Hillsong Church - Content, Not Indifferent

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welcome to church come on [Music] and born unto us this day a savior gifted from heaven to a manger but let me see those hands together the world [Music] all of the earth rejoice it's Christmastime voices singing [Music] Richard it's great enjoy [Music] while we sing goodwill goodwill to all the and please leave [Music] all laugh being a preacher it's Christmastime [Music] Ramos [Music] boys [Music] the day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what as we take time remember who you are what you've done for every single one of us no magic knows your word [Music] rember c5 me [Music] whoo if you saw perfect I tried if this broken heart is your come on church together can we sing home [Music] [Music] [Music] we're singing Bobby [Music] you [Music] oh this el jardín heaven together we're singing holy is your name and if it leaves you higher burning me your desire a passion worthy of you when we see her the Sam [Music] all these your name [Music] the passion word weakness this book [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Jesus Savior you are worth [Music] we see it come on let's sing it again he's worth you are [Laughter] [Music] Jesus [Music] I [Music] I [Music] Oh [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we thought that name she [Music] [Music] [Music] in the crusher in the pressing you are making new in the soil I now surrender you are breaking new ground so I used to do - you're careful in when I trust you I don't need to come on you sing make me make me what you want me to be I can't but oh you've given me Jesus bring you on me in the crashing in the pressing you are making new in the soil I [Music] you are breaking new ground [Music] you are breaking new ground make me beg me and offering make me you want these okay you have given me Jesus bring you one me Jesus bring you [Music] Jesus bring do one out of me where there is new there is new crazy news the kings the calorie [Applause] [Music] three the king lay down [Music] come on would you make this you bring me [Music] me Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I was lost but he brought me this [Music] yes [Music] she has to see Jesus [Music] yes [Music] I you are [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] namaste you I am namaste I am you are [Music] [Applause] I am come on Hillsong Church get a letter the base price of big front tell someone next to you you are who he says you are Turner the other person looking back at the person you talked about first and say she is who he says she is [Music] father we just thank you for your presence here we just thank you that truly we are who you say we are I thank you Lord that we can gather and your name at such a special time festive season a season where we celebrate that Jesus Christ the Savior of the world is born lord I just pray that newness of life that sense a supernatural birth father will just spring in each of us hope and expectation lord I just thank you for every person gather today and I thank you for the work you're doing in people's lives leading us guiding us when we're aware when we're not even aware father I just thank you then no matter what's going on around us no matter what the world is saying to us we are who you say we are we're children of the Living God what an honor what a privilege that is in Jesus name Amen put your hand Awards these prayer requests and father I just thank you in Jesus name that you care about people every one of them and Lord this to many here to speak of Lord I just believe for every one of these needs for your miracle working power the healing for victory for breakthrough for new beginnings father but we believe that you are working on us internally Lord and our emotional would Nestor actual real father them physically father materially we can look to you with an expectation that you can fulfill your word what I just thank you for all that you've accomplished for us father in Jesus name maybe testimonies of the miracle working power of God I I am I [Music] yes much yes [Music] [Music] be welcome to Hillsong Church what a great time of the year seven days from Christmas 14 days from a new year I think that's pretty amazing I love this time of year I'm a Christmas sort of a guy summer flies heat summer storms this morning we had a summer storm at 8 o'clock in the morning actually it was about 6 or 7 o'clock I think and family friends loved ones even when yawn yawn God puts the solitary and church families what a great time of the year Christ the Savior is born Wow well it's that's more than a beautiful little in a nativity scene that's it's powerful right there incredible you're looking incredibly good surprisingly good actually you've obviously got through this year really well I mean I'm stunned adjust how good you actually look especially up here up the back there you guys look at you you look amazing us say hi to some people greet them give them a big kiss tell them you love them [Music] you're good okay praise report someone thanking God for the Christmas Spectacular and someone else thanking God for an amazing healing where a newborn baby was on life support but now baby is off life support breathing on their own and doctors calling in a Christmas miracle thank God for that and then someone else is thinking God here because while they're reflecting on his blessing in his provision someone has received a visa that they're thanking the Lord for and freedom from addiction that's worth praising God for yeah lots of good things here someone's saying they were healed from lupus disease which again is pretty cool someone else divine healing new job it's great all right we are going to enjoy something awesome from some of our kids don't look like kids to me and kids workers and so give them a big hand it's that time of the year [Applause] [Music] Oh neon version [Music] Holy Infant so tender [Music] believe me today [Music] holy night [Music] we stream from heaven afar heavenly mossy [Music] oh Christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] neon [Music] [Music] maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very beautiful wasn't that amazing you can be seated thank you children's department we love your work that's stunning let's look ahead take a moment receive out giving this morning our tithes and offerings that's the envelope that you might want to use big welcome to Darwin Church of the air those that are with us on the channel there's all kinds of ways that you can give on the screen there behind me