Myra Hindley: Britain's Most Hated Woman (Serial Killer Documentary) | Real Stories

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quite intelligent young girl very devious plotting through life in the 60s she was all for yourself this is one evil so and so innocent vulnerable need of love and care and attention she's an evil cow she's got the devil in it she's a devil itself yeah wasn't we looking little ones that got away [Music] [Music] the crimes committed by Moore's murderer Myra Hindley shocked the nation Hindley has been demonized as the most evil woman in Britain with her lover Ian Brady Hindley took part in the abduction sexual abuse torture and murder of five innocent children Lulu she was sentenced to life imprisonment Hindley's supporters claimed that she would not have been capable of murder without the influence of Brady with the help of criminal psychologist and forensic profiler David Holmes we aim to delve into the mind of this infamous killer was Hindley indoctrinated into the in Brady's murderous world or was she quite simply born to kill when it comes to the born to kill argument Myra Hindley is very interesting because she is actually reputed to have had a very normal childhood and then have met this very macabre stranger who then transformed her life into one of evil now that is a very simple story which requires further examination Myra Hindley died in prison on November the 15th 2002 after serving 33 years she was 60 years old Myra and Ian might have carried on torturing sexually assaulting and killing children if it had not been for one man David Smith and his confession at hide police station on October the 7th 1965 David had witnessed Ian's brutally murdering their fifth victim Edward Evans the final murder they committed was that of Edward Evans he was a teenager and Brady and Hindley had met him on Central Station and persuaded him to come back to the house with them myra said that ian picked him up for gay sex they brought Edward Emmons back and the next and most interesting thing about this death and the thing that actually stops the whole cycle of killing is that Ian told Mara to go and fetch David Smith David Smith had the reputation of being a neighbourhood hard man he'd started dating Mira's sister Maureen they got married and moved to the nearby Hatters B estate close to pian and Myra the four of them spent a lot of time together David was impressed by Ian's right-wing views slowly he became indoctrinated into Ian's perverse view of life Myra went in and brought David Smith and bought him him back to the house whereupon Edward Evans was murdered in a very very brutal fashion he was much bigger it was much harder to kill him there was blood everywhere it was a very very nasty death Brady had been grooming Mira's brother-in-law for several months and was confident he could trust the seventeen-year-old to not only keep a secret but also to become actively involved in their murderous plans but Brady miscalculated David eventually Edward Evans was killed and he was his body was parceled up and wrapped up and they took him upstairs with great difficulty and locked him in a bedroom how much David Smith was involved in the actual killing he says not but he said he had to do certain things because Ian was controlling it and forcing him to he said he had to do what you had to do clean up and in any and that night and he has to welcome to do everything to save his own neck and he went back home and told Maureen what happened with a large carving knife to protect them they went down to the phone box and they phoned the police and they stood in that phone box until the police arrived and the but pair of them were really really terrified and horror-struck David Smith gave an account of what had happened on that evening and Myra wasn't present during the physical murder she was actually in the kitchen but she was certainly involved in the cleaning up of the house afterwards because as you imagine there's a an awful lot of blood and I think it's fair to say that David Smith had certain views about her thoughts at the time they were flippin remarks about blood and tissue around the room the crime scene of the murder of Edward Evans was a grossly blood-splattered affair in the midst of which Myra Hindley was projecting herself as a laughing gay busy housewife tidying up a normal domestic scene she normalized what was grossly abnormal for this particular scene it helped her to distance herself from reality the horror of what she was engaging with David and Maureen's story was taken seriously by the police two dozen officers were called to en and Mira's house David Smith had warned them that there were guns on the premises they decided that they would do this and I sort of undercover way so when the knocker went and Myra Hindley answered door was not a policeman on her doorstep it was a bread man with a basket of bread left Myra said we don't have bread and then he said but I'm a policeman and they went inside the police insisted on searching the house which they resisted but eventually they of course had to accede and the body of Edward evidence was found little did they realize but the police were about to stumble across one of Britain's most notorious criminal cases the Moors Murders straightaway and brandy