Hillsong Church - Bitter Better Blessed

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[Music] what are you excited to be is fun then you really get God to pray [Music] who [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez [Applause] [Music] to see [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] Jesus [Music] to see the line [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Oh God Oh so for [Music] No [Music] or [Music] he's afraid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I said before what will fill come on Lefty boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to breath on the pen [Music] fool God you call me [Music] [Music] Jesus wore [Music] Nonya speed come on church you see this one which is [Music] Oh [Music] ha [Music] [Music] jeez [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] how great is the one who blots the horizons just feel how you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before your presence [Music] come on shed a few great for this morning for God's presence that is here with us for his faithfulness the mothers actually worship [Music] [Applause] boys let's just take a bow [Music] this place is for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on Nelson [Music] father thank you that we can come into your presence today afresh Lord that we don't have to carry it whatever last weekend represented but we have a fresh opportunity to come to you and I pray today whoever is part of the service of whatever location wherever they are that there were no Lord that you don't abandon us that even when we feel like you're silent that you're never absent that you're always working in Our Lives you're always working in our worlds that you do go before us and you do combined and so today father we thank you that we can come to you and we can believe in Jesus name to see you answer prayer kansui bringing miracles 12 or working for receive and we thank you in Jesus name Amen come on now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we lived early across the whole church today so every location is linked right now and of course all the other ways that we reach people and these prayer requests matter they matter to God a tremendous amount and he knows every single one of them just the way he knows every hair on our head the Bible says and he knows how much scent that is on the seashore so he knows that deepest crying our deepest need and I want the church everywhere wherever you guys are to hold your hand towards the prayer requests and let's pray passionately let's believe God together for answered prayer come on Bobby why don't you pray today amen pray for these prayer requests amen father God we just thank you for every home and every family every individual every request and Lord Jesus your will is perfect towards them you're not willing that any should perish so father in the name of Jesus we commit all these prayer requests yes around the country online father God that you will have your Divine Will in their lives father God hell all we give you all the praise and all the glory and our expectation is see miracles take place and stories and breakthrough in Jesus name Amen amen amen everybody say Amen and as always there's plenty of praise reports my praise report is on in church this point I get to see all you again finally and and of course I get to see bruh bitterly she was with me overseas for most of the time but the last four weeks or so she came home because she cares about you for weeks more I guess than I do not true not true you did relaxed things been done good while helping away I think so that's what I hear only good reports praise reports all right tell the person next to you your deepest secret before you see [Music] [Music] welcome to Hillsong Church if you visiting big warm welcome they've got this platform partly set up for the worship conference this coming week so from up here sounds very different if I come all the way up here I found sound like I'm in a cave I do I feel like I'm in a cave but I walk back here and it's like walking up the door of the cave and everything feels and sounds normal and so he ever experience that here you go walk up I'm in a cave cave cave cave cave okay that's what's coming down here I'll walk back here I'm on the open air it's perfect perfect come and try it now come on come on up here you just try it for a second yeah so just stand you come here use my microphone use my microphone just talk okay I'm in a cave I mean you're not in the cave yeah it's the cat so did you sell normal right yeah sound good back here hold that and walk up and stand right there and the front and you're fearless up walk into the cave okay I'm walking into a cave a cave oh my goodness this is like a crazy cave gutters [Applause] hey Nick one more time oh I know we haven't got time for this sweet dough but you know I'm still using the jet lag excuse that Robert was affected by last weekend but anyway this time walk up to the speaker there get us closer to camper you're in a cave so you can't see see a good bill with your eyes closed okay close okay come get a little bit closer is this ihn a supreme George that's all I'm wondering but I'm sounding like I'm getting closer to the tape all right that's enough of your stupid a deep there's the house of God this is the house of God we need to remember that even when you're in the cave it's still the house of God God God God the only one god there's only one Lord but my voice it was like God God God God it's incredible fantastic get a front this morning David you didn't yeah now you're crying you know fantastic you mana boys you can't help yourself you always look great but as for McGarrett come on up here for a second this is sheriff baracy why why why wouldn't you turn rat [Laughter] [Music] everyone needs saving everyone needs redeeming it's fun so good to be back well listen part of our worship obviously is that tithe and our offering is a big opportunity for us to put God first and all we're going to do this morning across the entire church is I'm going to give you a moment I want to give you a moment and we're going to have the faith decree will show you the ways that people love to give a few you're visiting it'll help you there but well I want to show you the faith decree and