3-Way ft. Hikaru and Anna Rudolf: SUB BATTLE HIGHLIGHTS

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so guys obviously uh the format of a three-team  sub-battle yeah it's it's not too complicated for   anybody that's confused uh we're gonna start  with toronto six uh versus peatland alex um   who's my guy and then i'm assuming that we're  gonna just keep moving that wherever you are   you're gonna play two games wasn't pawn to  e4 just winning maybe maybe maybe it wasn't   so clear after e4h3 but it looked unclear we're  not actually looking at a sub game right i didn't   realize it started most certainly i am yes i most  certainly am lovey i just woke up why are you   wait am i am i insane our subs are playing your  guy is not here you need to wake up your guy   dude i i literally just typoed toronto  six and mercurial twist no joke i went to   follow both of them and i typoed both of their  usernames and i was like wow they're not online   okay okay well but you know what i liked  about the time is i made that i said   you know time's just a construct or whatever and  um and then yes whenever it was a few days ago   and i said that some of my chat is like yes and  and prison was it prison is just a room it's like that was a good one it's i that's what  it's a positive outlook on life i suppose   that knight on f5 is standing  majestically will he go for   a trade or try to open up the position the  black king is still in the middle of the board   yeah i mean i i think white whoa that's not ooh  tactics oh no it's a great move but only if you   see the idea because queen bishop f6 queen g3  there was a queen h5 check whoa i don't know   if my player saw it until then but he went  for it so i really appreciate the bravery um look at the goring gambit what no  no no no he's playing like dubov   now he needs to play queen c3 oh what is he it's maybe not so bad is it  how bad is it do you think   i mean i i know objectively  it's terrible but how about you   i i don't i don't think it's i don't but like  why would he why did he play queen d5 like what   i mean i mean maybe he slipped he just won the  queen he meant to go queen d3 oh i mean this   is um not how you should play chass there's  always a there's also a chance to lose here   then pete check me check me come on come on  just do it bring it home baby bring it home   come on bring it home yes levy levy your guys  are so bad at chas how did he lose that that   was like minus a gazillion i how did he lose i  don't even know what i'm saying what on earth i don't know i don't know i don't  know i don't even have anything to   say like i i you know i would love  to provide a counter argument um oh hikaru so yesterday i was playing  sun called gupta uh the indian i am   oh he's 27.50 give him like a year and you know  he'll be like 2900. what's his username uh sankalp   gupta i think it's 2003 which is his birth here oh  i think i've actually played him like once or yeah   i think i have actually played him now that you  say that i think i have played him so it's really   rare that when you play like a title player that  they watch your stream and i i caught him stream   sniping in a position in the opening i was like  this is the best move and he played it and it was   like dead lost and i was like and then he messaged  me and he's like did you just bait me into playing   that move and i was like i totally did man i  don't know why you're watching the stream like   yeah so bad yeah man i was  like motivated a great move   i was like motivated i'm like we're gonna do  well and then i'm gonna go and play blitz i   mean at this point i might as well just go cry  afterward yeah you know it happens lovey i mean   if there's something wrong with a good cry but  whether i saw the um i said that if i wanted   two senile men to scream at each other i would  go to walmart so levy come on walmart is great   you you're like such you're like too much of  a new york oh oh oh oh oh let me get oh he was   waiting for that one oh it's it's still an end  game though so let's okay okay oh it's 3-0 yeah   it's three oh you go go pete go pete you can do  it it's your birthday go come on just go pete free juicer six seconds for mercurial oh  no the night is gone too bishop takes h5   oh the shot at it wow wow wow wow   peatland alex getting it done oh my goodness  fine but i think for humans it's pretty hard lucky going for the king side  this is your guy isn't it yeah can we just move him can we move him just  real quick put him for anna give me racer like   oh no ah just e5 and he just missed queen  takes h3 guys the e pawn opened the door   for the queen and no wow  this was like a model game   really just a model game i mean rookie 3 is an  excellent move like bishop g2 rook h3 is just   forced now i mean it's you know maybe take  trade the queens bishop d1 rook h3 and there's a guy in my chat telling me i should  have put him in but homie you're 1400. i i   don't think this would have gone any different  if you played oh yes oh i didn't get made to do just checkmate and two on the board rook  takeshita was winning instead of bishop d1   oh my oh my goodness i mean it's still very  lost ikaro is out here like contemplating   what to do with this guy this guy just  didn't play rook takes g2 like oh oh dude i swear this is like watching the 700s  like what is going on bishops go backwards   zone's not even worse for white anymore yeah he could really close that i