Horizon Europe info-days - Cluster 2: Destination 2

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archer responsible for cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries and i am happy to be with you together with my colleagues for the information days for the call 2022 next slide please the main challenges for the 2022 call deal with important aspects of cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries as they relate to climate change environmental and man-made threats need for digital tools and programs to make cultural heritage more accessible foster the competitiveness of cultural and creative industries in the internal markets and abroad and more than that this call also promoted a wider understanding of heritage and taxes to it as well as its relationship with to community society and the year next slide please this destination area includes a tangible and intangible cultural heritage as well as the arts and the cultural and creative industries and sectors and the target impact this means on that of the four main domains forming broadly cultural heritage are not subgroups of activities but they do coexist in a variable geometry together in each of the topics the aim of this destination is to develop a greener more digitized and innovative cultural heritage this with a view to spar inclusive growth and create a new sustainable jobs to achieve it in the call 2022 the destination has set three objectives to protect the conservatory store and safeguard the european cultural heritage as well as to promote its use to explore the economic correlate innovation potential of cultural and creative industries and promote their competitiveness in the european union and temporal and to preserve monuments and artifacts in a green way by using cutting-edge technologies materials and methods next slide please the 10 topics which are promoted in the 2022 call can then be sown in the three pillars of cultural heritage which are the green the digital and the innovative and they will be presented in this way by my colleagues and myself we divide it in three parts our information days in order to be close to your questions and to respond to them as soon as you ask them please use the appropriate tools to ask the questions and we will start with the three topics which are under the green axis and the first one applied to mitigation of effects of climate change and natural hazards on cultural heritage this is the topic number eight and i will be happy to give you a short presentation of it next slide please a cultural heritage and the cultural landscapes we know are very much affected from global warming warming a rise of sea levels frequent or heavy storms extended dry seasons or fluids in addition environmental pollution deteriorate monuments and historical buildings and accelerate soil erosion threatened and these are threatened heavily archaeological cultural heritage for all these reasons we launched this topic where research will promote new innovative ways to protect the monuments or historical buildings or cultural landscapes and archaeological sites from climate change natural hazards and environmental pollution this is pro-activity technology and research measures research outcomes in all cases should be sustainable the expected outcomes of research to be undertaken under this topic applied to safeguard and protection of europe's cultural heritage from the effects of climate change and natural hazards and the projects that which will be selected should also explore innovative and sustainable ways to protect the cultural heritage and cultural landscapes from climate change disaster risks and pollutants this is a topic with a budget of 12 million euros averages size of projects is of four million euro and these will promote research and innovation activities next slide please under the green pillar one other topic apply to the protection of artifacts and cultural goods from anthropogenic threats this is also a recession innovation activity with a global budget of 12 million euro four million euro in average per project we have to select three proposals in this topic science and technology scientific and technological research in this topic will focus on technologies and materials of non-destructive marking of artifacts and cultural goods new methods uh will be promoted in order to protect these artifacts and cultural goods and they should be efficient sustainable and detectable preferably without heavy or expensive detection equipment research and technology which will be developed under this topic is needed at the level of prevention to protect the cultural artifacts and goods from failing of vitamins of fifth smuggling or illicit trade digital marketing could be used in this context alone or in combination with other ways of marketing projectors should contributed to awareness of raising and mobilize the various sectors involved in the identification and trade of cultural goods this is a topic for international cooperation is encouraged as appropriate the projects which will be selected under this topic should contribute should developer first and non-destructive methods and digital tools for the prevention protection identification traceability and safeguarding of cultural goods and for the research of european endangered cultural heritage in addition projects that should support the deployment of preventive measures against eluting antilles trade of cultural goods through evidence-based there is a research projects that finally should raise awareness and strengthen cooperation among citizens stakeholders experts policy makers and all electors involved to pay attention that in the four expected outcomes of this topic project i should demonstrate that they contribute at least to two out of them for the next topic the new european house which is a cultural heritage number 10 i will ask my colleague maria esposito to give you a short presentation thank you very much marita my name is maria chiares posito and i work in education and culture in the cultural policy unit what we are now looking at is a topic on the new european bauhaus focused on the cultural components and the idea of this very first research topic in cluster two is to um aim at having a greener and fairer way of life in creative and inclusive societies particularly through architecture design and arts this topic is of 6 million euro and it aims in particular to to leverage the power of creativity and innovation so it is of course well placed in the pillar focus on green thematics but has a very uh strong focus on innovative aspects and the idea is to let architects designers and artists work together to be the leaders in this uh projects in order to focus on a better way of living on the quality of experience and on the quality of built environment this of course implies also looking at the other principles of bauhaus i i see that my camera is not uh one apparently no no it's okay sorry we can feed you um indeed i was saying that it's important to look at bauhaus as a very transversal project and in fact uh the very strong cultural component of this research topic combines the three main principles of the house which are sustainability aesthetics and inclusion and indeed the architects designers and artists should work towards developing solutions uh and exploiting the potential of multidisciplinary research towards