Hillsong Church - Taste & See

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Mona praise God [Music] when you're ready to sing everybody we have [Music] alone [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] the world to find you love to see that you [Music] come on every single verse we sing [Music] I'm living in the love [Music] yeah [Music] the passion of [Music] the mercy of a the cross leaves Oh [Music] come on can we declare this and out [Music] the cross the song the grave 4G the Marie Mesa [Music] just killed [Music] see days ago [Music] oh gee [Music] I give my heart too [Music] by the late I'm this [Music] for the [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I give my whole life to wanna be loved by the live hoarsely I'm fine when you see this [Music] for the limo come on let's declare this one more time I give my to honor this love by the this [Music] for the [Music] he is [Music] [Music] how're we doing today Church we're doing okay is anybody excited to be in church this morning okay good good good we're gonna teach you a new song and um this song is all about the heart of our God and and I pray that as we sing and if you look at the lyrics I mean you have to probably haven't heard it before if you have maybe it leaked or something but I hope it did it but I'm sure you haven't heard it but um you're not afraid to be encouraged this morning knowing that you know our God His mercies triumphs over judgment and that it's no matter how far you feel from God or or whatever he stands with his arms wide open waiting for you so did you come into his presence this morning we're gonna sing it together well I'll start because you won't know it yet [Music] here's the before you as long as there's a Oh can't buy the days gone by [Music] spirit muscle too [Music] [Music] [Music] me of [Music] regardless of [Music] Oh [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] the heart of God [Music] you're [Music] is all [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy jesus I [Music] but you free [Music] [Music] oh Jesus [Music] you hear my free [Music] [Music] was it [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] to see the Haruka [Music] Oh [Music] years old [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] the nose [Music] you're leading us Lord leads us to retest [Music] see the heart God [Music] Oh crazy [Music] come on let's not be timid about it mr. Boies the duffer every canvas the cost [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] by the way he to praise your name we hear together around your name we here to celebrate Jesus to worship King jesus lud I just thank you tonight for people who have gathered around your name lord I just thank you to Dyna you're working in our lives that we can trust you with our lives that you are a good god more than kindness that's what leads us to repentance we just thank you for the heart of God what in Jesus name Amen amen amen corporate handles these prayer requests everybody you see some of them come up on the scraper father I just thank you for every person he takes time answer fill out a for the Lord make their petitions know it to you because father you say that when we make a petitions no and to you the G here as father and you answer and cry you answer our prayer so Lord you hear you say you now every one of these people and father every single need for healing the breakthrough paper love the new beginnings people may need be ladies safe travel people believing for purpose in marriages but in every situation we speak Jesus tonight was believed to hit the learning stories praise reports of the goodness of God have your way in everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so good to see you in church always good to get together and gather around the name of the Lord what's your worst your feet listen to your words I mean I love it when God's people get together and I love that new song a heart of God I have it in my car I come in young and free album that I'm not supposed to talk about but I don't care and this particular song I love it and there's a lion in it that I just love every single time your kindness leads us to repentance goods exactly what I spoke about just a week or two ago when I told him that sin and repentance and redemption and have people think it's God's wrath that leads us to repentance but it's God's kindness it's God's goodness it's the love of God it's the grace of God to lead us to repentance so thank God for that we're gonna say hi to a few people you're gonna say hi to a few people tell them I'm glad you are to see them find out someone's middle name come on let's take a minute have a little chat with someone [Music] it's always good that we can link across our entire church and that's what we're doing right at this moment all about locations and campuses across Australia in Bali Indonesia Church of the air I think 27 locations out in the outback where people connect into our services live streaming every other way we connect us fantastic and this week has been a brilliant week we had our staff retreat during the week so over a thousand people at the staff retreat in the Crowne Plaza and the Hunter Valley that was a great great great time and then that led into our kingdom builders being up there in the hunter same venue for a kingdom builders retreat they're still there right now over 700 people up there having church with all of us today and so firstly Joel how are things in the Hunter Valley well it is a beautiful fresh morning this morning Pastor Brian and we have a crowded house here I'll tell you what I'm trying to get everyone seen it actually took a lot longer than it does taking the young people to sit on a Sunday night at the hills campus I know they're doing it I've been up there so I get Bobby and I came back late last night but