl but like every s in the world luio has gone down a giant hole of degeneracy from which she can never recover while carrying her up she wakes up and apologizes for troubling him but tells him that she was trying to find him in the town this surprises ushio as he is actually meeting her for the first time she tells him that she can walk but as Yia puts her down she turns around and spots Torah in front of her she gets a little taken aback and this surprises both loio and Torah as not everyone can see demons unless and until they decide to reveal themselves she reveals that she comes from a long line of people who have worked to bridge the communication gap between humans and demons and are trying to stop the conflict between humans and demons as they believe that if only humans and demons could communicate they could live more peacefully together she tries walking but starts stumbling again due to dizziness which makes usio carry her again as he runs up the hill to her house he enters her place and sits down in a room with her when suddenly her father and her grandmother enter the room and seem to be angry he screams at her for going out of the house when she knows that she's an invalid and can't operate on her own he also starts chastising her telling her that she is only good for causing trouble and should simply stay locked up in the house like an animal because that's what she deserves this enrages usio who starts talking back to her father telling him that he is fat and ugly the dad gets angry as well and just when it seemed like they were going to end in a physical confrontation Saia stops them and begs her father to give her 30 minutes to talk to usio and then she won't go out again and he agrees before leaving luia was so fuming about her father and asks her how she can simply hear all that abuse but she starts talking about some woke things about how this is all patriarchy when usio tells her to shut up and to tell him why she was brought here she replies to him that centuries ago one of the ancestors of her father ended up capturing a God in their house and binding her in a room with a bunch of spells the God is fign for being a very prosperous charm as Whoever has the blessing of this God will have all the riches they can want so their ancestors simply imprisoned the god to keep getting her blessings now that's what I call a Pro Gamer move WIA starts following her as she tells him that her bloodline from her mother's side has been a very weak line of women with a lot of ailments making them fragile when she was a child and her mom was on her deathbed she explained to her that she is supposed to keep communicating with the goddess so she didn't grow tired or sad she then opens a room and they all enter inside to find it covered with charms and spells and behind it a Chinese looking girl sitting on the floor sayia walks ahead and sits beside the Chinese girl who asks her whether this is the boy with a beast spear she then looks over to Torah and greets him as she seems to know about him she is confused however as to why he is traveling alongside a human when he is supposed to be the king of demons who everyone is scared of Torah tells her that it is a long story and he isn't going to waste his time talking to her he asks her what she wants from them she tells them that she wants them to destroy the barrier that is keeping her in place she tells ushio that this barrier is made up of extremely strong enchantments and the only way to break it is by using the Beast spear which is attached to a user that it recognizes Torah looks at her and asks her whether she knows what will happen if the barrier breaks and she replies that she does both buio and say seem confused so Tor elaborates by saying that once the barrier is broken a huge amount of energy will be released all at once which will most probably destroy the guy for good say is shocked by this news and tells them that she had no idea about it the Chinese girl tells her that this is good for the both of them that sayia refuses to agree to this suddenly say's dad enters the room realizing what they were doing and immediately attacks Osio who blocks the attack with a spear here the man attacks him again at this time he simply moves out of way before spanking him which is very kinky bashio goes on the offensive Mount while the man tries to defend against his attacks Tor decides to try and Pikachu the barrier but it doesn't work the Chinese Guru begs usio once again to destroy the barrier and this time usio pushes the man away before running towards the barrier surprisingly however he stop when say stands in front of him and tells him that she cannot let him destroy the barrier as it will kill the Chinese girl before usio can decide what to do the Bodyguards of the household rush usio and grab him while the man tries to kill him using his sword but Torah comes to the rescue snapping The Sword in half before pushing himself through the barrier while trying to put a layer of electricity around him to try and protect him from the barrier it gets halfway inside the barrier and screams at ushio to destroy it while he protects the Chinese girl but ushio the giant simp tells him that this is se's decision Torah tells him to become a white night later as he is getting hurt but usio is steadfast and tells him that only Seiya can make a decision SE is an even bigger dumbass who keeps thinking about what to do even though Torah already told her that he would protect the Chinese girl from the explosion finally WHIO decides to break the seal and slices the charm in half setting the God free however as soon as he does that a huge explosion erupts but Toro protects the God and usio protects sayya when the dust settles they see that the entire house has been demolished and that the God has safely ascended back to the heavens where she belongs afterwards oshio and Torah again leave to continue their Journey after having one last chat with Saia who tells iio that she will be strong from now on and we'll take her Destiny in her hands you can't be very strong with anemia and heart problems so I think she's talking crap oio and Tor decide to stay with the doggy siblings for another night as they miss their bus because of seya and at night after having dinner luio goes outside near the pond to chill out but while staring at the calm black water it suddenly starts vibrating and a vision appears inside of the water in which he sees Naka holding a mirror and crying out ino's name again and again with a horrified look before vush could even register what was going on the vision disappeared from the surface of the pond leaving him completely bewildered he rushes inside the room totally shaken and asks Torah if he knows about any mirror demons before telling him what he just saw Torah says that he doesn't have any idea about this but the doy siblings tell him that they know a demon who is an expert in mirrors and they can take him up to the demon Lucio and me agrees and even Torah follows soon as they climb through a dangerous mountain before reaching a dark cave the siblings call upon the demon and identify themselves claiming that they have come here in peace soon a shiny thing emerges from the cave which turns out to be a demon that literally looks like a mirror he greets the siblings and starts talking to them when suddenly he starts trembling and comments that something seems to be a Miss he feels an overwhelming power near him and then he suddenly notices usio standing behind them with a beast spear which scares the demon so much that he starts running back into the cave the siblings try to tell him that Lucio doesn't kill indiscriminately and only kills demons who create problems but the mirror boy as a loser isn't ready to hear them out and keeps running inside when he is suddenly grabbed by Torah who he immediately recognizes and gets scared even more Torah tells him that he is not here to waste time and threatens him to tell them everything he knows so finally the demon obliges and tells them he will try to show them what happened on an incognito tab his body becomes a TV and they watches both MAA and Eno come back from school with a bunch of food and snacks as they want to have a sleepover they have a lot of fun but after a while sit down to have a chat when suddenly an antique mirror that Eno's dad bought recently starts vibrating and before they can react a giant demon erupts from it aiming to capture Naka but Eno pushes her out of the way and gets caught instead by the demon who takes her inside the mirror bashio gets extremely angry and converts into his Chad Avatar before telling the mirror to transport them to Eno's house the mirror gets scared and obliges but tells them that they can't stay inside the mirror for long otherwise they will get trapped Forever After hearing that they jump inside his body and come out of the other end into Eno's place where they find Naka still crying they immediately ask a bewildered Naka where the mirror is and as soon as she tells them they jump inside the mirror but the idiot NAA also jumps in alongside them like a total third wheeler they travel inside the belly of the beasts where they finally spot the monster in the midst of some beautiful clouds he still has Eno with him which enrages both Torah and usio as they Rush towards him at full speed the monster throws a bunch of creepy looking leeches at them that get stuck to T's body but he uses his strength to get them off of him before flying towards the monster they rush through the monster and with a single attack yuio slices the monster in half killing it immediately before grabbing Eno and rushing out of the mirror the strain of the adventure knocked both Naka and Ino out who were then carried by Torah and usio who laid them down on the floor before leaving the scene for mercy oio and Torah say their final goodbyes to the doggy siblings before they leave their place to go to the bus stop bosio tells Torah to Simply carry him and leap from this bus stop to the next one but Toro wants to travel in a bus again as he has never really done it before they get into the bus and Torah is beyond himself with happiness playing around and having fun but within 5 minutes he gets bored and starts annoying oshio by telling him to make the bus go fast but suddenly he falls completely quiet luciia looks at him and asks him whether anything is wrong but Torah simply tells him to concentrate and suddenly the spears start reading very wildly Torah tells him that he can feel a bunch of demons in this area and all of them seem to have an agenda against him and are extremely angry bashio gets surprised and asks Toro why they would hate him but Tora replies that he has killed several monsters and maybe that's why they are mad the bus keeps moving and Torah senses even more demons and all of them are brimming with hate for usio suddenly a flying squirrel-like demon breaks through the front glass of the bus and hits the driver in the head killing him immediately before making a beine for oshio who immediately takes out his Spear and Dodges the attack the bus gets out of control and hits the side rail before starting to fall off the cliff the demon comes in again with an attack but this time WHIO slices the demon in half and lands on the ground above alongside tour as he looks down below at how Busan isad so many people at once before they can figure out what's going on hundreds of monsters start coming out from the side of the Road cornering both loio and Torah they start fighting their way through the monsters killing them one at a time but still they are way too much for them to handle Torah seems to be completely fired up and tells ushio that he hasn't fought against this many opponents in a long while usio however is scared that the battle will result in more human casualties so he tells Torah that they need to take the battle into the forests they Rush inside the dense vegetation and keep running with suddenly a demon appears from beneath the ground and grabs Uso's leg telling him that he will kill both him and his mother suddenly hundreds of monsters appear again around them and start attacking him Tor tries to save him but is stopped by a giant white ape looking idiot monster he makes fun of Torah for trying to save a human before calling him pathetic just when things seem like they were going south the spear gets a life on its own and cuts through the demons before dragging oio outside of the Jungle and only stopping once they were near a lake he is still super confused as to what just happened when the Spidey senses of his spear start tingling again and he gets defensive again he shouts at the monster to reveal itself when a Meek voice calls out to him for Mercy telling him that he means no harm Lucio tells him to reveal himself and the monster comes out of the water this monster is a Kappa who is usually deemed harmless and likes playing pranks on cumans the monster walks towards the injured ooshio as he asks Kappa why are the monsters trying to kill him and is this because he killed their Brethren Kappa looks surprised to know that luio has no idea why the monsters are behind him and tells him that the monsters are behind him because of his mother Kappa reveals that luio is famous among all of the demons in Japan as he is the son of the woman who saved the most dangerous monster of all time Kappa tells him that thousands of years ago a young girl came on a ship from China but the image of the young girl was merely a facade as her true identity was that of a demon called hakiman he was the strongest and the most ancient demon of them all and he was so insanely strong that no one could even lay a finger on him he deemed that every other demon apart from him was inferior and didn't deserve to live and he started killing all because of this all of the Demons came together and declared an allout war against hakiman but it was of no use as he was too strong and killed a bunch of the monsters later Torah also joined the battle from their side and after a lot of struggle they were finally able to push hauman back who swore that he would come back more powerful than ever and kill every single one of them he starts applying Lou on Oso's body for some reason and continues that the demons then wanted to give give Chase and finish him off while he was in a weakened state but Tor had no such interest and returned to his area where later he fought against an ancestor of usio and got pinned to the wall the other demons who gave Chase to haiman were finally able to locate him and try their very best to kill him by attacking all at once but they were unable to even lay a scratch on the demon because he was being protected by a very strong barrier which was created by ushio's mother that is the reason why they weren't able to kill the evil hackim and now Harbor deep hatred towards usio and his mother suddenly musier senses a bunch of demons coming towards him and gets on edge again but Kappa tells him to quickly run towards the village as the demons won't enter that area he thanks Kappa for the unwarranted massage and says that he will return for his happy ending before running away in the distance he runs inside of the forest once again and is immediately surrounded by a bunch of demons he tries to defend himself but the demons but he cannot fight against such an overwhelming Army alone suddenly he hears a scream and notices an old guy inside of of the forest so he quickly grabs him putting him on his back before running away immediately he asks the old man for the directions of the village and the old guy points him in direction through the forest where he keeps running to suddenly see a bunch