How to Choose an Opening with Professor Hikaru

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I really do suggest that whatever openings you pick you get the easy development of the business on these on these straightforward diagonals try to take at least a chip of the center if you can and go over there as I've said many times my personal favorite opening is to play E4 here um wait what's wait um yeah we got e45 and play Knight F3 I would say I mean I don't know how to explain this necessarily but with white I feel like openings for beginners where you get both of the Bishops out very quickly and you get some kind of Center or the best opening so even if it's not like a set theme I feel like openings like a scotch are very good because you get the knights out Bishops and you get castle now Bishop C5 is one of the dangerous lines if you do play Scotch if you know what to do um hey this game I'm gonna play the safe side I'm gonna go Bishop E3 to guard the Knight and I'm gonna play C3 to reinforce tonight so I get this nice little Central box here and um if he plays Queen F6 so the point is you get both nights at least see diesel is not the best move um but you know what I don't want to just win this game the way that I would at the topple which is I would trade give him the three Paws and when I take take take take and I would win with the Triple sack but just to show you guys I'm gonna play 93 instead and the reason that I refer to these openings is because you see how the knights get out quickly you get a piece of the center with a pawn and E4 you get both nights out both Bishops have open free diagonals and you got the king out of the center of the board and I think it's very important to note that so okay it goes Knight F6 now I'm gonna play H3 to stop Knight to G4 here actually you know what let's let's just go for it why not um no reason not to okay so problem for my opponent here is to get these pawns that are stacked um which are not very good here I can simply guard the Central Pawn I'm reinforcing the connect three so I reinforced my Central Pawn point and eventually I tend to go after these pawns let's go B3 to stop and for pushing the pawn maybe Knight A4 to hit the weakness pause when they're stacked are very brittle and weak because they don't have any protection if black could put this Pawn here on B6 black would be fine but the pawns are just very very loose and isolated they're all alone this Pawn here a pawn here or here in Black would be fine Pawns in A7 Chicago Knight if we're going after the pawn so yeah it's very very hard to play this position for for black he goes 97 I'm just gonna Castle now put pressure on the Knight which guards the pawn so he plays Rick to ba here okay logical move now I'm just gonna develop my Bishop try to bring the last piece in the board I want to go Rook D2 and Rook D1 so I basically want to Stack my two towers in the center part of the board to put more pressure on the Knight on D7 here that's the plan so we get C4 which is action excellent move excellent move for my opponent I did not think of 500 could play this one but it's a very very good move because now when I take the pawn even though I have an extra Pawn I have stacked pawns too and there's no weakness anymore that I can that I can threaten to capture on C5 so C4 is an excellent move and it goes Rook before another move that objectively is very good now in this situation it doesn't work um but it's a good try to hit the pawn and hit the knight at the same time but now I can go Knight C5 because I play against this pin and now he has to deal with this pin where he's a lot of problems here on the D file and for anyone who's wondering it's obviously unrated because um because we don't want players losing their rating and then like getting really upset or worried you could of course run in Smurfs like you know I'm gonna win this game um and it's not right that I win this game and I take rating points off of my opponent so we get A5 here um and now it's uh let's see what I should do I think what I should do is I could should play Rook D4 line up the classic double stack in honor of Dave Thomas on the D file and with this double stacker he's gonna have big problems down the road test Gambit speedrun's coming back a little bit later on in the Stream so okay we got A4 so I'm gonna go Rook D1 line up the double stack as expected big pressure he's going to lose some material so he goes Rook B8 but now we'll just trade everything off and at the end of the day I have an extra Bishop here and my Bishop on E2 will eventually play later on now right now the bishop is very passive behind all these pawns but eventually as you're gonna see I'll probably push the pawn and open up the scope on the diagonal for this bishop Dave Thomas yes Dave Thomas you guys of course everybody's had a double stack right I mean I I that's oh well I'm not I could take the rook and win the game because uh it's he is one defending I have two attacking so I win but I won't do I'll go C5 instead to open up the scope and show you guys how to win this because obviously I could just take a win but I want to show you guys what to do with the other piece so I want to bring the bishop into the game and now the active Bishop on the scope I will win very soon the speed run yeah I had to stop because I went to play the World Cup so I couldn't continue it but I think we're up to like 2400 so we're getting we're we're getting um we're getting close now I'm gonna take and go for a class at Castle Mania and the Kebab on the seventh rank here with Rook D to D7 so he goes work C8 I'd love to keep the Rook on Rooks on the board so let's get the let's get the uh let's get the kebab also Castle Mania with Rooks on the seventh is uh what Michelle care called it for anyone who's wondering um you got the Rooks on the seventh Rank and she was calling this Castle Mania so if you get the two Rooks on the seventh rank We Now call it Castle Mania and the old days the proper chess term would have been doubled Rooks on the seventh rank but we no longer use proper chess terms chess has really been like uh it's been dumbed down a lot by a lot of these like weird influencers like Hikaru and Levi Roseman and Alexander botas So for anybody who's a serious chess player uh make sure that you are aware of the proper terminology and not with all these idiotic influencers uh are coming up with so we get King G6 being played here um now this unfortunately is a blunder because I can play Rook takes G7 which just wins the game here let's keep going that's just checking in on G7 foreign Brad Praxis here next game we have the black pieces like I said a lot of openings that um that I like for for white or where you get both nice and the classic development with black not so easy and I think that with black generally I I do think E5 is one of the better choices to play because you do get most of that development you get to bring out the knights bring out the bishop push the pawn develop the other Bishop normally it'll go here guard the pawn on E5 get D4 now I'm gonna take okay so I'm gonna go Knight F6 to hit the pawn on e4 here so he trades now one thing that's very important um is that when you're gonna get Pawn stacked you almost always want to capture towards the center of the board so if I'm doubling pawns here I want to capture this way right you want to capture towards the this file and this file the E file and D file are the two critical files in chess so you want to capture towards them so like if you're capturing you want to capture this way like you want to capture towards the center or capture like this way so it's like you capture it this way or you capture this way but you want to get the pawn stack where you're going right towards the center basically that's the bottom line so let's go D5 and now I'm gonna take with the pawn it was E5 now I remember this is very similar to a line that I studied uh before I played a game in Hungary I believe it was 2001 I played in a international Norm term I played this uh Hungarian player pal Patron now in that game Bishop b493 have been include so for example I'm saying D5 Knights he started Bishop B4 and then E5 and the reason I bring that game up is because I remember when I when I played that event um I was there with my mom we took the train from our hotel to I think it was the keletipu station uh in the center of center of Budapest and then we got to club like an hour early and I had this book on the scotch opening by Gary Lane I was like this orange and gray cover and before the game for an hour it was just literally reading through the book pages and I had a board in front of me I was making the moves on the board and reading the book now in the Modern Age we no longer do that anymore once again one of the byproducts of Technology ruining everything um but it but that's where I remember looking at the slide so we got Bishop at four I'm gonna go Bishop C5 to attack the pawn and F2 here foreign G5 attacking the bishop here because I've got great pieces out Bishop is trying to hold but now I can really go after the bishop he's got all kinds of trouble on the king side here so this is a very very bad line to play for white very very dangerous to play like this no obviously the beginner level probably G5 H5 isn't realistic but we are playing at 1400 so the 14 1500 level these sorts of ideas can come into play and as you see white has all these pieces not in the game I have a great scope I've got a great night and now I'm just going to keep going with H4 here to attack the bishop on G3 it goes Bishop H2 I'm gonna take and I'm just gonna go G4 and queen G5 very quickly the two Bishops are harassing the king and it's very very scary for white to play here very very scary because he's got all these pieces that do nothing Bishop looks nice nothing on the diagonal the scope is scoping at thin air the Knight and Rook aren't in the game Queen's not in the game either so I have Queen G5 and very very quickly I can also if I move the queen and the bishop Castle either with my king let's go here and