Hikaru Reviews Gothamchess, IM Rosen, Hans Niemann games Las Vegas Round 1

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okay so okay so we're gonna go over the games as  i said so we're gonna start with the first game   played between levy rosman and griffin mcconnell  now people who have been watching my stream for   a while may or may not be familiar with griffin  mcconnell he is um he's a junior chess player from   the great state of colorado um now he has had many  brain surgeries over the past couple of years uh   um in terms of trying to like be capable of  functioning normally also being able to play   chess um all these different things i think we  watched the documentary on him he had like a   seizure and there were all kind all sorts of other  issues now we i do know that he had some he had   a procedure which i believe did work as well um  not so long ago so that's why he is able to play   chess um play chess right now and of course it's  a great story i i don't have the link for that   video right off but we did we did watch the video  and it's it's pretty it's pretty inspiring okay   so levy uh plays c4 griffin plays e5 knight f3  knight c6 d4 okay um first of all this is not um this yeah this is not this is  not a high quality opening um   uh also knight f3 here is already not the wait so  i'm really confused here so what is knight f3 by   levi to begin with because the way you play this  is you almost always play knight c3 or g3 here   you don't generally play knight f3 knight f3  is a very unusual move and then levy plays d4   um also kind of surprising i don't i  mean maybe levy's just trying to avoid um   trying to avoid preparation or something but  already this is a little bit dubious by him   because even here you still can play  knight c3 d3 and g3 which is classic um   classic the classic english opening d4 is not  it's not a high quality move um so takes knight f6   trade and now levy place g3 here he's kind of  gotten i think a little bit of what he's wanted   though which is that um which is that the point  is that we're we're just kind of in a normal   position it's very very sort of a slow and and  open um now i will say something else separately   that i think that i think is kind of important  you guys say levy's trying to avoid preparation   if you're playing against an 1800 level player  um in your 2300 for example you really should   not be afraid of their preparation at all you  should just play your best openings play the best   moves and play to win you should not be afraid  of walking into some sort of um some sort of   preparation because an 1800 level player they're  very they're very good but they're not on the same   level that you're at as a 23 or 2400 players so  um so i don't really like the concept of trying   to avoid um trying to avoid theory because the  fact is you're a better player just prove it   um so okay so it's knight c6 b6 g3 okay bishop  b4 knight d2 queen e7 bishop g2 okay bishop a6   now this is kind of going in the wrong this  is starting to go in the wrong direction with   bish basics because what we have here is we have  something which is the um we have with something   similar to kind of uh uh the scotch gambit  the messes variation where black is this very   interesting pawn structure and use bishop to see  it now in the messes for example which i'll show   you guys very briefly uh you do actually play  like that for example you're probably wondering   what opening i'm talking about but i'm talking  about this line um where basically after 95 c4   you go [ __ ] basics and as you'll notice the same  kind of structure with the pawns and in many cases   um for example you'll have lines like something  like this where you look like queen e6 i'm just   making moves of course these are not the best  moves but you will get bishops like this with   the with the structure of the pawns here in the  box um so kind of it's it's it's understandable   why griffin plays this way because based on the  structure of the pawns it makes some sense to put   the bishops on a6 and b4 based on another opening  but even though you have the same structure in   this opening that we have here um it's kind of  going the wrong direction because the thing that   you really want to play for is you really want to  play for either d5 or d6 and develop the bishop   on on the c8 square to either f5 or g4 it doesn't  um it's not as effective on asics because even if   you get d5 in you're really going to struggle  because white has a great bishop on g2 aiming   towards the spawn on c6 um so castle's played  griffin takes ah this is a bad move now this   is kind of i don't blame griffin for planes it  makes a lot of sense but it's actually a very bad   move because white starts to get a big initiative  here and if people have looked at um people have   looked at a alpha zero type game she'll understand  that sometimes a pawn or two pawns uh it's worth   sacrificing in order to get a lot of piece play  right away so it takes queen d2 here queen of four what is queen f4 that's not in the spirit of the  position at all like in this position you should   just go b3 bishop b2 e4 rookie one f4 rook d1  and just crush in the middle of the board um   i do not like queen f4 at all actually this shows  this this kind of shows again the difference uh um   you know sort of of the understanding level  because there's also another game that pops   into my mind right now which is that there's a  game between um there's a game between wesley so   and fabiano caruana was played in the recent  recent um grand chess tour event held in um   held in romania and um and in that in that game  there was something similar where wesley ended   up up a pawn but but they're not wesley sorry  fabiano ended up a pawn but wesley was able to uh   was able to get a lot of play with the with the  uh the bishop pair um so he goes queen f4 which   i don't like here um that being said uh that  being said bishop i guess the computer says   you can take the pawn and survive you know again  for a computer very easy to see for a human a very   tough move to play um now do i think a top level  2700 player could find this move in a slow game   plenty of time on the clock i think it's very  likely they could that being said it's very   easy to see ghosts and i i would not expect anyone  below at least 26.50 to play queen takes e2 here   it's a very tough move to play um so so bishop a6  has played it now now now after queen c7 um white   is just much better because again white is it's  even material now again but secondarily white has   the bishop pair and he's