Mother Has 7 Cursing Out Of Control Kids

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oh my what have they been watching cinnamon toast can videos hello everyone i'm ken this is buff and welcome back to another fantastic video that you're going to love this one is about super nanny we haven't done any super nanny episodes yet i'm not really too sure what to expect but a lot of people have been like dude watch some super nanny okay so we're gonna we're gonna check out super nanny and see if she can super nanny up some spoiled kids or whatever super nannies do a child whisperer yo stop being bad for the silva family i'm danielle i'm tom 45 and 28. what a that's a difference what a spread okay all right tom and i have seven kids they have seven okay seven kids no girls like that must be the super nanny right yeah can't believe it i got seven kids okay old girl's 28 she's been busy yeah no no rest for her two children from his previous marriage i brought in cheryl who's eight mckenzie is six and together we have riley is two kissiah is one and a half and cayden is six months these kids man what a brady bunch he got going on here freaking his oldest daughter's almost as old as his wife is close what are you guys doing seven kids your stepsisters and we hate each other each other the first girl guy he was like the spear you know then rock bottom and then the little boy or whatever was throwing hands these kids are rowdy super nanny save them husband's gone all week and seven kids you've got your hands full here i also kill you [Music] she's gonna kill you you bleep an idiot damn well he's not stopping her from going outside okay all these kids a little more than the thought going on here oh god oh my what have they been watching cinnamon toast cake videos [Laughter] definitely not there'd be a little more [Music] they'd be a little more wholesome if they have all right true you know all right these kids okay so there's a lot of anger in this family looks like i think my experience as a parent is kids repeat what they hear you say uh one of these parents have been running around the house yelling these kids to shut the f up it's rubbed off on him and someone said they'll freaking kill him at some point i don't know they're just like watching some stuff on tv i'm not sure but it's rubbing off on the young ones holy crap in the other room and play i yell a lot at the kids get your butt back in here big surprise called it not surprised i'm going to be deployed to iraq for a year and a half danielle is pretty much going to be on her own with these kids super danny please come here and help out my family super daddy i really need your help when i was like nope i really need your help ah sorry guys you guys are in a crisis i'm on my way [Music] okay and she's there so this is on my way not not what's up here i am big surprise yeah she's a super she's got her purple jacket on suit or whatever it is all right she's here for business when i first saw joe the first thing i thought was oh kids please behave don't get me started off by yelling at you when she first walks in the door yeah don't you even like behave or i will snap you in half when i first told you i was like oh my god she's finally here finally our savior they were in the cupboards they were spilling out of the drawers they were on the beds [Music] super nanny she just got there she's blowing snot everywhere i'm allergic to it there you go no cleaning's been done at all how's this a banana in the floor it's the whole banana this is a banana peel just laying there they got nice they they do have way too much stuff just too much stuff there's a lot of stuff yeah with our kids we ran having just like too many toys and we had like toys live the house so we had to like you know secretly lose some toys over time but the kids never realized were gone yeah uh yeah there's there's a ton of just toys and clothes shoved everywhere yeah this looks like each kid has their own toys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and their own like complete wardrobe that's just laying around the house she thinks i'm riley thought i was like this girl's talent on her but she's like yo this girl said europe hey look i normally don't sniff like this but let me tell you what she didn't say it all right dang after showing me how unorganized she was she went on this frantic cleaning spray in the kitchen she said all i do is spend my time cleaning i thought there's no way let's do my time cleaning there's no way have you seen this place dang mom's like oh god the cameras are actually here i better clean my house come on supernaturally when you tell me to bring the camera crew kids were just beating up on one another and they're potty mouths [Music] she just had that load he's like i'm rubbing your glue what you say to me bounce off it sticks to you get wrecked i thought she was about to throw that at her just like what would you say would you say to me [Music] then hit it with like a five-hit combo yeah i just blew your eardrums up and here with that jojo a jojo reference riley who's two years old was driving around kessiah who's a year and a half in a toy tractor next thing i know riley walks through the door alone and i thought somebody's missing where's that where's that other kid at oh yeah she's she's putting gas in yeah i carted him off and dumped him somewhere i told her she had my gas money it's gonna be bad for her oh man did you get left here riley just left josiah on the back of the tractor she's only one and a half years old come on parker at the end of the drive you know like just pull down there all right i'm done bye this two-year-old just got it like that she's like hey hop insist who put her there to begin with kylie calgary of my kitchen now no matter what mom said o'reilly did the opposite stop go play possessed kid kids are especially like all these kids these young kids it's tough like they're they're all like becoming their own little people with their own independent thoughts and that's kind of a tough thing to deal with when you don't have like uh some some like attentive guidance when there's that many of them you know mama split between all these kids it's tough and then i i imagine that with all this noise and like you know the frustration and the stress that mom is going through that she probably does yell a lot and then that just makes everything worse unfortunately yeah well yeah they probably yell back yeah though they they like well this is how mommy acts so you know i'll yell at each other and then mommy yells for us for yelling and then we yell at each other because we're yelling and then we're all just yelling we need super danny always running around picking up somebody's