Hillsong Bread of Life - Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection today on Kingdom connection join Jensen Franklin as he preaches to over 20,000 church leaders at Hillsong conference in Sydney Australia Jesus is not a side dish he's the main thing you get with Jesus and get full of him and he can satisfy a hungry world in John chapter 6 it says simply Jesus made a statement when he said I am the bread of life would you say that with me I am come on I am the bread of life it doesn't seem like that big of a deal and to us that's not that big of a statement in our culture bread as a part of our meal is not that big of a deal bread is what they put at the end of the table in a basket and you can take it or leave it bread is an extra bread is a freebie you go in any restaurant pretty much I don't know how it is here in Australia but in America if you go in a restaurant they just put the bread down for free when I was in college I used to go to a place called Cracker Barrel because they would give you free biscuits and that's all I would eat because I didn't have any money for anything else and then I'd say god bless you thank you and I would leave but bread in America is like a side dish it's not that big nobody goes to a restaurant nobody goes to a steakhouse to eat their bread and yet jesus said I am the bread of life there's a chain of restaurants in America called Lambert's the thing about Lambert's in Branson Missouri and Sikeston Missouri in Foley Alabama they have these restaurants and the thing that they're famous for they have billboard signs that says Lambert's home of the throwed rolls now that's bad English throwed as in throwing throwed roll rolls and what it's talking about is the owner of the restaurant Earl Lambert when he was starting this chain of restaurants he was short-handed and didn't have enough money to pay enough workers so he was the cook and he had to wait on the tables and the legend goes that he was cooking and got real busy and somebody he's he has fresh yeast rolls that that the that they are really known for one of the things they're known for is their fresh yeast rolls they have cake them with butter and they melt in your mouth and he said one day as he was cooking that that somebody said hey Earl just throw me a roll and he said I'll bring one in a minute and he said no just throw it I know you're busy and so he picked up a hot yeast roll and he throwed it a piece of bread he threw it across the restaurant to the to the customer sitting at the table and that began a tradition at this restaurant that is called Lambert's and today if you go to any of the cities that I mentioned and you eat in Lambert's restaurant in America at some point a man will come out of the kitchen pushing a cart that is filled with fresh piping hot yeast rolls and that's not a good time to wave at a friend because if you raise your hand you'll get hit in the forehead with a yeast roll and what he will do literally as he pushes the card out is he will pick up the rolls and anywhere anyone raises their hand he'll toss them a roll and they will catch it and if you don't catch it it's no big deal just let it fall on the ground somebody will clean it up and they'll keep throwing them and it's part of the experience but even at Lambert's nobody goes to Lambert's just to eat the bread they go for the catfish they go for the fried chicken they go for the collard greens and all the stuff that you people don't know anything about they go for the good southern cooking country fried steak with gravy it's what they're famous for but nobody goes to a restaurant just to eat bread bread is a side dish bread is an appetizer bread is just something that you that you have there you can take it or you can leave it now what is amazing is in Jesus culture and in Jesus bread was not a side dish it was the main course bread is mentioned over 300 times in the Bible and it's amazing how that we don't think of it that way but I'm going to prove to you and if you'll just take time to study it you will see that bread was not a side dish bread was not something that you would eat if you felt like it but even in our time you know bread is considered such a lesser thing of our diet that somebody says of a prisoner there they have them on bread and water and when someone wants to lose weight one of the first things they do away with because it's not a main part of our diet is bread but when I think about what was taking place in this scripture bread was the main dish this is what Jesus was saying he was saying I am the bread of life and what he was really saying was I am not just a side dish or a basket that you reach into once a week and pull out and eat I am the bread of life if bread was mentioned so many times in the Bible is interesting how that it begins even in the book of Genesis in the third chapter the Bible said that when Adam came under the curse that the curse part of it was that he would earn his wages by the sweat of his brow and then the rest of the verse says and by this shall you eat bread meaning from the beginning bread was established in that area in that time as the main meal then you read over in Genesis 19 when lot was in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah the Bible said that two angels came and he made them and I quote the scripture now a feast and then it tells you what the feast was two loaves of unleavened bread that's it can you imagine coming home from work hungry and tired and your wife or your husband says honey I made you a feast today old great I didn't have time to eat I'm ready to eat what do you have bread and bread and that was called a feast in the scripture think about how many times that Jesus the Bible says broke bread he broke bread every meal it seems like you read those words he broke bread the New Testament church went house-to-house breaking bread and even when you read the story of the Last Supper you see to them it was not a communion meal it was supper and the only thing on the menu for the Last Supper the last meal the only thing on the menu was bread because bread was the main thing bread was not a side dish bread was not an appetizer bread was not an afterthought bread was not a take-it-or-leave-it bread was essential bread was the core of their existence bread you could do without the meat and you could do without the vegetables but you could not do in Jesus