inclusion participation and creation of sustainable and resilient communities the focus of the project should be on applying solutions to heritage sites and cultural landscapes and this is why uh the main affiliation of this bauhaus research focus is within the cultural dimension um projects should also try to look at the technological parts of the solutions the possibility to work with new forms and materials and of course this again combines the different pillars of this cluster focusing on the green dimension very much and the expected outcome is to create innovative architectural and design solutions that are in line with the green deal objectives but also very important to look at the social function of architecture arts and design where cooperation between researchers architectures designers and artists can improve the accessibility of cultural heritage sites and places and in really engaged stakeholders and communities towards this shared view of better quality of experience and increased well-being the important aspect in this project is also very much to reinforce collaborations so new multidisciplinary collaborations across the research domains but also new collaborations between creative industries cultural organizations and scientific research thank you very much maria cara and now i would suggest that we open a discussion on the questions you sent already through slider on the three first topics of the green pillar of cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries which have three topics in 2022 work program um mate would it be possible we are receiving slido unless everything goes very clear and in this case we will go directly to the digital pillar with a three topics either of 2021 i don't see i don't see slido oh yes great this is a questions and answer slide which makes a summary of key points for green cultural heritage or great good uh cultural heritage ah this is a european and dangerous cultural heritage thankfully um yes the question is about the european endangered cultural heritage thankfully there are no armed conflicts in the european union how much i can the project focus outside the european union the topic is open to neighborhood countries and endanger it might be because of natural disasters for example we know that recently at the eastern part of europe we have earthquakes and a lot of european culture heritage has been put under threat in order to say that has been damaged seriously all these kinds of things are my applied to this topic technology needed for the development and testing the project outcomes yes and no please take into consideration that testing might be possible under the a true pilot scale no because we have to go through here but that the technological developments which will take place in the rear can be tested in the frame of this project ah yes i think that it is clear four zero four okay do we have more questions maria cara this is for you how many projects might be founded in the house call topic uh well indicatively with a budget of six million euro we expect up to uh two main projects uh equally distributed under this budget and the second question for you maria gara social sciences research organizations in addition to architecture and design and arts which might be cultural and creative industries and sectors might apply to the new european per house yes very interesting question uh i would say that indeed as i tried to stress the focus on the multidisciplinary aspect is central to the topic so there is no preclusion of any discipline and indeed social sciences can be uh useful to specific projects depending of course on the ideas that would be central to the projects and they can be part of the consortia the important thing is that architecture and design are let's say the agency of the project in terms of functions and activities based on which the projects should develop their objectives and finalize their their research topics thank you maria cara i have a question for rosanna whether turkey can be included in these projects and what is the status of turkey rosanna could you please give an information on the associated countries yes so turkey is associated is one of the few countries that has concluded the association agreement so uh in uh as associated country of course turkey can be certainly participant but also coordinator and this is for so it's not only eu member states but also associated countries and actually also some third countries but certainly associated countries such as turkey thank you thank you rosanna we have a very interesting question what about citizens participation if we can give an example of course from one topic to another we cannot use the same example but in the book houses just to take this topic i will invite once again maria cara to give you a very concrete example for citizens participation and inclusiveness yes uh indeed inclusiveness and participation can be for example developed through artistic experiences and collaboration between let's say performative or contemporary art in cultural spaces or places where [Music] the the the quality of the space can be worked through uh collaborations as i said uh where architectural solutions apply both to the built environment but also for example to in other cases artistic experiences and stages of cultural venues thank you maria kara hey kara i have two questions for me i i am sure uh the one is about the minimum budget for for submitted projects you have seen that in cultural heritage when a laboratory research is needed or testing the topic has a budget of 12 million euro and this is the case of two out of three topics under the green acts for example in all these topics i accepted a the european bureau house google select or we wanted to select the three proposals which makes an average uh budget per project of 4 million euro of course you can propose less or you can exceed this amount we wouldn't be very very happy if you exceed because we will be not in a position to select three proposals in this case with the topics budget however it is your right to do it but everything should be evidence based budget will explicit and justify the activities which will be undertaken if you have 10 partners for example in a project you will not ask at the same budget normally for the same work done if you have five partners and the second question is anthropogenic threats anthropogenic refers to man-made actions that has an impact on the environment yes and no anthropogenic my means also looting our fifth of artifacts and cultural goods from what whatever they are in archaeological sites in museums and other cultural institutions uh misuse of these cultural uh goods and why not put them in the in the in the black market and we need to protect them and what we wanted to do under this topic we needed to develop or usually it is mixed technological measures to marking them of course if you have a painting or if you have a marble made strategy say you will not have the same methods which should be not destructive and of course it these methods should be identified anthropogenic is not just i'm sorry i had not the intention to destroy in several cases it is i have the intention to destroy mobile cultural goods i don't understand what it does means mobile but certainly the protection of artifacts under the anthropogenic threads a topic applied to the tangible cultural