mess hang it up stopping somebody's fight if you can't play then you'll need to come out and sit on the couch pull the lamp off blew it up and then of course the lamps back up there and fix they got like a computer in this room there's just a monitor sitting on that desk like that old something running windows 95 back there yeah that's uh that's gonna get thrown to somebody soon [Laughter] when joe walked in with a plan and said this is our schedule and this is what we need to stick to right away the sergeant me is going yes yes let's go do it everybody happy with it we got a plan a schedule yeah yo the military man was like yes this is great fantastic i'm here on the weekends we'll see good luck keeping it up with the rest of the week see you guys let's go the time is there so when they clean it's an incentive to beat their best time the next time yeah important that they get lots of praise from you yeah it's this is the part of uh yeah where you make things fun for the kids and they enjoy it like clean clean your room and they're like i don't want to clean my room but if you're like hey here's a little game here's a you know we're going to time you and do all this cool stuff clean they're like yeah i'll clean anything it's great yeah i mean kids just want to have fun really if you make anything fun then they'll enjoy doing it even if it's clean in the room i ain't doing this do you enjoy cleaning your room that ain't never been fun they've never been fun you hear mom now dude get out of here don't wanna the way about doing this is to be positive let's make a headway okay i'm not happy she's like i'm not about cleaning this just something we do without with layla is like uh like she doesn't want to clean her room you know but i'll go else like we have there's like a rocking chair in her room i go and sit in the rocking chair and i'll be like layla where did your dinosaur go and she's like oh it goes over here and i'm like okay we'll put it in this house and like i'll have to sit there like point at every toy but she'll clean it up yeah if i like make it fun for her so yeah positivity yeah it works it goes a long way with little kitties yeah yeah i asked mom to take the kids out to have some fun she was on the side just watching all right so if you don't like sitting here why don't you get up and play with the kids they've got like two thousand dollars worth of toys playing with my kids i bought them things for them to play with i said i want to have some fun where's the boom i don't go outside i don't participate with my children that's why you're here play with my kids i just buy them things that's why we have so much stuff all over the house if you don't step up to the plate be the mother that you know you're going to have to be who is going to do it for these kids what kind of mum are you going to beat on yeah all day we're going to get daniel crying over here what kind of mom you gonna be like she's talking about how she's got these kids all these things like you you've you've probably heard someone older in your family say like make the joke about the kids playing with the box that like their toys come in it's true like like even like when you're a kid you go out in the yard and you play with like a stick yeah yeah it's like your enemies are sword you know it was everything it's everything gotta beat the bad guys up yeah it's it's like your imagination just the way of thinking i guess because i remember when i was a kid the way i thought about things like having things is cool like oh i really want that toy oh i bought me that toy but you know i when i get home i'm just as happy to play with like the stick yeah really you know yeah yeah not that i'm like a like i'm a super nan or anything but there's just things that i remember thinking about when i was a kid and like uh stuck with me as i grew up learning to play on their own is not the only thing they've been taught by their mother their language is atrocious there is too much bad words learning to play by themselves not the only thing they learn from mom there's a language it's gotta stop you're gonna lose one of these and they're gonna end up in here i was pissed i just used another word is that does that count is that a bad word pissed well is that a bad word you know the one i said twice is it a lost dang man anyway super nice turning and turning this into a game too this is this is the it's the core of it make it games make it fun it'll be better yeah just have fun be positive come on not being able to say shut up without getting one of your mouths taken off this is fine yeah that's how i feel like why not shut up it's go crazy down a mouth and put it in the jar right away allison lost a mouth for calling somebody a name oh the loss of mouth straight up man for the jack other people's mouths allison cheating oh man patsy fairy came there's babies that need passies and you got lots and lots of passions you don't need anymore huh can you help mommy collect all the passions and put them in this bag she's like heck yeah i can this sounds like a lot of fun let's do it but later on i'm gonna be like where are they at cause i want oil as long as you'll take this blue in here mom right nice [Music] in the tree and when you're sleeping the binky fairies are gonna come and they're gonna leave you a special present oh man so so cute it's good because it's so exciting over these things oh it's pretty smart though it's like like i said like the the same thing that we've said make it to a game make it fun get him excited about it what if one of her sisters says oh you know i seen the binky fairy i seen where she went [ __ ] into fighting again they're gonna lose their mouth and they're losing their mouth what's inside and get it when riley saw her new doll she completely forgot all about the binkies and i think mom started to realise the little praise and encouragement will go a long way all right she's going to go in the house one of her sister's gonna snap it ooh or snatch it up it's on man off the top rope and we're gonna cheer on the person that is gonna be doing the obstacle course [Laughter] get to it dad go through it and he's like yeah yeah cool army man i got this no problem and the most important part was the point that joe made of everybody encouraging each other we need to do that as a family anyone be the one to say it mama's cheating mom's cheating yeah mama's throwing like three of them yeah she's cheating yeah more positivity cheer each other on instead of yelling and screaming each other and saying curse words happy family oh it looks like super nanny has turned this around so fast yeah it's like everybody loves super nanny i don't know how it's going to go when super nay