Cheating Using ILLEGAL CAMO In Hide and Seek!

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today in Minecraft we have our own castle but we can't decide which color flag it should be I'm all for red but Sunny's rooting for yellow so we're settling this with the game of hide and seek but we can use camouflage I'm going to transform myself into dirt and camouflage as part of the landscape meanwhile I'll be blending in as a spruce log using the tree to stay hidden subscribe to help us decide who gets to rule the village Mel and we're here in my brand new kingdom the only problem is I don't know that flag is still white it should be yellow your brand new kingdom suy we've both worked effortlessly night and day and we finally bought it that flag should totally be mine bro nice try I spent 10,000 diamonds you spent only 10,000 emeralds so I worked harder bro 10,000 emeralds is way harder to get than 10,000 diamonds bro that's cap that's cap why don't we let the goats decide what's harder to get 10,000 diamonds or 10,000 emeralds in Minecraft and while melon is thinking about that question I'm just going to go over here grab all of this wool what are you doing Sunny what are you doing fly up to the flag no no Sunny stop what doesn't that look way better already no that looks disgusting bro there's only one stop there's only one way to fairly settle this and that's with the game of hide and seek Okay I accept your challenge let's do this dib's hiding first I'm out of here all right Sunny You've Got 2 minutes to hide and once I find you it's over bro yeah where are you though you should be counting somewhere I am counting in my red little melon Hut You've Got 2 minutes okay that's perfect you stay right there and I will go find my hiding spot let's see guys ooh over here looks kind of cool red plus yellow equals orange so this orange Hut has got to be a goated hiding spot and in fact it is I even know that there's a secret in here I just got to open up these trap doors and check it out top secret facility got to drop in close these doors don't want melon to discover it and look at this I have a nether portal and I could go to the nether dang it I think the nether is disabled but that doesn't mean I can't hide here I can still do a really awesome hiding spot I've just got to camouflage myself and now that I look exactly like a nether portal I should be perfectly Blended in yes there is no way melon sees me let's go 10 seconds seconds left Sunny that's fine I don't need any more time cuz I'm ready perfect I'm also ready sunny and it's time to dip why is there W here I blocked you in with the best color block in Minecraft yellow also melan I must warn you you only have 5 minutes you better hurry up yes honey that is plenty of time to track you down find you and win this game and declare the Kingdom Mine yeah right we'll see about that you're nothing but a peasant to me I'm the king oh okay sunny the whole point of this hide and seek is to decide that you fool fine I'm the overlord I'm the Supreme Overlord bro whatever call yourself whatever you want to call yourself but when I win this game you will be my peasant you will be a peon you know what I'll cast you outside the walls yo chill that's too far anyway hny for my first question uh are you hiding inside or are you hiding outside I am hiding inside there's no way you f me bro this place is top secret oh yeah well I'm about you with a banger are you hiding inside of what question mark um a structure no you've got to be more specific than that Sunny okay I'm hiding inside of a booth a booth okay okay I can work with that is he in the sunny Booth yes but the kingdom is full of many booths I hope I really hope it is well yeah there actually are quite a few things you could call booths so Sunny for my final question are you hiding towards the center of the map or the outskirts like closer to the walls I would say it's closer to the edge yeah closer to the walls closer to the walls so I'm looking at a booth that's close to the walls yes yes these are definitely closer to the center no don't see any booths out here um wait a second there's a booth way out in the corner it's got orange and white wool what are you talking about bro there's so many other booths make sure you keep your eyes peeled no I'm pretty sure this is the only one Sunny hey Sunny H guys this isn't good melan's right above me hello where are you first things first let's check the roof I feel like you'd be cheeky enough to crack this wide open grab some hey you are really dumb bro you asked if I was inside or outside yes bro but I'm saying you're probably inside this roof where are you oh wait it's not high oh wait it's only two blocks high you can't be hiding in here yeah exactly nice ni try though well sunny I will say the only other place you could be hiding is in these trap doors would you look at that there's some secret base oh no guys this isn't good he's going to discover my Hideout uh Sunny where are you you down here perhaps bro hiding in the water yeah stay out of the sewers ah oh no guys it looks like my camouflage is working he hasn't realized I'm behind the nether portal Sunny you've got to be down here some where wait what this just LED all the way back out and you weren't even in there yeah and now you only have 90 seconds bro the time is ticking bro bro bro you've got to be down there maybe you went through the portal come on come on wait a second dang it what the heck let's go bro you didn't even see me you dropped down looked straight at me and then you went into the sewer yeah bro because you're camouflaged as the portal I have no idea how you did that but how I'll remember this sunny bro you're scaring me so I'm going to give you 2 minutes to hide cuz I want to get the heck away from you okay goats Sunny thinks he can just hide and camouflage right well now it's my turn to camouflage oh hey melon get out of here bro I just swam out of the sewers how was I supposed to know you'd be here well Sunny you've lost uh 5 minutes now I have five extra minutes to hide wait what that doesn't even make sense yeah you cheated that's what you get I'll give you an extra minute all right T starts now you got 3 minutes and now guys check this out with one little command yes I have become the spruce the logger of logs I've just got to find a darker tree and would you look at that I've got them right here I'm perfectly camouflaged let's actually go to this side of the tree all right Sunny you know all about that extra time but I don't need it cuz I'm ready no melan I insist you still have 2 minutes and 45 seconds take your time oh a few minutes later yeah melon just giving you a warning you have 45 seconds left I'm almost done heating up my Taco Bell later and that's time oh bro that burrito and taco are going to hit different just wait till I find you I'm going to Unleash the Beast okay sunny that is actually disgusting please don't poop on me oh I won't poop but it will be a lot of fart particles please don't poop or fart or or uh diarrhea is diarrheal or pee or diarrhea or any kind of fluids of yourself I don't want them on me yo chill that just started sounding weird bro I just wanted to toot bro chill anyways I am seeking you out and I'm going to start by asking my first question cuz I just found something rather suspicious there's an Open Door leading into this building so melon are you hiding inside or outside I am hiding outside wait what the heck then why is this door open over here I don't know don't question it bro it was probably one of those villagers that we had to slaughter to take this Kingdom [Laughter] Sunny we never killed any villagers yeah we never killed any villagers you're right anyways H let's see he's hiding outside let's see let's see I'm going to go ahead and ask my secondary question would you argue that you are somewhere of high elevation like maybe the castle walls or lower elevation I would say I'm hiding at lower elevation dang it all right then my third and final question let me think about this one carefully are you hiding near a structure that's been built or something all natural like a tree M I would say more alln natural also Sunny you only have 2 minutes remaining 2 minutes is loads of time cuz now I know you're hiding near a tree I just got to check every tree in the game and I'll be able to spot you maybe not there so you must be over this way somewhere come on come on I will find you and I will kill you with a Wither Rose we'll see about that Sunny my hiding spot is far too good for you wo wo wo wo wo camouflage did you use the same trick I did you're blending into a tree which one which one is he which one is he oh melon when I find you I'm going to turn you into soup just like all the villagers I mean um the rabbits that were in this Kingdom yeah rabbit stew not villager stew chill chill guys he's getting close to me I've got to make a move dang it dang it dang it where are you melan where are you where is he he's around here somewhere somewhere I tell you oh no God guys he's right next to me bro I've got to change my skins and red disguise okay guys I've become a leaf and now it's time to change my spots okay there's got to be a good tree here do I match colors no I don't bro but you know what it's at least kind of something maybe the trees here are better come on bro come on melon it's only a matter of time now wait a second I have a great idea why am I even trying to find you I should just burn down the forest chill chill Sunny relax you only have 1 minute left and I know just where to find a flint and steel right there ooh is this a secret spot as well wa low key it is anyways melon say goodbye to the forest no no Sunny don't do it bro this is part of your kingdom oh wait you're right I don't want to do this I got to stop it before it all Burns H I'm sorry I'm sorry I made a big mistake 10 seconds left come on come on on I got to win this round it's so important where are you 5 4 3 2 one let's go what the heck bro where are you bro I was in the trees Sunny camouflaged what the heck I swear I just saw you a second ago I climbed up these trees and I thought a sapling fell out but that was you yeah bro you couldn't keep up with the camo just remember you started this sunny you started started the camo hide and seek yeah and I'll finish it ah oh wait I got to hide yeah you do Sunny you got 2 minutes left okay guys I got to choose a hiding spot I could use my secret trapo location in here it's actually not a bad idea and you know what I'll do to make it extra sus I'm going to put a Yellow Block like this and like this and like this so melon's going to think I went under here guarantee it now let's just close the door make it a little bit extra sus nothing to see here definitely not a Megalodon Industries logo definitely not oh look at a little melon and then we'll cover him in yellow wool again and leave a little bit of a trail leading straight to my trap now I think I'll actually hide somewhere down in the mines this looks awesome going in yo there's an advanced sewer system down here and it doesn't even smell maybe this is more for irrigation so that our crops grow nicely cuz it smells fresh and clean but the question is where should I hide got to be a cool spot in here somewhere wao what is this place I found a secret underground room and don't tell me don't tell me there's more secrets there are what is up with these trap doors every single time I open them I find something epic and it's just a giant dead end bro this is like a weird poop pole do you think this is like the Kingdom's out house this is where you get sent to take a big old poo maybe anyways I got to disguise myself now let's camouflage into dirt perfect now I'm going to go ahead and stand right in this corner he'll never suspect a thing okay melon I'm ready sounds good oh my goodness why do you keep blocking off my doorway it's to stall you out and waste your timer and uh Sunny why is there a trail of yellow wool leading to this building with a Megalodon Industries logo on it I have no idea what you're talking about it was probably Dr long bottoms no bro this has Sunny ridden all over over it dude you are an idiot I'm going to find you so fast yeah but what if I just did that on purpose to waste your time or what if it's double reverse psychology so that you think I want to waste your time so you don't even check in there and really I'm hiding in that Tower oh now I don't even know but I just checked at the top of the tower I don't see you and I see like a Yellow Block down here trap doors did you really hide in these trap doors again you idiot oh no melon you're going to find my secret spot a there's nothing here bro this dirt must be a ghost block what it's not even a ghost block no no melon look closer there is something there there is something there just look really close bro I've been looking close I don't see anything wait you don't see it you don't see it no I don't see anything it's a big fat waste of your time dang it bro dang it that's it that's it you'll Ru the day sunny how much time do I have left well if you're leaving it up to me I'm going to go with 7 Seconds no okay I probably have 3 minutes left now Sunny for my first question are you hiding at a place of low or high elevation uh that was a conveniently great question for you to ask bro I'm at very very low elevation oh very very low huh yes you're probably hiding in a grave uh no wait what what did I just find though okay that really looked like there'd be a secret spot right there then if you're not hiding in a grave you must be hiding I don't know where else is a low elevation spot on this map there are are no other spots obviously so you may as well just give up yeah except for the mine bro that's where you have to be hiding no I'm not down there chill so then I'll ask my first question Sunny are you hiding in the mine that was like your third question what are you yes I'm in the mines okay you got me bro that was my second question then why'd you call it your first