His Name Is Evil: Levi Bellfield (2012)

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a killer is striking at random what happened we stocked up and down the shelter's near these locks he's got the wrong premises the chilling voice of Levi Bellfield in custody police want to know is he the man responsible for the murder of young blonde girls multiple rapes and one more attempted murder each brother al Oh Willie can you ll be fine yeah Larry huh there was a real palpable feeling of for fear amongst women and girls in himself was London that time he specialized in young victims he was simply killing blonde young women for pleasure his actions brought one of the world's mightiest news organizations to its knees with the map Levi Bellfield has issues his father dies when he's a child Levi grows very close to his mother his mother is a very important this matriarchal figure in his life Levi is tiny at 16 still shorter than five feet tall his physique makes him feel unattractive to girls at a West London comprehensive school and he's profoundly miserable didn't want to be small he wanted it to be he was about to the family of eight Belfield was a woman-hater he was bullied at school quite quite acutely by a number of girls and he perhaps that was the one of the causes as if his loathing for women by his late teens Levi Bellfield decides to change things and in his later years he took steroids and in fact the first time I ever saw him his his arm muscles his leg muscles but were absolutely huge and his neck was was was bumped up beyond all belief he wanted to be do you name that do you want to be a little bit some find his new look attractive Belfield was to marry four times have 11 children one woman in his life was to experience both profound menace and how much fun he could be he was a life and soul the party's it was the top dog he was one that everyone wanted to be with everyone wanted to be seen around he was like the dawn of like the area Pete Rodriguez was to become a pivotal figure in Bell fields life as a friend and a colleague I'm going out fathers and sisters or anything like that and maybe it's unconsciously knowing I've got a big absorb of ER innocence looking out for you you know because that's the impression you give you'll be looking out for you but Rodriguez would soon carry the scars emotionally and physically of having Levi Bellfield as an older brother figure there are deeply unsettling sides to Levi which occasionally appear after a couple drinks you get aggressive you start off enjoyable then you end up being a nightmare here are the grossest try and beat up somebody Belfield takes that aggression home his first wife leaves him after one particularly savage beating and his next partner quickly sees the steroid-induced muscle man's violent side I bite you burn you kick you punch ooh when we split the back of my head out for months because he was fixing doing something to the car and I didn't answer him quickly enough and he had at all in his hand and he just turned around and as I walked away he hit me straight in the back of the head and split all my head open down there that was one of the times particularly unsettling for Jo is her husband's irrational hatred of blonde women when you find a magazine and all only the blondes faces are slashed and you know he's caught it goes mad and when I hunted him about it and we need I really got a good hide in that day and eat like he told me straight I hate blondes they're all concise and they should die and I don't know if it's because his mum's got jet-black hair and she is the matriarch of the family and she rules with an iron rod or somewhere along the line blondes really hurts him or something like that he just loathed women for some reason he loathes women who are blond and on top of that he seemed to loathe women who young Belle fields loathing of young girls doesn't stop him wanting to have sex with them an ambition he can pursue in a job he gets at a nightclub he became a bouncer I think because it was a regular supply of eager young schoolgirls who would line up outside the clubs he was the bouncer at he seemed to take as a badge of honor that he was targeting girls who legally belief the age of consent Belfield would never stand trial for some of the offenses he was alleged to have committed against young girls he would leave no DNA trace as he forced himself on some of the girls that he comes across he was someone who kept a mattress in the back of one of his vans whereby he would sometimes buy girls with ketamine a very powerful tranquilizing drug or sometimes cocaine he would sell them and it sometimes in exchange for sexual favors or sometimes even more menacingly he would actually abuse them after they were high on drugs between 1995 and 2001 a string of complaints are made to police by young girls but their memories are almost always hazy drugs taken unwittingly mean that his victims evidence is unreliable nothing has ever pinned on Belfield with other even more serious crimes that put before a jury the sex offenses were to remain on the files without further action I sent a report to the Crown Prosecution Service asking for directions on a series of five drug-induced rapes on teenage girls between the ages of 14 and 17 the evidence wasn't there at that time in the late 90s Belfield had begun to apply his intimidating frame to one of his jobs wheel clamping he have no mercy in the matter who is his first and only concern is getting the money out for the person and when he takes on a third job buying and selling vehicles he uncovers a car-crushing concern let me become vital to his needs that was part of his modus operandi was to oh where we'll have one car one minute when we have three cars we'll have this car today in that car tomorrow so if you ever wanted to try and find him which car were you going to look for he adds a final chilling element to his methods the nerve to