gonna again be able to  play like rookie one b3 bishop b2 or even rookie   one and e4 and white should be much better here  so castle is played bishop g5 rook fc8 queen a5   queen e2 uh takes rookie one and now levy  correctly plays queen c3 that being said as i go   through this i kind of wonder was bishop g5 right  like i know to me rookie one looks obvious oh and   i guess it's the best move in fact um but but  i it feels like somehow here white is better of   course but but in the meantime it's turning into  an end game where it's going to be even material   on blacks and open king but there are less pieces  on the board so a queen a3 instead of queen c3   aha queen a3 but then queen b6 and what's the  point okay again you can play like an alpha zero   or stock we should go queen d6 positionally  just crush the board here even bishop e4 i   mean yeah this is this is pretty this is pretty  uh pretty dank um honestly like this is pretty   dank i wouldn't expect that um yeah queen a3 is  very dank very dank um is what i would say uh   so queen c3 rookie eight trade queen c5 h4  is played um rookie six trade okay fv6 again   uh it's even material but white is  much better if not winning simply why does white is winning here sorry i heard  a desk move in one of the other rooms but um   white white is simply a white is simply much  better here because even though it's even   material black's king is very open white's  going to control the open file additionally   the bishop on g2 has a target on potentially  c6 also it can go to e4 and target h7   the bishop a6 is sort of it's it's on a  diagonal but it's not it's not scoping   anything there's nothing to be captured  so because the light square bishop's white   is much better combined with the  bad king positions he takes um uh rook d1 played rook f8 uh queen d4 here  black trades and goes d5 or g4 king f7   rook a4 of course the best move  bishop d3 takes king f6 okay rook c7 not sure if it's the best move but it should be  good enough yeah because now when black takes   on a2 you take on d5 and it's just a winning  winning working pawn end game so takes takes   takes and now he's pretty pretty pretty routine  um okay not a whole lot i think needs to be said   white's up two pawns okay rookie seven and  yeah this is i mean not not much more needs   to be said well i can just go like f4 g5 rook b7  so pretty clean game for for white um or pretty   clean game for levy i should say not not you know  not not super difficult um so pretty smooth again   opening was not great i think um you really i  will say that against certain level players um   uh certain level players um what was i saying  like you really should not be afraid of their   preparation you really just have to play your best  move and against someone who's like 18 1900 it you   probably can get away with it but but what i would  say is that to a certain degree you really do need   to trust yourself because against the 2300 or  2400 when you play an opening that's slightly   dubious if you get a um you play something  that's subpar they will equalize and you're   not gonna get you're not gonna have chances  to um you're not gonna have winning chances so   you really do need to trust yourself quite a bit  more so that's what i would say um he would place   he said he wanted to play something  worse against lower rated opponent um   well that's just a bad mindset to have frankly  um because that that's like that's like worrying   that's like you're just worrying about that your  opponent's gonna have some special preparation   like if you spent months studying for the  tournament um and you're well prepared believe   in yourself just believe in yourself play your  best openings um so so that's what i would say so okay so that's um that that's the first thing  we're going to go over uh let's go on to the next   game next team is between daniel herman and eric  rosen so we're going to look at eric rosen's game   second game um so e4 e5 knight f3 knight c6 okay  d4 we have uh bishop b4 okay so eric plays bishop   b4 trying to trying to play something dubious just  like hikaru nakamura did in his game against anish   giri in the ftx crypto cup um uh eric's not a  uh they have wait whether they have eric rose   in 1823 maybe it's just glitched anyway eric's  not 1823. he's not 18 23 but anyway um okay   so c3 bishop c5 okay takes bishop d3 queen h4 is  this eric's game um okay kind of some dubious play   by eric as well playing some some weird stuff here  uh this is obviously not great i was kind of in   the in the in the vein of playing like something  um something like a stafford gambit kind of just   getting the queen the night knight in the bishop  but again as you guys can see from the evaluation   this is quite a bit better for white here so it's  a little bit dubious um so knight d2 knight e7   okay i think knight f6 has to be the more  natural move here but 97 i had a three queen h5   oh i don't like castles here um okay computer says  something ridiculous like bish base a6 which no   human in a million years is gonna play um but  castle somehow i just i worry about bishop g4   ideas and kind of just giving back the edge  so so knight d4 kind of this is the problem   is here white's worried about bishop g4 he's  worried about the bishop on c5 it combined   with the queen on h5 as well so um it's kind of  like it's kind of hard to play here with white   knight before now eric's able to trade and i'm  sure at this point eric's like great i'm playing   i assume eric's opponent is like in 1800 1900  and he gets the end game and so now the skill   will really begin to show so a5 is played  here uh bishop to e3 rook b8 good move b3 f5 actually i hate f5 what is f5 by eric that's a that's a not a move that i like not a move that i like at   all um i don't know i mean i feel like you  should go bishop d7 rookie 8 maybe some d5   but f5 really does not feel like he's in the  spirit of position because after f5 um he takes wait a second wait a second let  me think about this for a second isn't there like bishop g5 here or something  not sure but this looks this looks kind of   kind of sketchy he takes now okay so i guess  now he takes computer says what bishop c4 bishop oh wow so you're supposed to throw in the in-between  move because the point is after takes um which   takes e4 you have rook fe1 attacking the bishop  on e4 and the knight on e7 ah very very tricky   because in the game when you take now when you  with the bishop back i mean it's even it's like   it's even material but but if you play check  first after here takes takes you go rookie