we've been up there that's true every single time you give people a chance to chat you can't stop them up there so it's a friendly Bunch and their leaders and the financing of the vision of that church and people who feel called to really lead in the finance into the vision of that church and we're leading right up now on 1/2 of the house offering and we're excited about that it's only two weeks away I think two weeks away till 1/2 of the house offered not praying every person in our church I've been down the country across the country are really praying about your part that every couple in the Church of praying about your part I'm believing that we will see people rise to the occasion but they have every single year and if you're visiting on you hover the house giving is once a year and it's out giving over and above their normal tithe and offering such sacrificial giving and watching our church over the years have really sewn themselves into that have sacrificed something decided we're not going to do that maybe the other we're gonna give to the Lord and then trust God with their lives and trust God for their future it's always pretty exciting and pretty amazing to see so if you're part of Hillsong Church why don't you do something you've never done before why don't you do something audacious and scary and really honor God and then watch how God works in your life so right now Joel from up there in the hunter with a kingdom builders that's gonna share with us around our weekly giving a tithe and offering but before he does that across the church come on give a big greeting to everyone who's there a kingdom bonus that's great welcome to church everybody it's great to be connected from here right across the whole country up in a Bali I'm gonna just remind us all about the envelopes that you need to use if you want to give or you can use the app which is what is probably most popular in our church right now I want to share a scripture that I've shared before a couple of times but it bears repeating it's in Exodus chapter 25 I'm surrounded by a group of people here in the hunter who already understand the power of tithing they are already committed to giving over and above their tithes and offerings through the kingdom builders and the half of the house and everything that we're about to do in the next couple of weeks but I do want to remind all of us our entire church about this thought and it's where the Lord says to Moses this is an incredible piece of scripture here X's 25 verse to tell the people of Israel to bring me their sacred offerings in some version says command command the Israelites to bring me their offerings and then it says accept the contributions from all those whose hearts are moved or inspired to offer them command everybody to bring their offering but receive it from those who are inspired to give tell everyone that they have to bring an offering but receive it from those that want to give I wonder wherever you are every campus if you could just this side over that side I want you to yell out have to you don't have to have to this side want to every campus you ready have to want to that's the thing that we need to learn as Christians it's the power of have to and want to as a husband 25 years a husband I want to come on everybody I want to have a great marriage which means there are some things I have to do so if Julia's love language is speech words but mine is touch right and I want to I want to have a great marriage so I'm gonna have to do some things you think about I'm getting confused between heaven what do you think about as a tax payer right I have to pay my tax but I actually want to live in the country with great great facilities well if I am in a church and I want to see it open to the whole community around the world I have to bring my tithe see God says bring the tithe everyone bring the tithe but only receive it from those that want to I wonder today if we could bring it wanting all of us in Jesus name can we pray pray together father thank you for the great chance we have to bring this 10% of our income and we ask your blessing upon a bless everybody lot as they give right now in Jesus name and everybody said amen amen we can give as the containers move the way through the row or through the tables which is where we are here and we're gonna go to the screens and take a look at another story another update as we head towards heart for the house these stories have been incredible check this out [Music] [Applause] we used to have these prayer meetings yeah and some of them used to be all-night prayer meetings it's not like the prayer meetings we have now there weren't thousands of people there was probably about 20 people we'd be praying these outlandish prayers like that we would see hundreds of people that we would see thousands of people who we'd look out and you wouldn't be able to see faces because there were so many people but you know honestly if we were believing that were Ravana and we're living in it building it was a huge project really when you think about it you know the amount of faith or ambition that we had in that it was about five times our annual income when I doubt that today in terms of you know what our income is it was a huge project helps a variety of Christian but again you know ago saving Ida fry between the n95 came to Hillsong at the end of 95 yeah I just been working you know the concept of L paying for the church churches will pay for somebody yeah I remember it having a look like some of the highest crime contesting violence was five pennies Evers I Jack the drugs his high city care would work with the local area commanders and try and figure out how we could work together to reduce the crime just before Pastor Brian took over city campus it was a time where I had no idea what was going on I knew God was doing