School Teacher Gets Caught Hooking Up With A 5th Grader

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today we're watching the law and crime Network a video titled engaged teacher caught making out with the fifth grade boy has wedding caught off police and this one features Chris Hansen because last time we did a video talking about a a a woman praying on young teenage boys uh the initial comments were you know like oh my God this is terrible but as they went on we like more and more of those comments that we were expecting to started coming about oh you know these boys they're not victims no so maybe Chris Hansen here explaining it to you will we get through to some people anyway let's let's watch an elementary school teacher out of Wisconsin has just been arrested for allegedly making out with an 11-year-old student we sit down with renowned Predator catcher Chris Hansen 11-year-old yeah yeah 11y old I I am curious what the comment section is going to say like after after all the samean people have commented uh since like this is not like a a blond haired girl in her yoga pants like the last one was right right exactly because that seems that seems to have a very profound impact on the internet's opinion on whether or not they're a predator or not strangely enough stupid Madison Bergman a 24-year-old Elementary School teacher out of Wisconsin has been accused of making out with her 11-year-old student fifth grade River Crest Elementary School oh and here's the kicker she was supposed to be married to her longtime boyfriend this July man wow let's make some jokes let's make some jokes ah imagine being this dude oh honey I love you so much more than anyone in the world let's get married by the way I'm cheating on you with an 11-year-old kid with an 11y old don't worry honey you're my you're the man I want but that's the boy I [Music] want oh boy okay the boy apparently revealed that they talked every day the parents found text messages between the and the conversations apparently reveal that there were several encounters between this teacher and student but there's more there's more what okay what I mean I'm kind of hoping to stopped there because like just messages and then the making out and I'm hoping it's not going to go any further than that they got it soon enough you know and also handwritten notes where Bergman allegedly admitted to how much she enjoyed being intimate with the boy namely him touching her Jesus Christ no way all right and you know there's written notes because you're in middle school he's at that point where it's actually still elementary school right where you write the notes like do you like me Circle yes or no hurts I guess this this is a point that I made several times in the last time we did a uh an older female going after CH uh male children is that a lot of people out there think of it like from the point the point of view from the the boy and like men put themselves into his shoes like heck yeah man man's getting out there making out with his teacher you know I live in the dream but you got to think about it from the other way around from this 24 year-old woman is going after 11-year-old kids yeah like right put it into perspective here how like messed up that is jacked up that is and and jacked up you are if you think that that's cool for him like for real good Lord wrote quote one of my cousins is in the fifth grade and I can't imagine a man talking to her how we talk I know we have a special relationship and I do love you more than anyone in the world but I have to be the adult here and stop she loves oh she's getting married D but she loves this fifth grader more than anyone in the world oh just the I have to be the adult here and stop yeah oh no kidding no kidding wow revelation of the century right there you mean the child can't be the adult here what do you mean crazy wow she's being the the she's literally being the bigger person in stopping this God but the thing is like if if this was reversed if like it was like a man going after a young lady people would freaking yeah they would be trying to shoot this dude you know it'd be absolutely it'd be over but it's it's such an odd thing when it's the reverse hah haha bro I just want to make out with you the teacher is accused of replying with I do too like all the time oh my God all the time let's talk about this with renowned Predator catcher Chris Hansen bring bring him in here bring in Chris Hansen God turn down your exposure Chris good Lord he's a little blown out he's a little blown out and a nuke just hit the background there's something going on in in the world of teachers and students that I have never seen before in my 42 years of being a journalist and so you have to wonder is this reality feeding off of fantasy which I think it is oh yeah yeah this is definitely fantasy stuff like oh yeah talk I've talked about this several times too you go to the hub and like something on there is going to be like my step sister or my stepmom or you know something that's the fantasy of like a some a young going through puberty boy is going to watch it all day you know right like ah my stepmom stuck in the washing machine or you know stuff like that and then on her end also she has all the power she playing the fantasy of being like oh this first love like I don't it's there's so many different like things that it could be but you know it seems obvious that it's something like that it devastates a family and for what to to have this fantasy I mean obviously something goes on in the mind of someone like this where they're either trying to recreate a pleasant uh situation in their past there's a need to to recreate this or it's a Power Trip yeah that's what Chris he's on this he pretty much sums up what I was trying to say earlier just long-winded about it yeah so one thing I was thinking about when he was going through and talking about like how how is she thinks and everything from all the catcher Predator we watch they don't feel like they're doing like they know they're doing something wrong right but they just don't seem to care enough to not do it that's dude that's so messed up dude like like think about what happens to the kid right like like how mess up the kids going to be cuz Chris mentioned you know like how much therapy do you got to put the kid in what about the dude who's supposed to marry her too you know what I mean like there's going to be trauma there too bro like that's everything yeah but still it's just the fact that if the punishment was a little more severe maybe they would go huh