His Parents Dumped Him Due Being LEVEL 2 But Turns Out He is LEVEL 1002

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our story starts with a boy who has shed himself off from the world to escape the Relentless bullying that he faces every day as he lay in his bed scrolling Reddit with no future plans and no aspirations a bright light suddenly shines from his phone and he is greeted by a goddess with a huge personality she congratulates him on being selected to reincarnate into a new world and he now realizes that he must have died in his room and ended up here the God has cut straight to the Chase and tells him that she'll give him a cheap power to make his life easy in the new world she must feel bad that he ended up as a shut in in his last life the guy takes it all in and declares that there's only one thing that he wants in his next life that is for it to be peaceful he still wants to be a shut in just without the bullying part so he agrees to be reincarnated he wakes up as a baby and a king is standing above him happy to have such a healthy boy he praises the boy for being so healthy and having the royal mark on his chest but then they measure his magic power the king thinks that his power should be really high since he is a royal maybe 40 or 50 but once it is measured the orb only shows a a power level of two and he has no attributes except barrier magic so it seems that the boy was born with low magic capabilities but his parents should still love him right nope they are worried about their image as Royals for giving birth to such a weak baby and just like that they make plans to throw the baby looks like this guy can't catch a break he was reincarnated into a new world only for him to speedrun life meanwhile the goddess is panicking that they are about to throw the baby she gave him a cheat power but they misunderstood it she actually gave him a magc power of 102 but the measurements they use can only show two digits so he's going to be killed on a misunderstanding the baby has been left in the forest and he cannot move since while he's a baby he tries to think of a plan for his survival and remembers that the measurements said he could use barrier magic he starts imagining a barrier and light begins to congregate above him and finally a box is formed in the air he remarks that magic is actually pretty easy to use so he plays around with its capabilities and he is able to change its size shape and color here he's also able to apply it to himself and levitate so now he's a floating baby but then a giant wolf appears behind him and tries to Chomp down on him but the barrier is strong enough to hold it off since he is safe he thinks of a plan of attack and forms several barriers to attack the wolf but the barriers aren't able to do much on their own so he switches tactics and starts chucking trees at the problem but the wolf still manages to get up so he brings out the big guns and prepares to drop an island on it the wolf knew it was outmatched when the baby started chucking Islands at it decided to give up later the wolf apologizes for trying to eat him she just wanted to regain some magic power but she didn't know he would start throwing land at her he tries to respond but he is still a baby so he can't talk at all he thinks of a way to solve the problem and creates a barrier that can create sound and puts it in his throat so that he can talk through it he greets the wolf and she asks who he is and what he is doing in the forest as a baby he introduces himself as heart and tells her that he was yeed by the palace since they thought his magic power was too low but the the wolf sees that he has power that far exceeds the limits of a human being chues that he must be The Reincarnation of the Demon Lord while he's actually just a shut in he plays along and declares himself as the Demon Lord the wolf is now terrified and accepts her death willingly but he doesn't want to kill he just doesn't want her to eat him she is moved by his generosity in sparing her life and squar to serve him loyally for the rest of her life Hart just wants to be done with this and agrees with her and calls her fle so that he can leave but as he is floating away she calls him back and informs him that a contract has been created between them since he named her fle while he is trying to explain that he didn't mean to create a contract a problem arises and he falls to the ground he hasn't had anything titty milk since he was born and is starving he asks fle to help him and she does her best and turns into a human but she is naked hard is embarrassed if he uses a barrier to make some clothes for fle and fle once again tries to provide him with breast milk but her logic is a little off as she wants to mate with a 2-hour old baby later fle apologizes for her rash behavior and heart forgives her but then someone is heard approaching them from a distance fle wants to kill them immediately but she is stopped by heartt who wants to at least talk to them first he creates two barriers that act as communication devices and asks fle to confront the approacher the person is a man and when fle asks him why he is in the forest he says he is here to collect the batty fle refuses to hand him over and the man asks why she cares so much she then proudly exclaims that she is serving the babty the man is just here to rescue har since he's a relative of the king and can't just sit by and let the baby die he even brought fresh titty milk for him to drink before he starves to death fle is angry that he went up her since she can't make any milk but Hart just wants the milk before he starves to death fle asks him why he wants to rescue the baby and he responds that it's because he lost his own child and he can't just let a baby die in the forest because the king abandoned it he wants to let the baby live in peace Flatt is moved by the story and starts crying her eyes out and the man finds her behavior to be strange for a demon since she has made the baby her master he makes a deal with her to hire her as a servant so that she can watch over the baby as much as she wants to and fle agrees to his terms they then destroy the Cradle to make it look like Hart died in the forest then to make it believable he rips off Hart's cloth and pours animal blood on it to sell the cover but Hart still hasn't gotten his milk yet it has been 9 years since that night and Hart greets his new family in the morning they treat him very well and he loves them dearly but there is one problem even though he has been living with them all this time he is still hated by his little sister and he didn't even do anything to her fle walks in dressed in a maid outfit and prepares to serve the family their breakfast and surprisingly the little girl likes fle a lot which only rubs salt in the wounds of heart who has no idea why she doesn't like him she asks fle to play with her later and she initially refuses but then Hart orders her to play with the girl so she agrees to the play date the girl is ecstatic that she gets to play with fle and later she chases fle in the garden and has a wonderful time Hart is watching them from a distance and feeling left out but then his mother comes up to him and tries to cheer him up telling him that his sister Charlotte only avoids him because she doesn't know how to approach Boys around her age so it's not because of anything that he has done after all she is really attached to fle but hard fears that something worse might be going on maybe Charlotte knows that he is actually nearly 30 years old inside and thinks he is a creep he falls to his knees in defeat and his mother tries to cheer him up again by suggesting that they go shopping to buy a gift for Charlotte after if there is one way to win over a kid's affection it's bribery but shopping is a bit too advanced for someone with absolutely zero social skills but his mother is adamant that it'll be a good experience for him since he's always in his room and one day he is going to be a her to the castle so he needs to go touch grass and as his mother she'll support him all the way later hardt is in his room with a clone of himself right next to him he contemplates leaving the castle permanently but if he leaves he has to take fle with him and Charlotte loves fle so she would be sad if she left but if he left fle behind she would most likely end herself since her whole purpose in life is to watch over heart but if he stays they are eventually going to put a bunch of responsibility on his shoulders something he really doesn't want in the past nine years he has been researching the capabilities of his barrier magic and now he is able to make a clone of himself with it but the Clones still can't talk or move on their own just then his father knocks on his door and asked him to come outside to learn the way of the sword for a bit exactly what har didn't want responsibility his father wants to train him in the way of the sword since he still thinks that heart's magic power is extremely low he has to be good at something so Hart tries to use his research as an excuse and his father is supportive but he still wants heart to at least try the sword first he is supposed to attack but his father is known as a war hero so he doesn't expect to be able to get a hit on him for now he covers himself in a barrier so that he doesn't get hurt badly and then lunges at his dad he surprises him and ends up smashing his sword on the ground and leaving a pretty big hole he now takes an attack stance and tells Hart to try avoiding his strike and heartt leaps into the air and Dodges it this is really surprising since normally you would need to be at least level 30 to dodge that strike Hart does think that it is strange since even when he checked his magic power in a crystal that went up to three digits it still only showed two and the highest number ever recorded for a human is 77 so how can he be so strong his dad