one   and black's in really really bad shape here um uh  because if you take the bishop it's even material   but you have a tower of power and it's a tower of  weakness rather in this situation and um a5 is all   sweet there's rookie five coming so this is really  really bad uh but anyway daniel herman fails to   play that he takes here now the problem is if  you go bishop c4 check there's there's uh there's   bishop d5 um as a move so you can't really get the  same thing because now i just block with bishop d5   so bishop e3 is played here c5 rook  d1 king h8 f3 bishop g6 rookie one   a four good move by eric here um the point  is now you're willing to give a pawn here   in return you get a rook to b2 eventually you hope  you can collect some pawns on the a file so takes   oh actually wait no i'm wrong there's also  bishop c2 which wins the pawn as well rook   d2 takes bishop c4 rookie 8 rook b2 bishop c6 mind  you the the funny thing is that um is that in this   position it's very hard to play because uh or not  hard to play but it's very hard to win so i'm kind   of curious how um how uh how eric managed to win  this game by the way those of you are wondering   daniel herman is actually um he he was a streamer  from time to time his camel clutcher on twitch he   was very active here his sister i think still  streams uh zephcat so he's also someone from   the from the streamer community as well okay so  knight d5 trade now king f2 is a big mistake here   what i should do here is white should actually  probably just trade on d5 and say how does black   win this position um something like c4 and bishop  a4 go after the pawns with the ice skaters on the   back and there should be a draw so kind of a big  mistake going king up too because now after knight   b6 um i think black is significantly better  rook a8 bishop d5 good move target the pawn   your structure is compact and solid here so  black is just quite a bit better so rookie 2   h6 bishop h4 g5 now you trade uh king e3 king  g7 h4 trade okay i still think white could   probably draw this with uh with correct play  by the way um so bishop h2 bishop e6 here okay   knight f4 bishop one again you don't trade here  so if you look at this position look at all blacks   pieces they're all in the blue tiles here you  have these pawns and the king on the blue tiles   and and white's bishop is on the white tiles and  white's pawns also on the white tiles so this   would be a losing end game here um because white's  bishop can't touch anything here whereas black's   bishop can attack the pawns and black has an extra  pawn so he can create a pass pawn in the center of   the board so bishop one is a good move knight  to g6 played here king e3 97 okay white weights   white weights and now he blunders bishop c4 he  gets he gets tricked here uh what what white had   to do here was go like bishop d3 bishop c4 and  bishop to e4 so in black goes around the back   with the bishop tries to get him from behind you  have f4 here protecting the pawn um on g2 with the   bishop on e4 because when you play f4 here after  bishop c4 you're forced to trade the bishops off   and you're down a pawn and the knight on  b6 is much better than the bishop on g3   so trade takes takes king d3 now knight to  b6 played here um white goes king to e4 black   goes king outside you guys chill out seriously  um bishop h4 king e6 g4 d5 king d3 knight d7   okay king e3 here kind of 95 ah because if you  go king f4 here there's knight these knight g6   king g3 you trade and go d4 and now you just win  the game here um if white tries to go back you can   just take you at the tower of power but your pawn  is pawn is close enough that it gets the end of   the board before the king gets over um so so white  goes bishop to d8 king d7 good move here knight g4   and now it's kind of is over for white um i'll  just go through the game pretty fast here knight   b2 knight c4 and now you run the king up knight  protects the pawn run the king move the knight   game over bishop b5 king c4 knight a4 and white  resigns um because if you move the [ __ ] play   e5 here black goes knight c3 if you don't take  the knight you wait black just starts pushing   the pawn all the way down the board and if you  trade after takes takes i go c4 and the lone pawn   um wins the game for black if you go king e4  i go king to d2 king d4 c3 c2 c1 make a queen   and um and if you go like king c5 i go here here  c3 king b3 c2 king b2 king d2 protect the pawn   protect the queening square and win the game so  um goodwin good one for eric rosen quite difficult   obviously um probably was was not um it probably  was not easy to hold although i mean white could   have but eric created chances game kept going  and he was able to out skill his opponent all   right so let's keep going next up we'll look at  the game between uh uh hans niemann and chevalev   oberoi so game starts d4 now this game you guys i  actually did see this game on the broadcast last   night um so i do have i i have already seen this  game um uh before so d4 knight f6 c4 is played   uh g6 knight c3 bishop g7 we get a kings indian  hans plays this bishop e2 bishop e3 setup uh   pretty classical uh c5 d5 e69 f3 takes now b5 and  i'm a little bit sketchy on the on the theory of   this line um i know e5 is the right move uh this  is all correct but i think somewhere around here   uh after 97 this this should just be very good for  white there are some blunders in the in the game i   guess i'm going too fast so c5 d5 takes takes  b5 is played by black here the idea behind b5   is that if white takes the knight you take the  pawn on e4 if white takes with the bishop here   you have knight e4 knight e4 queen to a5 check  with a double attack um of the king and the king   and the bishop if you block the knight to protect  i excavate your knight and then i take the bishop   um and if you don't block of course you can play  queen d2 queen b5 and knight d6 and white's up   a pawn here i don't know which one's right i  guess queen a6 is apparently the right move it   gets very complicated because even though  white's up a pawn white cannot castle the   king here as the queen on a6 uh cuts off the  f1 square so um so very complicated so hans   plays the e5 i assume this is all mainline theory  knight g4 is played here bishop g5 queen b6 white   takes c4 played hoping to create a throbbing  checkmate on f2 i guess actually white's king   can run so it's not not quite there anyway but it  basically first of all it creates its run on f2 it   also prevents white from being able to capture  so like white's threatening to capture