sometimes the way that people like the easiest most convenient is the giving app so you can download that and get it sorted let me read this scripture for us as we think about thinking about the year that was thinking about financially we're talking about giving finances think about your year this year so far I think about your year next year we're standing right in the middle of what was and what could be and when it comes to giving thought I was dropping something then but noises at me but the stage is about to collapse that was freaky it's okay it's just me as you think about what was and what is you know when it comes to giving when it comes to tithing it's a trust issue it really is a trust issue with Jesus and when when the bills come when just finances budgets just where normal household incomes and things there can be some of the things that taunt us in our minds but for the Jesus follower the people who trust Jesus we understand that we we put him first in this way we don't wait till we've seen everything that's been spent and we see what's left and come to God we we start with this is how we start and just in case we're thinking in the midst of challenges and struggles and maybe even some of the hardship that we get financially just in case we're thinking about shrinking back conscious reducer verse this morning in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 therefore since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith let us strip off every weight that slows us down especially the sin that so easily trips us up and let us run with endurance the race God has set before us we do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus the champion who initiates and perfects our faith because of the joy awaiting him he enjoyed the cross disregarding its shame now he is seated in a place of honor beside God's throne we don't shrink back because of struggles or because of challenged or because of problems for the Christian we put God first we put God first in all areas and I will encourage us as we walk into 2018 maybe for many of us who have not considered exactly what this means but to make a commitment for 2018 even before it starts let's make a commitment I'm gonna trust God financially next year I'm gonna trust him I'm gonna put this into practice next year and I want to see God's goodness all over my life god I pray for you before we give God we give we give today because you've given to us we give as a response our tithe is 10% back to you of all that you have given to us we're so grateful God we ask when we face challenges and trials and problems that we would not shrink back but we would take up that cross and move forward just as you did for the joy set before you you enjoyed those challenges Phyllis for the joy to give to your kingdom in Jesus name Amen what does he give as the containers make their way down euro and while you're doing that we're gonna check out Church news there's a lot of cool things that are coming up [Music] [Applause] [Music] the pay's project the stunning new Christmas worship album from Hillsong music with new songs and traditional favorites for this Christmas season [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] begin this Christmas season with the peace project available now well we love to make the special days special at Hillsong Church and Bobby and I cannot wait for Christmas Eve and Christmas days services are going to be services where Jesus is glorified a beautiful presentation I'm excited about speaking and of course we're going to believe for the whole family to have an amazing time [Music] thank you Sam Irene Jake Bianca what do you think of a bus just here with Adi G okay you yeah Chris if a rep impact parties said uh stop the bus delivery bus put in a bike together David we've got Santa's workshop happening here what are you guys doing [Music] that's the bus the bus can't muster pay for they're gonna be blessed by this we may never make and here's another boy coming through again what makes a word a difference oh yeah can't work here merry Christmas from CT KCT isn't that right Mary [Music] hi to all our campuses everywhere every location up and down around Australia it's great to be linked I for the eight o'clock service this morning was in Waterloo in the city and spoke from there across the entire church and it was fun I loved it in there it was a you know this service here to be honest with he's a bit mellow yeah it's a bit now on its online what's wrong with all I think everyone's just you know it's 50 first week of the year and yet yeah yeah that's how you're acting that's her even the way you're looking at me now it's like you're made with me just because I called you out on being mellow it's not my fault not my fault you're mellow it's your fault and so don't get mad with me have a good look at yourself the whole reason I'm telling you this is the city this morning I had a clock man there was a revival spirit in their incredible never seen anything like it in my entire life it was look at you guys look at you guys hey I've been the past of 34 my 35 years of I haven't changed by now I'm never gonna change and yet you're still here hello amazing is that however your to melon and so we're gonna stand up we're gonna sing one more time from the Sun sets free and we're gonna sing it from the bottom of their hearts from the top to the bottom from the sides to the back we are gonna sing it but listen guys when we sing this song across the link across everywhere let's sing it with conviction whom the Sun sets free is free indeed right across the church come on let's sing the song the son three always free well this won't start Who am I Who am I that's where the song [Music] he brought me me [Music] I'm a child yes realest reality has been while I was Jesus [Applause] [Music] oh please please ha yes by yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a little bit of helpful confession we get to sing that we are who you say we are know who the world says we are not who our own negativity says we are but who you say we are we are a children of the Living God and we're grateful for it father but I just thank you for the people who gather today around this country up into barley and on streaming on the TV father we just thank you that you see us you are for us you are on our side and I pray today your word will stir us Father in Jesus name Amen amen amen you guys can all be seated what a wonderful year it's been for Hillsong Church so much blessing in so many ways perfect tea I'm excited about next weekend we're going to church Sunday morning because