UT Dallas Commencement - School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences

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so [Music] oh is so so ladies and gentlemen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] okay please be seated everyone and welcome before we begin the formal ceremony let me ask you to silence your cell phones and to be courteous to those around you by quietly attending to the speakers throughout the ceremony thank you during the presentation of graduates we encourage you to express your pride by applauding and cheering of course this is a wonderful day for everyone graduates parents family and friends thank you for being here please enjoy the ceremony i'm steve small i'm the dean of the school of behavioral and brain sciences or bbs as we call it that's for future reference when i use that term and on behalf of the faculty and staff of bbs and the leadership of ut dallas i wish to congratulate you all on this important academic milestone i now have the privilege of introducing the provost of ut dallas and many colleagues from bbs who have joined me today in celebrating your success and i would like to introduce them to your families and friends i ask them to stand and remain standing and i ask the audience to hold applause until introductions are complete as i call your name as i call your name please stand up and be recognized provost and vice president for academic affairs dr inga musselman at she gets the applause but now wait okay administrative leadership of the school of behavioral brain sciences dr bob stillman associate dean of graduate affairs dr melanie spence associate dean of undergraduate affairs dr shayla holib department head of psychology dr colleen laprell department head of speech language and hearing dr greg dusor department head of neuroscience and dr lisa jimenez associate dean of administration faculty from the department of speech language and hearing dr michelle aldridge dr jessica carter faculty from the department of psychology dr rich golden dr karen huxtable dr jerry dr jerry kent dr kristen kennedy dr margaret owen dr karen rodrigue dr megan swanson and from the faculty from the department faculty from the department of neuroscience dr ben culver and dr roxanna sultana [Applause] sorry for this but i had to prepare some remarks for y'all and i'd like to share a few thoughts uh about you all at about the university and about the future to our students getting accepted to ut dallas and to bbs is tough enough getting to this stage requires hard work discipline perseverance and dedication getting to this stage in the middle of a global pandemic has required even more discipline even more perseverance and big doses of patience and tolerance you have both our admiration and our congratulations you've made our journey together an adventure with challenges but also with many rewards let me tell our families and friends about bbs with respect to all of america's great universities only ut dallas has a school focused solely on research in the sciences of the brain and behavior our research emphasizes interdisciplinary collaborations and our approach to education follows suit we are a stem university founded by one of the top engineering companies in america and we teach and investigate in the spirit of our founders we study the human brain and the behavior that it produces we investigate their development in childhood and decline in older age we analyze their resilience and breakdowns and perhaps most importantly we work on remediation you all our fall 2021 graduates are now going in a variety of directions studying the brain and behavior has many possible paths to interesting careers that are challenging enjoyable and remunerative the luckiest of you will end up viewing your work as a pleasure as fun as a hobby you will leave us to get additional education to become physicians psychologists speech pathologists and audiologists and other health care workers others of you will gain further education to become scientists teachers and technologists many will take gap years testing the waters in possible career areas and rounding out some missing coursework some will go directly into the workforce starting careers in business education science health and government my generation and the generations of your parents and your professors have high hopes for you and as a consequence for us those of you who follow politics and government social and economic issues and environmental science know what i mean every time we watch the news we hear about the end of democracy or the impossibility of reversing climate change or the horrors of our mental health crisis or the failures of our health system i hear from the right that the left is society's main problem and from the left that the right of society's main problem we're in a period of pessimism and a society divided our generation needs your help and i know you will provide it you are already doing so when i hear about the lack of understanding among our people or the impossibility of solving our contemporary crises i think about my students and i'm given hope as behavioral and brain scientists we know that your brains are still developing and your mental processes are still being fine-tuned you're as aware of some of the problems as we are but you're open to new ideas and innovative solutions to them knowing that you our students are coming to lead allows me to be an optimist and keeps me happy along these lines