maybe just read that again for yourself and in my mind this does not finish on December the 31st 2019 all right I mean we're still holding on to God's promise in our lives so our worship team here at Hills will just continue to worship for a moment you prepare you get ready and then don't receive the offering anywhere any location till after I pray okay so after I pray then we receive for giving amen [Music] Jesus is here ah I can't get [Music] the king of my heart Jesus [Music] okay [Music] but I thank you again today for people's faithfulness and worship and father putting you first and every part of our lives a lot I thank you that we can declare your word over our lives and I thank you Lord that even the smallest detail of our lives should do care about as we give today I believe father it enables to work of the Lord to go forward but I know you're also working in the lives of your people and we thank you for the honor and the privilege of giving to you and tithing to putting you first and proving you know in this and Jesus name Amen amen come on let's receive the giving [Music] you watch the screen at the same time we do have a pretty important week coming up come on let's check out the screens together well the great news about the worship and creative conference not only is the building going to be packed there's also plenty of opportunity for you to register online to allow us [Music] whether you carry a paintbrush well you're crossing so much practical teaching as well as the incredibly inspiring big sessions that worship will be colossal we want you to be a partner [Applause] [Music] it was a moment with the hardware I got clarity but he gave me a new perspective how very well let's do this again [Music] even though this is a studio album this sounds more like a Hillsong worship album and Hillsong Church every surface but it's a place where the Holy Spirit will be welcomed and of Jesus [Music] there's an awaking that takes place when we worship we see new aspects of who God is we know where church music and worship music has been but we need to tap into where God sees it going [Applause] [Music] I hope that there's album changes people's lives that people find Jesus and find him in for real whatever listen tonight you know evening services all across the church wherever houssam meet we're having a touch in heaven type night and we're gonna be worshipping and our whole worship team from around the globe pretty well hitting town between now and Wednesday and so we're gonna bring our best tonight and we're gonna be singing some of these powerful new songs Robert and I are gonna be ministering together bit of a tag-team anything could happen that come along with your best worship shoes on and we are gonna have a phenomenal night alright and yes we are it's gonna be a fantastic night and as far as this album a weight goes I'm awake I've been awake since I don't know what time this morning I think it started with a three not a four when I woke up this morning it's the jet lag but you know it means I am you know I came prepared I was ready I only watch sports news for a little bit and then after that I was getting ready for church well listen I want to give some of these or what guess would you like one of these it'll bless you it's fantastic incredible JD would you like one of these it'll be a big blessing in your life I like you dad when you sing in this praise God from whom all blessings that's exactly what it sounds like on the album actually except for they get you better and chewing on the album they just can cheat a bit okay praise him all creatures Dave where would you like Matt Crocker would you like one of these fantastic all right now pass them back pass them to someone who actually there we go it's fantastic it really is and all the stairs in the front I like that it's cool I'll put up with the cave cave cave cave what's better blessed how would you describe the way you came to worship today bitter or better or blessed every teenager knows when they go through the pimply stage the acne stage that put the squeeze on and what's in you is going to come out of you I mentioned that just in case you thought I'd changed while I was away nope I haven't changed when I was a teenager I definitely had lots of blackheads lots of pimples including even the white ones and there was at least one occasion where I was not even in my own house and one of my friends houses and in the bathroom I couldn't resist and squeezed a pimple and splattered their mirror it did happen but there's a much bigger principle the bigger principle is what's in you will come out of you you've got a beautiful perfume and you squeeze it and something beautiful is going to come out and a Bible makes it very clear over and over and over again that what is in you specifically in your heart is what is going to come out of you as someone shows that they shall also reap proverbs 11 the world of the generous gets larger and larger the world of the stingy part attitudes generosity stem genus gets smaller and smaller what's in you is going to come out of you probably of 23 verse 7 as a man thinks in his heart so is he so he is proverbs 4:23 keep your heart with all diligence comes out from it spring all the issues the boundaries the parameters of life proverbs 16 verse 9 a men's heart cleanses course but the Lord directs his steps thank God that he directs her steps but it's a heart that plans a course some 45 verse one here the sons of korah i think it is they say my heart overflows with a good theme the theme of your life story is the overflow of what's going on in your heart it's not set by one tragedy or one heartbreak it really is your heart what's going on in your heart that becomes the theme that ultimately decides the story of your life Matthew 12:35 the good man out of the good treasure in his heart brings forth oh my goodness what happened while I was away someone Baptists ties to my church thank God for the Baptist's hey a good man out of the treasure good treasure in his heart brings forth but an evil person are the evil in their heart brings forth evil things it's a principle it's a clear principle that runs throughout the scripture 3 John 2 beloved I wish above all else that you'll prosper and be in good health in the same way as your soul