look at these Bishops King can go either way to Castle so I'm not really worried that I pushed the p on the king side here okay so it goes Queen off three so now I think I will um is there a way to win quickly I don't see I'm gonna take the pawn with Chuck yeah it's a very strong attack now Bishop G4 is better but still it was King H1 now I think I'm gonna go cure lines with double A battery and try to Checkmate him with the queen and the bishop here and again these pieces not in the game Bishop's staring at thin air now I take if he takes the bishop he gets Chuck made it on a shoe once again double A battery that's how you win games with chess no I'm not worthy Castle actually to be completely honest G5 H5 is very very dangerous it's actually very very dangerous now my opponent finds F4 is an excellent move um it's not about him being 1400 I actually would play this at the top level too because this whole E5 Bishop about four line is actually an actor because of what I just mentioned the whole Bishop C5 G5 H5 is actually very very strong um so he goes that four so now I will move my queen to guard the bishop uh rookie one was no good so he plays rookie one I just take the the Rooks aren't power coupled yet because the knights in the way so I just take the Knight is not out the night was out he could go there but if he goes here I take and he can't recapture so all right goes Queen E3 I'm gonna move my king and now I'm just gonna bring the Rooks here King by the way very safe on the side of the board I've got the pause for the protection and the Bishops so all these pawns support the king in the middle and now I can just bring everything over to the king side to just Checkmate him no G5 H5 is actually legitimately the best way to play this um it is yeah I didn't do it because he's 1400 I did it because it's the actual best way to play it was rookie one and now I'm gonna play Rook da through my Rooks are coupled together and see the knight in The Rook still not in the game he's still missing the finishing pieces um and now I just go H3 I have Bishop F3 if he pushes and this is gonna fall apart because all my pieces are active and he's got two pieces that haven't come into the game yet these pieces are just out there taking their Siesta for the whole day um not even bothering to go to work for for a few hours so he plays Queen G3 I will take now and now I've got the open Lane I'm gonna go check Rook guards the queen and now I'm gonna go check king of stock no squares has to block with the queen and then I go Rook H2 and Rook G2 Checkmate so the way this game will conclude is Queen E3 Rook H2 check King G3 Rook G2 simply Checkmate here nowhere for the king to move okay again gonna play E4 actually you know I never did ask my stepfather I'll probably ask when I see him this week um about the openings that he taught me as a kid because I actually do believe like there is a Synergy to the openings he taught me um but he never actually said that so I do kind of wonder if there was a Synergy or if it's just based off his own place so see we got D6 now I would tell people who are beginners do not play openings like the mod or the black is you cannot give your opponent a lot of space when you give your opponents too much space in the center at the beginner level even Frank the lower intermediate levels is too hard to play and I'm actually going to show you guys why okay so I'm gonna go D5 here this is not the best move but I'm gonna show you why I'm gonna immediately take a ton of space on the center of the board and I'm going to punish him very very seriously as you will see again it's not normally what I play but I just want to show you guys one example of why you should not let your opponent get all the space in Center let's go Knight F3 I'm gonna play Bishop C4 here I want a castle next move too but see he's lacking how do you finish this development it's very very hard you can't really develop this bishop to nice in the way can't really push the pawn works not great king in the king Rook Knight not in great shape either goes Queen B6 so I I'm gonna go C3 here I want to break this threat towards B2 and I want to stop Queen B4 so C3 is dual Dual Purpose move so he goes nice so again now I'm gonna go E5 I'm just gonna keep thrusting forward with the pawns and he's really in trouble you don't get burned out playing shots sometimes I do but mostly I don't because I'm not as good at anything else and frankly it pays the bills so yeah um he goes to 94 here so now what I'm gonna do is I think here I'm gonna go Queenie two and I'm gonna ask my friend where is your horse going your horse does not really have squares available to it in this position so where's the horse going so he takes so see and already I'm gonna trade the knights take his Knight on e4 and he's simply down a horse he doesn't have a horse and because he's missing his horse he won't be able to survive and now he loses the bishop and it's over and this is why I really don't recommend playing openings like the modern you give your opponent too much space and even though what I did with D5 is not the best approach it's if you don't know what to do exactly at the lower levels you definitely aren't going to know what to do um you're gonna get absolutely steamrolled how come I haven't been streaming as much I'm extremely as much as I was playing the theater World Cup that's why um top players know again chess is different depending on the level you're at if you're at the top levels it's completely different because the top players know how to play for pawnbrings they would know how to take advantage of an imprecise move like D5 um so yeah like it's different the levels depend now I go D6 opening up the scope you're probably wondering why Rook E8 didn't work if you played Rook E8 I would have had D6 with the Discover check King to Aha and Bishop G7 Checkmate so I go check and mate I'll explain that in a second because I didn't actually explain that uh but basically what I was gonna explain is yeah if you played rookie which is the obvious move to attack the queen and pennant I have D6 checking the king moves the king and then Bishop G7 is Checkmate because the king can't move anywhere all right so next game let's keep going yeah actually not a high chance I'm playing playing people all over I'm playing 500 1500s sometimes 1900s now my opponent plays F4 uh I'm gonna play D5 open up scope for the bishop let's bring out the bishop push the pawn Knight Bishop develop finish very very quickly how's it going doc doctor Curious George hope you're having a great Friday too um plays G3 let's go Knight F6 E6 here um and now I finish the development get the king out I can also just bring the knights out I'm gonna play C5 to gain some space for the Knight with a pawn of Pawns in front of the knights should be a little bit better here to play how to play This Modern approaches don't bother it I mean I don't know what you're rating is kushuko but it but in general unless your rating is probably like 17 1800 and by that I mean over the borders probably like 2 000 plus online do not play the modern do not play it I think it's a very difficult opening to play so I'm gonna go Bishop E7 and cast when I got the bishop out Knights are out here very very good position and I can Castle the next turn so yeah I would not recommend playing the modder unless you're already very high rated uh by only up I beat only up uh before I went on my trip if you're referring to madway I may play Mad with later today and rage quit again but hopefully not so let's Castle what makes the opening difficult it's more about the themes and the placement of the pieces that's what makes opening that's what makes um certain openings very difficult to play is that if the ideas aren't obvious strong players can figure it out but if you don't have the experience like generally what I would say about Chess is a beginner level this probably applies up to like 1 000 level online like 1000 plus is look at the off basically what you want is nights on these squares C6 F6 or F3 C3 Knights on these two squares for either side and you want the Bishops out you want you want the pitch on these diagonals versus the Theon Cheetos the fion Cheetos are playable but in general I don't recommend them until you're of a very very decent level very very high level I would say like you have to be like you have to spend serious time playing shots now each four is actually a good move here I'm gonna go Bishop G4 no human will ever be as good as stockfish because we because we are as as um as agent Smith would say he is still only human actually I don't think agents have said that I think it's one of the other agents who said it but again at the end of the day we are still only human so no human can play without emotion and other factors going on during the game I'll give you an example and this is straight out of the Matrix but um you know if you're playing you're if you're playing a game of chess you know you're playing on the board and you're trying to focus on the game and the girl in the red dress walks by you're probably looking like okay the girl in the red dress walking by the chessboard uh is gonna affect your concentration you're gonna lose your train of thought and you're probably not gonna play the best move let's go to it D4 here attacking the pawn on C2 [Laughter] I'm not saying that you won't still find a good move but you're training of thought you're gonna lose your concentration so if you're thinking about playing something you're gonna lose your concentration then you're gonna look and and then then your opponent is going to say look again and you're gonna look and see an agent exactly um anyway all right E4 is a bad move here by the way because now I'm throwing a Pawn on C2 and after night it's right just take there's actually no way to guard it because the bishop covers the critical Square so either you push the pawn and there's Knights too forking the queen The Rook or you play another move and you hang the pawn and you still get forked um let's play Knight takes a one yeah Hikari