question I was just seeing if you knew how many questions I have asked whatever bro and now it's time for me to drop down 360 yeah I don't see you above me he said he's at low elevation should I go left or should I go right oh that's a question I'm going to say you should go left okay I'll check out left first bro right looks really interesting though and now you're out of questions um wait what where does this lead uh this is so confusing bro there's an entire complex sewer system down here yeah there's an entire complex sewer system down there yeah exactly guys I don't there he is I got to close that up quick um okay okay it seems like I'm back to the room to the right this place is so bizarre bro you must have gone through this door there's nothing even in here uh guys I don't know what melon's looking at I'm going to take a quick peek yo he's right there he's literally ah uh oh Sunny you must have gone real low perhaps to the diamonds because I know how much you love diamonds yeah I'm in diamonds ah no you've got to be down here somewhere swim no it's just Axel oh I got to move guys I got to move move move move move I think I made the getaway oh Sunny your favorite trap doors you're probably hiding in here wait you're not in here what yeah I probably was hiding in there you're right did you move spots Sunny no I would never do that bro that'd be cheeky Sunny don't lie to me I did move spots you only got 30 seconds left dang it dang it where did you go Sunny guys there he is why is there a dirt block down there oh no I reached a dead end where are you Sunny where are you 10 seconds what the heck you're not in the sewers I don't understand where could you have gone 8 7 6 no no don't tell me don't tell me you're in the tower room 3 2 1 I win dang it yes I clutched up woo that was close well that means this last round Sunny Winner Takes all or it's a tie nah bro Winner Takes all and the kingdom will be all mine you got 2 minutes to hide good luck who whoa whoa whoa what are you going to give me then this wither R straight to the face ow fine Sunny you won't find me regardless okay guys I kind of want to hide in the gravestones this round I won't even need a camouflage now there's got to be some way to access these wait a second no way and hold on let me throw him off with these other Graves I'll put a melon here so he thinks this is my grave oh put an emerald block right here for quale and now he'll never ever suspect me to be hiding in this grave a completely unmarked grave I mean who would suspect such a thing and now it's time to hide close this up and I'm Bing Ching Sunny I'm ready it's about time bro I'm ready to claim this Kingdom for myself just got to emerge from the sewers I'm like a teenage mut Ninja Turtle n you're more like a uh uh a Celestial body but like a really lazy one so you don't really do much and you kind of like don't have a purpose why are you being so nasty because Sunny this Kingdom's going to be mine and you're trying to steal it from me wa where did I just shoot up from I found a new way into the sewers that was cool now let's see you think I'm a lazy Celestial body if that was the case could I do this it's beautiful all the trees in the kingdom are now yellow what have you done to my beautiful kingdom sunny what have you done oh my bad they're not all yellow not yet at least now they're all yellow it's so perfect okay anyways first question melon oh never mind that is Hernando the Axel I thought that was you nah bro you would never be able to find me that quickly hey melon do you like Hernando who even is Hernando the Axel bro Hernando's pretty chill though well if you don't tell me where you're hiding I just got to say Hernando's got a pretty nasty fate awaiting him Sunny you don't have to do this don't take it get out on Hernando it's too late melon Hernando's going to cook Hernando's going to cook no get out of the water Hernando oh wait he doesn't want to cook bro he's actually quite intelligent yes yes Hernando Hernando stay alive Sunny you've got uh 2 minutes left by the way that's plenty of time and yeah don't worry about Hernando he is totally engulfed in flames but he's still sitting in the water so he'll be fine now let's see I remember you last round talking about finding a secret spot in a graveyard so melon are you perhaps hiding in a graveyard uh technically no what do you mean technically fine uh next question uh explain what you mean by technically I might be hiding under a graveyard you've got 1 minute left that's lots of time I know exactly where you're hiding I just got to find the graveyard and dig it up come on come on come on there got to be around here somewhere but where's the graveyard dude I forgot where the graveyard is it's cuz I never used it after I killed all the villagers I just turned them into soup Sunny how did we come to acquire this Kingdom I'm starting to get really concerned H let's not worry about that cuz I found a watermelon grave you got to be here you've got to be here dig dig dig dig dig dig dig trapo o melon you're not in here not even close Sunny not even close guys guys I'm getting a little worried I've got to disguise a little bit skin set andite wait a second if you weren't in the watermelon grave you probably at the golden block open open oh there's nothing in here yes yes guys I'm completely camouflaged let me just uh bust that open a little bit come over here and he'll never see me oh melon I can hear you down here I bet you disguised yourself as a villager melon you thought so Sunny 15 seconds left well if this isn't you I don't know how you got away from me villager I turned all of your friends and family into soup and now you got to cook sunny what are you doing nothing nothing there there is nothing there's nothing to see here no nothing at all nothing at all yep a normal day a normal day melon melon melon there's only one grave I haven't checked you got to be in here 5 4 3 2 1 no wait I won I won you didn't notice you didn't even notice me no bro I found you the game's over I win Kingdom's mine Sunny we need to have a serious talk how did we come to acquire this Kingdom oh I asked Dr long botoms for the coordinates and then he asked me to turn all the vill illers into soup and I was happy to oblige sunny I have no choice this Village rightfully belongs to the villagers so the proper thing to do is to destroy it completely melon what are you doing what did you just do what is that why Sunny if the villagers can't have it no one can but you know what you can have that like And subscribe button press it right now to get goated this is a $1,000 Minecraft build battle but I turned invisible in order to troll melon and win every time and if you guys comment pumpkin emojis I'll turn melon's build into a giant pumpkin why did my melon Bill turn into a pumpkin I hate pumpkins get trolled bro hey yo melon it's time for me to Boop poop slap you chill no you're getting off you're get off you're going off you're getting off nope you're getting off no I'm the best at this I'm a spliff King oh we're both dead nice one melon look what you did now we both died Sunny now I got to fly all the way back up here yeah but now I can destroy the watermelon yes worth it how could you have done this I don't even care about the gold block I'm still beautiful with or without it whatever Sunny round one we have to create a famous landmark I'm going on my side nice nice really nice I don't even know whose side is who so you take that one I'm going to jump the other way and make the most famous most epic Landmark from any time in history that you can build melon okay the competition is worth 10,000 Minecraft diamonds don't mess up okay chill I already know some of you are commenting Sunny don't cheat this time just build for real and beat melon guys what would be the fun in that trolling melon and making him angry is way more funny so I've got some new tricks up my sleeve today but first things first let me grab my schematic now I've got my schematic loaded all I got to do is hit paste and look at it I paid a professional builder to make one of the best most beautiful landmarks of the modern era it's the statue of villery yeah it's the Statue of Liberty Minecraft edition look at her in all of her Liberty Glory I had to pay $20 for this you guys better like the video right now thank you guys I'm not going to lie I'm struggling struggling a little bit to make my build I'm trying to create the Great Pyramids of Giza but I can't build pyramids man this is going to take forever plus I don't even think it's going to line up at the top oh what the heck am I supposed to do wait is there like a world edit command I can use here wait there is I can do pyramid wait hold on a second if I go pyramid Minecraft sandstone and then I do like 20 oh God what did I do I got to go in spectator what did I just create yo I just created a perfect pyramid wait a second I'm going to actually be able to create my build no problemo okay guys while melon's working on his build I'm going to go and creative mode and grab a beautiful invisibility potion and splash myself now I'm perfectly hidden melon will have no clue that I'm on his side of the map so let's go check out what he's bu built yo he's working on the pyramids of Geyer cuz he's an old gezer get it he actually is he's like the oldest watermelon of all time let's not even cap about it but let's see what else he's doing yo he made a tiny little pyramid over there too what is he doing yo what's Mell up to bro he just spawned a third pyramid he's got three different sizes I'm not even going to troll guys he's doing a pretty good job with his builds okay guys now that I have the pyramids built it's time for me to make myself a uh what am I going to grab here I'm going to need some Sandstone some yellow concrete going to pull up a picture of the Sphinx on the side I ain't even going to cap this is going to be hard I'm going to give it my best shot yo guys it looks like melon's working on another build in the meantime while he's distracted let's take a look at all the custom modded TNT chemical TNT compact TNT this looks pretty fun annoying you know I like this one butter TNT I can make his pyramid So Much More Beautiful by turning it into gold just got to craft out the paws a little bit that looks pretty good if I do say so myself tunneling TNT I bet I could drill a hole straight through his pyramid with that and then I want to grab my favorite one the say goodbye this is the Rick Roll TNT and now I just have to go to work let's put some chemicals at the top first Everyone likes a good bit of chemicals to clean up their pyramids uh guys that was the wrong one I hope Mel doesn't look up what happened to my pyramid that's it I'm unmuting in Discord Sunny what did you do to my build I'm not sure what you're talking about I'm trying to work on my statue build right now mhm mhm trying to work on your statue build huh okay that's real cool Sunny that's real cool yeah what do you mean I'm just trying to build a cool Statue of Liberty Monument you know what I won't cheat I won't cheat but I'm throwing something over the wall what did you just do what the heck why is my build changing guys it looks like he missed he just missed my build it's alive but don't tell him that I'm going to freak out and pretend he broke my build dang it melon you blow up half of my build that's what you get for blowing up my build Sunny you scumbag I don't know how you did it but you are trolling me somehow I didn't do anything bro why are you being so mean to me shut up you know you did something that's it goat it's time to use the tunneling TNT and I'm aiming it right at melon I hope this goes and blasts him yo yo what the heck happened to my build it worked that's it sunny I'm throwing another Dynamite over you can't be playing with me dude you can't just Dynamite me because you're annoyed the game's glitching chill yeah yeah yeah there you go buddy melon melon stop I hope your build got absolutely destroyed dude you blew up my entire structure why you deserve it sunny yes karma huh how do you like it oh I really enjoyed it thanks and now check this out I just got to fly around the side place a little one of these and Say Goodbye melon wait wait wait first I'm going to attract him by using the annoying TNT what the heck is going on no why are these TNTs is getting detonated no yes it worked melon why is the chat saying that you said goodbye honey stop trolling so hard I don't even have any time left no there's 10 seconds bro you'll be fine it's okay my build got completely destroyed you scumbag what are you talking about bro why do I hear a vacuum now wait you hear a vacuum cleaner that's weird sunny I guess both of our builds are destroyed are you kidding me what you missed look at the crater you made though my God and you totally cheated to spawn this in too what the heck not only are you spawning things in but you're destroying my builds now why are you accusing me of spawning this in I only paid a builder $20 to make this oh my God that's even worse bro there's even an inside to it isn't it awesome dude that is so awesome Sunny wow good for you bro I'm so proud of you you're crazy what are you doing not doing anything melon melon chill melon think about you killed her you killed the statue of illery no don't worry it's head's still there there's nothing left don't worry there's still some bricks there's no bricks left there's just a hole in the ground don't worry there's still some dirt okay melon it's enough you don't have to be so salty that you lost the first round you're such a cheater well I guess what do you think about my build your build looks a lot like you trash what the heck man let's just go to the next round hey melon the theme of the second round is farm animals farm animals yeah bro okay sounds good okay guys since Sunny cheated in the first round I'm going to do a little bit of cheating if I type in this Command right here and just paste something in boom I have my very own f Farm now I just