Depression & Worry Prevents Gratitude | Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

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one of the worst things about modern times is ingratitude is cultivated in people they're in great they're ungrateful for the police they're ungrateful for government they're ungrateful for their educations they're ungrateful for everything people just complain all the time and Allah your lord has declared if you're grateful I will increase you in blessings to be grateful for but if you are an ingrate if you lack gratitude in fact if you show ingratitude I will give you more reasons to be ungrateful I will give you more reasons to be ungrateful this is a metaphysical equation gratitude equals increase in blessings ingratitude equals decrease in blessings this is a law it's a metaphysical law that's as true as the Newtonian physics that you learned in high school if you're ungrateful then Allah will give you more to be ungrateful about more to whine about you think it's bad now you have no idea how bad it can get read history to know how bad it can get you think Syria is bad read about the Mongol invasion they didn't have any place to flee to you you think the Muslims are having tribulation in America read about Nazi Germany and what happened to the Jews we have to be grateful because if we're ungrateful and always complaining Allah is going to give you more to complain about I was in one of the Gulf States and somebody was complaining about the price of gasoline the taxi driver 25 cents at the time now it's a lot higher why because they keep complaining go ahead complain all you want because if you love to complain Allah will give you plenty to complain about but if you want to show gratitude Allah will give you plenty to show gratitude about they did a study at Davis it's called the Gratitude study for depressed people they had them write down every day every morning 10 things they were grateful for over a period of a month people's Depression started being lifted if you start counting the blessings of Allah you'll never come to an end and you can count blessings like just eyelashes the people don't have eyelashes they fall out the eyelashes are a wonderful blessing or some people have dry eyes so if you have moisture in your eyes what a blessing if you have teeth what a blessing if you don't have teeth if you have Dentures what a blessing there's people that don't have dentures if you lose one arm what a blessing you didn't lose both arms if you lose both arms what a blessing now they have prosthetic devices that enable you to do things even at best said in every tribulation in Dunya there are three blessings hidden that you have to recognize the first is that it could have been worse the second is that it's in your Dunya and not in your Deen and the third in your world the Affairs are not in your religious effect and the third it's in this world and not in the next and you should be grateful for that people now are complaining he's going to try you to see who of you are the best in actions we're going to try you know you will be tried in your in your wealth and in your lives you're going to hear all these people telling how horrible you are and how terrible your religion is Allah said that what does he say how's our response what's our response and if you show patience and show piety restraint control yourselves because that is at the essence of this matter that is at the essence of this matter this is our deed Allah said foreign for you to think a similitude Allah strikes a similitude for you to reflect a Township a city A Hamlet that was peaceful it was tranquil it had provision in abundance coming from every place like we have today we eat berries from Chile and we drink tea from China and we have rice from India basmati rice in your homes from India you get all this blessing from all over the world so what did they do instead of saying alhamdulillah alhamdulillah they were in great ungrateful this is the meaning of kufa kuffa is in gratitude you can be a Muslim and be a kafir in the meaning that you're in you're an ingrate right this ingratitude that's the essence of kufa the essence of Islam is gratitude a feeling of blessing that Allah has given the biggest blessing is that we existence the blessing of giving us our existence and then sustaining our existence he could take away that sustenance at any time so Allah says that he he enveloped that City in hunger look of the blessing of food in hunger and Terror hunger and Terror the basil jury while healthy why bhima what's the cause because of their ungratefulness and this is where we've lost an understanding of our religion we look at all these events and we don't see the real source of these events ingratitude if we want to change the world we have to change our state and our attitude about all these blessings that we've been given government is a blessing even the worst form of government is better than Anarchy even a tyranny is this monarchy when Anna said this these these weren't ignorant people these were genius people because he lived through Civil Wars he saw what happens when things break down the people of Damascus six years ago were eating beautiful food they had good clothes it was one of the few countries on the planet that was actually self-sustained and now