Low Rank Warrior Reincarnated as Skeleton, Evolves and Becomes Powerful Vampire

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in the depths of a dungeon an adventurer wandered around grinding to gain the experience he needs but unfortunately for him he walked straight into a boss battle and he didn't quick save before he got here so he is screwed against a monster like that the whole introduction animation he stands zero chance with his subpar equipment and weak skill level so he just stands there and awaits death with his only regret being that he never got the chance to become a mithil ranked Adventurer that day the adventurer died but some time later his body or what is left of it begins to move again he doesn't understand why he is still alive because he is certain that he definitely got cooked by the boss but to his horror he looks in a puddle and discovers he has become even skinnier than he was before up on the surface adventurers usually start their day early but that's not because they want to it is because they are poor the only people who get to sleep until noon are rich people or researchers with a coffee addiction and a sleeping disorder though he may be biased because he knows a researcher who would tell him that she sometimes gets so hyper fixated on her research that she forgets to sleep he should probably go check on her at some point to make sure she doesn't end up killing herself with that said neither of those conditions apply to our MC rento who's currently struggling to pay the rent as a bronze Adventurer he has to wake up early because the quests that are available to be taken care first come first sered type of deal so you've got to be there on time if you don't want to get stuck with the terrible ones but if you don't end up finding any quests that are suitable for you then you're going to have to go into the Labyrinth to make 's meet and on this day that is exactly what happened to rent so he decided to go into the Labyrinth of Moon's reflection most adventurers work in teams but rent often Works solo he says there are number of reasons for this but the main one is that he sucks at being an adventurer in fact is still in bronze rank after having been an adventurer for over 10 years now as long as he can hunt and sell materials to the guild he will be able to survive on the money they pay him so surprisingly Ren life is actually pretty stable especially considering he saved up enough money in case of emergencies so he's already better than most regular people he headed into the Labyrinth but on this day the calm analytical mind that has allowed him to survive as an adventurer went on vacation because he found something that should have been impossible as he walked through the Labyrinth which had had every inch of it explored there was a hole in the wall just sitting there this wasn't recorded on the map so rent believed it must be a new passageway that was created by the Labyrinth this was a major Discovery and also when his brain went on vacation so against better judgment he entered the clearly dangerous hidden room the further in he goes the more convinced he is that must be an unexplored area and the only thing going through his mind is the thought of what amazing Treasures may be lying here waiting to be discovered not realizing that there would probably be something guarding that treasure and but even if there isn't anything he can get just delivering this information to the guild would be enough to get him a lot of money so he continues to explore the Dungeon without a care in the world normally he would have avoided a place like this but being blinded by all the rewards he could earn he ventured into this dangerous place without any backup or method of scouting running out danger and his recklessness only got him into trouble as he came face to face with a dragon and not just any dragon either this Angel looking monstrosity was a true Dragon the Legends say they are able to take on many forms and it often differs from what would be considered normal for a dragon but as it slowly approached rent even though he had never actually seen one in person before he was sure that this must be a dragon its presence alone was enough to freeze Ren in place out of fear but even if he was able to move against a being that stands at the Apex of monsters as a bronze Adventurer Ren stood absolutely no chance yet here is still somewhat alive despite being eaten by a dragon but that only means he must have come out the other side he's glad to still be alive but this doesn't really count as being alive he now a skeleton an undead monster he thinks about going back to town to figure things out but then he realizes that the second he steps out of the labyrinth is going to be captured and purified until there is nothing left so he decides not to go there for now he tries to keep calm and think about this rationally so he doesn't end up making any huge mistakes but first he grabs his sword and gets up he doesn't feel the presence of that Dragon anywhere nearby but is better to be safe than sorry so he leaves the area and heads back into the Labyrinth he continues to wander around looking for an adventurer to talk to but they are all probably going to a more popular dungeon now if he waits a few days he may be able to find a solo Adventurer coming from through and asking for help but if he wants to do that he's going to need to be able to talk first and he doesn't have a mouth anymore from around the corner Rhett notices a skeleton just standing there but once it finally sees him it still chooses to attack despite Ren being a skeleton as well Ren readies his sword to swing on the skeleton but as he charges towards it he realizes that his transformation into a skeleton has come with one major debuff all of his June gains are gone with his bony structure he is now unable to even swing his sword without falling over because he is so weak but fortunately the same goes for the skeleton that is attacking him as it falls over on itself and loses a leg while it tries to reattach itself rent just laughs and thinks of a strategy to defeat it while he's no skin and all bones like this you won't be able to use the swordsmanship skills that require you to have actual muscle but his decision-making brain comes back from vacation and he remembers that he can use his special ability Spirit he manages to activate the ability just as the other skeleton reattach its leg and they are set to fight again but this time while they are still both skeletons Rett has something to give him an edge his Spirit ability which enhances his bones and allows him to actually use his sword to fight like he normally would so as the skeleton runs up to him he cracks it over the head with the sword and side steps before smashing it all together a skeleton has been defeated and rank gives a sigh of relief that he managed to survive but the body of the Dead skeleton began to Glow to his surprise and green energy flowed into him from it R noices that the energy he has expended in that fight have been replenished in an instant so he wonders if this might be the mysterious attribute that monsters have he remembers his researcher friends talking about how monsters are able to become more powerful with age and experience but is on a different level from what is possible for a human to do a skeleton would always be a skeleton but in some rare cases it will be able to evolve into a ghoul that is because of existential Evolution something that she was currently researching at the time Brent thinks he can use this to his advantage since ghouls have flesh and almost look exactly like a human so if you were able to transform into one he might also be able to get back into the city if he disgu es himself with a robe and a mask or something so he now has his new goal of slaying monsters in this dungeon and becoming a ghoul back with his researcher friend she's feeling a little lonely since Ren isn't showing up to her house like he usually does but she accepts that he won't be coming today so she goes to get dinner ready in The Labyrinth Ren has successfully killed five skeletons so far and is steadily gaining experience and Agility as he levels up it also seems like the light that he absorbs has some kind of recovery effect so he is able to keep using his Spirit indefinitely with how well things are going for him rent decides it may be time to try challenging one of the stronger monsters in The Labyrinth he walks through the Halls until he comes face to face with a slime and though they are resistant to physical attacks they can easily be defeated with magic but unfortunately Ren is not talented enough to have offensive magic at his disposal at best he can only use basic spells for everyday activities so he is forced to use physical attacks to defeat it there are two methods to accomplish this one you can either break through the slime's core that is constantly moving around in its body or he can destroy the geladas body to the point that it is beyond regeneration but he isn't strong enough to do that normally and is going to have to go all out just to not get himself dissolved by the slime the Slime launches three acid balls at rent in an attempt to dissolve him but he godges and goes in for a strike and luckily he managed to hit the slime's core and defeat it back on the surface a guild receptionist gets asked if she can help a new Adventurer find a good party to team up with the girl is inexperienced but she is good with handling a sword so she isn't completely unneeded unfortunately there weren't any parties that were a good fit for her so the receptionist was planning to ask Gren to take care of her in the meantime but he hasn't returned to the town since the previous day which is out of character for him back in The Labyrinth Ren is taking a break but he realizes that he doesn't get sleepy anymore he has no appetite since he has no stomach since he can basically run on a broke college students routine he tries fighting through the entire night but even that wasn't enough to get him his Evolution still it's not all bad since when he first woke up as a skeleton his physical abilities were much worse than they were as a human but now that he has slain a ton of monsters is basically back to how he was before and has all the abilities he had from before he died it's even able to use Divinity despite being an undead that wasn't expected but it works out well for him as he uses it to keep the bread he brought good for a few more days in case he ever needs to eat after that he gets back to his objective of becoming a ghoul and decides he will keep his plan of killing monsters little by little and moving up in difficulty right now he can handle one one or two fairly easily the three might be a little tough and if he sees four at once he's going to have to run but it's not likely that the monsters will move around in such large packs even as an undead Ren is still really weak he spent 10 years as an adventurer and went nowhere with his career even though he is able to use Spirit mana and Divinity which is rare for a person he is not particularly strong in any of them so he remained as weak as ever deep down he knew he wasn't cut out to be an adventurer and most people would probably have quit after a few years years of being stuck at the same bronze rank but he never stopped trying to become a better Adventurer he trained every day and asked his friend to help him study Monsters and magic he even took on all manners of quests no matter how small they may have been he had a dream to become a mythal adventure in his lifetime a level at the top of the adventuring World which not even the naturally gifted could easily reach it is reserved for only the most powerful Adventures capable of saving a kingdom on their own and he isn't going to give up on that dream just because he has become a skeleton he continues going through the dungeon and killing monsters soon becoming even more powerful than he was as a human and after killing one more slime it finally happens he feels something strange happening to his body as the energy flows into him and all his muscles grow back he has become a ghoul he's really excited even if his face isn't able to show the expression you now ask skin again even if it is dried up and decaying but if he keeps going at it he may eventually turn into a vampire and by that point you will look exactly like a human and can return to his normal life but for now having more than bones means he can talk again although it is going to take some practice to learn to speak well again ever since he evolved into a ghoul he had regained his muscle back and can now move better than he could while he was a skeleton now he can strengthen not only his body but also his sword and the difference is clear as he is now able to easily defeat two goblins in one go elsewhere in the dungeon Ren finds a rookie fighting a skeleton and the girl just barely manages to beat it red is excited to finally see another human after such a long a few days but he also realizes that he can't carelessly approach her since she would either try to kill him or just run away he doesn't recognize her so he assumes she must be new to this whole adventuring thing since he knows basically every Adventurer in the town Ren continues to follow the girl through the dark dungeon and realizes she's heading in the direction of that Dragon cave that killed him he has to find a way to stop her but luckily a skeleton spawns behind her and diverts her attention she begins to attack and ren can tell that she has received good training but she's pretty weak since she needs to land several hits in a row in order to kill the skeleton she gets herself backed into a corner and has the skeleton closing in on her rank can no longer sits still and watch her embarrass herself so he steps up to save her before she gets deleted by the skeleton as he approaches the skeleton recognizes him as the bigger threat so it turns around to face him but Ren is screaming internally at the girl because she has a clear shot to backstab it right there take the shot realizing she isn't going to be of any help Ren takes matters into his own rotten flesh covered hands and One-Shots the skeleton after that is taken care of rent tries to approach the girl but she's understandably freaked out to have a ghoul approached so casually to try to calm her down Ren starts saying he doesn't intend to hurt her while also dropping his sword he tries to explain to the girl that he is the adventurer rent but then she asks why he looks like this now he explains that he got killed by a dragon but she just wants to confirm that he isn't going to try and eat her or anything Ren swears that he has no intention of doing so but he asks that she help him out with something if she is willing he wants her to buy him some clothes because he would like to go back to the town something like a robe so he can hide his body he gives her his pouch of money and tells her she can keep the rest if she buys him the clothes that he is asking for the girl now understands that rent truly isn't trying to hurt her so she introduces herself as Reena and swears that she will repay him for his help saving her from that skeleton however she still keeps her sword pointed towards him the entire time as she leaves Rhett doesn't really like how cautious she is being around him but that is probably how an ADV venturer should act in a situation like this come to think of it a proper Adventurer would also probably just report a situation like this to the adventurer's guild rather than actually help him but he doesn't think Reena would betray him as Reena returns to town she immediately goes back to the guild receptionist who had been worried sick about her since she didn't come back from the dungeon on time Reena says she is fine but a lot of stuff happened so she would like to ask about some later on in the Labyrinth Rand is fighting a slime and can tell that he is much stronger than he was as a human he's much more powerful and can use his body to its full potential now more than he ever could now if only his face did look like a wrinkled nut sack from the dungeon entrance Ren hears Reena calling out to him he is honestly surprised that she actually came back for him as he approaches her she notices him and immediately draws her sword out of fear because she isn't sure that he is the same ghoul she met earlier but after Ren confirms that it is actually him and he seems to have gotten himself past preschool levels of talking after a lot of practice so Reena can understand him better back on topic she tells him that she has brought the clothes he asked for as well as his change which she goes to set down beside the bag but Ren gets a little too close so she starts backing away in fear again but she apologizes and tells him that she is a little scared of him but she will eventually get used to it so he shouldn't feel bad Ren tells hers fine and goes to look through the clothes that she brought for him it is absolutely perfect Rea even went the extra mile and bought him a pair of boots and gloves to hide the rest of his body she's so considerate