you're married now they're no attractive woman to you but one that's not the purpose of the story I'm saying you guys jeez let's take the Knight that's not the point though I think you guys get the point I literally used a major story to prove the point take the pawn and trade the queens now I have an extra Rook here on the board so I don't mind trading the Queens how do I come up with these analogies I don't know it just came to my head I just came to my head I mean it's it's a pretty it's a pretty good analogy um let's go let's go Knight C2 here yeah I know the major story Neo got shot in the face by the Asian I get your point you guys but you still understand what I'm saying I'm saying that no human can play like soccer which is our understanding is simply not good enough um so you get E3 not the best move uh again I'm gonna get a lot of space here I'm gonna play D5 develop the bishop and push the pawn and finish my development very very quickly again uh he goes Bishop D3 offering the trade now I'm trying a beginner level what the best move is to play here it's definitely not E6 because you don't want double pawns I think Bishop G6 is probably uh one of the ways and again we're capturing towards the center you want to always capture towards the center if you're gonna get the Stacked pawns not away from the center now it's not always true but most of the time it is play E6 open up the diagonal let's go C5 Knight C6 and Bishop D6 try to develop very quickly here I was seven years old when I first started playing I'm gonna go Bishop D6 and this is actually a big mistake here because now we see why the double double stack pawns aren't actually that bats that opened up a lane for my Rook here so now I can sack the bishop on each shoot like a great gift also known as the the Trojan Horse and after Knight takes Bishop I go Queen H4 goes King H1 um let's go Knight F6 if he takes I think I have Knight oh I blundered I actually just wonder let's go Knight E4 here I thought I had Knight G4 but the queen could capture so it goes 91 um so now the way that I'm gonna try to win is we're gonna play Queen C7 to Target the horse I'm not gonna castle and tend to double stack my works on the H file uh let's go Rook H3 Rook h8 here comes the here comes the big double double stack with the Rooks I don't care about anything over on this side of the board I'm just getting ready to to murder the King on H2 let's um or Checkmate the king sorry um let's play uh let's play Rook takes H2 check um and um now I'm gonna play Knight takes Pawn if he takes I take with the queen um and it's just checkmate let's keep going next game let's play E4 again sir I'm getting a bit living a little bit too loosey-goosey all right now what I'm gonna play is the opening I played as a child which is of course the um the Grand Prix attack in honor of the great French people with E4 Knight C3 and F4 again very simple bring the bishop out push the pawn and you'll see the theme is very similar the bishop is outside the pawn chain develop the Knight castle and I've got Bishops on both of these diagonals the knights are out so there is a very serious theme to The openings that I'm playing so let's go Queen to E1 Queen to H4 F5 Bishop H6 very straightforward into the point good morning chat yes exactly goes in ih5 now I could trade the Queens but I'm gonna stick to the themes of trying to check Maiden with Queen H3 and G4 kick the Knight out now E5 is a very poor move because they reopen the diagonal back here diagonals kind of close the pawn wall blunts the power of the bishop but now it suddenly opens up the bishop on the long diagonal no way to contest the bishop because I I cover the square with the pawns you can't try to trade the B shops so now I've got an open diagonal everything is coming into play here we'll go G4 lots of stuff all the pieces here are very very active for me actually G4 was not the best move I should have played Knight D5 but it's still very good yeah it goes here I'll take and now what I'm gonna actually do is play Knight D5 try to go after the pawn maybe push for F6 here but again all my pieces are very very active there's a lot of Harmony in the position goes Bishop E5 um I think I'm gonna go Queen H6 with the idea of playing Knight to G5 and going for Checkmate on H7 here I could also try to get the Lolly mate with Knight takes E5 F6 and made him on G7 with the queen um but we'll see yeah I would say I'm the best teacher but there's a there's a serious flow to the openings that I played as a kid growing up and I do highly recommend them so I can go to ig5 but I think everyone wants to see a lolly instead so let's go now he takes E5 I play F6 Knight guards the pawn um there's the main on G sub anytime you feel on Cheeto the bishop you have to be aware of the Lolly Checkmate you have to be aware of it if you lose your you you lose your fiance cheated Bishop so now it's just Queen G7 because he gave up the bishop and that's game over let's keep going keep a little bit of beer hustling and better heroic moves I I look best after about three to four days basically yeah I mean I think my opening explanations are generally the best actually I think in terms of openings like the the general development of warrior peace block is very very critical actually f did I drop frames what was that about actually I do see some draw frames um it's been Knight T6 okay so we played C4 there's a panziani opening with C3 and D4 let's play Knight F6 named after the great Italian panzy Annie I was playing Knight F6 here attack the pawn on e4 white tries to build a big Center here with the pawns from B2 to D4 now I feel like I actually I think in one of the pop Champs I mentioned that someone should play it I think uh someone I think maybe Anna Kremlin told virtual to play it in pogchamps five um it's an okay opening but I I think there are drawbacks to it for sure because now he doesn't get the central control he doesn't get the big white center I finished my development we're gonna end up in a situation with both the Bishops developed here he goes A4 I'll play A6 so I have the retreat Square and now white is pushing this great Pawn chain I'm gonna castle and I'm gonna go D5 next move rookie eight and Bishop G4 and all my development is completed he's pushed all these pawns which are doing nothing and he's gonna lose the game very quickly after takes I just take and go like rookie eight and his he's gonna have problems in the center of the board here very very quickly let's just go rookie eight threatened to meet him and now I I guess I can take the pawn but I'd rather finish my development first and now I'll go push about five and it's a very very good position Traxler attack is playable but it's very much in my opinion cheese opening let's just take the pawn yeah because it's unrated I can play people of any level so it's not just gonna be 700 it's not gonna be 1400s I will play occasionally 18 1900s too okay I'm gonna go here and pin the knights like I want to put a lot of pressure on the Central Pawn so let's go here pressure on the night pressure on the pawn as well and I'm doing very very well here uh do you guys want the link okay let me copy the link uh you should be able to join uh I'll put the link here you should be able to join any any time you guys so can I use this if I take Knight takes it's no good because he hangs the queen so if I take yes to take and then he loses so takes loses and if he takes the queen I can take the horse and now it's queen king side it's completely compromised here or what's a compromat as they would say in Russian let's take on F3 E2 uh I'll play Queen F6 back I just want to bring this Tower into the game so I'd like to double stack that's why I dropped it back I put pressure on the pawn again and now I just want to go for the double stack on the e-file that's the goal okay goes Bishop G4 uh I think I can just play Queen G6 the Rooks guard each other and now I pin the bishop and I'm gonna win the bishop with either H5 or F5 next turn now oh I mean he played Queen F4 I mean he hung The Rook I guess I'll just take the Rook now he should have traded the Rooks first but it doesn't change much we'll trade down because in this position I have an extra rook and a horse so this will be winning very soon do I think it's fair to solve these little rated players it's unrated so it's unrated it's educational I think a lot of people learn from it so I don't see any downside to it even they learn from it too so let's just trade the Bishops now again one thing that I'm a big proponent of is trading down when you're way way ahead we have a lot of extra material trading down yeah if it's rated maybe you could say it's different but it's unraised so the players don't don't lose anything from this I'm gonna go F5 to guard the pawn I want to maybe line up the Arabian checkmate with the Knight and the Rook here if I can let's try to set up an arabiano with Knight F3 and Rook q1 it was King G3 I'm gonna go G5 take away the squares for the king to run to and I'm just gonna made him I think work two one is actually a force Checkmate it's actually basically Force because the king can't escape even here Checkmate because the pawns all hold the critical squares King can't go anywhere basically King is just stuck okay let's keep going let's go E4 here did I read the book from Casper my great predecessors I read parts of it parts of it um okay I'm gonna play Knight F3 here we'll play madway much later on not now we're doing chess for the time being um we get Knight C6 okay now again I I you don't have to play Scotch you can play the rude Lopez too but I really do love the scotch opening um for white why don't I do opening lessons like the one I do the kings any defense I could now it's completely flying for my opponent here uh but I have again the easy development nights out Bishops out Castle either way like I really do suggest that whatever openings you pick you get the easy development of the business on these on these straight four diagonals try to take at least a chip of the center if you can and go