heritage um can you name some concrete tools or suggestions for the expert develop non-destructive methods as i told you again you will not use the same methods for marble and for a painting in both cases you might use digital tools for marking you might use a special paintings which do not destroy paintings and you might use a nano crystals which are not a destruct they do not destroy the strategies it depends on the material granite and the marble they cannot you cannot use the same nano crystals or non-no materials to be to be used you have quite a lot of ways of marking cultural goods according to the nature of these cultural goods and in several cases nowadays experts are using two and three methods because those who are misreading cultural goods they have also advanced in their way to identify marking and to exterminate marking if you put a three four layers they will be not as successful as if they see only one i think that additional questions we will receive on three of these three topics and we will respond by right and we will go now to the presentation of three topics which are under the digital pillar of cultural heritage and once again i will be with you for one of the topics topic number three the role of perceptions next slide please yes this is a the number three the role of perceptions formed by traditions values and beliefs in shaping european societies and politics in the 21st century here a researcher will identify and analyze the factors that influence and change citizens perceptions of the european integration process over time such factors are related to values beliefs norms mentalities age or gender just to mention some of importance research should also address the role of values and socio-political behavior in perceiving and dealing with emergencies such as that of covet 19 pandemic or with economic crisis lessons learned from visa emergencies could be used to provide policy scenarios in order to face more efficiently future crises and build a resilient and sustainable post-crisis european societies in addition proposals should analyze the role of perceptions in understanding and interacting with politics and political legitimacy in the european union based on these proposals should prepare recommendations on the way to address that they identify the different perceptions in the policy shaping and the implementation of the european integration process in this way projects which will be selected under this topic should increase understanding of the factors that change people's perception their relationship to europe's historical and cultural past and how they can contribute to the creation of a more inclusive vision of cultures and values these projects i should understand how perceptions influence a society's response and preparedness during times of crisis such as the coveted pandemic crisis and the crisis impacts on the european cohesion they should also bring european union policy making closer to people with emphasis on young people's values and behaviors this topic will promote research and innovation activities the global budget is of nine million euro there are three projects that will be in principle selected with an average budget of three million euro and all five expected outcomes as described in the topic's description they should have been taken into consideration by the proposals which will be submitted the next topic this is the topic number one safeguarding endangered languages in europe will be presented by my colleague christina sarvan christina thank you marita for the presentation so the next 2022 topic the co of the cultural heritage destination is a coordination and support action which foresees to fund a project of two to three million languages are part of identity and culture and they disappear are and they disappear our cultural diversity when they disappear our cultural diversity is impoverished knowing that there are minority and local languages in the european union-associated neighborhood countries which are in danger of disappearing research is required to address and analyze the reasons behind the disappearance as well as the policies past and present to safeguard them and keep them alive we would like a project that will propose ways to promote the reawakening of these endangered languages particularly we would like projects that will provide measures for their revitalization of those languages and these measures could be explored in it in different areas such as the educational cultural and creative sectors and link them with regional development the project is strongly encouraged to make use of digital tools as this is the easiest channel to reach and involve citizens and particularly young people the main goal of the project should be to develop a european language preservation ecosystem establish a set of guidelines for visualizing endangered languages in europe and set up a comprehensive website previous research results and ways for the revitalization of the endangered languages and particularly those that foster the engagement of local communities and in particular of young people should be taken into consideration and analyzed finally the project should encourage the participation of a wide range of stakeholders and civil society in order to develop a comprehensive bottom-up solutions in terms of outcomes we are expecting from the project to contribute to at least in two of the following expected outcomes we expect from the project particularly to enhance cooperation at the european level between key actors and stakeholders within endangered languages communities promote citizens engagement in the sustainable management of their own linguistic resources to involve young people in the discovery or rediscovery of their language heritage promote equality and linguistic diversity and strengthen the identification inventory and transmission of regional minority and local languages as vehicles of oral expressions and transitions thank you very much thank you very much christina we have to run a little bit and we will have the third topic under the digital pillar which is on games and culture shaping our society number zero nine i will call my colleague ricardo book to do the presentation rickard thank you very much marita and you do hear me i hope yes i do i don't see myself but i can see you thank you very much so i'm uh as a married as a colleague in the director general for research and innovation and i'm involved among other things in this very interesting topic where we want to examine the influence of gaming on our culture and perhaps also the the other way around the background is that as you are probably aware the games industry is fast-growing it it is fastly changing and highly digitized and today more than half of the european union's population regularly play games so games is becoming an ever more important part of our lives but in spite of this we don't really know that much about the impact of games on european culture and on european society and this is what we are trying to address in uh in this topic to a certain extent it is a research and innovation action which means that you will have to develop new knowledge to go beyond the state of the art in terms of knowledge and you also need to look into how this knowledge can be used in a society our estimation is that a project budget of between two and three million euros