i have three requests of each of you first i ask you to engage please approach someone with a different background or different ideology and take them out for a cup of coffee or tea a long walk or jog or some other activity where you can talk openly agree and disagree engage and come to common ground many of your professors have chosen a career at the university because it is the home of ideas all ideas with appreciation of all well-meaning political and intellectual opinions our job is to facilitate learning through this exchange we need you to bring this to your everyday life to engage to think and to embrace all ideas even those different from your own second i ask you to teach please approach someone who does not understand anything about the workings of the brain or science of behavior and teach them something that will have a positive impact for neuroscientists teach them about the difference between the human cerebral cortex and its advanced reasoning ability and the basal ganglia and thalamus and their more supportive roles for psychologists teach them about controlled executive processing what daniel kahneman calls system 2 and the automatic intuitive processing which he calls system one teach them that sometimes we all must put in an effort to use our advanced reasoning skills to overcome our intuitions which come to quick but often inaccurate decisions including advancing stereotypes and caricatures third i ask you to listen try to hear the voices of others and to empathize we have among the very best speech language and hearing education and research programs in the country so we understand better than anyone what it takes for information to enter the brain and be heard and to exit the brain and be spoken but understanding the cochlea the auditory nerve or the mechanisms of articulation leave a lot to explain in terms of listening and hearing this is where the language sciences interact with the brain and behavioral sciences the pragmatics of listening includes understanding inferring and for most of us empathizing caring and acting please work to listen your faculty and bbs are proud of you committed to your future success and view you all as lifetime members of a very special family except for other ut dallas grads you will not encounter anyone else with a degree from a school like ours a school focused on brain and behavior all of you are members of an exclusive club of graduates from our cohesive interdisciplinary health-oriented and forward-thinking school of behavioral and brain sciences congratulations graduates please keep in touch with us and please come back to campus regularly so we can chat with each other in person maybe even without masks have a cup of coffee together hug our friends and share a nice meal in north side in a student center down the street in richardson or in uptown or the arts district good luck to you all thanks for your hard work your successes and over these past couple of years for your adjustments and tolerance and thanks to our parents siblings extended families and friends for your support of our students and of our school and university we are very grateful congratulations graduates [Applause] [Music] and i'll thank you again it's been it's been a challenge and you've done marvelously in this next part of this uh graduation ceremony i have the pleasure to present some of our graduates whose outstanding participation in the life of the school we wish to recognize first students graduating with bbs or school honors as opposed to the latin honors which will be announced later by dr spence must maintain a 3.5 minimum grade point average during their senior year they conduct an honors thesis which is evaluated by two faculty members students graduating with behavioral and brain sciences honors please rise when i say your name aisha khan [Applause] rushita kumar [Applause] and srata treon [Applause] now i am pleased to announce a special award chosen by the faculty the dean's award for excellence is given in recognition of the student achieving the highest academic performance or gpa and for overall excellence within a major these students have consistent records of excellence and we do not always have an award in every major please rise when i say your name the dean's award in psychology goes to thomas leung the dean's award in speech language and hearing sciences goes to anna scully the dean's award in neuroscience though he is not here today with us unfortunately goes to jacob thomas for all of you who are receiving honors and awards please visit the bbs table at the celebration in the davidson gundy alumni center following the ceremony to collect your certificates and awards to introduce today's student speaker it is my pleasure to welcome dr robert stillman associate dean for graduate affairs for the school of behavioral and brain sciences bob thank you dean small our student speaker came to ut dallas from the university of california irvine where she earned bas in psychology and criminology and a master's in criminology she graduates today with a master's degree in applied cognition and neuroscience our speaker joined ut dallas in may 2019 while working as a crime analyst and as an explorer program advisor for high schoolers and finishing her masters in criminology she received an outstanding research award on a project she began in 2014 and has worked with dr richard golden while at ut dallas today she is employed full-time in a federal agency after graduation she contin she