was arrested but Myra Hindley was having been questioned she was allowed to go home they didn't believe she was involved however because of David Smith's insistence that there were probably more children more murders involved the police continued to investigate and they searched the house very thoroughly they actually found a list of which she and said was was the planning for a robbery and it had enigmatic initials on it and one of them was PB and eventually down the spine of a prayer book they found a ticket for a left-luggage office at a station in Manchester and they found out which one it was and claimed a suitcase bag majority of serial killers take some form a trophy of their crimes away for them that can be rings or it can be jewelry or can be a hair and it was in this suitcase that they found all the photographs and the tapes of Lesley and down his last few minutes on earth Brady and Henley was not unusual they take recordings of the torture and the murder in the pleadings of Lesley and Downey ten-year-old Leslie and Donnie have mysteriously gone missing from the area six months earlier David Smith told the police that Ian had joked about burying children on the moors eventually with the use of the photographs that mark that had been taken of Mara with her dog and Ian up on the moors they managed to actually find a place where they thought that they might fruitfully start digging for bodies Myra was arrested and charged a few days after Ian and her dog puppet was also taken into custody because the police knew that if they could establish the age of the dog they would be able to establish when some of these photographs were actually taken a vet put the dog under a general anaesthetic and was trying to establish the age from it his teeth and tragically puppet died and Myra Hindley was heard to scream around the police station murderers [Music] as a result of than the tip-off that they were digging on the Moors I was very young reporter and my job was to drive around at night in the hope that I might see police digging subtle with more is quite a an eerie place at the best of times but to be up there in the early hours in the dark knowing that you know there could be at that stage could be children buried out there was quite weird quite frightening really looking back was a whole cavalcade of press parked down the hill and not allowed to get near and they tried to do as much of it as they could under cover of sort of dawn and and dusk but it was very difficult because you have to have light on the moors and Moors are fast and spooky places police believed that the bodies of four missing children might have been buried on the moors their fears were well-founded on the 10th of October 1965 the body of Lesley and Downey was discovered eleven days later the body of 12 year old John Kilbride was also uncovered John had disappeared without a trace on November the 11th 1963 in 1965 the case like this was unique for the first time in British history a woman had been implicated in a killing partnership that involved the serial sex murders of children what had turned byra into such a monster was it a question of nature not nurture as the details began to emerge particularly in the local community there was a sense of outrage I think if some people could have got their hands on Myra Hindley and Ian Brady they wouldn't be here today it's quite a difficult to comprehend what they got up to and got away with for so long to satisfy the born to kill question regarding Myra Hindley you have to examine the whole of the period of the killings but perhaps more importantly you have to examine the childhood and the aspects of childhood and you're looking forthe little events that might say that this person was showing signs of prior to the crime period of being born to kill has she not met Ian Brady and absolutely convinced that Mary Henley would he not formability of led a normal life [Music] Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were Sado sexual killers these particular murderers become hooked on inflicting torture on their victims their pleasure is gained in a perverse game of cat and mouse stalking entrapment and killing of their quarry in the case of Brady and Hindley their favored prey were children what normal and everyday person could watch a month sexual abuse a child tortured him strangled and murdered him and Digger a shallow grave on the moors and put them in it and walk away and sleep at night which she did for many years so how did a seemingly normal child grow into an adult so perverse that she would gain pleasure from the sexual abuse and murder of children when looking at serial killers such as Myra Hindley you have to very carefully examine not only the period when the crimes were being committed but look very carefully at the childhood in order to separate out those things which may be clearly environmental those things that may have been biologically there all the time and those interactions between them Myra Hindley was born on Thursday July the 23rd 1942 just another child in a world of terraced houses and factories in the poor working-class area of Gorton in Manchester England she was part of a close northern community she knew everybody in the street she knew the people at the shops she everybody knew everybody