Hillsong Church - Here To Stay

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[Music] morning we're gonna give him [Music] waking up blowing there's a reason all my dreams come alive like this feeling [Music] woman is waste [Music] right beside me [Music] nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] season son now bursting through the clouds black in white tented collar collar only smooth in the Savior yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] from your sacrifice for the sake of return Oh so love as you so your enemy yes [Music] [Music] this world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] in tow [Music] every heart [Music] [Music] to [Music] since our some church noise singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because in depressing you will make in this order down surrender he will break [Music] so are you t it is your careful [Music] sube [Music] me [Music] okay [Music] Jesus me [Music] it's our prayer come on let's sing it together in the cross in the press you [Music] so the [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today [Music] - man come on you sing [Music] oh Jesus [Music] if you need more of his power tonight today Jesus we need more of his grace [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father we just thank you God for the name of Jesus Lord but it's the name that is above every other name God Lord we thank you Father Lord that you love your church you were building your church God Lord you're moving in the lives of your people here God right now in marriages and in families and households and individual and children God but even when we might not see God you're always moving and doing something on our behalf you're working things all together for the good of those who love you father Lord we thank you so much for it in Jesus name and everyone said together amen amen come on let's give God a hand of praise yeah [Music] well welcome to Hillsong Church Sunday morning and we're so glad that you happen to be joining us here because if this building was empty it would just be a building the church is the people and even for those watching through online and streaming right now a big warm welcome to you guys so glad that you guys could join in why don't we welcome everyone watching in right now so cool 21st century technology I mean this is great days to be living in isn't it it's amazing well hey in my hands here I have a prayer request and every week we lift up the needs of people people in this church people outside of this room people probably watching through the screens right now and so many different needs I mean just to name some people believing for family salvation they're praying for a husband to to be saved they're praying for throat cancer surgery they're going in for surgery this week and they need prayer needs behind me on the screen so many things visas provision come on church why don't we stretch out our hands come on God answers prayer today let's believe for answer to prayer father thank you so much blood you're gonna turn around situations and God we stand with family God Lord in this room and outside of it we stand God with brothers and sisters right now and we lift up every knee Lord we lift up God the surgery that's about to take place this week God we believe that you're gonna guide surgeons hands a miracle God Lord we believe for healing God but for people God right now in their bodies those in hospital God knows in this room Cathars watching through the screens healing what we believe for favor we believe for deliverance we believe for restoration of what families and marriages father blood we thank you that there is no other way Lord in Jesus name come on church let's sing this one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen and amen and if I haven't said her already a big one welcome to those first time or new or visiting we are so glad that you're here with us right now and we love you already believe it or not so I think we should welcome those here visiting so good this is where we we call it it's affectionately known as a minute mingle okay this is the original christianmingle.com okay it's that weird that's probably weird okay but this is where we're gonna give everyone a minute come on Church family come on let's meet someone we haven't met before say hello to someone welcome them to church so good to be in the house of God together [Music] amen amen well you can grab your seats did you like who you met [Music] hey-ya straight after the service for those that are new and first-time but even for those of us who have been coming to church for some time now straight after the service we run a thing called engage and it's basically where we get together and it's a few weeks of an experience it's an experience where we have conversations about being more involved in this community in this space and knowing more about church life how do I get involved how do I find a connect group and there's so many things this is where we gather in charge of the weekend but also there's gatherings happening through midweek whether it's the youth service or through out on Friday that we have on Fridays or whether it's our connect groups Bible study groups so this this is a place to call home and we want you to feel like you belong because you do and so that's happening strive for service so just follow the big blue arrows and there's going to be people waiting there to meet you can I read you some praise reports someone here I love this happy birthday to Ava your first birthday so wherever ever wherever ava is who might be in the parenting room right now so we love you Ava and this is awesome someone here thanking God from for healing from breast cancer as well so yeah it's amazing someone here thank you God for a new car that's great well that's amazing good on you that's incredible okay you good you settled can I want to give away some things is that okay Kimmy that's a cool yellow jacket right there but we'd love to give away this is gonna be the best half of the anyone believe that yeah anyone believe that and we're really believing for more Souls than ever to be safe even tonight Sunday Night Live has always been that atmosphere we're really believing for the gospel to be preached in an illustrative creative way and tonight is gonna be amazing we'll talk about that more later on but we really believe in this next season that we're gonna see our friends our family our colleagues come to know Jesus and I just think this is one of the greatest tools in our hands right now whether it's a worship album or some of the resource we have or shouting someone coffee but our had it on my heart to give this to someone here that would love to just reach out to an unchurched friend you've got someone on your heart that you want to you want to gift them with something you know maybe they're in a rough season right now just the first hand I saw here you're just the first hand I saw I was hoping I was gonna go for a walk up to the back but it's a short one right here I'll come to you no you stay right there I don't want you to move I want you to stay comfortable in church but hey we are believing this is gonna bless your unchurched friends and everything like that so come on amazing it's great okay yeah this is nicely I'm just taking it all in we're gonna continue right now in our worship and posture Samuel D'Amato Italian is going to come and share and I give him would you welcome sanic Spade thanks mate Hey look if you're visiting my name's Sam and we're about to receive our giving and on the screen there there's lots of different ways in which people give but look what you'll find very fast in our church it's not a half to church this