got to add some farm animals give me some cows some chickens what else do I want sheep hey let's even add some goats oh they don't got goats okay this should be good spread the love okay guys let's see what melon's up to on his side just got to go invisible and take a peek around this corner it's only been about 1 minute into the Build contest and melon already has this he thinks he can get away with using schematics I'm supposed to be the cheater not him that's it I'm going to prepare the ultimate prank all I need is an anvil and a name tag collect my Johnny tag and then I grab some Vindicator spawn eggs let's do this sneak past him to the back end of his barn right around here yes dig a quick little hole in the ground and spam it spam the vindicators this should should be enough then name them all Johnny yes come my Army get bigger then I Splash them with invisibility and release them yes come this way my vindicators this way and I Unleashed them on melet's Farm look at it go it's animals they're all going to get chopped what's going on why do I why are my cows getting getting chopped up why is there a floating axe what is happening that's it netherite axe I need to stop this they're all getting destroyed what the heck where did this thing go yo I can see its particles look at this his whole Farm is getting slaughtered is that a Vindicator that's it going in survival mode I'll take them out myself yeah ow they hurt they hurt oh I did it I killed them what the heck dude are there any more of those guys ow what the heck no no no come on no ow yo he got slaughtered by Johnny bro who is Johnny what is going on dude I need to spawn more please tell me there's no more Johnnies what the heck I can see his stupid floating ax again dude I need to take care of this guy this might be my favorite prank ever it's just a floating iron axe destroying melon ow ow and then his animals too it's destroying everything Sunny how much time is left I'm getting destroyed by Johnny I don't understand who this guy is you have 2 minutes left melon uh guys the invisibility wore off all the vindicators are visible Johnny's a Vindicator wait a second Sunny are you behind this I got to go I got to go I'm going back to my side guys I'm going back to my side and then I got to create my barn quick before melon gets over here paste why are there so many vindicators and why are they all named Johnny that's it I'm cleaning them up this is over for them and there it is my barn it's beautiful I just got to fill it with animals I got to fill it with animals quick I want a horse spawn egg a cow some Piggies and sheep o I'm going to dye my sheep too this is a little cow patch we got horses in here I got the horses in the back this is a pig pen guys trust me and then we got our sheep seies and check this out die I'm going to make green for melon red for melon and yellow for me beautiful two yellow sheep as well and then in this last pen I'm going to do something really weird it's a frog Farm trust me these are totally normal frogs nothing weird about this at all melon are you done your build yet bro hold on I got to spawn something exotic in yo wait what chill chill chill and then in the front of my barn guys there's just going to be chickens everywhere surrounded surrounded in delicious nutritious chicken okay I'd say that's pretty good that's a lot of chickens all right Sunny I'm ready yeah do you want to check out my build first or yours uh let's check out yours first okay come to the Wall come to the wall hey Sunny hey dude why are you invisible I don't know what you're talking about you don't hey chill look I'm Not Invisible I'm Not Invisible see where'd you go everything's everything's normal bro hey what's up with all these chickens though dude don't TNT my chickens look at them I don't know what chickens you're talking about bro I don't even see a single one on your base meel melon melon just go look at my barn stop it you're flinging my farm animals everywhere it's not cool okay I'm checking out oh what the heck just go inside I got horses this is actually a really cool bar in it sunny like I'm not even going to lie wait what the heck is this bro you got a toad room yo yeah these are my froggies you like them I can just sit on toad chair yeah dude they're frogs relax show them respect and you didn't even notice my sheep a they're so cute you got a second floor too you got any animals up here no you have your own little living space hay bales chest this is actually quite the cute Farm sunny and I can kind of believe you did this well I did so what do you mean kind of I don't know I kind of do but I still think you probably spawned it in bro I know you cheated how do you know I cheated wouldn't you have to cheat to know I cheated I have a feeling you cheated is what I meant to say so so if you cheated to know I cheated you're just as guilty as me if not more guilty than I am whatever dude bro why am I invisible wait you were behind the Johnnies weren't you I don't know what you're talking about I don't know anyone named Johnny I'm on the very top I'm on the very top yo melon your barn is crazy you have mushrooms yeah bro check it out I didn't see any mushrooms in your barn and you have flowers and trees I'm going to give you credit where credits do you made a pretty nice Barn I paid a lot of attention to detail you feel me I feel you no an knock with the johnes go away johnes hey now all your farm animals are dead nice one a small sacrifice to make for the herd to survive melon for the third build competition let's see who can make the best house yo I got this down pet this is my specialty no peeking and no cheating especially okay guys for my game plan I'm just going to use one of these TNTs and make myself a really PA pathetic little brick house because I don't even care about this round I totally won the first two so I want to give melon a chance but mostly I just want to troll him so let me grab an invisibility potion for 8 minutes slap that on and yeah look at his house oh it's so cool it's so nice me put a couple extra invisibility potions for later in here that looks good and I think the only other stuff I'm going to need is a worldedit wand now now let's go spy on the melon this is looking fire so far I'm liking what I'm seeing yo guys he's just made a tiny little entrance to his house he's barely started this looks like a good start to the house yo melon's house is coming along pretty dang well so far it'd be a real shame if something were to happen to it all right guys time to decorate the interior a little bit got to get my netherite sink out of course the classic netherite drawer just in case you know my house explodes for whatever reason and look it even functions as a chest this is sick bunch of cabinets on this wall yep got to have a netherite oven how you going to cook that looks pretty sick and let's get a crafting table and furnace Yep this looks pretty sleek and cozy time to make the second floor She Got To Build It Up from the sides okay guys this is my time to strike melon's gone upstairs he's working on floor two yo what has he done in here this man has an obsession with netherite Cabinetry what is going on you know what I'm going to fill this one with invisibility potions see if he notices and then I got to break this block and go underneath it's time to flood it with lava and in case that's not enough I have my world edit wand let's go up here and we're going to do this click that click that set lava oh that's plenty oh this is going to be good it's all going to burn it's got to go outside and wait for melon to realize his house is on fire yeah this looks pretty good oh I like this wait what the heck why is my house burning why is the whole first floor on fire oh this is not good what am I going to do what am I going to do I need water I need water right now I need water right now yo if he puts water it's going to turn everything to obsidian that's kind of cool maybe bro get rid of all this flame this is not good but now's house is just flooded it's so ugly bro what the heck just happened my house is still on fire it's like Pompei melon are you good I hear you freaking out over there bro my house is burning down what did you do Sunny nothing but I hear there's a lot of alanic activity in this area bro this is such cap I can't even put it out with all this water bro there's probably a volcanic eruption underneath your house bro did I did I get rid of all the fire I think I did it oh bro my building's ruined guys melon's house is so ugly now time to give him a 1 minute warning hey melon there's only 1 minute left wait what do you mean there's only 1 minute left my house just got destroyed that sounds like a personal problem dude are you kidding me I can't even drain it in time wait I need sponges give me the sponges yes I can do it I'm doing it is there any more water right here he hasn't noticed there's still lava underneath this home yes wait there's still lava it's underneath the sink are you kidding me and now guys game mode survival big man melon set lava no what the heck are you kidding me melon what happened did the volcano erupt you are such a scumbag Sunny I'll show you a volcano I got to get back to my house and clear my effects want to talk about a volcano huh Sunny melon the time's up let's just review the builds let's review the builds all right let's review yours first Sunny okay take a look I built this nice contemporary brick house it's small it's quaint but it's beautiful oh that's weird that you got no volcanoes erupting here that is quite interesting I am a meteorologist I made sure to check all of the Landscapes before I constructed my home dude my house got destroyed wait what's that bro what what's going on oh no melon what is it melon what have you just done what have you done this is too much what have you done look up in the air you should have checked the landscape you just erupted Pompei onto the entire Minecraft world well I guess this round's a draw I I think um you lose disqualification hey you did the same thing to me you were trolling me the whole time time what no no evidence whatsoever of trolling was seen I was minding my own business on my side of the map and you just lit off a whole volcano call it a draw no more Shenanigans this is the final round whoever wins it wins everything let's go wait creative mode please yes clutched it yeah me too me too oh no not spectator not survival oh that was a photo finish clutch that was crazy hey melon uh the theme of this competition where are you bro yeah I'm right here Sunny the theme according to my calculations is skyscrapers and I've got a really cool build in mind I'm going to make the tallest coolest building ever bye I've got a cool build I got a blueprint for it all right guys since Sunny's been messing with me cheating and trolling this whole time I'm going to head into the TNTs I grabbed myself a little TNT that spawns in a few houses check this out guys please don't go over the wall yes this is perfect not only do I have my own building I have my own City spawn in a few more and that should be enough to secure the dub uh melon why are there houses coming through the wall don't worry about it I'm just a very quick and efficient Builder all right this is like sus times infinity bro this is the weirdest most obvious cheating what what are you doing I'm not doing anything bro I'm just playing the game can we just play guys okay chill yeah yeah yeah let me just play the game too then I'm just playing the game give me a second to just play the game okay guys I hired a builder to also construct this it cost me a little more than $20 he built me the most insane Mansion skyscraper you've ever seen there's a helicopter pad there's a rooftop pool this thing is crazy yo I can't wait for melon to see this he's actually going to be impressed and he's going to want to play hide-and seek and he's going to be like wow Sunny you're so cool how did you build all that and I'll be like yeah bro I invest in my builds I'm an architect all right Sunny I'm ready if you are yeah I'd say my luxury skyscraper is looking pretty close to completed let me just put the finishing touches yeah that looks just about right okay it's done yo what the heck did you build I decided to take this competition pretty seriously melon so I reinvested My Rewards from last time and hired a super architect to make me a luxury skyscraper Hotel this looks rather pasted in Sunny what do you mean just weird that like these blocks are conveniently one block High I don't know man I don't know it wasn't me it was the builders though so it's cool bro this is insane insane though do these elevators work uh yeah you just have to go in creative mode and fly oh that's kind of lame but this is insane yo it goes on forever you actually went all out on this build how much did this cost you I don't want to talk about it I might have gone on to one of those build discords and paid $100 for this bro you paid $100 for this you trash bro it's the same thing copy and pasted wait what do you mean this floor is the same as the floor below just same as the floor below same as the floor below are you kidding me I got scammed yeah you got scammed hardcore my dude be careful when you commission things guys they might be using the same build 100 times it still looks really cool though check out my build though it is totally not the same thing over and over again every structure is completely unique check it out Sunny dude this is the most hideous skyscraper I've ever seen it's a monster bro bro it's has tons of rooms it has even more rooms than your build yeah but it looks like it's growing things out of itself what do you mean guys vote whose build was better melons or sunnies I think mine was better well let's let the comments section decide Our Fate who wins the 10,000 Minecraft diamonds is it melan's ugly splattered up town or my beautiful scam skyscraper I don't know sunny but what I do know is that I'm about to set this place on fire wait why what is that