maybe I shouldn't risk it for the biscuit yeah exactly like hm I know it's wrong and well that's it's a long time in jail so maybe I won't you know yeah but n these slap on the wrist and especially like in the reverse sense right like are these women even getting charges as much as the men usually do definitely not definitely not and that's the crazy part A lot of the times the female perpetrator or the female suspect is married we had one in Tennessee where uh the accused teacher was married to a sheriff's de oh what a teacher did this and she was married to a Deputy to to have power over this kid in the classroom and then to have him in her car or you a cloak room or wherever this is going on to kiss and have him dang Chris has brought up the cloak room the cloak room I think most people watching this are too poor to know what a cloak room is yeah teach me cloak room is a room to how which outer garments hats umbrellas it's it's the closet like the the jacket closet basically oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go hide in the cloak room when they apparently invited her on a skiing vacation with the family they exchang numbers and that's how this young boy and this teacher uh uh were starting to communicate that so the family they got money is that part of the the fantasy so much money they invite their teacher on a skiing trip with them you know they get the rich white folk parents H yes let's go to the skiing trip and have some wine the slopes are nice today yes oh yes the cloak room time after after tea oh it's good to see you and our son getting along so well together you do that voice so good yes I've been practicing D been practicing I got to practice my rich my rich man laugh too though we certainly knew the teachers uh we were friendly with them at school activities and fundraisers and things like that and never did I suspect of any sort of untour relationship or cont so Chris is going through just like you know like just Community Trust of like the people that are like teaching your kids and like you know like coaches and stuff like that and it's kind of like you never know you just don't know who's up to no good and like you know we got kids now and it's like a very common thing like people just don't do sleepovers because you don't know everything can seem fine but then something terrible happens or well there there's a video like the dad walks in he's like hey I'm bringing my daughter in here just so you know not being weird and there's a dude in there like standing in the corner like washing his hands and he's like yeah yeah it's crazy wow you know anything from a guitar teacher to a tutor you know I had my own background check but not everybody has you know access to the things I have access to Chris is flex on everybody right there he's out there running background checks on people I'm not everybody's got you know the FBI CIA in their pocket you know what I mean but you know it has damag uh that that has an impact for many years to come I this kid has been exposed to things at the age of what 11 12 that they shouldn't be exposed to and now the parents have to deal with all that I I think I think another uh misconception as as far as I'm aware uh is that like what kind of damage it actually does to the young boys like people think of like when damage like oh they're traumatized they're like they're triggered they're shaking in the corner kind of thing no no it's like they're exposed to something like that and then become like perverts as they they get older and then they themselves end up praying on people and there's like a there's like a cycle to it to where they are people hurt people yeah yeah it's it's uh that that's like the level when when I talk about the young boys like going going through this stuff that that I'm worried about I'm not worried about them being like Oh no I got laid because that's what everybody talks about on in the comments it's like oh yeah you know high five and all that uh but it's it's not it's it's bad it is bad you're you're pretty much cheering for this this individual's potential downfall in the future uh when when they have just been exposed to things they should not be exposed to for a long time yeah yeah and then you know on the parental side I imagine the stress it could put on the relationship between the parents and the child now you know it's like a he was taken advantage of so you know now they're going to be extra cautious and you know he may feel like they don't trust him and you know what I'm saying just issues like that can spiral off later in life and be a thing you know so yeah and then even having like a functional like like like dating somebody for the first time at like the age of 13 or something having like a girlfriend and what he's already experienced and and you know it's and expecting that you know what I mean to another girl and that's crazy yeah God doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon despite our investigations despite the awareness and it says to me that there is an unprecedented level of this activity going on um online and on some of these social social media platforms and bro it's everywhere it's freaking everywhere where's pu where's Puff Daddy at where where's his court case at when's that happening Kendrick Lamar and Drake been fighting so much I almost forgot about it you know you can debate the jail time and is that proper punishment without any prior history of this um it seems depending on the jurisdiction it seems like it's headed for a plea with like the probation reg I hate that it matters like do have she ever done this is her first time well we can let her go I guess you know we'll wait until she has like this that's crazy we'll wait until she has a couple more notches on her fifth grader belt you know before we yeah lock her up yeah before we give her two years yeah it's not a Romeo Juliet situation this is in a college uh undergraduate teaching assistant involved with a with a 17 or 18 year old freshman this is this is a child plain and simple being exploited and prayed upon by an adult that's end of story that's it that's the end of that story video hope you guys enjoyed it leave like leave a comment do all that cool stuff today's your birthday happy birthday stay my friends we'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: CinnamonToastKen
Views: 498,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinnamontoastken, satire, funny, react
Id: 6yAwcHh9qPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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