should be sufficient to address this topic in a in a good way but uh this does not preclude the proposals with uh with a different budget higher or lower the indicative budget assigned is 9 million euros which means that we hope to be able to fund the free projects under this topic as you can see on the slide already it is an ambitious topic you should address the cultural value the impact the innovation potential but also the risks and the role in shaping european societies and you should also look at the legal and ipr issues which are important for the game sector and you need to involve relevant stakeholders in the project when looking into it's important to stress when looking into the expected outcomes that you're not required to address all five of the expected outcomes but at least two of them this is an indication i would say that we are looking for products that go sufficiently deep into the subject matter to to make a real difference here this said as you can see anyway the expected outcomes are quite ambitious with these short words i believe it is now time to move on to the question and answer session and i thank you very much and look forward to many good and interesting proposals on this topic uh thank you very much ricardo dear ladies and gentlemen we are receiving now wow very good three slider questions and the first is foreign exclusively video games or can pen and paper table top and so on rickard yes thank you marita no games is not exclusively video games in this in the definition we used in this topic so it can also be other kind of games um the second question for the first topic on endangered languages is for christina can we get some clarification what do you mean by a language preservation ecosystem yes um we can uh what we ask actually from the proposals are to to develop uh a website actually uh with um um as we said um that should aim to exchange the best practices and tools on how to revitalize the endangered languages and to make them widely available and this uh website should also uh include uh guidelines and the set of guidelines that should be validated by the use of existing cases of languages revitalization so we are expecting to the proposals actually to to respond to this uh to to these uh research uh points we are asking from this research great thank you very much christina um i have seen a question for the topic on the role of perceptions that the topic description is very broad if it is possible to narrow it if we write the topics which are broad it is because we respect the liberty of researchers it is up to you to take the angle which is the more suitable concerning the subject the key subject of the topic and to develop your proposal of course so you have not to take the entire gamut of possibilities which are given under a topic but for a topic like that acquire perceptions of of of understanding kind of uh positioning concerning the european construction and which perceptions are determined by different values and the historical references and so on it is very much important you take the angle you want um we have explained the close explorer and measures in different areas such as the educational cultural and creative sectors and the link of them with the regional development that this is in a topic on endangered languages christina you want me to respond or you can do it i could say that we could measures actually can be developed can be found in different under different areas educational and cultural and creative sectors are some of those areas that measures could be explored in addition to what christina said because most of these languages not to say all these languages are spoken regionally and of course these create a community uh way of being at this perception and in some cases in the regional development we have also developed some regional economies and everything that goes together uh link these uh these educational cultural uh interventions with the regional developments might be very effective to make better than surviving these endangered languages but being developed do we have any other slider question material otherwise good we will go to the third pillar because time is passing and the third pillar is about the innovation dimension of cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries and we have four topics to be presented and for which questions and answers will follow the first one is topic number five towards a competitive fair and sustainable european music ecosystem and i will invite my colleague ina garcova to give a summarized presentation you know the floor is good morning can you hear or see me absolutely good excellent so uh i'm inagakwa from the european commission the culture policy unit and i'll be guiding you through this great call on competitive fair and sustainable european music system it is the first time that we have a specific call on music uh it's a approximately nine million euros and i want you to guide you also to a little bit the background of this call which is embedded into our overall approach to um the support of the music sector which is called a music moves europe so we do support uh this sector through this commission initiative in policy making in the legal environment and also through funding to creative europe and horizon and as well as the targeted dialogue with the music sector so the content of this call music also reflects the conclusion of several of our studies that we launched through the music moves europe and indeed that the music has an important economic and societal impact but we lack a lot of data we can't really estimate that as as well as the very important element of the long-term sustainability of the music sector which has been impacted very severely throughout the last uh two decades of incredible transformation sometimes brutal and unfortunately covet didn't help either with its uh huge and catastrophic impact so we would like through this call on the one hand to measure the economic um uh the economic value of music in particular where we have a huge lack of data so we don't know what are the real estimation of the sector we don't know who are the professionals because there are many that are not declared at all in official statistics we don't know how much is the music that is consumed for free because simply it's not reported we don't know what is the national european repertoire because there is no definition and very importantly it's the long-term sustainability of streaming models which you know very well are now the main source of well consumption and probably one their production of music and main source of revenue for the recording industry and probably covet uh impacted it as well and we would like to know also the evolution and future trends on social media platforms the channels the new forms and homemade creation production and etc we would like to also measure the societal impact of music which is extremely important and we have seen this also during covet times and across population segments playing performing creating consuming and the way people engage with music in the age of social media internet television and there will probably be a lot of new forms in the next few years that would emerge so the expected outcome of this call is of course improved methodologies and indicators for capturing the economic and social value of of music to examine the massive