the pawn   so you prevent that there's no capturing you also  create the second threat towards the pawn and f2   so white castles knight to d7 bishop e7 played by  hans again supporting the extra pawn that he has   on d6 with the bishop on e7 rook to e8 is  played here white goes a4 so so hans tries   to chop the structure a little bit weak in  the pawn of b5 weaken the pawn on c4 as well   um tonight knight g to e5 hans goes knight d4  and this is actually the big mistake in the game   uh it's very peculiar that hans played 94 here  very very strange move i remember looking at   this game i was like why didn't hans just  take with the pawn here cause it seemed very   obvious that after takes takes you're up two  pawns you should be much much better here um   so i found it very peculiar that hans plays  this knight d4 move because to me it just   looked like after pawn takes pawn it's um  it's just uh it's just winning for white   so he goes knight d4 so b4 is played here  so now white goes knight c to b5 um and and   and oberoi plays bishop b7 hans goes bishop g5 and  this is also another very very weird move that i   didn't understand which was why did hans go knight  c7 or pawn to a5 here both of which looked good um   because like when he moves to bishop now  it gets very he gets very messy because a6   a5 queen c5 knight c7 now black takes and what you  have is a situation where hans wins in exchange   he wins one of these rooks but there are big  threats towards your king on g1 of the pawn on g2   so i was i was very surprised when i saw this  um that hans didn't go knight c7 here seemed   like uh one of the moves that should just be very  very strong for white um but he goes bishop g5 a6   a5 queen c5 knight seven queen d6 now after 98 i  suspect hans missed the fact that after queen d5   black is threatening a checkmate on g2 so so  hans plays knight f3 obroy takes with the rook   hans plays bishop d2 obroy goes knight to c5  and now it's very complicated because even   though white has an extra rook it's very passive  on f1 and black's getting a jumper to d3 here   he's got the double op combo here both bishops  making the classic x formation and he's also got   a lot of pressure here in the center of the board  as well so it's very very tricky in this position   so hans takes obroy plays knight knight d3 hans  goes bishop c3 again solidifying this diagonal   also trying to interpose the bishop on g7 so that  this bishop has no scope towards the rook on a1   so knight to f4 is played here very very good  move by obroy again putting the knight on   putting the knight on f4 you know anytime you get  a knife on f4 f5 it should be pretty strong when   it can't be removed right away um so rookie one  is played here hans hans plays rookie one ob roy   goes queen c6 and it's very very dicey because  again you see there's a lot of pressure here   uh with the diagonal with the rook on e8 aimed  towards e1 very very tricky position here and   even though white's up material you can tell  that it you can tell that the um you can tell   uh you can tell that based on the valuation it's  not that clear so bishop takes e5 is played here   obroy plays rookie five hans plays rook c1 obery  goes bishop six and this is kind of a big mistake   here uh it seems that in this position obroy  i don't know if he was low on time or what was   going on but he was trying to get some like richie  five idea i guess he was worried about this uh ice   skater threat but in this position it's very  very messy um hans has not moved his queen yet   no he hasn't it's move 28 he has not moved his  queen um which again proves the classic maxim um   that uh you can break the rules when you're above  a certain reading it's all about learning the   rules and learning where the exceptions exist and  where you can break them because han does not move   this queen and we're on move 28. um so bishop f6  is kind of a kind of a a bad move here what black   should play is i think it's like rook d5 or g5  i mean there are a lot of options actually rook   d5 makes sense because if you go rook g5 first i  have the classic right triangle check and um and   i win the game so you should probably go rook d5  and i think work g5 here maybe and it's it's very   very tricky it's very messy um white might still  be better here but it's very very complicated   um and i guess computer says after queen c4 white  is better but very very tricky um very very tricky   so anyway he goes bishop f6 and now after bishop  takes c4 uh all the all the threats kind of go   up in flames because white's threatening the uh  the fossil with bishop takes uh bishop takes f7   with the check and then he wins the queen on c6  with the rook on c1 so this is the first problem   secondly you don't really have time to go for  knight g2 or knight h3 here because if you just   take again i can obviously fossilize you with  bishop f7 um and if you like trade the rooks here   i can just take with the knight again if knight  is sure i very calmly ignore you with king f1   and if you take you just don't have  time because again there's the fossil   so for that reason it all falls apart  immediately so oberoi goes king g7   hans plays rookie three again i think this was  a ridiculous move by hans uh he should have just   traded the rooks here i don't know why he didn't  just do like something safe like this um looks   completely winning uh so i was very i was very  surprised by this move from hans when i saw it um   makes uh makes no sense to me i i mean like  you just trade you go bishop f1 and voila voila   and end of end of threats nothing's happening you  guard the knight you guard your g2 pawn and now   your rook your rook is great so i was kind of  appalled to see this um that he played rookie   three so ricky ford's plate now again i think  here yeah computer says rook g5 again is very very   dangerous here with this weak pawn on g2 because  now if you go bishop one i go knight h3 check   you can't capture because of the pin and on king  h1 i take and i fork the king and the queen so   it's very very dangerous and rookie three is i  mean i don't know if hans was low on time or what   um but very very very fortunate to um to to get  away with it because it was a very very bad move   and now rookie four forrest played hans hans  takes and again i think this is a relay error   by the way you guys uh bishop to e5 was not  played here uh hans opponent took but basically   the relay has this position but the way the game  actually went was queen takes e4 uh bishop to f1   and i think here it was bishop to e5 um so this  was the position