HighLevel: create and manage contacts

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hello everyone this is alan mcnabb with image building media and today we're going to be talking about using the high level crm and marketing platform and specifically we're going to be talking about adding contacts and we're going to talk a little bit about managing those contacts and i have with me today uh david vance and david why don't you introduce yourself as we get started here this morning well thanks so much for the invitation and i'm so excited to join you today here going over these different options for us here with the high level program and excited to just see how i can maximize and and maybe more efficient not only at high level for myself but all my guys as well and dave it's great to have you with us and your expertise from a lot of industries and a lot of corporate experience but also in the solar industry it's really awesome so let's just jump in i'm going to share my screen and uh we're looking at we're looking at the high level accounts high level account here and we're going to go to the contacts and um we're just going to very quickly review a couple of things dave we've talked about in the past but um as the guys watch this these are things you're going to want to know so the first thing is just it's just adding in a just adding in a contact and i'm just going to add one here real quick we just fill in we just fill out the blanks now dave as we do this um there's um um one thing that i'll let you know and that is in high level um we can turn on email verification which will then verify each of the emails that come in here and if they're not any good it won't try to send email to them which will cause a spam alert so you know if we do too much of that and as we talked about last time in a meeting that wasn't recorded um you know if you've got a large list i would suggest that we have that scrubbed first and not even bring those quote-unquote bad contacts or bad email addresses in here just so it doesn't clutter up everything with a bunch of emails that aren't any good so just to let you know that and that's a really good feature where you know maybe an email address is good today but next week is not good the system will pick that up and let you know that it couldn't go through that the email there's a problem with the email address all right so and the other thing i'll show you is the dnd right here that means do not disturb so if someone clicks on the unsubscribe link it will automatically set them to dnd or if someone just in talking say hey you know i don't want to receive that anymore you can just manually come in here and click on dnd so i'll save that dave um we've got then other information we can put in here and all of this can be set up according to your business to the fields that you want to use and um as we deliver this to our solar clients it's got just some basic ones in here so business name street address city country state zip website time zone and then a lot of the other typical fields like credit score uh home value address of the roof there's some others at some time that come in with um various lead gen you know household income and things such as that but all of those can be set up to whatever you want those to be so we've got um we've got a contact that's in here and then dave i'll review very quickly one other thing we covered yesterday when we when our recording did not uh did not work for us on the very far right hand if the contact has been into the website come in from a google ad or from a facebook ad any of those things like that all of that activity is tracked and each form that they filled in it's tracked also so all that information their customer journey is uh appears on the far right-hand side in the middle where it says conversations these are all the conversations that uh that you've had with the customer in the high-level database to send an email you just click email right there and you just send it right there you can also put an attachment in this just happens to be an image i was working on yesterday that that attachment is in there and we can just send that and then of course there is a record preserved of this right here um if i were to go to that email address and reply back then that reply would be here also we can also send sms text messages because we have this set up in your account and again we just send that out um that will go to the phone and dave i'm not going to send that because i forget which phone number i put in there um but that will go to the phone and again the conversation will appear here and by the way dave if if the person replies back with any of the common stop words stop cancel anything like that they'll be automatically removed from the text campaign all right so um i guess dave i better just show really quickly um here in the settings where we talked about the custom fields yesterday and any of these fields these are the ones that we deliver with the solar accounts you can remove any of these you can add new ones and just you know full freedom with that and you can also filter based off off of all of these and then lastly tags and we've got some tags that we come we have here that are set up and again dave this sort of gets to the strategy we've been discussing um apart from the videos we're creating and that is how you're going to tag uh the people who are in your database and the tags are used so that you can easily uh filter uh through your contacts and as we talked about yesterday you don't want it so granular that all of a sudden you have a giant mess you know we've got one client that's got almost like 300 tags and they become not even usable at some point so we can filter off of all of the fields all of the custom fields no problem so we can get as granular as we want with that we can save those searches into what's called smart list so with one click we can pull that search up all over again it just automatically populates but the tags are for the very broad um you know very broadly want to break up the uh the database so that's something very thoughtful to think about in advance as we've talked about before so dave any thoughts here this is sort of a review of what we talked about yesterday and our recording did not work but any thoughts before uh we move forward and we talk about the csv files uploading a csv file no uh not really i i just love that how i'd say comprehensive this thing this whole software and and the pre-loading of all the fields that you've already established and put in there saves a lot of uh mental anxiety as we try to create uh those things and and and correct me if i'm wrong