brushes it off and is now determined to turn Hart into the best sword user he can be and Hart can do nothing but go along with it later that night the man has done training Hart and has a chat with his wife about Hart's power and comes to the conclusion that Hart might be part demon there are records showing that long ago someone in the royal family clapped some Demon cheeks and now there is a rare chance for members of the royal family to be born with demonic traits his wife protests that Hart can't be a demon since he doesn't have a horn or tail but he does have strange power and a demon servant but these guys are decent parents they aren't going to abandon heart like some other baby throwing people they want him to be happy and Charlotte overhears their conversation some time passes and harud is up in his room chilling he wonders why his father has been so busy lately but then again in being busy means less sword train for himself so he can't complain he hears a commotion downstairs and goes to check it out and upon exiting the castle he sees a bunch of badly wounded men laying on the ground his father seated like he just lost a game of poker and gambled away his life savings he asks what happened here and his dad informs him that they had set out to lay waste to a Band of Thieves they plan at a time got the right equipment and even laid an ambush but yet they still got their ass handed to them by a bunch of Thieves his father doesn't want to be seen in his shame of defeat so he asks herud to go back inside hero turns to leave and fle starts roasting his father for being trash since he was beaten by mere thieves but trash or not he is still Hero's father so he use fle one morning to shut her mouth where she may not have a mouth to shut anymore he continues walking and as he goes he heals all the soldiers that night fle is standing outside Hero's room and he can't get any sleep because of it he opens the door and asks her what she's doing but she doesn't answer because of the warning he gave her earlier he tells her that she can speak now he's not angry at her anymore but he can't let the attack on his father slide so he's going to deal with the thieves himself on the roof he uses his surveillance barriers to scan the city for any signs of the thieves and he finds them out in the woods having a drink he wonders how they were able to defeat his dad's Army and fle suggests that there might be a spy among them not that it matters much since none of them are going to live past the next 10 minutes with that he flies off into the sky with fle and as he goes his little sister spots him at the thieves Camp bucktooth over here is praising their Captain for forcing Hero's father to retreat and he starts gloating about returning to his home country after killing him however unbeknownst to him hudo was standing there and heard the whole thing he freezes them in place with his barriers but then bucktooth starts running his mouth and we already know herud has no patience for needless chatter his conditions are simple answer his questions truthfully or have all 206 bones shattered after his interrogation he finds out that the thieves are actually soldiers from the neighboring Empire who were tasked with pretending to be Thieves and attacking to cause manam the captain starts begging for his life since he has said everything he knows but herud unlike Batman has a no Loose Ends policy he orders fle to burn down the entire Fort and the people along with it as he walks away he decides to send his father an anonymous letter tipping him off to the neighboring Empire's plans the next day Hero's father has received the letter and has confirmed that the thieves Fort had been bured down Charlotte asks him who could have done it but he has already figured out by now that fle was the one that burned the fort down upon hearing this Charlotte runs off to go find fle and ask her what haruto actually is last night she saw him fly off but when she went to his room his clone was in his bed fle takes the opportunity to brag about haro's immense power later fle tells herud everything that happened with Charlotte and herud now realizes that Charlotte must be incredibly suspicious of him from that moment on she keeps following him around wherever he goes even when he's taking a bath she keeps it up for an entire week and by the end of it hudo is now spying on her too during breakfast the next day hudo finds out that his mother and Charlotte are going to be going on a trip together but later in his room the surveillance barriers that he set on Charlotte start going off because she's being attacked right now their guards got jumped and the asants are now after them Natalia is doing her best to defend Charlotte but there is no way she could handle four guys at once a barrier appears on Charlotte's ear and suddenly has a good idea of where to go as if she is receiving instructions his mother wonders where Charlotte is receiving instructions from but she's not going to complain about being saved they get to the edge of a cliff and charlot SS to jump and left with no other choice she jumps off the cliff and runs into the cave Charlotte had been directed to and this is where she makes the dumbest decision I've seen all day she leaves Charlotte in the cave in order to go find the person that was directing Charlotte and is almost immediately captured she now decides that it's not worth it to be captured so she's prepared to off herself Haro rise just in time to save her from herself and now he's really angry so he blasts the attackers away he then heads into the cave to speak with Charlotte and he tries disguising his voice to keep his identity secret but she already recognizes his Aura and calls out to him as her brother she asks him if he is a hero of justice and he just plays along with it for now he's still got to go deal with the attackers you know no Loose Ends policy and all Haro returns home where his father is receiving a report on what happened he tries to play it off like he had no involvement but gold is still suspicious he realizes that the imperial soldiers must have been led into the kingdom by a mole on his side not long after Charlotte and Natalia return and are greeted warmly by gold and Charlotte has finally warmed up to hudo herud is happy to finally have his sister's love but fle is jealous from then on Charlotte has been clinging to herud non-stop she barges into to his room and sees him looking at the surveillance barriers he has set up and she thinks it's ancient magic Haro goes along with it to get the discussion over whiff but Charlotte tells him that she knows where he can get some books on Ancient magic she takes him to the library and he is amazed that he has never seen it despite living here longer than Charlotte she grabs a stool and starts picking out books related to ancient magic for him and they sit down to read it charlot wants him to read one of the books to her so she sits on his lap to get the full Big Brother experience while reading he gets reminded of and starts complaining about how he never gets to watch anything new in this world Charlotte has no idea what he's talking about so she asks him to explain what anime is he starts explaining it to her but to Charlotte it sounds like a fate fan trying to explain the correct watch order hero worries that she's going to think he's weird now but she is just even more excited to see something like that and with that smile hero knew that by any means necessary he had to let Charlotte watch anime fast forward two weeks and harud somehow managed to get an internet connection to Japan he wants to give Charlotte a chance to watch anime so he logs into his streaming service and creates a child account to spare her the trauma of watching Boku no pico she gets her first look at anime and she is entranced by the colorful moving pictures but there's one problem she doesn't understand Japanese Haro thinks it might be hard for her learn Japanese but Charlotte is a godamn genius and Masters in just two hours after 2 weeks Charlotte has turned fullon weeb and herud is worried that she might turn out like him at this risk so he decides to be strict with her and limit her watch time to only 3 hours a day Charlotte is bummed out that she can't binge the whole season but this is a necessary precaution to make sure she doesn't turn into a neat horo tells her to hurry up and come downstairs for dinner and at the dinner table Charlotte is really sleepy thanks to all her watch time up to this point his parents ask him what he has been doing with shot to make her so sleepy but she just answers that she's been helping him with his ancient magic research after dinner Charlotte keeps following her harud around in hopes of him letting her watch some more anime but no means no he tells her to just go take her bath and head to bed already later herugo is also taking a bath and Charlotte is there as well while bathing Charlotte notices the Royal Crest on his chest but he tells her to keep that a secret and after they finish Haro heads to bed but he can't sleep since Charlotte crawled into his bed while he wasn't looking and from the corner of his eye he can see his mother shipping them by the doorway she's a firm believer if it's not incest if you're not blood rated the next day gold heads into battle to take care of the rest of the thieves and shardot is now sad that he has to go later she asked haruto why you can't just go and solve all the problems with his power and she's basically asking him to create World Peace he wanted to keep out of all fights that didn't directly involve him but at facts what his sister wants then he will do it she also asks him to become a Power Ranger and if he's going to fight crime he might as well go all the way he sets up a camera for Charlotte to watch and flies off only to find the thieves hiding in a cave so he beats them up he is then spotted by gold who