that she went to the same school as all her friends it was very supportive loving local community myra was the first child of Bob and Nellie Hindley initially a Placid child who was no trouble when her sister Maureen was born four years later the situation changed mr. mrs. Hindley found bringing out two children too difficult and sent Myra off to live with her grandmother some people try to make a lot of the fact that she didn't actually live at home with mum and dad but she lived you know in the next Street with Grandma the two houses could see each other at from the bedroom windows and she spilled between the two houses it was a very very loving life myra went to the local state school she went to the Junior School where she was bright and only narrowly failed her eleven plus granny was very susceptible to allowing her to have a day off if she wanted one and Mira's attendance record was very poor and had she gone she probably would have passed for the grammar school as it was she went to write a brow Secondary Modern she was in the top class she did extremely well she was in that vanguard of youth culture and she was very aware of it it was the beginning of teenagers as a phenomenon rock and roll was there beatles were coming she changed her image slowly but surely thick makeup like a Dusty Springfield the hair got blonder big curls in the hair her skirts eventually got shorter well it was from suspect peroxide blonde always did very well for the lads [Music] Myra had one friend of the opposite sex from quiet early on a little boy called Michael Higgins she was quite taken with the idea that he had the same initials as her and they used to hang out together go everywhere together she used to be sort of almost looked after him [Music] Maira felt she'd made a lifelong friend one sunny afternoon Michael asked Myra to go swimming with him at the local reservoir she was unable to go tragically Michael drowned an unfortunate event that local boy Lawrence Jordan witnessed Michael Higgins came with some of his friends and they were swimming over that side and then all of a sudden there was a flurry of excitement as one or two young kids running around saying I can't see him I can't see him somebody must have dialed the police because two or three policemen came rolling up and we saw them dive in child said there's someone are they under the water somebody then shouted oh they got him and I saw them bringing out this short light body well you see the whiteness of the body the case the blue uniforms of the police and his arms were outstretched almost in a crucifix the horridly Deng puts him in the mortuary belt and the van then pastors going out where you could get down to it there the puppet came to death it must have been really traumatic for Myra Hindley because if she was a friend of his and she saw him being brought out that would obviously stay with her for the rest of her life because he certainly stayed with me [Music] and after that she went in a shell for a while it was absolutely devastated of the fact that it died she wasn't the same girl for months and months after that the in fact it was a year or so a long time she went to and visited his parents his mother all the time and she actually converted to Catholicism Michael had been a Catholic and she actually converted in the wake of his death we've Michael too invested quite a lot and lost quite a lot and to some degree although she might have blamed herself she also blamed everyone else and this was the beginning of the distancing of her from other people and also within this she would hide in religion this was another step away from humanity and towards a new kind of aim and career it was not long after Michael's death that Myra left school on her 17th birthday Hindley became engaged to Ronny Sinclair a local boy who worked at the coop however Mira's apparent contentment with her ordinary life didn't last long part of the time IRA wanted does a classic husband and two kids which all the girls around her aspired to there was another part of her that really didn't want to do that being brought up by her grandmother to have a certain sense of self-importance Myra Hindley did require more from life than simply two point four children and a marriage this would not be stimulating to her for some women they require a certain amount of violence a certain S&M quality to their relationship and Myra was of this type eventually she landed a job as a typist secretary at Mill woods which was the place where she ultimately met Ian Brady in braids he was working in the office at the time he completely ignored it for many many months he was aloof she describes him as an extremely good-looking individual he was always well-dressed he was a fake quite an attractive handsome beast of this big motorbike that everybody what it's just sort of like go round when you're kids and have a go of it or lock it and you know I think it was just mesmerized by it wasn't you really yeah it was a very many motorbikes in girl at the time she very very quickly came to be absolutely fascinated by him and they perfect example of this is she kept this very childish diary in which she wrote things like he looked at me today Ian spoke to me today Ian is in a bad mood today is no longer at mid today he has looked at me today