a 1/2 church and so for all of those of you that are ready to give that would be great I want to encourage you as you prepare and many of you are already given online during the week which is awesome but proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 it says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding you know the reality is sometimes life doesn't make sense I remember being a new Christian early 90s and it was the time when we had the recession we had to have and at the time I think I was paying 21% on my mortgage interest rates I know they were the good old days 21% no there was no work going whatsoever in geelong and I remember losing my job in the middle of that and asking God why how could this happen especially when I would go for job after job after job and absolutely no door would open and and when you start leaning on your own understanding you start wondering it did I do something wrong is God doing something and you know what I didn't realize at the time was that was actually going to become the catalyst which sent me from Geelong which isn't that one part of Australia to Sydney to our church to do Bible College and not only what I do Bible College but because of that season in July god also find my wife here and not only that one day I'd end up standing here talking to you right now I didn't understand it back then and I couldn't work it out but I just had to trust that God was good and you know when it comes to our giving taking that first 10% and giving it to God it's called our tithe that's exactly what we're doing we're saying God you know what we're trusting you we can't work out how 90% is going to go further than 100 but that's what you've promised and so we want to honor you want to put you first and say you're our source you're our hope and our trust is in you that's why I've tire there's such a powerful thing in a in a believers life and what I love to do is I love to pray for you right now and I'd love to believe God with you as you honor him and as you put him first that you'll know that he's the God that you can trust amen so let me pray for you father I just want to say thank you well we don't always understand but we can trust you and that's exactly what we're doing in this moment and father you're going to show you self faithful to your people in Jesus name Amen amen hosts if you like to host us that would be fantastic and look there's a really powerful story on the screen so check it out Julie and I recently spent some time with our good friend Sanger and Kitty from our Newcastle campus I shared their heart-wrenching struggles with losing two children a few years apart so how are they now well here's what kitty had to say how do you deal with that you don't really you do and you don't it's I I remember thinking I've done it once I probably can do it again which was very stupid to think that way I think it is a journey you know you can't expect to be okay straightaway so went back full force in life did everything I could and just living the dream not really but trying to try and you know trying to be a mom cook clean do everything I would do normally and then six months I crushed I actually went to mental hospital which I was diagnosed with a post-traumatic stress disorder so you've gone a hospital well the medications not working where do you go to from there or where did you go to from there I would ring Amanda Ferguson it's actually one of the things that probably kept me going I remember I bring a few times and I said pretty much goodbyes to her I said I mind I think I'm gonna die and then she would say here we'll be okay Carrie she didn't say to me going it going you know read your Bible go and pray no it was those three words or tunes you okay Carrie more words few words that actually helped me keep going and there have been my saving grace [Music] God spoke to me and I saw a vision of heaven so they were children everywhere and it was fun it was crazy it was noisy he was the most beautiful place I've ever seen and God spoke to me and he said to me don't worry about your babies who say my babies I gave them to you well or nurse to be their parent but I'm the eternal parent and then he said what will heaven be without children and that's when I realized yeah I haven't lost my babies I know that they are in heaven within Father and the Bible says that I am confident in this they may come back to me but I will go to them I will see them again yeah absolutely beautiful can we please appreciate singer and Kitty I love that couple they're inspiring because even just to see their faith through that whole season of their life is just absolutely inspiring and maybe you have a similar story or something you're going through our town we have pastoral team available everywhere whether it's out in the foyers or up here at the front so make sure you come and have a conversation is anyone excited because I don't know if you like me I walked out my house the other day and the magnolias are about to flourish has anyone noticed that which means spring is on the way people which means summer is on the way and winter is behind us so anyone glad is anyone or who's a winter foot you love would you love winter okay put your hands down there's the exit signs right now I'm joking hey spring is on the way which also means Father's Day is only just two weeks away any dads in the house any men and we love making a special day special here at Hillsong Church we absolutely love Father's Day weekend we have Sunday visits Friday way we take Sunday night we move it to Friday to allow you to hang out with your fathers or you the men in your life and honor them but also I gotta let you know Pastor Jentezen Franklin is going to be with us across that weekend so you don't want to miss that that's coming up it's gonna be amazing hey for everything else check out church news [Music] Harry I need you to help me make another video for engage I'm not a video nice I don't think so I'm an artist you know and now blowing up since that first video I can't even show my face anymore we need my help proper famous what do you mean you can't - I can't even go to tarjay anymore you not asking for much all I want is a really simple ad showing people that if they just go to engage we can help them with any next step they want to take people think next steps and engage is all for new people but it's not what anyone can take your next step find a connect group volunteer know more about the Bible all these things will be done through engage then you don't we just did it what we just did the video yeah might film that there you go don't you see later can you mean I'll show you [Music] I came into conference extremely expected so you get the creators of the church all together one play so people who are coming in early expected something changed in me it was not like anything else changing my perspective how I view my life and how I view my creativity [Applause] [Music] Pruss it's been such a dream all of the stuff that we wanted to come see who's actually here [Music] if you want to develop a culture of creativity this is definitely the conference for you [Music] [Music] Wow creative conference is on the way which is gonna be amazing is anyone ready for the Word of God this morning well we are in for a treat we are absolutely best because Donna Crouch who is so loved in our church and has been a key part of our church for decades now is going to be preaching this morning so come on there through the stream and hear now Church would you stand right now let's welcome the Word of God and let's welcome Donna Crouch as he comes to speak ah home soil did you know that Hills our Hills campus Haider everybody who is watching live stream online