something but I was also quite terrified so I remember being invited to the launch of kingdom builders and it was in the second auditorium pastor brian was speaking it when he said to empower everyone to lead an impact in this fear of life and then he expounded on mana it was like something went off in my heart you the first time in my Christian walk so that was like mm I've been a Christian for 15 years first of my Christian walk I felt like what I was doing Monday to Friday was building the kingdom of God there was one night where people were claiming that gold dust was coming down and filling people's teeth their fillings and we lie sure and then your sister to the bathroom in the foyer it was like suddenly a lot of the prayers that we prayed earlier was starting to just happen happen happen happen the thing is churches are family yeah church is a family and you know after a while you just can't tell the difference you know how much this location has influenced the individual life the contribution to the church they had for the house and all that is like with us is non-negotiable we try and we say see if we have to live something as I will live I thinking of these generations to come my grandkids my kids I'm sure that they will be blunted you know and have faith that that will happen people would walk into Waterloo these days and they would go now you're not talking about the same place you're talking about somewhere else processes any campus we had to pass it on being part of an awesome church in case you're wondering that's our Waterloo campus here in Sydney so our City campus and it's it's amazing what God's done in there over for the years Waterloo I certainly was may not be now the poorest postcode in New South Wales and churches right there in the heart of it now it's all changed and there's cafes and you know our galleries and all sorts of things around the building there but you just hear real-life stories so how God works and how God is working in people's lives and how the Lord's working what worked in that campus and part of what we do with after the house obviously it's all about helping us to move our facilities for winning to move all of our locations forward so yeah I know you you as the church are really gonna rise to that and we've got this to God be the glory brochure on your seats our heart for the house so have a good look at that have a good read through that now I know the ladies will read this what about you guys I'm gonna test you on it next week in exam you can't leave Church until you pass so let's have a look through that and really be ready for what they're a part in the half of the house coming and you know I look at Sir I'll get a hold of the praise reports here and there things like people thanking God for pastor surge who's not there he's up there actually at the Hunter Valley burn past a surgeon here they were believing God in an operation and have very well it's gone someone else think of an operations people here thinking God for miraculous sale of their property and supernatural financial provision and like I said successful surgeries and all sorts of other things here someone else working and God working in someone else's health amazingly and so many stories and that's what we believe for in our church you always bring it back to people where you're taught buildings we can talk you know stuff around the world but always bring it back to people because ultimately what we do and what we give is building the lives of people Hillsong conference five weeks just five weeks to the Hillsong conference and so everyone's getting ready for them we're all excited lots of planning going on and don't forget that our evening services certainly here at Hills and I think maybe in other locations have changed time for winter by half an hour so now their services are 4:30 and 5:30 what time are they they are 4:30 and tonight we're calling classic Hillsong and the reason we call it a classic Hillsong is because we're going to focus on the classics and so I'm preaching and on a classic I've been here as long as the church exists so I'm a classic and I've got a word I'm really looking forward to preach that I know it's going to help them build people's lives so it's worth coming just the land but we're also going to be singing some of their good old Hillsong classics we're gonna have a fun night it's gonna be a lot of fun so this right across the church we're gonna what do you reckon pair of your love shall we go back that far Perry a love great sounds land of the Holy Spirit shout to the Lord mighty to save cornerstone Eagles wings well things are possible people just like us I don't know which ones are those songs we're going to be doing but it's gonna be a real fun night so come if you've been around a long time come you'll get all sentimental ever we'll have fun and if you knew and you want to know some of where we've come from they come along it's gonna be a really cool night so they've done theses depending on where you are what location you go to services are like here the service that the last service finished by 7:00 p.m. and so your kids won't be in bed by then anyway so a good time to come to church have an amazing time still got time to watch your favorite show on television when you get home but of course you know you don't care about DVD I mean who cares about TV my football team paramedics already lost the game this weekend so I don't care about TV I don't care about the world I just care about Jesus tush news [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and as always we'll see in the hallways enjoy your next step they won't believe there's more free charge [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was going to make what Jesus did on the cross for me bigger than what anybody else had done to me some people say Chris you are