leaves because i don't know if mom's gonna have enough time to sell these games up but right yeah it will just just be the basic idea of just not being angry and negative all the time because that reflects in your kids yeah like if you're like my kids are so awful then you should probably think about how how you're raising them mom's going to be on her own for 18 months so let's just see how she gets on with this practice run you did it oh they got the practice rules and practices like all right supernatural is gone what you got now mom let's see it let's see it this is yours excuse me did you just say a naughty word did you just say a naughty word you need to go take down a mouth and put it in the jar okay i was worried mama's gonna slip back in the neck [Music] get over here oh mom just pour it down go take your mouth off mmm bad she said these are your clothes man where are you in the routine danielle mum you've been on that couch for hours that's ridiculous she's all she does is clean yeah just she's so busy cleaning she can't mom's mom's big-time introvert she's like i just wanna stay on this couch and just not do anything you know i'm just hanging on the laptop here she's tick-tocking i don't know oh no the worst the real tragedy danielle is that you banging the door [Music] oh yeah she did such a good job when like the actual person with the camera was there yeah but now it's just like dude open the blip blip blip blip door i don't know how my kids get it oh my god wow all right wow what a 180 you stood down like who is it who is it and you both are grounded you're scary mom and you've lost it wow okay all right mom chill out before you like have your kids taken away from you here we got the camera running oh my her god to lock the door with that baby inside of it in front of your two-year-old my trash talk think went right out the window oh man when super dana's gonna have to sit down and make her cry again yes she is there she is my trash talk thing went right out the door because i kind of just gave up on it like immediately good job because i'm the one who talks the most trash yeah don't know i taught more trash than me i've had negative mouse no mouse i've never seen a coupon in my life oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and she'll back up on her yeah now he's like knock knock i'm back surprise you think the show is over with let me tell you let me tell you what i think 30 minutes today that was pretty good yeah much more cheery mom there which is marvellous good to see so here's you've been a nice smile yeah yeah that's totally weird oh the rest of the footage [Laughter] [Music] i mean is that what goes on then we've got the cameras around i was very angry here we see you can see your husband's over there with the glasses i'm like this is what happens when i'm gone if she did nothing else in the house that was enough she made me think about how i affect my children that's that's the whole bus that's it i mean what do you think she was doing the whole time no make her cry again supernatural cry again make her go apologize them kids yeah time was running out and it's important that if we're to make any progress here that mum sits these kids down and explains that she's made some mistakes oh she is going to make them up superman is sitting on the couch she's back there like well it happens say you're sorry say you're sorry those kids hold on let me i had to set my camera back up [Laughter] i'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled at you guys and try to be a better mommy i think it took a tremendous amount of courage for danielle to sit down in front of the entire family and admit she was wrong that dad's like man that took a lot well you've seen how she acts all the time man you have no idea how much it took think about that i have to do it i need to do it for them i love you too that's a bit awkward i love you too he's like give me a kiss and kiss is like what is this affection you're giving me what is this what do i do how do i react the next order of business was to see exactly how the girls had done with the trash talk technique whilst i was gone somebody don't got somebody's out of mouth right somebody don't care nothing about mouths oh my gosh danielle said oh you said the word three times so i just figured it was easier just to take all the meals down at that point it's hard to keep up with rules it's hard to keep up with how many times i cuss a day all right well that's that's another that's another person they gotta get worked out in this house because all the little kids are gonna look up to her be like i want to be like my big sister no i got a coupon today because i had all my mouse on the board and when i go to disneyland on monday i get to bring something back a she's souvenir to disney world what kind of cool way what what i thought they was getting like 50 cents off some soap or something at the dollar general man what is this disney world dang i hug them more and give them more compliments and each one of them is special and each one of them needs to feel that way so what about the little baby he's not held to the same standards as the rest of the kids he's just with his mouth he's just sitting over there he's just sitting over there just cussing on her like the whole time someone drove him out in the tractor forgot about him i can leave knowing that my children are in good hands that's really important to me thank you joe yay they're all a big they're all big happy family at the end yeah all it took was a little positivity and happiness wow wow super nanny super nanny does it again did it she didn't have to send nobody the ranch that's the only way i'd do it that's that's reserved for the oldest daughter when she she keeps taking her mouse off the board that's right oh man that was good yeah that's good stuff well we hope you guys enjoyed this video uh maybe you learned something maybe not maybe you got something to say in the comments i feel like there's someone out there that's like that's probably something we said that's right it's all right you get your mouse taken off that's right no coupons no coupons for you that's right you're paying full price for your soap [Laughter] see you guys next time date your birthday happy birthday uh say talk to my friends and we love you you're the best
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 1,795,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react, 7 kids, seven kids, nanny, supernanny, help mom, full episodes, super nanny full episodes, swearing kids, reaction, reacting, react couch, silva family
Id: nVPn9ovl8as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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