I reckon it'd be great if we said hello to the world from the hills thank you for joining in this morning great it's great to be having church together but this week here at the Hills campus it is our 35th birthday on Tuesday would have been Tuesday night 35 years ago pastors Brian and Bobby started a Sunday night service in a little school hall in Baulkham Hills it doesn't exist anymore with a bunch of people and so 35 years later so happy birthday whether we're a newbie never been before been around for a long time happy birthday and thank you for being in church this morning thank you for being here and bringing your faith and we are gonna trust that God's Word will speak to each and every one of us today because we need it yeah you don't need a sermon you didn't come here to tick a box I didn't either we need God to speak to us today so let's ask him to do that father thank you this morning that at the start of this week it's a Sunday first day of the week Lord it's a chance to reset everything thank you that Lord you and what you did on that cross is enough for all of us there isn't one person here who is too far gone or beyond your reach Lord that Lord we're enough in Christ and that Lord you're the finished work of the cross is enough to see all of our hopes and our prayers Lord and so father we thank you today for grace I pray you would help us Lord today through your word me people come to Christ Lord in churches across our city and across our nation in our kids in our youth adult congregations mean their arsons and thousands of people come home to you today we pray can you say Amen all right as you take your seat make sure you know the person on the side of you that you don't know does introduce yourself at the start of this year pastor brain launched the theme of our 2018 and it was it's this that there is more so his book there is more our worship album which I would play every day there is more our conference we just had a handful of weeks ago there is more and I'm not sure about you but I have personally taken that promise and I'm using it to push out some of the boundaries of my life and do some things I wasn't expecting to do because I want God's more can any friends in that this morning yeah totally the ones same same no way I want more of God's goodness and this morning I want to unpack for you a simple truth out of Psalm 92 verses 12 to 15 about how you can see God's more in your life tell your neighbor next to you there's more for you that's more than there's more who there is more God has so much more for each and every one of you yep and the good news is some 92 what it unpacks will go there in a moment you don't need any money you don't need to join anything you don't need to pay a membership you don't need to get in an exclusive club you don't even need a degree your past mistakes are not even considered there's no waiting to leave school no waiting to get your HSC done no waiting to finish University no to pay off your hex debt no waiting for your children to leave home there was a press report a few weeks back Sunday night it had praise God my 31 year old sons finally moved out of home no waiting till you get a proper paying job or get your first house or no waiting to that you know the kids are finally off your hands and school fees are done that'll be us next to you huh not needing to retire you don't have to wait for anything you don't have to pay for anything if you if you get these principles this morning and apply them to your life it's right under your nose in fact it's right in your hand right now no excuses no waiting no putting it off it's here right now so let's read it some 92 verses 12 to 15 the Word of God says but the godly flourish like palm trees and they grow strong like the Cedars of Lebanon for they are transplanted to the Lord's own house they flourish in the courts of our God even in old age everybody say old age okay so everyone here thinks that's so much older than whatever you are even if you're old even in old age they will still produce fruit and they will remain vital and green they will declare the Lord is just he is my rock and there is no evil in him what beautiful promises out of the Psalms in night in Psalm 92 it says here that the godly their people have been transplanted they've been like transplanted into the house of God and then put their roots down in the courts of the Lord not the driveway not the way the post office but not where the letterbox is not in the front veranda or porch but in the courts of our God and then it goes on and says and even when they're old they're going to be fat you do get fat as you get older can testify it just happens they're gonna be vital they're gonna be green they're gonna be flourishing so if you're like me and you get up in the morning and the brow has dropped and the lines have Carmen you're like no you're fat green and flourishing that's God's promise on your life well let's just go with green and flourishing okay vital green and flourishing we'll leave the fat because yeah that's a fight it's walking and that's a promise for every person in this room today there is no reason any of us need to feel like we need to settle down look up Sounion I've kicked back you know I'm just cruising now look I've been part of our church from the third week we started but I'm not in cruise mode I'm not going to the back of economy and going well I done my - no I'm sorry I think I'm going for vital green and flourishing I think we're just gonna go I want to be a person that as I get older life gets better it'll look different but I want to be able to declare that even in the bad times that somehow what God says that they will declare the Lord is just he is my rock and there's no evil in him that over the course of our life will see the goodness of God restore and redeem and repair and make sense of so much and that my friend this morning is a promise and available for every single one of us it's right under our nose the question is will we do and keep doing what the Word of God says produces that kind of life of flourishing and I've called this message here to stay because it's about putting your roots down in the things of God and allowing the Lord over the course of your life to cause fruitfulness to be your portion you know this little tree here it looks a little bit sad doesn't it it looks like it needs a bit of a water you can see all the roots down there this little tree you know it's having a great time in this pot on its own it doesn't have to talk to anyone it can do whatever it wants you know it but the problem is this little tree is totally dependent on somebody else to look after it and the facts are that this little plant here if it just stays in this pot the truth is it's not going to live very long it'll live a small life it will never reach the potential that's possible if it stays in this little pot but it's comfortable it's secure it's safe my challenge this morning is whatever season you're in or wherever you're up to have has it got too comfortable because the challenge is are we gonna stay little like this walls are little cute nobody notices me come in a bit late leave a bit early drift back a little bit pop in every now and then you know it's busy kids busy growing up sports sport on Sunday I get all that we live that life or are you gonna be like this plant starting to flourish well you can't stay in a pot if you're gonna have a root system like this you got to find some more soil see I'm making a mess up here but it's my last preach so who cares look at all these roots here there's plenty of roots wall if it just stays in that pot it's just gonna be an ornament you're not called to be an ornament you're not going to be an