we say me our weekend at best Ian Brady was bisexual and probably rather more homosexual and heterosexual so she was very much on the periphery of his vision till the famous Christmas party when they they got together and became an item from there on in and it was at that stage that he started to to indoctrinate her into his his views on politics life sex and so on that first night Brady took her to see the Nuremberg trials as the week's went by he played her records of Hitler's marching songs and encouraged her to read some of his favorite books mine camp crime and punishment and the works of the Marquis de Sade Hindley happily complied she had waited for so long for something different and now here it was Mira's family were not keen on in from the very word go Ian's background had been more dysfunctional and Mira's he was born in central Glasgow as a result of an affair between his mother a waitress and a man who was identity we've never been completely sure about and he was fostered when he was about 2 to a family who are living nearby and they brought him up to the best of their ability however when he became a teenager he began to get involved in crime eventually the course in Glasgow said that he had to go and live with his mother and his mother at the stage was living in Manchester so basically Glasgow shipped its problem out Brady became Hindley's first lover and she was soon totally besotted with him soaking up all of his distorted philosophical theories she went from this epic oh lucky girl soon I wanted to speak to anybody no wanting to be with anybody it was always you shout and see miracles as I say everybody once you know it shout to her and she's completely ignore you she became involved in all his strange sadomasochistic sex he didn't have a normal sexual appetite Brady told Hindley there was no God so she stopped going to church when he told her that rape and murder was the supreme pleasure she did not question it her personality had become totally fused with his I don't think Ian was in love with Meir I think it was just what he was doing really I think he was playing cat and mouse like he's done all the way along early in 1963 Brady put Hindley's blind acceptance of his ideas to the test he began planning a bank robbery and needed her to be his getaway driver immediately Hindley began driving lessons joined the local rifle club and purchased two guns the robbery was never carried out but Brady's purpose had been fulfilled Myra had shown herself to be a willing partner in crime he had so many wonderful dreams and schemes and she was obviously very very impressed by him unfortunately what Brady actually had in mind was the destruction torture of children and she got swept along with it and the poison infected her and that was how they embarked on their first murder Pauline Reid was on her way to a dance she left home dressed in her pink party dress my renew her Myra pulled up in the car alongside her and asked Pauline if she would come and help her look for a glove and it transpired that Myra drove her up to the Moors with Ian Brady following on his motorbike close behind and what we do know is that Pauline got out of the car presumably went to look for the glove with Myra and that Ian Brady then came up behind and as far as we know hit her with a spade and killed her and sexually assaulted her but to kill Pauline and to walk around the community knowing that everybody was looking for Pauline and elder head I didn't even blink didn't nobody had an inkling or anything almost Pauline was a dangerous woman because they did have some connection with her he knows that the way to do the murders is to pick up children because they're easy Mauri to do the picking up because that is much the easiest way of doing it and to do children that they do not know so that takes them on to meeting John Kilbride [Music] yonghwa's the eldest child he was almost full when he went missing the last time I saw him your by John was in 1963 almost Saturday morning as I got all what I used to do every Saturday was going out the market star ball was back away he was never come on that night anymore me on the place about half past 6:00 but he was always on for six anyway I mean he was always on for a plus six the police were wrong sort of thing he was missing there was posted all over the Thames far and wide and ferry John's face on lump paws placards shop windows have you seen this boy it was a pub on the corner called the Bessemer and there was photographs of missing children in the area at the time have you seen this children and she used to go to the bar and have a drink know that them children was there and no one she knew exactly where he was that's them and they said they'd picked him up ash to market Moines layout she's led him to Byrd his car and again he was sexually assaulted he was found with his underpants tied down at the bottom of his legs and and buried again close to the road I think after just a few weeks we all realized he wanna call me normies I mean when you run away and when you something it happened to him what we didn't know not for two years the role that Myra Hindley played was always one of the initial contact with the child sometimes Brady was was absent and came along later or on other occasions Brady was behind on