transformations of this sector to increase transparency to contribute to innovation and to give us also tool for our policy making in the future through our music movies europe initiative thank you thank you very much gina we will go to the second topic for under the innovation pillar which is uh increase the potential of the international competitiveness of the european feeling film making industry this is uh number six and i will invite christina sarvani to do a short presentation christina thank you marita so the next topic focuses on the european filmmaking industry which is a significant sector of the cultural and creative industries and an important element of the european economic growth and well-being uh however some challenges that exist within the sub-sector of the so the sub-sectors of the industry and the sudden covenanting crisis which affected it considerably have increased the needs for research that will examine the state of the art of the european filmmaking industry analyze limitations assess the needs and developments of the european filmmaking industry can address potentialities for further development proposals to study the dynamics of different substructures of the filmmaking industry and analyze the reasons why some sub-sectors are less advanced than others in this frame a comparative assessment of the international competitiveness of the european filmmaking industry with the main competitors should be developed and proposals should provide policy scenarios with recommendations to increase the competitiveness of the european filmmaking industry at the international arena when identifying the challenges we are expected from the proposals to take also into consideration the geopolitical relations as well as the relevant legal framework that the filmmaking industry has to comply with it is fundamental for the proposals to develop scalable and sustainable business models which will be a neck which will enable the creators to make better use of digital and other technologies and further widen the audience proposals sweden should identify how covet 19 pandemic the countermeasures and the economic recession have affected the sub-sectors their workforce and provide policy scenarios on how the filmmaking sector could face those impacts it is important that this scenario should consider digital technologies while digital technologies could be taken into consideration for the better measurement of viewers preferences on filmmaking a methodology that will assess the viewers preferences on filmmaking should be also examined the three to four million uh euro will be allocated to the research and innovation projects and we are expecting them to contribute to at least two of the following points that means on the new knowledge for the needs and developments of the european filmmaking industry on the competitiveness of the european filmmaking industry in the international arena the promotion of the european cultural activity and cultural diversity on innovative policies scenarios and tools including digital ones as we said for the economic recovery of the sub-sectors affected by the economic recession and the covet-19 crisis and the increase of evidence of the users or viewers preferences on filmmaking the limitations to identifying their preferences and finally they should propose a new methodology thank you very much marita thank you very much christina very interesting we will go now to a new very interesting topic the topic number four on traditional crafts for the future a new approach and i will invite rickard book to give you a thorough presentation of the scope and the expected outcomes thank you marita a few words at least let me start by saying that this is uh not about preserving old ways of doing things what we want to address with this topic is to bring traditional crafts and techniques to the future it has been demonstrated that traditional crafts can sometimes have a significant commercial value besides all other values uses it has and this happens above all when traditional know-how is respectfully combined with new technologies so what we aim for here is to revive traditional crafts combined with new technologies to create societal value in a sustainable way this is also a research and innovation actions which as you know by now it means that you have to develop new knowledge beyond the state of the art and also look into how this knowledge can be put into practice the estimated budget from outside is between three and four million euros for a project under this topic that should be sufficiently well developed and again it does not prevent the other proposals for higher or lower budgets but the total indicated budget for this topic is 12 million euros so what we aim for is to fund three projects the products should not only combine deep understanding of traditional techniques with new technology but also develop new methodologies to make use of this knowledge and create value and set up clusters to help bring new products to the market this should include training curricula in these new techniques and technologies so we really aim for products under this topic to make a difference you could say and i should also add that we do especially encourage the participation of cultural and creative industries under this topic the expected outcomes are again pretty ambitious and i'd like to stress that you do we don't require you to um address all of the four expected outcomes but at least two and again this is um to allow projects to go sufficiently deep into the subject matter so that we can make the difference that we want to make with this topic with these words let's move on to the following topic uh next slide which i am also going to present um this topic aims at nothing less than to strengthen europe and its competitiveness in the world through european cultural heritage and arts uh the background thinking is that our cultural heritage and arts are important elements of our creativity in innovation and it is the basis uh on which we are building economic growth and social development but our cultural heritage and arts also have an important role in shaping the way europe is perceived from abroad in what we call the european soft power and for promoting europe's place in the world so what we aim for under this topic is to find new and better ways to promote europe's culture values and interests in europe but also beyond europe this is also a research and innovation action so keep in mind that you need to develop new knowledge beyond the state of the art and you need to look into how to deploy this knowledge in this case our estimation is that the product with a sufficient um coverage of the topic you should have a budget between two and three million euros and the indicative budget of the topic is nine million euros which again means we can we may fund three projects um produce under this topic should find ways to reinforce common european action to promote europe's culture values and interests for the benefit and prosperity of our societies you also need to assess the actions of competitors in this context which could for example be other geopolitical blocks in the world and evaluate the effectiveness of the european common actions the potential of these actions and it should help identify more effective ways to promote european interest at the global level naturally in a topic