HILARIOUS Zelda BotW CLIPS to make you shoot milk out your nose

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[Laughter] see what's gonna happen just park you right here don't worry i'll be right back [Laughter] super epic fantasmo [Laughter] that is like a single frame this is what it looks like right before you get gourd to death dark oh yes [Laughter] get in there buddy [Laughter] hey my sword flying raft cool yeah wait where's it going i don't know let's find out [Laughter] oh so perfect oh it will next time you're like pencil diving hello ow this sounds oh i'm here like crunching oh my gosh oops must be done let's you just get turn it into [Laughter] tuck and roll just chugging wrong he hits head first or something oh he's already dead though [Music] [Music] you don't know if you're it's so stressful because you don't know if you're going to hit her damned all the way down did you see that it was a perfect dab perfect we're making some good progress here he's throwing a temper tantrum i don't want to go to the store i started talking casually is the time to work oh yeah baby uh link that rock's like this is the most fun i've had in a really long time dear diary today was full of ups and downs that looks like a place for some sightseeing it's time to see beautiful sights wow he really flew he's trying so hard he's trying whoa wow wow he did it oh no camera he's gonna do the thing uh what options do we have oh we got a magnesis the poles yep in this one okay let's see another meal yep i agree okay i'm trying to run away here okay uh we need i just want to know what you're trying to do we need we need the right thing here okay we've got that now okay so we could definitely land some uh okay we gotta do it right now it's lifted there we go okay now we're gonna joke's on you buddy oh yeah kamikaze dude riding on the guardian hanging out on top you can't see me you can't see me it's the safest place you did that what's that he's not confused he knows you're up there he's just like man this was oh man this is a fatal flaw in my design stealth just float above their head and they will never see you don't move they can only see things that make sense [Laughter] like a t-rex but of logic here we go right on the whoa rodeo rodeo you've never seen this before hello there my name's link and i'm on a quest a quest to save a princess at the camera [Laughter] [Music] face his other foot was like straight back and then he hit the end of that thing he just like watched i would probably take the chick in a minute to catch on fire yes take that chicken i'm gonna cook you in my hands like the little rock next to it's getting little pings [Music] wow oh hey sweet free stuff time to show them who's too many cooks in the kitchen who's boss whoa he didn't even see it coming hold on oh it was a sneak attack i thought it was like maybe a super secret thing since you have the the two dumbest weapons ever super [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that is a quality photo where the bananas go you're free fly away apples all 10 apples are flying in the air retrieve them retrieve them heavenly apples what you doing there apples like floating slightly above them hey he picked him up with your monkey feet that's actually just really cool looking and you're about to die let's climb the inside of the mountain oh it's hot oh it's so hot wow my feet are melting see the melting drips of feet oh gosh what you doing there link uh you know for the last time get down from there if i've told you once i've told you a thousand times young man in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics that's the kind of dumb humor you can expect in the basement monday through friday also on weekends now we're gonna stick them on this be like a beautiful take a picture quick take a picture quick it's so beautiful how did you sculpt that it's time well they attack these guys oh it's chaos whoa they are attacking them yes i mean they're attacking whatever you killed kill the bull coblets yeah i'm very busy right now can you come back later thank you when i die i hope i die like that you want to fight the goron that lives there [Laughter] laughs oh hey there calls himself fantasy oh yes uh no ouch that would hurt christy annan suggested we rag doll down hebra mountain and boy are we glad that she did because we are having a good old time with this place oh we need to attack some chickens the cuckoos yeah yeah they need oh it dropped an egg whoa i got egg oh no oh no no i mean we should have seen this coming i mean it's canon by now yeah i wonder what color the game over screen's gonna be oh man i survived wind is so strong here it makes it extra fun are you trying to center those better no uh they pop after a little bit of time so you gotta yeah oh my gosh let's go let's go let's go you can take that to him oh fly away hey guys i've got a bone to pick with you oh oh dear whoa this isn't good this is really bad actually whoa this is really bad shoot my my you look explodey today [Laughter] look at them it's like a really aggressive face massage with the with them now lean back this one's going to work your pores now just just it hurts though no that means it's working yes rich people pay a lot of money for this treatment yeah it's all the rage in california these days [Laughter] it's gluten free of course it's full of deadly box gluten free if you want to defeat one of these and you ain't got no weapons but you got a metal box well here's how you do it yeah that's what i call boxing one fairy [Music] uh hylian shield and then okay no go to the hylian shield okay get