ornamental mother or father you're not called to be an ornamental Christian you're not called to be an ornamental young person who's sort of cool or lit or whatever you are you're called to be flourishing and green and vital and over the course of your life behave over the course of your life it's like the exponential curve flourishing flourishing flourishing flourishing even when they're old they're gonna declare god is so amazing do you know what he's done yes disappointments happen yes I've had grief but I can declare that the Lord is good like carry on that screen today does that mean the grief and loss isn't there of course it is but God has been in the midst of it and it's restoring and and giving her another way to deal with what life can can throw at us which is tough stuff this beautiful picture behind me here to stay this is a picture that Tony Irving great a great couple in our church at Hills Karen and Tony Irving he took a photo of this this is the giant redwood Sequoia tree in Yosemite National Park in the United States where all the USA people loud and proud welcome to Bible College those of you from the states now these trees they're amazing why are they amazing so first of all they're the largest single trees in the whole world how can a tree that is a hundred and sorry people is this distracting you we'll just move this back there okay how can a tree that is up to a hundred and seven meters high over four hundred and fifty four thousand kilos in weight that can live up to two-and-a-half or three thousand years of age right that's a long time right that's like before the New Testament was written plus a couple thousand have roots that are only two to three and a half meters deep survive floods earthquake fire droughts rain storms everything how can it survive the way that that that giant sequoia tree survives is it has a root system that is so entwined with other redwood trees they grow close together it's not like one redwood tree hey I'm the awesome one 100 meters away so I can shine no they grow all together and their root system is like this aggressive army underneath and they feed and and nourish each other as one is sick or the other Giants with an uneven giant or the other redwood trees are going quick crash cart ICU code blue over there and they're pumping all the goodies to that tree keeping them alive and then when they're strong they help narrow show the little new ones and because they're in a big cluster because there's a whole forest of them they create their own ecosystem this little plant no matter what he does there is no storm cloud coming his way he's just waiting for someone at Bunnings to water him this week but these giant redwood trees because they're in clusters because they all grow together because their root system is all underground and they're literally holding each other up cause it's only a couple meters you know deep that they go down they create their own ecosystem because of photosynthesis they create their own like like cloud system the environment changes they change the environment and they live and they're strong and they're sustained not because of what you see here but because of what you don't see underneath the most important ingredients for a plant is its roots and its soil the root system and the soil that it goes in and of course water when we look at someone's life or another couples marriage or how people seem to sort of come to hardship and girl I'll have that sometimes we look at the fruit of people's life but what we got to remember is the fruit is a result the branches are result of the root system they're a result of these roots going down deep and getting connected and strong and like being anchors in the soil and the Bible says that the godly that's what they're like they're like these big tall palms they're like this massive fat Lebanese cedar trees and they are transplanted and their roots go down and they flourish and they they don't just you know drop out halfway through they keep flourishing and flourishing and flourishing and that is the promise for your on my life so let's unpack in the next few moments a few steps in how we can be people who are truly here to stay does that sound like a good idea so number one is this that the walls have got to come down and the roots have got to go deep this little pot plant it's really safe as the walls up it's safe in here it's cozy I know the ropes and the truth be known when I first started coming to our church I was a baby Christian here's a picture of me in 1983 I wasn't an equestrian I worked at a riding school we got paid 20 bucks a week we work six days a week we were ripped off you call it human trafficking now but that's where I worked I loved horses I couldn't ride to save myself that was a really good stock horse called Shelly and she'd go ten hours a day like a steam train she's awesome but when I came I used to come down from that farm every Sunday night in 1983 I was this and he didn't come on an altar call and then one day I just got you know free of my pot no I had my walls up it took me a year to come down the front in a nautical I own trust anybody I was full of fear I was full of insecurity it took me time like months and months to talk in a Bible study like to give an answer when they'd say do you want to pray I'm like my job was to put the kettle on fatigue and coffee that was it but I had to and still have to keep getting out of my safe little pots because I don't want to stay there in my tiny little life not hitting the potential dependent on everything else to keep me alive we want to be like that giant redwood tree it means we've got to let the walls come down and the roots go deep a forest is a massive social network of support like I said where nutrients they all feed each other every tree is a member of the community in 2018 life now is very different how we get connected in community we have the digital world that is here to stay when I was a little girl I remember my dad said if you know turn that stupid TV off if you watch too much TV you'll get square eyes some of you would have had your mum and dad say that to you well I never got square eyes because they grew up in an era where you used to go outside and play but we I grew up in an era where TV was it well now the era is the digital age and as middle-aged cranky people can go get off your deficits put your phones away but the digital age is here to stay it's not going away it's fantastic it's dangerous for children to be navigating the world through their device you may as well put them on a fifty lane highway because that's what's there that's what's coming up so it's here to stay it's not it's not if we should yes we will be where you are in the digital world it's wonderful we're going to learn how to use it well but the digital world is also shrinking down our relationships I was at a meeting a couple of weeks ago where this like a professor of what's happening with the digital world and children was speaking and they were talking about you know children are so cute in now to to get their value of meaning from the digital world like you know teenagers I've got teenagers don't have a got them but you know they didn't comment on my post or if they did it took too many hours but they commented on their posts really quick this is what we're like this not Tina just we're like this and whatever we do I could get off here and go let's check my little digital world to see how I went today you know what I mean we get in queues all the time what's happening in the after church I dare you after church unless it's about your kids pick up - don't you should advise for 10 minutes just be awkward because that device has become like no I'm cool I'm