that it's enough to make a grown man cry but not rent because he still doesn't have tear Ducks rent tries on the clothes and he looks cool as heck with that outfit he loses some visibility but that is the price you have to pay for looking so cool although there is still the problem of his met sack face so he needs to do something about it before he can return to town Reena had thought of this as well and bought a mask for rent to hide his face but as he tries it on it gets sucked into his face and he can't seem to pull it off this mask clearly has cursive binding on it so Reena apologizes for bringing it to him now that she really thinks about it she should have known better than to trust it back Ali stall it was also pretty suspicious that the mask was so cheap but she was blinded by the Black Friday savings she apologizes again but she did check the item for a curse before bringing it here and didn't react so it must be a curse that only activates when it is put on if it is a curse then maybe Ren can dispel it with the Divinity he has Reena is surprised that he can use Divinity even as an undead monster but the power he has wasn't enough for him to get rid of the curse it doesn't look like he will be able to take off the mask anytime soon but it doesn't really matter since he needed to hide his face anyway now that rent looks less Undead Reena suggests that they can return to town together so they both get on a carriage to ride to Malt on the way there Reena tells rent that she registered to become an adventurer in the capital but there were too many skilled adventurers there so she was forced to leave UD to the skill Gap she came out malt because it was much more newbie friendly than most towns plus it had two labyrinths nearby so that was an added bonus red agrees that to Malt was a good decision for her to make but he is surprised that she was willing to come all the way out to the countryside despite being a city kid they get to the town gate but Ren is hesitant to go through since almost everyone here knows him so they'll be able to tell that something is wrong if he shows them his ID if that's the case then she suggests that they go to the west gate since that one normally isn't used as much they get to the west gate and are asked to present their identification to enter they do so and are allowed passage but the guards take issue with r's cool but emo outfit and start hassling him to show his face Reena comes up with a story on the spot and tells the guards that rent was badly injured in the dungeon so bot mask to hide his scars however the mask turned out to be cursed so he can't take it off now Ren even offers to let them try to take the mask off if they don't believe him so after confirming that it is cursed they feel kind of bad for hassling an injured man and let him go through once inside the town Reena is excited to go around and do things with rent but just like that he went to get the milk and disappeared from a nearby rooftop Brent watches Reena and he can tell that she's going to become a great Adventurer so if he looks a bit more human he will come back and apologize to her for now he has to go find his friend so she can help him figure things out so that night Ren shows up to Lorraine's house and finds her sleeping on the couch even while sleepy she can tell it is rent from the way he acts but there is definitely something wrong here so she decided to play a little prank and act like she was sleeping but after seeing what happened to him it's a little too late to say it's just a prank bro lorine has studied monsters all her life but she has never heard anything about someone getting eaten by a dragon and turned into an undead after they get out coming for anyone else she wouldn't believe a single word that was just said but since it is coming from rent and he kently looks like one of the M nourished children that Nestle uses for labor she's inclined to accept his statements as fact Ren appreciates that lorine isn't freaking out over his new look and is just thinking about it calmly but it does feel like she thinks of him slightly more as a tests a subject than a friend after pondering for a bit she turns to Ren and asks if he really is the same person and that's a fair question since even though he still has his memories and thinks the same there is no guarantee that he's actually the same for now though they acts normal enough for Lorraine to trust him so she asks what he intends to do from here on out Rett tells her that he wants to keep being an adventurer since while he may have died already his dream of becoming a mithal Adventurer lives on however he can't show up to the adventurer's guild looking like this so to continue adventuring he needs lurine to accept Quests for him plus he would need somewhere to stay since he can't go back to his in either so lurine offers her home to him in exchange all she asks is that he helps her with his research Rett knows exactly what that means when he is dealing with Lorraine so he makes it clear that she isn't allowed to dissect him or anything she tells him that there is no need to worry since she never intended to do that in the first place though she may take a bit of his flesh for science later that day Ren is doing some cleaning to help out when Lorraine comes back with some money in hand he had asked her to help himself sell the items he collected while he was in the dungeon but she decided to just pay him for it directly since this way she won't have to pay the Guild's fees isn't tax evasion great rent thanks her for the help and now that he has some money to use he announces that he will be going to the blacksmith to get a new sword rent walks through the streets happy to be able to move around freely again but he is still subject to the judging stares of the people that find his look to be terrifying he pulls his code down and just keeps moving until he gets to the blacksmith but the receptionist lady there is also frightened by him he apolog izes for looking so unsightly and the lady realizes that she is being really rude so she ignores how he looks and asks what he would like her to do for him red tells her that he wants to have his sword repaired so the lady takes a look at it and from the damage it has taken she can tell that he knows how to handle a sword well it looks like he can also use Spirit too which rank confirms adding that he can use mana and Divinity as well the lady is surprised as it is really rare for anyone to be able to use all three in fact there's so only one other person whom she's ever seen who is able to use all three which coincidentally is also rent he asked her not to make a big deal out of it since he would like to avoid too much attention so the lady promises not to speak a word about it to anyone else Ren pulls out the money lorine paid him and asks if this will be enough to have a new sword made for him so the lady takes a look and says it should do the job but is going to take some time for it to be finished since their blacksmith is very thorough in his work rent says he is fine with the wait time so whenever the sword is ready they should contact luran to get a hold of him meanwhile luran is reading up on the information that is available about ghouls they are lower class Undead monsters and there have been cases reported where a powerful monster was able to turn people into Undead but in those cases the people seem to have lost all personality and human emotion with their transformation however that clearly isn't the case with rent right now she knows that something about him must have changed he still feels like the same old rent she knew we get a flash back to when Lorraine was younger and rent was just a newbie Adventurer and as she took out a quest which required a bit of traveling a man called out to her and asked that she takes Ren along with her so he can gain some experience as an adventurer thus they went out into the forest where lorine began searching for some herbs she was having trouble finding them so she started thinking that the information she had been given may have been wrong the world was a really boring place for her at the time since she was just too good at life she became the youngest person to ever receive the title of great doctor but she didn't care about her achievement was starting to get tired of being surrounded by adults all the time great doctors get the per of being able to sign up as adventurers and start at Silver rank so for no other reason than she was bored Lorraine decided that she would go out and become an adventurer she finally spotted one of the plants she needed and excitedly began to harvest it afterwards she calls Ren over so she can put her harvest in the bag but then she sees that rent beat her out by at least 10 times in plant Gathering she was about to ask him to tell her how he managed this but rent cuts her off because he notices something is off there is a goblin currently staring them down and it is about to fire an arrow so Reed tells for Lorraine to use a fire spell to take it down before it can do any damage to them lorine does as he says and a huge Fireball is launched destroying the Goblin and somehow not starting a forest fire in the process lauan is shaken by the experience but tries to play it off by saying she has been in many situations like this before although she had several people guarding her back then that is when she realized that rent wasn't sent with her as training but rather because the people at the guild were worried that she wouldn't be able to handle herself if things got dangerous however Ren is still a new Adventurer so she wonders how he could be so knowledgeable so re recounts what he was told if you want to become a good Adventurer then you need to learn to read and write as well as learn about plants and monsters anything else possible and just like that luran was rised up she asked Ren if he could teach her everything he knows about adventuring from then on and since then she's been by Ren's sigh as he tries to become a mithil Adventurer meanwhile Ren has finalized the details of the sword he once made so he says goodbye to the blacksmith and the receptionist before he goes he has handed a replacement sword for him to use while his main one is being made as he leaves the blacksmith and receptionist talk to each other and it seems they realized that the guy they were talking to had to be rent after all there aren't many people who can use all three attributes and also have a close relationship with lorine but he is clearly in a bit of trouble they think he has been cursed but don't understand why he didn't try to come to them for help and instead kept his identity a secret the blacksmith thinks that it may not be that he doesn't trust them but he just isn't the kind of person to cause trouble for others even if he needs help for now though it seems like he will keep coming to their shop so they'll get another chance to see him again that evening rent made dinner for Lorraine but while she greatly enjoyed the meal rent wasn't able to enjoy it since ghouls don't get hungry at all this brings up the topic Lorraine wanted to discuss she spent all day coming through every book she had on his situation but there isn't much info available all she can tell is that rent's case is special which is probably why he is able to evolve in the first place she asks what he plans to evolve into next but he has no idea what it is going to be all he wants is to look as human as possible so he can live like he used to so if to do that he's going to need to head back into the Labyrinth and defeat more monsters in The Labyrinth there is a man fighting a slime and it is very clear that he has no idea what he is doing as he's about to get himself dissolved however Ren happened to be passing by and saved the guy from certain doom and immediately after he starts walking off in The Labyrinth it is an adventurer's responsibility to make sure they come back alive so you are not obligated to help others if they are in danger there are even some ill-intentioned individuals who would pretend to be hurt just to lure you into a trap and Rob you the man catches up to Ren and asks that he let him join him while he goes through the Labyrinth as you can probably tell by now this guy is new to adventuring and can't take down a slime but he's a chef in malt and is currently drowning in debt so he needs to find a way to pay back 15 Gold by next week he turned to adventuring to make some quick cash but most parties rejected him because he was inexperienced so he just needs rent to give him a chance and he promises that he will do everything within his power to make himself useful rent tells the man that he is busy and besides this dungeon has already been explored so much that your chances of finding anything valuable are incredibly low Ren suddenly realizes that there might be a way to help this guy make the money he needs so he decides to let him tag along and shows him the way to the new room in the dungeon where he died the guy thinks he can make a fortune just by giving this information to the guilt but he knows Ren is the one who actually found it so he can't take credit for it red tells him that it's fine for him to take the credit since he needs the money anyway but he wants the man to stick a r with him while he keeps exploring the hidden passage they come up on a hidden passage and ren has the experience to know that you never trust an empty room in El Labyrinth but the man has no such sense he steps straight into a teleportation Circle and gets sent off to K knows were instantly now the smart thing to do would be for rent to ditch the guy and act like he never met him but he wouldn't be the MC if he did that so he follows through the circle and finds the man laid out on the floor and a giant skeleton monster staring him down r looks over to the unconscious man and realizes that he needs to act fast if he wants there to be any hope of him surviving however as he tries to bring the skeleton down by striking at its leg he is unable to do any damage to its bones if Spirit energy isn't able to damage it rent decides to use his magic energy instead but that is ineffective as well looking at his situation the exit to the room has disappeared so he is likely currently fighting the boss and if that is the case then he won't be able to escape until he has defeated it terrible luck consider he didn't want to deal with this but since it is an undead skeleton he should be able to damage it if he uses Divinity he's not sure if his sword will be able to hold up against his strikes but he uses Divinity and slashes at the skeleton's leg this time severing it completely and forcing it down to the ground and with a skeleton grounded rent leaps on top of it before splitting its skull in two after the fight is over the man wakes up to find Ren healing him all he remembers is being attacked by a huge skeleton and being knocked out but doesn't look like he needs to worry about the skeleton anymore since it's laid out in pieces on the floor over there he is amazed that Rand was able to take down a monster of that size and when he has shown the size of the crystal that came from it he's even more impressed Ren offers to let him just have the monoc crystal so he can pay off his debt but under some conditions of course the man doesn't know how he could possibly be of any use to a powerful adventurer like Ren so he shows the man his arm and tells him that since he looks like this because a monster got to him he can't go into the guild or regular shops without scaring the people so he would like him to do those things for him and man doesn't think it is fair to rent for him to give up this valuable gem in exchange for some errands so rent adds another condition that he is allowed to eat for free at his restaurant when he gets it back up and running the man breaks down and tears from the kindness rent has shown him in both saving his life and giving him the means to get his restaurant back red tells him to get up so they can leave the Labyrinth but the man doesn't know how they are meant to get out of here since there is no door present it seems that regular people can't see it but magic teleportation circle is clearly visible to rent from where he is standing even though he doesn't see anything there the man trusts rent's word and goes over to the teleportation Circle leaving rent behind in the room rent would like to go on ahead in The Labyrinth but with how much has happened today it's going to have to be another time the man takes rent to his restaurant where his wife Isabella had been anxiously awaiting his return she was so worried he would end up dead in the dungeon and he nearly did but luckily rent was there to bail him out he tells his wife the great news that rent offered him this huge Magic Gem to clear their debt but his wife is skeptical because there's no such thing as free money as hard as it may be to believe rent was actually generous enough to help him out in his time of need but it's not completely free as the man now has to help rent out when he needs it his wife worries some more that he might end up doing some dangerous