Hillbilly Cheapskate | Extreme Cheapskates | React Couch

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I don't buy toilet paper I use newspapers that we give free in town it's okay babe it's okay no no I believe these are the first real cheapskates we've seen on the show it is and eyes aren't the cheapskates that live in a big fancy million dollar house are the Baker's that don't even bake yeah the breakers that don't bake yeah these days yeah he's where we come from extreme cheapskates yeah today we're checking out the self-proclaimed hillbilly cheapskate on extreme cheapskates wow I always like this the self-proclaimed no nobody else call mad just this just then they call themselves that back with more extreme cheapskates so many these episodes well I like to try to mix things up but man this can't I can't stop watching I'm excited you're excited the hell million maybe you'll be isn't gonna hit home an actual real cheapskate on the show what just gonna hit home for me I feel it you think the whole thing stage though right to start though like baby hey well we're not gonna worry about whether or not says it's staged or not we're gonna make fun of it and go I don't know I feel about all the support this is no man it might seem this won't seem real real real it seems like the person that light lives right down the road from me right now oh man the laundry basket outside like if they're looking for people like this to be on the show I've got I know I don't know but I can point out at least like you should the water dude that's what I was about to say did you that's why he said he's done you don't want oh did you do in there [Applause] this I'm this one ain't staged kitty this is the real deal right here yeah I think so let's go I think the only light in this room is coming from the camera crew right yeah you're right my family and I are so cheap that we all share one type of water a day it just makes sense to use the same water ah lady do you see the water that kid must be like the very last one on the whole street that using that water man absolutely yeah how dirty was dan dan what was you doing like that this is the Deuter look how red that neck Oh a working man that's right he's outside parth it was kind of weird to me is how the kid had to be like hey I'm done and mom had to bring the towel to him yeah like mine give him the towel not monkeys like leave the Talon here yeah can you leave me a towel while these strange men are standing behind me with this camera like now just stand up we know it's fine they won't put that on TV said they can't we don't have cooties we're never that dirty it just makes what does it do what does he rub it on his head right now as he washing his head we all share one type of water a day we don't have he's just rubbing his head he is just rubbing his head he's just rubbing his head there's no sense no suds ain't no water oh man I'm melody roads that I'm a hillbilly cheapskate channel sound berry hillbilly to me hi melody Rose not a hillbilly cheapskate maybe Ron maybe I'll Rhonda my man Ron right come on up you still see the bottom is cleans good don't worry about just get in there now let the tire roll over time my wife is always trying to save money and shrink our budget gladly cut away from that we bet they'd like to see something cameraman is in there winning [Laughter] the game regardless sometimes I actually do want to take my own shower here and there can't really do much because my parents like to save water since I sound so depressed yeah I take my own shower here and there while like there's no lights on this whole house like filling them in the dark like like they're interviewing oh your parents are they treating you ok like all the lights off take a shower tea though you know see that water they say well wipe in 13 dollars a year yes the narrator though it's 20,000 no I mean depends where you live right me where we live water's like dirt cheap like though we use like all the water we won't is 15 bucks a month no matter what yeah it's just 15 about what my yard for 15 bucks a month that's enough for a month we run out everybody's out of like so everybody's really good about rationing by rationing her family's use of soap and shampoo melody manages to keep bottles for over six months is that that little cup is for everybody that's for everyone for how long that's enough for mom she keeps a bottle for six months oh I want a fairly even that another week if they're using that much soap like that little bit of soap why are so many bubbles in this time right now that's like taking a bubble bath right now talk about barely use these right yeah I don't buy toilet paper I use newspapers that we give free in town it's okay babe it's okay I know she said she don't follow toilet paper calm down it's all right they just use the newspapers mmm paper cuts I can imagine paper cuts I'm gonna tell you everybody use the bathroom on Monday I ain't doing it again till Thursday cuz I can't handle the pain she's walking around the houses to bring a little lantern that dude these are the cheapskates we found it we found them no no you closed that woman right now oh my gosh when this bags full we take it out and burn it but I'm not gonna do this one cuz haven't used it I don't wanna waste it I've had people say hear you talk about paper just snatch that bag up like it wasn't nothing like oh no like great thank coupe all that oh wait you did wait does she crumpled it up before they wipe with it so they don't I told you man no way good oh my god no way paper cut you're getting no way no way that's used tour paper she's just holding up and like where's our poop paper air ball hey spall smells good we all use one bowl of water in the toilet per day for the family first my husband take it out on Bernice but I'm gonna they burn it go then burn burn the poop that's all please be smelling do is just put man put that in the atmosphere for you insulated this window with newspapers keeps the light out helps with heating and cooling and saves me if I'm on the toilet and I need something I can just lift this window and there's me some more toilet paper what's on the other side that window this holding a paper thing it's probably just the card I don't know if I believe the window part keep the light out you know you don't want to I don't know have sunlight that'd be yeah well obviously they hate light there's