busy I'm great I've got friends I'm not a loser like you know if you're waiting for someone out there we all do it it's like if I don't know what to do I don't know anybody I just checked my phone because now I've got something to do and when we talk to people we've got so good at our device that we're like yeah yeah yeah and they're like oh sorry I know you're busy no I'm good I'm so good I'm you know got a big life happening here but I'm good I mean I'm here with you do you know what I mean now the truth is God has hardwired us for human relationship this is our blueprint so yes use the digital world use it for all the good stuff that it brings but you know what it's bringing it's making us more informed but it's causing us to be less and ever I can know everything about you but not talk to you we're not wired for that that's not gonna help us flourish we actually are made for human connection face to face watching online today we're made to connect somewhere with human beings in Genesis 1 God said in verse 26 let us make human beings in our image to be like us now reign over the fish in the sea birds of the sky so God created human beings in His own image in the image of God he created them male and female who created them he made us not to be religious with him but relationship yeah you agree second chapter verse 18 God said it is not good for the man to be alone I'll make a helper who's just right for him and he goes on it says but still there was no helper just right for him so God calls a man to fall into a deep sleep and then he brings a woman to the man now those verses if you if you look at the meanings of those words it didn't mean God looked at a bloke a guy and said oh man he's hopeless in the home I need to make a wife for him to cook and clean sorry guys doesn't mean that in the Hebrew Brent's like what no you're a stirrer when it says God looked at man the word is Adam and it means mankind his creation men and women he looked at human beings and saw that they were utterly alone not connected and so he makes in chapter 2 of Genesis this relationship all different kinds of relationships the most intimate being that of the marriage relationship but he in his perfect creation get this he makes us in his perfection need one another so you and I have been wired hardwired for a relationship not religion relationship with God himself number one human relationship will never satisfy that but we've also in God's perfect creation being made to connect with one another and the more hole you're getting Christ the more you realize we're interdependent I need people I've been made that way it's not a weakness how many here are introverts are introverts don't put their hand up how many extroverts thank you for cartwheels yes all of us what into whatever degree we've been wired how many don't know what you are you just hear we've been made made for relationship there's a good quote a friend of ours Scott Wilson put up last week here it is I think it's called you only live once so make sure you spend 15 hours a day on the internet seeking validation from strangers nothing wrong with the devices but do you know what sometimes we're just got to stop following people and start talking to them I'm challenged by that because that's work that's effort it's just easier now flick flick flick flick yep that's point number one you've all gone really quiet I'm not having a go at your advises the walls have got to come down and the roots have got to go deep number two that I'm here to stay means I've got to get planted in the right house some 92 transplanted in God's house flourishing in the courts of our God and that means you've got to ask yourself the question where and my roots really planted you know you might go to church that's great going to church is a great start coming to church every week why wouldn't you coming tonight why wouldn't you but the truth is we can go to things but our roots being other things like some people's roots are at the gym their connections you know they're deep attachments who they talk to some people's roots are the hairdresser their hairdresser knows everything my sister is a hairdresser they may as well be psychiatrists they hear the lot some people's roots are Xbox or Playstation or for tonight I hear fortnight is the new than you think I said to the last service our son when he finished the HSC I did a gap year in xbox could just spend six months on that thing non-stop that was his downtime but I want to encourage you that God's house isn't that you never allow God's house to become something that you pop into or visit or fit in like our kids do sport our son did rowing that was 20 hours a week that was 4:30 a.m. starts our daughter does ballet that's 15 hours a week we get all that we get how busy it is but do you know what as parents as for all the parents here how kids are counting on us to make sure that they've got their roots in the right kind of soil how many of you have teenagers here come and give me a wave okay you want to know who their friends are and you're gonna be that Nazi parent who's embarrassing asking all the questions because you care about the soil of where your kids are I'm having a sleepover okay I'll just call the parent and check out we're just going in the city to study good where are you going to study even get their tracking thing on their phone that would be good maybe not we got to make sure we're getting planted in the right kind of stuff the soil the right soil you want a great life you want what they're you know the blessing that somebody else is experiencing you gotta stop looking at this you got to look at that sequoia tree and think about the root system and that aggressive root system that's not just going down but it's going out here's a quick little video of what happens when a seed gets the root system going here you go have a look at what happens here it comes so not just down this isn't just like singular me god Churchill song me it's a cross see those root systems it's becoming like anchored right across in every way so I want this row to stand up really quickly to demonstrate all link comes together okay okay isn't that a lovely little tidy root system that's not how it works because if you fell over you'd all fall over what I want you to do is drop one arm set stay connected to someone in the row but get connected to somebody behind you okay it's sort of like the old-fashioned twister if you are alive in the 70s okay see how it's more messy it starts to get awkward and complicated ah there's a hug fest going on down there tog Zee you get the idea you can sit down thank you you were very good little examples today see you and I've got to make sure that our root system what are we attached to who are we attached to and this isn't about church being like a parallel universe we escaped - no way Church is like the place where you get equipped and you grow and I want to really encourage you for a moment to think about the soil think about the soil even when it comes to church in the house of God the soil what are you looking for in the soil you could walk in here and just see a whole lot of people who are absolutely imperfect good observation we know we're sinners that's why we need Christ so please don't expect perfection or you can see well I don't fit in that group or I go to playgroup there but the mums are cliquey or I go to the parents room and those people know each other and they don't talk to me we can look for all the wrong staff in all the right places and I want to encourage you to look what to look for in the soil of the church I've got 10 things but I want to encourage you to look for if this is making sense this morning to look for when it comes to the soil