but i i think i understand that that also as we as an individual install rather their emails and and database from our phones or each one of us is personal they stay unique into your account and you know no grandiose um file that that somebody's going to have everybody and we're all going to be duplicating and those kind of things same uh same leads uh if if i upload my leads there they stay in my um my folder yeah yeah so the um if you have like one account for your team um you know each team will be able each member of the team you can have only see their um their contacts um you it may be that your team wants to have their own individual high level account so they can do all of their own thing but if you do have one as a team and that might be you know so things that your team are working on you know not all the contacts which is like your mom your dad your sister your aunt people you knew 10 years ago but but just as a team you may have those contacts that are either various very serious prospects or those that are customers or clients something like that so it can go both ways and of course um you'll have full control over that so i i think you're correct with that yeah yeah yeah excellent very cool so let us do now is talk about the csv file because this is the way content contacts are moved from one platform to another so if you've got your contacts in whatever the platform may be and and and and all the modern platforms will let you export a list of those and you just export it they're exported in a csv file which is just a certain type of file type um you can work with it in a spreadsheet you can work with it in excel and then you can just upload that spreadsheet into your high level account um we you know we've uploaded as many as like 150 000 200 000 that's that can get really challenging because then you got duplicates and the system doesn't that you know doesn't have duplicates so you're trying to reconcile well you know why did only 150 000 of them actually make it so really challenging if you can do it a few thousand at a time and you know 10 000 is pretty simple to do but i would really keep it keep the size down a little bit if possible so okay so i'll go ahead and share my screen there and so what i did is is i just prepared a demo a demo list and by the way i'll show you how to delete contacts it's really super easy i just click this one right here i click delete i confirm that and dave since this is um this is sas it's online software there is just a little lag as far as caching goes and everything um in a minute or two when i reload this this contact will be completely gone but there is just a little lag with that and so that's very cool yeah whenever you use online software like that a lot there's a little lag okay so what we're going to do we're just going to up here at the top at the top menu that has a lot of great things you can do uh one of them import contacts and that's going to let us select our file i've got a file prepped up here just for demonstration purposes just with a couple of people now the next thing we're going to be asked to do is we're going to be asked to map any fields that the software couldn't figure out all on its own we're also going to make sure that the software did get everything all the all the things mapped correctly um and they maybe what i should really do is show show this spreadsheet so that people see what it um see what it looks like here just opening up in excel and this is a csv file so csv file doesn't save how you've got all your um all your columns set with the width and everything like that and uh the only difference really between it and an excel file is when you come over here and you say save as you're going to choose the csv file format and that way it can be read by um a crm such as high level so that's basically all that we've got there so do we i noticed there's two common uh csv uh a utf and a uh common delimitation is there which i mean which one is the preference we should use yeah csv csv is is is the common format just for this so yeah yeah yeah absolutely all right so um i'll share once again and uh we're going to go back over here now what we're going to do dave is we're simply going to just go through and make sure everything got mapped correctly first name is correct um middle initial and i'm just going to scroll down here and i'll have i'll have the middle i'll have a middle name right there last name is correct address which that's the street address city state postal code the extra four digits at the end of the postal code email phone uh whether you know the swimming pool field age home value home square foot power company let me uh let me map that one right there i'll just scroll down here and i'll find the one that that goes to thank you zoom by i probably did zoom by it there i think it was energy company right there you go thank you all right and we get through the rest of them here credit score we're good to go so we're just going to click continue it's going to just let us take a little look here say yeah that's cool if you ever want to check back you can check back on your spreadsheet make sure all these you know came through correctly say continue now we've got the option uh because we could be updating a spreadsheet that you know is is just updating information on existing people that are already in there so we need to pick one of these um these options if an existing contact is in the spreadsheet by default we have update them with the data in the document but only for fields that are empty in other words if that field is already filled with something we don't want it to change only if that field is empty so you have to sort of get the sense there with that you know is this spreadsheet actually updating contacts if so then i would want to pick the second option update them with the data in the spreadsheet including fields that already have a value so you've got to know your spreadsheet well enough to sort of you know to give an answer to that or of course you can say don't don't modify the ml and and how would that data be updated per team member um putting that information in or is do we have something that automatically can still pull that okay so if um you know if you do have multiple people in your database this information is going to this information is going to update not based on who the person is assigned to the contact but rather on the contact itself so um you know there may be some instances where you've got data on contacts for specific team members or something like that a csv might not be the best way to do that um it's always been my experience the best way to to really control the crm