the motorcycle and he was flashing the headlamp to tell her there's one coming up now stop and talk to this individual here let's our kid on the 16th of June that's in City for their method of abducting and killing children worked Myra and Ian were driven to try it again six months later they chose 12 year old Keith Bennett he went through his runs re shoulda gone three times and he didn't get there it was walking down plimsoll west cross Stockport Road and then to on the south streets she's seen him at the top end of the entry so she went round and colored they were pizza what said some whatsoever and he went in the can no Wesley because if I was doing a good service and mother so I mean I'm coming down on the 16th of June I said where's key she said I don't know I said well he should have been at your house and then I thought well I better go to the police station and tell them and they said it give you 48 hours to get back I said well where could he be I said he's not going with any masses and he never does that I said he can't stay home from school another but he disappeared and that was there Sumanth after the police calls doe with Brady and in this folder it's a rubber thing it's possible that these have had someone to do with he's you know with Keith elderts in him there is a slight difference with case because they take him deep on to the Moors at least three quarters a mile which is quite a long way for a small child yeah I'm on the back of their knots you know and then put a machine called rubber around his neck and broke his neck and he actually assaulted him afterwards and left the clothes at the sound died they buried him but he didn't know he was going to his death by this stage Ian was living with Myra and her granny in Hattersley which is Novus bull town near Hyde just outside Manchester and they moved in and the neighbors were very impressed by them because he and lots of stuck into making the garden did up the house the word yup he didn't exist in those days but if it had these would have been seen as a current upwardly mobile young couple a further six months passed before the next abduction the fourth victim was Lesley and Downey a young girl that they picked up at a funfair in Manchester and Myra again persuaded her to come in the car and they took her home this one is different because they took her back to their house in Hattersley and there hasn't been an enormous amount of scope for torture and taking photographs and making tape recordings but now that they've got a victim actually in their own house they can indulge in all of that and they run a tape recorder and this tape recording is in fact perhaps on the most shocking things you will ever hear but it's also the thing that completely condemned Myra Hindley in court her voice is heard on the tape and it is telling little girl to be quiet because clearly she was very distressed indeed and they explained that she was very worried at the time that the neighbors might hear that the girls crying and that was the the concern and Leslie and Downey is pleading with her please mum she calls her mum all the way through her so by appealing to Mara's maternal instincts she might make this whatever awful things are happening but Myra is gagging her entire gag around her we don't know what abuse happened Myra claims that there was no sexual abuse there probably was and the next day they took place the under knee up to the moors and buried her [Music] the killing of Leslie and Downey marked a significant change in the killing career of Myra Hindley the risk and the confidence to actually kill somebody within feet and inches of neighbors rather than out here on the moors it would be another ten months before Leslie Ann's body was discovered on the moors in a shallow grave with her clothing at her feet even with the damning evidence mounting against them Brady and Hindley denied murdering Leslie Ann as in the case of Edward Evans they attempted to implicate David Smith they claimed that Smith had brought the girl to the house so that Brady could photograph her as far as they were concerned Leslie Ann had left their house unharmed with Smith Ian Brady tried to protect Myra and it's true that if Myra had played it the way he wanted it to she would probably have been charged with being accessory and possibly been out of prison after seven or eight years but she was determined that she was in this within all she said was Ian is innocent and I am innocent and she said this over and over again the evidence that linked Brady and Hindley to the murder of John killbride while not as overwhelming was sufficient to charge them they found the name John Kilbride in Brady's handwriting written in his notebook and a photograph of Hindley on John's grave on the moors I actually got that himself to go and help on the digging I was more or less a lot to me about you Barney father lĂ­deres after the police came with a shoot me Mom identified he was being John's and defend young the body then despite all their efforts the police were unable to find the bodies of the other two missing children or any evidence to link Brady and Hindley to their disappearance Ian Brady was charged with the three murders of the ones the police had the bodies of that was theirs Leon downy John Kilbride and Edward