realizes that he is a little late to the party when asked about his motives he just says he's here for justice but internally he dies of cringe as time passes and he continues to be up bad guys he has become known as the black knight dark mag was already copyrighted after some time herud has finally perfected his clone and it is really similar to him but when fle comes to tell them to come downstairs the Clone is also similar in Hud's laziness horo goes downstairs where his father is greeting the princess and prince his biological siblings the prince is a little piece of and the fact that he will become king went to his head he sees harud and decides to assert dominance by dueling him the duel starts and hudo scans the prince's level and he actually has a pretty highle cap for this world but that's still nothing compared to haruto's 102 the prince lunges at haruto but with a level difference he's too slow to actually hit him however he gets pissy about haruo dodging so haruo just puts a shield around himself and takes the being however the prince got too cocky and mocked him for not fighting back which then prompted him to lay the smack down on him he tries to fight back but he keeps getting bodied so much that he resorts to using magic however something so weak does not affect him and he can just absorb it all if the prince wants to throw around fire then haruto would be more than happy to show him how it's done but the prince has been scared out of his mind and gives up with that out of the way that night chovet has really gotten interested in this whole crime fighting thing she's spot some Bandits doing Bandit things and she asks herugo to go deal with them just then fle barges into the room to Aid in crime fighting Charlotte is hyped that fle is going to be joining in on the crime fighting operations Charlotte is hyped that fle is going to be joining in on the crime fighting operations she is going to be the robin to his Batman before they head out hero warns fle that she has to keep things PG and she agrees to keep the violence down they pull up on the bandits and harud introduces himself as the Black Knight and fle as the Crimson Knight but then fle forgets all about the PG rating and just starts burning the bandits to death horo tries to stop her but she's still chucking Fireballs like there is no tomorrow he finally gets her to stop and tells her to head home for now the bandits have had enough herido is exhausted from having to both fight and save the bandits but Charlotte and fle are already planning the next attack the next day the prince is still all pissy about losing the fight to hudo but he realizes that he was stronger than what someone who is supposed to be level two should be just then his Butler comes in and tells him that he has to get ready for the banquet that evening the butler also tells the prince to ask Charlotte to accompany him on the tour he's going to take tomorrow the prince doesn't see a reason to take Charlotte since he isn't particularly fond of her but the butler insists so he ends up agreeing after the banquet Charlotte barges into Hero's room with the Clone that he sent to the banquet the Clone may have been made to deal with this kind of stuff but it is just as antisocial as haruto so that banquet was the equivalent of torture the the colone is down for the day and jumps onto the bed Charlotte tells haruto that the prince asked her to accompany him on his tour and hearing this haruto has to take some precautions he Scopes out the route of the tour and he finds some cloak people doing a ritual he goes up to them and asks if they have a permit for their cult summoning ritual but they get defensive and attack him he decimated them but they still had a trump card up their sleeves and summon skeleton soldiers Black Knight is able to destroy all the skeletons in a single strike but they reform themselves rather quickly and no matter how many times he does it they kept getting up he then no misses the cores on them and messes with it a little to get them to attack the others the leader now has no choice but to summon his real trump card a Gollum horo is amazed to see a real gollem but his all leaves him vulnerable to the Golem's fist he is knocked back and smashes into a tree and after he regains his composure he is then able to see the Golem's weak spot on its chest so he Chucks a spike into it the gollem stops moving and the Summoners are shocked that it failed after after some moments it starts moving again and is now attacking the Summoners horo has Rewritten the Golem's magic formula so now the Summoners are out of trump cards he gets the skeletons to tie them up and interrogates the leader on who he works for but the guy isn't answering horo isn't muchim a people's person so gets straight to the point tell me the truth or I bury your team hearing the pleas of his subordinates the leader finally cracks and discloses that they are part of the Queen's Summoner team hero probes further and the leader reveals that their plan was to attack the tor tomorrow an assassinate Charlotte the quitting fears that charot will one day grow too powerful and end up challenging her power harud has an out piece together then all the recent trouble has been the doing of the queen there are a lot of things going through his mind right now but one thing is certain that is going to pay he lets his emotions get the best of him and causes the gollum to start smashing the Summoner into walls now with a clear mind he thinks of the queen and even if she is his biological mother he's done playing Batman he's taking the Punisher Road the next day say the tour goes on as planned but the awkwardness is immense Charlotte tries to break the eyp telling Prince leas that he doesn't have to be too upset about losing to Hero since he never stood a chance to begin with but that just rubs salt in the wound after accepting his defeat leas is a lot less of a brat and is just interested in knowing how harud can be so strong with no other explanation they speculate that harud might be part demon but there are no signs of any demon traits charlot confirms that haruto has no demon trait and she can guarantee it since she has bathed with him shocking the siblings Charlotte asks if there is something wrong with it but Leia says it's not necessarily wrong it's just not normal The Carriage stops and they get out to see the wheat Fields And while the others are having fun perudo asks gold what he would do if the queen was after Charlotte's life gold had anticipated that the queen was trying to get rid of him but he would never have thought she was after Charlotte but since she is the queen there is nothing that he can do about it harino says it might be better if the queen just disapp appeared but as wicked as she may be she is still the strongest warrior in the kingdom and if she disappeared there would be a civil Ward to fill the power vacuum but if someone else of equal power were to take her place then it would be fine herido suggests that gold become king but he knows he is not cut out to be the king however he believes that Charlotte would one day be able to Rule the Kingdom well herido decides to protect Charlotte until she can become Queen and that means putting off killing the queen but he still has plans to go see her the queen receives a report on the failure to assassinate Charlotte and she is not happy about it she throws wine in the face of the Knight and calls him useless the Knight tries to explain that the Black Knight has been foiling all their plans but the queen doesn't see what the big deal is with one measly Vigilant she thinks she might just have to take him on herself and put an end to this and the chance to put her money where her mouth is presents itself as Black Knight is right there the quitting's kns try to guard her but they are immediately choked out by barriers the queen asks how he managed to get into the castle since there should be be several layers of barriers around it but barriers are kind of black Knight's thing so it's not like that was going to stop him she doesn't care anymore and just wants to kill him so she activates three Spells at Once In Black Knight is actually pretty impressed she creates a ball of water around him and tries to drown him but he just jumps straight out of it next she tries throwing spikes at him and when that doesn't work she tries a fireball and she thinks she has finally gotten him but blackmate just gets up and goes yep that was fire all right it's now his turn to attack and he just casually pelts her with blast after blast until she runs out of Mana to defend herself with no other options she engages in close combat with the Holy sword that killed the demon king and she exclaims that she is the strongest in the world but immediately after she gets disarmed and is now defeated he still can't kill her despite how much he wants to so he puts a collar around her neck that will kill her if she ever does anything against gold or Charlotte again and leaves her to wait in her defeat he walked in asserted dominance and just left right right after after a long night of asserting dominance haruto's pret has kept the queen at Bay for 5 years and now he is spending the day playing with Charlotte in the snow not much has changed as Charlotte is still a weeb and fle is still useless in everything other than the most random things as Charlotte and fle continue to play in the snow herud and gold have a discussion gold talks about how the queen hasn't made another attempt on Charlotte's life since 5 years ago and all of a sudden she started wearing a slave collar at first the other Nobles thought it was just some weird fashion statement but after a while they started wondering if she might have been trying something kinky and got stuck in the collar however one thing is certain with Charlotte now safe he can continue to live his peaceful shut in life that peace lasted