a Sunday Christmas Eve a Sunday so we got church Sunday morning and I'm excited about that get to preach the word but then obviously here at Hills by the way 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. same as today next Sunday morning because that's what Christians do we go to church Sunday mornings and then of course Christmas Eve across the entire church I know here at 6 I'm not sure where you guys are but you can either look it up on the on the web or hopefully someone is telling you and then Christmas morning here 8 9 and 10 now 8 and 10 8 and 10 sorry 2 services 8 and 10 Christmas service in one hour they all be beautiful Christmas Eve is such a beautiful service every single year I know it will be again what's wrong next Sunday is what yeah nobody likes a smart aleck dealer [Applause] eight nine and ten forty-five are out Christmas Day services which is Monday everyone got it clear as mud and where you guys are it's probably different so make sure that you know exactly what's going on because I clearly don't content oh by the way hear all about Christmas Spectacular czar packed out so Friday night was the only one that had a little bit more room yesterday stew stew sessions totally packed out so afternoon one four and seven totally packed out and just checking a cup of times right totally packed down listen but if you have already been to the spectacular or for whatever reason you missed out come anyway today because there's a huge huge festival going on outside they'll be rides and food stalls and things for the kids so come and hang out bring the kids beyond this afternoon it's gonna be a really cool afternoon outdoors nice cloud cover so you don't have to worry about this the hot Summer Sun beating down on you perfect perfect and it's gonna be cool and so I know many of our locations have your anointing services tonight and that's beautiful we had such an incredible time last Sunday night with the anointing service no I guess so just a special time of the year and so content not in different content not indifferent Paul says whatever season on then I've learned to be content whether I'm abounding or whether other based I have learned to be content contentment is inner sufficiency it's not just putting the shutters down I'm content don't bug me leave me alone that's not the kind of contentment that Paul speaks of or that the New Testament is teaching so much wants asks what do you think is the biggest problem in the Church today ignorance or apathy and the answer I don't know and I don't care ignorance I don't know everything I don't care that's something of what indifference looks like problems from one verse 32 says the turning away of the simple will slay them and the complacency the apathy the indifference of fools will destroy them the complacency the indifference of fools will destroy them to live our lives can place it indifferent there's actual folly God and surveyed him as an adventurer I'm believing that we are up for the adventure in 2018 of serving Jesus not dispassionate not indifferent what about this coming year not just rolling in to a new year with call and new worship album being released in 2018 there is more the Hillsong conferences around the world that's coming here are there is law I've already written a book that's already on the presses being published by Random House and it's cold there is more and it's not about more when it comes to stuff and things it's about the will of God for your life God has so much more for you God has so much more for air church there is so much more I believe he is calling us to accomplish there is so much more he is wanting to do and indifference will never enter into the inheritance or the more that God has for us you can roll along cruise along in your Christian walking especially when you've been a believer for a long time and indifference is one of those things that creeps up on you it catches up on you and it is where the way I see it you literally put the shutters down and decide that's it I'm content I'm satisfied I'm resigned to it this is my thing you know I remember one time being in the USA actually and we'd been doing one worship to us and we arrived in the city late at night we're quickly looking for somewhere to open and they were closing so he says come on could we just come in and get something and literally literally the lady she just got a big shuddered or a big meadow Nordmann walk down like that in our faces we stood there looking at shutters down I think some Christian lives are kind of like that it's like the shutters are down indifferent indifference is tragic because serving Jesus is an adventure I want to be up for the adventure Bobby and I were in New Zealand this past week Bobby's PA Nicky got married in New Zealand and I had the opportunity to conduct the wedding first one I've done for a long time and I nearly got through it without even making one mistake I was so proud of myself I thought look at that no mistakes and then I realized I forgot to get the the family and the pastors up to pray for the couple and so I'm pretty sure they are married we just didn't pray for them it was a beautiful wedding and a beautiful part of the North Island then we went down just for a few days to quailed Queenstown on the South Island in New Zealand you forget just how beautiful New Zealand is such a good place to come from so pretty so beautiful but you know Baba you know because I guess we live life at a pretty intense rate and we're always busy and when we got holiday we tend to just totally chill out but if we glance to have coffee somewhere we don't just stay half an hour we stay 3-4 hours I mean just enjoying the Sun just look at their phones every now and then we even talk not too often but every now and then we even I mean after 40 years what do you got left to talk about and so and so that's the way we do holidays but we went to Queenstown with posture Paula Murray do impose an adventurer and say he had already worked it all out we were doing this we're doing that we're going on Merson we caught a jet boat up a river called the dart river which is amazing and those jet boats they can literally they can float in ten centimeters of water say you go with the millimeters of the edges and the rocks and the cliffs and they're doing big wheelies we go all the way up the river up into the mountains incredibly beautiful incredibly adventure how much adventure in your Christian life I mean as a church are we still adventurous how he still risk-takers are we still up for more are we still wanting to see God do what we've never yet seen