of small lights in the distance relieved that safety is finally in sight Osio runs with the old man and finally reaches the village where he is taken to the shop of an old woman who gives him a bunch of milk and some food to eat as he looks famished busho eats happily while talking to the old man who explains that he was shocked to see so monsters while the old lady comments that it is even hard to imagine that these monsters exist today the old man starts asking usio questions about him as he seems to be fascinated by his powers usio pauses for a bit thinking about the best way to introduce the story without sounding like a total lunatic and tells him since the start about how he took the spear out of Torah and ever since that day he has been fighting against these demons on stop the old man looks at him with an understanding gaze when oshio gives him a cream bun telling him that he hasn't eaten anything after talking to him for some time more he decides to leave and while outside suddenly his spear starts raining wildly and he realizes that there are demons around he screams at the old man to quickly go inside of the house but before he could do so hundreds of demons appear out of nowhere surrounding him completely he defends the old man a giant demon grabs him from behind but he is able to break free by slashing through him before deciding to run as fast as possible while screaming of the people roaming outside to go inside their houses and protect themselves one of the giant demon snakes tries to kill a woman and her child but thankfully WOIO is able to slice through the demon and continue his Marathon you finally reaches an abandoned area and turns around to face his demons literally a giant dinosaur demon attacks him but oshio is able to block its attack before killing it in a single slash the demons gang up on him and gang bang him from multiple directions hurting him badly to the point where he's having trouble simply standing up he falls over to the ground and looks up to see a monster about to attack him but he is so powerless that he simply accepts his death at the last moment however the doggy siblings come to the rescue slashing through the nearby demons before standing in front of him buio notices that they seem to be already hurt by fighting the demons and ask them to run away but they tell him that they owe him their lives and won't leave his side they Rush towards the monsters again killing a bunch of them all at once but suddenly a massive demon arrives on the scene and hits kagari with its Club hurting her the giant unicorn monster threatens The Sibling to stop defending ushio if they know what's best for them and sends a bunch of small worm like monsters on oshio but he is able to slash through them all with a bit of reserved courage they stand back to back while kagari asks usio where Torah is to which he replies that he must have sided with the demons and left him for dead kagari however refuses to believe this and clings on to the hope that he will show himself saving them all the Unicorn monster breaks through the brother's blade and hurts him before trying to strike a deal with the doggy siblings telling them that if they kill AIO for him he will let them live Kio tells them to take the offer as he is not going to make it out of this alive anyway but the siblings tell him once again that they will die before they leave his side and they run at the army of the Demons on One Last Suicide charge when suddenly lightning strikes and every demon around an area is instantly killed and to everyone's surprised Tor emerges and grabs all three of them before telling the Unicorn monster that musio is his food and no one else can touch him before leaping in the air and Landing somewhere deep in the forest usio gets off and turns around to thank Torah but suddenly both Torah and the doggy siblings disappear in the Mist as the night mysteriously turns into a day and when he turns around he spots a massive mansion in front of him that calls his name the doors open on their own as the mysterious voice tells him to March inside he is shocked to see such a big mansion and a little scared as well but he puts on his big boy shoes and keeps walking until he enters a room to see the Chinese girl sitting alongside a weird old dude with a limp nose who might needs some performance enhancement pills he walks towards the Chinese girl surprised to see her here and asks what is going on it is revealed that the old guy here is the leader of the monsters in this area and he wants to strike a deal with ooshio he tells him the same story about why the monsters are trying to kill him because a woman protects the legendary monster hackim who is a silver-colored nine tail beast he says however that humans cannot live for that long which means that the protection of hackim has been generationally given to the woman in the bloodline and currently is being handled by ushio's mother he says however that after talking to oio he realized that humans are not completely irrational and that there must be a reason why this woman is defending a monster bashio interrupts saying that this is the first time they are talking but the old guy reveals that the old villager he saved from the forest was only him disguised to see osu's true nature he claims that they want to know the reason why his mother is protecting the monster and will let him go see her but he needs to extract information for them bosio agrees to it and he sends a command to all of the Demons saying that Lucio is off limits now and shouldn't be attacked until further order but this causes turmoil amongst the monsters they all go outside to see Torah and the doggy siblings facing off against the entire demon Army the old man tells the demons that he has given orders which must be followed but the Unicorn monster says that he cannot follow these orders as Torah and ushio have killed a bunch of their Brethren Torah makes fun of the Unicorn guy before being challenged to a one versus one battle Torah excitedly agrees and the old man sets the terms stating that if Torah wins they're going to follow orders and not attack the boy but if he loses they can disobey his orders what a crappy leader he definitely needs some enhancement pills the battle starts and the Unicorn immediately crushes T in the ground before repeatedly battering him with his club and then sends a bunch of hand snakes at him which bite his entire body loio starts getting worried as Torah is drawn closer to the monster before he uses his horns to stab Torah through the stomach suddenly however the tides of the battle turn as Tor grabs his club and chastises him for being weak then blames it on a human before becoming a terized and and using his Flamin warer to completely burn the unicorn and then immediately jumps up in the sky and Pikachu's the out of the monster turning him black he is not done though as he then starts battering the monster punching him again and again before delivering one final punch defeating the monster The Duel ends as the old guy tells the monsters not to attack usio anymore both he and Torah leave into the forest to continue their journey of finding ushio's mom the next day they finally reach haido and start walking towards the town when they are suddenly covered in mist and seemed to have lost the direction they were supposed to walk in torto blames it on Osio saying that he had one job which is totally fair to be honest while walking however they suddenly feel the presence of some demons and a weird creepy looking spider demon attacks usio he's able to block the attack but before he could do anything else a mysterious girl appears out of his ass and uses her Cals to kill the monster in a single hit now that's what I call women power the girl looks at him and tells him that it was one of the monsters set free by hackim before asking whether he is named ushio she looks at him and scoffs at him for being a child saying that she can't believe the beast's spear is being handled by a worthless child buio tries to say that he isn't a child but he gets slap mid sentence and the woman starts telling him that she belongs to the secret society that kills these demons and she has been trained since she was a child to be the successor to the Beast spear only to be stopped in her tracks because of usio she looks at oio and tells him to hand over the spear because he is not fit enough to wield it ler seems shaken by this but she starts unloading a barriage of insult at him making him feel small and weak she told him that it was his fault that the people got ice C by Busan and it was his fault that Juro died and everything that has happened to him and the people around him is purely because of him being unable to draw the full power of His spear failing at every turn this truly Hollows ushio out who starts thinking about the past and how he has failed so many people the girl moves her hand and grabs Uso's spear luio doesn't even try to stop her and lets her have his spear after which she claims that now that she has the Spear she will be unstoppable and kill every single demon working under hackim before leaving the scene into the mist and telling ushio to go back home usio simply starts brooding but for Tor is the best day of his life he has been waiting for ushio to be without his spear so he can kill him and finally he doesn't have his spear he jumps at him but then stops because usio is in a completely brwy mood and starts trying to cheer him up suddenly they notice a bunch of creepy leech monsters flying above them but instead of trying to attack they simply move towards the girl who ran away with the spear wasia looks at the demons gets a bit worried for the girl and decides to go after her the spear seems to have rejected the girl as she is trapped in the arms of the monster completely unable to move just as the monster was about to kill her WHIO ran behind her and grabbed his spear before attacking the monster and making it drop the girl the girl is shocked to see the Chad version of oshio with long hair and seems to like what she sees oio grabs the spear and rushes towards the demon at full speed slicing through all of its tentacles before trying to end the fight but is stopped when the monster Hits him and throws him back oio gets up again and jumps at the monster but is stopped mid-track when the monster uses its leech monsters to grab the poor girl laughing in osh's face claiming that he has learned that these tactics are very efficient against humans usio looks behind and jumps in the air before throwing his spear at the girl shocking even the monster as he didn't expect him to be so ruthless the spear sets the girl free but the monster grabs ushio and starts squeezing him to death Tor arrives at the last moment however and jumps at the monster with amazing anger and tears his arms off before biting the monster in the face freeing ushio he quickly calls for his Spear and rushes at the monster slashing it and half killing it immediately he grabs the girl's comb from the ground and hands it back over to him showing her the comb that belongs to her mother he looks at the girl and asks her whether he could keep the spear for a bit longer till he finds his mother and the girl like a classic sundeer tells him that she isn't impressed and will let him keep the spear for just a bit longer and warns him that there are three other people like her who were trained to be the successor of the Beast Spear and might come for him Lucio thanks her and then finally finds his way into a restaurant where he has a hearty breakfast alongside Torah and finally comes outside to get a bus and try to find his mother while outside he starts thinking about whether he is good enough for the spear but then torus starts making fun of him and they have some friendly banter when he trips and hits his head on a motorcycle how do he not hear a motorcycle just come up behind him H and Keller alert he looks behind him to see a dashing dude on a prettyl looking motorcycle the dude says some weird foreshadow things but ushio is too engrossed acting like he just snort in a bunch of crack and doesn't really pay attention before the dude asks him whether he would like to ride him I mean whether he would like to ride his bike luia looks at him but feels weird so refuses before going to the bus stop to catch the next bus on the way however Tor feels a weird gaze looking at him and turns around to see the dude staring at him from afar he gets mad at this and rushes back leaving ushio and confronts The Stranger asking him whether he is one of the people who are after the Beast spear usio starts calling Torah back saying that he will leave without him but Torah pays no attention to him the guide introduces himself as akba who is one of the chosen successors for the spear but claims that he is more interested in Torah than the spear doesn't matter to Torah however as he simply rushed an akba attacking him both of them get into a brawl and seem to be equally matched as akba tries to gain the upper hand by hitting Torah again and again with his staff Tor tries to Pikachu at keba but fails as his staff is made up of some weird metal which can control electricity I guess and he redirects it back to Torah Torah decides to become Tred this time but AKA simply Dodges the attack and hits him on the head before getting a spike out of his ass and using it to pin his arms on the wall this hurts Torah as he tries to get out of it but fails while Akiba explains that the metal is specially made to seal demon powers and Torah cannot Escape it he looks at Torah and asks him why he's with oshio he claims that Tor is supposed to be a Monster who was born 2,000 years ago in China can breathe fire and control electricity is one of the physically strongest demons alive and loves terrorizing humans so why is he following the commands of a human now becoming his pet Torah tells him to shut up and snaps at him but Akiba blocks his attack and jumps back before trying to make Torah his personal Jesus he claims that they have been following torah's movements ever since he escaped the basement but have been shocked to see him saving humans and demons alike Torah starts laughing and claims that he simply stays with Osio without killing him because he doesn't get bored when he is with him to akiba's horror Tor starts ripping his hands and feet from his body and jumps at him for an attack he Dodges the attack but then Torah decides to show how creepy he can be and becomes a godam spider chasing a kear around who tries to come in for a final hit but his headbutted by Torah defeating him immediately Torah then joins his limbs back to his body and Spares akiba's life telling him not to look at him or oshio again before deciding to follow WOIO usio on the other hand is inside a bus Which got possessed by some leech demons who are now controlling the bus as it goes out of control it seems like Busan is going to rack up a good body count this season oio quickly gets up from his seat and rushes towards the driver only to find him completely swarmed by the leech monsters he uses his spear to slice the driver free but this just results in the entire bus being in the sole control of these Monsters the bus starts swerving into the guard rail so usio breaks through one of the windows considering jumping out to save himself but the bus is going too fast and he can't simply leave all these people inside buson immediately starts is King a bunch of cars into another world while he stands there helpless unable to think of a way to save all the people when suddenly he hears the voice of a keba from outside calling his name and he sticks his head out out of the