for all of two seconds as gold tells him that he has to go to school now hero doesn't want to go and gold didn't want to send him there but there are factors that he can't refuse the king recommended him personally and it was most likely due to Marian taking an interest in him it it would cause problems if he declined the king's personal offer so he agrees to go gold says he can take an attendant with him but before he can even think about fle gold says he can't take her he can't have her chucking Fireballs in the school just that his mother barges in and says he can take her but that is basically handing yourself over on a silver plate to the bullies gold gives him some time to find someone to take but Haro still has plans for avoiding School altogether he's going to send his clone instead but the Clone also doesn't want to go but there is another plan since the Clone can't use magic harud would be expelled for lack of ability and he would not have to go anymore but the Clone questions why it has to be him since if he gets picked on he doesn't have any main character powers to defend himself so Cora compromises and Promises to use barrier magic to make sure he at least doesn't get hurt in a log cabin in the middle of the woods fle is wiping down the windows while Charlotte is watching anime and herud playing video games he then suddenly recalls something that his procrastination had led him to neglect he's still about to find an attendance for the Academy unless he wants his mom to go with him while walking in the forest herud comes across a barrier in the forest and walks into it only to find that it is the one he created for the skeletons to live in what else was he going to do with them after he defeated them 5 years ago they swore their loyalty to him so with no idea what to do haruto just gave them some land and Chuck them into the Wilderness the leader Johnny tells haruto that he can order them to do anything he wants but what he wants to know is why there are other monsters here too the other monsters are from the monsters that Fay scared The Living Daylights out of so now they live here and recover from the PTSD Huga thinks it's fine as long as they go cause any trouble but he is still surprised that the settlement seems to have grown quite a bit and they've even started farming and planning to grow their population hudo starts thinking that Johnny seems to be quite capable and if he manages to create a body for him then he might make a perfect attendant he would be perfect if he didn't talk so much that it Johnny notices the look on Hero's face and asks if he may have done anything wrong but herud denies it and says he is just impressed with how well Johnny is handling things here later hero sits by the lake and talks to himself about how tired he is he had thought he could just spend time alone in the forest but that whole thing happened and while he is sitting there the Golem pops up behind him and sits down the gollum is named jigan and is a lot more softspoken than Johnny in that respect hudo would like to take her as his attendant but I assume the academy doesn't make 10 ton beds as Haruno walks back to the cabin realizes that picking an attendant might actually be really difficult but seeing as he has learned nothing from his procrastination he decides to forget about it for now he returns home and fle asks him what all this talk of attendance is about but harud remembers that fle isn't an option so he tells her that it has nothing to do with her the next day Charlotte starts coming up with new names for things and ends up naming the Monster Village pandemonium elsewhere in some mountains a party of adventurers is cornering a blizzard Dragon but the dragon starts to fly away so they chase out after it a dragon then takes a nose dive into the mountain and ends up buried by an avalanche a blizzard Dragon losing to snow is pretty ironic gold calls herud in to discuss something and tells him about the blizzard dragon that got wounded in the mountains it hasn't entered their region yet but if it were to go on a rampage then there would be several casualties so he wants fle to go deal with it but fle refuses stating that she only follows orders from herud but even when herugo asks her to do it she still refuses her reason is that since she has never met that Dragon it means that it M to help during the demon war and she can't bring herself to talk to such a coward after talking a little more they exit the office and Charlotte was outside ease dropping on the conversation she asks fle to please save the dragon and if both haruto and Charlotte are asking she has no choice but to agree the heads of the mountains and harud begins scanning the area until he locates the dragon but adventurers are closing in on it so they have to act fast the adventurers are about to finish off the dragon but Haruno jumps in to defend it and heals his wounds fle then starts chucking fire at the adventurers who so far have done nothing wrong whatsoever the dragon gets up and freezes herud immediately which is not how you thank someone for saving you and after hudo breaks free he's really angry the dragon can speak but ignores hudo and asks fle why she's obeying a human and this sexs off a long unskippable cut scene 1 hour later fle is done with her speech the dragon now believes that hudo is the Demon Lord and apologizes for not fighting the war between humans and demons she lived alone for 300 years and doesn't like conflict she recounts that at first she just slept in a cave but then an adventurer dropped a book and she loved reading it so much that she left her cave and took on a human form so that she could go to a human Village to read books but while they may seem harmless she still stole those books from the library and one day adventurers found her and attacked burning down her pile of stolen books in the process kind of hard to feel sorry for her but fle seems to be quite moved by the story and invites her to come live in pandemonium harud agrees to this and the dragon swears her loyalty to him before transforming into a human harud already knows what's going to happen so before the fan service could kick in he creates clothes for her afterwards he names her Lisa fle gets jealous and tries to assert dominance here but harud just tells them to follow him home for now and while Lisa is able to sprout Wings to follow him fle is stuck on the ground when they get back to the castle heru asks for permission to have Lea work as a maid here gold is already Way Beyond questioning the things that herud does so he says it is fine fle is now training Lisa to become a maid but honestly fle already sucked at her job so Lisa is immediately better at this than her the food Leisa made is served to the family and they all love it and praise her for her skill Hero's mother asks Lisa if she is good at anything else and she says she is quite knowledgeable in basic magic so she's made Charlotte's personal maid the next morning Lisa gets up to get Charlotte out of bed dress for the day they then go into the courtyard and Lisa begins teaching Charlotte about basic Magic and assisting her with her studies and after a few lessons Charlotte is already able to manifest a gigantic Fireball hermano Praises Lea for her capability and apologizes for making her do so much work but Lisa doesn't seem bothered by it and actually really enjoys moving around charlot doesn't want to cause trouble for her so she tells her to open up about any problems she may be having and asks to become friends with her Haro thinks about how liisa is really Dependable very good at learning and adapting and kind as well he realizes that she is the perfect candidate to be his attendant but she has already become friends with Charlotte so he can't separate them anymore but then he gets the idea to create a Magic Door to allow liisa to return here to be with Charlotte and also his attendant at the same time later Charlotte is feeling the depression of finishing your favorite series and is bored out of her mind Liz informs her that she has to head back to the castle and herud finally gets around to telling her that he will be going to school next week Charlotte gets some weird ideas in her head and calls a meeting of all of Hero's subordinates she she tells them about hero going to school and fle is upset that he didn't tell her first she wonders why EU needs to go to school at all since he is the Demon Lord but she forgets that she isn't supposed to tell Charlotte about that Charlotte asks if there is anything she doesn't know about herud but the others aren't giving up any information back to matter at hand Charlotte called the meeting because she is confused why herud would go to school willingly she knows for a fact that he hates school with a passion but his disdain for school only served to fuel Charlotte's imagination and she now believes that there's a secret student council at the school which is leading students down the path of evil and stealing their souls or something she thinks herugo is going to go fight them and everyone believes her without a second thought so Charlotte makes a plan for them to investigate it at the Academy but they don't ask Kudo about any of this Lisa as the only one there with more than two brain cells actually goes to ask haruto about it but he decides not to tell the truth and makes up an excuse for why she must go with him to the academy Haro still plans to get kicked kicked out as soon as possible but at least his attendant issue is solved hero is about to leave for the Academy with Lisa and has hidden her tail and horns to prevent drawing attention to her but she seems a little uneasy about having lost them and fle is over there in the corner crying about not being the one to go with hudo meanwhile in the Royal Capital the princess barges into the prince's room to tell him that hudo is on his way to the capital right now he