plans to continue research and pursue a phd in psychology or cognitive science with an emphasis on forensics please welcome your classmate nelly burton [Applause] thank you very much dr stillman welcome guests family and friends we would like to thank you for joining us on this day of celebration our dear faculty and staff and classmates thank you for your hard work dedication and perseverance you have demonstrated during this difficult and challenging times that we are adaptable and resilient i am honored to stand before you today as a graduation commencement speaker i have so many people that i would like to thank but i would like to start with my dear husband mother father and siblings for their love and support i will have not made it this far without any of them i would also like to thank dr richard golden from the school of behavioral and brain sciences for his dedication to our university research and his students i am very grateful for his mentorship knowledge and advice faculty like him ensure successful students i will have not landed my current job without him chief charles gato captain g catwell i am very grateful that i had the opportunity to have a wonderful mentorship classmates graduating by itself is a great achievement and for some if not all of us we had to overcome serious obstacles like losing a family member an epidemic of a century experiencing the virus ourselves or even losing our main source of income all of that of course along with our everyday challenges to remind him here my everyday challenges include him waking up at four o'clock in the morning so that i will have enough time to study before my shift at work begun some days i will return home late at night from work so that i could have the opportunity and privilege to sit in class but i will only get home to keep studying or do more homework one day dallas county implemented a shelter in place because of a virus that we did not know much about but it could be lethal to some of my family members i did not know whether i was supposed to show up to work it took a few moments before it synced in that i worked with emergency and first responders when i got to work it was very busy a week later i tearfully submitted my resignation from it from the drop of my dreams to be closer to my fiance and my family this way if something happened we were going to be together it was a tough decision i had to decide between my dream job or being close to my family to my family during the pandemic my fiance and i got married a week after leaving texas with my mom as our only witness because no one else was allowed in the courthouse a month after i left i received a job offer and to my surprise it was my ultimate dream job with a federal law enforcement agency i could have not been more blessed my blessing came with a challenge that i could not escape the worry that i could bring the virus home to my high risk loved ones it was terrifying as i was losing acquaintance friends and colleagues to the pandemic the vaccine became available to me but i was not able to extend my privilege to my loved ones no long after my love once became eligible for the vaccine i was relief even if i was the one who bought who brought the virus home at that point i had done everything i could to protect them and be closer to them during my during the pandemic and my story is just one out of many healthcare workers first responders thank you for showing up every day i would like to take this opportunity to honor sergeant richard houston a mesquite police department officer a 21-year veteran who gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving and protecting the citizens of mesquite on december the third of this month it was an honor to have worked with him i have accepted that i cannot control the pandemic natural disasters rising violent crime or divisive politics but i am in control we are in control of our life decisions each of us can impact our society our family with the principles and values that grounds us such as compassion generosity fairness honesty and hard work one of the valuable lessons that i learned during the pandemic is that we need to be team players because no one can make a significant meaningful or thoughtful change by themselves this is not the first time this is not the first time that we will face tough tough times and it will not be the last but we can overcome tough times together you sitting here today along with our staff and our faculty is an attest to that congratulations class 2021 [Applause] it is my pleasure to welcome to the podium provost ingo musselman thank you dean small and thank you nelly and good evening everyone welcome to our 2021 commencement festivities at the university of texas at dallas how delightful to see all of you here today that is as it should be this is a big day for you and utd we live and work in a world that never ceases to change none of you are the same today as you were the day you first enrolled ideally while students you have discovered how to meld your interests with your passions i also hope you have been challenged during your studies here and i hope that you have bonded with your classmates and the faculty with your internship partners with our librarians and coaches and program directors and all of the university community who have supported you mentored you affirmed you and believed in you when you accepted our challenge and guidance you were changed your family and friends and significant others are