window to find Torah and AA following them closely Torah tells usio to Simply jump out of the vehicle but ushio refuses saying that there are a lot of people in here Akiba and Torah hatch a plan and he tells usio to grab all the passengers from their seats and make them stand in the center he turns around and screams at everyone to get up from their seats and they all assemble in the center when the leech monsters erupt again and get stuck to cushio pinning him down so that he's unable to use his spear meanwhile Akiba slashes the back side of the bus before using it to slash the front end as well and then he signals Tor to take over who uses his energy to blast all of the passengers except ushio out of the bus a bunch of leeches get stuck to a keba but he's able to use his special technique to create an energy blanket for them and all the passengers fall onto it without even a scratch the problem however is that the bus is still moving towards the passengers on the road as musio is pinned down and unable to hit The Brak AKA starts panicking but Tor tells him to chill out as he trusts Osio suddenly Osio becomes a Chad and slashes through the entire bus before stabbing his spear in bus cun's heart and using it to stop the bus just before it can hit the passengers he gets off the bus and seems to be happy that everyone is fine when he notices that some of the passengers have some injuries which saddens him as he runs away like a little girl blaming himself for their injuries Akiba and Torah both go after him and Tora explains that Akiba is another one of the successors for the spear and Akiba tells him to wipe that stupid look off of his face as he is going to drop him where he needs to go after saying this o gets on the bike and they all leave for their destination on the way however they get followed by a bunch of bikers and black overalls and are forced to pull over buio asks AO whether he knows these people and he replies that these are all the people who failed to be chosen as the potential candidates for wielding the spear one of the girls removes her helmet introducing herself as Jun and tells akba that her brother is still missing though shio seems confused so Akiba tells him that jun's older brother is one of the potential successors for the spear and is the best of all four of them his name is satoru and he has mastered both the spiritual and the martial arts making him stronger than any of the other candidates JN claims that her brother started acting weirdly ever since he heard the news of the Beast Spear and has disappeared completely recently with no contact suddenly Koro feels someone coming this way whom he claims to be a pretty strong human suddenly a purple monster comes out of the ground straight at ushio who blocks the attack with his spear as the dust settles a man with yellow hair and an overflowing white robe emerges who seems to be controlling the demon he introduces himself as satoru the real successor of the Beast Spear and sends his monster to attack goio again Rio jumps in for an attack as well but he gets deepthroated immediately by the monster who starts sucking him off akuba tells Satur to stop before getting out his staff and attacking him but satoru is very strong and very quick as he immediately blocks his attack and knees him in the stomach the other bikers quickly decide to attack satoru even though Akiba tells them they are no match and are immediately deepthroated by the same monster Lucio feels totally helpless as he sees the other guys on the brink of death but as usual MVP Torah arrives for the save and uses a single slash to set him free luio quickly transforms into his chat form and rushes at the monster slashing through it and setting the other guys free from its grip he then sets his sights on satoru himself but Jun comes to his defense and stands in front of her brother telling them to chill out satoru however is a misogynist and slaps her sister for speaking out of turn and for being a woman before something happens to him and he starts losing control of himself and seems to be in immense pain he tells them that you will deal with oio soon and disappears into the forest Tora looks at them and tells them that saaru is definitely Infested by those leech monsters and they seem to have taken control of his brain this prompts usio to ask Torah but there is any way of removing the monsters from his head but Torah tells him that he couldn't care less for any other human they all start moving again and oshio stops at a gas station and rushes inside the washroom before staring at the mirror like some drug adult teen and starting screaming for the mirror monster that he met with a doggy siblings the monster appears and asks ushio what he wants and oio explains the situation Torah threatens him in a light-hearted manner which scares The Living Daylights out of the mirror boy and he quickly connects them with the leader of the monsters who tells us that the only way to get rid of them is to become an apparition and go inside him to kill them all he can do that with the help of the spear but there is no knowing whether he will be able to return to his normal form or not after that they all move on the road and establish a camp nearby sitting by the campfire EBA tells usio that when they were young Jun was once attacked by a tree monster in satoru even though he was scared killed the monster with a single punch but instead of thanking seorin Jem got scared of him and was never able to thank him WHIO is like cool story but who ask when suddenly a black hole opens in the air and a bunch of bug monsters appear from inside alongside akba who attacks both luio and Torah with some magic chains which bind Torah and disarm oio he sends his Bud monsters Who attack guio while Jun tries to appeal to Satur Humanity again but he punches her aside JN however is a tough girl and grabs him again telling him that she won't leave him which gives ushio and Torah enough time to break through the binds and oshio slices the monsters up while Toro Pikachu them to Oblivion so toru starts going crazy and pulls a knife out of his ass he was about to stab his sister when iio threw his spear at him flin the knife out of his hands toru slowly regains Consciousness and is horrified to see what he's about to do he backs off the edge of the road before realizing that there is no way out of this nightmare and jumping off the road into the valley oio rushes to the side of the road and throws his spear again just in time to pin him against the cliff side he's then picked up by the rest but seems to be in an unconscious State they all surround the unconscious sator while Jun cries over him as if he were dead sh lady is just unconscious buio however is as simp as we already know and starts telling Akiba that he's going inside Sak's body and will definitely get rid of the monster inside of him Akiba tries to stop him telling him that he might never be able to return from this battle but ushio is thinking from the wrong head right now and doesn't care about all that Akiba gets mad and grabs his staff telling Osio that he will beat him up if he tries to go inside and goes on to attack buio but stops at the last moment after seeing oshio standing defiantly he gets pissed off and then leaves ushio to do whatever the hell he wants to do WHIO Peaks inside of the bike's mirror and calls upon the Mirror Monster again who warns him again that he will lose his Humanity if he goes inside another person's body but usio is fine with that as a token of Goodwill the Mirror Monster sends another small furry monster named isuna to help usio out when he is inside of the body and to act as a guide the monster doesn't seem to like humans very well but one counter with Torah scares him straight bashio tells Torah that he is sorry if he loses his Humanity as Torah wanted to eat him but Torah claims that he will go inside with him and eat him if he starts changing into something inhuman the three of them Rush towards the lying body of satoru and jump inside while iio tells jum to grab saur's body as he might start moving they all go inside of his body where everything is dark at first but then he opens his eyes to see the inside of a human's body which is very jarring for him to see nonetheless isuna tells them to follow him closely and not get lost before they realize that a horde of monsters is coming towards them wiio is determined however and rushes throughout the monster alongside Torah totally decimating all of them they keep running and finally auna shows them where the heart is when suddenly the blood vessels inside the corrupted body grab auna and soon both Torah and ushio are also captured Torah tired of all this decides to Pikachu his way out of this problem even though auna tells him not to as this might damage sat's body but it's too late as Tor uses the attack making satoru thrash around hush tells Tor not to use the attack again while his spear automatically rushes to the monster and stabs him which leavs him to drop all three of them luio then rushes towards it and forces the monster outside of his body but this puts immense strain on his body and he starts losing control over himself Tor seems to be scared for oio but thankfully oio is able to get a hold of himself and runs ahead telling them not to waste time they start running up the spinal cord when they see another huge cord of flying creepy leech creatures it cuts through a bunch of them ends up getting caught by them and when all seems lost the Power of Love prevails as Jun cries over his brother's body which apparently is the greatest power of all time now the show is getting weird so anyway that weakens the demon inside the body a little bit giving ushio the chance to escape the monsters before he starts chopping up more of them for a stir fried dish later he keeps running when suddenly he stops mid-track as black things start coming out of his body as the Beast spear tries to take control while isuna and Torah both watch him thankfully however he's able to stay in control and starts running towards the brain when suddenly the boss monster comes down attacking them usio gets ready for the final fight as both he and the boss man engage in a deathly melee they both start attacking each other with Incredible intensity and soon usio realizes that this monster is not as weak and might cause them some trouble the monster decides to try and intimidate oshio and shows him how hauan looks and just as unbelievably terrifying Oro was scary enough that he meels down and hides his face while the monster tries to take advantage of this and attacks buio while he isn't looking thankfully however he is saved by the intervention of auna who jumped in between tanking the blow and protecting ushio before he fell to the ground buio grabs isuma and falls back putting him on the ground but the monster pushes forward and tries to attack him diio however blocks his attack and is now very mad he starts forcing the monster back with a series of attacks but y his body is reaching its limits he stands there panting but Torah comes beside him and tells him that he has a plan he tells vsh that they need to lure the monster out near sat's eye where Jun can use her love to kill the monster yes this show really got weird they run away from the monster pretending to be scared who follows them reaching near the eye when suddenly they turn around ready to face him the monster realizes what's happening and tries to run away but is caught and pushed by auna in front of the eye so he can be killed but by doing this isuna is also sacrificing his own life which yoshio isn't ready to accept and he goes against tor's wishes of leaving isuna to die and rushes towards the monster at an incredible speed stabbing in the heart at the same time when Jen shows her Power of Love they finally emerge from the tears of Satur who was now woken up and they start rejoicing when suddenly whia loses control of his body and starts getting control by the spirit of the Beast spear the spirit of the Beast spear causes ushio to scream in pain as his soul is consumed by it and his body transforms into a rabid Beast the beast mode Rio attacks Torah who tries to wake him up using toote jetsu but ushio can't even hear him Sat toru and Akiba use their powers to restrain him but he breaks through the confinement easily and then flees the gang chases after him and reach a temple in osh's Direction and find that Su their girl hanoa there who claims to already know the location of ushio apparently there is a cave where the users of the Beast spear must go to prove that they are worthy of it only those who can lead the cave in one piece get the right to call themselves The Masters of the Beast spear the beast mode Lucio rushes towards the cave slicing all the demons that come in his way but the real Lucio is stuck inside him tied and bound by hair he has no control over his body and he feels bad for every innocent demon the Spear's spirit is killing however when a woman and her baby come into their sight WOIO shows that he can divert the trajectory of the Beast to save them and wasn't doing it earlier since he is a racist buio strains himself to not lose his Consciousness and then he starts seeing visions of the maker of the Beast spear the man who made it was no less than a beast as he pounded the metal till his fists woed as he breathed fire to melt the metal he tells usio that like all others before him he will lose his soul to the spear and become a true Beast whose sole goal will be to destroy hakiman usio asks the man who he is and why he hates hakiman so much but the man doesn't remember those details he has forgotten everything in the last 2,000 years and All That Remains is his unbeing hatred for the demon in another place the association of demon Hunters learns about the Beast Spirit taking control of oio a woman named G May who is the founder of demon Hunters appears before the association and tells them that the only way to turn oshio back to normal is by using the Kong she has passed down to her descendants which currently is in ushio's possession hum VES into Nick Fury mode and assembles the Avengers to save oio her party includes all the girls whose lives have been rised by ushio including you Saia Reiko Eno and Naka she tells them all to go to haido to calm osh's hair and she vanishes the girls reach the airport where oshi's Dad is waiting for them with a helicopter to take them to HW kaido their team unites with Satur and gang around a place called Coten where gushu is headed suddenly a huge Army of leech demons fly towards them to destroy usio and the Beast spear ushio's dad tasks all the men to put up barriers to keep the leeches away and then asks Jun and hanoa to guard the Haram Avengers while the girls do girly things and spend half an hour in intros Torah and azuna fly towards the beast mode yio and auna manages to steal the comb from O's glowing ass at the bridge you gets into a fight with nakaba who takes the first position in the harm but then Torah reaches the girls to warn them that wiio is coming and they are horrified by how ugly and ferocious he has become isuna has the comb and she asks the girls to line up Reiko decides to go first since she's not afraid of the Beast spear as she was stabbed by it earlier as well isuna tosses the cone to her and she runs towards usio recalling how he made her want to live the Beast shoves her aside but she's able to pass the hair removal comb through his hair once and take out a big chunk of it Reiko asks the girls who wants to be next but ushio is dangerously close to them they try to have his way but sayia trips and to protect her Naka headbutts the Beast