just free because that's your personality type you're just let me tell you something [Music] Jesus Christ Ohia firstly so glad you're in church and your being here makes a big big difference and that's kind of what I want to talk to you about we thank God for the people who attend our services people come expectant and really hungry for what God wants to do now I want to encourage people to understand that coming early coming on time taking time to have her kids in the program and being in that place early really makes a huge difference to the services in the atmosphere and also stay until the end a lot of people maybe there's a whole lot of pressing needs but if you can stay you make a massive difference so we're trying to build the kind of culture in our church where anything could happen and I encourage you to just stay right through to the last prayer and then you're welcome to head out straightaway it makes a big difference and I know you can help us to take the church forward [Music] a little bit of a cultural conversation right there creating the kind of DNA in the church that we really want to have and so just not like average Church no no we are a above average of course not because of us because of him but then we can make a big difference for their attitude to things like for the way we come in the way we go out so I really hope people take that on board we're blessed we've got a great friend with us today Pastor Geoffrey Rush mark has been speaking at our kingdom builders retreat Jeffrey and his wife angel are pastors of Jakarta praise Community Church in part of our six hot weekends now leading up to Hillsong conference and this church in Jakarta is amazing it's incredible to see what god's actually doing in indonesia and their church is just growing its exploding actually pastor Jeffrey he's is a pretty special sort of guy it really really has become a great friend and I know that the words going to minister to you today and so would you stand across the entire church every location and give a huge welcome to pasta Jeffrey brass far as this morning he comes to share [Applause] good morning good morning let me take a look of you Wow what time is it 9:45 you may be seated thank you so much Wow how are you doing oh I got feedback said okay good are you ready well okay what so here I so Brian is ready so you better be ready just want to thanks pastor Brian and will be again for the trust and the friendship thank you for leading so well make it easy for all of us to follow we have a good example on leadership how to build church and thank you for June and Julia bill and all the leadership staff here at Hillsong for your love your care and for helping us praying for us also in Jakarta Indonesia it's been tough last couple of weeks if you heard what happened but we believe that God is good I mean and I need to say hi to all the services to all the people in the in the other services as well in Hunter Valley to all the kingdom builders people over there and also to all my friends in Bali Hillsong Bali selamat pagi to all of you well let us go to the Lord in prayer for a God we just thank you for today thank you for the opportunity that you have given us so that we can get together in your presence and celebrate you and celebrate your goodness thank you for a God may be receives not just an information today may we receive a revelation that comes from you and I pray that you will help all my Australian friends to understand my English expect miracles from you today in Jesus name I pray a man and a man Wow some 34 verse a sum to the 4 verse 8 o taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him I've known this verse for so long and maybe because we have a prison worship song based on this verse so we just you know sing it but never really understand never really put thought into this first until recently a couple of months ago I read this verse again and I noticed something is unusual very unusual in this verse because notice it doesn't say see and taste but it says taste and then see if it gives gives you an idea of close your eyes words my wife done this a couple of time to me he came up to me with her hands on her back and said Jeffrey please close your eyes I said why come on close your eyes because your wife's ask you to do that and you want to keep peace in your home in your house so you just close your eyes and then he's see presents something to me and she said taste it but don't see why did he do that because she knows if I see it first I probably do not want to taste but I need to trust her the level of trust determines whether you want to taste it or not the level of trust determine whether you want to taste it or not and why we need to close our eyes because to us it is presented something that we are not familiar with and you need to taste it because if you open your eyes you probably do not want to taste it you don't have the guts to taste it just like if you've been to Indonesia you know that we have so many good food and I have problems every time in trying my overseas friend to taste our food because when they see the food the presentation is weird to them so they don't want to taste it but they miss something that is very very delicious because it takes faith to taste our food but faith is what God requires from us it takes faith to follow Jesus it takes faith to taste without having sealing it first faith is the language that God understand faith is the password for God to responds to your prayer and needs faith it's the realm where God's operates while fear is the realm the devil operates faith is the realm where you find wonders and miracles second Corinthians five four seven says for we walk by faith and not by sight jesus said to Thomas in John 20 verse 29 because you have seen me you have believed blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed to follow God you need to be able to trust God to follow God you need to be able to trust God and Trust is the foundation of every relationship including your relationship with God now God has no problem trusting us he has no problem trusting us he know who we are he created us he know what we can do but the problem is with us often time we have problem trusting him on consistent basis the biggest problem in our relationship with God is to get ourselves to trust God to the level that he wants us to trust him and to achieve that kind of trust God has to bring us through a process to achieve the kind of level that he wants us to trust him God has to bring us to process and I know that many of you just started that process some of you in the middle of that process and some of you towards the end of that process what we need to taste is this God goodness that's what we need to taste we need to know and experience it ourselves that God is good in Matthew chapter 19 416 222 a rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked and now behold one came and said to Jesus 4:16 good teacher what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life so he said to him why do you call me good no one is good but God but one that is God but if you want to enter into life keep the commandments which one the man asks and jesus replied you must not murder you must not commit adultery you might knows you must not steal you might not testify falsely honor your father and mother love your neighbor as yourself I obeyed all these Commandments the young man replied what else must I do Jesus told him if you want to be perfect go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor and you will have treasures in heaven then come and follow me but when the young man heard this he went away sad for he had many possessions this young man called Jesus good obviously not from his own conviction he failed to taste the goodness of God because God goodness come to him in a very unfamiliar way because Jesus asked him to sell all of his possessions instead of following the instructions by faith or in our context today instead of just close his eyes and taste he opened his eyes and see and he started to think that what Jesus has asked of him didn't make any sense to him and he went away he didn't have the guts to taste what Jesus had offered him he called Jesus good but he didn't have that revelation he didn't have that relationship which is he refused Jesus invitation to follow him to find out whether Jesus is really good according to what he said or now he failed to taste the goodness of God because he failed to trust Jesus to follow Jesus is to trust him to follow Jesus is to trust him no matter what the situation you are in how difficult it might be you need to settle it in your heart deep down in your heart you know it that you know it that you know it without a shadow of doubt that God is good not only he is good for everybody he is good for you let us personalize this today can we say God is good for me and say it like you mean it one two three god it's good for me God is good for me God is good for me our level of trust cannot go deeper if we are not sure whether he is good or now go to Ecclesiastes 3 verse 11 it says he has made everything beautiful in its time also he has put eternity in their hearts except that no one can find out to work that God has done that got us from the beginning to the end and that's our problem isn't it we cannot comprehend the work of God from the beginning to the end many times we fail to understand how God works especially in the beginning States and I repeat specially in the beginning states because to us it doesn't make sense we are not familiar with what was presented to us let me give you an illustration I have a picture of a tree that bear many fruits but I took this picture a couple of years ago not knowing that I'm gonna use this picture later on and I've been using this picture a couple of times if you want to have this at the end if you pray for God to have this tree that bear much fruit at the end in the beginning it just looked like this this is the answer of your prayer this is the answer of your prayer you ask for that and God heard your prayer he wants to give you what you request and this is what do you get if you fail to understand what this is and the potential that it has you will throw this away because this is very unfamiliar because you asked for that tree so this rich young ruler will never know how his life could have turn out if he obeys the instruction to sell all his belongings and follow Jesus and he obeyed Jesus instruction and not give up he would have seen the goodness of God at the end like Joe if you familiar with Joe Jobs life and what happened to him the good thing was with Joe was that he endured until the end and I want you to look at what he said at the end joke 42 first 5 to 6 job said I only have heard about you before but now I only have heard about you before but now I've seen you with my own eyes I take back everything I said obviously he said something that is not pleasant to God and I'm glad God wasn't upset with what he said I take back everything I said and I sit in the dust and anxious to share my repentance and you see that God then give Joe twice as much before and then at the end for sixteen to seventeen it says joke live 140 years after that living to see four generations of his children and grandchildren then he died an old man who had lived a long full life a long full life job might not understand in the beginning but he endured until the end and then he lived a long full life he has stays and seen the goodness of God sounds 119 468 it says you are good and do good teach me your status we just sing a new song it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance we need to know that God is