stuff but he assures her that rent only needs him to run errands for him he was also promised unlimited free food at the restaurant but even that doesn't compar the value of the gemen has given them they are happy to finally be able to get their life back on track without having to sell their kidneys but first they both sincerely thank Ren for all he has done for them the man introduces himself as Loris and asks for the name of his savior so Ren introduces himself properly but asks that Loris keep his name a secret Loris swears to never tell anyone and thanks rent once more as he leaves but something is not right with rent right now as he was walking down an Alleyway he thinks to himself that he was hoping Loris would turn out to be a criminal or something so it wouldn't have mattered if he died in the dungeon or not his mind is growing cloudy and he is isn't able to think clearly anymore so with Loren's house in sight he walks in Loren is oblivious to the shift in Ren's personality so when he suddenly hugs her she thinks he has finally caught on to the hints she's been dropping if only this had happened while he still had his wiener unfortunately while rent was definitely making an advance it wasn't the kind she would have hoped for as well huging her rent mask changes for him to free his mouth and he takes a huge bite out of her neck this is when she realizes that rent might not be in his right mind so she calls out to him to find out his Consciousness is still in there somewhere R reacts so she's at least reassured that he is still human but with his current state she's forced to use magic to blast him just enough to incapacitate but not kill him as she wants to hear what happened from him later she isn't upset about what he did but if he's going to do that at least come into her while still sane Rhett wakes up a while later has a terrible headache lauan is sitting across from him and asks if he still has the urge to devour her Ren has regained his sanity so he no longer craves Lorraine's juicy flesh and now now that that has been cleared up she begins asking him what he remembers of the incident red recognized this strange urge back with Loris when he found himself wishing Lis was someone he could kill so he could eat him but after he turned out to be a good person Ren came back here and lorine suddenly looked so delicious so he couldn't help himself he apologizes for what he has done and Lauren doesn't hold it against him because she knows he didn't do it of his own valtion Lauren had figured something like this might happen since ghouls prefer to eat the Flesh of humans but more importantly she asked to friend body is okay since she did use a lot of power to knock him out but Ren says he is doing all right even if he says he is fine luren suggests that he gets some rest so he can heal and she'll do the same in the Next Room over before she goes Ren stops her and asks to see the wound he inflicted on her lauran complies with his request so rent uses his divinity to begin healing her wound lauran is surprised by the amount of divinity Ren is able to use but this should be enough to heal a wound like this so by the time Ren is done there are nothing but some faint bite marks on her shoulder is still isn't good enough for rent so he pours more Divinity into the wound until it completely disappears since the wound is fine she can't use it as a reason rent needs to marry her now but now that she thinks about it the way he looks has changed quite a lot his body looks almost human now so he might really be able to pass this off as an injury that he got he checks himself in the mirror and realizes that his mask changed form so now his awful liit game is on Full display this is terrible for him since he needs to keep that hidden but as he thinks this the mass changes for to cover his atrocious lips but leaves his eyes uncovered this means he is able to control the mask to some extent with his desires but when he tries to get the mask to come off he doesn't budge even slightly for now this isn't too bad since he does still look like an undead so he would still need to keep the mask on anyway as he changes its form to cover his mouth lurine points out that he is able to speak much clearer than he could a moment ago so he comes to the conclusion that he must have evolved again but why did that happen now if he defeated the skeleton boss while he was still in the dungeon laan h oiz is that it could have been because he ate her flesh but she still isn't sure of it herself right now he looks a lot like a guest but not the floating Fireball Blaster kind that serves under a vampire but there is still no explanation for why a gas was his next form even among the world's top academics Evolution remains a mystery but she has got a hypothesis regarding the matter the two sit down to talk and Lauren Begins by saying rent was a skeleton at first but then he evolved into a ghoul but the very fact that he evolved into a ghoul is strange in and of itself if evolution was just a monster becoming a more powerful version of itself then why didn't he go from a skeleton to a skeleton Knight or something sure there are cases where skeletons have turned into ghouls before but in Ren's case I think is safe to infer that when evolving you take the form of whatever monster you want to be that is certainly plausible since rent wanted to look more human like a vampire and he is on that Tech Tree now but if that's the case and why didn't he just go straight up to being a vampire since he really wanted to it was probably due to him not being high enough in level to get to a vampire there are no guarantees of returning to being a human but it is certain that if he intends to become a vampire then defeating powerful monsters may not be enough anymore there are still a lot of things they don't know about the evolution but they'll cross that bridge when they get to it but with that out of the way there are some experiments that luran would like to try out on rent since he is transformed so she asked him to take off all his clothes as with him having more meat on his bones he may have gotten his other meat back as well she's going to look over every inch of his body and also wants some flesh samples but she knows Rhett must already be pretty tired from all that happened today so she decides to let him rest for the day the next day as Lorraine is still in bed while Ren is out training his flesh eating impulse is gone and he feels perfectly fine but his sword is in no shape for him to use it in a fight he goes back to the blacksmith and the guy certainly isn't pleased with the condition of the lone sword Ren apologizes and explains to clo that he ran into a giant skeleton and was forced to use Divinity on the sword to defeat the monster that explains why the sword is so damaged but there shouldn't be any monsters in that Labyrinth that require the use of divinity so Ren then explains that he found a hidden area in The Labyrinth and clo assumes that's why he looks like this now in any case rent would like a sword so he can go explore that Labyrinth hidden room again so to accommodate him cloak gives him a better sword but also reveals that he knows it is rent under that mask as rent leaves you can't believe he was found out by clo but at least he got a new sword to use in the dungeon this should help him get his next Evolution later Ren is down in Loren's lab and he promised to help her with her experiments but he's starting to have second thoughts about this now that he sees the concoction she was cooking up she had R drink the poison and it tasted terrible but that was all it has no negative side effects on him whatsoever thanks to his Undead nature yet he is still able to use healing potions and herbs so he definitely doesn't follow the normal rules of being Undead by this point Lauren has gotten really sleepy from all the experiments she has formed on rent which prompts her to ask if he still feels the need to sleep even when he is a ghast he answers that he barely needs any sleep at all however when it comes to his appetite although he doesn't like to admit it he has a slight desire to drink human blood luran had expected as much and offers Ren of vial containing a mystery liquid he hesitantly takes it but as he opens the bottle and takes a sniff he finds that the liquid is human blood lauran assures him that it is her own blood so while he may be hesitant to consume human blood blood he needs to take a little every once in a while to keep himself from losing control and attacking random people like he did last time Ren accepts her kindness and then puts a drop of blood on his finger so he can taste the blood and it is delicious for now all he needs to keep himself in check is one drop so he will make sure this vial will last for a long time he tells her that he will be heading out soon so she should get some rest while he's gone he plans to head into the Labyrinth but first since he has a more human looking body he thinks might be able to go to the Guild in person this time laurian can immediately tell that it is going to be a bad idea since if he wants to take on a job there he will have to bring out his Adventurer card and there will be an uproar if everyone finds out this is what he looks like now he doesn't see what the big deal is since he was just a regular old bronze Adventurer but loran points out that the guild really liked him he would always help out by guiding new adventurers and taking on the jobs that no one else wanted to do there were even meetings about bringing Ren into work for the K he had no idea that they valued him so much even though he's not even a high rank Adventurer but they really didn't want to hire him they just wanted to wait for him to retire from adventuring first rent has no plans to ever retire from the guild which is what lorine had expected but there is still the problem of him taking on quests if he ever wants to get to mithil he's going to have to prove himself to rank up but in order to do that he has to take the quests personally and since he can't show up there as rent without causing a fuss lorine suggests that he go in and register as a new person red takes her advice so later that day he walks into the guild for the first time since he dies and he is glad to see this familiar building he spots Sheila over at the front desk and walks over to register as a new Adventurer Sheila tells him that there is paperwork that he needs to fill out but if he would like she can help with that Ren tells her it's fine since he is able to read and write by himself the last time rent filled out this form was over 10 years ago now as he finishes filling out the form Sheila is surprised to see that he put his name down as rent vivier she says another adventurer who was also called rent went missing a while ago Bren is glad to see that she was worried about someone like him but to throw her off his Trail he asks if she's talking about a guy called Ren FAA Sheil asks how he could have known that so he tells her that he is a relative of Lorraine and she informed him of the situation Sheila is disappointed because lately there were rumors of a strange man going and coming from Lorraine's house she was hoping it was the rent whom she had known but it seems like she was mistaken Sheila heads off into the back to finish his paperwork and while she is gone Ren thinks to himself that it was a good thing he said he was loring's relative he wouldn't want have people mistakenly think she had a lover or something Sheila returns to rent after completing his registration and tells him that he is now an iron class Adventurer but she gives him a warning not to get himself killed Rett later heads into the dungeon and this time he hears a fight happening off in the distance the voices sound like those of some kids so goes to take a look and finds a swordsman and a Healer fighting a goblin they are probably new adventurers but they seem to be working well enough together so if he decides to leave him alone for now he has to hurry and explore that hidden room before any of the other adventurers here find it he returns to the teleportation Circle and steps in finding himself teleported to a creepy bedroom he looks around a little and finds a skeleton on the bed but this is just a regular skeleton this means that there was someone living in this dungeon at some point but before he can take a closer look a woman appears from behind him and asks him to State his intentions for being here he can already tell that she is bad news so R tries to diffuse the situation by telling her that he is an adventurer and just came to search this place however that that does nothing to calm the woman down since if he is an adventurer then that means he came here looking for something to steal she doesn't want this place to be disturbed so she raises her hand to fire a magic blast at rent and although he tried to use Spirit to block it still blew him back against a wall his shirt was destroyed in the process revealing his gas body the woman sees this and seems to understand what happened so she apologized to him for the misunderstanding the woman who knows R must be upset right now because she just burned off his clothes and also tried to kill him so to make up for it she offers him her coat in exchange revealing that she's got barely any clothes underneath she doesn't seem too bothered by her lack of clothing and tells rent that her cloak is nice and more valuable than the clothes he was wearing before so this shouldn't be enough r is just glad that she no longer wants to kill him so he takes the cloak the one explains to him that this place is really special to her so she would greatly appreciated if rent would be kind enough to keep this place as secret for her sake this means she doesn't want him to report to the guild about the hidden room but it's not like telling the guild would actually be terrible for her since no one can enter this place unless rank comes in with them since he is still an adventurer the woman doesn't want to send him back empty-handed so she offers him an occas map instead the map is a magic item that will automatically record the spaces which its owner has traveled through with this the woman says they are even proceeds to teleport rent out of the dungeon he wakes up by the dungeon entrance and goes to see Lorraine to explain everything that just happened to him at this point she thinks rent might be cursed with how many life-threatening situations he gets put in every day in any case after taking a look at the magic map Lauren can say with certainty that it is not cursed so it is all right for rent to use it if he wants to he asks if she knows how to use it but when she tries it doesn't react to her magic at all she asked rent to give it a shot so he applies his magic and the map begins to record the entirety of the labyrinth he usually goes to This Is Amazing by itself but it also shows the names and locations of people who are currently in El Labyrinth this puts this map at the level of a National Treasure and it can also show layouts of other dungeons as well but only the paths that Ren has used since the map turned out to be so great Ren asked Lorraine to take a look at the cloak he got and and after a brief look she can confirm that it is of really high quality the cloak has very high magic resistance imbued in it and it is so strong that a blade wouldn't be able to pierce through it Ren is starting to think he got a really good deal with the trade from the woman but there is still the question of who this woman who tried to kill him truly is he doesn't have much to go off of but he knows that she was really strong at least stronger than a gold class Adventurer this intrigues lorine further as it means there is someone out there who has the ability to make a living space within the Labyrinth Ren says he is going to go back into the Labyrinth tomorrow but she doesn't think that is a good idea especially since he nearly got killed today the way Ren sees it is going back should be fine since the woman just told him not to tell the guild about this place not that he could never come back as Ren enters the dungeon the next day he thinks about what Lauren said about him being cursed it may be true as he accidentally found a hidden area and encountered one of the most powerful beings in the world immediately he became Undead and then got a cursed mask by accident but he doesn't view himself as unlucky or anything thanks to all that happened he has been able to fight powerful enemies and get stronger than he ever could have gotten as a human he heads back to that hidden area but this time the entrance has been sealed up completely he checks his map to make sure he isn't mistaken about the location but when he looks at the map it no longer shows anything behind the wall this must mean the woman doesn't want him to come back here right now back at the guild people are still asking about the situ situation with Ren FAA who is still missing and they are trying to remain hopeful but saying he may have taken on a long escort Mission but by now is starting to look like he's gone for good just then Ren