discovering that you are different now you have grown both personally and socially you have acquired knowledge and experience to continue to adapt and grow in an ever-changing world that is often unpredictable but there is additional good news some things are indelible like today's popular tattoos a utd diploma will stamp you for life within the hour you will be utd alumni and that immutable fact will be part of your identity for the rest of your life yes this is a big day so it is right and proper for me to thank you thank you for choosing ut dallas for your studies thank you for enriching our campus thank you for changing us a bit these past years thank you for gracing the faculty the staff and your fellow students by your presence finally i encourage you to use your education from the university not only for yourself but also for the well-being of texas america and beyond we look to you for leadership in our complex and rapidly evolving world you are our hope for the future please stay connected with us and with each other as alumni you are always welcome here congratulations ut dallas class of 2021 [Applause] i now invite to the podium the undergraduate associate dean for the school of behavioral and brain sciences dr melanie spence thank you provost musselman i would like to offer a special recognition of those students graduating with honors today to earn school honors in their disciplines students must meet criteria mentioned earlier by dean small latin honors are based on a 45-hour residency requirement and grade benchmarks that are set within each school a minimum grade point average of 3.4 is required of all latin honors laude the grade point average that represents the top third of all graduates in a particular school is considered the threshold for awarding laude honors laude graduates please stand as you are able and be recognized candidates please be seated magna laude the grade point average that represents the top 15 percent of all graduates in particular school is considered the threshold for awarding magna laude honors magna laude graduates please stand as you are able and be recognized candidates please be seated summa laude the grade point average that represents the top five percent of all graduates in a particular school is considered the threshold for awarding summa laude honors students graduating summa laude please stand as you are able and be recognized candidates please be seated collegium 5 is utd's four-year honors program c5 admits approximately 300 students per year to graduate with collegium 5 honors students must graduate with the 3.5 grade point average take 24 hours of honors related work and complete an honors capstone thesis or project posters from these projects are displayed in the atrium of green center outside the collegium 5 lounge for the next academic year i would like to invite all c5 graduates here to stand as you are able and be recognized candidates please be seated kappa phi is the nation's oldest largest and most selective all discipline honor society all phi kappa phi members please stand as you are able and be recognized candidates please be seated it is now my honor to certify the candidates for undergraduate degrees will all candidates who are to receive the bachelor degree please rise as able and remain standing everybody provost musclemen on behalf of the faculty i certify to you that those candidates who have completed all of their academic requirements are entitled to receive their respective degrees candidates please be seated it is now my pleasure to welcome to the podium the graduate associate dean dr robert stillman [Applause] thank you dr spence first a very warm welcome to our graduates family and friends joining us this evening congratulations graduates on your amazing achievements we admire your resilience tolerance and steadfast enthusiasm in this unprecedented time thank you for your patience as we blundered through and finally embraced online teaching and for getting to know us behind masks and computer screens your resourcefulness now will pay off as you face the challenges of your career it seems like only yesterday that we were recruiting you we could not have done better you clearly enriched us and each other and you can't help but enhance our reputation we appreciate you more than you realize as you leave here we hope you won't leave behind the friendships you made you have a network you can depend on and don't forget us either we will still be here where you left us and available when you need us it's an honor not an inconvenience to have our former students call on us throughout your time here we've tried to share our expertise and place you in situations where you could test your skills you may still have some misgivings about going out in the real world but we don't we are confident that you are ready and excited that you will represent us we congratulate you on your achievements admire your talents and wish you the very best in your career and in life stay in touch and come visit when you can thank you again for choosing ut dallas and sharing time with us we are all better for it thank you [Applause] will all candidates who are to receive the master's degree please rise as able and remain standing provost musselman on behalf of the faculty i certified that the candidates who have completed all their academic requirements are entitled to receive their master's degrees candidates please be seated earlier a special recognition ceremony was conducted for