and then hans went rook to c4   queen to f5 and after knight takes e5 um  obroy resigned here in lieu of the fact   that after queen takes e5 white just goes  queen d4 forces the queens off the board   and white has an extra rook for a knight  and he additionally has a bunch of pawns   on the queen side which are just going down the  board and um and so that's why uh obro resigned   so uh rather shaky game by levy he gets he gets  the he gets the win um he gets the win or not levy   sorry a rather shaky game by hans but he gets the  win anyway um and he he takes care of business so   let's move on to the next game uh also someone  in chat writes um someone chat says classical   doesn't look boring when it's not super chance  playing people still blunder in classical games   super gm's just another level well that's  kind of that's kind of the point that i was   making when i talked about the um when i talked  about the fighting chess index is all you have   all that's proven by all those different things  that super grand master at 2700 plus are just much   better at the game than players who are like 2  500 and 2 600 that's that's just the reality um so   let's let's move on to the next game okay so next  game actually this is the android game that'll be   the last one let's look at the game between  atanassab anthony and gregory kaidana first   um now many people probably are wondering why am  i going over this game but anthony antonassov is a   fan of the stream i believe his username is aal123  he's from canada he's played in a lot of our   viewer arenas um so a lot of people know of him  so that's why i'm gonna go over this game as well   um so he plays d4 d5 um bishop f4 c5 e3 knight  to c6 um knight f3 knight of 692 pretty standard   e6 c3 of course playing against gregory kaidanov  who's a very strong player a former united states   champion someone that i played against many  times when i was younger so very formidable   opponent so takes ed4 knight h5 bishop b5 chat we  made it yeah uh bishop g3 g6 bishop d3 all pretty   standard i'm not going to spend too much time  i'm going over over the basics here so trade   castles castles rookie one um pretty good position  so far out of the opening for white this is uh   this is an opening i'm used to seeing yeah we've  seen a lot of london openings in recent times um   so bishop d7 black wants to basically develop the  bishop bring the rook to the center at some point   play like e5 e4 or f5 at four maybe even knife of  four at some point so bishop b5 is anthony title i   believe he is an i believe he's a female master if  i'm not mistaken um i think i think he's a feeding   master um so bishop b5 rick a8 knight f1 played  here by atanasap a6 played by kaidanov white goes   or anthony goes bishop a4 king to h8 knight to  e3 rotating the knight to e3 so now if black   plays the e5 you can always trade and win the  pawn on d5 so it prevents um prevents pawn to e5   he's an im oh i thought he was an fm last time  i saw him playing one of our arenas he was an fm   but anyway um anyway rook d8 is played  here queen d2 is played by atanassov um   g5 played by kaidana bishop c2 now again one  thing that changes a lot is i'll give you   a perfect example so if you look at um or sorry  someone said stop using um so i'll stop using them   if you look at uh or if you look at grand  master games and you're trying to figure   out how you want to play in many cases you  have to take chances to create imbalances   in a way that you normally would not do so for  example if gregory was playing a grand master i   don't think you'd play g5 here because it's very  very aggressive for that reason for that reason   in this situation when you're playing a 2100  you decide to go play g5 and go for broke   so at g5 gregory decides i'm going to beat  this guy's 200 i have to take some chances   so g5 is played bishop c2 played by atanassov  kaidana plays bishop to e8 and now g3 is played   here to prevent knife to f4 the reason you play  knife to the reason you play g3 is first of all   you prevent knife to f4 additionally you can play  knight to g2 as well and try double stack and and   gang up on the pawn on e6 here so knight e7  is played by kaidanov anthony goes king g2   bishop g6 we have a trade and anthony plays  knight to g4 at this point it starts the game   starts to go in the wrong wrong way for uh for  anthony here i would say that the the main thing   is when you get to this position it's almost  like a french defense where black has this very   bad bishop on d7 conceptually it's not really  doing much there's no scope this way towards a4   there's no scope towards g4 because the pawns in  the way so what do you what can you really do with   this bishop so it's a very deep conceptual plan  by gregory here to trade off the bad light square   bishop and now he also has this idea of maybe  sacrificing a knife by going to f4 additionally   maybe can go f5 f4 and the knight also supports  e5 and the last point is now the rook and queen   you really need to put more pressure on the  d5 pawn here if you're going to prevent e5   so knight g4 is played here rook  d to e8 anthony plays rookie d1   kaidana plays queen to d7 h3 is played here  rook to e7 so we have a lot of maneuvering   nothing really special happens i did not like  king h2 i remember watching this live at the time   um i think i thought here that white should  already be trying to play b3 and c4 and breaking   on the queen side or in center something like  b3 and i'm just gonna make random moves like   king g8 c4 where you try to break and you try to  play d5 you have to do something in the center   because if you don't do something in the center  here eventually what's going to happen is black's   going to play e5 or f4 so king h2 is played  knight to g7 queen to d3 played here by anthony   gregory plays queen c6 rook d2 knight f5 rook  to e2 okay so very logical moves to double stack   the rooks on e2 and e1 target c6 black and not  playing knight d6 and e4 which is his dream idea   because if you go knight d6 i just take so  gregory plays king g7 and here anthony plays   93 which is probably i don't want to say it's a  move that loses the game but it's what messes up   any flow and rhythm in the white position here  because when you play knight e3 you actually   give black the dream black wants to put in in a  perfect world i'm just going to make random moves   in a perfect world black wants a knight on e4 and  then he wants to go f5 and f4 and just sauce you   on the f file or um or open up something you have  a lot of weaknesses here because knight