appears behind her and gives her a jump scare he wants to take on a quest and shows it to Sheila the quest is one which involves fighting three Orcs at once so Sheila thinks it may be a bit too difficult for rent since he just recently joined the guild however he assures her that he is up for the task since he is strong enough to defeat Orcs by himself thus Sheila entrusts him with a quest adding that he shouldn't do anything too risky since his life should always be more important and ren understands that better than anyone having already lost one life a little while later Ren returns with the required materials after defeating three Orcs And Sheil is honestly surprised that he managed to pull it off to prove that he actually accomplished the task rent takes out his magic bag and shows Sheila the three pieces of orc meat which he had Acquired and they are well preserved as well so Sheila is sure the client will be happy with the results although she asks Ren to wait a moment while she goes to do something in the back while Ren is waiting the other adventurers in the guild are starting to murmur about him since he apparently took down three Orcs by himself despite being a newbie Sheila soon returns with a scroll in hand and suggests that rent could take the promotion exam for bronze class adventurers it is rare to offer the exam to an adventurer who literally started a day ago but she thinks he has potential so it shouldn't be a problem that evening Ren is talking to lorine and she's impressed that he got offered the promotion so soon after joining as a new Adventurer but it makes sense considering the level of strength he possesses right now mainly thanks to the undead body he has but it still counts as his strength by the way she forgot to ask which name rent chose to register with so he informs her that he named himself Ren Vivy laor nearly chokes on her tea after learning that he chose her last name and asks why he would do that since everyone already knew she was close with Ren fauna he just didn't want people to start thinking Lorraine was having a random man stay over at her place so bees have people think he's a relative of hers and Lauren understands his reasoning behind what he did but she also doesn't care about her reputation as much as he thinks she does the next day rank goes in for the promotion exam but Sheila is surprised to see him here as she thought he would opt to wait for the next one so he would have time to study for it but the next one is several months away and he doesn't want to wait that long so he chose to do this one the exam begins and they are all informed that they will be tested on the guilt rules and the proper way to handle monster drops so only those that pass this test will be allowed to move on to the Practical exam now that everyone is informed the instructor tells everyone who wants to take the written exam to follow him they are all seated in a class and ren realizes that there are way more people than he thought there would be there are also some familiar faces taking the test but while it is pretty hard for a regular person to be able to read and write he had learned a whole lot of things while he was still in his village so this test is going to be easy especially since it is his second time taking it after the test a lot of adventurers are beating themselves up for failing but rent managed to get perfect score on the test so he asks what he will be required to do for the Practical exam shei informs him that he will be required to form a party with a few other examinees and complete a job for the guild so she introduces him to Laura and rise rise doesn't seem to like him a whole lot but he introduces himself as a swordsman who can use Spirit to raise his physical strength now next is Laura who introduces herself as a mage who can also use healing magic the test is about to begin so the instructor gets everyone's attention and informs them that they are going to be heading into the Labyrinth of the new moon and after he hands them their Maps their job will be to reach the point marked on the map there are no restrictions in particular and everyone is meant to head to the same spot so this is more of a race to the Finish Line the adventurers make their way to the Labyrinth of the new moon and Rise is feeling confident since he has been in this one before although only on the first four before they can rush in Ren stops both rise and Laura telling them that they may need to buy a new map but when the guild provided them with is over 15 years old so they won't be able to trust anything that is written in it Ren heads over to a nearby stall and asks to purchase a map so the stall owner thinking he's got a couple of suckers over here tries to sell them the map for two silver coins and even I can that's a ripoff I don't understand the currency before rise and Laura can get scammed Ren speaks up and says a map of the first four should only cost them five bronze pieces seeing as Rand is aware of the actual price the merchant agrees to take the bronze now in comparing the new map to the old one there is a world of difference between the two as the new one is far more up to date than the one they were given the merchant gives the kids some advice and tells them to listen to what Ren has to say because he clearly knows his stuff rise agrees but he still doesn't understand why the guild would give them outdated Maps rent points out that the carriage that brought them here could have just as easily taken them somewhere else just because does so as an adventurer you should never let your guard down too much l you fall victim to little tricks like this the group soon makes their way into the dungeon and come across a horde of skeletons which they now have to engage in Battle Red reminds rise to keep his guard up at all times as he goes into battle and with the help of Laura they defeat a lot of skeletons fairly easily Ren is impressed with how capable they are considering their age and have their teamwork down to a science but there's still a bit of work to be done in individual capabilities as rise gets his sword caught by one of the skeletons and ends up meeing to be saved by rent he is thankful for the help but there weren't this many monsters here last time he was in The Labyrinth he is right and Rett knows what is causing it as he finds a pouch of incense on the ground these things can easily attract monsters to an area but rise doesn't get why they are here Ren gets the attention of the two and explains that there is going to be an ambush of ahead and it's not going to be monsters this time so they must be ready to fight humans around the corner r gets into position to counter the sneak attack and successfully locks a sword strike from this bald dude there are two others coming to attack so rent leaves the bald guys for rise to handle while he goes after the Archer and Mage the Archer tries to fire an arrow at him but Ren is able to dodge and getting close to take him out and immediately after he deals with a Mage and destroys his staff meanwhile rise is still struggling Against The Swordsman who's stronger than him so he needs Laura's help to Blind him while he goes back in for round two it looks like rent won't need to intervene in this one as they eventually manag to take the guy down by working together and after tying them up they find out that these guys are taking the promotion exam as well the instructor did say that anything was allowed so this technically doesn't break any rules but it Loops back to Ren's initial point that anything can happen in The Labyrinth so they can never let their guards down as adventurers they've only managed to make it this far thanks to Ren's help so rise swallows his pride and promises that he will follow Ren's orders from now on they move forward forward and rent tells the guy that has been watching them not to leave his friends tied up for too long these guys are actually sent by The Guild but there should have been no way for a new Adventurer to know anything about this so the guy who was hiding is beginning to have his suspicions of rent Meanwhile Back At The Guild Sheila gets called in by The Guild Master because there have been rumors going around about Ren Vivi although he hasn't really done anything the other adventurers are saying he may be a criminal with how skilled he is and no one knowing anything about his past that isn't really ground grounds to take any action against him but they can't ignore accusations like this so he wants Sheila to keep an eye on him rent and the others make it to the entrance of the dungeon boss room and Rise is pretty hesitant to go through with a boss battle but this is the only way to reach the goal rent tells him there is no shame and backing out of a fight which you aren't sure you can win but then moments later another party approaches and starts arguing with them over wanting to go ahead first Ren thinks this is a great opportunity so as the other adventurers start picking a fight with him and make Laura uncomfortable rent points his sword at the leader of the opposing party and makes it clear you could hack them down to pieces in half a second if you wanted to the other party leader backtracks and says he was just joking but despite their rudess Ren still lets them go ahead it first the other party thinks he is dumb for letting them go ahead and Rise doesn't get why he would allow them to take the first fight when they got here first but Laura is sure that Ren has his reasons for doing so and moments later scream is heard from inside the boss room and those adventurers have to be carried out because they have been badly injured rent was sure they would lose the fight but the guild had stationed employees nearby to get you to safety even if you lose so the rise has nothing to fear for this battle however rise never had any intention of running away since even though he is scared if he runs away here then he would never be able to call himself an adventurer again so he will continue to press on alongside Laura and now that he has made his decision they all enter the dungeon together to face the boss as they enter the dungeon boss room they come face to face with a grand slime but rise is confident that they won't lose against something like this the same way those other guys did if anything they will be able to report that they defeated it after the other group failed to do so red is glad to see that they are enthusiastic about the fight but in truth there is no reason for them to want to defeat the monster the rules never said you needed to be the one to clear the boss room it just said you needed to get to the location that was past the boss room so things would have been much easier if the other group managed to kill the Slime however this is a good lesson in the fact that life won't always give you the easiest way to achieve your goals so you should always be ready to work for it rise charges at the Grand slime while dodging the incoming attacks but as he gets closer the Slime changes its shape for one last powerful attack however rise was already expecting this so he jumps up and aims to strike the Slime core with his sword unfortunately the Slime is too thick to be pierced by him so he gends up being pushed back Laura begins to get a spell ready to assist him while rent watches their battle he gives Laura some Vice on Gathering her Mana but he doesn't want to get directly involved because he is sure that with the abilities they possess they should have a good chance of winning against the Slime before they came in here Ren informed the two of them that most physical attacks are completely ineffective against a grand slime so they are going to need to use magic to finish it off he asked Laura if she knew any powerful fire spells they could use and she just so happened to have the perfect spell in mind but it has a really long cast time so she would be defenseless while she prepares it Ren says it's fine since he will be there to handle the Lin's attacks while she's casting but Ry is interjected and asked to be the one who was tasked with handling the Slime this is why Ren is leaving it all up to him but as he was starting to get pushed around by the slime Laura asks him to go help rise since he is struggling a little rent jumps in to save him from getting dissolve and with the extra assistance rise is able to regain his footing so the two of them successfully keep the Slime busy and buy time for Laura to finish her spell once the spell is complete she warns the others to back away as she fires the large flame Arrow of the slime creating a huge blast wave and burning it until its body liquefies from the damage Laura is glad they managed to beat it but it's not over yet as the Slime would still be able to regenerate if they leave it as it is so he tells rise to finish it off by destroying its core and once that is finally done they have successfully defeated the grand slime before they start celebrating Ren pulls out some vials and tells the others that they should take a little break to gather the Slime fluids as it is worth a decent amount of money so they decide to go along with it and spend a few minutes Gathering the slim fluid unfortunately while they gather the Slime jizz some other adventurers run past them to try to take the first spot and Rise is upset because this could mean they lose the first place prize however Ren says it's fine they want to try and get ahead but they won't be making it far moments later his point is proven as the guys that ran past them are all knocked out by a sleeping gas trap that was set by The Guild to catch them off guard adventurers often let their guard down when they think they are close to their goal so this is another lesson to always remain cautious besides even even if those guys had made it to the Finish First it wouldn't have made much of a difference since this was never a race to begin with the instructor did say that they needed to make it to the goal and the way he announced it was meant to insinuate that they needed to get there first but he never explicitly said it was an actual race they were being tricked from the beginning but rent saw through it which is why he was in no real rush to get through the Labyrinth when it comes to being an adventurer all that matters is completing the requests within the allotted time frame so there's never a need to rush rise would have appreciated being given this info a while ago but rent wanted them to learn to think for themselves which is why he didn't mention it the group exits the boss room and is greeted by a man by a desk who welcomes them as the first to successfully make it here rise and Laura are a lot more suspicious than they were when they first came in here so they refuse to believe him until he shows them some identification that proves he is actually a guild worker the man gladly provides said identification and now assure that he's actually a guild staff member the two can relax a little the man then presents them with three badges saying if they take these back to the guild then they will be promoted to bronze rank adventurers which is great in all but since they were the first ones to make it here rise wants to know what that was promised to First adventurers to get her will be the GU staff member then pulls out three Potion bottles complete with the holder set and Rise is clearly happy to receive it now that they successfully passed the test rent asks if the two of them would be willing to take a brief detour with him before they leave the dungeon they agree to follow him so rent leads them down found a set of stairs that go to the second floor of the dungeon neither of them have ever been here before and according to rent it is a place beyond the understanding of the human mind so he wanted to show them what they would be facing now that they are bronze rank the second floor of the dungeon leaves them in awe as it is a whole forest biome there is even a sun here despite them being underground and far more strange things to be uncovered the deeper down you go this excites both rise and Lura so much so that rise wants to spend some time exploring the floor right now but Ren says they had better head back to the gills since the test isn't officially over until they present the badges to the receptionist back in town rent and the others have managed to make it back safe and sound although there were traps on the way back as well so rise and Laura are exhausted they head back to the adventurers Guild and present their badges to Sheila who tells them that they have officially completed the exam but when rise asks if this means they can have their ranks raised Sheila is a bit hesen to answer because she doesn't know if they qualify yet however moments later she gets handed a report from a cooworker and they learned that there was actually a hidden process to becoming a bronze class Adventurer The Guild has had this guy following them around to see what kind of people they are and what they do in certain situations and if it turned out that they were bad people then the guild reserves the right to deny them their promotion but they have nothing to worry about