she saves sayia but the Beast runs away after slapping her Torah follows the beast mode guio and Yanks out his hair telling him that he has been naughty and will be punished by Daddy but the Beast drives the spear through his chest and escapes Han comes in front of him suddenly and uses her barrier to press the Beast Down say decides that is her chance to calm ashu's hair now since no one but a woman from the white-haired clan can get past hino's barrier sayya pushes into the barrier that would deep fry any other human instantly and she thinks about how WOIO gave gave her strength and courage and calms out another chunk of his hair the control of the Beast spear loosens on usio but it uses all its power to blow away the barrier he turns around and sees seya passing the comb to Eno he tries to attack her to destroy the C suddenly he is Pikachu by Torah who claims that Eno is still this prey and he won't let anyone take her he picks up Eno and Saia telling them that he will help them until usio becomes edable again the Beast tries to attack hanoa who does not have enough energy to cast another barrier on him but saves her by pressing him down you decides to go next she states that the bridge on which oshio is standing can crumble at any moment and she trusts her speed to reach him and calm his hair before that because she's faster than even the trans women athletes in her area youu gets on the bridge and takes a crouching start and then dashes towards usio at full speed as the bridge crumbles under her feet hinoa and Jun remove the barrier just as you reaches oio and she leads right past him coming off his hair the bridge collapses at the same moment but luckily everyone is safe and and even oio partially reverts to his human form for a moment he flees into the forest as the girls get confident with the I can fix him attitude however Torah wonders if he should give up on getting ushio back to normal and have a Happy Meal with the five girls in front of him he sees Ino trying to cross the river but she's clumsy as heck and struggles with every step Torah picks her up and brings her his safety because he does not like washing his food before eating as he is lecturing her Naka thanks him for saving her earlier and Eno chimes in saying the Torah saved her too she clings to him saying that he's a nice guy and will help them again and the poor demon has no power over the innocent girls enam decides to go next but no one has any idea where yio is headed just then Jim appears in front of them and tells them to follow her Tor carries all the girls as J tells them that Rio is going to a cave just in front of them because the spirit of the Beast spear sens the traces of his moral enemy hackim in the cave the group lands on the aesthetic field in front of the cave and the Ring of the Beast spear indicates ushio's Direction Eno runs towards the sound and Torah follows her thinking that he can at least eat her if he acts in time however his plans are foiled as he sees ooshio in front of them he puts all this hopes on Eno succeeding the Beast charges at them telling them not to stand in between him and hauman tus shoots his Thunderbolt at him but the Beast reflects that attack using the spear and Pikachu him instead he attacks the unguarded Eno after that but she uses the cone to block the attack and gets flung over the cliff MAA runs to her and finds her hanging onto the cliff she asks her to use both her hands but Eno does not want to lose the precious comb even though she put it in front of the deadliest weapon known to man just now her grip loosens and she falls but Torah comes in clutch once again and saves her he flies up and taunts Beast Moone oio to make him attack them instead of dodging his attacks he takes the spear into his body and restrains oio telling him that he is supposed to be a dirty sneaky and pitiful human and his trying to be a beast is offensive to other demons using this chance Eno Cals off his hair and tosses The Cone to Naka for the last round taka saves Eno again and the Beast slowly starts to loosen its grip on ushio even more however the men could only last for so long while trying to keep the leeches at Bay and they have removed their barriers biches flood the area as they come for usio but they stop outside the Cave's territory because of powerful Talisman place all around the cave Hugh makes a wild card entry saying that they have only 3 minutes before the talismans stop working and if Naka cannot calm B's Hair by then is over for them Lucio who is in pain because of the spirit of the Beast spear finds his body Vanishing and the maker of the spear declares that his spirit is being consumed by the spear and he has no way to return to normal just then G May appears inside oshio psyche and calls the spearm maker her elder brother and asks him to stop using the souls of others to achieve revenge against hakiman the man stops pounding on his Spear and Falls speechless and oio briefly gives control of his body back Naka walks towards him showering him with all the typical sundeer insults while crying but then she says that she prefers him like he is and calms his hair as she asks him to return to her she thinks she has succeeded but then the Beast Spear's Spirit overtakes usio once more he starts sprouting black Tentacles from his arms as he rushes at Hackman's presence inside the cave Naka cannot leave him alone and clings to him and they both fall down a cliff what a stupid pair she recalls how he always used to tease her about being to boyish when they were little but when others tried to bully her he always came through and saved her that made Nea fall for usio and she finally confesses her feelings for him the Power of Love triumphs all and suddenly the spirit of the Beast has no hold over Osio anymore they crash to the ground just as he returns to his senses and at the same time your barriers break and the leeches come flooding in everyone thinks they are doomed but the revived Osio comes to save the day and with one powerful strike of his spear he blasts away the leeches Torah is the happiest person right now and as Yi lays Naka down he tells him to come and fight alongside him so the Chad usio and his oversized aggressive Pikachu tear through the hordes of leeches which honestly remind me of something in human reproductive biology Torah finds that luio has grown even stronger than ever after returning to his senses but usio Bonks him on the head telling him to pay attention to the fight torus starts laughing because he likes getting spanked by iio and then Burns a large number of leeches with his fire breath usio asks him to create a lightning bolt as big as he Cam and send it towards the Beast spear their combo attack works and the lightning bolts pop all the leeches in an instant Torah descends to the ground with a burned out ushio on his back who wakes up soon and asks what is happening since he has no memories ever since he started transforming he still remembers meeting the spearm maker and gai after getting sucked into the spear but he also has a vague recollection of all the girls who put their hearts into saving him making them all emotional Uso's dad and the other priests also come to them just then and they think that everything everything is over however WHIO has one last thing to do he walks towards the cave to honor the wishes of the Beast spear Torah tells him that he is on 1% of his battery right now but ashio does not listen to him so Tor decides to accompany him isuna asks the girls to stop the two idiots they are certain that a man must fight his battles with his Bros sometimes Naka tells everyone that they have fulfilled their mission by turning ushio into a human again and they should just go home and have a girl's night out while they wait for him to return from the cave the girls agree with her plan and leave the action site while Lucio and Torah March into the cave the tunnel gets broader as they reach deeper into it and at the end they see a temple luio is surprised to see a temple here and then suddenly his spear rings and transforms into his Chad form the spear tugs him ahead and goia follows the direction in which it is pointing and arrives at a large Hall with candal lit inside its perimeter on the wall in front of them is a part of hauan the source of intense demonic energy that makes ushio weaken the knees fio approaches the source which attacks him with tentacles suddenly and he blocks the attack using his spear fio clings to Tor because the part is not entirely dead even after being separated but then they sense the presence of another demon behind them Torah attacks it with fire but the attack is reflected back at him as a mysterious voice says that it has been waiting for the wielder of the Beast spear to come here for ages a portal opens up and a time traveling demon the split personality called tokas Saka comes out of it offering to tell ushio the truth behind the spear Lucio is interested and takasaka starts the story 850 years ago the war between hackim and other demons took place and humans also joined the side of the Demons hakiman eventually realized that she must Retreat now so she fled dropping parts of her body in different locations in a hurry most of those parts were destroyed by other demons but the largest part still existed in front of them Lucio asks why the humans and demons failed to finish off hakiman as she was running and takasaka reveals that it was because they did not possessed the Beast spear at that time the two key figures on The Human Side decided to not pursue the spear and instead wait for it at the cave because they were sure it would come towards the energy of hakiman the woman Yuki who was The Reincarnation of G volunteered to Gard the part all her life and drag her successors into it too luia remembers that he met GMI inside the spear but his psize brain cannot understand what the story means takaka tells him that it is best to see things with his own eyes and he uses his power of TR through time and takes oio and Toro with him they pass through the time Vortex and end up in the Chinese capital of 2200 years ago the Beast spear vanishes from oshi's hands and takasuka explains the rules of time travel and says that the spear vanished because it had not been created yet he then tells ushio that he will be back to pick him up when the history lesson is over and returns to the present buio and Tor freefall and land on their heads and as they quarrel about why Tor did not fly a girl comes in front of them wisha was stunned to see the girl who looks exactly like Eno but he realizes that she is GMI he tries to communicate with her and finds that because of toosaka ability there is no language barrier between them J May cannot see Torah and she gets friendly with oshio thinking he is just an ordinary human Torah feels multiple signs of demonic energy all around the area but there's a presence in the building next to them that feels even worse he warns iio about the demons when suddenly they arrive out of the ground and attack a bunch of merchants coming to the town bashio grabs G's hand and runs to safety but the strange earthworm scorpion hybrid demons are after him too Tor protects usio from one of the Demons but he is careless and lets the second demon attack him luciia rushes to action and Bonks the demon with a huge Stone but that has no effect luckily Tor gets enough time to electrocute the demon and then he starts quarreling with usio about who saved whom CH M's confused to see usio talking to thin air and she thinks he is mad because schizophrenia wasn't invented back then how however she believes he's a powerful Sage who can defeat demons easily and drags him to her house chim's mother thanks usio for saving her daughter and then says that if the demons are acting up again it means haiman has returned she tells the story of a cowardly King who lost his mind when he saw a glimpse of hackim in a woman's form and started thinking of ways to stop the demon he declared to all the blacksmiths in China that whoever creates a weapon strong enough kill hakan will be made a billionaire instantly ch's father who is an expert at crafting Divine weapons was also trying his best to make a spear and she thinks he will definitely succeed luio likes the cheerful and happy atmosphere of their family that reminds him of his happy gaze too g m then tells oshio that her elder brother giru will also return home today from a workshop on making powerful swords musio pictures the madman crafting the spear but as he sees giru he finds him to be a perfectly calm and rational human giru tells his father hauman is in their country because a few months ago a comet with nine tals landed in the capital the father Father and Son don't waste a single moment and get to making a Divine weapon to kill hakiman they work all night and in the morning Lucio talks with gimi hoping that the Beast spear is ready just then G's father and brother come out of the workshop with a cracked and malformed spear the old man falls to his knees saying that no matter how hard they worked the spear was not taking shape like they wanted it to however Yuri tells him that he has learned how to craft powerful weapons with dark arts before he can even explain his mother comes there and chops off offer long hair because giru apparently needs them to craft the weapon gir's father also does not hesitate to use such a shady method and usio feels that the entire family needs to see a good psychologist for the next four days and nights juu and his father pound the hot metal non-stop stabilizing it with the power of the woman's hair they finally finish a Divine weapon they believe is strong enough to destroy hackim and take it to the king however the line of Swords Miss at the palace is longer than the line outside Starbucks wiio is hopeful that their sword will be selected but he notices that Tor has been on his Edge the entire time the king is still delirious and asks everyone to present their weapons to destroy hackim but he does not know that his plans are going to fail haiman who is disguising itself as a woman was initially planning to destroy the country by driving the king to Madness but now that he was thinking about retaliation she has no choice but to intervene hacku uses her powers to gain control of the King's consorts and they start shaking creepily before getting deleted from existence turning into the n white Tales of hacku and reuniting with their Master hauman stares at the king and his guards come to protect his life and even the swordsmiths hope to join the fight and kill the demon with their weapons however hakuin transforms into a nine-tailed fox and tells them that such puny weapons will have no effect on her the grand Massacre starts with hauman first ripping apart the soldiers and then rushing towards the swordsmiths G's father charges at the demon too but like everyone else his sword also shatters and he gets ratioed into instantly his family screams but lusio is gripped by overwhelming Terror and he can do nothing but sweat hauman tells the remaining humans to be driven to Madness because of fear and uses a powerful fire breath at them Tor tries to counter it but fails and oshio lunges at G's family to save them from the attack unfortunately he cannot save G's mother who gets caught in a fire and loses her life Lucio is traumatized and rushes at hakiman with a spear but the Demon's terrifying gaze freezes him in his tracks hauman calls usio a snot knows brat and claims that anyone who dares to stand up to her is sent to the pits of Despair haimin uses her flame breath to burn down ushio who cannot move a single muscle because of Despair but Tor