prospers so if you were doing well on the inside it's gonna make its way out to the outside and so verse after verse story up the story scripture after scripture is telling us exactly the same thing and even Jesus in the most famous of all sermons up there on a mountain beside the Sea of Galilee this is what he said I'll read it paraphrased in the message but in Matthew 5 verse 5 to 9 he says you're blessed when you're content with just who you are no more no less that's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought you've blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God he's food and drink and the best meal you've ever eat you're blessed when you care at the moment of being careful you find yourselves kid four hey by the way I'm reading this no contact lenses no glasses I can read like I could in my 30s look at their I don't even need to try and hold it way out there I can read it right up here and I can read what's on the back screen that's easy cuz there's nothing on the back screen right now but listen to it verse 8 is the important verse you're blessed jesus said when you get your inside world your mind and heart put right then you can see God in the outside world you're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight that's when you discover who you really are and your place in God's family and so listen to that one more time Jesus said you're blessed when you get your inside world your mind and your heart put right then you can see God in the outside world do you know it's not necessarily our circumstances they do affect ultimately the course of our lives the circumstances can be bitter pain can be real heartache is a part of the journey it's part of life now we're never discredit but if we can bring a pure heart to God it's out of that purity of heart that will see God working in our lives and so what do we bring to God and what do we bring to worship I really want to speak from First Samuel chapter 1 it's a story of three people al cana who was a man who had two wives Old Testament New Testament pretty clear husband of one wife and I know for me that's all I could handle and so and so think about it for a moment Elkanah here one wife whose name was penny na or pnina whichever you'd best like pnina and the other ones Hana well you meet a lotta girls called Hana you don't meet too many called pnina and maybe that's because of their contrasting stories their stories are very different well karna he's a man who loved to worship and so he would go to the place of worship which was Shiloh before Jerusalem was the central point in Palestine where people worshipped it was Israel but in Palestine it was Shiloh a place of peace a place of peace and elkanah never ever failed in taking his family on the worship journey to Shiloh year after year he would take them but what those three characters brought on that worship journey were entirely different I don't even know I don't even presume to know what's going on in people's world but all of us walk in here with the opportunity to come to God with an open heart unfettered not ruled by bitterness not jaded by disillusionment not ruling our world even affecting our worship all of us have the chance to come to God with a pure heart with an open heart and I just love the that we have that opportunity and I'll kind of always took his family both peanut Penina and it sounds like I don't know Italian bread pnina and henna and then all Apennine his sons and daughters he would take them all on that worship journey kind of like Johnson well he said yes choose either stay whom you're gonna serve just for 24 verse 15 that has for me of my house we will serve the Lord that's a decision that's a decision I'm leading my family in serving God and on the worship journey and when we come to church it's not where such worship starts an end worship is their whole heart towards God but I don't even see is the twenty minutes when we lift their hands and sway a little but I don't think that that should just define our worship from the moment you get in the car or on the train these days here at Hills to get to the service the whole action of being here is worship but what do we bring not on the outside but what did we bring on the inside because what's happening on the inside is gonna frame what happens on the outside in our lives and so here's the premise there's moments when we come to God in our personal time in church whenever there's moments where we're all presented with the opportunity to surrender a surrender to God and every sing a song with so since I was a kid I surrender all all to Jesus I surrender I surrender all but do we did give it all to him did we really surrender all and that's where these three characters their stories contrasted so greatly they all what they brought to the Lord and what they brought to worship at Shiloh was markedly different and especially in the case of pnina and hannah one of whom is blessed on the outside and yet what she brought to the house to the to the temple to Shiloh rather to the place at worship what she brought was bitterness Anna shear circumstances were better bitter barren broken in shame because he couldn't even create an ear for okana desperate broken tara but she came to God with a pure huh and she ends up blessed what about you and I how he better how he better or are we blessed and can we leave our bitterness at the altar so that we live better so that we live better and we believe that ultimately a pure heart before God means that we're not just gonna be framed by a bitterness we're gonna be framed by the blessing that comes from the heart of God into our lives you know I I just look across that church and I know where church is blessed I know it's not because we're particularly special I know you all too well it's not because of there it's because people come with a pure heart to worship God I'm not saying that this you know every single person who right now is in church but we come with the pure heart and people give their volunteer time it's an act of worship have a look around and let's have a kiss a volunteer day if you don't know them maybe not alright just a handshake would be fine or but listen to me we should because what they're doing is an act of worship that's what it is on the on this day Sunday there's