of where to put your roots down number one the Church of Jesus is is Jesus's idea it's not a club it's not about religion and it's never about ticking a box Matthew 16 verse 18 jesus said upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it number two the Bible says that the church is Christ's body on the earth Colossians 1 verse 18 Christ is also the head of the church which is his body there is no non-government organization not-for-profit government any charity any philanthropist who is responsible for taking the message of the salvation that is in Christ to the earth other than the church that's it we are the only ones that will bring that message okay it's Jesus's idea it's his body on the earth you and I number three are part of his body 1 Corinthians 12 27 all of you together are Christ's body and each of you are a part of it so when you disappear or when you think look Who am I doesn't matter I'm too old or I'm too messed up now I'm sorry the Bible says you and I are a part of this particular body number 4 you have a gift that is needed in the body 1 Corinthians 12 verse 12 says the human body has many parts but the many parts make up one whole body so it is with the body of Christ you have a gift if you don't use that gift as part of the body you don't even get to find out what it is you don't buy gifts for others and keep them for yourself if you buy someone a birthday present you give it to them and they go oh that's so beautiful how did you know but if you just keep it it's not a gift it's just a good intention that will never change another person's life you are a gift you have gifts you only find the expression of them when you get involved in the body that's why we volunteer that's why we have all these programs we all need to attend and be involved Ephesians four verses 11 and 12 God gave us profits pastors apostles teachers and evangelists to equip the people to do God's work number six prayer worship fellowship Matthew 18 verse 24 where two or three gather in my name there I am with them we need to come together regularly Hebrews 10 verse 25 it says it says here um let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do but encourage everybody you and I need courage put into us regularly I don't need you to go here and walk by I need you go hi Donna how are you at sisterhood this week I went up to to a lady who in worship was weeping and I went up and said hi in the soup turn around say hi sup moment cuz I can do that now 35 years later and then she asked me how my week was and we just had a quick chat and I've got to meet somebody new a new possible friend we need each other there's one great girl lady that's come on our staff she was in the youth group many many years ago when I was the youth pastor you know not so many years after that and she and her husband had a major health scare she told me about they were overseas he was in intensive care fighting for his life and she said and I went up to intensive care they were only young like in their 40s career couple and she said and I just fought I just knew I had to fight and I said wow that's amazing she said but yeah you know what's amazing do you know where I learned to fight that was in the youth group she said on Monday nights I used to get together with Lucinda Dooley and we pray for our Tuesday night Connect group that she was helping lead and we used to walk around this oval and she taught me to intercede she said I learned that as a teenager and Here I am in intensive care in my 40s fighting for my husband's life knowing no she said if I was just a nice Christian nobody go nowhere Lord your will be done amen she was like no Jesus she said I knew how to intercede I knew how to fight so when she was a teenager planted in youth every Saturday night back then altar calls helping runner connect groups used to count the mission is offering that's what she did there now both on suck I was like you don't know the soil that you're in what it's for I can't tell you how many times whether it was in the parents room when my kids were little or picking up kids or when you get your number up there because you can't bit another kid and they want your kid out of kids that was us all the moments and conversations that happen like you get your roots down if you don't put your roots down in a church and even online today those of you that write in and ask us to pray with you and let us call you afterwards that's what it's about getting connected with one another we need to hear God's Word Hebrews 4 verse 12 that the Word of God is sharper and alive and powerful and it can cut we need the Rhema word of God like the quickened Word of God and we need the logos Word of God the written word of God that gives us hope perspective courage yes goodness me why wouldn't you like I said encouragement we need to serve and honor one another and the most important point is that Jesus is the cornerstone anything in church don't come looking at people because you'll find just living stones that are cracked 1 Peter 4 verse 12 says that the stone sorry 1 Peter 2 verse 6 says the stone the builders rejected is now the chief Cornerstone and that's Jesus so when I go to a Bible study I'm not looking like hey am I in the core group it's like no tell me the Jesus story of your life share with me what you've learned when I come to sisterhood on Thursday when you go to youth or frontline or power house on Friday or whatever you do when you get into a Bible study or you go to evening college or you're volunteering hosts or in a coffee cart don't look at the stones keep looking for Jesus in the midst of everything don't walk in and go where nobody said hi to me in the one minute mingle well maybe they're feeling a bit broken the people next to you maybe you've got to go to them and stop putting yourself down you got a gift you've got something to give away amen okay times ticking away and I need to move on here Church is never just a building or a place it's always a community of people and when we start to come you know we're just on our own and it's easy we've got our walls up I'm coming in in my little pot I want to see my little pot with my walls up but please don't stay in your pot as a believer get shaken free get those roots down maybe where you've been planted maybe you're so established maybe you got to send out some feeder shoots again to somewhere deeper maybe you've got to go further maybe you got to say you look where establish we're in the Lord we've been here for twenty s thirty years but there's more of God so where do I want to go where is the Lord leading us because the longer those roots go and the stronger that they get established is going to cause all the fruitfulness on the top don't be looking at that be looking at that root system God hasn't called us to go to church he's called us to be his church and we all start going but when you realize hey the gathering on Sunday is just one expression don't forsake it's Hebrews 10:35 don't forsake getting together regularly meeting houses break bread be praying have fellowship it's life-giving I when I came in those early years of our church I couldn't honestly say the reason I went to youth and youth only had 10 people in powerhouse back then the only reason I went so I wouldn't go out this seemed to bands on Saturday night and getting drunk so I went to youth that was it because I knew I didn't want to do that anymore like just go out you know weekends in Sydney partying and everything else that goes with that so I went to youth the next 14 years every Saturday night I never watched Gerald Somers in hey hey it's Saturday and Ozzy the ostrich some of you don't know most of you don't know what that is but some of you do which would