counters it with his fire breath just in time their attacks Collide and explode setting the castle on fire and then hakiman takes to the sky bombing the out of the city she flies off after setting everything on fire and oshio is left devastated with the guilt that he couldn't save anyone he goes back to G's house and questions if he is even worthy of wielding the be East spear G comes back to her senses and she realizes that her parents died from hachiman's attacks buio tries to apologize but she knows there was nothing he could do he goes outside to cry a lum then hears the strange voices coming from the workshop he rushes inside the workshop and finds giru pounding a block of metal with his bloody fists Lucio stops him but giru pushes him back saying that he wants to destroy his hands that could not create a blade strong enough to face hakiman bashio stops him and assures giru that he will be the one who creates the weapon to destroy hauman so he cannot destroy his hands so quickly giru is moved by those words but then another kind of horror grips his heart as he tells ushio that there is only one way to create a truly strong weapon and for that he needs to sacrifice someone deared him wishu was horrified and jiru clarifies that he will not sacrifice gii at any cost even if he can never avenge his parents however G has heard all this and she enters the workshop and stands on top of the Furnace telling her brother that she also wishes to avenge her parents she asked yuu to craft a magnificent weapon that can destroy hauman to honor her sacrifice yuu and Amish beg her not to do anything rash but ji has made up her mind and jumps into the furnace jeru and buio both try to save her but none of them makes it in time and they are left heartbroken and as gai falls into the fire pit yuu is devastated for a while but then he gets up and declares that he will not let his sister's sacrifice go in vain he cries tears of blood as he begins pounding on the spearhead he is preparing pouring his rage pain and hatred into the metal with each strike he remembers the death of his parents and his sister's sacrifice and literally loses himself and crafting the blade luio and Torah are stunned to see gir's body melting and fusing with the weapon he is creating giru declares that he has turned into a demon who is filled only with the desire to kill hakiman so he will transform his body into the shaft of his spear he believes that loio is a strong and kind person and he wishes to fight alongside him as his weapon someday with a final strike giru assimilates his being into the spear the spear then Rises on its own and giru speaks from it as he engraves ashu's name on its Tang claiming that he has been a witness to the creation of the Beast spear Tor feels weird around the spear and a memory he has forgotten almost returns to him however he wants to destroy the Beast spear right now so that he is never imprisoned and can live freely he pounces at the spear but it breaks through the roof and flies off to chase its enemy suddenly a bright light shines and J appears in her astral form before oshio and tor revealing that after sacrificing her life she has realized her true purpose and potential before she can tell oshio about her purpose takisa comes to take them back to the present he uses his power to take everyone through the events that happened after giru became the Beast spear he searched for haiman all over China but since he did not find the demon he killed the other demons indiscriminately the demons gathered together and waged a long war against the Beast spear ultimately capturing it and using their lives to turn it into a red cloth to seal it away the spear stay sealed there for many centuries until it was eventually freed by its first user in the meantime jimi's Spirit lived for hakiman hoping to help her brother defeat it she found that hakiman was in Japan so she reincarnated as Yuki and fought in the war against hakiman hakiman ran after sensing defeat and gii followed to strike her down for good however she could not believe it when she found that haiman had inserted itself in between the pillars supporting the mainland of Japan the demon blackmailed G saying that if she is threatened she will run away by destroying the pillars and all of Japan will sink to the bottom of the ocean ji had no choice but to betray the demons she was fighting alongside and purge them before they could kill hakiman she sealed hakiman in the pillars so that she could not leave for the longest time J guarded the seal in Yuki's form but then the body Grew Older and lost its spiritual power she may escaped that body and found a woman called Mado to be her successor who will act as the SST to keep hauman sealed after makato also Brew old G found her current successor sumiko ushio's mother who has been keeping the seal in place for hundreds of years at the bottom of the sea Torah finds the plot holes in the story and asks how usio could have been born if his mom had never left the sea Jim explains that one day suniko told her about a dream in which she was a happily married woman and gave birth to his son who grew up to be a strong and brave man capable of wielding the Beast spear chigai realized that sumiko son was destined to use the Beast Spear and kill hakiman so she allowed her to enter the outside world for 2 years in that brief period sumiko got married and gave birth to ushio with the story completed takasaka brings them all back to the present he tells oio that the next time they meet it will be the final battle and tells him to enjoy his life until then hum says the same and tells ooshio to be his best self to win this battle she vanishes with tasaka and Torah asks oio what he plans to do now oio knows he cannot turn back but he is still terrified of hakiman however as the Beast spear manifests itself in front of oio he decides to honor giru and Jim's wishes he grabs his spear determined to defeat hauan oio returns to his school life soon and for the first time he appreciates how peaceful and carefree everyone is later as he walks back to his home along with Ino and Naka quarreling with Naka over the silliest of things he spots a boy looking at two ants prancing around a small pit the boy is so lost in observing the ants that he doesn't notice truck cun coming his way but ushio saves the boy from being ishik at the last moment however he STS on the two ants and crushes them without even realizing it the boy knows ushio and claims that he is always doing the same thing which is crushing innocent creatures without even realizing it wiio goes home after that only to find that his dad has left on another milk run and has not even prepared lunch for him before going yuio is frustrated but then he starts to think about the weird kid whom he met earlier and wonders how he knew his name Tor says that the boy gave a strange Vibe like the Beast spear suddenly pixie dust starts falling on ushio's hand and before he can realize what is going on is attacked by sharp spikes erupting from the floor buio and Tor rush outside and they find the creepy boy there carrying a big ass Death Scythe and a big demonic bird perched on his shoulder the boy introduces himself as krio a successor of the Beast Spear and claims that he is here to take the Beast Spear and the responsibility of destroying hakiman from oio who is not fit for the job he claims that his elar scythe and companion kin are much stronger than usio and his pet dog Torah gets Furious on hearing this and he shoots his Thunderbolt at kin who deflects it using his special ability called gold Mist Tor gets close to the crow demon and punches him but misses and gets handed a big fat L instead just then osu's Dad arrives with his helicopter he's injured and tells oshio that right now the temple is under attack by hakan's Avatar and they need the Beast Spear's power to defeated it KIRO knows ushio's dad and he asks him to take him along too they get in the helicopter where the old man claims that all the priests in the temple are no match for hachiman's Avatar and ushio is confident that he can help with that KIRO is not impressed and says that all in need are lots of elar citus to deal with any demons in the meantime the priests at the temple are fighting an uphill battle against hachiman's Avatar which is a furry centipede they combine their powers enchant a cealing spell restraining the Avatar just then wo and his dad arrive at the battlefield and the chief priest tells him to visit lady Mado inside the temple osh's dad takes ooshio inside informing him that lady makato is his mother's ancestor and that meeting her right now will be the best thing for him luio hesitates at the door since he is not feeling like meeting anyone but his dad pushes him inside and closes the door there wasio finds the old woman and feels like he has a deep connection with her lady Mado bonds with oio quickly and seeing him goof around reminds her of the time when she was a happy and fulfilled mother G recruited her to watch over huan's seal and she left her Family behind to take on this Noble task and became a sess however as she sees the kind and cheerful iio who wields the Beast spear she was glad that her sacrifice paid off soon the ground starts to rumble and nuia realizes that he must go out to join the battle now outside hakiman abar is trying to break free from the confinement and soru and others try to strike it but their attacks get reflected Lucio rushes outside and transforms into his Chad form to attack huan's clone but his attacks also get repelled and the Clone decides to Counterattack since there is no one who can defeat her now she reflects the ceiling spell onto the priests who cast it and then attacks them buio stands in front of them to defend everyone but he is also useless and hakan's attack is stopped by Lady mado's barrier she greets hauman as an old friend since she spent 300 years looking after her and the Clone Returns the greeting by attacking her with sharp tentacles the tentacles gradually peerce the barrier but lady makado claims that a mere clone of hackim cannot defeat her even though she is almost a death door she unleashes all her energy to destroy the tentacles and then attacks the Clone with a petrifying beam the Clone turns to Stone and everyone is freed but the lady makato falls to the floor because she used all her energy to fight it WHIO tries to wake her up and cries telling lady Mado that if he had been stronger she wouldn't have to sacrifice herself but she replies that it was always supposed to be this way she consoles usio telling him that his path ahead will be a hard one and that his power will not be enough to defeat acumin she requests everyone to work with him to defeat the ultimate Evil and then dies her soul leaves her body and flies off to heaven with gai while everyone is busy morningly Mado curio jumps into the fight and slices the stone hauman into bits to steal the old woman's kill he wants everyone to acknowledge Him as the one who killed Hackman's clone but they call him a kill stealer he is upset at them and claims that they don't need the Beast spear anymore because his mom told him so Kira remembers his mom who is so scary that vemer had a heart attack on seeing her but she always treated him kindly she spoiled him and conditioned him into believing that the Beast spear is useless and must be destroyed a few days have passed since then and musio is still in depression as he keeps blaming himself for Lady mado's Death Torah feels that busho is at his weakest right now which makes it the perfect time for him to kill him he attacks oshio who tells him that it is not the right time for this but Tor slashes his shoulder as he says that demons don't wait for humans to finish crying before they eat them usio transforms using the power and attacks Torah who uses his fire breath on him while remarking that he is so pitiful and weak that he couldn't even save an old woman Lucio understands that and he charges forward claiming that he wants to grow stronger his spear manages to reach Torah who blocks it with his hand because the attack had zero power behind it lhio is furious because of his insults and drops the spear to punch him with brute strength Torah tells him that you infants punch with more strength than this and flies away telling oshio that he won't even taste good when he is so weak pushia realizes that Torah wants him to get out of depression and he feels the need to grow stronger as soon as possible soon after that he suddenly feels his body being pressed down by an overwhelming force and finds curio and many priests trying to bind him krio explains that he has been trying to convince everyone how useless the Beast spear is but the higher ups don't understand him yet that is why he wants to destroy the spear and leave them no choice but to adopt the more modern weapons like his cus the priests with him also say that they have seen that the be spear was useless against just a clone of hauman so they support kiro's ideology as KIRO is about to take the spear from osh's hands wiio shows why he is someone to not be messed with even without the Spear's power he breaks the barrier with brute force and then fights the priests single-handedly however as usio is busy holding the priests off curio takes out the red cloth that has the power from his pocket and throws it towards the spear sealing its power buio feels the spear becoming heavy and cannot hold it as Kira pulls it away he remarks that his mom gave him the red cloth that could seal the powers of the spear completely and now that he has the Spear all that is left is to destroy it usio rushes towards KIRO but the priests trap him in a barrier and send him crashing into the trees before leaving woa stays stuck in that place the entire day and then hinoa comes there to break him free using her Cals they rush to the temple immediately while akibat and Torah are a few minutes late in reaching their location and see the signs of a battle between Oshi and the priests Akiba realizes that the Beast spear must have been stolen and he rides off of Torah to find it meanwhile loio and hanoa reach the temple and informed the head priest that KIRO has stolen the beast's Spear and wishes to destroy it buio requests that the head priest help him retrieve the spear because it is very important to him the head priest tells oshio and hinoa the story of a former priest inasa who researched Divine weapons and created many remarkable weapons that are still used today however he soon went off the rail and started fantasizing about a Divine weapon stronger than even the Beast spear inasa broke the tabos of the temple and used Western technology and Magic to create Divine weapons and he was exiled however he returned to the temple just 2 years ago with the young curio and the giant Scythe impressed by the boy's tremendous spiritual power the priests hurriedly made him a candidate to be the Beast Spear's successor but that was a grave mistake as it gave Ina's ideology more followers luio wants to know where inasa is because he believes that KIRO and the spear will be there too meanwhile akba has already LED Torah to anas's home because he suspects krio of hiding here Torah is more interested in finishing his fight with kuin but as soon as they enter the abandoned house they find new opponents waiting for them akba explains that the weird monsters who look like they escape the jiutu in Universe are synthetic monsters called homunculus that are created by mixing magic and chemistry Akiba knows a great deal about these artificial monsters who constantly whisper that they are jealous of humans Tor doesn't care about their