approach any female young or old and asked for sex at any time of the night or day Levi Bellfield was a menace to women as they drove around in a white van he would lean out the window shout leer at other women he would move whistle and he would be generally quite unpleasant Bell filled rinse of flat in the Walton on Thames area of South West London soon after a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl Milly Dowler goes missing she fitted his obsession Milly Dowler went to school but decided to take the train home she walked out of the station turned right north to walk home to her parents house a girl she vaguely knew was standing waiting for a bus for taking her she stopped and chatted about the usual things of teenagers chat about boys they'd recently were planning to go to a gig and they spoke about what their intends to do at the weekend at at some moment between eight minutes past four and ten minutes past four on that March afternoon in 2002 she disappeared into thin air she vanished in the blink of an eye and just exactly what did happen what happened to her that bad bad afternoon was became a great speculation and a great deal of fear the day she went missing so you know maybe she's run off for like everyone else thought you know she'd just gone off with phones or something like that which I think everyone hoped obviously had she run off was she with friends or heard Levi Bell Fields obsession claimed its first victim if they rejected his advances he would exact a very extreme form of revenge this hammer attack police are searching for Milly Dowler by 1997 Levi Bellfield second wife Joe colleagues had taken enough of his beatings she had left him he soon moves on to wife number three Emma Mills on returning home from work on March 22nd 2002 the day after Milly had gone missing she sees Belfield doing something he'd never done before changing the bed all the bedclothes have been removed the sheets that duvet cover everything and she says to leave I'm what what's going on here he said well the dog had an accident on the bed which he thought was rather strange was a dog was extremely well house-trained but what he was really doing was he was disposing over the mattress that was the property six months after she went missing late in 2002 the body of Milly Dowler is found 30 miles from the train station where she was last seen she'd been dumped in woods police don't suspect Belfield the difficulty the police have or had was at Milly Dowler there was absolutely no forensic evidence whatever there were no there was no soft tissue remaining on a body was simply bones no one had seen anything not a single witness had seen her go bail films very forensically aware he knew that if he turned off his mobile phone they couldn't trace him using triangulation of his mobile phone signal his phone was off that day for nine and a half hours you shouldn't underestimate his coming he was he wasn't educated but he was very intelligent and and was coming enough to think very quickly how to extricate himself from difficulties he had that cunning meant that rather than drive a car on the day merely disappeared registered to his own name Belfield borrows a friend's visit a blue he told me they lent it to one of his cousins and all somebody better get it back because I'm fed up with her having more coal and then that night he come out and told me they'd been stalled well we all know now it wasn't was it because he'd been in the buying and selling car business was also into the scrapping car business and so he would have been perfectly within his capacity to have the car crushed literally dismantled into tiny parts without a moment's hesitation months later when pouring over Street footage they see the red Daewoo cruising the area but they make no connection to Belfield his name didn't quite come up police also didn't know just how well Belfield knew the area where Millie's body had been found his horse event jumping second wife did where Millie's body was found from the horse show was literally walking distance and when ice go there jump he used to disappear off through the woods and where we used to walk the dogs was actually the area that they found Millie but Joe colleagues didn't put two and two together so Levi Bellfield had got away with murder and he still retained his irrational hatred for young blonde girls February 2003 and a girl's on the way to her home in southwest London she's blonde Marshall and Donald was a 18 year old girl she went with her friends to see a film in Kingston got the bus home Marsha could have known nothing of the dangers she was in as she neared home she went out to the cinema with two friends caught the bus home got a home just after midnight about 17 18 minutes past midnight she got off the bus and almost made it home and she was literally you know 10 doors down from where she lived when she was attacked he was driving along around bus stops where people would get off so he would perhaps be able to see them when they're on the bus spy somebody who's on their own and then when they got off drive alongside them for a bit before getting out and attacking them and she was killed about 40 yards from the front door she was hit over the head something heavy she died in hospital within hours of the attack whoever had killed Marcia had made a rapid getaway in a car which seems simply to have disappeared from the streets Levi Bellfield once again has covered his tracks and he's about to cover his tracks again this time after a violent incident when he asks his friend and colleague Peter Rodriguez to share a flat and its costs with Levi it says to me Oh Pete come back goes with some DVDs I'm going to show you I'll go now ok fair enough so I've gone gone back to the flat and stuff and next thing I know six weeks later I wake up obviously we had an argument in the flat and stuff gone downstairs he's followed me hit me over the head with a mallet