a day when many people how they get the opportunity to be mowing their lawns but no in an act of worship they volunteer and they give and they love on people and there's so many ways that we can come to God in so many ways that we can make offering to him and so I pray that we'll always be people who are confession yeah confession of attitude and commitment everything will come out of a pure heart a pure heart towards God and I love the prayer that David prayed because he prayed and his circumstances were bitter but he prayed create a mere clean hard renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from your presence take not your Holy Spirit from me restore unto me the joy of my salvation and uphold me with your free or your generous spirit David was a man who knew the importance no matter the bitterness or circumstance of bringing a pure heart to God and so he prayed with that kind of authenticity that kind of humility that kind of transparency and if that's how we will live out and walk out our faith then I do believe in Jesus name that whatever is going on in your world right now does not have to frame everything about your future it just doesn't have to do that but what do we bring to the altar yes now yes now and I don't mean physically but yes now but in life when we come to God what do we bring even when just driving along in your car and you're listening to worship music what do you bring to God Matthew Jesus nest same sermon in Chapter five this is what he said when stuff's going on between people listen to it it's verse 23 in verse 24 it says therefore if you bring your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you maybe even more specific if you've got something against your brother leave your gift there before the altar in other words don't let whatever's going on in your world isolate you or stop you from coming to God or stop you from being in the house of God bring your gift and leave it at the altar and go your way first be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift and I love that idea that even though maybe our hearts are not where they ought to be we come to the altar and that's a place for us to deal with whatever is going on and our world no matter how you walked into church maybe you walk out in the circumstance didn't change but your heart can you can see a change in your heart that brings the kind of purity on the inside that works its way through every aspect of your life on the outside you know it's it's we just sick so many incredible songs that the lyrics are all always so beautiful and they minister so powerfully to us and so we see things like had God loved our whole heart through and he does that's the figure about God he sees all the layers and he knows whatever the junk and no one hears the only person who's still got junk to deal with we all do so don't be looking at the person next to you and he doesn't love that whole hearts through but I you know ask sometimes see him pictures and God can't see everything he sees the layers he knows what's going on he can see whatever the bitterness whatever the the pain whatever the brokenness whatever the anger or negativity or whatever it is the irreconcilable relationships he sees all that and I just think imagine if you know a keyhole surgery in a Frasca P imagine if there was a spiritual death row scope that didn't look at it you know it didn't just so look at the organ yeha but it looks into your heart I kind of can imagine that because God can't see all that he can see all that so I I just feel like we should all myself included always be saying God just help me to keep my heart clean I know how hard it is when someone's wronged you or someone's hurt you they just leave it at the altar I know how hard it is sometimes when someone's opposed you and persecution comes against you to not let it change your heart and jade your free spirit but it's just so important that we did we care enough about what's happening on the inside that we have that same authenticity that David shows created me a clean heart renew a right spirit in me and so pnina pnina was somebody who as you read the story she had stuff going on as she did listen do it and First Samuel chapter one verse six and seven and so Hanna's rival pnina also provoked henna severely to make her miserable because the Lord had closed and his wound so was year by year so this doesn't just happen once it continued every year year by year this was repetitive stuff that was framing pnina's heart year by year when she went up to the house of the Lord they went to worship that she provoked her threatened she wept and provoked her therefore Hanna wept and did no you know pnina has it all she has sons that's the very blessing that Hanna didn't have she had affection she had future security she had it all and yet the smallness on the inside of her meant that she got some kind of I don't know gain out of every single year making the worship place a time of persecuting haunting humiliating the woman she saw as a rival it was repetitive behavior that was going on as some of us it's a lot repetitive behavior you'll never feel any better by making someone else feel worse and you'll never feel any bigger by making someone else feel smaller somehow what was in her in pnina her bitterness cause I don't want to compare but only to compare to someone who she saw is less or whose circumstances were less that's what it was in her her words had no grace in them as far as all the blessing in her life there was no graciousness in her she seemed to have no compassion toward anyone else she is just better and their bitterness affected everything about her heart proverbs proverbs chapter as a tempura verbs chapter 11 it talks about the blessing of the Lord and listen to what it says proverbs 2 10 verse 22 the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow with it and I think about that because any true riches happen on the inside first and I think about the fact that here's a woman her life is blessed and yet what came with it was a whole lot of sorrow a whole lot of garbage and it doesn't come from God because when God's blessing is on our lives you know what we're believing to see God do our expectation of him it's not what brings sorrow doesn't mean life doesn't have any sorry but it