done are we still passionate about the gospel are we still passionate about the lives of other people are we still passionate about the will of God and the call of God and the purpose of God in our lives are are we just in different and different has symptoms that kind of says unhappy with things the way that they are another symptom is I have a disregard for what could be almost a disdain for what could be you know acceptance today is tomorrow standard so our acceptance now is this coming year stand and I don't want us to just arrive and settle that decide them we're content in terms of outward things it is inwardly because of Jesus Christ there's a sense of sufficiency a sense of contentment when it comes to the will of God let's not be people who are saddled let's be people who are up for the adventure the adventure of serving Jesus resignation says that's just the way it is acceptance says well I'm okay with this tolerance says I can't do anything to change it so I just put up with it you know it's easy for us to just disengage kind of become numb anesthetized to the world around and about us and easie ties when it comes to the will of God our energy is sapped our heart is closed a brain is disengaged just kind of Numb I don't believe it's the will of God for us to live that way Jesus Jesus he always rejected the middle ground and I think the teachings of Jesus make it very clear that he despised indifference the things he spoke of the way he talked to those churches in Revelation each of them each of them Jesus gave a challenge through John on the Isle of Patmos to the church and Laodicea revelation 3 verse 15 and 17 he said I know your works that you are neither cold nor hot I could wish you were cold or hot I wish you were cold or hot each side so then because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot listen strong words I will vomit you out of my mouth Wow he says look hot hot I wish you a heart that even cold is better than lukewarm indifferences lukewarmness it's the middle ground it's mellow and then he goes on he starts talking about rich and poor he says in those same verses you say I am rich have become wealthy and have need of nothing and do not know that you were wretched miserable poor blind and naked you know Jesus saying you say you're rich I'm saying you're poor Paul says I've learned to be content whether I aband I'm blessed or whether I'm abased I'm struggling financially struggling when it comes to some of those things that are necessities in life he said I'm content when I abandon content in a sufficiency when other based but he never said anything about being content and comfortable because comfortable is the middle ground and indifference will always go for comfortable you know something I love it's it's a saying that they use for art they say art is supposed to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed and I think many old preachers have been quoted as saying the same thing that they wanted to comfort the disturbed but disturb the comfortable do you want your comfort level to be disturbed do you want the Holy Spirit to even intervene in your life to bring that sense of adventure to get you stepping out didn't you ever use the faith to be taking risks to actually believe that where you're at now is only a stopping off point to something so much more do you believe that God can do in your life what only God can do that whatever promises he birth in your heart a long time ago no matter what discouragement has come your way no matter what disappointment has come your way no matter how long it seems to be taking that God is wanting to do more in your life are you having a sense of expectancy for 2018 or are you just gonna comfortably cross the starting line January the 1st another year serving god I love church I love the Lord I love his word I love I love I love what when it comes to making a difference you know what the warp is or the shutters are day on the shutters are they on I can't think of a better way of describing it so one more time oh the shutters add an you know we're not called to be indifferent we've taken huge faith steps as a church the Hillsong channel is a huge faith step and thank God for all of those amongst you guys that were partnering with us in the channel over and above all the other incredible generosity that you have and then I see some of the stories that come in and they come in all the time our channel even though television channels secular wiser hugely on the decrease because people are streaming and they watch their television different ways these days by God's grace our channel is 36 percent up on a year ago and is going that way plus Green Street streaming and Apple TV and all the other things but we get so many wonderful stories this particular one that's from a man called Bob Willis it's not Bob Willis the English cricketer speaking of England and critics father just help Steve Smith today to do what's never been done before amen so this Bob Willis is American but listen to what he says well not really sure where to start I guess as Carl Lynch would say thank you I was introduced to Hillsong a little over two years ago when I was diagnosed with a very long name for throat cancer I was looking at 48 radiation treatments to my neck and rounds of ther of 8 rounds of Thera of chemotherapy excuse me some friends of ours who are extremely dedicated to Jesus and doing God's work told me about the Hillsong Channel so I washed it off and on as my treatments progressed in hopes that something would stand out so to speak and give me some hope and it did listen to Pastor Brian Houston renewed my love and faith in our Lord and our Savior I finished my treatments on December 29th 2015 although no follow-up scans or tests were done the doctor said my cancer was in remission or May of 2017 I was rushed to the hospital due to having breathing difficulties and after doing a cat scan I was rushed by ambulance to UAB Hospital and Birmingham Alabama to have part of a tumor removed that are almost completely blocked my airway a biopsy was done on the tissue and again it came back positive for SCC cancer only this time it had spread all over my throat I ended up having to have a total laryngectomy losing my voice box completely along with the lymph nodes in my neck and my Typhoid gland which had been destroyed from the previous radiation this man's been through a lot he said I now live breathing through a hole of my neck unable to speak the thanks and glory be to God the highest that I am still here back working full-time and enjoying my life knowing that it could