as the report says they are decent people rise wasn't really following what was said but he heard that he and Laura passed and that was good enough for him he celebrates with Laura because this means they'll actually be able to earn enough money to live here together so it was worth running away together for this even though Laura's parents didn't approve Sheila doesn't know whether she should be happy or worried for them but things like this happen fairly often so she just lets them have their moment meanwhile rent just acknowledges to himself that he is back at his old rank once more the group exits the guild and both rise and Laura thank rent for coming along with them because they never could have made it through the Labyrinth without his help they'll make sure they never forget the lessons he has taught them and because of those lessons they feel like they are finally real adventurers Laura would like to ask him to keep adventuring with them but she can already tell that that's going to be impossible because Ren has a different goal from their own that is probably why he was putting so much effort into teaching them about adventuring so they could make it on their own without him so they hoped to Adventure with him again someday both Sheila and rent watch as the two return home and sha comments on how good those kids are while he was with them rent felt more like a parent than anything but they also have did a lot to make him feel welcomed so he is grateful now that they are gone Sheila turns to rent and says she has a question to ask him he already knows this probably about his original identity so he asks if the guild is going to punish him for creating a fake identity for himself because if so he will simply never return to the guild again he turns to walk away but Sheila pulls him back and says she just wants to know what happened to him that's all he thought about running away but Sheila was genuinely worried about him so he decided it was worth telling her what happened to him once they are alone behind closed doors he tells her that he has a problem he is dealing with right now so what he's about to tell her must stay between them not even the guild can know about this because it would be really bad for him shilia tells him that she has no intention of telling the guild about him partially because she doesn't know the details but also because she wants to hear the full story from him first she wants him to trust her but if he can't take her word for it she has prepared a magical contract which once signed will force a penalty on her if she Reveals His secret the penalty is if she tells anyone of rent secret then she will quit her job at the guild and travel to a country where slavery is legal where she will then make herself a slave to the most pervy man available rent doesn't understand why she would go so far just to get him to confide in her but it's because she really wants to help him since it's because of him that she was able to grow up he may not realize it but there are tons of people who are grateful to him so he should let her return the favor Ren agrees to sign the contract and tell her what happened so to begin he shows her what his face looks like now Sheila is shocked and from her expression rent thinks she must regret asking about it now but she regrets nothing and would much rather know if he were suffering so badly she asks what happened to make him look this way so Ren explains that he has become an undead monster she did not know it was even possible to become one but Ren can see that she is distressed so before he continues he asks her again if she is sure she wishes to try to help him she is unable to answer so Ren gets up to leave but before he does he clarifies that he has no intention of hurting anyone even if he is an undead but he also understands that it may be hard of her to believe him at this point as he's about to walk out the door Sheila calls out to him and says she believes him when he says he won't hurt anyone because he has always been so kind to the people around him she promises that she will help him so if anything ever happens between the guild and him he should tell her so she'll do her best to resolve it Ren ends up bringing her over to Lorraine's house because she insisted on getting to speak with her so as Lorraine opens the door and sees Sheila she jokes that rent must be having a fling with her but she's here to discuss serious matters so they all talk while they have some of rent's delicious cooking for dinner lurine Praises him for all the hard work he does around the house but all he gets in exchange for now is that vial of her blood which keeps him from getting bloodthirsty Sheil understands the situation since Ren is currently a ghast but she warns him that he has been sticking out a little too much lately there have been a lot of rookie adventurers going missing recently and people are beginning to suspect rent might have something to do with it most of the rumors are being spread out of jealousy though and ren finds it flattering that people are jealous of his skills right now still he'll need to lay low for a while so people won't be able to spread rumors about him and he may not like it but that means no lab exploration for quite a while the next day rise and Laura are back in the guild ready to take on their first Quest as bronze ranked adventurers while Sheila and the Guild Master watch from above he's happy to see the rookies working hard but he still has his concerns about rent with all the rumors going around Sheila assures him that he was followed while he was in the dungeon and the report says he's a good person so there's nothing to worry about we later see lurine waking up in bed as rent heads out for the day he's got a naked girl in bed but the man has his priorities straight even even though he can't head into the dungeon until the heat from those kidnapping accusations die down however that's not going to stop him from working towards his goals Ren heads into town to go pick up that sword he has commissioned and it is everything he could have hoped for adjustments were made to suit rent because his battle habits are wellknown this is just a way of letting him know that his real identity has been found out it was crafted to be able to use Divinity mana and spirit so rent tries it out on the practiced dummies that have been laid out for him he first Imus his sword with magic and as he uses it is's able to strike cleanly through the wood which is something he never could have done before still all he can do with magic is force it through the sword but that doesn't apply to Spirit as he has managed to gain a decent amount of control over how he uses it he charges the sword up with his Spirit energy and is able to pierce clean through the block of wood even leaving behind Scorch marks in the path his sword took last up is his divinity so he imbus the sword with its properties and manages to use it to slice the logs in half Ren is glad the sword managed to hold up to his divinity without taking damage but he fails to notice that his divinity made the woods start growing Sprouts he just accepts it as a byproduct of the power but that still doesn't explain how he is even able to use something like divinity in the first place since it is usually a power you can only get by having God bestow it upon You Ren explains that years ago he happened to repair an old abandoned Shrine and that good deed was apparently enough for God to bless him with divinity at the time rench just did it because he felt like doing it and even now he still doesn't know which God that was but it must have been a low rank one to have taken favor on him the blacksmith asks if he can keep the sprouting wood and use it to make something since it may have some Divinity in it now and ren doesn't really mind as long as he can keep practicing here even though he has tested out the sword already he still wants to try using all three powers at once they bring out a huge block of wood for rents experiment and the blacksmith asks if he knows anything about the magic Spirit Fusion technique it is a combination of both magic and spirit at the same time is said to massively boost the power output it takes your master to pull something like that off however there's the slight downside that if you mess it up even slightly then your body goes boom Ren obviously doesn't want to go boom but at the same time an explosion probably wouldn't be enough to kill him with his current body so he decides to go through with an anyway just to minimize possible losses he tells Ren to try it with a different sword so even if it ends up destroying it he won't lose as much rent begins the process and puts magic into the sword before imbuing his other hand with spirit and backlash is already being felt as he begins to struggle to him it feels like he's trying to cram power into a box that is already full to the Brie he can barely hold up against the strain he completes the Slash and the force of the power blows the block of wood to ashes but he is still going to add Divinity on top of that so the blacksmith is getting worried over what rent is trying to do here rent still seems determined to try it out and does the same action again but this time he adds Divinity into the mix and it becomes incredibly unstable the blacksmith tries to tell him to stop since the sword clearly can't take any more more of this but Ren holds out a little longer and pulls off a strike that bends the laws of physics after it hits the block the stannin sword turns to Ash due to all distrain but the two are left perplexed because all the strike managed to do was turn the block of wood into a ball of wood Ren apologizes for ruining the spare sword he was given but the blacksmith says it is fine since he expected this to happen anyway Divinity is a power that removes all impurities from a material so a normal sword could never hold up against it since it breaks the bonds that hold the metal together the one he made for rent can handle Divinity but it most certainly cannot handle the amount of power that was just used when rent combined those three forces together the best it can do for him would be to handle the magic and spirit Fusion but anything more would absolutely destroy it reg remembers the attack he took back when he was in the dungeon and he is not sure he'll be able to hold up against something like that with just the magic Spirit Fusion the blacksmith tells him he doesn't have many options for that since the only other way to use it is to have dozens of single-use swords at the ready at all times but that would be way too expensive for him to manage to pull off Ren is going to need a lot of good equipment if he's going to become a Mythril Adventurer but to get that he will need to make a lot of money as he's walking through an Alleyway he hears a man pleading with an adventurer to help him out but the adventurer tells him there's no way he can do that since he can't take on quests unless they come from The Guild the adventurer has really done nothing wrong in this situation since the guy is the one bothering him to break the Guild's rules so he was about to beat the guy up when Ren stepped in to stop him he tells the adventurer that he'll handle the guy and teach him a lesson so the adventurer leaves the guy to rent the guy thinks he is in for a thrashing when he sees rent walking up to him but rent reassures him that he won't be getting his legs broken today he can't guarantee that he will be able to help him with his request but he will do his best to assist him the guy asks him to help him defeat the lord of the lake and rent is a little Intrigue he ends up on a carriage to the location with the guy and he thinks back to how much of a mess he has gotten himself dragged into his name is rantis and he is from the Village of Tatsu Village back in Lorraine's house he was explaining the situation and the Legends surrounding the monster the legend states that if they offer up a young and beautiful girl who possesses a bunch of Mana then the lord of the lake would save their Village however it was just a story they hold a festival once a year to remember the day and it was meant to just be a ceremony where no one actually gets hurt but this time the girl that was playing the role of the sacrifice actually got eaten and from that day on it started actually demanding sacrifices from the people so many of the village girls have already died from being sacrificed and the next one up to be sacrificed is his sister so he can't bear to let it happen rumpus wishes to save his sister not to kill a monster so there is no real reason to kill a monster if he can find another way to settle things they ared at the village and it is a small quiet one but it used to be much more lively before the constant sacrifice of the village girls began now people don't have the will to even leave their homes anymore ronus leads Ren to his home and there is a mark on the front of the door he explains that this Mark is one that means the people of of this home are the nexts that have to offer up their daughter to the Lord red asks if the monster is the one that put the mark there himself but it lives deep in the forest and no one has really ever seen it in person before the Mark was probably put there by one of the monsters kelpy and this catches Ren's attention because a kelpy is actually a pretty powerful monster the door opens and Ran's sister comes out to meet her brother he happily greets amiris and tells her that he has brought an adventurer from the city to save her but she is fed up with his Shenanigans and drags him inside so she can give him an ear she had warned him not to go talking to any weirdos when he went to the city and he went and brought back rent who looks like a serious weirdo ronus tries to insist that Ren is a good person but she doesn't buy it because he is probably just trying to trick him next thing you know he may end up talking about your horse's extended warranty sadly Ren can hear every bit of the slander she is throwing at him since his senses have been sharpened ever since he became a monster amera soon opens the door with ramus holding his face and pain in the background she thanks Ren for listening to her brother mother's foolish request but this Festival has been a tradition her Village has partaken in since ancient times so she can't selfishly ask to be the only one spared from her fate so she asks Ren to forget about the request and go home red tells her that the one who hired him was rtis so with all due respect he doesn't have to listen to a word she just said ramus is glad Ren is going to stay and go through with a request and since she can't stop him she asks that Ren stay in their home while he's here however she doesn't want him to interfere with the festival because she's glad to become his sacrifice for it that night rent meets with ranus to talk about amiris you can clearly tell she is the stubborn tip so there is no way she would willingly run away from becoming a sacrifice even if they asked for two rumus knows what he's asking is dangerous if there's a chance to save his sister then he's willing to do anything it takes no matter the cost the next day Ren is out for a walk to gather information and happens Upon A Traer in the middle of the forest the Traer is trying to persuade the children to bring their parents here with some food because his business has been suffering ever since people stop coming out just then Ren approaches him and asks if he can ask a few questions about the situation here and the kids immediately disperse because they think he's a monster the trader asks him if he is new in town since he hasn't seen him around here before and rent states that he just arrived in town the merchant then tells him that he came at bad times since the lord of the lake is angry right now and for that reason the people of the village aren't willing to come out of their homes to buy his stuff rtis comes over to tell rent Lunch is ready so he apologizes to the merchant for interrupting his business and being begins to leave once he meets back up with rantis he asks if that Merchant comes here often and he apparently does but rent finds him to be a little suspicious even rolls around and amiris is being prepared to be sacrificed to the lord of the lake by the old ladies in the village they apologize for doing this to her but she says it's fine since it has to be done anyway the old ladies were sure rantis would take her and run away since he had been begging everyone to call off the festival she thinks that would have been a bad idea since if they make the lord of the lake angry then he may destroy the village entire enely and rumus knows that as well but he was still worried for his sister's safety she sheds a tear remembering how kind her brother is even if he is a fool later that night rent comes into a mirror room because he has something he wants to talk to her about she tells reny can't come in since it is a rule that the sacrifice is not allowed to meet other people casually so he stands at the door and says what he wanted to say he will take care of things for her