over there now 97 is actually a move that was played against me in the um I believe this is what Pavel blatney played against me in the uh mayor's cup it was a norm gem Norm turn hell no is it mayor's cup or no I think it was maybe I think it was the mayor's Cup held in New York City I believe in October of 2001 maybe or maybe I'm confusing events but I think Pavel blatney played this against me uh where black tries to develop the Knight very quickly so let's go to AT3 here and I just want to again continue my development here 97 is the correct move after Queen takes D4 this is a theoretical line it was like 2001 or 2000. um let me see mayor's cup chess I think it was 2 000 actually because the tournament I played right after September 11th was a different one I think that was a smart chess Grand Master Norm uh or no it was 2001 no maybe it was 2001 let me look at the games um let's see um I don't know I don't know okay let's go Queen D1 I want to develop the Bishops and Castle King so yeah thumb all right I'm gonna put the bishop here because it's on a nice uncontested diagonal do I feel old yet uh I felt very old yesterday when I was talking about Legos let's talk about Legos and I was just going on and then suddenly it's like someone's asking me it's like I actually realized like the Lego stuff that I was talking about which were the Octan Legos for the gas station with the truck and everything like I was playing with those Legos like 30 years ago and that's when it's like wait a second I actually I am I've been around quite a while even if I don't feel super old because that was 30 years ago 30 years is a long time okay now I'm gonna go back and keep the diagonal I want to go F4 and kick the horse on the next turn if possible uh C4 before Knight C3 depends on the opening I would say that if you're gonna play D4 C4 type openings like D4 C4 Knight F3 those sorts of openings and yes you want to push the pawn and move the Knight if you're playing E4 openings it's much harder to get C4 Knight C3 if not impossible so uh let's go F4 let's kick the horse out of the center he's gonna move the Knight back he only has one square to go to without hanging the horse and now I'm going to develop my Bishop so I can move the queen and bring the other Rook into the center of the board and again I have a little bit of central control at the pawns Bishops aren't very very good diagonals he can't contest yet and I'm just gonna finish the development in the next move or two so it's looking very very good so far very good ten years ago is not the 1990s no you guys 90s was the best decade ever now I'm gonna go Queen H5 because I can start to go after the weakness the CRX is a knight here normally black hits a night on F6 so you never have these ideas but because there's a knight here and there's no way to get a knight to the square to attack and defend everything this is very dangerous for black to play there's also right triangle as well Pythagoras would be proud so no 90s were 90s were the best decade by far 2000's got I mean the problem for me as an American is that 2000 basically didn't exist because September 11 just ruined it I mean September 11th just killed the decade for a lot of us um yeah yeah I mean the September 11th just really put a huge damper on the 2000s yeah I mean so 2000 I mean like I know the term is wrong but to me the 2000 is almost like a lost decade in my opinion yeah so now I'm gonna go Rook F3 and I'm just gonna try to crush him on the king side black is way behind Bishop and Rook not in the game no central control D5 hangs upon and I'm just gonna go for the kill I'm gonna create the classic Rook lift into the double stack into some kind of Checkmate let's go here try to take the pawn because the king is stuck and this is very very bad like he's got all these pieces look at these pieces no pieces are in the game at all he's just getting destroyed here thank you yeah I mean all of these are so bad I've finished all my development I can bring the Rook into the board all my pieces are active he has one piece on the second rank but one two three I mean he's got one two three four five on the background now I'm gonna go F5 Knight can't jump and now I also open up diagonals into sacrifice and this is an absolutely horrendous position for my opponent I played F5 to restrict the Knight no jump and to open up the scope towards the pawn on H6 and it's just impossible to play this position for black impossible impossible to play here it's just an absolutely disastrous position just nothing to say nothing more needs to be said by the way I think I've said this before but my favorite the favorite um the favorite chess event that I ever saw live was the World Chess Championship Match in 1995 between Gary Kasparov and vision on which was played at the top of the World Trade Center so that that was a great memory for me now McCormick plays F6 probably the F6 is now he opens up this diagonal again for the bishop so now I actually look for checkmate with Rook takes Pawn King takes work in Queen takes H6 because now both Bishops play and again my opponent never got development not never got his pieces in and it's a very sad way to lose even though I'm down a rook I just checked me with the Bishops and the Queen yeah 1995 exactly yeah tell me about the war Boomer yeah I was very young I remember very well it was an amazing experience like they have them cordon off in like this glass wall room um and they were like it was just it was a great experience I'm gonna play E5 here great experience easily the best experience of my life um for chassis play Knight C6 so we get the scotch my opponent plays the scotch himself now I'm gonna play Knight F6 again to hit the pawn on the center of the board if he captures I will capture towards the center I watch it live yes and I went to the best game of the match too um I was there in person along with my brother and some other kids I think I was like in first grade or something it was a long long time ago um but we were there and we were supposed to go to game number nine which was which as most people know Anon and Kasparov drew the first eight games of the match that Anand won a great game in game number nine um so we were supposed to go to game nine but we ended up not going to game number nine and instead we end up going to game number 10 which was the Fateful game first let me play Queen Seven to pin the pawn here which was a fateful game where Gary beat anod in the open Spanish where he played this great sack Knight to G5 I like move 14 or 13 whatever the move number was I sacked a horse in honor of Michael tal the former World chess champion Gary won a fantastic game to even up the match we're going to win but game time was easily the best game of the match so I'm gonna go Jason to fion Cheeto the Bishops the Queen's in the way here I can't develop easily so G6 makes sense because I can try to put a lot of pressure on the pawn yeah uh you're in the club and in the lobby then if you join the event there should be a uh there should be a butt button at the bottom where you can uh you can join the event there should be a green button if you scroll down it goes 92 I'm gonna play uh A5 maybe try to open up the file I can also play Basics I reviewed that game multiple times I think um but it was a great game so A4 good idea to stop the pawn from pushing I'm now gonna go Knight to B4 because now I can't kick the Knight easily put pressure on the pawn on C2 here and I can also go Basics to activate because it's also hard like I I can go like I can go D6 here pressure the pawn and develop this diagonal or I can go this one and develop this diagonal I think I want to go this diagonal this development uh best experience that was non-chest that's um that's a tough question I don't know I I would say there's so many different different memories that are up there I I honestly would say one of my one of my favorites is um oh that's one where Gary played uh I don't think Gary played Bishop D1 Bishop C1 I think that's the one where he played a very critical Rook C1 move no he played a rook C1 move that stopped Bishop from pushing the pawns on the Queen's side um there there's a rook C1 move when he hit pause I think on B5 A4 in the night on D4 and Rook C1 stopped the C5 C4 Pawn push uh he goes Queen e47 to play D5 now he actually loses because the queen can't guard the pawn which prevents the fork if you go back to D3 you lose it if you go to E2 I take and if you try to play and peasant you actually just hang your queen on e4 so you can't play unpleasant you can't guard the pawn I'd also say beginner level do not recommend playing this miasis variation in Scotch I think it's borderline impossible to play with the white pieces in fact speaking of this miasis variation I remember um uh so when I was like 18 or 1900 in the year 19 8 I believe it was I played in the Hawaii International Tournament um and I actually played the masses with the white pieces against this uh woman's Grand Master I believe her name was Bettina treybert um and I actually lost in the measures variation with the white piece is in like 15 moves or something it was 19. I believe it was 1997. I the game I believe exists in the database let me see if I can find it um uh let me see uh yes I think it was uh let me see if I can find the game I'm almost certain the game exists uh I think it was a Hawaiian open in 1997. um let me see if I can find it control F um I'm trying to find it one second I found it okay we'll take a look in a second okay so yeah say what I'm gonna trade the in the castle is the Hawaii open 1997. yes I found the game I found the game I'll pull it up in a second you guys um one second those were you wanted to play Queen A3 attack the pawn in the bishop here I lost that game in 16 moves 16 moves you guys it was 16 moves I was close I said 15 it was 16. yeah I was close though okay I'll take the pawn here go Rook bead and Rook B4 here uh that just hangs the queen you lose the game okay so let me pull up the game you guys uh before we continue this is a game let me change this