have went much differently than it did I truly believe God has a plan for me even though I don't know what it is I'm sure when the time is right he will open that door and invite me in I told you all of that to tell you this thank you thank you the entire Husan team for inspire me reminding me daily that God has a plan for all of us it is through watching the Hillsong channel listening to Hillsong UNITED laughing at Carl Lentz who I absolutely love and reading my and I do too most of the time and reading my Bible daily and praying that I found this strength daily to keep going to keep pushing on and to realize that my new normal was just God's Way of saying he had a different plan for me then he did with the way I was I am forever grateful to Pastor Brian is what Bobbie Carl and everyone else involved with Hillsong I am also subscribed to the team box which I absolutely love hill saw what am I reading that to you well it's a good story it's a good story of a man going through tough times but anything but indifferent he's looking for the plan of God for his life any of them got endeavor and it's a good story about why is it Church will never settle why we take faith risks why we would go it put television around the globe and it cost that most local churches would balk at it's because of stories like Bob Willis it's because we are here for purpose well beyond ourselves in Jesus name and I pray that individually we will take up the challenge the responsibility of stepping out on the faith adventure and not settling and becoming in different there's a huge difference between indifferent and difference you say serving Jesus is all about difference making a difference in difference undermines altogether what that looks like so Jesus when it came to another Church Ephesus in the book of Revelation there he talks about love and hate in Revelation 2 verse 4 nevertheless I have this against you that you've left your first love he said you've left your first love but in verse 6 he says this but this you have that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate you not say any hate of the Nicolaitans he hated the spirit or the deeds of the Nicolaitans now the Nicolaitans they were a sect if you like of people who were involved in a doctrine called Balaam and it really meant just compromising and being indifferent when it came to issues of faithfulness and so specifically when it came to food that was sacrificed to idols Christians and believers rather of that type they had a spirit of faithfulness for which they were persecuted they received opposition and and as I read the commentary about the Nicolaitans that literally used the word indifferent they taught indifference you know what Jesus is saying to the church in Ephesus --is hey look your love for me is not where it used to be or where it should be your first love you've left he says but at least you still hate the spirit of the world and the spirit of unfaithfulness you know what between love and hate is indifference have you're in love with someone and they subtly abandon you I think love and hate they're strong emotions and I would think that if you love somebody yeah they constantly broke your heart man you can kind of see how someone could hate for at least a season a time that I think the biggest most insulting hurtful thing is when someone's just indifferent I couldn't kill this and to me is more tragic and yet indifference can take a hold of any of us it can take a hold of us so easily and that's why we need to reject that middle ground as believers and decide I'm not gonna live my life lukewarm I'm not gonna live my life indifferent I'm not gonna live my life comfortable I'm putting calling over comfort not comfort over calling I'm gonna believe God that this coming year I can step into new adventures and serving Jesus and you're hearing this from a 63 year old man not a 25 year old over 60 almost 64 year old men I can retire next year I can take my superannuation and go on a big long holiday hey I can but I'm not going to because I was never called to indifference it would be nice Bahama Jamaica hello pretty mama dude I only ever know one line of this of the words of any song I have to tell you that but anyway no no I was born for this I was destined for this as long as God gives me health I'm up for serving Jesus I'm up for new risks new adventures new beginnings I want to encourage you to live your life you know that Church in the city if you incur if you include the original Church before we started who saw it's 40 years old what is that's kind of a long time and now here at the hills were into our 35th year other campuses other locations are a little newer but not too many people who have been here for 40 years in fact many people in that church aren't anywhere near 40 years old yet but you can get a 40-year old spirit some people have only been around for two years but there's still got a 40 year old spirit then a 50 year old spirit and I just really believe that church is called to lead the way and we'll never lead the way with a spirit of indifference but never lead the way with the spirit of mediocrity and as I was talking about our church I'm really talking about you the people of that church and that's why I would always speak again you know indifference doesn't feel it just doesn't feel anything anymore and I think that's tragic Jesus was moved he was moved with compassion he was moved what last move you what do you get compassionate about it's there in Matthew chapter 9 verse 36 in Acts chapter 17 verse 16 the Apostle Paul the Bible says his spirit was provoked his spirit was provoked in listen I believe there are times in life where we need to have an expectation that things will provoke a spirit when will you last move what makes you compassionate what last provoked your spirit in a powerful way in a positive way provoked your spirit in a way this is I have to do something about this in Acts chapter 17 Paul he was exposed to the Epicureans and the Stoics who in the city of Athens were rolled in a head of memorial to the unknowing God and he saw their their philosophy their philosophy was kind of as a god somewhere maybe out there but he doesn't really care about us and so we're just gonna do our own thing and that was the kind of spirit a spirit was provoked yes sir do you get provoked when you see the spirit of the word do you get provoked when you see injustice do you get provoked in your spirit when you see things or are we ever going to become like those other people in the Good Samaritan story the religious ones who decided see no evil hear no evil