backstory and rushes ahead tearing through them effortlessly Akiba fully supports him and they take down all the monsters in their way until they come to a store room full of elzer ctis they inspect the SES and Torah remarks that humans have grown remarkably Dumber in the 500 years he was imprisoned he shatters the spears while saying that these fragile toys won't even harm him and only idiots could compare them to the Beast spear Akiba agrees but he remarks that kiro's Scythe was much more powerful than these and he wonders what the secret is behind its energy he spots a door hidden behind the wallpaper and to break it open he tauns Torah by kissing him Torah furiously punches him and Akiba Dodges to let him break the wall which leads them to a secret room there they see a mummified corpse of priest anasa and his notes in which he curses a woman just then a mechanical Gollum awakens and starts moving towards akba and Torah on the other hand usio and hinoa also make their way into the mansion by skydiving without a parachute hinoa deals with the monsters using her comms and oio looks around the house realizing that it seems seems like a pediatric Ward hinoa finds Ina's diary in which he writes about his experiments in creating powerful weapons inasa succeeded in creating the ultimate synthetic organism the homunculus cumin but it did not satisfy him anas's true goal was to create the scythes and something called the Materia one day he met a weird woman by the name of taako who told him about her Research into Western sorcery taako offered to help anasa and together they created the first elar Scythe anasa was really impressed by its performance and taako earned his trust and monopolized the Scythe manufacturing process she claimed to be afraid of hackin and believed that the Beast spear was not enough to destroy the demon she manipulated inasa into thinking that the spear was useless and told him about the red cloth that could seal its powers she wanted him to steal the spear so that they could throw it into boiling lead and destroy it forever buio and hinoa panic as they learned this and they rush to find the spear but the wall in front of them suddenly breaks down and they find akba and Torah fighting a Gollum loio wants to rush inside at any cost but the gollum attacks him and while aiba and hanoa get caught in the blast torus saves him at the last moment Akiba and hinoa stop the gollum with their barrier and hinoa tosses the diary to usio so that he can find ways to escape this situation he learns that material was the code name for the perfect human born solely for the purpose of using holy weapons in Aid did many experiments to make one but failed but one day taako approached him with a baby to grab out of trash and she made him into the Materia at this point even anasa started getting afraid of the crazy woman but he continued with the research in just a year the infant was developed into a Materia and inasa named himo inasa realized that he had made the biggest mistake of his life by trusting taako because her eyes showed him something darker and more Sinister than he had ever imagined he was frightened and that was the last thing he ever wrote in his diary Osio wants to help theba and hinoa to fight the gollem but they tell him he is used useless without the spear they are also not going to last much longer because their legs have taken serious damage in the last attack and they ask buio to save the spear as it is more important right now fashio rushes to save the spear along with Torah who is a total Su Deere and says that he is not coming with oshio because he's worried about him however kin is already waiting for them as he guards the way to CUO luio rushes him with a brick but kin slaps him away with his antennas and then asks Torah to stop following such a weak and stupid human Tor is furious because someone else insulted his human and he attacks cin with his fire breath Kum encounters it with his ice attack and as Torah wonders why he's getting angry after seeing oio insulted Quinn pierces him with his sharp tentacles usia rushes to save Torah but Quinn opens fire on him and knocks him away saying that he is too weak to save anyone Bush does not give up and tries to free Torah from the tentacles using the brick Torah tells him to stop as he does not want to be indebted to a human but ushio replies that he is only paying back the debt for all the times Torah has saved his life Quin insults the stupid Duo and attacks oshia with his tentacles but Torah cannot let his human be harmed and he breaks free of quin's grip and blocks the attack he charges at Quin and goes gugu Gatling on him while asking him if his dear curio is brave enough to risk his life to save a friend or to fight against an insane opponent alone Kuman replies that KIRO will never make such stupid or emotion-based decisions and Toro replies that it means he is not stronger than oshio he grabs kin's arms and cracks them before headbutting him and denting his armor Tor declares that he feels Furious whenever K tries to insult ushio he won't tolerate it anymore the two monsters keep on punching each other and Torah tells usio to go and save the spear while he keeps busy oio enters the room where KIRO is arranged to destroy the spear by tying it with a red cloth and keeping it suspended over a pit of molten lead he claims that he was just waiting for usia to start to show the other priests also have the sight as now and they claim that there is no need for the Beast spear anymore Osio charges a KIRO to stop him but KIRO uses an invisible force punch to cast him to the ground suddenly tuo the crazy woman starts playing a creepy tune on the violin and says they will send the Beast spear off with this KIRO rushes to her eager to get her praise because he thinks she is his mother musio knows that KIRO has no mother and he realizes that the woman in front of them is the one whom anasa mentioned in his diary and she is responsible for all this taako uses her power and the red cloth holding the Beast spear is ripped apart the spear falls into the molten lead pit and oshio runs to save it thinking of Jim's sacrifice he climbs on the pit and calls for the spear to return to him but it is of no use as the spe has been deleted from existence with their mission accomplished the priests ask krio about the strange woman and he introduces her as his mom who taught him about the method to destroy the Beast spear the priests have never heard of any woman involved in anas's story and us U's dad makes a sudden appearance to tell them that she is the culprit behind all this he gets up preparing a surprise attack on taako as he tells everyone that she is one of huan's minions who trick yanasa into doing horrible experiments and destroying the Beast spear he suddenly throws a wheel at her and taco transforms into her real form as she catches it with her teeth and shoots mushu's dad at the same time Kira was worried about his mom but then he sees that her real identity is that of a monster hoio realizes that the woman is dangerous but but is too late and she starts a rampage destroying the useless sies and mowing down the priests who were wielding them KIRO is devastated as he learns that his mom is an ugly monster who never loved him and only manipulated him to destroy the Beast spear he cries but she slaps him away instantly whia wants to save everyone and he keeps on calling for the spear to come to him but the Warr appears behind him and slaps him into the lead tank too which has luckily cooled down and Frozen buio cries declaring that it is all his fault for being so so weak but then he hears gir's voice asking if he will fight alongside him once again luia was horrified as the metal turns red and the shape of gir's face appears on it and he asks him if he is willing to fight this battle even if it means losing his soul bosio starts speaking some sad stuff about how being strong equals being sad and lonely but giru ain't got time for his and tells him to scream his heart out if he wants to get the spear back as usio screams for the spear its energy radiates from the lead pit and turns him into a chat again he calls for the spear to come to him but taako stabs him through the shoulder and pulls him out Lucio is determined to not lose to her and prevent any more deaths at the hands of hakiman he pleads for the spear to come to him so they can finish their battle and the lead pit cracks as the spear comes flying to him and rips away the monster's tail Lucio becomes a Chad again and he rushes at taako and stabs her she is backed into a corner and calls her gollem to Aid because it is holding hinoa and akba hostage wish fall on seeing them captured and that tells him to off himself if he wants to save their lives hinoa and akba do not want that and they tell Osio to erase the letters on the goin's head to finish it before dealing with a woman they begin chanting a self-destruct spell to avoid staying hostages but leio does not want them to die and he tells taako that she can kill him if she wants he points his spear away from her and she commands her Golem to attack him however luio has been Gathering energy in the spear too and he hears through the gollum's laser beam for rushing at it and blowing off its head with the round end of his spear shaft Akiba and hinoa are saved while taako is seriously injured because of the blast realizing she cannot win against oshio she tries playing the victim card and asks curio to save her turning back into her human form and apologizing for hurting him earlier apparently the hit earlier damage Caro's brain for good and he trusts the monster woman and attacks usio to save her taako tries to fly away but ushio's Dad has put a barrier around the house that prevents her from leaving it while rusio tells KIRO that the woman is in his mother taako surrounds the priests in a fire Circle hoping to burn them all to death KIRO realizes that he was tricked by her and decides to make amends by stabbing her toak dies and her body bursts into flames but KIRO has completely lost his mind and he swings his Scythe around randomly blaming everyone for his mother's death luio stops him makio is still crying about how his life is meaningless without his mother musio slaps the out of him before telling him to get a grip he claims that KIRO is stronger and smarter than him and can still live in atone for all the sins he has committed Lucio says that lady Mado told him that he needs many strong friends to defeat hakiman he wants CUO to become his ally too KIRO gets some of his sanity back and he leaves with kuin bashir's Dad says that the boy has gone through too much in a short span of time and he needs some alone time to Sur up everything in his head later WHIO claims that he has realized how strong hakiman is going to be but he is not going to chicken away and dedicate his all to growing strong enough to defeat him Toro also goes back to him declaring that ushio has become worth eating again ushio and Torah continue fighting as soon as they get home but MAA comes there and breaks their fight with a gigantic metal Bowl she scolds usio as she tells him to come to school because she doesn't want him to repeat a grade because of his poor attendance Torah thinks that Naka is one abnormal woman that she notices him and then punishes him for wasting ushio's time later as MAA keeps on nagging oio to get along with Tora better as they go to school three scientists are watching them from a security van and scanning them for their spiritual power levels they find that their target Alpha WOIO has a spiritual power level 1800 which is the value of an average human they do not see Tor the target beta nearby and think that kidnapping usio and getting their hands on the Beast spear will be easy in that case as yio and Maca keep walking while flirting quarreling two brothers of truck cun surround them from both sides and some men in black suits surround them they try to kidnap them but ushio fights back and takes them all down the scientists are amazed to see his power without even activating the Beast Spear and they grow even more curious to see his real abilities musio tells Naka to go to his home and ask his dad for help while he deals with the kidnappers however as soon as Naka leaves the kidnappers shoot ushio with tranquilizers and human beasts like him cannot remain conscious after that WHIO wakes up in the van where he finds the three scientists who introduce themselves as the directors of the organization called The Hammer Institute which works on analyzing monsters scientifically to create a weapon that can destroy hackin the scientists believe that the Beast spear has fought hacku before and some fragments of the Demon's tissue can be stuck on it which they want to cultivate to learn more about hackim meanwhile the kidnappers also get Naka but Torah comes to help her after hearing her cries he throws away the man and asks Naka about usio but just then he is surrounded by trucks containing spiritual stun guns that press him down from all sides the scientist explained at Lucio that they created the stun guns to disable the demons from moving and they work on Monsters as powerful as Torah 2 Torah falls to the ground because of the stun guns and gets captured the scientists also take Naka along to ensure that usio will not go berser and cooperate fully with their experiments however Torah only allowed himself to get captured to get the location of oio and he asks Naka to look for usio as he bids his time he tells Naka to take one strand of his hair and tug on it as soon as she finds oio as soon as they arrive at the research facility Tor causes an explos to create a distraction he then creates a clone of NAA from his hair before freeing her and letting her Escape NAA runs through the facility and makes changes to her clothing to ease her moment she stots around till she finds a room where many monsters are being imprisoned and researched she does not realize what's happening there until she meets a demon who looks like a Boy the boy is connected to machines and is terrified of Naka but she still approaches him and offers him some chocolate to win his heart the boy introduces himself as a European ghost called Bal and says that the scientists for forcibly captured all the demons here to experiment on them Naka is furious to hear this so she frees ball and takes him along to look for usio meanwhile ooshio has been taken to the central lab where the scientists analyze the beast's Spear and Osio yells at them to stop he tells them not to defile the sacrifice of gme and juio but he gets a big fat dose of ketamine that sends him back to sleep after that they sense a small tissue on the spear that has very high spiritual energy readings and they decide to cultivate believing that is a part of hauman that turns out to be the biggest mistake of their lives as the tissue grows too rapidly and transforms into an independent monster within seconds as the scientists Force usio to fight a machine to test his true power the spear starts raining upon sensing that hakiman is nearby meanwhile Naka is talking with Bal when hachiman's lab grown clone suddenly bursts through the wall next to them Bal transforms into his demonic form to stop hakuin from harming Naka but the Clone attacks him with its tentacles a scientist comes running out of the next room just as the Clone absorbs ball and MAA tells him that only oio can help them now she rushes to ushio's lab and tells him that hachiman's clone has absorbed all the demons captured in the building and is heading towards them and even the spiritual stun guns are useless on it however the scientists are happy