doesn't come from the blessing of God and man I've seen some things over the years for a long time I ever saw a movement you know a big group of churches first in New South Wales and then nationally and it's an interesting role there's a lot of pluses to it but sometimes you're just dealing with these little disputes and some of the stuff I could tell your stories you wouldn't even believe a truth like here in Sydney there was one ethnic church and somehow there's a big split right down the middle tell there's two groups and on a Sunday morning one group with a padlock locked the other group out of their church building and so truthfully on the curb on the pavement outside church on a Sunday morning they're all having fisticuffs a big punch up is happening outside the church this is true story true story man it's incredible now I don't think anyone's gonna punch you on the way out of church I don't think so there's a couple of policemen out there somewhere so not likely but you know thank God that we have a relatively healthy Church oh it's not gonna there was another time another Church which doesn't exist anymore and when I tell you the story you might understand why and so there were two elders in the church and this is stuff we had to deal with and somehow there was issues between them and so communion every Sunday morning they would stand somewhere maybe say something and they had a big dispute about who knows what either where they stood or what they were supposed to say or who was what's the supposed to say well and they genuinely were wrestling and brawling in the back room of the church while the service is going on and so hey we don't do so bad here I haven't punched anyone five or thirty five years and that's a story for another day that's a story for another day but we get plagued by the stuff we don't deal with and every time we come before God we have a chance to deal with stuff another Bible says Beth you know needing to reconcile with your brother the old is the place to do it that's the place where we should do it well O'Connor he was better his life was marked with his incredible generosity and just like Penina brought her bitterness to the altar to worship Elkanah he brought his generosity he was generous to pnina and all her sons and all her daughters she would he would bless them all and so that they would come to the altar and they also would be able to bring sacrifice and able to worship God Hannah who because you know it was a shame to him that she couldn't bear him a son he could so easily of ostracized her isolated her humiliated her but he didn't do any of that instead of that he loved her and he walked with her and he gave her a double portion so he was just generous generosity was who he is and you know something generosity is always it always gets so much further than the way we can side poke myself in the eye he goes but that's all right I haven't got a contact lens in there anymore hey but listen to me generosity is so much more than what we do physically with a hand when it comes to money generosity is a way of thinking it's a way of seen it's a way of living it represents your soul and what is the beside the generous soul the generous soul what's on the inside will be made rich in other words you'll be rich on the inside there'll be a wealth in your soul and so generosity is so powerful and to me it's an incredible testimony some of you know the story I've told it many times and how our kingdom builders started with out of a men's retreat with a hundred men but do you know yesterday morning at 8 o'clock in the morning certainly here across their church 1,500 people at 8 o'clock in the morning came to a breakfast around the country 3 part of our kingdom builders and as part of our kingdom builders that marks generosity to me because they're all committed to something significant but you know it's not just that group of people it's at church there's the woman is she she broke and anointed Jesus with perfume costly birth of perfume worth a whole year's wages that was extravagant and there's another woman that Jesus speaks about who gives everything she has they call it the Widow's mite she had a penny and that's what she brought to God both powerful both equally powerful because it reflects what's going on in our hearts and I pray that will be people whose words are generous his spirit is generous that we a large on the inside and it will show by you becoming larger on the outside and stingy Nizar smallness and I don't genuinely believe that sometimes the people who love money and not the people who haven't it may be them but as people who don't who get angry about what other people have or who get angry at the very mention of the word money so you know whatever sin you was gonna come out from you it's gonna frame your life let's not be better let's be better but even better than better better rather than better this blessed and that to me describes Hana his story ends were the supernatural answer to prayer and a miracle son and God blessed her but mark my words in contrast to her rival who had everything she had affection and a future and she had sons that was the big one Hana had none of that she had none of that and so in 1st Samuel chapter 1 verse 9 it says Hana 8 and then she pulled herself together slipped away quietly and enter the sanctuary so she came to worship the priest Eli was on duty on the entrance to God's temple in the customary Saint crushed and soul Hannah prayed to God and cried and cried inconsolably then she made a ver a god of the Angel armies if you take a good hard look at my pain if your quit neglecting me and go into action for me by giving me a son I'll give him completely unreservedly to you I'll set him apart for a life of holy discipline or his Hannah her rival persecuted her her rival taunted her her rival humiliated her as season was filled with bitter bitter circumstance but her heart was filled with pure worship she didn't let all of that stuff a faint what really mattered and that was a heart for God and I had for the things of God and so you think about what she had to overcome Berenice there's a lot of people who understand Berenice bitterness dark dark but in a shame the shame that she would feel over being barren in the taunting she was getting from a