tries to act disinterested but he was the one who went through all the trouble to get herud recommended to the academy the prince has gone through a lot of character development since he got his ass handed to him by herud so who wants to go to the same school as him in hopes of learning a little about him that's all ladies and gentlemen I introduce you to the latest sere but he's not the only one because the prince knows that Maran went on a whole tantrum until her father gave permission for hero to enroll she tries to play it off and says it's not like she's in love with harud or anything but the prince isn't stupid so she basically just admitted that she loves herud the conversation got real awkward real quick so the prince changes the subject and asks if she has been all right with all the cultists doing cult things in the school the Church of lucif they are using the shield of calling themselves a religion to get away with a lot of shady things like tax evasion and recently they have been throwing around the idea of overthrowing the monarchy and what's worse it seems that the queen is a part of all this the prince hasn't been able to figure her out since she had that collar put on her 5 years ago and even before that he was already scared of her but now she might be trying to crush the king all together since they aren't on good terms and they don't know what to do about that Marian thinks haruto may be able to change things around a little since she thinks he has the power to possibly topple an entire nation which she's not exactly wrong but she still has no proof of that the prince brings up that he heard about a hero in Gold's Province called the Black Knight and he might be able to resolve this situation if they ask for his help the Quinny then comes into their room acting all nice that the reaction of the prince am Maran is like a psycho just walked in and yep definitely a psycho as the queen starts strangling Maran for looking at the collar on her neck the prince begs her to let go of Maran and she just says she was just joking around she then talks to the prince who I'm just now realizing has gotten a lot be fire she gets in close and tells him to learn everything he can about the black knight from herud and tell her about it the light death threat mixed in what a perfectly functional family this is right the prince apologizes in his mind for getting harud involved with that crazy lady meanwhile hudo is still lounging around in his cabin it would take a few days to get to the capital by Carriage but with barrier magic he is able to create a door that allows him to teleport anywhere he wants to go it's already been a few days so he is scheduled to arrive at the capital anytime now fle is still begging to be taken with him instead of Lisa but haruto's decision is final and he doesn't want to go to jail for F's arsonist Tendencies so he heads through the door with Lisa and they end up in a forest near the capital it is still quite a long walk to the gate and they can't fly there because they would definitely be spotted so they're just going to have to suffer through the TR Tre they notice some people being attacked by a bison that is looking for an easy meal and harud doesn't really care if they get eaten but if Charlotte found out then he would never hear the end of it so hu begrudgingly transforms into blackmate and heads off to save them their cart loses a Weedle so blackmate uses some soft barriers to save a boy from falling first a white-haired girl in the group then gets out and tries to distract the Bison so that the others can escape black knate sees her facing the bison and thinks she might be able to handle this alone so he doesn't have to be here she was not able to handle it she's about to get ran through by the Bison but Black Knight knocks it out before it can harm her he then heals the girl and she thanks him for his help the kid also comes up to him and thanks him and harud still has a soft spot for kids he does his pose and announces himself as Shiva here but no one responds however the kid liked it so we will call it a win he then fixes the wagon and says he's going to take the Bison back to its herd since it shouldn't be here later he and Lisa arve at the Academy it has one of the things Haro dreads the most crowded lines his whole thing is literally draining the life out of herud and after signing a mountain of paperwork he finally gets his room but he can't handle being here for another minute and heads back to the cabin looking like a shriveled up raisin with another magic door when he gets there he asks fle to cook something for him but Charlotte suggests that they go to a restaurant in the capital they have lunch at a restaurant and afterwards Charlotte pulls out a map and tells everyone is split up to monitor different sections of the city she then goes with hudo and grabs his hand saying it's a date he takes a moment to process what she just said and then goes into fullon rationalization mode they look different enough so no one would be able to tell that they are siblings has never been on a date before and most important of all the DNA says it's not incest so the date is a yes herido is on Cloud9 because of his cute sister but Charlotte accidentally bumps into the girl from the Bison attack and she seems to recognize Hero's magic power from before but she is late for a job interview so she has to leave as she goes Charlotte remarks that there's something off about her like she isn't just an ordinary person but harud doesn't want to get involved with any special people so he's just going to stay in his room until the entrance ceremony but before the ceremony harud is required to take an actitude test and if he doesn't poorly he might be kicked out of the school for lack of ability which is exactly what he wants Haruno heads to the examination Hall and is met by one examiner who has been waiting for him he's given a test to finish and he is determined to fail it in spectacular fashion but he didn't even need to try to fail cause he actually doesn't know how to answer these questions so he just puts down don't know and don't care for all the answers on the first page the second page is related to barrier magic and they would probably figure out that something was up if he pretended not to know anything about barrier magic since that is his special magic so be answered that page truthfully lass is ancient magic and hudo thinks back to all the time that he spent studying ancient magic as an excuse to not go outside and before he knew it he had accidentally answered all the questions on the paper correctly The Examiner then takes him to another room to have his magic examined and he is met by a girl who checks all the boxes to be the resident LLY but don't worry she's at least 50 years old her name is tyot Luciano but that is a whole mouth full so we will call her tier she is a professor of ancient magic at the Academy so even with a recommendation letter if hero gets on her bad side she can have him expelled from the school but that is all good news to herud she's going to read his test answers to evaluate his magical knowledge but after after seeing his answers she gets an intense look on her face she says it's now time for magic power evaluation and harud expects it to be two again but this time the magic Crystal just broke into pieces those magic crystals are expensive so even though he didn't mean to break it he is hoping that she will use it as an excuse to kick him out of the school but unfortunately she's way too reasonable for that and is rather impressed by the amount of magic he possesses to be able to destroy a magic Crystal and after reading his answers she remarks that the first page is some pretty highle magic stuff and it would be understandable to not know the answer she's also impressed by the amount of balls it took to write I don't know on the test and the second and third Pages all have perfect answers on them tier decides then and there that she will take haruto under her Wing as an assistant to her research but hero is a certified Shu in so he goes hell no you can do that by yourself I'm out of here later he fills his clone in on what happened and it seems they made a good impression by accident but all hope is not lost yet they will definitely find way to get kicked out quickly Kum herud now has to go to the entrance ceremony from now on we call him herud to he doesn't want to do it but since he is the Clone here he has no choice in the matter at least he has the barrier that herud casts on him for protection and a magic gun for self-defense he gets through the ceremony and now just has to return to his room he sees a bunch of students walking in his Direction and that is a clear signal of the bullying plot development so he tries to sneak past them but the leader of the group calls the white-haired girl and Har rudo 2 hiss R into to it the blonde guy is angry that the girl didn't bow to him as he passed but herud 2 wants no part of what this guy is saying so he tries to fake being sick to escape but the guy sees through his fake sickness and is so enraged by it that he starts casting a spell Herer to isn't about to wait around to see what he is cooking so he makes a break for it trying to escape however the Fireballs still hit him but he's fine thanks to the defensive magic hero cast on him however Blondie isn't done cooking yet and fires off more spell forcing hudo to to defend himself and 360 no scope his ass with a gun and after that he dips well that was one hell of a first day so herud 2 is going to take a much needed nap back in the cabin a while later Haruna receives a dual Challenge from Blondie but he wants no part in it so he rejects it however his rejection was rejected as it would bring dishonor to Gold so he now has to fight in the duel herud notices the white-haired girl talking to the messenger and heading forward to blon's Mansion so