mean you're in your 50s I didn't know if the team can come up that'd be cool I didn't know that all those years rather than going to the Mardi Gras is my family coming to youth saying no to the parties where I knew everybody at be stoned and drunk coming to youth I didn't know that all these altar calls I would be on every Saturday night God use me hoping maybe he'd do something with my life I couldn't see how needed that was for the years ahead like kiddy up there and singer singer saying Katy the same kiddies from Bulgaria that's her accent her family have been through huge stuff over there this root system that God establishes it's so that when life hits with all of its earthquakes and storms and floods and fires that we stand and we're established so even though on the outside we're a bit we were a bit burned here my root system is deep I'm not going to just get pushed over by that's it I'm done no not even in that pot I I'm like one of those giant sequoias my root system and that that's the Koya tree only connects to other redwood trees there's that committed and they're magnificent and majestic I mean they're hundred plus meters high like four hundred and fifty four thousand kilos that's a lot of chocolate two and a half thousand years old their growth rings they survive at all because their show ponies but they got this deep root system and the Bible encourages you and I no matter how long or how short you have walked with Jesus or maybe not at all yet we can today that we put our roots down deep and let them grow across how many new Bible College students have we got in the house this morning give me a wave come on big wave welcome welcome you have not been brought to this church to just go to school and have a great few years away from the parents as you learn to cook more than two minute noodles yeah even though your budget might say that you've been called to become part of a church family how many people have a home come on adults you have a home you have a lounge room some of you have a pool do you know what there's a whole lot of people out in our church you don't you might want to lead something but you might want to open up your home to host a Youth Bible study group or maybe have some college students over for dinner every now and then let the root system and continue where you're all laughing they're all going thank you Jesus hallelujah we're starving I tell you these kids now they are most not all but a lot of them are very very young how many of you are just out of school like high school yeah I know behave don't get a tattoo no dating no tattoos no two-minute noodles have you protein and vegetables and talk to your parents they're homesick and here we have Holmes here we have relationship we have lounge rooms we have a spare plate we can include someone do you see Katie on the screen there out of all that a few words for my wiser lady in church she's just down the track a little bit more you'll be ok Katie you'll be ok and she hung on to those words hoping that one day she would be ok don't ever think that the minute mingles and not checking our device after church because we're all so busy with our big lives and I've just got to check my house hasn't burnt down and I haven't got a corporate upgrade what if we just left it for five minutes and just for awkward for a minute and said hey I haven't met you before can I introduce myself they might blow you off but if they do they might have been like me just awkward just needing someone to keep at it keep at it keep at it keep helping me belong our first youth pastor Darko do you know what he said to me for three years ago Donna you're a mighty woman of God ago no I'm not in bright red no I'm not bright red I picked up kids I swept floors I did everything behind the scenes ego Donna you're a mighty woman of God I wasn't a mighty woman of God I was read shy nervous and embarrassed but one day I started to believe it because somebody said to me you're a mighty woman of God and God says to you you're a mighty woman you're a mighty man of God and we go no I'm not no I'm not I'm broken because I'm you look like that there but I see so much more get planted get planted get attached if you stay where you are if it's all just got to cozy and familiar and comfortable send out some feeder shoots look for where is God's more now I've gone back to school I'm studying a degree I'm like there's more sorry at 56 in a in a nation that lets older people as they age become invisible and unemployable I'm sorry that is not my portion as the believer we are going to be vital and green and flourishing and we're going to go from strength to strength to strength you and I have got to put the roots down we're gonna get the soil healthy we got a water it we're gonna nurture it yeah we got to learn from one another can you stand to your feet with me this morning Jesus said in John 15 verse 5 he said yes I am the vine and you are the branches those who remain in me and I in them will produce much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing none of us the vine is not Hillsong Hillsong is part just just one of his many branches called called parts of his body the church on the earth we ultimately are plugged in to Jesus I can't save you but he can his story in my life I can share it with you and you share me yours but he is our source in our life yeah and I judge I just want to encourage you I I felt so strongly when I knew I was preaching that the Holy Spirit said to me I want you to tell my church that the godly will flourish as they get planted so if you feel the drift it's getting too hard to come I remember coming to church with little babies up all night you know I put down the side vomit over the back you know what it's like it always is Farrell on Sunday morning always demonic Sunday mornings with babies and then you're late and then you get there and they're crying in the ushers Brewer and you're like why bother I remember sitting in the parents room going you don't our couch are awesome you need a medal you made it you made it with children you made it every week you made it these children are gonna be brought up in the house of God and even when they bite and your number comes up you're gonna come back next week and do the walk of shame and maybe Stephen will have to be in there and settle them you know all that and then they become teenagers why do we have to go every week why do we have to go twice a week why do I have to go at night we already don't have to go to church to be Christian like the really [Music] we know that we go to church we're part of church because it's a spiritual family because it's where I get fed because I need the Word of God I need the presence of God I need somebody to look at me and go no for real how are you really are you okay I need somebody to notice me when life sucks I need to not be a professional pastor and you think I just have angels that hang out my washing I need genuine connection with other human beings cuz I just like you are made for relationship I don't need to see your fabulous life on my phone I actually need to talk to you I need to feel you it I need to see you I become whole because of it I need to give my gift to you because then it's not just about Donna Donna Donna and I find out if you give your gift away you stop doing red and you stop being embarrassed and you stop being inferior cuz you realize my gosh is so much more to do yeah this song I want to save you [Music] now down [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] precious [Music] could you lift your if you're comfortable doing this if you're not that's so ok but if you are can you lift your hands to the Lord I just want to pray over you and then I'm