to see that their experiment has produced results and they feel they can study hauma now on learning that the scientists are responsible for kidnapping Bal and other demons NECA turns into Greta thunberg and gives the scientists say how dare you speech just then the Clone breaks into the lab and attacks the scientists loio saves them at the last moment claiming that even though he hates them all he does not want to see anyone die because of hakiman anymore as usio transforms into Chad mode the scientists are stunned to see his spiritual power rise to 100,000 usio fights the Clone and breaks it apart but it repairs itself using the demons he had absorbed and uses their abilities to fight back WHIO destroys all the demons but as he's about to hit ball Naka tells him that he is a friend she asks oshio to save him but the Clone attacks her first and oshio saves her before telling her that it might not be possible to fulfill her request he rushes to finish the Clone and ball requests that Lucio kill him before he harms Naka Lucio's heart softens on hearing this and he decides to save Bal MAA goes to the scientists and asks them how they can separate ball from hackim but they say it's impossible she ask them to do some science stuff and discover a solution but then the Clone sends iio crashing right next to them and traps them all under Rubble MAA sees that Lucio is not in the condition to fight and Hackman's clone is getting closer to them she remembers that she can call Torah for help and with the help of the scientist granny she tugs on tor's hair who is getting bored in his room and he rushes out to save her Torah breaks through all the doors in his path and arrives at the lab in style tossing Hackman's clone aside and electrocuting it with a powerful Thunderbolt Tor then frees Naka from the rubble and teases oio saying that he is pathetic without him after that he releases his energy to fight hacku clones and the scientists find that his spiritual power level is almost equal to that of goio Tor wants to smash the Monster to Pieces but Naka tells him about her friend B meanwhile a scientist noticed that gas pipeline has been damaged and poisonous gas is filling up the floor they shamelessly decide to escape and tell ushio and Naka that there is no way to save everyone here they plan to lock down this building after they escape and blow it up to destroy huan's clone the scientists tell Osio and Naka to join them while Tor is fighting the clone because they plan to destroy him along with the building luio and Naka aren't having their logic and they ask them if they will abandon their colleagues who are still stuck inside the building Lucio says that they have no right to use and throw away other people's lives as they please and Naka asks them what they would do if their loved ones were caught up in the mess her words strike a cord in the geeky Granny's heart and she begins thinking about her family meanwhile Torah has the upper hand in the battle and he uses his Thunderbolt to destroy the clone's leg however the Clone uses the legs of the Demons it has absorbed and becomes a hybrid spider it pushes back Toro with a spe attack and ushio gets ready to join the fight he promises Naka that he will save her friend from the monster because the spear tells him to believe in his power as yio and Toro fight hakan's clone the scientists notice something and tell Naka that there is a way to save Bal while their spiritual stun gun is ineffective on hakiman they believe that they may still be able to immobilize the legs clone and use that chance to save B the geeky granny tells Naka that the control room will also be filled with poison gas soon and if she wants to save her friend she must risk death Naka is determined to see it to the end and Granny leads her to the control room buio and Tor have a clear disadvantage in the battle now since the Clone has learned they don't want harm ball and it uses him as a meat Shield they realize that the Clone is evolving faster than I chatbots and soon it might become too strong to handle Tor is getting irritated by the long drawn fight and decides to finish with a strong Thunderbolt but huan's clone uses him as his power bank and absorbs all the power to launch a powerful attack one of the attacks hits the scientist graning seriously wounding her back she realizes that she might not make it so she asked Naka to keep calm and follow her instructions as Naka learns to operate the machines granny tells her that she also had a child once who lost his life to a terminal disease she was a doctor at the time but could not save him so she changed her career and started researching monsters instead MAA feels bad for her but then she sees that hachiman's clone is put oio in a tight spot luckily the stun guns are fully charged now and she shoots them at the Clone immobilizing its legs she screams at usio to save bow and he cuts through the Clone with great speed and precision to free the blue demon however the power runs out and the guns don't work anymore but ushio doesn't want to save any other demon stuck inside the Clone either Tor and moshio go all out as they destroy the Clone dodging its attack and breaking it into small pieces Yi granny is amazed to see that their power grows beyond comparison when they work together and she realizes that science may never be able to imitate that the Clone explodes and then granny tells everyone to get out of the building as soon as possible the poisonous gas has filled the room and even the Clones fragments are trying to put themselves together granny realizes that at this rate the monster will come out even more powerful than before and she sends a message to her fellow scientists asking them to lock down the building and blow it up in 10 minutes the countdown starts and NECA picks up the Yi granny to help her out but she has lost too much blood and insists on being left here since she is not going to survive she claims that she wants to spend her last moments as a scientist and gather data about hakiman and asks Naka to leave without her Naka runs away crying and meets usio his group in the hallway she loses Consciousness because of the poison gas and ushio follows suit Torah is frustrated that the weaklings lost to a puny poison gas but then he hears that only 5 minutes are left before the building explodes so he carries them and rushes outside yiki granny sends a final message to her colleagues containing the data about hackim so that her sacrifices not in vain and they can create an anti-hack Human Weapon out of it meanwhile loi's dad has arrived at the research facility along with the military to say his son and arrest the scientists they do not resist and accept their arrest the clock ticks and Torah keeps on growing desperate as the countdown nears zero he flies at full speed and makes it out of the building just as it goes Kaboom buta wakes up because of the rough landing and sees Naka on fire he cries as he runs to save her but Torah grabs him and tells him to wait the Naka they were seeing was the clone Torah created using his hair and she comes and assimilates into his body while the real one was behind ushio all this time she was blushing after hearing how much usio cares for her and even he turns red upon realizing that she hurt it all usio scolds her for making him worry and they quarrel but while blushing this time ball also wakes up and Torah tells him that is his fault that they had to go through so many troubles but he is certain that even if no one had asked wiio would have saved him anyway a few days later life returns to normal for everyone Naka and Eno pay a visit to ushio who is busy fighting with Torah and Naka stops their fight once again she beats some sense into them and usu's Dad wishes that these kids can enjoy this peace for as long as possible however hakiman does not have any plans to let that happen hackim whose sole purpose is to curse and kill everything is also preparing for the final battle the strongest demon cannot forget the day when the Beast spear first chased after her and made her feel Terror from the first time hackim curses the spear calling it the most evil in the world and disintegrates one of its taals into minute demons to stop the spear from reaching her again unware of the Demon's plans usio spends his time trying to grow stronger one day he visits noa's home to return her notebook and though her parents tell him to eat some free raymen he replies that you will come eat it the next time on the other hand NAA wants to learn embroidery to win his heart with some feminine charms she asks Reiko to teach her embroideries since she wants to engrave ushio's name on his bag so that he does not lose it again both of of them are walking home through a road shrouded by cherri blossoms in full bloom when they run into each other they are silent for a long while but then start quarreling with each other over Petty things however as they walk past each other both of them feel guilty that they can never be honest about their feelings luia realizes that he might die in the battle against hakiman and before that he wants to be nice to Naka he offers to walk her home and seeing her smile sends even the Lord of Riz blushing they playfully tease each other as they walk ahead but then suddenly ak's vision is blocked by the falling cherry blossom pedes and when it subsides she has lost all her memories of usio she asks him who he is and musio laughs because he thinks she is just joking around however when she says that they have just met and she doesn't like him lhio is a ghast he cannot accept this and rushes into naca's house to talk to her but you and her parents don't remember him and tell him that it is Bad Manners to walk into a stranger's house like this Lucio is heartbroken and as Naka tells him to get lost he apologizes to her parents and starts heading back they stop him and offer him some consolation Raymond because they believe their daughter has dumped the boy bosio cries while eating as naca's parents talk about how the girl has had a crush on someone for the longest time but they can't remember anything about him luio decides to visit the temple where his father works because they might be able to help him to the shock all the priests there including his dad have been turned to stone bosio falls to his knees in desperation and he loses any hope of finding help later he is whining about being alone on the stairs of the temple when Torah comes up to him and he also looks quite distant and detached WHIO fears that even his partner has forgotten about him but Torah tells him to wipe off the pathetic expression from his face buio is overread to learn that he still remembers him and he hugs Toro while crying soon they fly towards ino's house and usia believes she might also have forgotten about him however Torah claims that he has sensed something special about the girl ever since he met her she never appeared to be afraid of monster as much as she should be almost as if she were sub consciously confident about her inner power Toro believes that Ino might not have forgotten about ooshio he adds that all the people who have forgotten him smell hackin and they must reach to the core of the problem on the other hand the demons from all sides are combining their efforts to prepare for the final battle against hauman the limp noosed guy and a guy with limp ears are preparing an army of barrier using demons to protect oshio from other monsters on huan's side and they have also prepared a full plate of Samurai armor to assist him in the battle they are waiting for takasaka who has promised them some news but as he comes back from the future he tells the demons that they can never win the war against hakiman the demons are stunned for a while but then suddenly they lose their memories of oio 2 and wonder why they created the armor in Eno's house her family has adopted curio as her younger brother at the request of Rush's dad KIRO feels he does not deserve such kindness but Eno tells her to not think too much and eat his food before it gets cold busho reaches ino's house in the morning and Naka has come to visit her too she thinks usio is a creepy stalker and tells him not to bother her friend he nervously slaps her because he wants her to remember him usio feels guilty about it and Naka slaps him back before going inside however Wu's Beast spear starts ringing to indicate danger and Eno is kidnapped by barrier demons just as Naka enters the house on the roof KIRO is fighting with a fast and invisible enemy and bosio goes to help him first KIRO has also forgotten about him but ushio does not mind him losing his memories he is stunned to find that one of the doggy siblings and the Unicorn demon were attacking KIRO and they do not recognize oshio either in the house the lipnos demon and his friends have captured Eno and Naka and they restrain Torah when comes to rescue them they claim to have never seen Torah before and then fly away after causing a giant explosion loova doesn't understand why the demons are kidnapping his friends but he joins Torah to chase after them to save the girls after a few minutes of flying they come to the Western Demon's Sky Fortress before they can even get close to it the doggy siblings attack them and send them crashing to the ground a few hours later luio wakes up from a terrible nightmare where he sees the Beast spear shattered he wonders where they are when SAA greets him she still remembers him and ushio gets too emotional to learn this sayya points to the roof where a swarm of leech demons is trying to break her barrier to attack them she explains that these leeches are part of hauan and they have attacked all the people who knew ooshio and Torah and consume their memories about the duo however her barrier is impenetrable and that is why she still remembers them saah explains that hauman gains power from others Fear The More Humans and demons fear her the stronger she gets however even hakuin fears the Beast spear its user and Torah the king of demons this Trio has succeeded in bringing humans and demons together to form an alliance that gives them hope to defeat hackim since hope weakens fear and thus makes hackim vulnerable she used her powers to make everyone forget about them boso finds all this hard to digest and ask Saia for her sour she says she heard it from a friendly demon and then takasa makes his appearance he states that he went as far into the past and future as he could to find any weakness of haiman his body took great damage every time he failed but then he finally reached the final battle where he saw the Beast spear getting destroyed when takasa told the demon leaders about that they felt overwhelming despair for a moment but then declared their intention to create a second beast spear to defeat aiman takasaka realized that they had also lost their memories that he has more shocking news for iio he reminds him that the Beast spear was created by G's sacrifice and to create it once again they need to follow the same process takasaka claims that Ino has G's blood and that is why the demons plan to sacrifice her luio is furious because you cannot let that happen and he destroys all the leeches as he tells Torah to get ready to save the girls on the other hand Ino and Naka are in the sky Fortress a kug human tells them that they shouldn't try to escape as the barrier surrounding them will turn humans into to Ash you know asks nakad if she also thinks that the man with the spear will come to save them just like he did when they returned to Stone MAA remembers that incident but doesn't remember who saved them en states that they both seem to have lost the memory