thing this game from 1997 the Hawaii open this is a game between Hikaru Nakamura and Bettina Trevor she was a uh I think she's a women's Grandmaster from Germany um and what did I say so I play E4 we got E5 what did I say of course I played the miatus variation which I just said not to play um and then we got 95 C4 the space six played Knight D2 castles B3 F6 I took the pawn which is a huge mistake and after takes Rook B1 Bishop B4 the queen D1 rookie eight there's three two Knight C3 I played Bishop B2 she sacked the queen and played Knight G3 and I lost in 16 moves you guys I lost in 16 moves um so yeah this was in 1997 this would have been this would have been I want to say April or April or May of 1997. this was this was not the dead of Summer I don't believe uh this would have been I think actually no this would have been May or June May or June I can actually check in chess base um Let me let me check chess face um let me check chess base one second uh skill issue yeah um let me check online Nakamura H let me see one second yeah I'm just gonna check on um let me sort it by year one second let me sort by the year wait what wait what did I do something wrong with one second um age here uh let me put 1997 to like 2000 or something there we go okay um let me see if I can find it 1997 okay um knock number versus traber oh no the game of the chest space but it's not um yes oh I'm wrong it was August it was August 25th 1997. August 25th 1997 you guys that's when it was okay so yeah anyway back to the event let's keep going um and and we'll keep keep rolling but yeah I just want to point that out you guys so let's keep going next game oh my God or wait what was it today wait no no wait what or wait was that just chest face wait wait a second wait a second or the chance we just put weight aside what the fudge oh I'm gonna play a sillion uh okay I'm gonna play E6 maybe it said updated today uh there's no way I'm sorry now now I'm actually bothered wait wait that's got to be fake news right wait I have to find an actual date oh no no it wasn't that was chest based screwing up never mind it wasn't no actually no chess Bay screwed up that that wasn't one it was um I saw an article it was um oh wait no this is no that's mate that's 1990s the 99 1996 Hawaii International was in May uh I I'm trying to see um no it was held in April you guys it was held in April so no my memory was right I said April or May it was no it was April it was held in April sorry that was just shut space messing up never mind that was just chest based messing up no it's called April 15th to 24 the Outrigger Prince Kuhio International customer was held April 15th to 24 1997 at the Outrigger Prince Kuhio hotel in beautiful Waikiki so okay let's play Knight F6 so yeah my my brain was right my brain was right no I said April or man that I thought then I said I thought it was probably May or June um yeah okay I'm gonna play D5 and open up the center yeah no okay yeah okay yeah chat space basically I think just said save the game that's why it said that yeah no no now I get it yeah yeah initially it's April man that I said I thought it was probably May or June but yeah so anyway let's go D5 build a big black center here Knights are out with the pawns here oh that was classical chess that was like very very slow chess yeah very very slow but anyway uh back to the point of what I was saying though that's why certain openings should be very careful um uh what you play very careful so yeah but don't ask me why I remember that by the way because it's pretty ridiculous I'm remembering games that were like 26 and a half years ago like that's just ridiculous let's be honest but most most top chess players do do remember that sort of stuff just so you guys or in case you guys are wondering take with a pawn so if you if you aren't able to remember what if you aren't able to remember what you're eating uh for breakfast yesterday your chance of becoming a top Grand Master and a serious chessler probably it's probably just not meant to be and you should find another career Let's Play Bishop D6 and attack the pawn on F4 it's good you don't have Alzheimer's I will tell you guys for all the jokes I make about Chess actually I would say the single biggest benefit I know there have been scientific studies proven but I would say I I do believe firmly that the single biggest benefit um to playing chess like you know if you just play If you go on play with three games every day and you play different openings or whatever I think that is the single biggest benefit to playing chess I do believe that it does mitigate the chance of you getting dementia Alzheimer's all those different things because I I don't think there's a single Grand Master I've ever heard of who got like Dementors or Alzheimer's now of course there's no way to like test it like because you'd have to wait many many years but I have never heard of like a grand master ever getting Alzheimer's or dementia ever Bobby didn't get dementia Alzheimer's Bobby was just a little bit cuckoo um there's a difference between between being cuckoo let's go D4 here yeah no there's been between being cuckoo and um and just not remembering anything slight difference you guys slight difference anyway okay yeah a little bit cuckoo okay you guys anyway um let's go Bishop E6 my opponent castle at Queen's side so he has big problems I got the standard development with these four pieces I also have a little bit more space here because the pawn Pawn's in the center of the board okay do we try to play like a um let's try to be like the Trojans let's go let's play the Trojan Horse here I'm gonna sack the bishop that's what we call the classic Greek gift uh I'm gonna sack the bishop with Bishop takes A2 um it looks like it's a free it looks like it's free it's like when you get that free free horse it's like oh man we got a free horse and as we all know the horse wasn't actually free um and it's gonna be the same thing here where I'm gonna go for a Checkmate on the on the queen side here he's also once again peace is not in the game these pieces are very very passive so yeah it goes C3 so I'm gonna go Queen A5 and go oh wait oh my God it's on the piece what am I doing let's take I'm actually losing here if my opponent knows what to do not paying enough attention I thought he played C4 not C3 um but anyway we still go over the checkmate and the move that he has to find here is a very tough move because there's certain types of moves and shots that are generally very difficult to spot uh the two most difficult moves in Chester spot actually I'll say it after the game I know let's go here two most difficult moves the spot and chess are backwards now it moves like Knight to C1 and backwards Bishop moves backwards Knight moves and backward Bishop moves are the two hardest move ideas to see in chess it feels like you're still resorting to tricks instead of teaching proper test education most these games I'm playing very standard this is the only one where I actually played uh played for a trick yeah most these games I'm not playing for tricks this one yeah I am kind of going a little bit for tricks with the um classic Greek gift so I'll go here and my opponent has all these pieces are very passive even though he has a lot of extra material they're very passive and his King is very weaker and the king is the most important piece okay let's go Knight D5 here I'm gonna go A5 A4 try to open up obviously I'm down here but all this all these Paths of pieces that are not active give me chances he lost his job to educate when he started entertaining he goes B3 okay so I think I'm gonna go A5 A4 there I do have some grip here towards C3 I'll play Mad way later I think but not right now um let's go check let's Fork The King The Rook and the bishop probably some very bad innuendo from that comment but let's go 93 um I'm now gonna go A4 he can't do anything I'm trying to rip open the a file to use the Rook here um it's all very very it's all very bad I think I'm actually already winning here I'm gonna play Mad with later on you guys I I sort of rage quit but I think I should be able to get at least back to where I was before um before I stopped fundamental mating patterns also are quite important that is a true Point um I think I'm gonna go C4 here if he takes I can play Knight takes C4 fork in the king of the queen I open up the diagonal all my pieces very well placed Queen is active Bishop is active Knight is all up in his business the Rooks are on two great files so all my pieces are actively is all these pieces especially these three pieces that aren't in the game um so I think now I go C3 forking the king of the queen with the pawns and I'm gonna win very soon uh Master Chef will be later probably so I take the queen checking mate in one and there we go so let's keep going next game okay so we're playing Aryan at 730 rated um he car is streaming on Friday yes you guys I normally stream Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and not on the weekend but with a bullet brawl now now being in play I do stream on Saturday too do I smoke zvide uh no I don't you guys I don't do these things um see let's play D5 and uh let's just take the center of the board here we're playing proper chess we're not playing any of the stupid memes like there's that idiotic streamer he car knocking all he does is like make jokes play stupid openings I mean he's really ruined chess frankly with all the stuff he's done because now like when when serious people try to come in and we try to watch this and try to learn all you hear about is like the bond cloud or you know like the the wooden Shield um or and peasant and all these stupid things that like don't make any sense like you know when we try when those of us who are trying to improve at chess we go look at things all we hear these stupid memes and it's really a shame what he's done to chess frankly um let's play Knight to C6 here and develop our pieces um about all right let's keep going let's play E4 here I have easy development with my pieces here easy development uh