speak no evil and they passed on the other side of the road I pray I pray or pray I pray in case you didn't hear me I pray that we are a church who have the capacity to reject indifference and to know what it is to live our lives loving harsh not lukewarm amen blessed but not comfortable 2 Timothy chapter 1 verse 6 stir up the gift of God stir up the what is the gift in you that it's time you stirred up the scripture says Jesus wept John chapter 11 verse 35 Jesus what do you know every time Jesus moved with compassion something was about to happen every single time there's about to be a miracle there's about to be a breakthrough something was going to change and that's what happens when we live our life and we can be moved all the right things and it's not just sad movies that make us weak no not even just happy movies that make us I'm gonna cry oh you know I don't cry easily but I am a feeler I feel things you know there's certain things that provoke my spirit there are certain things that just move me with compassion I find now as a granddad with seven grandchildren any form of injustice towards children he does look a beauty of children and and they're just so vulnerable and those things move me those things they oh yeah I want to stay able to be moved by the world around and about me and by the things that aren't what they should be in I want to be moved by the plight of people when it comes to heaven and how and the power of the gospel I want to stay moved by these things except I hate verse eight there was a move of God in Samaria and the Bible says there was great joy in that city would joy be a description of the way you come into the house of God life's not always happy but joy what a beautiful thing is I used to joyful about the things of God how do you make these things happen sometimes you've got to pray what David prayed created me a clean heart you're in your right spirit within me cause me not away from your presence take not your Holy Spirit from me restore unto me the joy of my salvation uphold me with your free spirit sometimes we've got to pray that kind of prayer because I think we can become numb we stop feeling things we become Anitha tyst sin does it send literally numbs you ultimately to conviction and discouragement can do it it just hurts too much it's just too painful so you just become numb to possibility and numb to the world around you and your end up becoming indifferent and obviously oftentimes we choose comfort human nature loves to be comfortable ease it's very attractive to my human night everyone needs a break everyone needs to place themselves I pray for your having holidays over this a season not a happy holiday season a Christmas season I I really pray that you know you totally replenishing get ready why because next year's an adventure friends we're going forwards there is more we're stepping out we're going off words we're not settling down into being a middle class Australian megachurch no way Jose that's not what we're going to be doing whatsoever we want to see still Mota to two people impacted for the gospel here in Australia this far too many people unaware the power of Jesus quite there's a world out there that's selling lies to people and it's time that people were confronted with the power of the truth of the good news of Jesus Christ and so oh if you were porridge I'd have a big stirrer I'll be stirring you up like this I would so I would so I would sir but you're not porridge oatmeal that's what you are you know what I wouldn't like to be lying in a hospital bed today with severe pain in my legs but you know pain in your legs are probably better than no feeling in your legs at all and sometimes there's sacrifice and pain and serving God but better the pain and than just numbness not able to feel anything at all so much better the pain in Amos the Zion is challenged the people of Zion by this Old Testament prophet in Amos chapter 6 verse wonder for woe to you who are complacent there it is who are complacent who are indifferent in Zion and you who feel secure that sense of security in that sense of security I don't thinks a positive thing personally it's overconfidence and just the censor yeah everything's fine everything's good well listen I'm answer me are you notable men of the foremost nation to whom the people of Israel come you lie on beds are donned with ivory and Lounge on your couches you dine on choice lambs and fattened calf inverse sex you drink wine by the bowlful that's a way to numb yourself and drink wine by the bowlful that'll do it for sure you drink wine by the bowlful and by the way I came to church from the city and there's a random breath test just up the road here and so Kyle Hugo who's our incredible Events Manager for our entire church globally he took it upon himself to try to beat us from the city campus to the hills campus it's about a 35-minute drive 55 minutes for Robert and you know Rob is back in the house when I start sledging of a guide but I only do it to the people I love and so count took it upon himself to try to beat us to the hills campus and it's so cool because I come around the corner like traffic's all build up we missed the lights twice down the street here and sure enough there's a random breath test and as we're getting there you can see the policeman just under move just done to get ready to put his big orange pointer and he missed us and he pointed to the car behind us car Hugo there is a God there is a God there is a God thank God ISA he doesn't drink it all so he was going to be safe every step of the way well listen to this it says your lounge on your couches you dyrdek wine by the bowlful you use the finest lotions but you do not grieve over the ruin of Joseph Joseph speaking of the northern parts of Israel therefore you'll be among the first to go into exile your feasting and lounging will end think about that it is lying around on your couch it's a good time for that watch cricket lie on the couch it's a good thing but this is talking about a stance in life there's a nice it's a nice sentence there lotions rubbed into your paws but this is talking about a stance in life it's talking about a spirit has turned a matter of spirit that so often is saying it's like one of the stories Jesus has told about a man who had everything and he had a big bomb he stuffed all these things in a barn but he couldn't fit everything in so he decides this is what he's gonna do is you know he's bound there build a bigger man so I can just stuff more stuff in and this is what this guy says he said I said to my soul I said to my soul he made a