good and he can only do good and good is inherent in God's character it is his nature James 1 4:17 says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning is it ok if I give you many verses this is church right this is true must be okay i kid i get the permission from all of you well I guess you all know the story of Joseph let me give you a little background here Joseph was Jacob's favorite son his brothers hated Joseph because their father loved him more than the rest of them bad parenting Joseph had two dreams and he shared it to his father and brothers and they got more jealous and tried to kill him finally they sold Joseph and Joseph end up in Egypt then he was sold to Potiphar the captain of the guard of Farah the king of Egypt can you imagine what Joseph must have felt with everything that had happened to him his own brothers sold him they tried to kill him first but they changed their mind is sold Joseph not only that Joseph was then put to prison by Potiphar because his wife accused him of fooling around with her while in prison Joseph interpreted two dreams and the second Dreams was from the King Pharaoh himself and little that he knows that that interpretation of Pharaoh's dream give him a ticket to be the second man in command Joseph was put in charge all of Egypt Genesis 41 verse 46 he was 13 years old when he began serving in the court of Pharaoh the king of Egypt it took him 17 years it took him four seven seven years or 13-year sorry yeah 13 years I'm sorry it took him 30 years from the moment he was sold to become the second man in Egypt 13 13 years old when he was sold and it took him 13 years to understand and realize that he is in the plan and purposes of God and the story goes of the seven years of plenty after seven years of prosperity came the beginning of seven years of famine and the famine brought Joseph's brothers to Egypt to buy grain and to cut the long story short Joseph's us the brother to bring Benjamin his little brothers along the next time they were there to come to buy grain and for your information at that time all the brothers didn't even know that the man that they're dealing with was Joseph their own brother and our Genesis 45 verse 1 to 4 Joseph could stand it no longer the Bible says there were many people in the room and he said to his attendants out all of you so he was alone with his brothers when he told them who he was then he broke down and wept he wept so loudly the Egyptians could hear him and word of it quickly carried too far our spellers I'm Joseph he said to his brothers is my father still alive but his brothers were speechless can you picture that his brothers were speechless they were stunned to realize that Joseph was standing there right in front of them the man that they're dealing with was Joseph their own brother please come closer he said to them so they came closer and he said again I'm Joseph your brother whom you sold into slavery in Egypt what an awkward moment if you were the brothers how would you have felt at that time what goes through your mind well I better apologize as quickly as possible before he take refunds but look look at this first five Genesis 45 but don't be upset yourself for selling me to this place it was God it was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your life this famine that has ravaged the land for two years will last five more years and there will be neither ploughing nor harvesting God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive to preserve many survivors God sorry Joseph tried to explain his renewed mind is renewed perspective about the whole situation this is awesome God is eternal God is eternal he is the Alpha and he is the Omega he is the beginning and he is the end God can see the end from the beginning he can see your future from now and I must say he is even better than your GPS he sees far beyond he has prepared everything that you need for your future but what you need to do is to follow the process and in following the process you need to just trust him his plan is not to harm you but to give you a great future then Genesis 45 verse 8 it was God who sent me here not you three times he said it is like this if we said it you know in in modern terms the news on the earth says Joseph was so wise brothers to Egypt but the news of heaven is different news the news of heaven says this God said chosen to Egypt same situation two different perspectives to deliver news but God heaven is always full with good news so it was God who sent me here not you and he is the one who made me an advisor to Pharaoh the manager of his entire palace and the governor of all Egypt now hurry back to my father and tell him this is what your son Joseph says God has made me master over all the land of Egypt so come down to me immediately you can live in the region of Goshen when you can be near me and all your children and grandchildren your flocks and herds and everything you own I will take care of you there for there are still five years of famine ahead of us otherwise you your household and all your animal will starve if they have the Bible like we have now you must know that they don't have the Bible like we have now but if if they have the Bible like we have now I was a hundred percent sure that they will quote this verse now we know that all things and now we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and to those who are called according if they have the Bible like we have now 100% and I love the Indonesian translation of this verse because in our translation we have another word which is now so it will sense like this and we know now and we know now that all things work together why now because we undid an understand it then because we didn't understand it in the beginning we understand it now just like Joseph if we are faithful and keep our faith until