rival and the fact she couldn't give out kana that air that's shun her life was broken in verse ten fsme Awana says she was in bitterness of salt and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish umber Satan says O Connor husband said to her Hanna why do you weep why do you not eat and why is your heart grieved am I not better to you than ten sons that's the way he thought you know we're here to worship today I also said one more time there's not just about what happens when were at church it's what happens in life that I'm talking but here we are and some people you know you're facing better circumstances other people may be shame you've failed you've made mistakes and you kind of feel the shame of it for other people heartbreak you've been abandoned you've been hurt you've been left yeah you feel just so disillusioned and so disappointed for some people grief that's their life right now and you know grief is such a powerful and such a real thing and so there's people who you know face so many real issues and other people it's a moment of joy and great testimony and a defiant turnaround but what really matters just like these sisters or sorry these wives show is that no matter what a circumstance it's their heart to counts it really is a heart and that's what's remarkable about having Hannah those circumstances never swamped her heart toward God they never did soif it heart towards God and it was so easily their stuff get in our heart you know not just be part of our circumstance but get in her heart and that's what Hannah never never did see she knew who she worshiped she knew the power of God she knew that God that answers prayer she knew that God who could bring divine turnaround she wasn't afraid to open her heart and be vulnerable before God she didn't close up on the inside see she knew God she loved God and she trusted God and that's what she brought to God so desperate that the priest at the time Eli thought she was drunk and he accused her being drunken coming to the place of worship drunk desert crating near the house of God he accused her of that for a minute is like the religious place and they exist just like that when that woman with the costly perfume she sacrificed it for Jesus but the religious people they the religious police started criticizing her sharply the Bible says Jesus defended her because it always defended pure heart and so you know that's sad there but then he saw something was happening here the God was actually up there something though she wasn't drunk she was just so desperate so desperate that she brought that desperation to God she couldn't eat and I guess she acted like a drunk person just like in Acts chapter 2 when people were filled with the Holy Ghost filled with the Holy Spirit and people thought they were drunk kind of a similar thing huh here's the thing she got a miracle son she ends up extremely blessed she devoted their son to God and he himself became the one who anointed Israel's first two kings he prophesied powerfully in you know those two kings and I look at them as a finish the other thing about Saul who had a tall head and shoulders above the rest described as handsome he had it all he was anointed king God gave him a new heart the Bible says about her she said God changed him and turned him into another man he started so well but when it came to his kingly Duty what he brought to God was always out of bitterness jealous angry Rena and offered sacrifices before he was supposed to created a memorial to himself made a stupid oath that nearly cost him the life of his own son he just made so many things out of his heart's business David circumstances were bitter bitter bitter he was the second king of Israel wasn't even one of the seven brothers who was paraded because Samuel the supernatural son he had said to a particular man bring all your sons and he brings seven but there was another one and the first ones one was good he'll I have one was caught have been a dead one was good Shama and they were captains of the armour here and look like likely Kings David he didn't even qualify to go but ultimately he's called for and he comes and he comes in his life and his King enters his life as a king but before he was King it was bitter he got pursued he got chased he made mistakes he made mistakes but he brought humility he brought transparency he brought authenticity and he was blessed like no other king of Israel outside of Jesus obviously before or since he went to war so many times I forget the number sixty something times are won every single battle because God is on his side and gods on your side so we can either live jaded and angry and better and let that frame and walk with God and therefore our lives or we can say God this is my life and I'm believing you for a breakthrough and I trust you to bring change and transformation and to turn this around I created me a cleaner we renew and me a right spirit cast not me away from the Holy Spirit I need the Holy Spirit restore unto me the joy of our salvation I don't want to walk bitter restore unto me the simple pure joy of my salvation and uphold me with your generous spirit what are we going to bring what are we gonna bring to God this morning what are you gonna bring to God today Noah's - no one's discrediting the realities of your life but they don't have to frame your heart and they don't ultimately have to frame your future certain things may cause you to look for the rest of your life grief can do that make you live limp for the rest of your life but it doesn't have to frame everything about your future and so I'd love it's all everywhere across their entire church I'm remembering you're all out there I can see the orange light which used to be red the orange light on the camera it's Ember might mean the red lights about to come out get off always are an orange light is it my new eyes is that light orange or hey I don't wanna miss the moment everywhere across that church let's stand again why don't you take a moment with me everyone everywhere without movement whether they take a moment closed eyes have a conversation with God renew their year in a soy season of joy or pain deserve a conversation with God series like a heart checkup [Music] what do you want to leave at the old time [Music] father we might have