on e4 is   very very powerful um there you go so because of  that you're really giving black the dream here   which is is not kind of the the idea you really  want to keep the position very very complicated   so 93 is is unfortunately the move that really  costs anthony the game here i would have probably   suggested that he tries again i would suggest  that he probably tries to play b3 and c4 he's   got to try to open up the center of the board  here somehow because when you go knight e3 knight   t6 now now black's getting the knight to e4 f5  f4 is coming and it's very very hard to play   so knight d2 pawn to f5 played here by gregory  again now you support knight e4 the pawns on f5   and d5 you also have ideas with f4 and then maybe  opening up the f file or jumping with the knife to   f4 so knight to f3 yeah objectively the engine  says knight to e3 is the best move but it's you   have to remember what the engine suggests is best  it's not it's not very human for example whoops   i didn't mean to do that but let's go let's go  here so you say 93 is best and the computer says   93 is best because now you can play the amazing  move knight to g2 which is not human at all and   after knight e4 you go you go like c4 yeah you go  like c4 maybe h okay i mean this is way too dank   way too dank it's just it's not human we cannot  play like computers and it if there's no logical   flow it just it makes no sense so even though it's  objectively the best move it doesn't it's just   it's insane um it's very interesting that super  jams focus on counter play and engines just hold   hold really stupidly yeah well like i said 93 is  not if you ask any grand master about 93 would   say it's not a good move so you basically help  black finish his plan so knight d2 is played   here now gregory goes f5 and the problem here  is now white's lost the grip first of all with   the knight on f3 uh black can't push because you  you attack g5 but even if i give can give you um   even if i can give you this position you still  can maybe jump with the pony to e5 here so when   you go knight d2 it's really a step in the wrong  direction because now after f5 knight f3 knight e4   you basically waste a tempo and you don't have a  way to kick the pony from e4 because your knight's   in front of the pawn if you could move the knight  magically and kick the pony you'd be happy but   you can't do that now so it gets really bad really  really fast so knight to e5 they trade and now now   gregory plays king h8 kind of a strange move i was  very surprised he didn't just go f4 here because   f4 looks very very powerful and it's it's sort of  just a very thematic movie you take i take with   a rook f2 is weak i can i can line up the double  stack and things are going downhill very very fast   so gregory goes kha which actually gives  gives anthony one last glimmer of hope   to kind of salvage the game here because he can  now play c4 again uh to try and break open the   center unfortunately anthony doesn't do that he  plays knight c2 and he really after after g4 it's   getting very ugly because now black doesn't  even have to play f4 the point is black and   rotate the pony to g5 and go for the big forks  on f3 with the pawn supporting the knight so h4   played here and now gregory plays f4 just crashing  through and knight d4 played by anthony queen e8   gregory's idea is to go queen h5 double stack  and he's just going to crash on the f-file and   your king is going to get checkmated so rick takes  e4 takes queen e4 rook f7 played by gregory again   perfect perfect lining up lines up the double  stack on the only open file that's available   for the towers so rookie 2 takes king g3 you  could take with the pawn but after rook f2   king ju1 queen f7 black gets the legendary triple  stack and it's going to be game over very shortly   so king takes g3 queen e7 played here a3 rook  f4 played by gregory queen takes again not much   you can really do here if you move the queen i can  always just make this check as well so so anthony   decides to sack the queen queen takes h4 king e3  queen g5 f4 and gregory goes queen h6 many ways to   win here but the problem ultimately is that black  has two pass pawns that are going to rush down   the board on the g and h file cirque g2 queen h3  king g8 um i don't know why i went king g8 i would   have just gone h5 here because of 96 you have the  classic fossil with pawn to g3 check discovering   the knight on e6 here so h5 is probably slightly  more precise but it goes king g8 which kind of   it allows 96 um but gregory has another idea in  hand which is queen to f3 king to g1 and now g3   threatening checkmate and one on the d1 square  because the pawn holds the two squares for the   king escape and if you go rook to c2 i just check  and collect the rook and if you go rook to d2 i go   queen e3 check and i also collect the rook on d2  or f2 so what can we learn from this game i guess   is also a big big question mark and what we can  learn from this game is that this is one of the   big difference between grand masters and feeding  master and even international masters is uh   that they possess an understanding of how to  maneuver in a way that slightly lower rate of   players don't so like when you look at this game  you can't really say that anthony did anything   super wrong but what anthony did not understand  and this is also why i do not like playing the   london system past a certain rating point is  anthony didn't understand he got his general setup   like i'm sure anthony is very familiar with the  sort of structure but he didn't really understand   the floor of the position he didn't understand  that when you get these kind of this sort of pawn   structure you have to try to play c4 and break  in the center of the board so you start sort   of dawdling and just making random maneuvering  moves whereas gregory being a five-head that he is   uh he had a clear plan of what he was trying to do  with the knights like first he wanted to trade the   bishops get the knights to better squares at the  right moment rotate a pony to e4 and play e5 or f5   so you sort of see the difference like anthony's  moves are not bad but he's just randomly   maneuvering all over the board with no conceptual  plan and that's why that's why uh that's why   he gets in trouble how come magnus can play the  london here and there then well i don't know maybe   because magnus is the world champion first of all  secondly magnus has played every opening under the   sun he understands all sorts of different pawn  structures and it's not the opening only opening   that he plays