melon melon what are you holding what is that TNT called don't worry about it don't even know what this is it looks like a coral reef yeah I don't really know what it's going to do either we're going to see though you just destroyed the ground that was it that was pretty anticlimactic melon that was so lame that I'm constructing you a new custom TNT sphere it's all for you no Sunny chill I'm far away there's no way no what the the heck why am I in survival and melon we're going down together game mode survival Big Man sunny yes oh no oh no I think I'm safe on the wall ow oh wait it's it's still exploding melon it's still exploding oh wait no we're good hey it stopped but you know it's not a scam clicking the like And subscribe button do it right now this is Minecraft hide and seek but we're at the zoo we have so many custom realistic animal mobs it's so goated hey melon look at me I'm a goat now and if you want to be the goat smash that subscribe button or else or else what melon you don't want to know yo melon we're here in the Madagascar Zoo bro I'm ready to out hunt and seek you yo chill Sunny chill stop hitting me I don't have any chill bro I'm going to bust that melon top actually wait I'm out of here bro I'm hiding first good luck Sunny you got 2 minutes 2 minutes is all I need okay he guys look at this place it's crazy yo there's a beaver on the loose wait no this a mongoose there's literally a mongus in this Zoo yo snakes beware you're going to get caught slipping and eaten up yo iguanas this place is epic I love it it's just like a real zoo where certain animals are allowed to get out of their cages and roam free and then other wait uh this one is not a normal zoo animal that gets let loose this is like that friendly seal he looks kind of like a dog I want to pet him like do hey buddy how are you doing actually this is goated melon's going to think this is me because we've got the morph mod check this out Big Man sunny I'm going to morph into the seal yo I could just chill anywhere on the map now I'm with my bro check this homie out okay now I don't actually want to be a seal so let me just demor really quick and find a better hiding spot cuz I want to check out more of this Zoo we've got giraffes over here why are they with the elephants and why are they all stuck in this trench what the heck be free get up here homies I'm giving them a way up maybe they prefer it down there I don't know oh wait they're coming up let's go what else is in this Zoo let me check this cage right here uh maybe this is where all of these mongooses were supposed to be yo guys there's Lions bro I think I'm going to morph into a lion and hide back here these are one of my favorite animals cuz they got that yellow fur and Sunny's kind of like a lion I just wish there was goats in here be honest maybe I can add some yo oh my gosh forget being a lion I'm going to get goated where else should these goats be wait a second I'm going to put them with the brown bears is this okay yes the Bears are friendly what about the tigers are the tigers friendly hey the goat's fine all the animals are so friendly this is awesome I just got to put a couple of goats in these exhibits to mess with melon and then some up here yo I'm going to put some goats right when he comes out from seeking it's going to distract him so much yes he won't know what to do with himself there's so many goats Sunny you got 30 seconds left dude yo chill chill chill 30 seconds that's plenty bro I'll be good I'll be good I've just got to pick my morph I'm goated let's do this so guys I'm the only goat that's chilling with the elephants okay I'm literally the elephant in the room but it's fine he won't see me as long as long as they swarm me they're literally encircling me with their big elephant tusks this is epic okay melon I'm ready okay sunny it's been a long time but now I'm going to take this netherite sword and I'm going to shake wait what the heck is this is this a normal goat yo melon chill bro you don't have to stab me or any goats or any animals with that sword well I just killed a goat bro I don't remember there being this many goats out here what the heck Sunny why would you stab a goat bro we're supposed to be goated die lizard dude melon you've lost your mind I got reptile leather I don't really think that's a thing but okay sunny for my first question out of all the animals in the zoo which one have you morphed into bro that's basically cheating no it isn't dude I still got to look through all those animals and it's going to be annoying all right fine I disguised myself as my true form the goat oh my God there's so many goats I got to kill them all no wait what why would you kill the goats bro cuz I have no choice melon you've lost the plot guys comment down below save the goats save the world H this goat right here is looking a little sus oh guys he thinks he's on to me but he's not even close to this exhibit that's not him this one's Sunny that's not Sunny that's not Sunny either that one's not Sunny dang it I've checked so many goats none of them are you I'll give you a free hint where I'm at it's very noisy bro everywhere's noise wait oh no those are lions RA bro what which one are you I am the goat with the sauce the goat with the sauce I'm the goat with the sauce yeah boy that's going to be my new hit song it's going to be like a top 10 right there next to Bieber okay sunny second question which exhibit are you closest to I'm closest to oh the giraffes the giraffes yeah what the heck I'm not even anywhere near the giraffe good good good let's keep it that way guys I got to move I said I was closest to the giraffes which was true but now I'm going to move closer to the elephants please protect me be the shield be the shield wall those are the gorillas H oh I found the giraffes yo yo guys he's getting closer this is not good there's also elephants in here don't see a singular goat what this is good yeah there's no goats anywhere near those giraffes what is there a goat in here somewhere I only speak the truth because I am goat yo guys this looks kind of sus I'm a lowkey like in this elephant's bum all right I'm going to whack this elephant and do I have to kill you elephant you really want to fight back you don't want to smoke dude kill them elephants kill the melon he can't they can't do nothing to me that elephant literally didn't fight back I actually kind of thought it was going to kill me but it just like let itself die hey you can't even hit me but there's no goats in here you're not even in this exhibit yeah you're right you're right you're right why are you being so wait wait wait get back here no no no no no no meel we can talk about this we can talk about this remember if you want to be goated you should never hurt a goat well that's true but you're a fake goat you're a fat I am not a fat bro I am the real g with the goat ow let's go Big Man sunny was slain by the bigger man melon Bru you are a cringe Lord for that one okay sunny it's my turn to hide so I'm going to give you this sword right here uh just let me give you one more hit oh thanks bro that was really nice of you we have that too that some of that leather yo chill and now I absorb the melon Soul no I'm out of here I'm going to go hide I got 2 minutes that's right one ugly melon two beautiful sunnies three intelligent sunnies and four really dumb melons sorry am i counting out loud again 5 6 17 shut up Sunny 29 brains is what melon doesn't have 30 brains is what Sunny has okay guys for this round I'm going to become a water animal this is the last place shy will ever suspect so just going to enter in with the sharks hopefully they don't kill me um there's barrier blocks here so I'm going to have to go in from above fly up here break a hole and then I just have to morph myself into a shark so all I got it oh my God where's the hole where's all where's all all I do do is type A little command SL morph big man melon morph myself into a shark wait I'm still drowning cuz I'm a player wait give me air give me air no no I'm going to drown uh uh uh what do I do what do I do wait I'm regenerating Health in a quick enough time hold on I'm just going to place a little bit of an air bubble back here for myself and then place the door down now when I go back here no I still can't even get in no yo guys I'm making two new weapons the melon slapper and my second weapon is the melon Destroyer this is how I'll get air I'll go over this Magma Cube and shook up some bubbles Sunny will never know all right Sunny I'm ready whenever that's perfect timing cuz my melow destroyer and slapper are prepared yes you're so going down now my first question I have to ask cuz I refuse to hurt one of these beautiful creatures are you morphed as a goat I am not morphed as a goat Sunny good now I'm just going to pet the Little Goat so so cute look at this little guy right here he's the best he's the goat now melon for my first real question cuz I totally shouldn't have counted it's going to be are you close to the center counting zone or really far on the outskirts I'm definitely closer to the outskirts that's for sure okay yo I bet melon's one of these bears that seems like the type of animal you'd become cuz they're kind of cute cuddly but you also think you're the biggest and the baddest which you're not so you would toally be a bear bang that's not you how about this one no that's also not you I feel kind of bad about this um melon I'm just going to ask are you a small or large animal I would say I'm a pretty large animal wait then you could be one of these Bears except you're not freaking out as I kill them uh you probably shouldn't attack a bear Sunny it might hit you back and it might hurt these are really friendly Bears I don't know why but they just are so cuddly and they don't do anything except let me kill them what did he draw yo I got a bear head I can't wear it though that would have been so epic I'll at least hold it and honor this bear Sunny you only got 2 minutes left and you haven't even gotten anywhere near me yet yo chill that's cap I have at least 2 minutes and 10 seconds you know what's cap you your cap Sunny you're C dude I only have one question left I've got to be careful and very big brained about it I need to explore a little bit more First Once I have a minute left I'll probably ask a question yo they got her rambe back here Monas I like Monas yo melon I think I found you bro what do you mean there's an army of gorillas and then one random little seal in there no that's not me S I don't know what you're talking about from the top turnbuckle boom wait it actually wasn't you you really thought I'd be a seal sunny I eat SE uh what you eat se you eat seals no I don't eat seals I heard that bro but I actually got to say something really weird I might might be the king of the jungle bro all these gorillas are following me around maybe I'm part ape I'm kind of the goat you know these monkeys love me well Sonny you can bring all the monkeys in the world you want and I'll still destroy you cuz my morph is so overpowered and thrunk yeah you think so bro gorilla Army let's roll out yo I don't know why they like me so much this is awesome though okay now where should we go he says he eats seals so he's probably in a water environment but there's nothing in this you only got a minute left Sunny yo what is this bro melon I just found something kind of crazy what did you find I don't think I should tell you about it dude it's just for my knowledge come on monkeys let's roll bro you're being sus dude where are the water cages yo I see one there's a huge aquarium back here let's go let's go let's go goat mode roll out oh my monkeys are gone they were too slow oh well melon I bet you're one of these sharks bro you only got 30 seconds left Sunny the melon slappers ready wait how do I even get in there there's barrier blocks I got to break in from the sides wait it's covered up what the heck bro where's the entrance where's the entrance yes I found a ladder let's go let's go we got to get to the top and jump in please I will destroy you melon please please please yes there's a way in yo melon I'm in here wait oh I thought they were going to attack me these are the friendliest cutest most adorablest sharks ever yeah bro the sharks are kind of nice whack them no don't hurt my brothers you only got 30 seconds left yeah your brothers won't be lasting too long melon are you this one with the big nose come on hit him this big one maybe this big one you're drowning sunny it's fine I don't need much more time I just got to find and eliminate you which one of these is moving weird wait wait wait wait there's got to be air in here somewhere this one no I can get one more no thanks for the XP buddy how is that even possible bro I can't swim in there I literally drowned Sunny you got 10 seconds left bro that's enough time I need to get my axe wait no where is it I need my axe it's got to be here somewh yes I got it and I see you that's you getting oxygen no what are you talking about hit him yes bro that was a photo finish I had like less the 2 seconds oh wait no I'm going to drown melon I need the air I need bubbles ow ow now the mag was killing me Melon No you know what sucked about that round though I wanted to show you the melon slapper if you wouldn't mind just standing right here uh yeah let me see boom nice one boom nice no oh my God two hearts two hearts bro how much knockback is on that 100 bro all right Sunny you got 2 minutes left and I'll let you know I'm crafting up a special weapon for you this yeah is it perhaps the melon Destroyer there you go have fun I'm out of here I don't need no melon Destroyer I'm I'm going to actually just rename his thing into Super noova Exploder sundai that's a pretty good name I think for my a okay guys I'm going to do something so troll I'm going to morph myself into one of these little tiny crabs right here and then I will be right at the starting area melon will never suspect a thing okay melon I'm ready W that was fast dude