the end we will see God's glory we will see the victory then we can look back at the beginning and we say I'm glad I close my eyes I'm glad I tasted now I got it now I got it thank you lord thank you lord and you will say your thoughts are not my thoughts your ways are not my ways for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my your ways higher than my ways and your thoughts than my thoughts now many of us experienced this and I believe that you can say Amen because this is absolutely true and if you experience it yourself if you have taste the goodness of God your level of trust towards God goes deeper and your perspective about God and about how he does things to you will be changed you become more mature in life and you begin to understand how God works how all things work together for good today maybe you are in that situation where you don't understand why certain things are happening in your life at this moment an unfamiliar situation present itself in front of you just like three weeks ago if you heard about the attack to three churches in the city of Surabaya in Indonesia the city where I was born in this kind of situation you try to make sense of it all you know but the more you think of it the more you realize the more you ask questions why and I made the decision to just close my eyes and believe that this unfamiliar situation that presented right in front of us it's the beginning of something very good we might not understand we might not understand but I know that I know that I know that God is good and God is good for me so my advice to you is just close your eyes trust Jesus don't try to make sense of it all have faith that God is good for you it's time for you to develop your trust in him let me be honest with you if God let me see everything that I have to go through from the beginning when I was about to build our church I would say no thank you find someone else not me but now if I look back I've seen all the sacrifices all the tears all the weight that I have to carry it's all worth it it's all worth it and if if I say no I will miss so many beautiful things in life and I'm sure about this I will not be here speaking right in front of you but I'm glad I'm glad I choose to close my eyes to trust him now I have seen in taste the goodness of God that he is good for me and let me let me finish with this let me finish with this in Genesis 39 verse 21 but the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy and he gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison now when Joseph was in prison God was there with him but this is my question how did he know that God was there with him how did he know we read the story we know the end but how Joseph knew that God was there with him because he received favor from the keeper of the prison and for some reason he understood that favor is a sign for him that God was with him that God was showing mercy to him his situation didn't change he was still in the prison but through the favor that he received from the keeper of the present Joseph was able to detect Kozma see he was able to detect God goodness right there in the presence as a sign that God was there with him through the whole process that God never leaves God was with him so if you go back to Ecclesiastes 3 verse 11 I love this verse so much because it says he has made everything beautiful in its time now God knows no time he's eternal we know time we are limited by time but this is what beautiful about God out of the eternal when he does something for us to us always the right timing and then he said also he has put eternity in their hearts God has put eternity in every person's heart whether they're Christians or now he put eternity in their heart it's like a software so to speak a software that he installed in our heart that enables God to connect with human heart and for human to be able to connect with God to sense God and to feel his presence I had a testimony where someone who never gone to church come to our church one day didn't understand of what's going on but when we began to sing him to praise God she said I felt something I felt peace I cannot explain the whole thing but I felt peace and dad is the sovereign she didn't understand I understand this this was somewhere that's the eternity that God puts in every man's heart and I pray today that you can detect Kaas presence even though your situation is still the same even though it's stuff for you even though you doesn't and you don't understand it all but through that software that God has installed in your heart I pray that you can feel his presence I pray that you can sense his love since its mercy I pray today that somehow that eternity in your heart will grab my message as a sign that God is good that God never leaves I pray that the Sun will help you to move forward to take another step to not give up to hold fast unto your faith and to end your until the end just follow the process because he trusts you but he wants you to also trust him to the level that he wants you to have to the level that he trusts you he wants you to meet him there and that's why he is bringing you into a process I pray to all of you that you can say God is indeed good I have heard it from many friends but now I have experienced it myself here's some cheers taste and see that the Lord is good [Music] beautiful come on let's really thank pastor Jeffrey in all our locations beautiful message if you will I'm not wondering all our locations if you would just stay stay with us just stop still for a moment I mean what a way to conclude a message talking about the love of God that he has written eternity on each and every human heart means every single human being is searching they're searching for home they're searching for purpose they're searching for a plan is searching for for for purpose in their