Master Cycle Zero TRICKS & STUNTS (w/ Mr. A Game) Breath of the Wild (BotW) | The Basement

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[Music] welcome back to the basement the friendliest place on YouTube today we are joined by mr. a game himself mystery game what you say hi to everybody all right hello good to be here yeah it's good to have you in today we are highlighting the top 7 things to do with the math recycle zero and we're just gonna kind of take turns back and forth again we're start at number seven take it away number seven all right number seven first thing you want to do is you want to get your master cycle zero and then you want to go over here all the way to the it loads up and you think Oh hold on headlights wait you can take your muscles earrings what did you got headlights you can just cheese it hippies the whole game look at this just straight through who needs just when you've got what remember to bring your cheese game kids cheese game the case the case you're gonna have to debate on your own I can't help you there and like even if you turn around like it looks really cool but you got all the lights on the side Wow never the case oh no the case the case the case the case quick go to number six go to number six number six both Kaplan horse hunting beds right on your master cycle especially in the taband highland region um you can go hunting for bo collins on horseback oh here here's a gaggle of them hold his own oh my gosh he bucked me right off Wow give that bow couple in a raise using that one twice it's trying to try to like sideswipe if you can hit a horse right directly in the patoot then you'll fall off oh wow but you can really just make a kid wait did it second book hobble and jump on that horse with the first book so great this thing does not turn very fast and it's going it turns like an aircraft carrier got him got him what do they call aircraft carriers in Australia aircraft carriers just aircraft carriers I didn't know if it was lay if it had a funny name like a like a didgeridoo or a wallaby like 20 feet near me that might have a slight exaggeration it was I hope they measure things in feet or meters here oh you're gonna die no I'll be just fine you know why cuz we're going to number five number four are you tired of using a raft to get your master cycle zero to even tide island are you sick of constantly trying to keep it on the rafts there's got to be a better way we've got news for you introducing fast travel with Eventide island master cycle zero simply tap into your dark demon arts and summon your master cycle directly to your side ask your doctor if the master cycle zero is right for you I used to take my monster cycle zero two Eventide on a raft all the time but now I can just fast travel I've never had so much fun jumping into a high noxes loins before thanks fast travel number four bringing the master cycle to the Forgotten temple now normally when you try to get the master cycle into the forgotten temple you get a little notification saying you can't use that here hey I can't use that here ya ain't tried this on his channel and he couldn't use that bear so what you do is go out you turn left you Zig you zag you use AAG you do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around and then BOOM sauce master cycle zero right there and I fell off it's painful it's painful to watch you're ruining it you're still here here's the info Holly hop on that yeah there you go just hop right on and then just carefully just kind of just to remedy hottie over here okay now Peter yes use your skills that I know you possess going up across this gap go just go straight straight across the center and jump at the last second yeah Wham okay now climb up this look you're in we're in don't get shot by lasers whoo I'm definitely getting shot by lasers oh it's okay it's okay you think those kind of mistakes I'm very proud of you petah thank you a game yeah we figured it out we live and die for your your approval in our best attempts we were not able to get the master cycle any further into the forgotten temple but if you are able to figure that out please tell us how yes because we would like to try that as well let's move on to number three sounds good tip number three have you just cured a lottle and you want to do something even more extreme afterwards why don't you grab your bike and jump off a shuttle back point are you gonna be beautiful wow that was extreme that was pretty sick I feel like fully MLG now [Music] Boosh number two one fun thing you can do is harass Lionel's hey you're a stupid Duty pants yeah you can clip them really nicely on the sides and they try to run around the trench AC they trying to shoot you with arrows there's not much they can do I mean you're on a stinking motorcycle you know what you're gonna do your mother wears combat boots I've got wheels you have antiquated legs you're bad at the stuff you want to be good at Lila your average it math how many sit-ups you have to do to get your 12 pack or you can't do sit-ups cuz you're a four-legged loser hey Lionel why'd you get your pets from the pet store taking the master cycle to the gnome a labyrinth basements this one is super fun you can just bring the master cycle spawn in in the labyrinth in the top right corner of the map and you can drop it right down in this hole and run around down there with all of the Guardians hey names gonna join us for this one let's go to the split screen here we go dropping down in three breaks you just stood there with sport a bunch of lasers lasers I'm gonna swarm the game would have like had some serious leg issues of slowing down but it seems to handle this I shot that's the power of the Nintendo switch now you're playing with power super power coming soon to a store near you except Mac cuz you saw that much desert oh dude you know what's really cool too if you get lucky the walking around Guardian will get hit by all of the stationary guard in the instance and you get knocked oh yeah yeah they can totally fight each other which is amazing yeah yeah you got knocked over nice oh I just like rodeos sorted him in the legs that's a lot damage oh that's it for fun things you can do with master cycle zero if you have ideas we miss put them in the comment section below big thanks to mr. a game for joining us for this video we made a video with him it's on his channel where we raced horses across my rule to turn ahead to battle all the enemies that we came across it we find out who won you're gonna have to check it out and the link below until next time we'll be seeing you in the basement I gotta yes noise
Channel: The Basement
Views: 188,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 7 things you can do with the Master Cycle Zero, Funny things you can do with the Master Cycle Zero, Master Cycle Zero tricks, BotW Master Cycle Zero, Breath of the Wild Master Cycle Zero, Zelda BotW Master Cycle Zero, Zelda Breath of the Wild Master Cycle Zero, Master Cycle Zero BASEMENT, Master Cycle Zero BASEMENT Mr A-Game, Master Cycle Zero BASEMENT Funny Moments, Master Cycle Zero BASEMENT Mr A-Game Funny Moments, BASEMENT Mr A-Game Collab, master cycle zero stunts
Id: TiGvDc7Xf2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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