program is whenever you're talking to any customer previous or new you you're going through your crm and you're filling in the blanks you're updating information and that discipline is what's going to be the key to the success of this program yeah because any comments are maintained on their discussions um future concern or future opportunity um so that people that are reading that information that's why it's is this is only going to be as good as the the individual that's putting data in which is each one of us team members um and and and doing everything we can to not keep it informed just for us but any of the team that's looking at these and reading these or assisting with you the comments are going to be critical to the success of the company that's right you know the the comments the notes keeping all the fields updated you can assign tasks or reminders for you or another team member you know you know i need to call in a week or a month or something like that then your tasks come up on your um on your dashboard so just all of that you know a really good sales professional lives and dies by their database you know um so uh and and that makes a big difference between someone's very successful and is not because quite honestly you can't keep up with all these people and all their stuff in your head you can't do it and do a good job no exactly right very cool so all right so let's go on and um and look at our next step so we're just going to update um yeah oh wait this is all for new contacts anyway so we're just going to just let it update and this dave is where we're going to add a tag now we've got some tags that are already in here um we can uh of course create other tags but this is a super important part uh and of course we would think about this in advance as to what this tag is uh this tag is going to uh this tag is going to be uh maybe we're going to say just for this just for demonstration purposes these all have maybe we we've got a group of clients they've all got appointments scheduled we're just going to go on and update them there and then at this point we say done it's going to work as magic it's got two people those are in there right away it'll take us just a moment to sort of uh let the system catch up here um and dave if we were doing you know thousands of them um it would be a process of that updating in chunks and so it would take um it would take just a little while we've got one of the two um that are already in here and basically just all the information that's in that csv is going to be there you know that's basically it we're going to look at the one that's already made it through the system but again you just see all the information that's right here it's got its tag yep you know the general information street address zip all of that uh credit score home value uh zip age uh et cetera like that all of it's in there and um then of course um you know here both of them are in now and um at this point we we just start working them uh so uh so as far as uploading the csv um it's it's that easy so dave let's uh what what are your thoughts uh what are your thoughts um with that i'm excited about it uh quite honestly because uh um you know like i said i have a lot of experience with with salesforce and a few others uh crm programs and and they're they again they're they're they're really fantastic tool but like any tool it can be abused it can be misused it can be setting on the shelf um and and i like the the simplicity of this one and and the flow that's been created by it really like the tags you guys have selected for our industry it's going to help each one of us as we as we increase our next level of learning um to really stand start establishing a rhythm within our crm program so i'm really excited about it cool yeah so um so we've got our csv uploaded has been tagged um do you think we ought to talk about anything else as far as this training you want to talk about maybe working those contacts within the crm yeah let's step into that real quick and see where that takes us sure and of course you want to you want to be able to do this with a minimal amount of time because um you know if you're sitting around uh just plunking around in your crm all the time you're probably not going to sell anything you know it's got to be a tool to help towards the end result so we want to streamline everything we want to put in as much automation as possible we don't want to be sitting around all day sending out emails the exact same thing over and over and over again you know so we can talk about that we've got the birthday which is real importance to a lot of situations you and i were just talking off camera the other day um having uh having a birthday in there you can have an automation that sends your birthday greeting or your yeah your your birthday message it can be a sms message it can be an email it can be both you can get a notification so that you remember if you want to personally call all of those things are possible to save lots of time and there may be some customers who say hey you know an email is good enough others you say i i don't want anything automated because i just want a reminder to make sure on that birthday or that anniversary you know i personally call so um all of that's possible there with that um any of the information here like maybe i get their business name and now i add that and i'm just going to come down here and save so we need the information as that's collected um you know you get that and you just make the change and maybe you're going to uh over here you're going to you're going to put a note add new uh and it'll be something about uh maybe their business name or something that's important that you need to uh you need to have here you've got your notes and then that keeps the record of whatever you need to do um say we've got an appointment here we need to go on in schedule whatever it's for you can schedule that appointment that's right here then they also there can be automated reminders that go out uh email text message however you want that structured and those automated emails go up you can even have a reminder come to yourself i need to personally call just to warm that up just a little bit so all that can be done that's awesome if you want a task in here basically a task is is something that you or a that you need to do that you assign to yourself or a team member needs to do and you can just whatever that is you could have the description right here uh you put who that's assigned to like we're gonna assign that to dave we're gonna put the date um the date that that is due by dave and we're going to save that uh when dave comes in i'm