there's always a way but that means she has to struggle for it as well she doesn't think they will be able to beat the lord of the lake since it is simply two powerful to be beaten but Ren says he and rmus will find a way to pull it off so she shouldn't do anything to make her brother sad that was all they wanted to say so he leaves immediately after to begin taking care of the situation the villagers have begun the ceremony and are about to have AAS go out in the boat to her Doom but while the villagers think she's quietly accepting her fate she is secretly working together with Ren and ramus to take down the monster as they sail out into open Waters the fob begins to roll in so rumus thinks they should just turn back and run away but the orb amiris was given as part of the sacrifice begins to glow and a monster emerges from the lake amiris tries to offer herself to calm the monster's anger but Ren slaps the orb out of her hand and says she is just wasting her time because the orb is just a beacon to attract it Ren jumps out of the boat and begins walking on water thanks to some special boots Lorraine made for him and he begins breaking down his thought process crens are monsters commonly found in oceans not lakes and they don't spit fire either so as he attacks it is revealed to have been an illusion cast by the Merchant he met earlier that day and considering the Power Ren has at his disposal right now he's easily able to take down a bunch of weak magicians after they are captured they all head back to land and explain everything that happened to the villagers the merchant was pretending to be the lord of the lake and was demanding sacrifices from them all for his selfish reasons he had suspected something like this might have been happening since a monster that is worship as a lord wouldn't want to start killing its subjects out of nowhere but that still leaves the question of what happened to the girls that were sacrificed so Rett threatens him to answer truthfully if he wants to keep his kneecaps intact the merchant confesses that he kept the girls in a Hut on the other side of a lake and was going to sell them off as slaves in another land where slavery is legal so the villagers rushed to go rescue them after the whole mess has been cleared up Ren is set to head back to Malt even though the village would like to host him as their savior before he leaves amirz gives him a kiss as thanks for saving her from getting sold into slavery and she would have given him an even better reward if he stayed longer but rent heads back to the city that day later he is telling Lorraine what happened as they talk over some tea and rent thanks her for the boots that walk in water since those were really helpful but lorine is more interested in how he got another girl to fall for him after only one mission in the town yet he still remains oblivious to how much of a heram magnet he is Ren is taking a look at the job postings at the guild and finds one that was put up with one bronze piece as a reward however with the current economy taking a job like that is basically working for free yet some adventurers are still likely to take on the job regardless of how poor the pay they receive may be some adventurers may take the job for the exposure and others do it just to help the people and meet out once in a while as he continues to look at the request board he is noticed by Sheila who comes up to ask him if he has found a quest he is interested in Ren starts off by saying he doesn't plan to head into the Labyrinth anytime soon just like she advised him not to she tells him she just came over to see if he needed any help finding a quest so since she offered Ren asks her if no one else has taken the quest with a single pieces as a reward she takes a look at the board and the quest red is talking about is indeed still unclaimed but it is going to be a difficult one it requires him to gather a dragon bloom flower but this particular flower is sent to only blo mere a poisonous swamp but the story behind the flower is certainly lovely it says the Dyan once fell in love with a human so his blood became the bright red flower as a symbol of his love red has heard of the story before and it is certainly nice but the person who made the requests says they need it for medicinal purposes it is someone from the orphanage and they want to use the flower to save someone who they care deeply for so rent decides to take the quest after all he later heads over to the orphanage to gather some more information from the person who put in the request and the building looks far more rundown than he had initially thought it would be rent doesn't want to cause any problems for the people living here so he takes out a tube of slime fluids he had on him and uses it to repair the handle good enough anyway he then proceeds to knock on the door to see if anyone is home and as he does a young girl comes out to answer him she initially doesn't take a good look at him so she assumes Ren is someone else but once she opens her eyes he finally able to let her know that he's the one who took the quest she posted she apologizes for her mistakes since she thought he was a debt collector he is the one who took her Quest then he is welcomed to come inside once he enters rent finds a room full of kids and as soon as the girl tells the others that rent is an adventure they all begin to swarm him with questions the girl tells them to knock it off because she already warned them that adventurers are dangerous people but then she turns to rent and apologizes because he is an adventurer as well it doesn't take much offense to her statement since is pretty much true for the majority of adventurers and he even gives the kids a little warning not to get close to strange adults so recklessly in the future he can tell that they are good kids and the girl attributes that to the good upbringing they've been given by their head mistress Lillian Ren introduces himself to her as a bronze Adventurer and she's quite surprised since she was sure the best she would get for a quest like hers was an iron Adventurer she introduces herself as a Le and rent begins discussion regarding the quest she posted dragon bloom flowers are not easy to come by but she was already aware of this since they are hardly ever sold in stores and even when they are they are incredibly expensive way too expensive to buy on her salary of $0 however she needs one anyway and ren is willing to help her as long as she can tell them the full story behind it she agrees to tell them but it has to be kept a secret for her sake and after Ren agrees the terms she takes him to go see had mistress Lillian who is currently sick in bed she greets rent and thanks him for offering his help however she seems to think he is here to help clean out the orphanage basement and rent doesn't correct her since he promised to keep the actual request secret from her lilan is having a hard time talking so Elise tells her to get some rest while she handles talking to Ren instead in another room she tells r that Lilian is a priestess who is able to use Divinity but if a user's Divinity is not strong enough then there's a terrible side effect each time she uses Divinity evil energy will accumulate in her body and while it isn't bad enough to kill her anytime soon her condition will only get worse with time Ren had no idea a condition like this existed in the first place which is odd especially since he can use Divinity as well but Elise goes on to say that the only possible cures for this disease are the blood of a holy maiden or a special type of medicine and this medicine requires the dragon bloom flower they haven't told lilan about the disease yet because she would likely just hand the orphanage over to another Priestess and accept her fate to die so rank just needs to help her get the flower before that happens alz is really happy that Ren agreed to get the flower for her since she knows the quest is pretty unreasonable but rent doesn't have an issue with it so he promises that you will definitely get that flower for her but before he does that he decides to clean out the basement since he is here anyway the reason the kids can't do it is because monsters spawn down there for some reason so he heads down with caution not knowing what may jump out at him ala is following him as well since she thinks it will be fun to watch Ren hunt a monster he doesn't see what could be so fascinating about watching him slay some monster ERS however for her own safety he hands her a dagger so she can defend herself if the situation calls for it they head further into the basement where they finally come across some of the monsters lilan was talking about these are basically really big rats or your average New York sewer rat so rank doesn't use his sword and just strengthens himself so he can beat it the rat lunges at rent but he is able to fling it back with his fist however when the rat comes back in for another bite rent actually gets caught off guard and bitten is still able to shake off the rat though so it's not a big deal however something strange happens to it as after ingesting Ren's blood it suddenly changes color and now obeys Ren's every command for some reason this is a big development so Rett returns to Lorraine's house as soon as possible so he can show her what happened once she sees him she asks what's up with a rat on his shoulder after a bit of explaining she understands the gist of what happened to him she has heard that vampires are able to make him control familiars but she never would have guessed that rent could do the same thing although she never really checked to see what would happen this creature drank his blood Ren asks if he can keep the rat and Lorraine is fine with it since she's already got an undead monster living under her roof however the economy is tough right now so the rat needs to pay rent but if it doesn't have money then it can pay with his body for experimental purposes of course she asks rank what he plans to call it but he isn't very creative when it comes to naming things so she decides to come up with a name for it instead she decides on the name edel since it means Noble one and the rat was the leader of the other rats in that basement and edel seems to be really pleased with his new name Ren can't really speak the language of the rats but he is able to understand what Adel is thinking most of the time later that night Ren is looking over his equipment because he has nothing better to do he no longer needs any sleep since he became an undead monster so if he had initially thought about just staying in the dungeon indefinitely and grinding until he became mithil people would find it suspicious if an adventurer never needed to rest a few moments later lauran comes into the room and offers rent something he never thought he would get from her a home cooked meal this is such a rare occasion that he doesn't know how to respond but luring takes offense to his surprise since she is pretty confident in her cooking skills changing topics she brings up the fact that rent is set to head into the swamp to find that flower for a leas but you should be aware of just how dangerous that swamp really is Ren planned to go alone since he wouldn't have to worry about poison if it were just him but lauran points out that there are other dangers there such as the wver type monsters that live there even bronze adventurers would be forced to create a party to tackle such a dangerous are up but rent doesn't really plan to fight them in the first place he's just going to use some holy water to keep them away from him until he finds what he's looking for Ren is later seen riding on a carriage that is taking him to the swamp and after going a certain distance the man tells him that he won't be able to take him any further than this since it is going to get too dangerous however he'll be back in the evening to pick Ren up after he's done with his job here the swamp is really difficult to Traverse however many rare plants grow here so to somewhat maintain to be walkable but that's about it one one of the things that makes this place so dangerous are the monsters that show up in the wild unlike dungeon monsters which are a few hours old at the time Adventurer fights them these ones have actually lived long enough to learn how to use weapons effectively and fight in groups the Goblins have planed an ambush for rent but with his current abilities he is strong enough to defeat them all in one swift motion he continues walking through the swamp and thinks to himself that it is certainly handy that he is Undead because thanks to that he's immune to the poison which would have already killed him by now if he were still human it's really convenient so rent wouldn't mind staying Undead forever if he could just fix the problem with how he looks but while he was thinking about all of this he accidentally fell through one of the weakened Planks on the bridge and now that he is off the bridge he gets attacked by a swamp monster which is just terrible luck for him he ends up defeating the monster and walks back over to the shore where his adult was just watching him the entire time back in town Sheil is talking with lurine and compliments her on the delicious food she made earlier Ren enjoyed it as well but that was probably due of the blood she added to it Sheila starts regretting the food she has just put in her mouth but Lauren assures her that she only did that with a portion of food she made for rent they get back on topic and discuss the fact that the guild already knows about the village rent went out of his way to help they all seem very thankful to him but when the guild asked for the name of the adventurer who helped them they refuse to say because rent has asked them to keep a secret so the gild doesn't know it was him ma she is aware of his actions however she doesn't understand why he wouldn't want to take credit for such a good deed lauan point points out that he's probably just being cautious since with the rumors that were already being spread about him if there was any mention of him in the kidnapping ring people would find a way to make him the bad guy meanwhile Ren is currently running away from the monster that is coming his way he bought holy water to keep the wyverns away but maybe he shouldn't have bought it from a back alley crackhead he runs into a dead end and is now forced to fight the monster if he wishes to survive he leaps up into the air and attacks the wyvern with a Mona infused sword strike but that wasn't enough to deal a substantial amount of damage damage to it thus Ren attempts to use both mana and spirit to defeat the monster but as he strikes at it he still isn't able to do any damage he's running out of options but just when he was about to give up AEL comes running up to the monster and covers himself in Divinity before leaping into its mouth the monster seems to have been damaged by this and ends up spitting edel back out Ren is surprised to find out that idel is able to use his abilities as his familiar but this gave rent the hint he needed to take down the monster so if he covers his sword in Divinity and Strikes one more this time being able to behead it completely now that he has completed that battle he is clear to keep going into the swamp until he comes across a whole field of the flower he is looking for he thinks it should be fine to pick more than one since there are so many here but as he does so he finds himself confronted by a strange man Ren is on guard especially since there should be no human crazy enough to willingly head into this swamp not to mention doing it alone that the man points out that rent is doing the exact same thing by being here the man explains his presence here by showing that he has a magic item used to nullify the effects of poison on him and you got some nonack alley holy water so the monsters are actually being kept away from him as well as an accurate map so he doesn't get lost he finishes off his explanation by saying he is here on a mission to gather some Dragon flowers so frent doesn't mind he would like to complete his objective as the man walks past him red realizes just how crazy it was for him to come here so unprepared but he can't help but ask what the man needs the flowers for according to him they are for his mistress who is currently afflicted by a certain ill so he needs the flowers to help her condition he would much rather be by her side and taking care of her but someone needs to come here and gather these flowers for which he was the only suitable candidate crazy enough to try at least that was until he got lucky enough to meet someone like Ren here since he and his mistress were looking for someone who could occasionally make a here without dying so they can get the flowers rent would be happy to accept the task so he introduces himself as a bronze rank Adventurer something which catches the man off guard since he is sure there should be no way a bronze rank is strong enough to make it here Ren asks if he no longer wants his help because of his low rank but the man has no doubt of rent ability to get the job done despite