and left her for dead within seconds literally of it happening Levi's on the phone with a stage whisper saying other people have committed the crime now we did we think it was him there wasn't enough to charge him with as he lies in bed recovering the confused Rodriguez does not know what has happened he suddenly gets a visitor Levi Bellfield he said to the hospital staff oh um I'm Peters brother I'm gonna see him and he made up of fuss and commotion and Noah submissive it here so much so the actual hospital was Kure escorted him out of the hospital bail fields visit to his former friend coincides with an attempt by someone to end Rodriguez's life he's Charlie time to come back to turn off the machines basically for me and then I said that moment onwards I had to train for police protection please take no further action not for the first time they lack evidence it didn't take my what I said to them seriously enough if they had arrested Belfield for the attack on Pete police may have picked up on the possibility that he was responsible for the disappearance of Milly Dowler but at this stage of the investigation in 2003 we only think the murders of Milly Dowler and Marsha McDowell have in common is the youthfulness of the victims and the fact that they were close to bus stops when last seen there's no linking DNA no witnesses no apparent motive police faced a tough task a blitz killer who kills at random he's very difficult to track down the blitz killer is on the loose unsuspected and he's on the hunt for another young blond girl he fell all over me can you and I'll be fine yeah we're really huh in 2004 friends of Levi Bellfield noticed some odd behavior he's begun to have a series of panic attacks on holiday with close friend Richard Hughes a poster for a murdered Spanish girl causes a strange reaction oh the biters at the table was hidden so the 14 year old girl was murdered yesterday on the beach and he got up out of that table and left the best-run gone when we got back was in the hotel I said well what was all that about he saw I was just having an attack said it must be the heat in hospital still recovering from the vicious attack he'd suffered Pete Rodriguez his of an horrific attempt on the life of a young blonde girl a man had randomly driven his character well he ran away and we were stuck over her and punches her lung and lucky enough she survived Kate she D again who had been on a bus late at night she'd just left school that very day in fact was going home to her parents house as she walked up the road she was aware that there was a vehicle parked on her side of the road it was a people carrier it was whitey had blacked-out windows and the engine was running but the lights are off and she it was sixth sense really sheet sheets she wasn't sure why she was frightened of this vehicle but she knew she was this time was a Toyota people carrier there was caught on CCTV cameras at local pub he simply turned the car rapidly in a u-turn drove over and then backed over her again just for good measure he stopped in between the wheels of the of the car it then reversed so the problem went over her a gay with a punctured lung and struggling for every breath Kate manages to make a call to emergency services over me you run over you again yes can you run over these five yeah yeah that's the most moving piece of tape you could want to listen to she had every rib broken she had a spleen ruptured she had damage to her spine she had horrific injuries it was very very tough very spirited and then and and got the riddle Pete recovering from the attack he'd suffered suddenly realizes when that incident had happened and I think that was the same day is when he came to see me in hospital Rodriguez consults a map so far he's realized that someone's killed Milly dalla in a place called Walton on Thames Marsha MacDonald is murdered me in Twickenham and a young girl has been targeted near the hospital where Rodriguez is recovering on each of the occasions bell fields been near behind I felt it was serious for coincidences the one in implicit and world Jo lived two minutes away from from that one one in and Whorton again because of the flat in Wharton bridge and he liked to fish of Broughton Bridge there's a bit of coincidence Mill Adair got abducted under Waldridge that particular area of southwest London he knew literally like the back of his hand every runnel alleyway Lake Golf Course factory site industrial area shop he'd literally driven over them all it is not a matter of going far and wide and jumping off a bus and saying oh I think I'll kill someone here it's a matter of being at home in the area Joe Collins like Pete Rodriguez before her knew that the attacks and murders were happening in areas known to Levi Anson you something else an appeal for information made by police about the white people carrier rings a bell and I thought you know the white people carrier it's really hard to explain to someone when you you just know yourself but you don't you think no con it's not really and I found his friend who was a really good friend of mine and I said Levi's has got the white people carry any and he was like yeah why Alice you know you just don't want to believe it so Belfield remains unsuspected a French student is out on the town she'll soon need a bus ride home she'd been with some friends at wine bar in Twickenham she'd had three or four glasses of wine decided to go home about half-past nine got the bus and she somehow managed to miss her stop she asked her bus driver you know when's the next bus back in so across the road it'll be ten minutes and it was a fine evening in August and faithfully she decided she was going to walk she's blond she's young 22 everything to live for and as she walks up the road another car appears Levi Bellfield has chosen his next victim she was I don't know a few hundred yards from home when she was attacked Levi Bellfield is cruising