where the heck are you on fighting I bet you you're somewhere near the spawn and sunny luckily I have a weapon that is so powerful I can one shot everything I'm killing all the animals I'm a fruit I'm a fruit going to stand up for fruit kind yo you need to relax melon bro you're losing your mind die dude dude what are you hurting right now everything this seal you're dead this other goat you're also dead what else can I hurt goat you're goat so you're okay oh you're dead yo melon relax dude you're scaring me die die I'm going over to the Bear exhibit die one shot it one shot it one shot it going crazy Sunny I'm going crazy can I put this bear head on no I can't Sunny for my wait a second yo guys melon's actually losing his mind right now he's attacking so many innocent animals I think he's over here near the Bear exhibit I'm trying to sneak my way in give me this monkey me yo guys I'm so scared you trying to attack me gorillas what are you going to do I'm going just one shot all of you I'm going to kill your brothers and your sisters guys he's going absolutely insane he killed so many of these Bears he won't expect me to be back here now I've just got to quickly morph a giraffes die oh these giraffes are going to actually take a hit what about these El yo guys I just morphed all players in the black bears so I wonder if melan's going to realize he transformed into the very animal he was trying to kill do I have more hearts and why do I feel lower to the yo why am I a bear what yo guys I'm going to keep morphing melon into different animals no check this check this one I'm going to turn him in to a snake yo I'm a snake now wao wo these snakes have so much health what yo this kind of op die and I onot people it makes sense cuz I'm poisonous melon you only have 3 minutes left bro you need to chill out and start asking questions okay okay for my first question Sunny um which m I'm trying to think still uh are you inside or are you outside I'm I'm outside you're you're outside huh yeah okay second question which animal are you morphed into I'm morphed into a bear you need to chill wait bear bear I'm coming for you yo guys melon's coming to kill me but I'm going to turn him into a firefly he's going to be so tiny yo what the heck I have one Health and I'm so small can I at least fly what am I bro I'm like a little fly thing am I a firefly where are these Bears I lost track of them I'm turning him into a ladybug this is so funny BR I'm a ladybug now I'm so tiny I can't even fly no hey melon hey melon I know I'm supposed to be The Hider and you're supposed to be the one asking the questions but I wonder what's your favorite animal uh like uh Eagle you're dumb bro it's the goat everyone knows we both like goats but my real question is what's your least favorite animal like what animal do you absolutely hate the most most um wait is this the Bear exhibit no yo you splattered like a bug oh my God I am so low on health it's so hard to do this parkour no with the crabs I'm going to drown a little ladybug dude I hate crabs really that's interesting take a look at yourself no Sunny stop are you morphing me into all these animals yeah dude and now you're a crab one of the nastiest animals ever Oho no how do I get out of here guys I'm making a run for it this black bear will survive no matter what I've just got to find a more secure exhibit or climb this ladder and hide out on the aquarium roof except I'm a bit large to climb the ladder this is this is not going very well uh yeah I didn't think this through going back to the Bear exhibit and I'm going to slaughter them all that's it we're going to become armadillos bro I got so much HP I'm an Armadillo bro I'm literally A Little Rock though are you this bear I thought you said you were morphed into a bear I was morphed into a bear bro but now I'm camouflaged perfectly what do you mean you're an armadilla yo look at you you're a little rock running around you can see me right now yeah boy what the heck where are you I'm camouflage that's all I'll tell you and I'm the same morph as you are you in the Bear exhibit right now that's my last question no bro you're in the Bear exhibit right now what the heck how can you see wait a second there Stone right around us go chill he said he's camouflage you can't see me bro what do you mean I can't see you I'm goat mode right now dude I can see the whole world from up here oh wait I mean I can see you from the brick wall that I'm hiding on this ladders over on this aquarium you have 30 seconds yo I just got to climb these ladders where are you yo get back here you armadilla no I'm not an armadilla I am go you'll never get me alive get back here wait melon think about it you're also a goat goats don't hurt goats you're right but there can only be one goat sunny and that's me oh my goodness what Supernova Exploder suai yes don't you like my name that is one of the coolest names I've ever heard melon thank you bro it took me a while to come up with it I'll give you credit that was a really good job bro you found me and you killed me with one of the coolest weapons of you don't need to kill me twice bro sorry sorry bro sorry kill you three times no don't hit ah I was going to give you props but you've ruined it just go and hide you're so annoying okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm leaving I'm out of here you have 2 minutes minus 10 seconds for killing me so you have 1 minute and 20 seconds according to my math okay guys last round Sunny was cheating by changing animals but there's something he doesn't know about this map that I do if I get myself some goggles of true Vision grab these put them on I'm pretty sure there's some secrets on this map involving ghost blocks check this out okay it's somewhere around here I'm pretty sure yo check it out bro look at these ghost blocks go through here yo what bro I can actually escap wait wait wait wait what is all of this dude I can actually Escape open up these doors let me out of here I'm escaping the zoo yo this is sick this is like penguins from Madagascar open up these doors yo I'm in the sewer system yo wait I hop up here what's this way can't I can't see but I'm pretty sure if I go down further in this sewer that's the Penguin's base that's sick it is this is the zoo from Madagascar Fountain Zoo entrance Lake where do I want to go yo I kind of want to check out the lake run down here and the sewers yo what this is sick come on push through the water yo I actually escaped the zoo this is crazy there's only one animal that I should become then slash more and now I become a p penguin yo check me out I'm an actual penguin and now I escape I saw a little base down here that I could hide in yo right here it's a submarine let's go oh that's so sick if I open up this hatch yo I'm literally in a submarine right now Sunny's never going to find me this is so sick all right Sunny I'm ready let's do this bro final round it's time for me to sniff you out bro I'm going to have to morph into the ultimate animal Mor Sunny Pig wait maybe there's a cooler pig let me see let's go now this is a good wild truffle pig bro I'm a boore and I'm going to come and bore you to death with my axe that actually sounds pretty exciting not boring at all so the question is melon where did you go to hide today which exhibit oh wait I bet you went to the cafeteria you sounded pretty hungry earlier bro let me see if I can break my way in here open up oh there's just more bricks back here is there even a way into this building that might just be for the zookeepers huh where are you bro Sunny don't you worry about it I might be doing something a little bit cheeky this round that's all I'm going to say wait wait wait wait wait wait then I got to ask you a question are you even in the map like what do you mean cheeky uh no I'm not in the map what well Define map Define map the zoo are you in the zoo no I'm not in the zoo what the heck bro wait I see the whole cityscape out here yo yo yo yo yo yo you left and went into the city dude I never said I went into the city wait then where could you have possibly gone maybe I went into the city I don't know BR I need to use my Galaxy brain and remember the shows what happened in Madagascar what were the Penguins always doing I know they were causing trouble I think they found a way to break out but I can't remember how melon how did the Penguins break out uh why are you asking that question son you don't even know if I'm a penguin it doesn't matter if you're a penguin you're probably using their secret Escape method which I don't think is this I literally just walked out of the main entrance I'm pretty sure that's not how they did it okay dude grab the goggles of true vision and go to the spawn area okay okay okay true vision goggles equip it yo I'm a bore with true vision goggles you can't even see them but I'm sure they look cool yo what the heck is that melon there's some secret blocks near the crabs that's all I'm telling you Sunny you're out of question I'm going in dude this is how they got out of the zoo I need to unmorph I need to demor dorph dorph dorph and now I am the goat the sunny boy how did they get out though which way this is like the Zookeeper secret tunnels and then the Penguins used this to escape through the sewers yes it worked I remembered come on melon is out here somewhere but where bro there's a ladder wait yo I wonder if this connects to the fountain that I saw earlier but which way do I want to go Zoo entrance and Fountain it does connect to the Fountain I knew there was a sec secret spot there but that's not what I want I need to find some other way out of here you got 1 minute left Sunny that should be plenty of time I've got to jump more quickly with it come on come on come on melon yo what is this I just got to the end of the sewers and I'm going inside of something yo what melon my next question is what did I just find explain this to me please uh I don't know I I can't really see your screen Sunny dude I just exited the sewer pipe and there's an underwater boat what is this uh I got to move guys I got to move dude it's a submarine this looks epic come on you're probably in here I'm in see you Sunny yo that's you I'm out of here come on come on come on come on swim swim swim go into swimming mode what are you doing son that's it let's go swim we can catch this penguin I got to WD away where did he go got find another body of water please which direction did he just go come on Yo Mel I see you bro you look so goofy get over here yo chill out Sunny chill out he's on my tail oh God why are you so quick you're a penguin you should be waddling where do I go I got to find some place to hide there's nowhere left to hide melon all you can do is run and delay the inevitable no I'm running into a wall there he is you're back at the city and you're a dead man now I just got to find the front entrance please dude you look so goofy you can't catch me sunny you can't catch me you want to bet no I stopped sprinting that's right I'm going to break those legs with this axe you're so close one more mistake and you're done run in this straight line boom I'm good I'm good no no no I'm going to unplug your mouse take this no no no I got to smack him I unplugged his Mouse guys bro thanks for the Boost what that was supposed to kill you you used the knockback one that's it melon I'm done with you your shenanigans uh-oh what are you doing Sunny morphing the big man melon into a colossal squid no what the heck you're so slow now just got to catch this big ugly squid where do I go your head is so flat when you turn around maybe if he uses the wrong one boom no I've got him cornered where's the entrance to the zoo you're never going back in there no I'm gone Sunny you can't catch me no I could totally catch you bro you're so slow as is this guy get on the wall no stop it Sonny stop it you know what I realized it's okay I found you so I won I don't even need to kill you bro it's all good it's all good that is true but um uh so you can let me live yeah you can live cuz I won which means I'm goat mode whatever bro it was close I won't lie if you guys enjoyed this hide and seek make sure you like the video right now and subscribe I cheated in this Minecraft hide and seek by using oneway glass I pranked my friend melan so hard he had no idea I was spying on him this whole time no wait what did you say nothing bro chill could we get 1,000 new subscribers on this video or I'll cry and crawl up in bed and cry and then cry some more shut up Bellon make sure you guys like the video for more hide and seek let's get goated woo goated melon it's time for Minecraft hide and seek let's do this sunny I'm going to absolutely Rick Roll destroy you bro hold on let me see what I want to kill you with today I'm going to turn you into a mutant eat my chemical eggs no it's your turn to hide first oh those things didn't even do anything all right I'm out of here I was trying to make you beautiful it failed okay guys for my first hiding spot I've got a plan created so if I come over to this crop field I start digging down I'll create my very own secret base beneath the patches and there's no way Sunny will expect it that oh this sand is so annoying melon you only have 90 seconds left bro dude that's a ton of time I'm chilling bro for real No Cap No Cap oh my God guys I messed up this base big time I got to dig a little bit deeper stop there's so many holes there's so many leaks this should be deep enough I won't make any more sand Things fall this looks like a pretty good Hideout now I got to go up top and make sure that this thing looks inconspicuous oh it actually doesn't look too bad from up here but but I got to make sure that this is normal so give me a hoe remember guys never waste your diamonds on a hoe but today I'm in creative mode so I have the luxury of having a diamond hoe patch this up with some sand oh that is not the way to do it I messed up big time but wait actually this leads me to my other trap lay this sand down and now guys