bottom line is if you want to play against the block do what I did against John krishop Duda in the global Chess Championship he tried to play after ranking up too um so he played a version of it uh let's just develop our pieces get our King out he's way behind one two three four five pieces not in the game not in the game at all am I gonna play classical chess in the future absolutely let's go Bishop D4 I don't want to trade here because he's got nothing developed no development so I'm gonna bring in all the reinforcements so it was Queen A3 I think I just oops I just take the pawn with a check here it's good to see you guys too yeah uh I'm just gonna take the pawn and get a new Queen everybody wants Queens someone made a child support course on the bomb Club that's hilarious actually yeah how do you join you need to be a member of the fan club to join you guys um shouldn't be that difficult though okay plays uh King D1 I will get a new Pokeman let's let's let's promote here on H1 lifetime repertoire is a bond cloud um let's go check here I mean it's just it's a disaster I'm gonna play the U.S Championship no I will be in Morocco actually speaking uh speaking speaking of of a Pokemon I'll be in Morocco um filming something there so okay let's just take the Knight with Chuck mate next game um so no I won't be playing the US Championship let's play E4 and he played C6 now Carl Khan I'm gonna play the opening I played it as a child which of course is this classic exchange Karo Khan with Bishop D3 C3 and Bishop Ford again same theme you see how I get the Bishops on the active double diagonals and I have very easy development with the knights and I can Castle the king yeah so it's like same thing I get the Bishops developed I get the nice developed by Castle very free-flowing openings the development is very easy play Queen B3 so positive World rapid championship in Dusseldorf Fabian I was gonna play I don't have any thoughts I think it's uh I don't really understand the purpose of the event frankly it just seems weird to me one time I haven't seen you guys I think maybe not no maybe not I thought I thought sneeze was coming let's play 92 here um but no it's not I guess so let's develop our pieces here let's take the pawn now I open up the file of course I captured towards the center with the double Pawns let's let's go Knight F3 just finish our development here on the king side well I'll try mad with later I think he takes I will take back will you be my dad sorry guys um I'm I'm too busy too busy right now to be a dad okay let's Retreat two I guess e3ks have you ever pushed in the center it opens up the diagonal worst feeling when you want to see something you can't yeah exactly okay I'll go here to stop him from getting rid of the bishop he is Knight F4 or Bishop four G3 cuts off both ideas I'm gonna go B4 try to expand I also create the uh whatever I create the right the sword of the right triangle with the pawns here I'll play V5 to kick the Knight away so we can't ever push in the center and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to move my king uh in any game you don't actually know let's try to be proper normally I would play King E2 at the top levels when Queens are off the board sometimes you want the king in the center for the end game but I'll just cast and keep it simple what I want to do is double the Rooks on the file and really put pressure on this Pawn because he can't push it because B5 will always capture the pawn how long do I stream um it depends sometimes I stream for like three hours sometimes I stream for like seven hours like yesterday I stream for nine hours uh goes up five now he's trying to play F4 which is very dangerous because he opens up the file so I'm gonna go here to stop F4 if he takes takes and suddenly I have F3 to trap the horse so the horse on e4 looks good but it's not a Bastion and if you can't get a bash if your horse the pawns can always kick the horses out of town so you have to be very very careful when you put a horse in the center of the board like this where there's a pawn that can move and attack it so he takes by taking you see the horse has no squares here actually of course is completely dominated here they're just no jumps once I get F3 to kick it out of town uh he goes H6 which is a good move um I think I will still play F3 I want to get this horse out of here it's an all-up in my business what I'm going to do is I'm just going to start pushing the horses back even further I'm going to push the horse back more go back horsey actually that was a mistake I mean I missed it could take the pond I guess I'll just take tonight it's still very good for me but okay let's take the pawn I was annoyed because I lost the theme of what I was trying to play for but still good okay let's just go F4 I guess here stop him from pushing the pawn it should be too late to join the arena no it shouldn't be but it goes B6 another good move to get the Knight back I will go here to put pressure on the pawn these things was very important because again I was trying to I was trying to um I was trying to trap the horse with Rook D1 to where the Knight would have no squares basically so B6 was good because it supports the night moving back when I start playing chess and start playing chess when I was seven years old take the pawn he loses the Rook here I might go to the boat just came up here no in fact I probably will get to it after we finish with this okay let's just take the pawn I love your YouTube channel bro thank you appreciate it thank you so now I'm gonna go B for the pause portion I don't want to hang the pawn pawn support each other everywhere actually this horse is very very vulnerable now it's very vulnerable I feel like this guy this guy is um this guy is definitely not 1200 let's put it that way I'm gonna go King F3 here he's not he's not um he's not cheating but he's uh he's smurfing his rating is much better the the moves he's playing here are much better like he would have lost his Knight multiple times he keeps defending it so uh he's not cheating but he's like not on his main account or something it's probably about like I would say like 1700s my guess I'm gonna go here and then Bishop D4 to create the wooden Shield this is a bash in here but the Knight is actually not able to attack anything uh let's take with a pawn here and take why doesn't Hassan like you I don't know that's just my perception I could be wrong but I I don't think he does um and now I'm up upon the Knight doesn't really have squares to jump to boost Knight C1 um let's go I think I'm gonna play Rook A6 to hit the pawn on H6 uh let's just take the pawn and now I'll take the Knight with the King and even though I'm up even though black and Central pawns I have two connected pawns that I just push all the way up the board let's go I guess here okay let's go G4 break the chain here if we can take the pawn I'll check and play uh Rook G1 and okay let's go rookie one and now King D3 I capture the pawn and these two pawns will win the day for me yeah we just run the king all the way up the board oh they're 16 00 rapid okay so what I said was right yeah he's not cheating but he's much stronger much stronger um okay let's play E4 again get E5 okay I think again I'll stick to the basics I don't really want to get too far Knight C3 of the Vienna like Knight C3 Bishop C4 also very playable I probably recommend either the Vienna or the scotch as long as you're aware of the like the the Charlie horse mate with like Bishop C5 and queen F6 um it should be it's it's a reason it's pretty good opening to play um oh wait the 2020 day world rapid and Bliss Championship doesn't have a venue but it's rumored to be held in Dubai the 2024 event will be held in Austra uh can you tell me where to Google that uh so I can take a look at that afterwards I had I had not heard anything about Dubai for the world rap and Blitz I hadn't heard anything um I had not heard anything about that rumor ashra as well I'd heard nothing about Austria um Pond Cloud trustful I can find that myself so you don't have to send link Ryan like shots but um still yeah let's go E5 attacks and ah Tarjay tweet okay let me let me go to Twitter RJ tweet okay let's see uh queenies have a good move I'll play here to break the pin Knight still has to go back and now I get quick development with knights of 395. uh let's go nice these three I want to go Knight D5 here um foreign I'm looking to see if I can find it maybe it's a reply um ah I see it now now I see it okay let's go to 85 attack the queen and hit the pawn at the same time um okay let's just Castle good development good development good fundamental Chester I have developed a bishop developed tonight just bring the Rook every piece is in the board here or every piece is on a great Square he has no development here so he's way behind in the development and all my pieces are on great great uh great squares as we move forward now I'm this isn't really a trick but it's more to illustrate why you have to develop your pieces quickly because the problem here is this king is stuck in the middle the queen and the Rooks are on the back rank again these pieces are on the first two ranks if you're if you don't develop your pieces don't get pause for it and you're all on these two ranks you're gonna end up in a lot of trouble get out of in a lot of trouble here because my Brooks aren't on the two open lanes foreign [Music] yeah they need to hand me down it's appreciated so I think my opponent's just completely lost here it's just no development you've got to develop your pieces very quickly I mean there's no there's no foolproof development I think that when you're talking about development of the pieces so there's certain ways that certain openings are much better for it okay it goes D6 again position was already lost but now he's gonna lose due to the fossil here because he's gonna lose the Rook yeah this is gonna be a fossil here on h8 I grew up with hand-me-downs yeah nothing wrong with that it's all good Prager Cash In classical definitely good cash um in Rapid