like this you will need to cooperate with a wide range of stakeholders regarding the expected outcomes that you can see they are again ambitious under this topic we don't require you to deliver on all of them but at least one and again this is to uh allow you to design a product which goes sufficiently deep and thoroughly into the matter to be able to have the impact that we expect on this topic with these few words i hand over the floor to our moderator marita and i'm looking forward to many good proposals under these two topics thank you thank you very much ricarda and thank you very much all colleagues and maria chiara christina and tina for all these presentations i will summarize in the cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries call of 2022 we have 10 topics which are promoted one of them is a coordination subprotection on the endangered languages with a budget of 3 million euro and all other 9 topics that they are research and innovation activities most of them are four out of nine they have 12 million euro and these are because of laboratory research which is necessary for scientific and technological research four out of them they are of nine million and one of them at the new european bow house is of six million uh i would say that uh these 10 topics that they have all of them in a variable geometry the green the digital and the innovative dimension citizens participation is very much indicated in almost all these topics and now we are ready to receiving via slider your questions for the last four topics or any other question to which we have not yet respond from the previous topics please mate give us the challenging part good the crafts means many sectors more general the approach less effective results many projects have been addressed at a single sector ceramics or better be general um ricardo could you please talk later it's absolutely not the case for ceramics the only sector to be ceramics thank you well um i think in in this case there's not a definitive yes or no answer you will have to look in the topic description uh in detail and this sign what you believe is the best possible way to respond to to what we are looking for here obviously you can never address all sectors it will be much too wide now to focus on on only one maybe too narrow but i would not exclude that it could be a valid approach but as you you have to to let's say um calibrate the ambitions of the topic with your project and keep in mind that you are expected to go to the bottom and really have an impact here thank you very much erica i have a question for inna which applied to the music the fifth the topic the music ecosystem whether the uh the selected projects will be connected to the mme uh feasibility study outcomes inda uh yes well the the this this call on horizon is actually connected already to to the to the conclusion of the feasibility study which also very clearly illustrates that there is a huge lack of data so in a way they are connected but of course the feasibility study is not the basis for further research uh or it's not the only basis for further research into these topics if that replies the question great i have another question for recart on the crafts whether the projects which will be selected should cover a full range of materials or they can be focused on few or one of them yeah thank you well again this depends on the focus on on on the project what we do say in the topic is that if if you focus on let's say a particular craft you do need to understand the full range of materials and techniques used in this context in in in to uh a great uh detail now uh depending on the focus of the project uh of course you will never be able to cover all uh materials that are used in all driven crowds it's obvious and you have to to choose a focus which is uh the best possible approach according to you to to address the the challenge described in the topic thank you very much erica i have once again foreign a question whether the project center the music topic should cover both of the economic and societal impacts or they can focus exclusively to the one or to the other you know yes well they don't have to necessarily cover both what we want is really tangible results in any case uh you have to measure we we want to to actually have some figures also on the societal impact but no they don't have to be both okay good um i have a very very interesting question if we can give at least one or two examples of impressive societal impact from previous projects and for this i will invite christina please uh we have us some projects which have been recently launched in 2018 calls and no 19 and 20 or nots and i have it in mind because they they have very impressive results could you please just shortly give one or two societal impact from these projects christina yes marita thank you i'm trying to open my camera okay yes as you very well said we have uh some uh very impressive topics monday topics under the societal challenge six work program on arts i would mention maybe the artist uh project uh that was funding under this call which uh uh actually uh has uh focused also on our vulnerable groups on marginalized groups and so on and uh the the the results of the project can be uh found uh on on cordys and also on the website uh of the project that has been developed quite quite interesting results thank you maya invited also ricardo to give a very good example one only please recap that we have from ongoing projects on cultural and creative industries well the ongoing projects have uh not yet uh finished uh but we do have uh some um let's say a promise a promising results in terms of how to analyze and how to to deal with these sectors in terms of policy uh but i would leave projects to run their course before before i uh talk more about them i have another question for you and you and christine also on the topic on crafts so whether these traditional crafts because it is in the title traditional okay they could be more contemporary traditional like film photographic and original technologies could be used on that regard yes thank you again um i in the in such a case um i would say that you have to go back to the topic description and and look into what do we actually say here we do not exclude anything we are trying to describe uh what the the what we mean with traditional crafts but we are not excluding uh for example uh photography now it's it may not be in the um on the main focus of what we are being been writing here but i i would not say that is it it is excluded yes this is a good answer traditional should be respected and now it is up to you to show that the film on which or the photography of which you wanted to working is traditional if you take one century ago why not i have no problem but it should be uh included in the proposal okay costa related to material purchase for capacity building and training purposes in crafts if it is fundable before i give you the floor ricardo i would like to say that this is not a capacity building call this is a resurgent innovation activity and now i give the floor to rickard and and i in my turn would like to refer this question to have the uh the complete correct answer to the uh our colleagues later in the afternoon who will answer on on formal questions now uh the same rules apply under these uh research and innovation actions as under others