conscious choice I will say to my soul Luke 12 verse 19 soul you have many goods laid up for many years take it easy turn can be merry but God said isn't full this night your soul will be required of you then whose will those things be which you have provided so is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God I love that when people are rich toward themselves versus when people are rich toward God in other words the things of God is what frames their life and frames their generosity richdewar guy said to my soul what do you mean saying to your soul indifference gives us false sense of security indifference gives us false sense that God's not going to intervene in your life you don't have a fear of God or a reverence you don't have an expectation that God might want to speak to you or that God might want to prompt you with conviction or that God might want to do something to arrest your attention you just don't have that because you are in different Wow let's not live our lives in different let's just never live our lives in that particular way you see I believe that church we're cold we're cold to step up and make a stand can I just read you I got more of them notes than I can handle as always but can I just read you in a this scripture in revelation sorry it's not in revelation at all in and proverbs chapter 31 verse 8 does there speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves into a justice for those being crushed yes speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice speak up not see no evil hear no evil speak no evil speak up I believe for our church for things I believe that is the will of God for us to be culturally relevant a huge difference win rellis relevancy and relativity relativity is the opposite absolute absolute says I know who and what I believe and it's an absolute morality is much more pragmatic oh there's the way the world has gone I'm going to go that way as well that's not gonna make us as a church culturally relevant has never been about remember just holy genes it's about a holy life it's knowing who we stand for what we stand for standing by and even when it brings persecution even when it brings increasing opposition that's what makes us relevant because we have answers to a world that's hurting and is lost we're called to be culturally relevant and we're called to be socially active but ahead and out stuff the bus make a difference whatever way we can keep on reaching out taking our responsibility well we want to be a church that is evangelical potent in other words we believe in the good news of Jesus the gospel and we preach it with power and we take it in their own lives into our Mondays and our Tuesdays that's why we want to bring as many people as we can who don't know Jesus to the Christmas services to the Christmas Spectacular to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day because we understand the power of the gospel to change lives let's not be so indifferent we forget about our neighbors we forget about our street we forget about it work colleague let's stir o your porridge this morning I want to get you ready for all that God's got for you I don't know where the porridge thing came from by the way it's silly wasn't in my notes culturally relevant socially active evangelical potent and spiritually authentic in other words people come and they genuinely encounter God they genuinely encounter the Holy Spirit ah that they genuinely the worship genuinely has that sense of it when are the holy spirit just dust touching people all over the place and the will of God starts happening in the hearts and lives of people where there's such a sense of God's presence not only in our services but in our lives and if we live in different we lose our relevance culturally and I believe we lose our potency when it comes to the gospel that we lose even a desire to reach out to the needy and the hurting and the poor and to be wanting to make any difference of ultimately we lose a sense of authenticity and it becomes pretense and pretense is not what God has called us to Ananias and Sapphira they pretended they pretended and pretense had a very very strong strong result and response from the Holy Spirit you know pretense leftovers that's what Cain gave Cain was a tiller of the ground and he gave God his leftovers at the end of time at the process of time in other words he gave what was left over his brother Cain who was a neighbor of Abel was a sheep farmer and he gave her the firstlings of his sheep in other words he put God first indifference God fits into our life we don't cause our lives to be all about here Revelation chapter 3 have a look at at verse 19 I correct and discipline everyone I love so be diligent and turn from your indifference I look at a new year filled with expectation I think I always do I look at a filled with the expectation of the new challenges the new opportunities the new possibilities I believe it for your life personally and I believe it for us together collectively but indifference will always be a robber to the purposes of God in our lies so father I just ask in Jesus name you created us a clean heart bird you'll always be renewing in us a right spirit well we don't want to be estranged cast away from your presence but you most definitely don't wanna live our lies beyond the Holy Spirit take not the Holy Spirit from us restore unto us the joy of serving Jesus I've hold us with your free spirit I pray uphold us with your free spirit upright [Music] what's the gift in you you need to stir what causes your compassion to rise up compassion evokes response but moves you [Music] or provoked his spirit what it get you to cry and when Jesus wept wasn't a hopeless weep he's about to raise death to life what brings joy to your soul God God deliver us from any indifference I believe her expectation to flood people's lives for a coming year not resignation not acceptance not tolerance father we thank you in Jesus name stay linked to stay with us for a moment please come on let's sing this song together [Music] you are for me not against me I [Music] I've chosen hi not for today I every say I you are [Music] do I I [Music] you are this brand name yes [Music] across that church and thank God for at church all the lead pastors and campus pastors people who serve God in their church and every single level service pastors so many people doing so many things but I would ask every pastor every person here a question a question I ask every single week and that is have you ever made a personal choice for Jesus a conscious decision have you ever encountered him