gonna ask Peter toms to come and just continue the most important part of this service father this morning however we came to be in this room today Lord you designed it and you did it because you love us Lord and father this morning over your people I just speak blessing that the heart of God to every one of us no matter if we're addicted no matter if our life when we walk out this door is just dark the Father no matter if we're discouraged or despairing or in grief or loss or maybe in the middle of great blessing and success with a million choices the father your plan for us is that we would flourish that the heart of our God towards us is that lord over the course of our life that we will go from strength to strength to strength and glory to glory to glory and none of us need to put ourselves out of the game and say I'm too old to done too much of a sinner because Lord even in our old age your promises that will be vital and flourishing so father today may we drew what we can do which is get planted let the roots go down deep invest into the things that people will never see a reward but you Lord know that produces great blessing in Jesus name Amen come on oh what a savior once more once more [Music] [Applause] [Music] just towards the end of this service we would love to pray for a group of people here you know I love one of the lines in that song the father's arms are open wide you know where it all starts with in terms of getting planted and getting your roots down it starts with accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior whether you're watching through the link or in this room or in the parenting room stop still for a moment I have one question for you do you know Jesus have you accepted him as your Lord and Savior if you haven't then this is your moment to be led in a prayer by myself where I'm gonna lead you in a simple powerful prayer of asking Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life friend it starts with this prayer your journey starts here and following him you see we live in a world that says you know what you you before you get anywhere near God you have to change yourself but now God says you draw to me first and I'll draw to you you come to me first and I'll transform you and I'll change you and so so many times people stay away because they feel like they have to be perfect before they get anywhere near God no it was perfected 2,000 years ago at the cross when Jesus spread his arms wide open for each and every one of us and he gave of himself o so that you can be in right-standing with him friend he loves you so much whoever I'm speaking to he loves you so much maybe at one time you made a decision to follow Jesus you prayed this prayer at one time but you know in your heart you walked away friend he never walked away from you he doesn't save and unsaved people no we make choices and we step away but he never stepped away from you maybe today you just need to draw a line in the sand and say you know what it's a new beginning for me I'm starting again can I have every head bowed and all over this place every eye closed I'm gonna pray a prayer in a moment if you want to be included in this prayer your saying you know Peter would you lead me in this prayer I'm gonna count to three and wherever you're standing was sitting right now in your lounge room or here in this service we're in the parenting rooms I'm going to count to three when I get to three raise your hand high enough and long enough for me to see it and I'll include you in this prayer you ready one don't leave it a day longer friend - I'm gonna pray for every single person that raises their hand three all over this place raise your hand yeah many many many hands right now are being raised this is amazing through the screens that I'm sure people are coming into relationship with Jesus this is amazing friends say this prayer after me one big church family we're gonna say this prayer together okay say this with me did Jesus today I give you my life I surrender all would you please forgive me of all my mistakes all my wrongdoing I choose you now I want to follow you for the rest of my days in Jesus name Amen amen amen come on church let's please appreciate every single person what you pray just then was wasn't powerful prayer of starting this journey of knowing Jesus and we would love to help you on this journey and straight after the service when you walk out into our various foyers and exits someone's going to be holding this Bible up please walk up to them start a conversation has but Donna beautifully talked about start to dig your roots down and start the conversation of how do i how do I follow Jesus how do I get planted boy how do I get involved what how do I get you know and stay on fire for Jesus they're waiting there there were people waiting to connect with you and this is a free gift on behalf of our church to mark this incredible day where you decided to follow him can we please applaud and congratulate one more time absolutely amazing [Applause] while you're at it as well can we please thank Donna Crouch for that absolutely outstanding stunning word donor for real thank you so much thank you for reminding us what it is to be at home thank you for reminding us what it is to to dig our roots down and and be planted and man I don't know about you but that was a life-changing word for myself especially as a new dad and everything like that it's absolutely amazing but straight after the service like I said there are people waiting to have conversations with you if you want to get planted and dig deeper we have engaged straight after the service we have a comic cafe maybe you don't want to go to and experience it maybe you just want to have a coffee with someone will come and join us maybe you just wanna have a free sausage sizzle we'll come out the front and we will give you a sausage sizzle well I don't / yeah anyway Magoo's reminding me I don't know if it's free buddy Magoo's gonna pay for every single person so hey I'm gonna pray for you I'm gonna send you out here can I remind you tonight everyone say tonight Sunday Night Live friend here's a question who can you invite who can you text who can you bring tonight I'm telling you their lives are gonna be transformed tonight Sunday in our lives where we bring the message of Jesus in a way that is we can illustrate there is fun there is singing there is dancing it's gonna be incredible tonight Gabe Kelly's gonna be bringing it and also Greg Kelly myself I'm gonna be bringing a message as well tonight so please come back tonight it's gonna be absolutely amazing 4:30 in the epicenter 5:30 here it's gonna be absolutely amazing can I pray for you actually Magoo come up here you pray for everyone send us out with a song a song no definitely not a song send us out of here with a prayer do you like I always just thank you for today father we thinking for the word that was spoken today father we pray to Lord God that it can be ingrained that brutes Lord God that we can we can have community here father and I pray as everybody leaves here today that you bless them father you bless their families you prosper them for I pray that Jesus your light will shine from our face and we love you Jesus and we thank you for your church in Jesus name Amen seaton our church have an incredible week thanks to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] Christ is [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 26,481
Rating: 4.8800001 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Donna Crouch
Id: L5vDN2qhuVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 55sec (5515 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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