I don't know rapid not sure resides the Checkmate would have been King takes Pond to guard guard The Rook but then I have Bishop B5 check cutting off the square and this is basically Checkmate the king can't go here can't go here all the squares covered and after Queen h8 it's simply Chuck mate okay we got Adams Jr again E4 I I do recommend these openings though like for people who are going to watch this video even on YouTube like I strongly do recommend playing these openings like the Grand Prix and the scotch they both both these openings got me to 2300 um their openings my stepfather taught me and I think they're amongst the best openings just because of the easy developmental play at the start very very easy development again develop the Knight bring the Bishops out Castle the king very simple and here again I have multiple options like I can Castle either way I can Castle either way here uh I do not like the Italian thing Irma's for a sub oh I think the Vienna the Vienna is good I think Vienna is fine I think the Spanish is relatively okay and what I don't like about the Spanish I'm much more so in the Italian for sure is that the Italian is all about a couple Pawn breaks in the center of the board as a beginner intermediate player that's not what you want you want open positions like this is an open position there's they're half open files you have easy diagonals easy placement for the nights like you want easy peas play and the Italian becomes very cloggy and it's all about Pawn breaks now the top level of course is a great opening um but at like a beginner level you're not gonna know how to play Seether in D4 it's just not possible you could play the true Italian like the the Gucci piano not the Gucci pianissimo with C3 and D4 that is true but after Knight F6 you have no like the fried liver and other stuff um so let's go rookie one here rook's in the center of the board Bishop's very active great diags great Rooks now what I want to do at some point is explode the center and open up this diagonal this bishop is good this one is great obviously it's uncontested but I want to open up this diagonal because I also have Brooks in the center of the board too so I want to get these lanes open here so I need to eventually Force E5 in so let's go E5 now here it's actually really good but what I'm gonna do is I'm actually not going to win the game on spot with Queen takes queen I'm going to go here to illustrate the point if I can he'll move the queen and I'll take and you'll see what I mean okay move the queen away dude I mean of course he hung the queen again okay I'm trying dude come on dude I'm trying Scotch for nights is pretty reasonable okay I mean I I can't I can't sorry I can't I just can't let's just take the Knight take take the Rook ggs um yeah I'll just trade the Rooks he resigns let's keep going okay goes a G3 so I think now uh again as I said many times you this guy's 1800 so it's understandable but at least the beginning of do not do not try this at home do not let your opponent get the big black Center go here easy development nights out quickly Bishop's out two develop The Bishop's Castle King let's go here he'll take I'll take I'm gonna play like Bishop V6 only up game today I'll play uh mad with later not right now it was E4 um I have multiple castles here I'm gonna go this way just because I get the rook in the center of the board and now I can also play like G5 H5 and attack very quickly when he castles it was Knight B3 I think what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna explode the center immediately because now the D file is going to open up here multiple cows you could go either way long or short uh let's go E3 try to fossilize the bishop and create the Checkmate here I could have played rookie A2 we were watching your stream at CCC what is CCC Oh Charlotte chess club nice nice I might be there in the future actually I might show up there for an event down the road possibly we'll see Castle is a good moocs it guards the bishop and it stops the threats towards the pawn F2 um I don't actually like my position this game it's not a good position for me can I speak Farsi I speak words I don't really speak it no take and take yeah my opponent's played pretty well I actually have no Advantage here out of the opening go here and guard the pawn I need to reserve my tickets for North Carolina that's not or not North Carolina sorry um for um for Charlotte you mean uh it's not nothing is set in stone it's a possibility I I what I would say about that um is that it is going to depend very largely on what happens at the Isle of Man turn at the end of October as to whether I go there specifically or not so yeah I'll play uh uh I really want to keep my Bishop on the board so I'm gonna go here and guard the pawn and hit the Rook at the same time uh David Lee Ross did you need 20 000 hours of Master anything that's probably true problem which has is that you know you know what the problem of Chess is though even if you spend 20 000 hours on chess if you're an adult and you do it you still will not be able to get past a certain level that's what's so that's what's so um Elusive and mysterious about Chess I'm go F6 here just guard the pawn yeah that's what's so elusive about Chess is that if you don't start a certain age no matter how many hours you put in you can't get past a certain level let's go rookie a here claim the open Lane try to create the Kebab I think I still have ceases to kick the Knight but I I'm Gonna Leave This Knight here as long as I can and try to improve first but I can always kick the Knight either way but I can also just improve first because C4 is not a move I mean maybe now c4 is lurking um well let's just go rookie let's claim the lane I don't have an advantage here by the way I'm gonna move the king yeah yeah you get to a certain level uh let's go here I want to retreat the bishop so I can't let him trade so I have a square no trade of the night for the bishop yeah with perfect players would be a draw I still think that I have a slight Advantage like for example if I was playing Magnus I think Magnus would play as black if I had black piece that's I would also probably try to play on although white could maybe claim something too because he's got he's got a little bit of a Central Pawn for us potentially uh let's go B5 and rookie three I should go on Joe Rogan I would obviously go I mean I've said it for a long time I mean if you want to have me on I'm gladly go on let's make a check and play Bishop D6 um but again I I mean I don't really expect that to happen let's just go back I'm trying to dominate the horse a little bit here uh from getting into the game go King C7 here yeah yeah the two podcasts that I've said I mean I've said this for years now that I would go on if they if they asked me um we're uh were basically hot ones and um hot ones and Joe Rogan those are two that I would do um if they ever if they if they even mentioned it to me yeah your G6 takeaway Knight of five here let's go here will he take the poison pod if he takes the pawn he's getting his horse trapped again yeah I would go on hot ones absolutely yeah okay he ignores it so the one advantage I have in this position is a slight Pawn push on the on the king so I have a slight Advantage because these Pawns to age five I mean I have Rook up seven like it's a little bit dangerous here for white in the end game so now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to play G4 to fix the weakness for the rest of the game the bishop will always be eyeing this Pawn on G3 now I don't actually know which way to take my gut intuition is that I should take away from the center the reason I think I take away is because outside pawns are better like the pawns are one square away whereas if I take here the Knight is it's hard to push because the Knight always covers it but here the Knight can't get Knight doesn't cover H4 the Knight doesn't move in a uh a ginormous L shape like it does not move in this ginormous out so let's go check and Rook F3 and I'm gonna go after this Pawn again maybe not actually there's 95 still but this should be good yeah okay go here go after the pawn a G7 Strat I don't even know what the G7 thing is yeah oh no my opponent's not sauce the the game the way I've played the moves have been a little bit too easy for him that's the problem for the most part the moves have been too easy I don't think that I mean I think the perfect place is still a draw but I don't think I don't think my opponent will draw this I think I'm winning here because I have the outside juicer yeah now I check and take and I should be winning here because the king is too passive we have the classic Kebab on the second rank as well which is very brutal like I started I started sneaking in with the King here and his King is so passive on this background just cut off by The Rook I'm gonna go here I go after the juicer and this should be winning actually it's probably not winning with perfect play but I will win the game King F3 might have been wrong actually I'm gonna try to swing my king over and eat the juicers on the queen side actually let's go here I want to go like G2 Maybe yeah I'm trying to win the pawns here I don't think he's gonna be able to survive yeah let's go uh eggs takes takes here here yeah it wins so you can't trade to the end game this should be winning I'm not 100 sure that's winning but it should be his king is too wide king is too wide here let's go check and trade and this must be winning like this end game should be winning here I just take the pawn and the king gets over he can't he's not he's just a little bit too slow yeah I know Pawn just rolls through let's cut the king okay resides let's keep going that was a pretty good game he played very well okay let's go E4 again two more we'll play two more let's play Let's Play The Grand Prix which is what which as I said is what I played as a kid very simple Knight two pawns develop the Knight behind the pawns bring the bishop push the pawn try to Castle very very free-flowing opening very