day without the bread and what he was saying when he said I am the bread of life is he was saying I am the very core of your existence I am the main thing if you want to clean the whole table off and everything else you've got going do that and pull the bread basket into the middle of the table because I'm in I'm what church is all about I'm what conference is all about I'm what songs are all about I'm what preaching is all about I am the bread of life Charisse and I my wife is here we have five children and it's been a journey raising five children and at one time they were you know they've always been two years two to three years apart but at one time they were all just very young and I don't know why it must just be something in me but to this day there's something about drive-through restaurants that make me tense as a day as a father as the driver of our minivan when we had all of our children there's something about it even to this day my palms get sweaty III get I'll start I'll stop conversations before we ever get up number one because the speaker was invented I'm convinced in the 1800's that you have to you know the thing you have to talk into how many of you know what I'm talking about and and I can remember when we would have all of our children and I would I would pull the car aside before we got in the line to go through the drive-through window and I would want to know tell me now it's more of a threat tell me now what do you want don't change it and when we pull up here don't open your mouth shut up I don't want to hear anything anybody in this cars got to say don't change it tell me now and I would get it down I would think I would memorize Who Wants mayonnaise who doesn't want mayonnaise who wants pickles who dimed still I could I could spit it out right now tell you every one of the kids onions no onions mayonnaise ketchup I knew it all and sure enough after I went through all of that and I would keep warning and threatening do not say anything when this woman or man starts talking to me and I would start in when you got five kids that's a big order and so I'm trying to get it straight and I go through the whole deal and I get to the end and always these words would come back would you like an apple pie with that and this was this was bad because this set off in the car a chain reaction of children's I want I want I want and sudden me my plan is all disastrous how many of you know what I'm talking about would you like a hot apple power with that sometimes I wonder if Jesus comes to our church and he sits through the singing because what you have to understand is that question would you like a hot apple pie is an acknowledgement by that restaurant that this is not our main course this is not what we're famous for we're famous for cheeseburgers we're famous for french fries we're famous for this that in the other the very fact that they ask you would you like a hot apple pie means that that is a side dish that is an extra thing that is something on top of what you really came for you really didn't come for this you really came for something else but by the way would you like to have an apple pie with this wonder if Jesus sometimes comes to our services and he hears our singing and he hears our preaching and he hears everything that we're doing I wonder if he wants to ask would you like some God with that you're singing real good but would you like some God with that you're preaching real good but would you like some God with that and sometimes we get so busy in life we're busy driving and the kids the school and the practice and the dance rehearsal and the piano lessons that we're busy busy busy building working working working building going calling building a church got building plans and budgets and this and that and dreams and visions and getting married and getting engaged and sometimes I think God wants to stop us and say would you like some God with that because by the way I'm not a side dish I'm not a side I'm not something out there that you can take a leave I am the main thing I am the purpose I can do without a lot of things house or no house I've got to have Jesus job or no job I've got to have Jesus are you hearing the education sometimes we're trying to get that degree in this these are all great these are all good these are all powerful these are all important but Jesus is not a side dish he's the main thing you know something it's bread bread well we've got talent there's something greater than talented bread there's something greater than professionalism you don't have to give up one to have the other but our main thing is bread every service we need bread your building can be clean and beautiful and excellent everything that you're doing but if we're not giving them a big dose of bread as the main meal the main course is Jesus Jesus Jesus we must become obsessed with that to get that across not only is every service to be full of him Jun I was reading in act 16 the other day about Paul and Silas being in prison and the Bible said that when they were in prison that the earthquake came and every door was open you remember the story and the chains fell off but then there's an amazing part of that verse that you just look over it said and every prison door was open and the jailer when he saw what was happening became nervous because he knew that his prisoners would escape with the doors being open and he was about to fall on his sword and commit suicide and Paul said to him don't harm yourself listen to these words we are all still he here wait a minute there were murderers in that prison there were rapists in that prison there were thieves and Liars and and and unbelievable vile people in that prison but when God showed up in that prison even though the doors were open there was such an attraction in that place that they said you're not going to get rid of us we found something here that you're not running us off even though we could leave if we wanted to there's so much bread here there's so much life here there's so much what we've been searching for here that we're not leaving even though the doors wide open and when we get full of him we don't have to worry about attracting the world because all of those prisoners were attracted to the presence of God and even though they could leave they wouldn't leave we need bread in every service not only that but we need bread in our homes we