in in horizon europe it means to a certain extent yes uh other things uh are not uh fundable but to get into the detail you better look into uh the rules and listen to our colleagues later in the afternoon yes however you have to take into consideration that this is research and innovation activities we have no capacity building activities this is not the main of horizon europe i would say is certainly not under this destination and when we speak about the training it is in most of the cases design courses which might be necessary at all levels including a post-master or why not a phd level design and see the feasibility rather than dispatch all these courses anyhow with uh the number five the competitive music ecosystem i will give this question to ina again to make a distinction between the research focus yes good morning again uh well we aim to cover the broadest possible let's say music thing so if we cover only recording or only publishing will not really have uh the great picture because of course some some industry data already already published uh statistics uh for instance the recording industry so it's it's easy to actually get probably part or that one we would like to be very ambitious considering also uh uh well the the great project and the fact that it it's a huge project to go as deeply as possible to cover the whole sector of course if there are a limitation where we cannot go beyond what that we have to accept in a please stay because i have another question for you if a project that can focus on a specific area of the european music sector for example publishing or recording whatever or if it has to cover the music sector as total i think actually i just i think reply to this one then i have missed the your previous question i just well that was what i was saying just we our ambition is to cover the broadest possible uh music scene uh not only to focus on one of course if there are limits to what science uh and data can do we would have to accept however we know that some industries like the recording one already produces uh and so we would like to go beyond this and in particular we would like to cover of course uh uh well uh the whole online parts where we have very little data and in particular where music is consumed free thank you ricardo this applied yes to the craft of the traditional crafts and this concern of the commercial value and whether this could include other economic values for non-profit making for example is it possible yes thank you for this question um i would say of course it is uh possible and we are also talking about uh we're not only talking about economic value but also uh other values in the in the frame of this uh topic so it can be um we can take a broader approach to um creating value for society thank you thank you riccard absolutely because the range of use of this reproductive traditional crafts that might be very white including for the restoration of cultural heritage a general question for heritage kindly inform about eligible coordinator partners i don't see very well what it does it means eligible coordinator partners i will say that all these conditions are given in the work program and the call eligible coordinator and partners are those who have who are established in an eligible country which is a member state and an associated country unless the topic uh give another opening of uh of uh to to to do to other partners and they have also the capacity to become coordinator because this is both management and financial capacity and that they have to take it into consideration when they apply for that partners means that international cooperation rules should be respected unfortunately rosanna joined another meeting to give you again this presentation of international cooperation rules in general you have participation of third countries the question is whether the commission will pay for the participation of their countries or not because we don't discuss here for associated associated with they are they have an almost equal status as the member states uh you will find that this kind of uh details in the topics themselves whether they are opened to third countries or to some groups of third countries depending on the nature of the topic in the afternoon you can ask a more precise information about that uh how we will ensure that the projects will not duplicate and research the same topic twice uh these apply to the competitive foreign european music ecosystem in again would you please give the answer on this i'm not sure where uh which research the the the question refers to um where do where is it covered so maybe please provide us more details and i can reply uh better on this one um i see there is another the next one is also for us uh uh well i mean as maria was saying indeed we i mean we we leave it up to you the broadest possible you you are the scientist we we want to to hear from you so we don't want to to limit the research if that replies to uh to the question and on our next one uh how many projects will be funneled well i'll leave it mario to you but my understanding is that normally there is a practice around a tree project uh for three million but it can be more it can be less but i leave this one to you yeah okay and the last question for you in is whether in the proposal a music festival can be included yes absolutely well if you i i encourage you to to read the the details because we would also like to to uh estimate well the catastrophic economic impact of cancelling live music events and whether that has translated into a parallel increase of music consumption and revenues also for creators in the music sector so music festivals i suppose have been very much impacted i thank you very much uh we will go now to the uh number two topic which applies to the promoting our values and the question is whether these values apply to societal or to economic values whether the objective is economic or societal values i don't see why it cannot be both but i will leave the answer to ricardo thank you merit i was going to answer in the same direction that it's not one or the other we are in as you um may remember from this short presentation or if you have read the topic um we are talking broadly about promoting european interests and and values we are not specifying if these are economical or or others so it's uh both are let's say economic values is part of societal values you could say great the next question is for you also ricarda for the same no not for the same topic this is for crafts how many materials or techniques are supposed to be developed in one proposal and when we speak at least two outcomes among all four do we mean more than two or two is enough and so on so uh thank you for this question again regarding how many materials and techniques you're supposed to study we don't give a number here it has to be up to the consortium to uh decide on on let's say a scope that makes sense that can have a great impact but it's also manageable and also covers the uh that it's it's a so that it becomes a good project with a reasonable scope which can make a good impact in terms of the outcomes uh two out of four means two out of four this will depend very much on how you design your projects uh what areas you will cover and not cover but what we want to say with this is is that you are not obliged to respond to all four expected outcomes