but a lot of players are like around  21 2200 they focus on playing one opening and when   you only get certain types of pawn structures and  you don't understand what you need to do to open   up the position you can just get outplayed the way  that anthony does here by gregory so tough loss   for anthony at uh at tanasoft uh against gregory  kaidana but he did play well i think the main   thing the main takeaway he's got to understand  that when you get these sorts of structures   especially this structure uh the f6 e6 d5 versus  b2 c3 d4 there are always going to be some issues   on the king side so you always need to be looking  to try and open up the open up the center of the   board and get in the c4 push very very critical  here c4 and d5 um so that that's what i would   say about this this game nonetheless tough loss  but i think he'll learn he'll learn something and   hopefully he watches this video because i think  he will learn quite a bit from it as well magnus   is greater than anthony like okay all right you  guys so that's those those are all the expected   results now we have one more game we're gonna go  over um which was the big shocker in round one   of the las vegas chessville where chesterfield  where in typical c9 in typical cloud9 fashion   they take the big big big heart l so d4 played  by uh played by vidyarthy vyom who's 2165.   andrew tang plays uh wait sorry what was that  andrew or yeah andrew tang plays uh plays d5 here   okay so knight c3 played by vidyarthy knight to f6  played here by andrew okay pretty standard we get   sort of um this is i think the the jobava london  a little bit different um a little bit different   than like what we saw in the previous game between  anthony and gregory where we had the classical one   so knight's already on c3 here uh so e6 knight b5  played here again i believe that most of the time   when i've played this online like against hans  and dany and joe baba i've always played bishop f5   so e6 is a little bit dubious it's not bad but  it's a touch dubious because after knight b5 you   have to put your knight on the rim as we all know  knights on the rim are very dim so e3 i know you   guys black is andrew tang not andrew yang okay  calm down so bishop b4 played here c3 played by   the yarthy bishop to e7 played here he goes bishop  d3 and now here andrew castles very interesting   is i was thinking i wonder about c6 knight  a3 if black can actually take and give white   to double pawns if this is good or bad i guess  computer says it's good for white so probably   probably it's not it's not anything special  but it's the first interesting point   so castles is played here knight f3 b6 by andrew  um now the problem with this position again you   guys is that you have a knight on the rim and you  can't really get your knight into the game like   the knight can't jump cuz blunted by the pawns on  c3 and d4 additionally after c6 knight a3 even if   you go to c7 your knight's still not really in the  game like you want to play c5 but let me just give   you an example say you got this position the way  that you put pressure on the um on the pawn on d4   is with the knight on c6 so if we go back to the  opening this is why it's very important to note   these ideas normally if you play the classic  london bishop f4 just something like this uh   you'll notice that basically you get a position  like this where the knight on c6 it puts pressure   on d4 long term but also it helps you play play  for a break on e5 at some point but when you get   to this position um in the game you'll see that  right here even even if you get the pawn to c5   your knight is out to launch so you go like here  at night knight c7 uh castles and c5 your knight   is not putting pressure on anything the knight is  just sitting here and it's an open target for the   bishop on f4 you have no no pressure on d4 you  also have no idea no chance of ever playing e5   so your knight on c7 is just on the wrong square  it needs to be on c6 here so b6 is played by   andrew knight e5 bishop b7 castle c6 knight a3 all  pretty normal knight c7 queen f3 and we're getting   exactly what i told you guys where andrew's knight  on c7 is bad now if he can maybe rotate it to e4   like you can get 98 d6 and 94 like for example let  me just make some random moves you can get some   position like this for example the knight is very  good because you have fork ideas also you can kick   the pony with f6 next move but again it requires  a lot of extra moves you need one two and three   and you hope that white does nothing so knight d7  played by andrew here uh i don't like this move at   all i assume i assume you should play 98 honestly  like 98 96 you should just go for it that's what i   would do at least just try to try to get a pony to  e4 at all costs um because after knight d7 queen   h3 white is really starting to take it to black  here you've got the right triangle towards h7   uh you also have pressure towards d7 and e6  additionally the bishop on f4 is targeting the   pony on c7 here so it's very very dangerous so f5  played here by andrew avidyarthy plays g4 another   move i like apparently computer doesn't love it  but i love the spirit i love the aggressiveness   uh from vidyarthy here very much in the spirit no  fear i'm gonna go all in and try to win the game   so i really love i love the attitude so g4 played  here so andrew plays g6 vidyarthy trades andrew   takes of course you can't take with the g-punks  after king h1 uh your king is getting checkmated   here i have rook g1 coming knight g6 as well your  knight is absolutely horrific on e on c7 so really   really bad shape so take so andrew takes vidyarthi  goes king h1 against going with the theme of   trying to put pressure on the g h files towards  the black king which is kind of alone here on g8   so knight takes e5 bishop takes e5 bishop d6  played here by by andrew now vidyarthy plays   f4 another great move supporting his wooden  shield on e5 here this bishop is really well   placed additionally if black takes you can take  this way not with the d-pawn because then black   and play c5 and d4 and you're gonna get scoped on  the diagonal from by the uh by the bishop on b7   so here you would take and again even after  c5 this bishop is just behind this big pawn so   there's just no scope no scope for this bishop on  b7 so f4 so andrew takes f takes queen c8 played   by andrew now again the only hope you have  with black here is somehow get rid of this   this very awful op on on c8 here with bishop  a6 um it's really the only idea because again   even if you get c5 like