need bread in our families we need bread in our marriages you see you'll never be the husband the dad the mom the wife that you are supposed to be until Jesus is the center of that home and of your family and it's not enough to go to church and have Church at church you need to learn how to bring church home to your house you need bread in your home I want to ask you a question if you're a parent how do you expect your kids to fall in love with something you criticize so when you go home make sure that you don't criticize the leaders you don't criticize the pastors you don't criticize the church you don't criticize the leadership you don't criticize the music you don't criticize this that and the other because your family will not want we don't need to take the bad stuff home from church and bring it into the house because if we criticize it I want my children children to love church love God love his leaders love preachers love our house and they'll never love something that you constantly criticize we've got to get bread in our house you see the Bible said that the Israelites were in the wilderness there were two million of them approximately and God fed them every day with manna every day fresh manna bread came down from heaven and as God would feed them as God would feed them full here's the key to that miracle God did not put the manna in their tents God being who he is could have caused the manor to float down from heaven and go through the tents and put it on their plates but he did not do that he said to the parents to the leaders to the dead if you want bread in your house it is not somebody else's responsibility you have to go outside of your tent get the bread and take it into your house I'm not going to put bread in your house for you the only bread that your family will have is the bread you bring back home into your house I want to ask every dad in this room I want to ask every father in this room are you the breadwinner of your house meaning when your children need prayer are you the first one they think of dad's the breadwinner he's the spiritual head of this home dad how to pray dad knows the Word of God when they have spiritual questions are you the breadwinner are they the one that you are you the one that they come to and say dad tell me about this or dad pray with me about this or do they have enough confidence in your walk with God that they see you as the breadwinner does your wife have enough confidence we as men and as leaders of our home we need to be the breadwinners watch this now the Bible said if they didn't get the bread fresh every day that it would get worms in it every 24 hours they had to go out and get fresh bread yesterday's bread had worms in it God helped me now I'm afraid that many of us are living off yesterday's bread it's got worms in it it's eroding even as we sit here if you're living off a past experience that's why Jesus told us to pray our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread would you like some God with that stay tuned pastor Franklin we'll be right back with a special closing prayer Jesus at the center of Jesus at the center from beginning to it will always be it's always been you Jesus Jesus have nothing Jesus Jesus to everybody in this world and pray this prayer out loud Lord Jesus I give you my life I surrender to you I believe you're the Son of God you've died and rose again so that I could be free and tonight into me of everything inside of me I can never be fulfilled till I'm filled full of Jesus Christ and the only way I can be fulfilled is to be emptied of myself empty me Holy Spirit and then fill me with the bread of life I receive you now Jesus as my Lord and Savior say this Jesus be the center of it all my name is Lily every day was a struggle after the earthquake and floods in Haiti we fear the black waters would come and drown our children at night all of us in the little village need food clothes a new place to live then I met your workers Bobby and sherry they helped our family and other families we live in a brand new kingdom connection village God provide to you and it changed my family's life now there is more exciting news for my head you are building this new kingdom connection it is to be shot sent more villages like ours in remote areas can be which an orphanage and missionaries can talk know that shocked with the extra food we needed this quickly and you can be part of the melody thank you for helping my long live the blood of Jesus the goal is simple to build a new food distribution center for the people of Haiti so we can serve more people body and soul together we are accomplishing that goal this month pastor Franklin is believing for 365 partners to give a gift of $1000 or more to help be a part of this miracle distribution center or consider a gift of three hundred sixty five dollars that's only a dollar a day to help fill the new distribution center with life-giving food with any gift amount this month we'll send you the seven supernatural blessings from some forty-one uncovering the powerful promises of God when you take care of the poor make 2012 a year of supernatural blessings as you join your faith with Kingdom connection coming to free chapel on February 24th and 25th one marriage conference licensed to build with Jensen and Charisse Franklin and special guests Brian and Bobby Houston this will be a marriage conference we can't wait to be with you guys at the marriage seminar that's good 34 years we've been married and I just like you and had to live that out every single day the three adult kids I believe we've got little tools that can help you to set up the future and a God for a fine wife the one marriage conference license to bill register online at one marriage conference God award in our continued efforts to rescue those who are lost in human trafficking please take a moment to see if you recognize this child this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jentezen Franklin ministries for more information on the ministry and resources visit us online at Janssen Franklin Don malarkey you
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 11,261
Rating: 4.6896553 out of 5
Keywords: Kingdom Connection, jentezen franklin, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel
Id: m8kCrSHdLAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2012
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