walked in bitter but we can leave better lord I just pray in Jesus name that in difficult bitter circumstance do we have their purity a heart that brings your blessing lord I just thank you in Jesus name for the work you're doing in our house today every time we can't do it together we have a chance to lay things down to approach you with a pure heart lord I just ask in Jesus name right now the work you're doing and dealing and the lives of people father will bring a freshness to us solve Lord will bring a purity a freedom to our spirit father wise thank you for now in Jesus name hey everyone said together amen amen come on let's worship for a minute everybody [Music] lift your voice let's reach sweetener [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wonder if across the church we could be seated [Music] enjoying church haha I am um like honor you know absence makes the heart grow fonder so I'm in love with everybody right now hey listen to me that channel has been a huge blessing to so many people and once a year we focus only taking a few moments in this service but we focus on what is possibly our most effective mission it's a big statement butter reaches into a hundred and forty-six million homes and those new initiatives are about to happen now I want to show you a video it's short that are just hopefully will instill vision and you and show you the possibility the opportunity and also show you new opportunities we have with the channel and then I'm really hoping that people will make an offering either a one-off offering to the worker who's on channel we obviously don't ask for money on the screen and of her own church of our own church gets a revelation of the channel and the impact that it has and realized that we can make a difference bringing salvation bringing hope bringing life to so many people this testimonies are an everyday thing just story up the story of the story and for some of you was it what Bobbie and I do is that you could do something ongoing something monthly that could really help us to function with the channel then all I ask you to do it's on your seats everywhere every location we've got cards that tell you a little bit about the ways people can give gives the opportunity to make a specific donation or to make a commitment over the next 12 months of what you would like to do it's tax-deductible all right so it is tax-deductible giving when you give to who some channel but I want you to watch this video and maybe the same time think about what you might want to do and you're welcome to fill that car across the church we'll receiver then we'll get on with the ending to our service and so as I keep saying every state everywhere Valley included in other poke places where people are linked into the service why don't we decide to have a look at this right now and pray about what we could do with a spirit of generosity but I hope the vision this vision video this vision video inspired you okay enjoy in the early 90s Pastor Brian Houston of Hillsong Church wrote this it's a vision statement for the church titled the church I see and it envisioned what the future could look like for the church although it seems like quite a bold statement at the time Hillsong Church actually outgrew it within that generation so in 2014 Pastor Brian dreamed again in wrote this he called it the church I now see just like it's 90s predecessor this amendment once again had some pretty bold statements it talks about a global church impacting millions supernatural provision and this the Church of the Misses beamed to people around the globe through the television screens bringing Jesus into homes palaces prisons over this is a bold statement because when it was written the churches only TV involvement was a half-hour program aired on a few networks but then this happened in June we are literally starting a Hillsong channel 24 hours a day 7 the announcement of a global 24/7 Hillsong channel was made and it went live only a few months later today three years later Pilsen channel is available in over a hundred and forty-six million households and Counting and with the church I now see vision statement constantly driving the channel to reach further with the message of Jesus one can only ask what's next one of the things we're praying about was where God was leading us as far as expanding and definitely the Philippines was high on the radar the Philippines has a population of over a hundred million but this population is dispersed across over 2000 Islands often with underdeveloped infrastructure because of this and other factors it's not always easy to get some of the remote communities but with the advancement of technology there are certain things that reach even the farthest corners of these islands almost instantly one of them TV he'll salt whenever we do anything in the Philippines it's always really well-received so pretty exciting to know that we we're well on the way to launching the channel in in the Philippines alongside this opportunity in the Philippines tilson channel is also looking to expand into another area mil song is a very well known ministry throughout Latin America has impacted us the first United song I guess that I heard worth take take take it all but you know we sing it in Spanish with over 469 million people speaking it Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world is this being allowed at a Miss Fanny on an Incan and feel song was the first step trying to reach this part of the world Hillsong channel recently launched a show with Spanish as the primary language it's called the Spanish our [Music] huge please pray for us anything you do to help support us is gonna help us to go to expedite reaching one of the biggest language groups in the world the telephone channel is constantly moving forward it's easy to look at the stats and be overwhelmed but there's one thing we always have to come back to we're reaching more people than we could have ever imagined that we would be able to reach like a million hours a week I watched in America of the Hillsong Channel that's a big number but if you think about that and break it down to one person it's actually one individual a million times over individual lives being impacted with the gospel to me that's what it's all about people partnering with