in a personal way he loves you he is for you he is on your side I love the fact that the message of Jesus is so inclusive it's for the whosoever's and the anyone's who ever will to the Lord may come anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved so would you will you make a choice for Jesus maybe you've never made that conscious decision for him maybe you've never encountered God in a way where you know something changed something happened something's different I believe right now and this service across all our locations that people will make a choice for Jesus and it'll be a life transforming and a life transforming decision maybe at some point you pray to pray like that but somewhere along the way you lost your way and it's not as though God moved he said I'll never leave you nor forsake you the Bible nowhere that I know of says he unsaved anybody he saves people he saves them and even can save evil Kings like he did in the Old Testament sir no matter how simple you feel you've been on what mistakes you've made what failures may frame your mind and frame your world right now Jesus loves you I believe today is a day of salvation you ever made that conscious choice to Jesus in just a moment I'm gonna count to three and when I do I'm gonna pray a prayer but every person who raises their hand and the ones who raise your hand will be those who say Brian when you pray for people to make a conscious choice for Jesus which include me I want to make that choice when you pray for people to encounter God in a personal way which include me in that prayer when you pray for people to be born again to be saved when you pray for me Brian when you pray for people to turn from their backsliding to get right with God to have a brand new start you see god undone save anyone but we all make our own choices and we could be living alienated from his purpose in our lives and that's why I believe you can start again and come back to Jesus at the center so you said Brian I want to make that decision I want to come back to living with Jesus and the center which include me then when I count to three I mean I should raise your hand in the air and I know across this congregation and across our church there's going to be many many hands and many people make a choice for Jesus today and that's how to live your life with a sense of passion and purpose because you have a reason for being you have a reason for living your life has foundation and it's a foundation that sets your eternity all right you ever made a choice for Jesus like that would you make that decision today we're to join the many who will make that choice today who have every eye closed every person and prayer and if you're one of those people today says Prime and you pray for people to choose Jesus to be born again to make a choice for him to get right with God to turn from their backsliding to believe for a brand new day with Jesus at the center Brian which include me in that prayer when I count to three you raise your hand I already sent it on no there's gonna be many hands and then I'm gonna pray a prayer with a whole big church family across the country and in barley inviting Christ into people's life so you're ready for that said Brian include me in that prayer on three you raise your hand join many others who raised their hand on three here we go eyes closed one two three lift them up right now lift them high wonderful keep raising your hands beautiful you can see people's hands raised around the room and I was loved adore gives me so inspired who else who else who else in Victoria and Tasmania and Queensland and the Northern Territory in the Western Australia up there in Bali who else to raise your hand make a choice for Jesus you lift your head now as well Western Australia come on give these people a huge congratulations a huge congratulations let's thank God for every single one of them and together together let's pray this prayer out loud everybody out loud dear Jesus this is the moment I surrender ownership of my life to the Lord Jesus Christ thank you Jesus as I confess my sin you are faithful to forgive my sin I thank you Jesus because of you from this moment I'm a child of God a new creation a follower of Jesus Christ thank you for your love and grace thank you for your forgiveness and mercy I am a believer jesus is alive in me amen amen amen amen we have Bibles we give to every person who make choices for Jesus have you raised your hand in the foyer wherever you are there'll be people holding Bibles if you tell them you raise your hand or if you want a friend to go with your friend no we'll give you a Bible it's a free gift from Hillsong Church and it's a really cool magazine formatted New Testament Bible which is awesome and of course maybe someone saw you in the snow self come and put a Bible in your hand and we want to be able to do that cuz we want to set you up to win in Jesus name 1129 43 or 17 seconds how many people are up for the adventure of serving Jesus in 2017 here are for the amen let's believe it's going to be quite a ride 2017 Louise for you is going to be quite a ride in all the right ways in all the good ways and all the right ways and there goes for you to Jamarcus amen amen I'm gonna set one more time amen that means so let it be good things in 2018 good things ain't ma'am played rugby and rugby league than you Guinea that man was a heck of a long time ago but it's a truth 1920 something was that it was a father I thank you you bless your people and you keep them and you cause your face to shine upon the Lord your mercy your grace your peace but your forgiveness your newness of life these things are out portion we believe this coming week leading up to Christmas it'll be a week of breakthrough give us courage to bring friends and family colleagues to the Christmas services Lord may we see this Christmas season restore situations heal new beginnings we believe in 2000 lady it's a year at grade eight comes in Jesus name Amen amen we're gonna hold up the nerdy festivity the Health Campus god bless you one the festivities [Music] I enjoy you yes [Applause] [Applause] everything amen have a great afternoon Mike pastor Brown said outside there are many festivities will see Christmas pick to knock god bless
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 18,342
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: hillsong, praise, worship, Brian Houston, jesus, contentment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 15sec (5475 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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