graduating doctoral students each student who participated in the ceremony invited his or her advisor or another utd faculty member to assist the dean of graduate education in placing the doctoral hood of their commencement regalia over their heads the conferral signified the success of the candidate in completing his or her program of studies leading to the highest academic degree offered by ut dallas since the doctoral recipients are already hooded it now only remains for them to receive their diplomas i ask that all doctoral recipients now stand as able to be recognized graduates please be seated i turn the podium back to provost musselman thank you dr spence and stillman now by the virtue of the authority vested by law in the board of regents of the university of texas system i confer upon each of you the respective academic degree for which you have been recommended with all the rights privileges responsibilities and obligations at pertaining thereon2 and i offer my sincere congratulations [Applause] i now turn it back to dean small for the formal recognition of degrees thank you provost musclemen as dean it is my privilege to congratulate and formally recognize the graduating class of 2021 for the school of behavioral and brain sciences i now invite all graduates to cross the stage audience please listen carefully for your graduates name as they cross the stage by degree but not in alphabetical order so it's a challenge so let's um let's go graduates receiving a baccalaureate degree please come forward as your name is called lee scott norville [Applause] elsa yvette barrera [Applause] nicole irene maloney [Applause] [Applause] [Music] claire bailey colgrove [Music] emily flores [Applause] [Applause] catherine renee garner [Music] [Applause] mccartney [Applause] christine nicole mathis [Applause] artesia d malone [Music] [Applause] susanna claire jones [Applause] [Music] libiba zarin haleem [Applause] [Applause] bot muscan chaturvedi [Applause] [Music] pasta chowdhury [Applause] karina chabla [Applause] emily may leblanc [Music] bethany hope spaniel [Applause] atmasu [Applause] ember kwamboko abuga [Applause] [Applause] ah irene suleiman tattoo [Applause] my food win [Applause] alyssa linaya jacobson [Music] tram quinn fam [Applause] a news gupta [Applause] kylie and glenn [Applause] anisa is fandy [Applause] nora harmog [Applause] paula castellanos carmona [Applause] 80 takaichi [Applause] alice and jane devers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] doridaia [Applause] nuha sawa arafin [Applause] [Applause] clarissa celia almaguer [Applause] khan andrea victoria miller and wara khan jessica ma [Applause] franz rob and courtney malibu [Applause] ivan yun kyun lu [Applause] hait viven v majida [Applause] chloe angelis deframe [Applause] abdulrahman freidi [Applause] muhammad abdullahi jamal [Applause] you described cesar mauricio garcia [Applause] alvin joseph [Applause] foreign sharon maria sabu [Applause] lynn kanvu [Applause] a noob ready [Applause] i pingo junior debo rafael jonathan raino rodrigue [Applause] dominique taylor osborne [Music] [Applause] a cancer rao [Applause] ami jamin patel [Applause] gina nguyen [Applause] [Applause] lydia alexandra elizabeth pyla [Applause] [Applause] aryan caleb you [Applause] diana barrera chance haskell mcclure [Applause] joy lynn alice watkins [Applause] marissa renee watson [Applause] aiden j villanueva [Music] tilda amelia nemenem sharada trejon [Music] isha [Applause] rozzy [Applause] [Applause] tran [Applause] amy daniela cruz [Applause] nicole alisa elisabati meirin ali [Applause] rebecca isabel brenda guadalupe sanchez amaripa [Applause] uma chatterjee [Music] william david beale ivan gabriel buxo catherine cecina bowman [Applause] [Music] tangino natasha grace abraham zane abuser [Applause] sean's a bangish [Applause] ilya zahabi [Applause] i should be khan [Applause] jasmine louise jackson [Applause] grisham sarah joseph caitlin rose klein [Applause] mackenzie michelle gregory [Applause] ronald sebastian golias [Applause] yvette belem garcia [Applause] dira alexandra dimas [Applause] dana ella trish [Applause] batula deldi emily marie grissett [Music] [Applause] megan marie goldman miller [Applause] nathan gancia [Applause] jonathan douglas hill ricks [Applause] tyler barrett marshall [Applause] ashley amanda mcneil [Applause] kate marquis tavia christina neal [Applause] catherine renee lukenbach [Music] [Applause] clarice augustine lopez [Applause] andrea gabrielle medina [Applause] brittany nicole ludeker [Applause] thomas joined how leon [Applause] [Music] maria guadalupe jordan [Applause] yoga karki [Applause] hibba sohail khan [Applause] daniela karmaluke [Applause] tierra kahala koga kathy v lee [Applause] are many m parodies [Applause] derek a mecca essika [Applause] ashley kathleen brogan azam khan [Applause] peter griffith mills [Applause] shamia actor [Applause] [Music] josefina a mata [Applause] josue lopez chanel s hargrove [Applause] [Music] rebecca chelsea nichols alexa isella paz ali akatun lia kotkon baton kaylee dawn parvin [Music] elaine aung [Music] [Applause] ashley pratchen sharon mature and jokey [Applause] emma marie polito caroline elizabeth wrong mia antoinette rivers [Applause] samurai risvy kenya milan rentario [Music] karina maria scott [Applause] [Music] rihanna florencia reyes [Applause] jocelyn sanchez [Applause] verisha siddique [Applause] carolina serna [Applause] him daniela saldana fatima rodriguez samwise morgan rodriguez [Applause] alejandra soto gloria ting zhang [Applause] tammy t tran [Applause] nina marie williams [Applause] jacqueline renee stevenson [Applause] [Music] thomas sages [Applause] [Music] vieira [Music] hassan zadie steven nathaniel woods [Applause] anika jamila chowdhury [Applause] [Music] sryoshi sen chowdhury kaylie mia bushman [Applause] jamie kathleen davis [Applause] kimberly lynn brennan [Applause] bailey and marie andara [Applause] madison elizabeth bowes [Applause] drew marie boden [Music] abigail vasquez mariana pinuela [Music] caitlyn reese campbell [Applause] sonna hamani [Applause] shear gamliel john v nitin dixit [Applause] zayn of gefar guitarist theater iso brittany herrera gutierrez mita harish kalitas sabrina hack [Applause] carly i mendoza [Applause] christina milan [Music] [Applause] melanie diana frye [Applause] francisco javier delgado menchaca maria angeles marchand anna lucia hernandez [Applause] jessica maria ramirez [Music] [Applause] a mineral some shake [Applause] hannah maggie wong [Applause] erica torres [Applause] ashley elizabeth you [Applause] chizurokai chukwumeka fukachi and wata [Music] hola [Applause] now that's alright [Applause] shelby suzanne taylor watts catherine woodward o'connor [Applause] adriana vasquez rodriguez faith leia vincent anna e scully [Applause] nadeshka torres [Applause] caleb josiah brown [Applause] graduates receiving a master's degree please come forward as your name is called nellie c burton [Applause] gao [Applause] maya rose parks alyssa nicole ortega [Applause] ryan matthew garza jacob jackson [Applause] miranda m dunn [Applause] rahul anand taylor lawson aisha khan [Applause] casey danielle flynn logan s davis pamela danielle b gutierrez kirsten julia dunn nasiat iqbal ayushi [Applause] ratwaz rajesh kulkarni samantha salento [Applause] brandi elson [Applause] cassidy alexandra soto brook elizabeth johnson madeleine huffines olivia marie lane [Applause] melanie piedra [Applause] victoria morris amanda curtly [Applause] abigail grace mcdowell [Applause] alyssa mariah may richards [Applause] anna sarai polk tyler justina naggy golly leela angeline mamrosh [Applause] naba hanna czar [Applause] sarah showabe [Applause] brook nicole stringer [Applause] zoe cecile randall [Applause] christine diane manchev [Applause] graduates receiving a doctoral degree please come forward as your name is called linda nguyen [Applause] amy berglund barraza [Applause] shruti ravi catherine ann austin this concludes the presentation of degrees [Applause] [Applause] congratulations one and all [Applause] i'd like to thank on behalf of all of us uh the university staff who planned and executed the commencement ceremonies today and expressed my appreciation to faculty and administrators who gave their time today to participate you have a good show faculty here behind me and i really appreciate them all coming and participating today it's tremendous and now comments we have one last assignment for you would you please rise as abel [Applause] [Music] and move your tassels from the right side to the left side uh and for those of you with class rings i invite you to turn them so they face away from you to point outward toward your future symbolically pointing to your place in the larger world of ut dallas alumni [Applause] there's nothing in my notes that says you can sit down but i think you can sit down let me be the first to offer my warmest congratulations to you and my very best wishes for a prosperous and joyful future in addition to earning the degrees conferred upon you today you've earned the right to be associated with a very special group of individuals you may now call yourselves alumni of the university of texas at dallas i know i know for a fact that we have uh other alumni with us today could i ask all ut dallas graduates in the activity center to join our new alumni and stan to be recognized uh well welcome back welcome back to all of our alumni this day marks a wonderful milestone not only in your lives but also the life of the university i wish you the best as you go into your new lives as graduates of the university of texas at dallas enjoy this day of celebration with your family and friends and return to us soon and now i ask for all to please rise as abel and join us for the singing of the ut dallas alma mater led by a recording of the university's premier acapella group novus [Music] is [Music] is join us graduates please remain standing will the audience please be seated in a moment the administration and faculty will recess through the rear doors of the auditorium after which our graduates will also recess graduates please pay attention to the staff from the school of behavioral and brain sciences they have green and orange badges as you can see as they ask you to recess one row at a time once the graduates have left friends and family may leave from the doors where you entered exit out the building and turn right you may join your graduates at the davidson gundy alumni center for moments on the mall so congratulations again [Applause] can we go this way [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: UT Dallas Media
Views: 1,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UTDallas, UTD, bbs, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, commencement, fall 2021
Id: QO6v1GH91c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 10sec (5950 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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