mean  black's position of black still has a really   really good position but ooh there's still some tricks  here there's a really nasty trick   there's it doesn't work but there's a really nasty  trick i think you see it levy right yeah i do yeah oh oh man i can't wait for his move oh but  dude you gotta go you gotta usually gotta   move yeah he's down too much time he's not  40 seconds okay so he does play knight d4 come on he didn't give me 83. he just said knight f3  check knight of three in brooklyn oh my goodness   that was the nasty trick mansion and he doesn't  give mate again lucky doesn't want to finish the   game and gives up the rook on g8 oh my gosh oh my  gosh and now he just has no time now watches this   car is just gone he's gone oh  but something bad could still   happen for white or no something really bad  happened to black actually i just realized   yeah let's hope for something bad for black  hair lovie can see it already here we go   oh my god levy i so called that oh my god see lovey again you don't  know what you're talking about   what did levy say he thought he thought it was he  basically thought that it really wasn't playable   um at sort of an intermediate level playing the  advanced french oh it certainly is i think it i   think it's not an easy position for black now  we're gonna watch watch watch my guy here just cannot say the same this is terrifying guys  this is so terrifying yeah there's there's   one good move for white here oh that's a oh  he the idea is good but not the execution   oh yes yes but no time 19 seconds seconds  okay just broke up about 19 seconds only   and oh man oh man oh king safe though well that's  why you're not uh oh my god nice let's see if   shaq just plays it i mean this is still a good  position but i would have loved some more material okay now go forward finish the development come  on go forward oh my gosh literally out of all   the moves that existed there that was literally  the worst move in the position oh man this oh okay so it's still it's still  a game of course it's shaq   black moves the king yeah it's still a game okay and i okay i mean it's not bad hikaru what what does garvin do dude what is going  on man it's just chess yes this is hardly chess   it's just it's good stuff okay come on you can  do this there's so many good moves here thinking   so many drums i mean it's just gonna be  a draw yeah white doesn't know what to do   you know black's got the active  rook it's just oh and he found we're getting smoked what is happening it's five  two two it's pretty early as you know loving my   guys they always they always bring home at the  very end so i'm not worried yet i had a friend f5 oh interesting wow interesting  that could be a brilliant move   yeah i mean that could be a brilliant move  yeah it could be even i don't like that move   but it's not i love that move bishop takes g2  very hard at this level to find the right reply   very hard here very hard i think i  believe in my guy to not find it yep oh no no guys you can't we can't do this yeah did they just grab your bishop like  there was no need to give this check   zero reason to oh my goodness maybe he thought  king b1 bishop e4 was winning the queen   but she's down at he's down a  piece hard too quick so close go what oh levy oh my gosh did that  really just happen wasn't he up 10   seconds when he took the pawns wasn't it 16  to 6 when he took the pawns on the h7 and g6 i i don't care oh my god i don't care man no  deep price unbelievable this oh my bishop whoa   come on oh yeah baby come on okay what what is  this why why don't my subs get games like this   yeah yeah yeah okay 95 that's an  interesting okay oh yeah come on dude this is like picking on like the  like the smallest kid in the grade   and then like he normally gets picked on but now  he sprained his ankle over the weekend then he   comes to school in crutches and you still pick on  him this is just what you guys are doing to my sub   knight b5 are you serious and they still couldn't  he he had three ways to stop that he could have   played knight a6 d6 and even knight to d5 and  he couldn't do any of those he should have   just kept playing his blitz game he shouldn't  have even resigned that game oh my goodness i'm   sorry couldn't dream song his name is tyler so  i looked up dreamy songs tyler but then it just   gave me tyler the creator ah yeah it's ref  you can't have a name that other people have oh also uh the game started between  oh oh we have a game okay yeah uh   crazy math against i am looks the  two yeah you're not gonna be happy   you're not gonna be happy wait why is white  up um why is white up a rook what yeah why are we still here just to suffer every night i can feel my leg and  my arm even my fingers for you mean like before   a game or before like at what i mean whoa  oh my god nice oh my god damn bro oh my oh oh he should have played it first  he saw it but he should have taken   oh man he just forgot that the rook covers  the whole e file now he's just oh my gosh   not too bad for black in comparison to what  he was earlier odd yeah okay i mean free stuff   just move just move dude just move oh he's  he's panicking he's in full panic mode now you now he might like go for a  queen trade by accident and like oh   that's fine that's fine it's all good  it's all good yeah queen trade yeah   you know there's no queen trade to see  yeah it didn't happen oh this is crazy   oh can black