I'm going to grab myself some fake water so when Sunny goes near this farm and if he ever jumps in it he's going to die let's go fill this up now now he ever decides to go in this water it'll hurt him look at that he's going to be so confused now I just got to make a few distractions so I'm going to put some watermelons around this house to make sunny think I'm doing something suspicious and in the center of these watermelons I'm actually going to create a Bedrock Fortress so Sunny thinks I'm hiding in there and cheating and that'll never be able to find me but really I'm nowhere near this spot cover up the Bedrock with the Malone dude you only have 10 more seconds yo chill chill chill chill chill now I got to hide in my hiding spot but first I got to get the right type of grass block yeah that looks good that looks good bada bing bada boom and now I go into my hiding spot all right Sunny I'm ready finally I can leave The Counting Room where in this Village are you hiding bro in a top secret location Sunny that you'll never be able to find yeah I wonder if you went over here or you went over here where the giant melon build is no Sunny you don't need to go there it's nothing that's here I mean nothing that's over there that's suspicious at all dude you literally built a clump of melons like what are you thinking you're not in this house so obviously you went inside of these I'm destroying your melons yo you put bedrock in here that's literally cheating melon are you hiding in this Bedrock that's my first question are you hiding in this Bedrock um I don't know man I me it's a simple yes or no question are you in the Bedrock no I'm not I'm not in the bedro rock well then you know what you just did right you might have made a distraction to waste my time but you just caused the death of over two stacks of melons no this juice is on your hands Sunny you're a mad man now the question is where the heck are you actually hiding you weren't inside the Bedrock I don't know where else you could be in this Village I've got two more questions to ask though so if I use my big brain I can probably solve this Miss hisory but before I ask those questions let me just make sure you're not in any of these houses cuz that would be cringe not there and in here nope not in this one last house to check yeah bro you're not in any of these houses do you want to ask a question what the heck was that creepy laugh and yes I want to ask another question are you uh oh I'm stressing out are you above ground or below ground I might be below ground dang it you're playing as a freaking mole rat where yo why is that hurting me melon what melon you did something weird with these crops what do you mean I didn't do anything with any crops I hear you building you're underneath me and I died to what poisonous water uh what what what that's weird I don't know why that happened what I literally heard you building underneath me I don't know what you're talking about Sunny what is going on I can hear that do it again oh wait that's an iron golem walking behind me never mind I made that boy fast though so if he smells you out melon he's going to come at you with the one too oh no he's coming at me with the one two I made a mistake you're stupid Sunny you're stupid no I didn't realize I could hit him from so far I thought he was going to be okay you want to see what's stupid hiding underground near this poisonous water now I just did big come on don't do it don't do it come on you've got to be in here somewhere yo ow the sand landed on my head clear it let me in wait you're not even in here in where in this little Hideout underneath the crop uh why would I be in that Hideout Sunny why would you why would you be lit to believe in that you're here somewhere I know you're here somewhere I heard you digging and building earlier question is where did you go I don't know where would I go bro I don't even have a pickaxe this is so slow yeah bro take your time take your time I don't have time to take I need to go craft a pick and get back in this hole come on oh my God guys thank God I placed that stone brick where he was breaking that block or he would have found out my secret secret hideout I have to go quicker need more supplies give me that axe wait I made a wood axe I'm an idiot I needed a pickaxe oh I'm wasting time time you got 30 seconds left Sunny not like this I can do this if I just believe in myself and the Heart of the craft I can do anything three of those toss out the trash garbage pickaxe get the stone pick I'm coming down for you melon you don't even know where I am doesn't matter you're here somewhere if I just dig every angle I'll find you 10 n no yes let's go no you're so lucky Sunny no dude get wrecked chill chill no oh my gosh I found your ghost that is so weird that is so weird melon your ghost is down here with me I don't like this get me out of here yo Sunny don't kill me don't kill me just go hide please but I want to see your ghost again bro you got 2 minutes so you kill me you're just wasting your own time okay fine I'm going I'm going okay guys I have 2 minutes to make an epic hiding spot melon thought his was cool by digging underground and making a secret base well check out what I have planned I just need to swap into creative get rid of all these disgusting melon slices I don't want carrots either no vegetables please I don't even want meat all right I don't need anything but oxygen now what I want is some Stone and look at this guys oneway glass I'm going to use this Epic Mod to make secret rooms that melon can't see but I'll be able to see him the whole time now I want to make it right next to him actually let me make sure he's AFK yeah he's not even paying attention I'm going to make it right above him that's good that's good then a little higher that's high enough now I just have to build a platform actually guys I don't know why I'm kind of lagging over here so I'm just going to put a melon on this and pretend it's a distraction spooky and then I'm going to build it over here for real and with the power of commands I have a beautiful room look at this thing melon's going to be so confused now I just need some torches to brighten it up a little bit there we go and then check this out oneway glass so when I'm over here all melon's going to see is normal Cobblestone oh this is good this is so good I just need to finish building this it's going to be insane okay let's check out the build now melon's going to see this little tiny hole and he's going to build up and in so melon's going to be so confused looking for me and if he notices this little trap door on the wall and goes underneath it he'll be able to find me through my secret ghost block otherwise he's going to be really confused and uh nerd R like a big baby just need to close this and get back in my hiding spot this is beautiful melon I'm ready all right Sunny I'm going to find you and I'm going to what is that Sunny why don't you look behind you too though wait what why is there a melon up here what is going on I have disguised myself as a watermelon you're not going to make me punch my own friend I would never do that to a fellow melon then why don't you just ask the question you have three of them you could ask me if I'm that watermelon okay okay sunny are you in that other giant Stone Island not above this base yes dang it I wanted you to waste a question on that watermelon let's go I'm too smart for that Sunny it would never fool me what the heck is this thing though bro the Only Rule with this build is you can't break anything but I really want to nope that would be cheating and you would never cheat melon how how do I get into this thing bro wait wait wait use your brain bro I bet there's a ghost block somewhere here come on just hug all the walls check it out oh my God this going to take forever I got to check all these blocks up here too oh Sunny hey melon hey melon hey melon can you hear this what is that bro that's me I'm jumping around dude wait wait are you kidding me there's no ghost block you just go in From Below no no no chill chill chill what is this guys it's working I can literally see melon through the walls I don't understand what is this room it's just concrete wait wait wait this block looks weird what is this wait why is it sticking out like this yo what yeah yeah you like that that's pretty cool huh wait did you crawl somewhere no wait wait what you talking about oh my god oh no yo wait you got to be in here somewhere yo yo I found you I found you Sunny you see nothing no Sunny what the heck bro that spot's actually so sick you like it dude I was checking you out like a fishbowl bro you looked like so stupid in here well you know who's stupid now you no no I'm fine I'm healthy you can't catch me bro too quick come here come here melon stop you killed a melon I had it in my hand wait no I saved a melon now he's in my hands well melon that was an awesome round but now it's your turn to hide You've Got 2 minutes I'm literally punching you in the nuts or the melon seeds bro stay away stay away bro stay away sorry dude it was just a little wh to the melon seeds 119 118 117 I could do this for another 115 seconds oh chill chill chill all right fine you got 2 minutes all right guys I've got a genius plan for this round check this Comm out out if I do slash morph big man melon into villager bada bing bada boom now look at me bro I'm a villager and I'm disguise Sunny will never know and if Sunny ever catches on to my identity I'll just switch into this big fellow right here and give him a good little whack or two look how juicy and beefy and tanky I am but for now let's just be the Villager all right where do I hide I guess I'll tend to my Fields Sunny I'm ready why are you making that noise I don't know bro the villagers are just making like a lot of bro that's that's a nice hint that's literally a freebie you're here in the village then bro I know you're in this Village you keep making those weird noises what did I see that right what the heck was that okay never mind I'm imagining things dude I swear I just saw a villager walking around with a melon I think I'm getting too bloodthirsty oh my God guys Sunny doesn't realize I literally had a melon and I walked right past him that is hilarious where are you bro I'm going to check every house cuz I know you're inside of this Village question is where though dude you would do something like this I got to ask one question are you hiding in this Bedrock this time no I am not good I'm destroying it never having to ask that question again dude are you in the village or are you just making those noises to troll me that is not an answer bro you can't just make villager noises that's so weird melon I'm asking my second question are you disguised as a villager uh I might be yo where are you I'm going to kill every villager give me that axe all villagers Must Die guys he's on to me I got to become an iron golem right now or he'll kill me boom these villagers are dead one two dude their ghosts are so funny three four hits get over here you're not getting away Jeffrey the ghost of Jeff's pass I'll absorb it I literally ate the ghost melon there's only a couple villagers left that means you're about to die dude yo chill chill this guy this is you with the sun Straw Hat kill it and then I eat your ghost wait that wasn't you you said you were a villager oh there's still more villagers okay I didn't kill them yet come on this one destroyed destroyed that one didn't have a ghost so that was a bit weird was that you no that wasn't me bro I swear to god dude I've been looking everywhere for more villagers there's nothing nothing left here bro you only got 1 minute left this isn't good this is definitely not good why'd you get off like that I'm out of here why is this IR goal of running away melon and why was it eating a piece of bread I don't know what you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about he's eating more bread dead you're dead you're so finished I'm gaining on you you're slower than me no kill this Golem die why can't I hit you no that's too much Dam damage yes no I won the battle and soon I will win the war against melons dead I only have one heart left melon what a shame dude yeah you only have one heart left I guess I'll have to eat these no I saved the melon I'm the goat I'm the hero that the melons deserve now go he chill okay guys I have 2 minutes to hide I got to do something even better than last time and melon thought he was clever spawning himself in as a villager and then morphing into an iron golem too bad he was Dumb and he ate some bread blowing his cover otherwise he would have won that round for sure but this time guys I've been saving something special before this hide and seek game I built something underneath The Counting Room that melon doesn't know about so let me just grab one ghost block and a whole bunch of food and this time I'm going to eat baked potatoes oh yeah that's good that's the stuff right there really hits the spot and check this build out I got to be kind of sneaky I don't want him to hear me or know that I'm doing this I just need to break this block and place a ghost block I hope he didn't hear that what's he doing oh he's right there and then I go down see you and then I close this so that melon doesn't see my secret trap door and then he'll be in this room super confused and annoyed he's going to try and jump through all these paintings and then he's going to see fake sunnies I have set up so many distractions to troll melon in here it's going to be so epic like look at this one right here it's just an empty room but you know he's going to search Forever and then there's this room here that's got some ghost blocks in the lava oh yeah feels good and then I'm just going to go downstairs use the oneway glass and I'm going to spy on melon the entire time this is going to be beautiful melon it's it's time for you to find me bro uh-huh I'm going to find you Sunny instant bro what is this oh what the heck bro for my