the streets of London he spots a girl later identified as Amelie deleg Raj a French student Levi Bellfield drove his car alongside her perhaps spoke to her a number of times perhaps made approaches to her of a sexual nature or an unpleasant nature and she may well have carried carry on up the hill trying to ignore him but Belfield is tenacious he stalks his prey one of the theories behind his motivation would be that these girls rejected his advances that he may well have followed them for a while spoken to the mainland become scared and asked them ask this kind of please go away and then what he would have done he would exact it a very brutal and rapid form of revenge and that was a smack on the back of the head with a hammer blunt objects on firm it was incredibly violent she was just found as a student who was a Sameach while he was doing revision or something walks out and walk around the green and found what he thought was a good lump and then realized that she had this this horrific wound on the back of her head and he raised the alarm and she'd she died very quickly she died the same evening the menacing elements behind the a murderer groans murder is that horrendous moment of a girl in the foreign country encountering someone who was that aggressive to water and that menacing and that intimidating and she must have been petrified knowing that this bloke was somewhere had been earlier on that unpleasant to her this memorial bench and oak tree marks the area near to where Emily the Lagrange's bloodied body was found one more girl one more blonde victim to Levi Bellfield police still do not suspect him as the man causing panic on the streets there was a real palpable feeling of the fear amongst particularly the women and girls in southwest London that time because there's a maniac on the loose he was simply killing blonde young women for pleasure and it is it is almost beyond understanding why anyone any human being could bring themselves to do that and literally to treat it as there was nothing more than opening a tin of beans or walking out the front door but Bell Fields latest murder has given police a vital clue they notice a white van we then went wider into our CCTV that we'd seized and found that this bang was actually driving round Twickenham green for something like three quarts of an out before Emily was murdered we say hunting looking looking for looking for prey almost please link the van to Levi Bellfield he'd be will clamping in wife Anne and this guy says I sold around somebody called Levi who wants it will clamp out of the blue Belfield visits his second wife and reveals a tortured state of mind said I've done something he said and what I've done if you won't forgive me only God can forgive me I was like yeah yeah I think you drama queen and he's like no seriously he said you you won't you won't believe it when you find out but Belfield doesn't reveal precisely what she might find out you thought stop thinking it's all a little bit bits just get you know you start putting things into perspective and things like that and then less when I went to the place went down to the trick I'm going into the crime unit and I said some you know about Levi and they just took all the details and what-have-you like yeah we'll get back to you thank you for that what makes you think it was him and I said you know it was just his pure hatred of blondes and the fact that everyone who'd been killed or missing or attacked we're all blind but it's a more minor detail in Joe Collins description of Levi Bellfield which raises police interest the real key to was she said he now drives little white van and does wheel clamping so we had our suspect and the following evening we were looking for the van and looking for him and and we had a a surveillance team um behind Levi Bellfield 24/7 it is three years since the disappearance of Milly Dowler since then there have been multiple unsolved rape cases in the same area two murders and an attempted killing police are watching a man now known to the media as the bus stop stalker when he seems set to attack again one Sunday Levi's is out in another of his vehicles there are two girls standing in two sagging the bus stop with the bus and Levi pulls over and gets out and goes up and speaks to them they tell now these two girls were cousins and leave I'd asked him how old they were and they said 14 to 15 and he'd said to up it all I'll bet you're virgins I bet you're nice and nice and fresh or something like this Levi Bellfield is still on the loose looking for new prey little does he realize that the police are now watching his every move the speed with which we thought these attacks took place it was there was a risk that we would have another murder with with nine police officers watching it in fact videoing it but unable to intervene because of the speed happened after ten days of surveillance police move in to arrest Levi Bellfield he makes a break for it he ran up and hid in the loft he was naked and was hiding under the insulation so he was arrested and taken to to Heathrow Police Station where we had to start to try to interview him all the similar stuffs coming up his net bonds plusses Levi's cars okay so maybe we need boots tonight to say why leaving her for dead no commie 18 years old yeah like that cuz something's gone and leave I said that's what's happened very common it is it is too many similarities Levi's too many similarities for the question not to be asked for you not to say why no comment because you can't say anything on you nothing to justify a Calot Belfield is eventually charged with the murders of Emily de Lagrange Marcia MacDonald and the attempted murder of Kate she D he is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison after his capture the streets of South West London have once again become a safe place but there's still a mystery about the death of Milly Dowler two years into Bell