Evans Myra was charged with Leon Downey and Edward Evans and of being an accessory to the killing of John Kilbride Ian Brady received three life sentences and Myra received two Myra was taken to Holloway prison I put them all in a big enough Altobelli the bloody lot of him throw acid on him and then throw this all on suffering burn them alive because that's all they need because I'm kinda people are not worthy salts of the earth as far as I'm concerned I knew it in order to evaluate the degree of influence in Brady had on Myra Hindley's criminality you have to examine the point at which they were separated Myra Hindley's behaviors will indicate whether or not he was the causal factor or whether or not Myra Hindley was born to kill the in Brady's hold over Myra Hindley continued for the first few years of their incarceration they constantly wrote to each other and even requested permission to marry the rift that developed between them was gradual stemming mainly from their differing responses to their imprisonment Brady quickly accepted his sentence and soon settled into prison life whereas Hindley continued to assert her innocence maintaining her claim that Brady and Smith were responsible for the murders I really said she didn't have any involvement or me in her words that the town was acquiring the children for the Invidia but she was distinctly heard on the tear couldn't Leslie underman here telling me look I'm too old to shut her mouth well barely was God knows what he was doing to do [Music] her mother was convinced she was innocent her sister has convinced she was innocent everybody around her was convinced by Myra that Myra had just been in Brady's dhoop Myra Hindley's mind a story was in place regardless of her innocence and she would gather together anyone who would listen give her time and certainly anyone who would give her any publicity that might support her plea of innocence [Music] in 1970 hindley broke off all contact with Brady his hold on her was completely broken by the realization that she would never see him again seven years later more than ten years after her imprisonment Hindley began a campaign to win her freedom a crusade that continued until the day she died Umberto's never actually applied for parole he was willing to serve his sentence but at least he knew what he'd done and he didn't want to come out of prison Myron Lee applied for parole on a regular basis just to torment the families as far as I'm concerned Hindley's application for parole was delayed for further three years when Hindley's plea was finally heard in 1985 20 years since she was first imprisoned it was rejected the Home Secretary announced that Hindley's case would not be heard again for at least another five years ultimately she hoped she would be able to get out of prison and that was probably her long-term objective at the end of 1986 Hindley changed her tactics instead of continuing to plead her innocence she made a full public confession conjunction of people came together in Mira's life she had us list of who was saying to her unless you make a clean breast of everything admit it and then possibly down the line parole will be possible at the same time she was being counseled by Lord Longford to make a confession she also received a letter from Winnie Johnson the mother of Keith Bennett when I wrote so she said she was very sorry that she couldn't help me in any ways she was watching out for Brady on the hill and she wasn't serious as bad as him she what some kids murdered and she worked some being raped and at the same moment because he and Brady had made a sort of confession to a journalist the home office ordered Greater Manchester police to reopen the investigation well the aim was to review the case and see whether there were any fresh lines of inquiry we could pursue with a view to first and foremost finding out whether two children might have been buried and secondly of course gaining confessions she now admitted both the knowledge of and involvement in all five murders including those of Pauline Reade and Keith Bennett she was cooperative right from the word go and said that she was prepared to point out to us areas of interest to Brady unsubtle with more which was really code for giving us a pretty good steer as to where bodies may be when it emerged in the 80s that there could be two more bodies on the walls and there was a likelihood of either Hindley or Brady turning up to try and pinpoint them there was what you would call a newspaper frenzy and many newspapers I had helicopters I was up there it was chaotic she was very keen on trying to help us I have no doubt about that at all you have to realize that for Myra Hindley this was actually keyed off by her lawyer saying that unless she did appear to the public as a reformed character that her release would probably never ever happen therefore can you disentangle her self interest in doing this from any genuine apparent remorse that was revealed she pointed out or identified the areas that we'd already been searching it was not until the following spring that we actually started excavating those two areas and of course in the summer of the following year we found Pauline reeds body in one of the areas that she'd highlighted and they found Pauline need no I met her mother and