he decides to keep an eye on her in the Mansion Blondie is in pretty bad shape after getting 360 no scoped by herud 2 and the girl is trying to get him to call off the duel with herud londie says he might consider her apology if she dances naked for him and she agrees to do it I'm going to be honest this is the first time I've seen events play out like this she starts stripping down and has got into her bare chest but haruto can't stand to watch this anymore so he turns out the lights and yells at her to have some respect for herself he tells her to get dressed so that he can take her back to her dorm in the meantime he's going to deal with blondie he places aice on him which prevents him from using magic without severe pain as punishment for everything he did up till now and then leaves later herud is receiving a lot of praise for his trick shot against Blondie whose name is hofen by now the entire school has heard about it and it will definitely be replayed on the highlight reel for years to come people can't believe that harud is actually only level two despite the level of power he displayed hero leaves the office disappointed since he thought he was being called to be expelled for being hen but he got praise instead and now there are schoolwide rumors about him which can only lead to more main character moments so he wants to avoid it at any cost however before he can return to his room he is stopped by tier who still hasn't given up on having haruto become her assistant she explains to him that there are only two options in the academy either become a knight or lock yourself away in a lab to do research but herud still doesn't want to join her regardless as she's trying to force a contract on her rudo prince leas spots him and tries to come in for a bro hug but haruto shuts that down real quick Marian then comes over to apologize for Le's behavior and harud notices that leus has been hitting the gym a lot Maran asks herud if he has decided where he wants to study yet and when he says he hasn't she invites him to join her research group however leus also wants herud to join his group and tier isn't backing down either they continue to fight over who will be taking herud to their group but then the white-haired girl approaches hudo because she wants to talk to him her has no idea why she wants to talk to him but he takes the chance to get out of the situation and runs off with her leaving marann worried that he might be in a relationship with her Haro and the girl make their way far from the academy and she asks him why he is different from yesterday Haro gets caught off guard by this and immediately creates a barrier around them out of instinct he realizes that she was able to distinguish him from herud 2 and when asked about it she says she can feel immense pressure coming from him the only other person to have said that was fle so he thinks the girl might be a demon but she confirms that she is human but onto more pressing matters she wants to ask Haro to be her friend and he is caught off guard once again and habitually agrees she is really happy that he didn't turn her down since he's the first friend she has ever made and herud wonders how anyone could be more of a loner than him her story is really similar to Hero's as when she was a baby she was abandoned but in her case she got yeed four separate times if she had to think of a reason for it it would be because she started speaking to communicate as a baby the same thing Haruno did only he didn't do it in front of humans she ended up at a church but even there they had treated her poorly leaving her isolated from the outside world so she kind of missed the memo on what common sense should be which is why she was hoping to learn from a friend but her Runo is also a loner so he's not sure what she would be able to learn from him however she's fine with learning together with him anyway and hopes that they can get along as friends the idea of being friends with her isn't too bad and she is a lot better than the other options for friends he knows of so he is fine with it he asks if she has decided what course she's going to be taking and she says she will be taking ancient magic which belongs to tier so he says he is going to go there as well and that makes the girl extremely happy and for the first time haruto's heart beats for a smile that does not belong to his sister he regains his composure and asks what her name is back at the Log Cabin Charlotte is missing her rudo so she decides to pop on over with a Magic Door but fle isn't allowed to come since she would most definitely cause property damage as his servant she is supposed to be by his side but since he won't allow that she is stuck with nothing to do her last job was to unify all the demons under the Demon Lord who was actually very kind towards both humans and demons he dreamed of a world where both could live peacefully but also resigned himself to being defeated by the queen for the greater good and fle believes that Demon Lord was reborn as haruto and lost all the memories of his previous life Lisa asks what the name of the Demon Lord was and she tells her that it was Iris filia which also happens to be the white-haired girl name so she's the actual Reincarnation of the Demon Lord and also remembers her past as the Demon Lord our boy shortens her name to Iris is about to walk away but she wants to do their first friend activity and pick out classes together so Cordo invites her to his room charlot was already sitting there watching anime and immediately thinks iris is his new girlfriend but he denies it she then comes out and says that she plans to become haruto's second wife in the future hero isn't too excited to hear that but he thinks this is at least better than her hating him and maybe she isn't that serious about it she's very serious about it even Iris who has zero life experience can tell that something isn't right here anyway they get to filling out their class forms and harud is taking the dind approach since he doesn't care which classes he takes he gets bored and just asks Charlotte to do it for him instead and she is more than happy to be of help to him after that is done Charlotte leaves his run and harud covers iris's eyes so that she doesn't see the Magic Door they finish off the rest of the documents and are ready to begin school as brand new friends the next day after spending the night hudo is dreading the reality that he has to begin school today as all students feel at some point he knew it would be coming but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with charlet gets his attention and says she'll inform him of his schedule for the day based on his performance in the entrance exams he's likely to be placed in cclass which is about average but classes are shuffled around based on regular exam performance so shight is sure he can advance to a class soon but her Runo has no intention of doing anything of the sort he takes a look at his courses immediately realizes it was a mistake to let Charlotte register them for him because every single course he is taking now is highlevel panic attack inducing calculus she picked those classes because she thought herud would be able to Breeze through them but there's no way he's going to do all that crying although the more he thinks about it this might work out in favor of his plan to get expelled from the school if he selects all these highlevel courses the teachers will think he must be really smart and have high expectations of him to pass the classes giving him the perfect opportunity to let them all down he's about to set off to put his plan into action but before he leaves Charlotte gets his attention again and reminds him that he forgot something while opening her arms herido turns around and gets his goodbye hug from her as she wishes him a good day at school but is it just me or is this hug lasting way too long after 30 minutes of hugging Haruno finally heads out and is met by Iris who greets him she notices Liz next to him and asks who she is to which Haruno informs her that Liz is his attendant being The Reincarnation of the Demon Lord Iris can tell that Liz is no human but who is she to judge if she's Hero's attendant then so be it she greets Liz as well and they both walk to school together on the way iris is shocked to learn that herud was put in cclass despite the skill she knows he possesses she herself was put in a class but from what she had heard written exams held the most weight in determining your overall grade so she's sure he will eventually be joining her here Haruno still isn't thrilled about the idea of getting moved to her class but just ISS okay and waves goodbye as she enters a class as she's leaving Liz speaks up and says that no matter how many times she looks at her she can't discern whether iris is a human or a demon so she asks what Haro thinks he doesn't really think she's a demon but even if she were she hasn't done anything evil yet so it should be fine to leave things as they are he makes his way to his cclass and as he enters all eyes are on him likely because of that trick shot his clone pulled off he just wants to lay low in class for a while but as the teacher begins his introductions to the class he States how Class C is right in the middle between the best and the worst the school has to offer so to see where they fall he's going to have to assess them and to do that he'll have them all take an assessment test take a moment to think about how crazy it is to get pop quiz on the first day of school but this works out in favor of his plan to fail the class he'll show them just how incompetent he truly is and say goodbye to this school forever but as he takes a look at the questions the questions are way too easy these are the kind of questions shot was able to cover in six months just after she learned how to read he wonders what the teacher was thinking to put such simple