none on in that house family of vampires what we try to keep our electric bill as low as possible by making sure the lights are not being used worried about electricity what's on that what's on this bookshelf right here I mean DVDs they got up here CDs DVDs yeah let's save some money on electricity bill okay that's because they ran it up watching all these DVDs yes so cut back and again make sacrifice Hey look I've been trying to watch Balto on DVD we can't use though any lights for a week all right we do have electricity hey it's on that's it I'm not going to waste any more oh oh oh my god did that for you guys all right you welcome all right welcome the don't ask for nothing else not this week that's our budget surprises actually light bulbs in that banner I can wash a laundry basket full of dirty clothes as fast as a electric washing machine no problem it's not really the point of how fast it is the point is that you don't have to do it with your hands right but you know I hate to probably wash the siding on don't worry about that right would you worry about that where's that window witness got the paper and I want a leather he finally picked the basket up that was laying outside in the yard by doing her laundry outside melody saved herself two thousand dollars on a washing machine I've recently went shopping for washing machines I think there was one in that whole place it was $2,000 and that thing was like a monster they even had a dryer on top of it and she also uses her backyard to save on the cost of another appliance we had a small chest freezer that went out and and finished floating away we just well we come up with the idea of burying it in the that's what the bodies are that's where the bodies are all right there that keeps me the freezer they bury in the bag the freezer went down is they buried in the ground yes it's cooler I'm sure but that worried about saving money there's like a whole tire right here pellet thing all right then the cell and tire our I don't know use it we got some eggs this here is some home butcher Pig brah home would you pick a home butchered Pig I'm pretty sure that that's gross yeah that's that what was on that I don't know that mold maggots or just whatever it is it looks like it's in there bathwater - uh how much money are these people saving and what are they buying with it [Laughter] that's in the other cooler moonshine moonshine out here thank you look at was told people they got lay on the ground back here you look oh I definitely see why some people see her behaviour as over the top but I don't care about being normal that's fine just be just just just be healthy just be a little help just hand that pen your old their moonshine nobody goes inside for you daddy no I would you get you sippin on that now you see the color in there it looks real tasty no water able to see you drinking this extreme thing I ever did to save on medical cost or any kind of cost like that is I remove my own teeth I just take a little chisel and a hammer and I sit there and shipping and shipping and shipping until I can knock it out everyone song I've been known to take in the whack it really hard you get knocked out for a minute you come to and you finish sometimes you wake up and finish there enough sorry bad you knocked yourself out with you just put that hammering that chisels shoo your teeth out you know what else saves on cavities I'm gonna go to the dentist and not getting cavities to begin with brushing your teeth brushing your teeth not in that nasty bathroom you happy you know what I'm at this family my anger me [Music] sometimes you just knock yourself out okay get that and then you wake up and finish yes don't worry about the pain they got the moonshine for that yeah yeah absolutely the pain of chisel and your tooth out of your mouth and she's done it quite a few times because she's missing a bunch of teeth I can only imagine when her son's like mom my tooth hurts oh oh don't worry Mama's experienced now I have a dinner I'm going to dinner don't worry if I knock you out I'll wake up her expenses are about to double with a visit from her daughter son-in-law and their three kids she's getting Kemp to visit with us for two weeks I am super excited what was before what says her daughter and family are coming to stay with him for two weeks doubts about their ever coming over come on now why would they they live in the real world they're gonna come say hey and go stay in the hotel that's five more people using our electricity five more people using our water five more mouths to feed I don't know where they're gonna sleep is just a huge deal yeah that's why I really got that coming to say for two weeks you don't know we're gonna sleep they want to wipe themselves a freaking paper pulled out the window yeah you know have some having some eggs that we've been keeping in a sixty degree freezer outside knowing about salmonella spawn the moonshine gives everything don't we have a 72 foot trailer and I would say half of it is closed off we all share our bedroom we only utilize this one the rest of the house we've blocked off to save on heating and cooling was a four of us sleeping here on this king-sized bed half the places closes up why why they said earlier in the episode that it's not because of a necessity do you think it was a challenge yeah I'd be challenged it's not the fight mom when I gotta lay in the bed beside my parents No no I believe these are the first real cheapskates we've seen on the show oh man yeah like this is yeah we've been looking for in this whole time it is and I start the cheapskates that live in a big fancy million dollar house are the bakers that don't even bake yeah the bakers that don't bake yeah these days yeah he's where we come from there's like there's an extent to it like these people are actually going so far as to just hinder their own quality of life to be cheap yes the other people would do something okay it's just like they'd be cheap for a reason right because then they would enjoy this yeah yeah these guys are just like we're just cheap and cheap maybe that maybe they got millions in the bank you know saying maybe they own the bank I mean they all sleep in one bed where's the whole other family gonna sleep in it's coming to business and the other half of the trailer no they can't okay well the bodies are hidden just gotta sleep in that I do have two other bedrooms