she's a lovely person oh she was a lovely person and she is so say to me when it they will thank he I know it they've got to found him and they will family he's been missing now for 41 years this summer I doubt were there will ever find his body because they say that the landscape moves and changes in that time and case mum Winnie is absolutely obsessed by this she says she can't rest until she lays her boy she is even being up there with a spade in in that forlorn hope that she could find her boy I love it up here because I know this will be watching her other than that I won't come up but and always up and I know he knows I'm with him he knows I'm putting flowers on the fence for him but he'll they'll fire olivine back [Music] he's shown a benefit in the first place I've been upon him always cry a lot in my lifetime and it's it's just not nice feeling it's not a nice feeling at all but at least way I've got Howard Jung where we can go and visit when he Johnson still looking for something after five years she's still looking for some Keith's body has never been found but Hindley's confession has given his family some indication of how he died Hindley had lured him into the car with a request for assistance in loading some boxes once at Saddleworth Moor Brady had taken Keith down to the Cuddy where he raped and then strangled him burying him somewhere nearby at the time of her confession Hindley's solicitor expressed his belief that her chances of parole were greatly enhanced by her display of remorse in 1988 she approached me to see if I could represent her at a time when she was making a number of important legal challenges to the High Court [Music] people who said we'll look and we've got to be careful this is the most manipulative woman in the country be careful she doesn't manipulate you well I've had many clients over the years seek to manipulate me I can say Myra never did I really as far as I could see was an extremely clever and manipulative woman who managed to play the establishment to her own ends and draw people to her cause the criminal justice system was always recognized with a few change and if you reform you should be granted parole all the experts were on the opinion that she had reformed if you want to understand a Myra Hindley you have to compare the prison career with that of Ian Brady who became a tortured man Myra Hindley did not she became a well-spoken articulate defender of her own innocence but I believe that she changed back from that evil persona to a genuinely sorry woman for their dreadful crimes that she had committed to Brady what she walked again by applying for pool I don't know because she could actually have been charged with the murders of two more children and this is what I had a pause fires should have got parole whilst in prison Myra rediscovered her faith in Catholicism she continued to express remorse for her crimes I ask people to judge me as I am now and not as I was then a lot of people turn to religion in prison to impress one group of people in particular and there's the parole board killers every killer in America must be on a journey into the light must have seen Christ and the first thing they do want to Sundy is queue up for tea and biscuits in the church airman life was to walk free and she want have been free very long another love did not a loved it vintage offer honesty market are outside my front door another what the other serve time follow I'm certain in my mind that if Myra Hindley had never met Ian Brady she would never have been involved in murder she would have moved up enough to do anything to please him you could call it a tragic love story but I don't think you could pull the word love in this not when you think what they did without the influence of Ian Brady it is very very unlikely that Myra Hindley would have killed another person however her searching for a stimulating exciting life who may have ended up with her being with some drug dealer some bank robber who would give her an exciting life wouldn't necessarily have involved her in one-to-one killing just our words to explain our feeling about her that sort of thing just didn't happen where we lived on November the 15th 2002 at the age of 60 Myra Hindley died from respiratory failure arising from a serious chest infection she'd suffered a suspected heart attack two weeks earlier she's got the devil in it she's a devil itself in this particular instance Myra Hindley was not born to kill but she was placed in a circumstance where an element that she was born with enabled her to continue and kill it was to say she could be here Maureen David all of them could be here you know still living in gardens a living in gone and then again at the other side there could be married so could pouring around sure yeah of course she could have been here as what he could have been air [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,760,589
Rating: 4.7049112 out of 5
Keywords: myra hindley, myra hindley documentary, myra hindley and ian brady, serial killer, serial killer documentary, british serial killers, british serial killer documentary
Id: NQ8eKB5fJRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 32sec (2732 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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