ready i don't know is he firing the laser's halfway to us dude okay ready yeah okay one two three oh oh dang it he was so close today i was doing this like as you said three and it wasn't enough so race down to the bottom you fruits ready bam [Laughter] link wins i don't see any fruit though i think that fruit's long gone yeah you wait there's stuff flying down here excuse me wolves this shouldn't be that funny something about it roll roll roll roll roll let's kill him in their sleep stealth stealth stealth i'm so fast you can't even see me i'm faster than the naked eye oh gosh yeah it turns out it hurts having no clue oh what i meant was i'm as fast as a naked guy [Laughter] i'm sure that this is gonna turn out go cool stop shot there come on go into the lake alia oh gosh whoa i know i like launched so crazy high why did you go up i don't know the game was obviously not designed to do that yeah they didn't anticipate that miyamoto or maybe he mio did oh ho neal oh no [Laughter] i love the boomerang except when it doesn't come back kind of like my ex-girlfriend hey guys hey hey you like this you don't care don't care what if i were to set it down hey oh he is playing soccer whoa [Music] humorous dude look at his hips this one leg is like out and the other one is not whoa whoa whoa oh come on keep going his arms are hopeless come on [Music] perfect this is it yes it's gonna start right away as soon as this [Laughter] so it thinks it it it can't tell which horse you're riding right so off he goes what is happening oh my gosh you're a tiny little speck you're like invisible can you there you are whoa come on dolly me banana so here i'm gonna it's like a it's like a carnival ride gone me [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] this is a great way to climb this hill i wonder what the maximum that's so steep i was gonna say i wonder what the maximum grade is that you can climb like this pretty pretty spectacular yeah sword riding riding on swords can i turn nope run link oh are you gonna go in the building how amazing would that be you did you got in i wonder if they're like what how are you climbing that door what is happening can you go down any further like oh no you gotta let me in hey i'm in a bit of a jam can you help me out oh gosh oh oh man i peed i have no idea how i got on this he's swimming that steed is dead indeed oh you're right are you shielding you got to be able to shoot you got him shielding oh i'm holding the button but it's not wasn't good enough right it's never good enough peter i know you're right got him go go go what what are you doing i'm turning on the receiver so we can hear that here in the game is low priority ah oh we gotta heal surviving is high priority you're a high priority i know thanks peter i legit hit it did you see that bomb arrow just like hit it in the head that fairy's like ah i'm out of here that bird yeah look at him go spiral down that bird was toast dude he like crashed and burned and then there was a drumstick rolling down the hill [Music] yoga ultra close up hey hey stop drop and roll that's a lot of fire right next to a little girl she's still gonna be there in the morning let's see if she burned away frozen fear no oh there's just a little bit of ashes right there oh oh sam looks like gulps in memorandum are you knocking hello please please let me in whose thumb is that is he doing polishing the sign sharpening his fingernails saving you from the terribly dumb exploits oh it's cuckoo time [Music] yes wow this lady is insane why don't you cool off what's the matter can't take the heat ice to meet you you're fired you're fired care for some spearmint pyramid that was electric kill electric kill that was an accident actually that i said that [Music] put them on and stack them on top of each other in the middle this attack it protect the heck out of it there you go climb on top yep get on top then bomb it and right away oh wow [Laughter] please [Laughter] uh time for a bath oh just kind of you can get around here oh oh hey hey hey cooperate okay oh hey you scrub scrub scrub gonna clean up in here and just kind of mop you up and uh uh just kind of hey sir how did you cooperate [Laughter] okay all right okay okay okay i got it okay all right all right face safe from the rain my dick have a dated head oh link's poor head i'm a blanket with a head ow get off of me oh get off me how distinct oh oh no flaming bear the fire bear oh you can prevent bear fires you better suit them oh oh okay you're busy making your uh smokey joke you're smoking joking only you can prevent four foot four fires oh no oh oh you uh you watch the whole thing uh hey congratulations uh if you if you want more stuff like that you can click over here if you want to subscribe that'd be awesome you can click over here if you want to watch something else that youtube thinks you'll like go ahead and click right here bye bye bye now bye see ya see you later bye
Channel: The Basement
Views: 782,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hilarious Zelda BotW Clips, zelda botw very funny, botw clips for days, zelda breath wild very funny, botw clips for centuries, zelda botw hysterical, botw funny moments, zelda botw funny moments clean, zelda botw funny basement, zelda breath wild, zelda botw hilarious, zelda botw lol clips, zelda botw clips haha, zelda botw haha, zelda botw best moments, zelda botw clean moments, zelda botw funny clips, zelda botw clips, zelda botw compilation, Halarious zelda botw clips
Id: R0VoXo8hdUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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