of someone important whom they love but he only loves NAA back NAA says that this is too hard to believe but Eno confesses that she wants her friend to be happy with the Spearman despite that she finds it hard to control her emotions sometimes and cries herself to sleep often Naka is upset about hearing this and she claims that she does not want her friend to cry and wants to give the spearmint to her so that she can be happy soon the crow demon returns and tells Naka that she can go home but her friend is going to be sacrificed for the greater good Naka attacks the crow but he just slaps her away towards the barrier the crow realizes his mistake but then suddenly yo cries out for her friend and uses the Powerline dormant within her to save her and destroy the barrier demon everyone is shocked by what she just did and the limp do come to the room upon sensing a strange spirit spiritual power everyone wonders where inos suddenly got her spiritual powers from and then suddenly G appears before them she ask the demons not to sacrifice the girl but they are adamant that she has needed to create a second beast Spear and Eno is the best candidate since she has G's blood in her Ena was astonished but G tells her that she has a great role in her scheme of things she tells Ino that she's going to be the next saintus who will keep hauman sealed in the pillars after usu's Mother can no longer do that however Ino and Naka don't know Lucio and G understands what has happened she urges the demons to remember usio who is the reason they have come together the limp brothers are ad them in about forging a new Beast Spear and they command the barrier demons to trap G and Eno Naka tries to free Eno but the barrier cooks her hands medium rare she lashes out at the demons saying that it is not fair to use and throw anyone as they please just because they want to defeat hakiman those words remind her of iio but she still can't remember him properly naka shakes those memories off and rushes to help Ino again and the result is the same as the last time the demons take Ino to be sacrificed and G cannot do anything because she does not have much power as a ghost Naka tries to find a way to save Eno but then the Dobby sister starts applying L to her burnt arms and she realizes that the demons were also not happy about what they were doing they were using Ino just because they were desperate to win the war as Ino was released from her barrier NAA tells the demon that she won't resist anymore but they should allow her to say her final goodbye yo claims that she has accepted her fate and is not even afraid of dying right now but Naka does not plan to let her die she asks gai if the sacrifice is necessary to be her blood relative and learns that it is not necessary Naka offers to make a deal with the demons in exchange for saving Eno's life she will jump into the furnace and Eno can help them later by sealing away hauman if needed Eno cries refusing to let her do that but Naka insists that she wants to protect her best friend NAA asks the demon leaders in G for their opinion and they agree agree to let her sacrifice herself MAA walks to the furnace and Eno tries to stop her but the doy sister holds her back asking her to respect her friend's wishes macka climbs to the furnace thinking about all the things she has yet to cross off her bucket list she thinks about her family and friends and how she wants to get boyfriend and go on a date with him she thinks that her ideal guy would be a foulmouthed impatient pure-hearted emotional dude with thick manly eyebrows and big sparkly eyes she suddenly recalls that this description fits the guy who stalked her all the way to her house and wonders if he is the one she has feelings for in the meantime musio and Torah have reached the Fortress too is surrounded by a large number of demons and they defeat them all without killing them to move forward they ultimately reach inside the Fortress and knock down the demons Torah threatens one of them to reveal the location of the girls and they fly towards them luio recalls how he could not save Juro G's mom and gai in the past this time he is determined to not lose anyone ever again inside Naka steadies her heart and Dives into the pool of lava thinking about oio who breaks into the room just then she catches fire as she falls but oio rushes towards her at his top speed and places himself between Naka and the fire pit to save her he screams at her to not die and she looks at him one last time before losing Consciousness they are both burning and Torah does not want to eat barbecue meat he shoots Thunder towards the fire pit and the Beast spear channels it to destroy the furnace busho is still standing after saving Naka from the fire but both of them look like my first attempt at making an omelette the LI knows is furious that their plan was foiled and He commands his demons to attack Osio Torah can stop some of them but he finds that luio is silently taking the beating while holding Naka Torah asks him to fight back but oio claims that these people must have forgotten about them but he has not forgotten that they are his friends his words weaken Torah too who cannot fight back against the doggy brother and unicorn demon and gets thrashed by all the demons G may ask the demons to stop because they are hurting a demon who has saved humans and human who has shed tears for demons the demons don't stop but enob decides that she cannot let her friends be hurt anymore she uses her power to cover them in a barrier and sends them out of the building where the doggy sister pours the healing ball on oshio and Naka just before other demons try to attack them however before they can start fighting the sky Fortress Is attacked by a group of monsters led by a Tor ripoff with Wolverine's blades growing through its mouth the demon claims to be huan's servant who is here to destroy all those who oppose her the two demon armies start fighting each other and Torah takes his chance to get out of here however wasio does not want to let his demon friends fight alone and asks Eno to head to safety with Naka Tora lashes out at him asking him why he wants to help those demons after they tried to kill him and sacrifice Naka Lucio replies that he cannot abandon them because he still remembers their moments together he cries for Naka apologizing for getting her drag into his problem he promises to never forget her even if she doesn't remember him and then hands her over to Eno and ask Torah to take him back Torah is not going back and he just yeets usio to The Fortress where he faces the monsters Torah takes the girls to the Kappa who puts medicine on Naka wounds and then covers her with medicinal leaves yo asks Tora if he isn't going to help his friend and he acts like he doesn't care even if oio dies however he just sles himself into believing that he wants to save oio only because he is his meal and flies off meanwhile Lucio is having a hard time fighting against the monsters as his legs are seriously injured the monsters hang up on him but Torah comes in clutch at the last moment and saves him usio gets on his back and they fight together with perfect coordination they keep on bantering as they destroy the monsters and the demons realize that when oshio and Torah fight together seems that both of them are just one entity they use their lightning attack combo to destroy all the attackers and the demons stare at them Torah tells ushio that even after they save the demons they are not going to be on their side luio does not mind and he flies away with Torah to see the girls meanwhile Saia and the Chinese goddess have also arrived to look after Naka and G tells Eno that it is time for her to fulfill her Duty Saia offers to volunteer to become the saintess and keep hauman sealed but Eno refuses her kindness because she's always dreamt of saving the world as a superhero she claims that musio and Nako were her role models and while she cannot become Brave like them becoming a sest is her chance to live out her fantasy youo flies away with gang asking Saia to relay her final message to ushio she asks him to defeat haiman quickly and then take her back to the real world soon the sun rises again and AIO hears everything from Saia and he promises to bring back Eno at all cost sta says that she believes she has a special role to play in the upcoming battle and she will try her best to fulfill it luio thanks her and then flies off with Naka Naka is admitted to a hospital where she shows an incredibly fast recovery from her Burns meanwhile luio tells everything that happened to KIRO who wants to save Eno but Torah and Kuman stop him because there is nothing they can do do they tell them that in will left to seal hachiman on her own and she must do that job until they are ready to face the demon in the final battle curio understands that and he leaves to research hakiman and find ways to defeat her bushia returns to his house where Hugh was waiting for him thanks to his magic eye he was able to see through hakan's trick and remember ushio who is quite happy to see someone else who remembers him just then his spear starts raining and suddenly a group of monsters that look like tor's illegitimate children appear in front of them tor declares that none of them are his because he always uses protection and rushes to finish them off you stop him claiming that the Beast spear has stopped responding to them because they do not seem to carry any evil intent he has a theory that these monsters were summoned by the spirit self he knows them as a ause monsters whose real names and nicknames are not known to anyone Hugh claims that the azap are shrouded in mystery and he suspects that Tor is one of them Lucio is confused on hearing all this and H explains that he took tokisaka help and went to the past and saw the the monster who killed his wife and daughter or you learned a secret before Rio can ask what the secret is something suddenly comes crashing towards them it is the same ripoff of Torah that attacked the demons last time and one of the aapw tries to attack him however the Ripoff is quite strong and kills it instantly enraging Torah he demands the Ripoff to tell him what is going on but he just laughs because he can't be bothered Hugh interrupts their conversation and calls the Ripoff sooki reminding him that this was his true name he begins a story that takes Place 1700 years in the past when an incuman Bandit who lived only to kill and Luke became the most wanted man in his country the man ran for the soldiers and arrived at the mountains where he found the Beast spear just as he picked up the spear a monster attacked him the spear gave the Bandit its power and he was able to defeat the monster the Bandit saw a chance to grab the bag and started working as a Demon Hunter defeating demons for money however the man lost his soul to the Beast spear just like ushio was about to lose his soul in the past the Bandit turned black like his heart and corrupted by the Beast spear he turned into the monster who stands in front of them now you claims that the monster was once the Bandit named SOI and every other AZ ause was also someone who failed to master the Beast spear Tor doesn't care about the backstory and starts fighting the soii and they are both equally matched usio realizes that if all the azap were once humans who used the Beast spear Tor was also a human too Tor refuses to believe that he was a human once and shoots soku with a thunderbolt but it has no effect on him because their power source is the same Tor asks soon why he's trying to kill other AZ ause and suai replies that the Avatar of hakiman asked him to do that suku explains that he does not have any memories of his time as a human but he has the memories from the time when he was turned into stone like the other ause the azap verify this fact and claim that when they return to Stone they constantly had one thought fed to them a voice told them to hate hauman and kill her luia wonders if it is the same for Torah too but the azap believe that he is different because he has a personal grudge against hackim Torah first wants to know what suu remembers and he reveals how one of hachiman's avatars visited in when he was stoned she offered to let him kill something stronger than all the other things he had killed before she knew that soku was not brainwashed by the Beast spear into becoming Hackman's enemy because his heart was also as dark as a demon the Avatar told sooki that the azerus would be freed from their petrification when the time for the final battle came they will head to the Beast Spear and try to kill haiman but the Avatar wanted to hire sooki to kill the AZ ause before that he accepted the deal and she gave him the power to kill him Torah says that he wasted his time listening to his Trash Story and sukui rushes at him with the Wolverine blades on its face he breaks through his hair Defence and kicks him to the ground but then notices Hugh smiling menacingly at him Hugh declared that he is so happy to see the monster he wants revenge on that he can't control himself from smiling when he went back in time he saw SOI eating his wife and daughter and then scaring his face he realized that sukui left him alive on purpose to let him feel the pain of losing his family Tor wants a rematch with sukui but ooshio stops him telling him that this fight is Hugh now Hugh attacks SOI who catches all this kumay and then attacks him with his Thunderbolt Hugh survives that attack and rushes at SOI injuring his eye SOI is furious and shoots a thunderbolt at Hugh who blocks it using his talismans but the talismans break and give the monster a chance to attack him again however you binds him with his strong steel threads and declares that this is the end of the battle he uses his strongest move but all it does is gives suu pimples over its body he claims it is not strong enough to defeat him and slashes Hugh for picking him up and expressing his desire to taste Hugh's Magic Eye Hugh shocks the monster by stabbing him in the gut claiming that he will not lose his eyes until he sees sukui die at his hands SOI decides to finish him but then he feels that hakiman is getting ready for battle and decides to spare hu for today he kicks him away but lets the kunai stay embedded in his body so that it reminds him of his mistake SOA takes to the sky where the monsters under his command are already present he flies away with them telling Osio that there is no way he can defeat hakiman usio Comforts Hugh but then they notice that the azap have climbed on top of each other and are turning to Stone boio asks them to stop as he has many questions but the azerus tell him that they will meet again in the near future when the final battle starts later wasio patches Up Hugh and gives him some alcohol after stealing it from his dad's stash H offers some to oio who refuses because he not drink legally but Tora taunts him to man up and take it they begin fighting again and he was amused that they have not changed at all he then declares that he will head out to track SOI and get revenge on him no matter the cost however mosio does not want him to sacrifice his life in the battle because he wants his help in the final battle against hakiman he leaves and vhio and tus start preparing for the final battle
Channel: AniMaan
Views: 67,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, animerecap, anime recaps, ani recap, ani recaps, anirecaps, animecapped, anicapped, anime
Id: qyLWXLhNu7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 37sec (10357 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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