going to go back out of here for a second i'm going to go to the dashboard so when dave comes in here he's going to see that he's got a task that is due in one day so this basically on the really important stuff this just this just helped you stay on task and you know if you have anyone on the team perhaps they're doing certain things for you or you have a va or something such as that um then it's an easy way to just assign that and move forward without spending a lot of time um also dave you can set up automations to create certain tasks based on certain criteria so that's really helpful also um that if uh if a certain thing happens uh for example a prospect clicks on a certain link and fills out a certain form then you want a task that um a gif that you're a va sends a gift with a handwritten note to xyz i mean the sky is the limit right sky is the limit yeah yeah so um so anyway back over here into [Music] back over in here to our contacts uh to our smart list and uh we're into this contact one more time um um i think that is pretty much i think that is pretty much it just really just very basic uh if you wanted any other fields those could be put in here yeah no i think it's very basic very good yeah yeah that's very very basic and in working that and a really cool thing just with two contacts i know that it's hard to um i know that it is um i know that it's hard to see right now uh a lot of times what we'll do is we'll filter these let's say we're gonna we can filter by all of these things right here so you know we can get really granular with it say we're going to filter uh with um we're going to filter with the contacts that have an appointment and then dave on the little plus sign right here i'm going to save this list and i'm going to say i usually put really small like abbreviated things here but i'll make a long one here contacts with appointment i save this this comes up here so anytime i want to come back and i want to see contacts with appointment boom it repopulates this list i don't have to come over here and filter the same filter over and over and over and over again yeah huge time saver and dave let's say we've got all of these contacts i've already got this saved to filter let's say i want to take all of them if i want to add them into a campaign where they all get an automated email click i can do that if i want to send them an sms text message click i can do that all right through that process if i want to send all of these an email click and follow right through that process and if i want to use an email template that i've already got set up with everything filled out click click boom done out you know it just with a little bit of yeah with a little thought you know you can do some of these really quickly and uh on the ones where you can have the drip campaigns where you don't even have to even select the camp the the contacts i mean you've just got the criteria already said it's going to drip when certain things happen you can move them in and out of campaigns you can move them in and out of facebook ad campaigns all right i mean sky's the limit you know absolutely yep so uh in a nutshell that's it you know and i think at that point um i think at that point we're ready to get some live contacts in there start working them and setting up some campaigns and uh just go straight from there what what are your thoughts here no i think that's fantastic and and uh i've started working and exporting some of my my csv files and contact files that i've had for years and uh trying to get that updated as much before i put it in and be working with you to get a scrubber so that i can relate to the guys also um how to how to get there scrubbed and make sure it's valid and so forth i think the biggest thing is um um you know we have we have family members we have everybody in our phones and those kind of things and i think i think we all have to realize is all data is is just that it's data what you do with the data then becomes uh obviously good better and different and and there are family members who will be buying solar from you because they want solar and and so um or friends or those kind of things so i think a lot of it is it's how what our intent and how professional we are about that we just don't become the guy that bugs the crap out of people um that we use a system like this to to introduce to to guide to get informed and then instead of yeah you know 100 and and of course as you know with crms uh you know they're they take a little bit of time to set up right just quite honestly but however if you can sort of thoughtfully do that and do it incrementally in steps you know it's not like you gotta save the world today right um but it saves you more time than i mean you know um so um it validates it validates your discipline and and it'll it'll make you appreciate then your network that you have established and how either unorganized it is or how how well you've thought out your network and and uh i mean it's not just a phone book that you're dropping in it's your network these are all people that have a personal relationship or acquaintance or something with you specifically and so i think i think that's the part we have to we get through the fear barrier should be is eliminated um the the now it's the the integrity side that we always have to maintain um and that we go in pursuit of because we are here to help them not just sell them and i think that's the important part for all of us as not as leaders but as users of these this system i think we can i think we can do some great things here so i'm really excited about getting mine uploaded and getting the guys to start working within theirs as well absolutely so dave i think for now sounds like we're sounds like we're good to go and um sounds like this uh we can go and conclude the meeting and uh yeah get working on the nuts and bolts and then as we go to the next step we can create other videos maybe when we set up the pipelines and things like that and sort of help the guys come along that way too no i think i think that's absolutely correct and you know looking forward to taking this whole thing to the next level absolutely well dave we're going to conclude for now and uh look forward to uh um look forward to when we make the next video sounds great thank you appreciate your time alan all right guys talk to you later thanks
Channel: Image Building Media
Views: 6
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HighLevel, goHighLevel, CRM, Internet Marketing, Solar Marketing, Solar Company Marketing
Id: -EhGdZKlUig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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