but I am not willing to to use that part of my house I'm not going to do that we're going to have to figure out another place for her to sleep this not gonna cost us any money so they're not allowed she's not gonna let her daughter her husband and their three kids stay and one of the other two rooms that are open they can't stay in one and the kids stay in with with their living situation right here their budget of $1,000 they can live better than they are like these people look like they're trying to live off of like $50 a month yeah like like if you run the electric electric bill like we got a whole house plus like a studio that's like my computer's around all the time it's like $150 a month where where's their money going and I take oh I'm sitting at this tent for me and my family to sleep in my daughter and her husband and kids can sleep in the house we've done this before shed small big deal well maybe they are a little more hospitable out of all they're gonna leave the whole house sleeping a tent outside and let let the daughter and their family to sleep in the trailer for two weeks that's keep think about their kids if they have ham so now I'm so sad for these kids I understand whatever interview the Sun while it's not like dark he's like yeah please people were asking like oh my gosh you lived in a tent for three months these are the same people who go pay to stay at a resort just give me $1 millon let me burn it for you money is burning go live in a resort yeah like a vacation what you you pay for an experience it turns out that your experiences in life add value to your life yeah there's no waste of money to enjoy things man they just arrived yeah they they I hear live in their best life my daughter's lifestyle is very different from ours we use cold water but my daughter has to have hot water so my daughter moved away she said it screw all that yeah she likes ha this lady definitely is a hillbilly no you enjoy normal things city girl I enjoy hot water from the city yeah you don't like pig we killed on the land back here that's probably actually human flesh here but yeah ain't nobody seeing our windows cuz you know her family's too good to bathe in our bathwater they's two tubs of water we've got to find that a horse trough okay Randy's not gonna take a bath in our bath of water and you know how honey after 400 she know how she even this conversation he's like hey go use our bath water the water in the work is brown that's not rain dirt I mean we want good tell her to bring a whole newspaper with her I really think what we need to do is boil some water on a campfire so I'm not using my electricity for my style boiling water so they have a hot bath because they don't want to use the hot water if I doesn't work anymore why am i rooting for where was in this car and just run these people she's so excited my grandbabies are here I'm so happy but no no we're gonna put them in this boiling pot yeah I'm gonna cook them in soup me and my mom are nothing alike I'm like a city girl she is a country girl my mom is I am a city girl and my mom is like country she raised me to be very normal water she was the fifth one oh the husband dude just like it's like there no you'd like to get me out of here please two weeks you're kidding me yeah sleep in the car dude we're here for sleeping the car I'm here for a day then we're going back home all right have to be on TV yeah we got you a nice hot bath outside for y'all tight we've been boiling water see we're trying to accommodate to where you'll be happy [Applause] [Laughter] that'll keep it going the whole time for you there's a pot anymore whose hat like mom is looking like more and more like like she's ready to eat that baby yes he started out like nice and that's like I'll bend over like you just you got we got all the stuff for you here we need to see what's it the rest this house caramel come on now don't turn the lights on you're creeping me out definitely turn it you'll get to hold my baby and in the dart with a lantern I'd say that she knew what she was giving in for when she said she's coming for two weeks she knew what she's getting into oh yeah no squirrel doubloons squirrel doubloons she's way too proud of her cheap ways now she's like pointing everything yeah like the whole time I look money saving yeah I highly doubt my parents will ever change their cheapskate ways now that they've adapted to it I don't think there's a limit at all to how far I'll go to save money there's no limit ain't no limit I'll save money anyway I my reward if it means cooking the rest of my call these Earl Dublin good what a packed episode where the comments we can say about this man we all have cooties we're never dirty says its water since bathing in little black water yes exactly ah this is this is the worst episode so far she's literally so disgust this is the best episode so far the realest episode so far the best one yeah like it sure there's always stage stuff in these episodes but man this wouldn't move I don't boil a paper all right that's why it looks like you're dumping them that's right oh that's for a month that shampoo is for a month she rationed that up for the month that's enough for a month I'm surprised child protective protective spirits have me called on thank you probably after this episode they were yeah oh man what a what a roller coaster that's that's gonna be you that's probably a very long episode actually like the parts that you cut out it's gonna be like mmm hey thank you guys for watching we made this far appreciate checking it out I wouldn't I mean just from all the other ones we watched I wasn't expecting I've been the other I'm glad it was quality made to quality content see you guys later stay toasty everybody bad no one's gonna talk about she knocks out her own teeth and not yourself out yes watch yourself out wakes up and finishes the job she passes out from balls of blood and pain and wakes up and finishes the job oh my god
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 2,362,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, ctk, ken, tlc, tlc uk, react, reaction, react couch, extreme cheapskates, hillbilly cheapskate, tlc full episode, extreme cheapskates full episode, tlc show, save money, Self-Proclaimed Hillbilly Cheapskate
Id: wBpobwu58UE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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