free-flowing let's go Bishop C4 and D train castles oh let's cast first doesn't really matter which order I do it and go D3 and now it's very simple Knights are out night this night behind the pawns both nice develop Bishop out Castle only the only the queen side pieces to remain try to bring the queen hit the pawn and eventually move the bishop and bring the broken very very free flowing go here I want to move the bishop bring the rook in bring the last boy bring the boys to the party with Bishop D2 rookie one maybe F5 Bishop H6 also an idea as well so let's go F5 I'm just gonna bring all the boys to the party try to use the diags here and I really like my position here Grand Prix is played at the top level but not the not the way that I played as a kid sometimes they play it like with Bishop E2 they play like E4 F4 Knight through and Bishop E2 sometimes drop back and now of course he just reopened it so now both diags are open this diagonal big problem here big problem here and the Knights are jumping into the center immediately do they have more of a snacks due to online streaming obviously I mean that's oh man I get checkmate with the Bishops oh no let's just Checkmate oh no yeah it's actually a force Checkmate in two I think if he moves he gets I push and I get a new new pokemane and if he doesn't I Chuck him in with my other Queen so it's just all over and now the bishop plays on a diagonal he can't capture because he's pinned and so he goes over and now I go Queen G7 mate and again as you see the opening was nothing super special but the plans were very straightforward anyone could anyone could understand that plant and find that plant doesn't mean they win the game that way but that plan would exist regardless yeah okay he plays D4 D4 is an opening um now again with black You Can't Always Get the same kind of setup so I'm gonna play Knight F6 e6d5 play the Queens uh play the Queen's game decline Kick Kick app improved a lot on Android that's awesome so he plays the one system um let's go for one of the stronger systems let's play C5 and queen B6 go right after immediately and now I'm gonna play Knight six foot pressure on the pawn already he's messed this up a little bit yeah try and put a lot of pressure if he takes he yields the center okay he goes to 95 but I'm gonna take and now he could lose the pawn here actually you know it's funny I think I can take here and just go for a win but Fork the king of the night on E1 and G1 and if not I just take it now we keep his accounting so I'm just up a pawn here scoreboard I mean I have a good score but oh he's trying to hit me with Bishop B5 nice so I'll go A6 to cut him off no Bishop B5 is Daniel not available today what do you mean is Daniel not available I don't know what you mean by that let's go E5 hit the Knight and create the big black center a double purpose threat and then simply game over let's go check can't move that can't cast The King I'll obviously recapture next turn but now I just move the king I take no castling allowed and he's gonna lose the game let's go E4 takes Bishop G4 GG why not actually King E3 runs into D4 checkmate that's just GG King can't go back to either D2 or E2 it's covered by the Bishops Queen covers all the squares on the f file as well King can't go anywhere GG that's why you don't play London system okay again I'm gonna play D5 play the uh play the Queen's Camp declined here very straightforward I was playing Knight F6 here who's Knight F3 I think I'm gonna play bishop p7 and cast are you and Danny good friends we're on fairly decent terms yeah um let's play H6 oh there's one thing with Dania Dan is like at the center of something else which uh which I think a lot of people don't know um and maybe down the road though they'll know because without saying it I mean there were a lot of things he was saying about a certain player behind the scenes um that led to certain certain certain uh things happening so we get E3 played here I'm gonna take the pawn on C4 um I think I'm gonna play C5 and then maybe Queen A5 let's go C5 here attack Upon A Center of the board maybe take some castles so let's see let's see what we get here um from I am Oscar Mike so castles uh I can take the pawn I can also Castle I'm a castle King out of the center of the board so um waiting for a move from I am Oscar Mike uh there's D takes C5 maybe 94 is a move as well let's see it goes Queen C2 I'm gonna take the pawn on D4 here slight mistake for my opponent because now there's some pressure on the center of the board some pressure oh let's go to 86 go after his pawn and center of the board here at the bishop and the Knight plays D5 now this maybe is an okay move but I think it's bags on 95 to hit the bishop and everything is under attack in the center of the board here yeah everything's under attack in the center of the board uh what's the plan of the Arena I'll probably do the I don't know maybe I'll do the bowtest Gambit speedrun I might also just play some more Blitz because my rating is actually fairly decent if I can get to 32.50 I'd be pretty happy now I'm simply up a horse here or up a bishop I should say um so I should win the game pretty soon let's go Queen f8 and just move the Knight back very very good position let's finish our development pin the knights and I can just bring the last boy to the party with Rook theater rookie eight the pattern sure is like a chess board yes it is exactly um now I forked the queen of the rook and I'm just gonna trade all all the Bishops in the night off the board immediately I'm just gonna get rid of all the pieces here and at the end of the day all the queen and two Rooks and all the queen and a rook here well I travel to Toronto for the um take creating off the first set trade off another set of pieces trade off tonight for the rook and now I have a queen and two Rooks versus the queen and rook and now the goal is to take the open Lane and trade everything off the board if I can yeah that's the goal so at the end of the day I'm gonna have an extra Tower and if I have an extra tower that makes me the king of Spain so we'll see what he does here actually I don't know why I said that but anyway um let's go yeah that doesn't even make sense let's go Queen D1 shock I don't know why I said that but whatever let's take the pawn yeah like I that doesn't make any sense at all sorry um he checks now the one thing I would be careful of is not to allow some kind of repetition here so I assume I dropped back um yeah I was just blocked with the Rook the king of Spain is known for his Towers though wait seriously let's go here there's no checks available anymore I cover all the squares the boat test song actually a triple oski let's go check and just cover up everything I'm just gonna cover up everything with Queen G6 here just covering covering everything uh with the queen in The Rook foreign [Laughter] very simple yeah let's just take time for one more game um oh we're playing darks who is actually a streamer by the way on Kick playing Dark sir let's go E4 he plays D5 Scandinavian when opening that I think actually is quite decent to play as a beginner one of the openings where I where which I do actually recommend let's go to 93 and Bishop C4 again trying to follow the basic theme get my pieces out of the center of the board as quickly as possible do I recommend five minute games for beginners no no Bishop B6 is a move but it's a little bit of a cheese trying to trade now again in the scotch opening you're already the pawn so you can develop and here are the pawn is in the way of the bishop and there's no development so I don't really like this from darks although it's decent it's not the end of the world if he knows what to do yeah for beginners don't play five or play tenno or play 15 minutes do not play 5-0 go Knight F3 cast it's just simple chest actually no let's go D4 open up both diagonals and then Castle all very simple very free flowing again foreign but again I want to play for themes rather than just like winning the game um Bishop 7 takes 95 is a theme though that you will see every so often but I'm gonna go H3 here instead if he takes I get the classic 90 degree right triangle here um where I hit everything all at the same time the I take and now he can't actually guard everything everything's under attack here was winning but again I I mean I could have played it but I didn't want I don't I don't want to like end the game instantly that's just Castle I have an extra Pawn here I finished my development Bishop can be developed either way I think I'll just bring the Rook so I can go there or there to hit the pawn next turn okay stop this threat of A4 trapping the Bishops they would cover all the squares I guess I'll drop back again I have multiple paths for the start Square Bishop once I move the dark Square Bishop I can bring this other Rook to the party insta no I'm gonna go here so I can put a lot of pressure on these diagonals how do I study trust without injured I mean it's simple basically you have a chess board you read books that's how you study so I'll take the tower let's go D5 I want to open up this diag actually that's a terrible move by me but I'll get away with it I should have played Rook D1 and then D5 uh reading books in 2023 yeah exactly yeah let's just take the pawn I mean now I'm happy to trade everything down because at the end of the day I have a queen and a rook versus a queen of the bishop if he trades oops that's Shaq nice attempted attack but unfortunately it's Chuck so you guys can read I know tell me about it let's just take the pawn if he takes the queen he loses the Rook he takes for the king I take with Chuck and I end the game immediately yeah it's just GG actually I go check and mate and one with rookie eight there we go Gigi why not [Music] thank you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 790,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: dAyLEYWkLkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 41sec (5201 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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