Fields prison sentence and the investigating officer is reviewing Millie's case all of a sudden I'm looking at what we now know about Levi Bellfield and I'm reading it in his intelligence report about they you know he's liking for young girls and he lived unaccepting the spot where where were when really Dan was last seen actually this might be something in this police pluck him from his cell but any notion that he might admit to killing Milly or show remorse is quickly dismissed they Kris him about his whereabouts on the day she went missing they remind him that he inexplicably ripped sheets from the bed before getting rid of them something which it aroused the suspicions of his then-wife Belfield simply did not do housework was he just destroying evidence do you want to see the live that your actions over 21st and 22nd March 2007 are the actions of innocent men once he was identified to them they had each of them six and a half years to get the evidence together to convict him there are universes now if you are tell us and give us an explanation for where you were and what you do in order to do that me one the most striking thing about Levi Belfort was his eyes it just had the darkest coldest and flickering eyes that you just look into them and it was just don't she's nothing the most dangerous the most odd character I think that I've ever come across well Levi was eventually brought before court for the murder of Millie dalla Steve bird witnessed at firsthand just how intimidating the bouncer and wheel clamper could be during the million dollar trial the jury decamped and they all had a bus to the site where me dad had disappeared one of the members of the press was a long-haired blonde lady and it was quite horrendous moment because at one point he turned looked at this blonde haired girl very similar perhaps an appearance to the victims he targeted and he wounded her again just a slightly menacing element a his character that he would stop stare at her wink smile and this girl was quite clearly upset by this now that this bloke was already convicted of a double murder was the kind of guy who thought that he might just build a wink at a girl Intimidator in 2010 Levi Bellfield was eventually found guilty of the murder of 13 year-old Milly Dowler unfortunately she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and I said if it wasn't her he dairy would been another schoolgirl in a bizarre twist his murders would also become involved in Britain's biggest newspaper scandal and the fall of part of one of the world's mightiest news organisations one of their investigators had hacked into Millie dollars phone whilst she was missing murdered by Levi the fact that Millie dollars phone was hacked by the news of the world and the Murdoch newspapers in this country is disgraceful outrageous every single person who discovered it once it became public Norwich is naturally horrified the irony this is a man who does not deserve any public sympathy whatever and yet may indeed have helped to cause the end of one of the most popular and much-loved British Sunday newspapers that's what's happened they coming it is as for Levi's motives police and experts can still only speculate while there's no doubting his guilt nobody can be sure of the reason for his pure hatred of young blonde females I believe that Levi Bellfield rather like the Moors murderer Ian Brady will never tell anyone what he did to Milly Dowler I believe he took off the string that I believe he was most emotional sexual leading to the best place my believe he killed it that's the truth he believes that knowledge and his secrets are power power over everybody including the parents of the victims everyone but some believe there are other unanswered questions out there like the murder of Patsy Morris who just so happened to be a 14-year old school friend of Levi Bellfield when he was 14 or at least around that age one of his school friends a girl girl Patsy Morris died rather unusual circumstances police obviously looked at him as a character would it be at this guy who'd carried out has been convicted out three murders how far back does his pattern of offending and crimes against skills go one theory is that he's now being ruled out but you have to wonder is there a possibility his offending dates back to them when he was first arrested he was charged with eight rapes although those charges were never followed through because of the murders overtook them for those up close with Belfield his life sentence brought an end to a chapter that they still find confusing Thomas Avery be nude and we know now I won't have another third man unfortunately don't have a sign on your head saying and they dwell well schizo or whatever like that you know theme to this day I can't can't figure out why was it saying his childhood off duty so everything against women he was someone who preyed on the most vulnerable in society firstly women secondly girls I mean these were little girls who should have been safe as they walked home from school should have been safe as they walked home with a short distance from a bus stop he was violent predatory and somebody for whom we don't quite understand the motivation and function I dealt with you know that the drakes of humanity for 430 years I know words like evil nobody had the disregard for authority for other people for just humanity the things that he did and I know he did that he won't ever be prosecuted for or to have to account for I just just shy just really truly shocking and there's no one was known as variously Levi evil um who is an anagram of his name
Channel: darkdocumentaries
Views: 774,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: serial killer, Levi Bellfield, documentary
Id: pGraAa9TcJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 36sec (2376 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2013
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