questions on a test but he also thinks the teacher might be trying to reassure the students with questions that they can't possibly fail this makes it a little hard to know how to respond here if he starts failing questions that are so easy then the school might start to suspect that he is doing it on purpose so he comes up with a plan to find a balance between right and wrong answerers 60% correctly after the test is over the teacher takes a look and says he is very disappointed out of the whole class barely any anybody managed to get a bug 20% but then again he isn't surprised because even b-class students would only be able to average a 50 on this kind of test Haro hears this and can't believe what his ears are hearing because that means his score is actually the best in class as confirmed by the teacher who calls an out by name a student's clap for his achievement and he starts to realize what went wrong with his plan it's not necessarily that his classmates are a bunch of idiots well maybe a little but the real reason is because Charlotte is just way too smart so the things he learned with her are actually Advanced questions the teacher promises that with his outstanding performance he'll make sure to put a good word for herud to be able to move up to class A before the next lesson begins and just like that 20 minutes after the first day of school he had been promoted to a class as soon as he sets foot on the class he is spotted by Iris and ringart and they immediately grab him fighting over who gets to have haruto their argument is cut short however when Professor oror announces her presence she introduces her as their teacher and an Elemental Magic Theory expert but harud is just upset because he can already tell that this teacher is going to be a pain in the ass she singles out Haro Iris and ranard for being only first years but having signed up for her incredibly advanced class and still having the nerve to sit in the very front row while chatting away the moment they fail to answer even one of her questions she will be throwing all three of their dumbasses out and as for herud and Iris she had heard they joined here's research group and she's got beef with that lowly so she's going to take it out on the two of them after her rant oratoria starts class and says they'll begin with main elements and subelements and they will also be learning about quantification so she calls Iris out to put her hand in the crystal ball she approaches the desk and does as she was asked revealing that she possesses all the elements possible but it looks like hermana is only at a five Tori changes her opinion of Iris really fast and starts asking her to join her research group but Iris refuses which may have been partially due to her previous threats Tori moves on and says the element one is most proficient at is their main element meaning it's the one they are strongest with but alas that is that the crystal is able to show if a proficiency with the main element is taken is 100% then how well can they control the sub elements there is currently research being done to calculate this but has proven to be quite difficult B hero doesn't see why it would be hard to do so he uses his Mona calculator and it seems to display the information just fine Tori continues her lecture and says part of the reason it is so hard to quantify by a person's Proficiency in a particular element this is because certain factors can change the proficiency of a person's magic it was originally thought to have something to do with Mastery over the spell but research has shown that to be false herula thinks about it and concludes that it must be due to Hidden properties then like he was being smart a little too loud and Tori managed to hear him blowing up in a frenzy to get herud to repeat himself he's messed up his Mona calculator also shows some attributes that he hasn't been able to figure out so he just calls them hidden Factor so far he has only ever spoken to Charlotte and the others about it but now he screwed up and mentioned it in front of this lunatic he is pressured so he answers honestly about thinking elements can have hidden properties that lead to varying levels of Effectiveness when used but Tor just shakes him harder and questions how he has that information when all the top Minds in the country are just coming up with this Theory there is a strange figure that sends them research results every couple of years that is decades ahead of anything they could ever accomplish themselves they've been studying this with the utmost caution they haven't even told the royal family yet but here a high schooler figured it out in 10 minutes she is Amazed by haruto's insight and asks him to join her research group once again those threats she made earlier aren't doing her any favors plus it's technically against school rules to recruit students to your research group during class Tori questions if Haruno might be the mysterious figure that was sending the research but while it wasn't him he has a good idea of who could have been behind it seeing what the other professors are like herud later goes to hand in the paperwork to join tier's research group and she is excited that she now has enough members to keep the research group going so to celebrate she decides to hold a welcome party for them and puts pocos in charge of it leaving herud and Iris just standing there they decide to just sit and read and harud too is annoying that he had to come to school today when it was meant to be the original herud here for the day but lainus got the better of him so member two had to come hand in his application but speaking of which he has technically done what he was sent here to accomplish so he should be fine to leave but before he can get away he hears a scream from poos and now has to go investigate because he was still here they find Blondie otherwise known as schne lying on the floor nearly lifeless tan had forgotten he was just lying on the floor there he had come to her because he was afflicted by some strange magic so he assumed it must be ancient magic and she would have some insight on it but all he got was a lot of testing done on him by tier leaving him in his current state and since he just so happens to be unconscious she wants to demonstrate why you never want to be the first person to follow sleep at the sleepover she begins experimenting on him and shows that there are barriers that attract each other in his shoulder whenever he tries to use magic but inanimate objects pass straight through it she asks Iris what she thinks it could be and based on what she has seen so far she thinks it could be nonelemental barrier magic harer 2 is impressed that tier was able to identify the true properties of the barrier magic and a little concerning considering he is made of barrier magic she asked Kudo if he can tell what the difference is between ancient magic and more Modern Magic but this isn't the smart one so he's having trouble answering the question to put it simply ancient magic isn't Elemental in nature making it special but is also said that this type of magic doesn't require constant magic input to sustain itself and that's why she believes the magic that was used on schile was actually ancient magic otherwise anyone who cast something like this would have easily run out of magic after only half a day but this magic was placed on schile almost 2 days ago meaning there must be someone alive right now that is capable of casting ancient magic tier is speculating on who could possibly have the power necessary to use such magic but Iris clearly denies having the capability to use such powerful magic and tiar can tell that she's being sincere so she turns to ask the guy who saw the culprit himself she grabs him and proceeds to smack the back into his body after regaining Consciousness he recalls all the horrific experiments tar did to him and threatens her with his family's position however she isn't very scared since if her unethical scientific practices had ever had consequence before she would be on death row she gets straight to the point and asks schile who it was that did this but he isn't sure all he knows is that it was a strange man covered in Black from head to toe that description coincidentally matches that of a reported hero of justice that was running around in Hero's father's Kingdom and even more coincidentally he started to appear in the capital soon after harud also arrived she may be short but she would beat out any NBA player when it comes to leaping to conclusions she's on to him and pressuring him to admit that he's actually the hero of justice and harud number two is freaking out because of all these social interactions luckily the original harud had a plan ready for a situation like this and has Shiva make an appearance in the research room to clear himself of any suspicions he tells schne that if he calls off the duel he had set with haruto then he will undo the binding and left with no other choice he agrees to do so with that was about to take his leave but he was then caught in a binding spell by tear she's very proud of her binding spell and she plans to keep Shiva trapped here until he answers all her questions about him but Shiva had other plans and breaks free from The Binding trapping her in an invisible barrier as well tier is slightly threatened but turned on at the same time and offers her Chastity to Shiva if he will answer her questions but he doesn't seem very interested she then realizes that she needs to go to the bathroom but if Shiva doesn't undo his binding she's going to wet herself so she promises not to investigate him anymore after successfully not wetting herself in front of her students they finally have that welcome party that she was planning to do for irus and herud while sitting harud asks pocos why he is always around tier he begins explaining the long story of how he met tier he had been