life that every single human being is trying to find who they are trying to complete themselves and friend this morning as hostage every so beautifully said it's found in this person Jesus he never leaves you he'll never forsake you and I'd love to lead people here in a prayer in all our locations where ever you're gathered whatever room that you may be sitting sitting or standing in right now I would love to lead you in a simple powerful prayer of saying I want to discover this attorney that posture Jeffrey's been talking about I want to discover who Jesus is in my life I want to start this journey I want to stop this this process I want to start this walk with Jesus maybe at one time friend you made a decision but you know in your heart that you've walked away friend he never walked away from you he's been with you just like in the Bible and Joseph he was with Joseph in prison friend he is with you in your season right now or maybe you've never really prayed this prayer friend I would love to lead you in this prayer of asking Jesus to be Lord and Savior over your life can I've every head bowed every eye closed in every room that we're gathered right now I would love to lead you in a beautiful simple powerful prayer of asking Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life if you're saying yeah Peter would you pray with me I want to know his purpose I want to know his plan I want to know eternity found in Jesus then this morning friend allow me to lead you in this in this prayer all over this place what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna simply count to three and when I get to three I want people all over the place in there and in any of our rooms right now if you're saying yeah Peter I want to be letting this prayer I want to include Jesus in my life not just include him but I want to surrender my whole entire life to him I want to give my life to him friendly on the count of three or what I want you to do is raise your hand high enough and long enough for me to see it and I'll include you in this prayer wherever you're standing right now friend today is your day of salvation today is the day to give your life to Jesus I'm gonna count to three and just raise your hand all over this place and I'll include you in this prayer you ready one two three all over this place just raise your hands people are responding everywhere and I'm sure in our other locations this is beautiful amen so beautiful friend would you repeat this prayer after me and there's a big church family we're gonna repeat this prayer together you ready come on let's say this together dear Jesus today I give you my life I surrender all I choose to follow you so would you come and live in my life forgive me of all my wrongdoing you are now my Lord and Savior in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen come on in all our locations let's applaud people who have given their life to Jesus amen so good so good we got a Bible to give every person in just raise your hand it's a gift from Hillsong Church and they're available in the foyer you'll see if you be holding up Bibles where ever you guys are in church I don't know better the kingdom builders maybe no one there needs one well you need a Bible but maybe you didn't need to pray that prayer but does that make sense anyways we got them for you also it may have seen you in the building they'll pass one to you but thank God for you and thank god this is the start of a brand new day in yellow and water as pastor Peter I've never could you Pastor Peter before as the Reverend doctor brother soon coming King Peter said what a beautiful message of the goodness of God what a beautiful message [Applause] [Music] well thank God for all your kingdom builders and for the part you play and we're doing a great weekend up there together in the Hunter Valley well you know we sent a new song here hills and it's beautiful so it's a young and free song and I love it your kindness leads us to repentance so we're gonna take a couple minutes sing this song then I'm gonna play a benediction in other words prayer prayer a blessing over you believe you're going out with a blessing tonight Hillsong classics classic Hillsong I can't wait for it and I'm already ready to share a word with everyone that I think is gonna bring life come on this Cygnus item here's their before you [Music] as honestly as [Music] broken by the days gone by my soldier [Music] [Music] [Music] with me [Music] I'm a child regards oh my hope is world imperfect [Music] [Music] stronger than [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a man father we just thank you Lord your word speaks life into people thank you that you bless us and you keep us you cause your face to shine upon us your mercy you countenance Lord your grace your smile they are to warn us what I thank you today that as people go from here then they go in the name of the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit their Lord you keep us Lord that you fulfill your promise in us that you take us off wits and upwards you know your goodness that you go before us and you come behind us that we can trust you with their very lives the wind weapons are formed against us they cannot prosper this will be a week of blessing this will be a week of breakthrough this will be a week a new beginning there's only a week of supernatural power we give you the praise and all the glory in Jesus name amen amen be blessed come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] face being [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 47,154
Rating: 4.9304667 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Jeffrey Rachmat
Id: Kqcf-iFsmgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 21sec (5421 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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