us people getting behind the vision of the channel people getting behind Pastor Brian and Bobby's vision to reach me before the world I mean the channel is that the people in our church are phenomenal of the way that people have got behind the channel it just blows my mind we could not be doing what we're doing if it wasn't for you in light of these opportunities in the ongoing expansion and breach of the Hillsong channel that seemingly impossible statement in the church I now see all of a sudden seems just a little bit more Within Reach but knowing there's so much more to be done all we can do is once again ask ourselves what's next struggled my whole life is mental health issues and addictions human because some channel I'm now totally two young girls by mr. mcclain I'll switch on the chairmanship so he's like your son are that's not today right there in my [Music] recently oh it's so inspiring and those testimonies rolling out at the end they're just a small sample of what we get to see on a daily basis of the impact of the channel and you can make a big difference and so if you haven't already quickly get ready but we'll pass the containers along each of the rows in all of our locations and receive a commitment to the channel so what can we do if you are unable right now obviously online and so on what can we do and what we can do moving forwards to make a big difference so would you grade and then yes organ music well [Music] besides chorus [Music] how do my daughter Laura go preaching last Sunday night anyone there I heard fantastic reports ha ha and so that's great and Peter her looking very fit husband he shows off constantly on Instagram about how many kilometers he ran yesterday was 14.5 kilometers and if I ran 14.5 kilometers a day I'd look like this as well in my look at you Benny Hinn shoes Benny Hinn's dirty headed pants Pat Boone comers it hello to be Ida phone on a plane rather you know who Pat Boone is he's old but he was a superstar of his time anywhere's always white shoes and cream pants and he's a very good man yeah it's good to have you home having a transition from this to what your I have no idea what really makes a father help of my bro hey listen genuinely seriously I want you to listen to Peter because right now people will have an opportunity to make a life radical impacting decision by opening your heart to Jesus Christ come on I think we should appreciate the word as well from Pastor Brian which is really cool it's good to have him home hey hey we do this every week we give people an opportunity to respond and a beautiful thing the message that was preached this morning was about your heart starts with your heart you know Pastor Brian said a quote that you know the theme of your heart determines the story of your life and that's the question is you know the theme of our heart is it's sometimes full of destruction and pain and hurt and that's the theme that's that's the narrative we were dealt because at the beginning of time we messed up we stuffed up but God in His grace and in His mercy loved us that much that he changed the narrative therefore we can change the theme and it starts with simply inviting him into your heart so my question is this do you know Jesus and he accepted him into your heart if you haven't I would love the incredible opportunity to lead him lead you in this simple powerful prayer of asking him into your life friend today is a new beginning today could be that day we decide I'm following Jesus I am surrendering my heart so wherever you out right now in whatever room you gathered in whatever location maybe you're in the parenting room right now friend do you know Jesus have you prayed this prayer maybe at one time you did but you know in your heart you've walked away well the good news is this he never walked away from you I would love to lead you in this prayer friend whoever you're whoever you are I want every head bowed every eye closed all our locations if you're saying yeah Peter that's me I've never asked Jesus into my life I actually want to start today with changed my heart by surrendering everything to him or maybe you're that person that you know at one time you did pray this prayer but you got distracted you walked away well friend he never walked away from you today say this prayer with me from the bottom of your heart come on as one big church family say this prayer dear Jesus today I give you my life I surrender all I give you my heart so please come and live in me I need your forgiveness thank you that today it's a new beginning it's a new day I choose you in Jesus name Amen amen amen come on let's congratulate everyone that come on church everywhere we people making the powerful decision to follow Jesus listen if you prayed that prayer from the bottom of your heart and you maybe said that prayer and you know maybe in that moment something changed listen we want to give you a gift it's on behalf of our church to mark this day where you decided to follow Jesus walk out in the four years when the service concludes ask for this Bible people going to be waving it around say something like hey I prayed that prayer at the end can I have one of those Bibles and they would love to put in your hand start a conversation you get you started on this journey of following Jesus one more time church let's congratulate everyone let's stand together father I thank you you bless your people your heart is for them lord I thank you that your promise is our portion that as we head into a week in front of us the Lord we know that your face smiles upon us your countenance shines on us I thank you Lord that we can trust you with every part of our lives and I prayed of stories of promise and favor and blessing as people live this life out serving Jesus we thank you for it in your mighty name amen amen amen he be blessed and thanks for being here today publish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we love you Church of the you [Music]
Channel: Hillsong Church
Views: 30,166
Rating: 4.9004974 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, hillsong, praise, worship, Brian Houston
Id: gu6V-j7jC04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 9sec (5469 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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