his surprisingly low rank so long as he can accept the terms and rewards he would be glad to have rent take on the quest he introduces himself as Isaac Hart but he will leave the identity of his mistress a secret until he has finalized the request contract with him rent later arrives back at town and the driver who brought him back is impressed by how skilled he is if he was able to make it in and out of that swamp without being being harmed in any way and ren has a little fun for once in jokes that he uses his mask to hide his identity because he is actually a methro rank Adventure back at the guild Sheila comes out to meet rent as he returns but she is surprised as rent pulls out the magic bag he had borrowed from the guild and asks for a dissection of the monster he defeated it takes a moment but she finally realizes that he means he defeated one of the swamp monsters but rent wants to keep from drawing attention so he asks that she keep quiet about it she understands and said is she will take him to the D section area and as they walk we learn that there are a bunch of useful items that can be gotten from Monster corpses but although we learned the basics of it there are still some dissections he's unable to do personally this is why he sometimes just pays the fee and has a professional do it instead they walk in and meet with Dario who Sheil informs that Ren has something special to dissect today they are taken inside and all put on gas masks since the monster is still poisonous so Reed released the corpse from the bag as it fills the room Dario assesses the condition of the corpse and tells rent that he did a pretty good job taking this thing down there is not even a scratch in the monster shell even though it is usually destroyed in the process of taking down a monster like this the Strat was to hit it with projectiles to avoid the poison it emitted and that of course leads to a lot of damage to the Shell rent must have taken it out in a single strike which he tries to downplay to keep himself out of the linelight but it is still an impressive feat Ren asks it his good condition means it will be able to fetch a good price after it is dissected and Dario is certainly of it so rant lets him get to work on the dissection as he leaves with Sheila he is a little disappointed that he won't get the money until tomorrow since he was planning on gifting it to the orphanage to keep it running he also apologizes to Sheila for taking up so much of her time today but she has no complaints more importantly she can tell that Ren has gotten to be much stronger than he used to be so she is sure that he is at least on par with someone of silver rank so he shouldn't sell his abilities short Brett knows he has gotten stronger but it doesn't seem fair to say he achieved this thanks to his skills alone Isaac didn't look like an adventurer but he seemed to have skills equal to that of the silver Adventurer or maybe even a gold one however those skills were likely the product of his hard work while rent is just taking advantage of his Undead body's growth system he only managed to get this strong because if he accidentally died and became a monster so although he definitely still wants to become human again he isn't sure what he would do if Being Human Again required him to give up all the power he has gotten he spent 10 years as a Weak and Powerless loser only pushing through it all with sheer effort which led him nowhere he now has the power to actually grow from his efforts so without it he may not be able to keep aiming for his goal of being mithil the next day he heads back to the orphanage and once again he accidentally breaks their door handle but this time he knows exactly how to fix it and pulls out the Slime tube just then he meets aise who asks what he is up to so early in the morning to which he answers that he has completed the quest she had asked him to do she can't believe he got it done after just one day so she curly calls him inside along with the two who can turn the flower into medicine the two were astonished by how well rent managed to preserve these flowers since they have never seen one in such great condition rent doesn't understand why that would be the case since there are definitely strong adventurers Who would know how to properly take care of the flower but it's not that they didn't know how to take care of them it's more so that they didn't have the time to worry about the flowers safety while they are in an environment where they could be attacked at any moment and even if they managed to gather the flowers correctly there was always the possibility that they would get attacked on the way back from the swamp with that being said the heer introduces himself as homberto and the herbalist is called Norman and he is certain that with a flower in such good condition he can definitely make the medicine to cure lean's disease but he ask to be able to use whatever is left over so he can help another patient who could really use the medicine La is fine with letting him have the leftovers but since it is to help people Ren offers to let them have the rest of the flowers he collected as well Norman would be lying if he said he didn't want the flowers but at the same time these things are so rare that he could easily make himself a small fortune from selling them Ren is aware of that but he doesn't really care about the money and sometimes he just wants to help people sometimes and this is one of those times Norman is deeply grateful to him for helping save so many lives so while they don't have anything they can really offer to repay him they promise to come to his Aid if he ever needs their help with something later that day Alise finishes signing the paperwork that says Ren has completed the tasks that he was asked of and she thanks him once more for actually helping her she was sure no one would actually do it so she was prepared to become an adventurer and try to get the items herself although she's also aware that she wouldn't be able to achieve something like that so easily rent asks if she no longer wishes to be an adventurer but it is quite the opposite actually she wishes to become one more than ever before after seeing rent she wants to become an adventurer like him who works to help the people of the kingdom and while she cannot repay him now she hopes to be able to help him if he is ever in need of it even though she doesn't believe she could ever be of help to someone like ren red responds by saying even someone like him will one day find himself in a position where he needs to ask for help and when that day comes he would like nothing more than for her to be there for him just then Adele returns to Ren and tells him that he has convinced the rest of the rats down in the basement to protect this place so eles and the other kids at the orphanage will not have to worry about monsters showing up anymore he also has some advice for her she truly wishes to become an adventurer so he instructs her to start training early and often to get up to speed The Guild has an adventuring course that could be helpful to her and if he has the time then he would be willing to help her personally she's happy to hear that but there is still that problem that she's a broke child so there is no way she can afford something like a training sword or the fees to be taught magic so the chances that she will ever actually learn are pretty slim however Ren assures her that someone he knows who is skilled in Magic has the free time to train her if she wants it's a kind offer but Alise can't let rent hand her everything without getting anything in return so exchange rent says she should just think of this is a loan with no interest when she becomes an actual Adventurer and starts earning money then she's free to come repay him for all the help he has given her she thinks this is more fair to rent so she agrees to take his help as a loan only she fully intends to pay it back with interest back at Lorraine's house Ren asks if she would be willing to teach Al Les and she doesn't mind but she is a little pissed that Ren said she told the kid she had so much free time on her hands because that makes it look like she has nothing better to do he apologizes but she says it's fine as long as he learns to keep the feeling of young ladies in mind but rent just says what young lady loran's pride has just taken critical damage so she now intends to use one of for spells to do some damage to Ren calling it a test of how Immortal he truly is Ren obviously doesn't want to get hit by a spell like that so he unlocks levels of Shakespeare he never knew he had it him just to describe how beautiful he thinks Lorraine is and calm her down even Lorraine is surprised by the way rent just spoke to her but he was just saying exactly what he thought of her she gets a little embarrassed and tries to make up for her Outburst by offering him seconds for dinner with an extra portion of her blood rent is still a little confused but Lauren heads into the next room where we see her blushing over the compliments Ren gave her the next day Ren heads into the guild to get some more work done but as soon as he arrives he gets called Over by Sheila who has something she would like to ask Grant she first asks him if he has any connections with the lat family but rant has never heard of them before she explains that the guild received a request that was placed for him personally and once she hands him the paper he realizes is that it is from Isaac since he seems to recognize the center of the request Sheila thinks he must know them somehow but that still isn't the case since he is sure Isaac is just a servant of the family Ren thought he already knew almost everything that there was to know about malt but he has never heard of the latul family before Sheil hasn't heard much about them either as all she's ever been told as an employee is that the family has existed for a long time and are very important to the functioning of the city of malt they seem to hold great power as well since every generation of Guild Masters has been instructed never to disrespect the latul family so now that Ren has received a request from them he can afford to reject it if he wants to continue to live in malt he never really intended to reject the request but Sheila has her worries he may be able to handle the quest they give him but if they were to find out that he is currently a monster then he would almost certainly be exterminated immediately it may be hard to keep a secret with how suspicious his outfit makes him look but when he met Isaac he didn't seem to be bothered by it so it probably won't be an issue he should probably go meet them so he heads out to their castle out in the woods he arrives at the front gate and asks the guard if Isaac is in there he answers that Isaac is inside the Mansion but to get to him he needs to cross the maze in the middle of the courtyard it doesn't seem like a regular Maze and ren is right about that since it was actually made with a magic item that changes the path so it's not going to be easy to get across the head of the family collects magic items for fun and this is just one of his Hobbies but to sweeten the deal for him he has promised a magic item from the head's collection if if he can manage to make it across Ren asks if the guard happens to have any advice which could be useful to him but he just tells him that he shouldn't rely on the son to keep track of where he is going Ren enters since he likes the idea of getting a magic item from doing this he is sure he should be fine with his good sense of direction but after a few passes through the maze he realizes that he is hopelessly lost red recalls what the gatekeeper had told him about not trying to use the Sun for Direction but he should be able to keep track of where he is going by making a good mental map of where he has been he comes cross a clearing in the Maze although it doesn't look like it is the exit he was looking for in the clearing there's a girl sitting under a canopy having tea she asks him if he will give up on trying to beat the maze but Ren still insists on going a little deeper since that what he wants to do the girl instructs him that he should head in that direction but she also warns him that the maze will go on for a really long time so he might want to take a break here and regain some strength before heading back out Ren agrees to share a spot of tea with her but as he sits down across the table he starts to wonder if she may be a daughter of theual family he can tell that even the teapot she's pouring water into his IM magic item but it's still strange that she didn't bring any tea leaves when they are meant to be having tea the Girl Just Smiles and pours a cup of perfectly brewed tea regardless she explains that this teot has the property of being able to replicate any tea that has been brewed within it before and rent is Thoroughly impressed with how useful something like this is the girl goes on to explain that there are two types of magic items those found in The Labyrinth and those made by Craftsmen to imitate the real deal this particular magic item was found in The Labyrinth 200 years ago and its worth would probably come out to about 300 Platinum coins or so rent is shocked by the large price tags since he has never even seen that much money in his entire lifetime but that's not to say that all magic items are valuable since you are just as likely to find a piece of junk down in The Labyrinth Ren uncovers his face so he can take a sip of the tea the girl prepared revealing his deformed mouth Laura takes notice of rent's mask and rents says he has never had tea that was quite as delicious as this before Laura seems to have taken an interest in his mask and asks if it happens to be a magic item of some sort which Ren confirms to be true although it is cursed Laura further inquires about the circumstances he managed to acquire such a mask under so he explains that a friend of his got it for him in the city of malt and it only cost him three bronze pieces too but he leaves that part out she cuts to the Chase and asks him to sell her the mask and normally be wood but it's still kind of stuck to his face plus it does help him keep his conditions secret from others so he may want to hang into it Laura takes the hint and apologizes for thinking he would give up a magic tool like that just for money as she is sure he must have some kind of attachment to it rent finishes his tea and is about to leave to continue his dungeon exploration however before he leaves Laura gives him another bit of advice and says it may be best for him not to trust the son the gatekeeper gave the same advice so it must mean something if they both said it he doesn't get why they said that though so as he heads back out into the maze he starts watching the sun just to see what will happen if he does so suddenly the sun disappears from his field of view and he suddenly realizes something very important to test his theory he picks up a rock and throws it and moments later the stone is teleported to another location well that sucks R now thinks there is a teleportation trap her that will return him to the start as soon as he looks at the Sun and if that's the case then he has to go through the entire maze again Rhett has no choice but to start over and after several Dreadful hours of walking rent was finally able to make it through the Maze and arrive at the Mansion there he's greeted by Laura who is glad to see his finally figure out the trick to the maze she introduces herself as the head of the lul house and congratulates informally for succeeding with all due respect after Ren had to go through all that he just wants to get his reward for taking on the maze so he is brought inside where he is told that he can have his pick of any of the laul family's magic Tools in stock as she is explaining what they have here Ren inquires whether he can really have any magic tool he wants Laura confirms this so Ren asks to be given the maze trap that caused him so much Agony unfortunately that is one magic tool that she's unwilling to part with rent tells her he was just joking since he would never want have something that caused him so many hours of pain it was just a little bit of payback for making him suffer through that thing just to get here they make their way to another room where the doors open automatically and with a single word from her all the lights immediately turn on Ren is Amazed by this and Laura goes in to explain that she collects magic tools just because they are magic tools it's not like they need to have any special purpose either as she shows Ren a magic ball which can only bounce to Ren this is just a bunch of junk but to Laura it's as valuable as Mint Condition yuio cards Ren's attention gets caught by an Airship hanging on the ceiling so Laura explains how it works to him you able to make it fly through the air with your Mana however it can only be controlled by this remote rent tries it out and he seems to be having a lot of fun with it stora takes that to mean that he wishes to have this magic item for himself little boy inside Ren's heart