first question are you down in this area that I fell into yes I am melon and it's time for me to explain the rules you're not allowed to destroy any blocks while you're down here and you must play in survival mode okay uh oh I almost ate a melon oh oh my God that was that was so scary dude relax I heard that and guys I totally saw him he almost ate that melon got to be behind one of these paintings I might be no I thought that was you yes that's right melon you fell into the first booby trap I mean the only booby trap bro I really thought that was you I saw the sunny face and everything what if it was me and you just need to figure out how to get there no you had a gold armor stand on and everything uh I might have a gold armor stand on myself right here you don't know that yo what is this room yo wait I can hear you you're below me wait I'm breaking this block I'm breaking this block are you sure about that you can't break any blocks it's against the rules gosh darn it wait yo I can hear you eating below me no h misclick bro I'm not down there I swear I'm not below you you definitely wait what is up with this block this block breaks way dude you can't break things you can't break things I'm not breaking it but like this durability on this Stone makes no sense it breaks so quick for my bare hands but this Stone breaks so slowly what is this block guys he's on to me I just flew above him and now I'm going to break some blocks and eat more potatoes bro why did I hear blocks breaking why are you eating above me now what is going on yes I'm everywhere melon I'm so confused I'm leaving this room I don't like that room I don't like that room I'm everywhere time to check out this room that was so close close guys I had to throw him off yo Sunny you trolled me again I really thought this was you in there with that stupid gold armor stand but maybe there's another secret jump yo this water kills you what is this yeah have a taste of your own medicine melon oh my God you're using the fake water okay I can make this jump no oh my God I almost died haha loser you got trolled that's not funny sunny I bet you there's something back here I don't know I thought it was pretty funny it's not funny at all make it back no nice one melon you only have a minute left to find me dude you've been wasting your whole timer bro you got to be in one of these paintings I'm just getting unlucky yo chill not my paintings not my artwork bro I don't have time to look for the secret hidden door and no the same one again nice job melon 45 seconds no wait I think I checked every painting bro give my artwork some respect no bro they don't get no he destroying everything they don't get no respect bro you don't get no respect no respect zero respect points it's okay cuz you only have 20 seconds left your time's almost out bro I don't get it where are you do you want a hint yeah yo what was that nothing bro did you just hit one of these hatches no I didn't hit a hatch yo yo what bro I just accidentally clicked this block and it opened up yo sunny sunny I see you I found you no oh my gosh bro you had like 5 seconds left I should not have done that hint until you were under 10 seconds bro I'm actually freaking goated bro you're the opposite of goated I was watching you and letting you get trolled this whole time I was staring at you from underneath this is so evil what the heck man how did you build all this dude there's no way you buil all this in 2 minutes uh I guess I have something to confess I I might have set this up before we started playing as the ultimate hide and seek prank bro what the heck is wrong with you you know what just for that I'm exploding this whole base no melon don't do it please it's gone sunny it's all gone fine then you're taking this to the Dome game mode survival Melon No that's it for this hide and seek make sure you guys click the like button and subscribe for more this is Minecraft hide and seek but I'm a baby get over here Sunny you need to get back in your crib no I don't want to goats like the video right now to put sunny in his crib thank you yo we're back in daycare bro are you ready for this crazy hide and seek yeah dude I'm ready and it's got a bing bada boom you're a baby ah I actually shrunk down what the heck look at you Sunny you're so cute you're so cute put me down put me down okay I'll put you down okay I see what you did there cuz the rules of this hideand-seek are a bit different one of us is a baby and the other one's the daycare babysitter and if they find the baby they have to bring him back to their crib all right Sunny you got 2 minutes to hide good luck that's plenty of time Mr Melon now go over here and close your eyes yo chill stop fighting back little boy stop fighting back I just hope melon doesn't cheat and peek guys I'm going downstairs into the classroom cuz I've got to show you something special that I've cooked up what the heck I'm so small I can't even climb up this all right there we go I'm on the table in the classroom open the chest I've got some secret security cameras and a monitor here and I'm going to put the other camera monitor right over here then I just register register actually I don't want to put one here I'm going to sneak it upstairs so I have one watching both areas come on make sure melon's not looking good he's in the corner he's actually counting and then I got to put this right here that looks normal right guys totally not suspicious but melon's pretty stupid so he won't notice then I go downstairs now guys let me show you my actual hiding spot because I'm so teeny tiny if I go in this little swimming pool there's no way Mel could see me unless he comes right up to it check this out I am underwater and if I crawl I'm gone there's no way he's going to find me this is perfect wait I just got to remove this slab cuz that looks a bit suspicious there we go that's better Sunny you got 15 seconds left don't worry about it bro I'm in my hiding spot and I'm I'm ready about time now where the heck are you hiding Sunny that's for me to know and you to find out after the timer's up cuz you're going to lose we'll see about that one buddy ow ow ow what's going on guys oh no I didn't think this threw all the way I'm drowning I'm actually drowning maybe this wasn't my greatest idea ever but it doesn't matter as long as I keep my eye on melon I should be fine no now Sunny first question are you perhaps inside or outside uh why would you ask that kind of a question bro well that's a pretty basic question you know I just want to know okay I'm outside I'm enjoying the sun yo you're outside all right checking out here don't see you in the trees and stuff make sure you look extra carefully cuz you only have 2 minutes to find me bro what 2 minutes already oh my time's going down quick uh sunny I have a question yeah what's that why is there a security camera right here this is just part of the normal daycare it's just to observe all of the babies and make sure they're safe and that they don't hurt themselves that's all okay okay I'll take your word for it but it seemed a little sauce just a little bit sauce bro it just goes back and forth It's been here forever oh that was close guys now where are you Sunny are you back here on this mushroom dude dude relax dude H me up guys this isn't good I don't know what Mel's doing but I'm drowning and he's right next to me this is really bad he went in the mushroom house I should be fine I got to get oxygen there he is I see him what's he doing up there dude that was so weird I just heard someone taking damage yeah that's really weird bro wait I know you are you're probably on the roof right now make sure you check high and low okay I don't see you up there all right Sunny second question are you at a place of high or low elevation I would say low low low to the flow low or like low low Cobo I'm not answering that unless that's a third question uh it is not my third question okay I'm just normal low oh guys he just jumped straight over my head Sunny something tells me you're out here in the backyard no why would I do that I don't know something just tells me guys I need air I need air he's still right there why is he right there I'm going to drown this isn't good I'm taking damage but he's right there if I look up he's probably going to see me uh melon you have 20 seconds left 19 18 17 and I come for the flank and from the top turnbuckle top turnbuckle why are you screaming ah what the heck get in get in put me down dude you only have 5 seconds I got this 5 4 3 2 yes all are you joking there was actually 2 seconds left bro I saw you like 30 seconds ago but I wanted to go from the top turn buckle jump from the roof and grab you dang it melon at least it looked cool though but now it's time for me to activate my baby magic hi that's right you're a baby bro that's so weird I just watched you grow I'm big again this is awesome let me put you in the toilet bro no no let me go I'm out I'm out whatever you've got 2 minutes to find your hiding spot I'm starting counting right now one two three melon poops four melon turds oh sorry I'm out loud again my bad okay guys Sunny doesn't know this but I actually planted some items in this map before we started playing if I look in this Barrel right here I have oneway glass and a cauldron run back up up up these stairs I'm going to use these for a few hiding spots during this hide and seek first I'm going to show you my cauldron spot I am a genius for this got to place a cauldron right about here and jump in wait I'm too short I'm too short how am I going to get in how am I going to get in maybe he won't notice if I take one of these beds yeah he won't notice right guys probably not close this up place a bed down and then destroy the evidence I really hope that despawns anyways time to in my cauldron and when I crouch I'm completely invisible all right Sunny I'm ready let's do this I'm exiting the bathroom but don't worry melon soon I will put you inside of that toilet ew don't do that Sunny look at look at Sunny guys this idiot doesn't I got got to look down got to look down okay melon for my first question I need to know it what type of block are you closest to what type of block um yeah like dirt grass wood we got like some chalkboards fences I I would argue orange clay orange clay okay okay that helps me quite a bit actually the number six it's orange yeah for sure yep you went down here you're in the Hopscotch you're in the Hopscotch it just takes a long time to break this oh I broke the number six forever it's gone now that's okay yo I found orange clay there's so much of it out here that's what the entire front of the building is made of bro there's so much okay then melon next question I'll track you down with this one for sure are you on the first or second floor of the school uh-oh I'm on the second floor yes now I've just got to climb up here bro that's so sneaky of you too I was counting on the second floor did you do something weird and somehow go behind the toilet let me see Noe you're not there just had to check let's see there's some orange and more orange y he's right there guys wait this is orange too what are what are these little like playmats made out of carpets why do they look like napping beds though like from when you're a baby oh cuz we're in a daycare of course what about out here there's orange around here melon there's lots and lots of orange here melon this is not good guys really hope he doesn't check in this cauldron oh he up the bed he didn't see wait why do I have a bed in my hand what the heck why is this bed missing there we go melon I feel like you're out of the balcony bro second floor orange I picked up a random bed wait where are you hold on let me seal that fate enjoy that orange no let me out please let me out what are you having a hard time breathing in there you're not enjoying the carpet Sunny wait you have 10 seconds left you have 10 seconds left no no no no I promised you that I would put you in this toilet let's go four three no no don't do it don't do it open this yes yes and flush melon you died and now I memorialize this toilet to be forever remembered as melons beautiful it brings a tear to my eye well Sunny technically you actually lost that round cuz you're supposed to put me in the crib not the toilet but anyways who cares everyone knows I won comment section help me out goats comment Sunny emojis if you think I won and there better be at least 2,000 Sunny comments there better be 2,1 melon comments then dang it bro the battle wages on but at least I don't have poop emojis next to my melons cuz you got flushed bro you disgusting all right you got two minutes to hide I wish you no luck because I'm mad at you now I don't need luck where I'm going okay guys so what melon doesn't know is for my hiding spot I place some top secret resources in the milk bottle chest I got ghost blocks an iron shovel and an iron pickaxe and just for good measure I'm going to take a couple of milk bottles in case I get thirsty don't judge me I get really really thirsty and now I'm coming over here and I'm going to make this look tot totally not suspicious this was the block that I removed so I'm going to leave it as is then I need to remove the gravel ghost block the number four break the number four ghost block this after I dig it all out ow I didn't know there was a fall in here okay let's make a little room for ourselves yeah the ultimate hangout spot and now I have plenty of space to enjoy my milk delicious I just got to go put the ghost Block in and make this look not so sus and and a one and a two and I guess I just need to jump in there now Jon perfect I'm in the ultimate hiding spot melon I'm ready finally s what the heck is up with this toilet why is there a melon head on it what do you mean I told you that's the memorial melon toilet Sunny just for that I'm going to find you in T minus probably under 5 minutes if I find you got good luck with that bro even if you do find me good luck getting me to the crib bro why is there a block