that are listed in a topic it is sufficient that you respond to two but uh you may respond to three or you may respond to all four but you don't you're not forced to it's not a uh obligatory uh requirement uh ricardo for you also a very interesting question because we about competitors and somebody would like to know whether now with a brexit uk could be considered as a competitor that's a very very interesting intellectual question i would say that's a yes it's a very good question indeed i mean we are uh hoping or expecting that the uk will become an associated country eventually and as an associated country it will not be considered a competitor so that would be my my uh answer at this moment at least okay thank you very much uh i will take the number uh for for the fourth the traditional crafts question whether it is necessary to build a multinational construction for an application i think of that the basic condition for a resurgent innovation activity in horizon europe is to have three legal entities established at least in three different member states or associated countries and this prevailed to all ria activities in this call the nine out of ten and the answer is multinational because if you have three different uh countries some member states are associated countries but it is multinational uh the number five which is uh the music ecosystem uh inna you are very popular today if there is a possibility to address the questions in more detail and you said already that yes we will be happy to receiving in your questions in more detail and tina will be happy with your colleagues to give you exact uh responses uh for the music also whether the the focus on figures means that the collidative approaches are not interesting for this call or that the qualitative should be based on some forms of data ina again for you thank you well uh i don't think that one excludes the other that i would say they're complementary but indeed if you read the uh the details of the call and the base also in our experience over the last years on research on the music sector there is a severe lack of of economic data in order to also have a qualitative approach i i don't exclu they're not one against the other it's just that we need we badly need the data thank you i will respond to the next question of course an organization can apply to more than one project it depends on your interest and your capacities i have once again the question whether we can send the acronyms of the projects to which christina was referred if you go to europe website and you see the arts research and innovation projects which are founded you will find uh three of them two of them christina was referred to um [Music] one other question on the music of whether national music organizations are eligible and can participate in i suppose that they can um well i i hope that you have the answer but i don't see the reason why they shouldn't but i i leave this to you you you have to take into consideration that uh it depends on the proposal you can put whoever you think of that is in a position to implement the task which will be undertaken by each legal entity in the work program it should be evidence-based that we don't approve the legal entities just to make numerous participations because in this case if one legal entity is doing the whole work and the other two they have a minor task so the equilibrium is not good and that this is not a real resurgent innovation activity according to the terms of reference for horizon europe and in the evaluation believe me this project might suffer um could you give the email address to reach us uh okay mate could you please send out an address where these questions could be sent out and i think that we do not have any other slide of question and we have finished with oh yes we have one more apart from the minimum participants for a construction can you give an indicative number of participants for a good construction ah yes so this is a really uh very difficult question to say to you everything depends on the nature of the project that's supposing that you have a very focused approach and you have three participants who will undertake for three years research and innovation and they they have a very good proposal and that they are very efficient or efficiency oriented it's very good now if you need the more competencies or you need more actors to interview if you have a complex program where you make interfere local authorities or national authorities competent stakeholders because you're working on green technologies and you need restorative to come in you need physicians and engineers at the same time about it increases the number of partners and instead of three you you might have seven and pay it it is good also the good is effectiveness with regard to the proposal we leave it to your appreciation we will never penalize the project because you have just the stricter minimum of the partnership we will penalize a project in the evaluation with our independent experts because the quality is not well developed or because it is not impact oriented or because it is very theoretical research which is not under the frame of such a cluster for all these reasons but not because you have only three partners can locally ngos can be partnered we are not exclusive to saying the truth uh it depends on the topic how can a local ngo can participate to a project this should be very clear if they are the most suitable partners to undertake an activity i would say yes yes of course don't forget that these are research and innovation activities they are not capacity building activities and so you have to take into consideration that if you wanted to do something on capacity building this should to be very much in relation with the research and innovation activity you will develop otherwise we have some other policies in this case it might be digital europa or creative europe depending on the topic or another policy which might undertake this kind of activities can municipalities apply of course the same thing applied to ngos i would say that in both house for example if you wanted to be inclusive and if inclusiveness and details at the heart of the system and sustainability um a municipality in one way or in another or regional and local authorities should participate because how sustainability and how inclusiveness can be ensured that we found that they are part of the team now if they are partners or if they participate to the team it is up to you to pay attention to this kind of details i think that we were quite exhaustive it is 1302 we have taken two minutes in addition of your time i would like to thank you very much for your passions so thank you very much for your interest to have a very nice lunch and we will take again the information days at half past two for the third destination of our clash of two on socioeconomic transformations thank you very much for your interest thank you very much alexa for your interesting presentations and questions and dancer responses
Channel: EU Science & Innovation
Views: 18,652
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Keywords: Innovation, European Union, European Commission, Horizon Europe
Id: zm4l10peSBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 15sec (4995 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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