hired by her family to be a private tutor several years ago but as he tried to teach the young girl he soon realized that he was far outmatched by her intellect and was about as useful as a glass of water in a river so she enrolled at the Academy to take advantage of the resources available but with all the resources she had at her disposal she had to go and pick ancient magic no one even knows if the magic is still useful so she ended up as the laughing stock of the school herido 2 tries to cheer him up by saying normal people could never understand the mind of a genius that only makes poco's even more upset now it's gotten really awkward in here but luckily Iris comes over to make things awkward in a whole new way she's been drinking a lot and realizes that she loves alcohol a lot she offers haruto a sip but he declines so she pours herself another cup she then remembers that she wants to thank haruto for being friends with her and drops her knees while bringing her head close to Hero to his lap he is freaking out but then Iris just falls asleep which gives him relief but also some disappointment after putting her to sleep on the couch tier comes up to him and starts talking to haruto about Iris and the theory she has on why she chose to join this research group in the first place from her aptitude test she found that Iris has an aptitude for every single element there is which is an incredibly rare trait to possess maybe even enough to call her a hero in the making but life often doesn't go so conveniently so despite her High number of aptitudes her Mana is only at a 5 out of 35 being a teenager and having such a low level means it likely won't be able to increase more than what it already is and that is why she believes Iris came to the ancient magic research group in hopes of uncovering some sort of ancient secret that could lead her to a breakthrough in her level though that's just a hypothesis and something she wouldn't normally just blurt out either but due to all the alcohol in her system she she's just saying whatever comes to mind so before she accidentally blurts out the formula to is something that violates the genima convention she decides to take a nap to sleep off all the alcohol in her system elsewhere that night schile is furious over having to call off the duel with haruto and he knows everyone in school will soon learn about it and start making fun of him for being scared he went through a lot even siding with the church of lucifero in order to make sure his father would be the next king of the Kingdom but then haruto and Shiva had to come in and mess up his plans but really Haruno doesn't give a damn about him and he would have been fine to keep doing what he was doing if he just hadn't messed with Iris and his brain must have gone on vacation for the holidays because he decides it would be a good idea to send assassins after herud after he just got freed from his punishment which he received for threatening to harm hudo he gives the orders for the Assassins to go and eliminate hudo and the others in the research group but in the corner we see one of haruto's camera barriers recording the whole thing the Assassins had to fulfill their mission and close in on the building they see the targets all laid out drunk after a celebration harud seems to be asleep on the sofa they have cast a sound barrier around the entire building to ensure that no one is able to hear any of their activities this night they also have at least 20 of the most elite members of their organization here so the job should be easy enough to accomplish they move out to commence the operation but as one runs full speed towards the building he crashes face first into a barrier that had been set up around the building they investigated a little it is a barrier that surrounds the building entirely and they can't even scratch the thing just then a door suddenly appears and I don't know about you but this situation reeks of trap the Assassins were informed that Shiva would be protecting herud so the leader asked them to proceed with caution as one of them opens the door he gets Dragged In where you can only presume that he was immediately killed the rest of the Assassins see this and shoot a fireball at the door in hopes of destroying it but their fire is just absorbed now behind them dozens of floating doors appear and they are all pulled in one after another the leader keeps his cool and focuses on finding the person behind all the doors and as he locks onto it shoots a fireball at what he believes to be Shiva but there are now dozens of shivas coming from the doors and he is greatly confused but Fires at them nonetheless they all fall to the ground but he finds that the people he just shot down were his own teammates he then hears a voice above his head and looks up to find the real Shiva sitting in the air he tries to attack him but gets Bound by one of shiva's barriers and is left immobile you can't believe SCH would be so stupid as to send an assassin Group after him so he's got a lot of questions he once answered all the assassins were ever ended so sha pulls up to sh's house and dumps their bodies on the ground he asks sh if he knows why they are here right now but he tries to Fain ignorance and claim that he has never met any of these people before in his life however Shiva has concrete video evidence proving that he was the one who ordered the Assassins to go and kill them so he won't be able to weasel his way out of this one and really was it necessary to send assassins after them over a simple Grudge he clearly didn't learn anything from the last punishment he was given so he is going to have to receive a more strict form of punishment M schile doesn't want to even begin to imagine what form of Cruelty that Shiva would inflict upon him so he walks over to a needle he kept stashed away in a wooden case and Shiva was so intrigued that he just let it happen shile injects himself with some form of power enhancing drug that causes his power to rise far above what he would normally be capable of but as a side effect turns him into a grotesque monster he punches Shiva through the wall and out into the courtyard it turned out to be way more horrific than he had thought so if he wants to just kill this thing and get home to go to sleep but he then receives a call from Charlotte asking him what's going on it's past her bedtime but she says she had a feeling herud was going to go fighting for justice or something so she couldn't help herself coincidentally he actually is fighting a huge monster and Charlotte asks if he is going to save it he wasn't planning to before but now that she has asked him to do it he decides he might as well try to get schile back to normal he engages in battle with a monster and Dodges around it strikes until he gets hit and is sent flying into a wall this monster form a schile is way stronger than he was before so Shiva goes for a barrier enhanced punch but it doesn't do much and he is caught in the arms of the monster to Freed himself he uses his barrier magic to surround His Arms and pull them apart he's now about his arms restrained so he thinks this battle must be over but he couldn't be more wrong because the monster then rips off his own arms regenerates them and continues fighting Charlotte calls Shiva and asks if he notice anything weird after the monster regenerated itself its body shrank and it got paler leading them to being that if they are able to cut off all of the overgrown parts then schile should be able to return him to his original form now that he has a clear idea of what to do in order to save schile he begins to chant and calls upon his unlimited blade works the sky reddens as thousands of blades and a rubber malet for some reason descend from the sky and slice schile up and after he is done with the rubber mallet landing on his head schile has been perfectly restored back to his normal human form to be honest the idea of cutting a guy up to return him to Norm normal seemed farfetched but Sheba is glad it all worked out in the end Trot calls to thank him for such an amazing show though there was some light in the way so she couldn't see everything and harud has never been more happy to see the Holy Light of censorship doing its job charlot goes to sleep leaving Shiva to clean up the mess that his smile sitting naked in the courtyard he tries to get his attention like SCH smile's mind has returned to Monkey so he no longer wants to deal with him he decides to just pick up the evidence and fix the Mansion up before anyone notices and go back to as sleep the next day somewhere in the Royal capital fle is doing some Intel Recon by yelling an old man in the streets this is obviously getting them nowhere so they resort to more reliable means and beat the answers out of some local hoodlums one of the hoodlums ended up knowing something about the current situation in the Royal capital and the team now has intell that the Queen and King are not on good terms right now and additionally there has been some unrest among the aristocracy meaning everything Charlotte predicted is true and the Doomsday of the royal capital is fast approaching they plan to infiltrate the capital and fight the evil Syndicate that is controlling everything behind the scenes and harud is watching from The Log Cabin this evil Syndicate is apparently real according to tier so he's going to have to keep an eye on things to make sure Charlotte doesn't get hurt but if it means he'll finally get a chance to relax that he's ready to take on the world for all it matters the end thanks for watching subscribe for more anime Recaps
Channel: AniSpot Recapped
Views: 1,483,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recaps, anime
Id: y32l3dkmaPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 18sec (4098 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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