is telling him to pick the Drone that the adult in him thinks it would be a better idea to keep looking until he finds something that is more useful however he soon realizes that the Drone has more to it than just being a fun play thing it also has the ability to share visuals with rent so he could essentially use it as a surveillance drone to scope out the Labyrinth without needing to head in himself he thought it was just a toy but is actually more useful and he had given it credit for Laura is glad he finally sees the value in her magic tool collection but she warn him that the Drone is hard to fly since it consumes a large amount of mana and as a result of Ren only having the Mana capacity of someone around silver rank he's only able to fly it around for a few minutes and not very far either she asks if he would still like to have it regardless but while it would certainly be immensely valuable in situations where he needs to spy on people he wants to keep looking so he can find something better but he'll still keep the drone on hold since it'd be a good second choice the move on and rent finds a painting with a picture of monster in it as he is taking a look Laura urges him to try pushing the button on the frame of the picture but he should have known better than to trust Laura because as soon as he does so monsters begin to emerge from the painting Ren gets spooked and immediately jumps backwards but in his Panic he accidentally activate another magic tool with his Mana the magic tool turns out to be a gollem which worries even Laura as she asks Isaac where they kept the deactivation tool for the gollem Isaac starts frantically searching for the off switch but while he was doing that the gollem was getting ready to attack it threw a punch at rent but rent managed to dodge out of the way in time it's a good thing too since a single punch from that thing would definitely be enough to kill him he has no choice but to face the Golem head on L he be squished but before engaging in combat he asks Laura to make sure that she has no objections to him damaging the Golem it's not like she would make him pay for it but she doesn't think this is the kind of monster that someone like rent will be able to win a fight against Ren already knows that and has no real intentions of winning this fight he's just trying to buy time so he lunges forward and slashes the Golem's arm but that's not enough to stop it he asks how long Isaac is going to take to get the off switch but he is still looking for it on the top shelf it's going to take a while before he finds it Ren has a flashback to something lurine had once told him about Gollum just like one of du French Mer's inators that all have a self-destruct squitch on them in the form of the words on their forehead red tries to get good look at the gollum so he can find the self-destruct words but as he checks he sees that the gollum's forehead is blank he then remembers something else Lorraine had said about the self-destruct thing only a applying to the early series of Golems at some point the makers realized it was kind of dumb to put a self-destruct switch right in front of your Golem's head so instead they made the only way to stop at be through the off switch Ren can really use that switch right about now but Isaac still hasn't found it Laura seems to be enjoying his show quite a bit even though Ren is over there fighting for his life Ren has no other choice but to use his mana and spirit Fusion technique to fight back against this thing he would have preferred to keep his ability he used this technique a secret but help die if he doesn't throw everything he's got at the Golem so he gets ready for a final Clash however before that can happen Laura calls out for the Golem to Halt and it stops moving as she and Isaac have found the off switch Ren is now safe but Isaac feels the need to apologize since it wouldn't have gotten this far if he were better at keeping track of where things are Laura interjects saying the blame should fall on her since she is the master here Ren isn't going to hold a grudge over what happened and he tells her that would even like to keep looking for a magic tool for himself if she will allow it next she takes him to a room full of various items they aren't exactly magic tools but they can be used to make different kinds of medicines and weapons so they are worth keeping around so many materials are present here but what rent is most fixated on is a vial of vampire blood just sitting there seeing rent's interest Laura explains that vampire blood is sent to be able to turn humans who drink it into vampires themselves but that's just a rumor since everyone who has ever tried has just died instead so if he drinks it either he dies or he becomes a vampire rent likes those odds so he decides on the vampire blood but as he returns to Lorraine's house we see that he was also allowed to keep the Drone as well lauran can't believe how generous these guys were to him and ren starts informing her of the special abilities of the Drone it allows him to share his senses with it so he's able to get a zoomed view of Lorraine's assets from above the Drone was totally worth it the lul family just wants him to go get the dragon flowers for them on a regular basis which they will pay him for but as a bonus that also allowed him to keep the vampire blood luren is against taking blood from people who are essentially strangers plus he has no real guarantee that the blood is the real deal in the first place but even if it is real he could possibly die from just drinking it so she can't let him take such a big risk she personally doesn't mind if rent stays Undead forever since she would still smash regardless he could stay here and continue working as an adventurer until he becomes mithil like he wanted but under no circumstances does she want to lose him it looks like Ren has a lot of thinking to do about what decision to take next year however loran already knows that Ren has made his decision he's wed to become a mythal Adventurer ever since he was a kid so there's no way he would ever pass up a chance to grow stronger still that leaves some questions for Lorraine but she chooses to keep them to herself for now Rett notices her deep in thought so he asks her what's bothering her after some prying she concedes and tells in what she was thinking about but she makes it clear to him that he does not need to answer the question if he does not wish to do so rent doesn't know what she could Poss possibly want to ask him since he's pretty sure she knows everything there is to know about him however she points out that there are still a lot of things he keeps in mystery such as his motivation for wanting to become a mythal Adventurer she's a little pissed about it so she tells him to just drink the vampire blood and turn into a vampire or a pile of goo for all she cares Ren thinks she's being a little unnecessarily mean to him over this but she then Cuts him off and reminds him of the spoken rule among adventurers which he had told her about all those years ago it is customary to never ask another Adventurer about their past and while she didn't think rent would have some kind of Crime Boss backstory after he told her that it was really difficult for her to ask him directly about these kinds of things if that's the case Ren is happy to tell her all about it right now but it's really not much of an interesting story to begin with the reason largely revolves around Revenge but more so the kind where rent wants to become the kind of person who stop a tragedy from happening the village he was born and was located deep in the mountains and miles away from the nearest city so r father was in charge of doing all the shopping for everyone in the village when he went to town on Ren's fifth birthday his father decides to take him out into the city so he could have some experience there while riding in the carriage he talks with a girl named jimin who asks what he thinks the city will look like since they've never been there before she's excited to see all the new stuff she's never gotten the chance to experience before Ren on the other hand is pretty scared since he worries that they'll be attacked by Bandits so jinlin calls him a wimp she also tells him that he'll never be able to become an adventurer if he keeps acting that way although she lowers her voice so his parents won't hear her she then goes on to tell Ren how she wants to be able to travel the world when she grows older there's so many amazing things to be seen and although it may come with some amount of danger she promises that she'll make herself Stronger by then so she will be able to defend rent if it ever comes to that that concludes the flashback and thinking back on it rent can tell that he was a real wimp back then lauen is pretty shocked by the story since she had imagined Ren had the stereotypical backstory of a kid training to become the strongest hoki or wizard King but he just did it because a girl called him a wimp after that conversation he had with jinlin as granny gave both of them one hell of a scolding for it but he still has fun with her on the way back from the city The Carriage was attacked and Granny was taken out instantly Ren's dad also got deleted from the Census so Ren is the only one left standing against this giant ass wolf it was just staring at Ren and he stood there Frozen in fear but he was then dragged Away by jinlin who still has the sense to try to get away before they are killed as well neither of them wanted to leave the adults behind but the only ones capable of fighting were already taken out so what chance did some kids have the two ran for a long time until they thought they must have lost the wolf but they were wrong the wolf took the time out of its mic to go hunt down a pair of kids they aren't even worth it in calories but the wolf was just having fun messing with them at this point the wolf slashed at the kids and as a real friend wood junin pushes rent out of the way to save his life and as a result rent falls to the ground and junin gets her back sliced open red rushes over a check on her but she already knows this is the end for her she at least takes some solace in knowing that she was able to defend rent like she had promised she was going to do but now that she's gone she has one more wish and asks Ren to get stronger so he can protect himself when she's gone the wolf is about to finish rent off as well but just before it can complete the squad wipe rent is saved by an adventurer the man with silver hair tells him to stand back since he'll be handling the wolf now the fight begins as the adventurer draws his sword to attack but the wolf is pretty powerful so it's not clear who has the upper hand yet Ren watches on in amazement as this man goes toe to- Toe with a monster that he couldn't hope to so much a scratch but after a brief struggle the man makes it clear to the wolf that this isn't a fight it's going to be able to win unharmed so it backs off the adventurer then walks over to Ren and asks him if he is okay while he's currently holding the dead body of his childhood friend might I add Ren asks him why he didn't get your sooner so at least jimin could have survived and the man immediately lowers his head an apology since he had the power to save her but didn't arrive in time some time passes and the bodies of everyone who was killed in the forest have been brought back to town rent has begun his training Arc by practicing with a sword the adventurer finds him training outside and ren asks him what it takes to become an adventurer like him jinlin wanted to become an adventurer so now that she's gone he wants to fulfill her dream for her the man understands Ren's feelings but the age requirement for registering as an adventurer is 15 so since he is still only five the man tells him that he'll need to train hard in this Village for the next 10 years to be ready for the day he turns 15 he needs to be able to at least hold his own in a fight as well as not be dumb so he should invest some time into studying magic and how to survive in the wild next he's going to have to find some skilled hunters and persuade them to teach him a thing or two the man leaves rent with his name Wilfried reer a mythal class Adventurer he tells rent that he is free to come find him once he is old enough to become an adventurer although he doesn't know where he will be in a decade he knows he's going to keep being an adventurer as long as he's alive that concludes the backstory and meeting wiri is part of the reason he wants to become a Mythril Adventurer so badly laurian can tell a friend has good or bad luck since coming across mythal ranked Adventurer is pretty rare about the same as the chances of getting eaten by a dragon someday Ren wants to get his hands on the monster that killed ginlin and his family so he can kill it but that will be after he has become a mythal adventurer like Wilfried he's scared to die but if he gives up on trying and get stronger then he might as well be dead Lori knew he was going to decide to take the blood so she offers to give him a proper burial if things end up going poorly Ren apologizes again and opens the bottle before daming the entire thing in one gulp after taking every last drop loran asks if he is feeling any different but there are no changes at least for now she thinks this must mean that the blood was actually fake but moments later rent begins ring in pain on the floor he gets overcome and pukes on the floor while inside his head Ren can feel his mind and body being broken apart and made in the form of a monster he doesn't want to become like them not like the Mindless monsters that roam the dungeons he was losing himself in the transformation but then lauran calls him back to his senses by reminding him of the dream he had and that gives him the willpower necessary to fight the monster instincts taking over his body meanwhile in the city the blacksmith is up early in the morning hammering away to make a sword worthy of rent his wife comes in to check on him since he's working really early today but once she sees what he's working on she knows he's working hard for rent safe she isn't much in a fighter so she doesn't know what change about him but Ren seems to have gotten a lot stronger compared to the level he was at before he even learned some new tricks which is why this sword needs to be strong enough to handle everything Ren is able to dish out over at the orphanage Alise is practicing her Adventurer skills while doing some housework and lilan spots her so she makes a comment about how hard elies is training over at the adventurers Guild rise and Laura arrive at the adventurers Guild first thing in the morning along with Reena this time and since they are early for once they get to have first pick of the quests that came in for the day Sheil looks on with a sense of Pride at the new batch of adventurers so she gives them a warning to not take challenges that are beyond their ability back to rent his mind has calmed down since the last time we saw him and he actually feels sleepy for the first time in a while when he first became Undead it felt like his body was empty down to the bone but with each Evolution he was able to regain his organs skin and the ability to feel pain but it came with a dread that he may one day go out of control and hurt those he loves Ren Smiles because he has managed to get through this somehow and he now wakes up to find luren watching over him she is reading a book about vampires and congratulates Ren on a successful Evolution Rhett looks at his hands and realizes that they are far less shriveled than they were before so he looks just like he did when he was a human even though he's a vampire now but to know exactly what kind of vampire he became she's going to need him to take off his clothes so she can inspect him after taking off his clothes rhet noises a set of wings on his back but once he focuses on them for a bit he's able to shrink them down that's really convenient since visible Wings would draw a lot of attention to him but that still doesn't answer the question of what kind of vampire he became there's no real way for Lorraine to tell the difference since vampires are so rare but she at least knows he is more powerful than he was before there is one last thing she wants to check as well so she asks Forin to take off part of his mask this reveals the Fang like teeth in his mouth but it's not too noticeable next she asks to see the upper part of his face and she sees that his eyes have changed color to Red vampires are known to have red eyes so it may be a bit suspicious but it's not like there are no humans with red eyes in existence Ren should be able to go out in public without being found out but before that luran looks him deep in his eyes and welcomes him home with his more human form
Channel: AniSpot Recapped
Views: 80,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recaps, anime
Id: GtGgNKmlxWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 6sec (6906 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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