missing here I destroyed that last round if you're talking about the Hopscotch let me just save you some time yeah bro what is up with that you is stupid what do you mean I was looking for you and you weren't in there I bet you that's a bait you're probably right below it okay yeah that was uh that was actually real all right nice one bro very nice now Sunny first question are you perhaps on the first or second floor of the estate I would argue I am on the minus one floor wait what there's no basement yeah there is wait yo you're in the secret area you're in the secret area you're in the secret area and now I enjoy my milk where are you Sunny what have you done you don't hear me listen closely I'm listening I'm drinking milk I'm drinking milk yo I can hear you over here what are you doing what are you doing I'm in the secret secret room you got to find me bro what are you doing I'm so confused is one of these a ghost block you must search hard and long melon but you only have a minute and a half left to find me I'm so lost I'm asking a second question are you in the secret room where like you climb down a ladder and then you like go down and wait why is there a button here yo melon I did not go down the secret seller if that's what you're asking I'm in a different secret basement what that makes no sense there's no other secret base oh wait you're over here where are you where are you there's got to be ghost block here bro there's no ghost block what the heck melon you're garbage bro all am completely lost I have more milk if you want to be a baby that's going to be my new hit single okay it's going to sell big on Coco melon you have more milk if you want to be a baby yeah it's for you though the milk is for you cuz you're the baby in this case no you're the baby I'm going to put a pacif fire on you the baby style let's go what the heck are you talking about bro I'm the adult right now and I grab you I'm going to pacify you and put you to sleep permanently that is very bad babysitting practice don't do that Sunny how did you get to a lower level I'm so confused well melon you only have 30 seconds left so I'll give you a free clue okay yeah what's the clue look for the numbers what do the mathematics mean bro where are the numbers on this map I know they're somewhere come on come on hey guys there's two areas with numbers there's the Hopscotch and the chalkboard he's probably going to get thrown off Sonny I don't know what you're talking about there's no no oh my I completely forgot I need to equip the resource pack M you are the worst babysitter of all time but that just means I have more time to enjoy my meal yo I found the numbers where are you where are you what did I just find uh Sunny hey melon hey buddy you have 20 seconds left good luck getting me to the crib it's okay I'll put you in a different crib this crib is permanent bro I'm putting you to sleep permanently Mel let me go let me go I don't like this I don't like this I don't like this I want to drink my milk I just want to drink my milk melon oh oh look at the little melon you got 2 minutes to find your spot and I'm going to make you swim with the fish sunny sunny go hide and look in a corner or the 2 minutes doesn't start drink your milk oh thank you what does this milk do if I drink it absolutely nothing but it tastes good all right I'm on the melon toilet time starts now okay guys there's something else I want to show you if I look in this chest right here I've stored some mines now all I've got to do ah no I fell in this thing again hold on give me a second as I was saying all I've got to do is replace some gravel put some Cobblestone down and just like that this area is very very explosive but I can walk over it just just shny can't now I'm going to place one more random Cobblestone and maybe he'll get curious and press it let's put it right in this table I hope he sees that one first now it's time to go in my hiding spot and this is why I have the oneway glass I'm going to make myself a little hole here and just like that my hole is complete it actually digs to outside so I have an Escape Route then I just got to Place Glass here here here and here and just like that I can see into the room and sunny can't see back all right sunny I am ready and me too sorry man what's going on might have dropped a big steamer on your top there what the heck bro ah you good what happened yeah I'm I'm good I'm good don't worry about me don't worry about me I'm chilling let's see then if you're chilling explain to me why there's a random piece of gravel on this desk what is going on melon don't worry about it I may or may not have used that gravel you want to use a question on it let me just break it oh my God bro how how are you alive I'm not I died a most horrible death oh well everything's going according to plan melon you've lit the day ow now you don't even know it's a mine and which's not a mine guess what all the blocks are mine but which ones are explosive I thought that maybe it was just a gravel now I fell into my own trap from last game Wow way to go bro way to go go what I didn't do anything dude I slipped it fell in number four you're so annoying well Sunny you're not even close to finding me yet and you've already died how many times twice chill out I'm nervous I'm scared I just want to prevent this fire from burning the entire dayc care just got to get out all the Flames out all the Flames bro you're burning down the whole entire facility dude we're not going to get any new clients you think parents are going to leave their kids here if it's on fire yeah oh I guess maybe parents who don't like their kids that much anyways the fire is gone so we don't have to worry about it where are you hiding melon uh I'm not going to tell you that Sunny fine first question are you inside or outside I would actually say I'm outside hey interesting second question are you at high or low elevation I would say I'm at low elevation but Sunny now I would also say I'm inside what dude you're such a troll that's it guys melon is being so annoying with his hiding spot and basically lying about things but what he doesn't realize is I have a quale dingleberry friend up here and oh what's that quelle yeah you'll sell me goggles of true vision for one Emerald oh well it will be an absolute pleasure to do business with you I'll be right back hey melon hey melon what's up Sunny for my third and final question are you using more cheated blocks like the mines or ghost blocks and things like that I may or may not be that sounds like a yes and it's a good thing I found the secret bathroom Emerald there we go and then I take the secret bathroom emerald and I bring it to my boy quand bro what there's a secret bathroom emerald and there's quandel Dingle here you go one emerald and I'll take these thank you sir goggles of true Vision equipped okay melon let's see what you're up to now low elevation and he's using these ghost blocks wait a second there's only one place that's low elevation the control room and it looks like the trapo is already open melon wait did you say goggles of true Vision I did and I see what you've done let me pick up this block yes yes I've escaped I've escaped have you now ow ah ah put me out put me out burn burn you deserve it burn you got 30 seconds left you got 30 seconds left you're here somewhere am I where'd you go melon nowhere I haven't gone anywhere Sunny that means you're still in the control room underground melon I heard that heard what you burned you're burning to a crisp I don't know what you're talking about Sunny why is there more numbers out here with command blocks what are you up to bro I don't like this I'm not up to anything okay guys I can make it back in I can make get back in I don't think melon realizes how goofy he looks when he's ow wait you're dead too where'd you go where'd you go hey melon no yes yes ow yes yes you have 10 seconds left bro I got you again cuz you keep respawning but nowhere safe how am I supposed to get you up there time's up Sunny this is so unfair you know what yeah yeah let me hold you and blow up why are you laughing I did that on purpose to kill you hey look I'm growing up now Sunny go explode again that's it all right you got 2 minutes to hide good luck what I wasn't even ready the whole JC Care's exploded bro look what you've done bro we got to put out the flames on the daycare you mean you have to I've got to find my hiding spot okay goats for this last hide and seek ground I have a mystery chest melon has no clue cuz without these goggles of true Vision it looks like a normal grass block but with them it's a secret chest with lava fake lava fire resistance and an acacia trapo to cover up this whole Contraption now I've just got to decide where I want to build this and I think this is the perfect place right about here let's just dig this down a little bit lower actually wait first let's put the trapo in like that then we're going to go inside of it close the lid dig a little bit lower take the fake lava put it right about here that way melon will get super confident cuz he'll see the fake lava particles that gives him fire resist and he's going to go into this trap but really what I'm going to do is dig it out even deeper and then I'm going to drink my fire resistance and then I'm going to put actual lava here oh yes he is going to be super super dead and only one of these paths will be safe plus you have to be a baby to fit melon I'm in my hiding spot all right sunny it's about time dude you left such a mess out here now Sunny time to clean up the real mess which is you and put you to sleep like a good caretaker dude you've pacified me enough chill out uh sunny this number two looking real sus are you behind this wall again no I'm not dude but you should totally waste your time and lose the hide and seek and the sneeze is gone great look what you did always look into the sun if you want to get a good sneeze this is very true wait are you signifying I have to find you are you saying you're up high is that what you're trying to tell me uh I mean no actually I was just saying I don't look in the mirror too often cuz if I do I sneeze excuse me sorry shouldn't have looked at myself bro where oh oh no I fell in a hole let me out please let me out please guys while melon's trying to get out of that hole I got to show you the best part of my hiding spot I have secret security cams as well that I could spy on him with again this is a pretty good view this is one of my favorite views look you can see my lava trap right there and that's me underground let's see the third camera y no it's a perfect angle if melon comes out here I'll be able to see him trying to find my trap thank God I'm out of there now I've got to ask some serious questions Sunny first question you inside or outside I'm outside now would you say you're in the back or front yard I would say I'm in the backyard like the playground area it's going to be easy peasy baby yo you're creeping me out dude sorry I'm just excited cuz I'm about to find you soon I don't see you back here yeah you should check in with quand quale knows where I'm at hold on I need food Sunny I'm literally starving right now that sounds like a personal problem hey I found some bread let's go I'm literally looking at you bro and there's a sheep on your head what the heck where'd that come from I don't know now I'm talking to quand quand have you seen Sunny anywhere quand don't you dare tell him he said he's in somewhere hot yo where is somewhere hot besides the Flames but you would be lying if you were in the flames in the front yard because you said you're in the back backyard so wait there's flames in the backyard yeah but I'm not in the Flames or at least not that type of flame wait what what do you mean not that type of flame that's too cold bro wait bro you're in lava somewhere I just got to find lava and I find you yeah good luck with that wait I hear lava yo I found lava and something tells me this isn't real lava let's go melon don't do it don't do it no I'm dying no I I warned you bro are you telling me that whole thing was a trap no there's got to be more to it there has to be more it's part fake lava part real lava but am I even in there where are you one of these got to be a ghost Block Please one of these blocks is not like the other going to drain this lava below me yes I've drained it ow why am I still on fire yes yes burn him I need this fire resistance give me the fire resistance ow oh this is not good I'm on fire I'm on big fire right now but where are you I know you're here somewhere I'm actually down here you're right I'm not going to lie about it oh what did I just find yo I see you down there I just got to pick you up I got to pick you up good luck with that got it jet only I had a pickax dang it this is not going to work where are you where are you let's see what melon's trying to do yo he actually lost me I put one ghost block and he gave up guys I have an idea I just got got to go grab my mines uh melon where'd you go Sunny I'm coming for you quickly I've got to grab something oh Sunny don't worry about it don't worry about it say hello to my little friend you rat I see what you're doing I was using a ghost block to see what you're doing melon and I do not like this one bit I'm alive where are you how are you alive that's it more TNT more no no that's enough oh no I might die here oh no this is going to end badly this is going to end badly I'm dead yeah me too hey melon 5 seconds left no four 3 no no no Victory let's go whatever Sunny you win this round and if you guys want to win make sure you hit that like And subscribe button and click the next video on screen do it now before I drop Sunny to his death do it click the next video before I burn
Channel: Sunny
Views: 1,171,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ClWgZGi8udU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 26sec (7466 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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