just a random move  your bishop's going nowhere there's just a   big pawn in front of the bishop so the way  that you want to play is you want to trade   off the bishops uh because this bishop on d3 is  really good it's targeting this whole king side   and if you can get rid of the bishop it's also  one less piece with which white can attack   so because black is is kind of under a  little bit of attack here you want to   trade the bishops if you can actually i wonder  the white what's wrong with bishop a6 right here wait why didn't andrew just go bishop a6 huh why didn't he do bishop a6 here  i mean i guess computer says white   is better but i mean this is a very poor  poor move by andrew very very poor move   uh i don't like it at all so he goes queen c8 so  vidyarthy plays rook g1 of course puts the rook   aiming towards the king on g8  bishop a6 and now queen to h6 why didn't vidyarthi just go bishop c2 and  just continue his plan of double stacking   he goes queen h6 rook f7 of course if you take  the bishop here i go check and if you take   i take whoops i take you go king king g8 now i  go queen h5 check king can go to either square   but after rook you want to check me because my  queen covers a square note if you go queen h6 king   g8 rook g1 the king escapes so so queen h5 is a  nice touch because when you check the king either   square there's there's no escape to f7 because the  f7 square and the f6 square are protected so okay   so andrew goes goes rook f7 logical moves now if  white were to trade you can block with your rook so um so work f7 white trades now andrew  trades um and andrew's got in his dream so wait   how does andrew lose this game andrew's got  the dream he can bring the queen at d3 or e2   their checks on e4 and f3 uh and you can blockade  the pawn e5 with the knight on e6 black should be   better here so he goes rookie two rook g2 queen  d3 good move knight c2 knight e6 queen h3 well   wait a second wait a second wait a second isn't  it for just winning the game here am i insane oh you have knight before with a trick oh you're a  very nasty trick with knight before i guess a save   wow this is a very nasty trick to save something  here still queen h3 i mean does not look right at   all i mean i'm very disappointed that andrew  lost this game because andrew should be much   better if not winning there's no attack for  white you can play f4 you've got a green   knight your queen is in how does andrew  lose this game queen f3 rook f8 queen c4 what is rook c8 here actually in fact what is  all what is what is what is rook f8 here why   not just a5 take take the square and then go  rook f8 and f4 next move or even queen e4 um this is just winning for andrew what is rook  f8 okay rook c1 rook c8 b3 okay queen a5   knight d3 and i guess i guess the problem  here is that you can't really play   you can't really go c5 with pawns under pressure  now i actually have a free hand here to go h4h5   so now your queen's sort of your queen is offsides  here it's completely on the wrong side of the   board and h4h5 is a big problem um so b5 played by  andrew trade c4 ooh ooh i don't like that at all but again i don't know what else black can do  here because you're your queen is kind of your   queen is so off sides here that you have to break  it open so i mean maybe there's just something   better so quindy won andrew goes queen b6 i don't  know here i would have just traded and tried to   salvage this this middle game i'm betting andrew  probably thought you know what i suspect andrew   thought that at this point he had to try to win  so he was going to go over the top rather than   then try to play in a slightly worse end game and  make a draw so it goes here d5 good move now white   gets two connected juicers running up the center  of the board knight c5 e6 good move rookie seven   knight e5 nice move by by vidyarthy 94 takes  takes queen d8 rookie 8 queen d5 another good move   rookie 6 rook b2 okay so white is much better  here but i'm still kind of impressed that um   i'm still kind of kind of impressed that  vidyarthy won this to be honest although   actually this is a huge mistake by andrew  here he's got it he's got it like trade   and maybe i guess there's still rick's c7 though  there's still rookie seven or b8 still very hmm   maybe okay computer says you can trade and go  rookie seven and actually this is there are   probably pretty good reasonable uh reasonable  drawing chances here i would say um that that's   what that's that's what i would say is it seems  like they're pretty pretty good pretty good uh   pretty good drawing she has you have you have  a bastion on e4 you can probably win this pawn   you have three versus two over here so basically  as long as you go up this a7 pawn for this d5 pawn   and you keep the 3v2 here with the bastion or  the kinect 4 conversely as well it should be a   draw so good chances i already went over the  levy game earlier we're going to be covering   this event when when round 3 starts in about 24  minutes uh so queen 86 is played vidyarthi now   goes rook b7 threatening the the ladder checkmate  here very strong move black's king is now in dire   straits on g8 so knight f6 queen d8 98 queen  d7 and now you're getting checkmated on f7 and   h7 by the castle mania on the seventh ring so  you have to go queen c6 but after trade rook a7   your king is cut off and i'm going to be able to  line up the ladder again i assume at some point   so knight c7 rook p1 nice move and here andrew  just resigns because if you take the pawn on   c4 i go check king f7 rook b7 and i line up  the double stack laterally on the seventh   and uh you lose your pony on c7 and if you play  like 98 i can just go like rook b8 king f8 i   guess i can just even take this one and again your  king is paralyzed your knight is stuck and the two   rooks are way too powerful here and so andrew  resigns this game um he resigns this game here   after rook to b1 so very very uh very impressive  win by vidyarthy um a very disappointing game   from andrew he misses sort of one tactic and it  all goes downhill uh in in in a hurry for him
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 144,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, gothamchess openings, gothamchess, gothamchess las vegas, gothamchess national open, hans national open, hans las vegas, hans niemann, im rosen national open, im rosen las vegas, imrosen las vegas, eric rosen, im rosen, andrew tang las vegas, andrew tang national open
Id: FR5b5tFK8PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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