clutch this out with less time  i doubt it no they're just taking too long   good move yeah oh no too slow okay two seconds all  right you cannot throw this if you try don't make i'm really glad hikaru is not looking at  the screen right now because this is not   welcome back hey kurt this is a  bit of an update for your player yeah this is not good as you know loving my guys  they always they always bring home at the very i don't think i'm going to win this game well   i think he will now i think allow  us to find one move and well that he doesn't think he's gonna win  it well he may as well just resign what let me tell you guys something this lamp  would have won that game all right this lamp   would have won okay and he couldn't do it   um oh my god i i have a volume well  why is there pawn in h2 what the yeah he didn't take both pawns now okay all right  please go rook h1 dude please just go with the   drinking g2 he doesn't oh my god oh my god who  paid this man to lose who paid this man to lose   i think he's a win oh my god oh it was critical oh my gosh oh boy oh boy once should have won two squares  should win two squares went one square oh man   he almost did it what a game and  you know i'm not sure it's true   okay oh oh come on come on come on no  way no way no way he literally plays that   and that he hangs his arm rook he's  still got a rook it's survived no he   doesn't have a rook anymore he does not have a  rook anymore oh my god i go with the ed family meaning what it should mean in the anus quirk no oh god oh god uh oh god i mean he's he's 2-0 guys i  guess the more scandalous your username   the higher chance that you just win your  games in sub battles i mean i i don't   yeah sorry you you say weed hate and then you  say hump dan it's kind of hard to keep together whoa that's okay rook b2 the rook has uh oh guys  there could be something really nice here but   i don't think it's gonna happen yeah really  really nice i agree um hopefully there's no   no okay he's just very dedicated to the b8 square  very dedicated uh okay second time we did spot it   knight on c5 or f5 is worth at least  one pawn so this has to be very good why even attack it do you call  attention to the night move yes oh my god i spoke too soon we need a tiebreaker you may not need a tie breaker what the yo are you serious dude are you serious dude what  what oh but he's got a time advantage he's still   up 30 seconds black is so shook he's so shook here  oh my gosh no i know like i said it's not over   at all chokes and the rook is gone this is crazy  this is everything you would have ever asked for   this is fine oh oh not so fine anymore oh my  this is crazy this why why just move the king   just move the king yes please survive i'm  saying a prayer i'm gonna i'm pr i'm i'm   religious just for the next very good move very  good oh we got him oh we got him and it's a fork oh my gosh the escape he's up 40  seconds no choking no choking here wow that is that that is wild shoo shoo  should we get a rematch of these two   and then the winner wins the whole thing we could  do a rematch of this these guys these guys uh   just flip the colors oh okay i mean they both did  the bonus gambit and such so i think it would be   entertaining yes yeah actually i think that's  that's fair oh and here it is they're playing   the tiebreaker with the colors flipped this  is it this is it weed anus is on the sidelines this game saying that um americans are terrible  at chess but neither of these players are from   america this is true they're from australia and  uh oh oh no please don't please don't please don't okay oh and he moved it oh oh boy   oh boy that's right wow oh boy oh oh i know  what's gonna happen dude i know it's gonna   oh my god i know what's gonna happen ah oh okay oh  you thought knight two queen two it's queen c2 yes   oh man this could actually backfire if russia  oh this could really backfire it go for it i   don't know what white is thinking about why it  has one move yeah yeah come on books are gone   take everything this is winning but 20 seconds  on the clock let's go just go you gotta go   chances some chances a pass pawn was gonna get  this gonna get crazy guys yeah i know oh he's   gotta move you gotta move dude just move oh my  gosh oh he's oh my gosh oh my god he's throwing   oh he's like really throwing he's like really  throwing he's really throwing up wait what okay oh god this is crazy they both have 10  seconds oh my god they have 10 seconds just go guys move just go go go go go oh  he's gonna flag this crazy he's gonna fight   seven seconds keep going keep going the  comeback they come back on the clock keep we win let's go oh my god if he took that pawn it would have  been a draw that's just the craziest thing foreign
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 398,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gotham chess, gmhikaru, gothamchess gmhikaru, gmhikaru gothamchess, anna rudolf, anna rudolf agadmator, anna rudolf chess, gothamchess lessons, sub battle, chess sub battle, sub battle chess, gmhikaru sub battle, sub battle anna rudolf, gothamchess sub battle, gothamchess hikaru sub battle, chess for beginners, chess commentary, chess analysis, beginner chess openings, gothamchess openings, gothamchess 10 minute, hikaru, hikaru streaming, hikaru nakamura
Id: _zaPuFWahK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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