all of this tribulation and if you say you know why is it happening to them and not up maybe because Allah loves them more because we know Hashem so Allah will put all of the the the the torment of the he'll put it in the Dunya for a short period and then they go back to Allah completely free of any tribulation or punishment maybe it's the places that aren't being Afflicted that deserve to be afflicted that should be worried this is the way Muslims traditionally looked at things when the model came down when the Mongols came down they didn't say these evil Mongols they said this is a punishment God has sent us because of our wrong actions that's how they looked at Muslims don't look at that anymore evil America evil Israel evil okay good Allah Allah put them in power he says he gives power to whomever he pleases Muslim had it if Muslims had nuclear weapons right now with the idiots that we have we would have nuclear conflagrations all over Allah knows what he's doing Allah knows who he gives power to yes they abuse their power but to what degree who would be worse people want the destruction of America well let's see what happens when China gets the world power see if there's going to be an Abu hurable that you hear about see if there's going to be any way recourse to redressing any wrongs I don't know but sometimes the worst things are are answered prayers we don't know it's a different way of looking at the world people don't want to look at it that way but I read the Quran and the Quran it comes back to me when they were asked where did This calamity come from Allah says it's from your own cells it didn't say oh it's from those evil quresh foreign to die because that's the state of believers when they get angry yes we get angry but they realize what am I really getting angry at a test that God sent me who am I really angry at so you can be humanly angry but who are you really angry about if everything is a test from Allah then who are you really angry at that's a question Allah he has a joy when he completes he breaks his fast because he's completed the ibada and then the light of the food most of the bigger ulama said it's it's completing that that's the Farah it's not the food it's actually finishing very bad says right the prophet was but he told us to be Shaker one of the arifin said so that's a high mapam it's where you're always grateful was this is what uh all the UNA matat and Muhammad al-musawi said is the meaning of is to utilize what God has given you to utilize what he's given you out of gratitude he gave you an eye to see not to look at pornography he gave you a a tongue to speak the truth not to lie not to cheat not to backbite he gave you a hand to work and and and and not to steal or to embezzle or to take things that aren't yours he gave you feet to walk in righteousness the Servants of of the merciful who walk tread lightly on the earth you know they talk about carbon Footprints now carbon footprints don't have a carbon footprint they tread lightly on the Earth says we revealed this book on later and what will convey to you what is it's better than 83 months of worship the prophet was because he was so Covetous about solicitous for his ummah he was concerned that his ummah would not have a lot of rewards when he knew that the Ancients had much longer life spans so this is this is a specific gift to this ummah that they have a knight that is worth months of ibadah and so in a lifetime you can literally get years added on to your about this is a great gift from Allah and this is why Allah the prophet salallahu said whoever stands doing extra acts stands doing extra acts he has his sins forget forgiven of what passed woman Ramadan foreign and whoever fast the month of Ramadan believing in Allah and believing that the Lord is from Allah fasting is my own and I reward it myself that's what Allah says [Applause] whoever stands in belief and expecting a reward from Allah he will have his sins forgiven the prophet Allah said in the Hadith foreign that your prayers each day you pray as long as he avoids major wrong actions the prayer the five prayers that you do and then praying Juma and from Juma to Juma Friday prayer to Friday prayer and then ramadanta Ramadan these will remove your sins they will remove your sins as long as you avoid major wrong actions that needs a specific type of Toba Sahara get removed from wudu from prayer from fasting from jummah all these things but the major wrong actions right and the ottoma differ on them but the major ones are well known drinking stealing cheating lying fornication adultery all those things that Allah has declared so this Ramadan is a great gift of this ummah it's a time of special gratitude one of the Hallmarks of gratitude is that you share your blessings with others you share your blessings with others was the most generous of men always but he was even more generous in Ramadan why to sugar the the sense of blessing the gift is a great gifts in
Channel: Muslim Community Center - MCC East Bay
Views: 165,995
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Keywords: MCC East Bay MCC Muslim Community Center Mosque Khutbah, pleasanton mosque, mosque in california, mcc east bay, masjids in Bay Area, mcc masjid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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