Heroes 3: The CASTLE CRUSADE! 1v7 Against All Evil Towns (Part One)

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hello welcome back to heroes of might and magic three we're going to be doing a new playthrough today called the castle crusade this is going to be me playing as castle against seven ai opponents all of whom are on the same team i'm going to be playing as lioness because i think he is a fantastic hero a hero who is sometimes overlooked um but really really interesting specialty the prayer specialty it's going to be really good once we get to expert water magic it's going to be a lot of fun i'm not necessarily confident this is gonna be particularly easy it could kind of go either way i'm not really sure yet but as you can see we're up against three necropolis opponents two dungeon opponents and also two inferno opponents impossible difficulty and we're playing on shadow of death so necropolis is its full powered self on horn of the abyss acropolis is cut in half or necromancy is cut in half um on this version it's going to be full necromancy they're gonna be really strong there's gonna be a lot of skeletons to deal with along with the archdevils and things like that we have done something a bit like this before i played as necropolis against seven different castle opponents that was slightly different because then we had necromancy on our side this time we really just have a linus so i'm not sure exactly how it's going to go fingers crossed it should be a lot of fun it's probably going to be quite a long one so buckle up and make sure you click the playlist link in the description so you can watch the whole thing if it's all been uploaded and without further ado let's get into it let's see what our start is like okay so we can see at the start here we've got some skeletons blocking our way forward unfortunately there is no way through that doesn't involve fighting them uh we've started off with 800 gold do we get an archers tower yes we do perfect unfortunately we don't actually start off with any arches so it's not it's not a perfect start i think we could have done a bit better with linus but never mind and we're gonna have to fight these skeletons in order to make a push through so let's just move towards them see what they are so unfortunately it is a horde of skeletons instead of lots of skeletons and that's not gonna be a very easy fight for day one [Music] i'm not sure how i feel about that i i could wait for one more day and just pick up one extra archer a few extra pikemen this is not necessarily going to be an easy fight but we do have a portal of glory right there which is a really good start that's going gonna really help us in the late game particularly if we turn out to only have just the one castle town if we can actually um boost the growth in that that's gonna kind of make up for the fact that we're massively outnumbered by different types of towns i don't like the idea of going for this i think even if we win we'll probably lose quite a few units so i'm gonna pull back and i'm gonna spend one day in town that should get us an extra 500 gold it's not ideal i know but it's impossible difficulty we start with no resources at the start is not always friendly okay so six extra pikemen one extra archer hopefully that's gonna be enough to make a difference i think we have to go for it at this point we can't waste too much time really expected to lose nine so i probably should have gone for that so they seem to be baited towards the bottom which is good okay so these guys are gonna go for a shot on these they get four kills which is not bad let's just see if we can use these two bottom stacks just to bait them in as much as possible so my hope for the start here is just to have as much time as possible to build up before the opponents actually show up i'm very tempted to go for prayer here but let's hold back for now okay so these guys should be safe if we go to the back no i didn't think that seemed believable okay so these guys can reach one of our stacks but if we move them both back that should keep one of them still alive you guys free to shoot so let's go for these and these guys can go and hopefully finish them off or near enough get morale i'm just going to finish them off and everyone else is going to defend yeah because we're playing on impossible difficulty i think our best hope is just to avoid our opponents for as long as possible try and make up the fact that we're starting with no resources and just try and build up as much as we can we already have a kind of goal to go towards which is the pool of glory that's gonna require us to take down three angels which is not gonna be an easy fight these guys i think should go in but let's actually absorb the retaliation first defend with these two so those guys can actually reach our pikeman but never mind these guys are going to come down do some damage to these which allows these forward they can now block off our arches but if we just wait can send these guys up to finish them off that allows these skeletons to hit us but that's pretty much unavoidable so let's just do it keeps our arches safe and then let's defend with these [Music] okay seven pokemon i think that's pretty much the same as the author as open in mind there we go to this we're offered advanced learning so this is one of the problems with linus is he does start with learning obviously not a great skill at all um but it's the price you have to pay for a really good specialty and i will explain at some point exactly what the specialty does uh so water wheel there for an extra 500 gold let's just try and build up as much gold as we can and we're also going to need a decent amount of wood i can see the sawmill is to the east i do want to try and pick up an extra hero first i've got a thousand gold which is not really much we can do with let's just end the turn [Music] okay so orbit is to the south lots of wolf riders is not an ideal fight right now let's just go to the east instead i can take on a hold of knolls that's maybe a bit too much if it was lots of knolls i'd probably do it but now i'm just going to go in this direction we can see down here we have a treasure chest that's maybe a slightly higher priority at this point because we do want to pick up an extra hero and we want to send them onwards so we've got edric he's going to come with a griffin i might actually take this with me and then edric we're just going to ignore this because it's going to slow us down too much i want to try and get myself a bit of wood [Music] okay so that gives us enough to potentially buy the blacksmith or the marketplace i'm gonna go for the marketplace i wanna try and save as much gold as i can for um the village hall or the town hall whatever it's called i'm not really seeing a great direction to send loiners in but let's just go slightly to the south and that's in the turn okay so we're gonna need some gold so let's go for this let's hope this is gold and not gems and uh yeah it's actually a really good thing to see a mystical garden there because there is going to be a semi-reliable source of um of gems which we're going to need for our angels lots of mast agreements there that's not a good fight i think maybe these imps a horde of imps for some a lot of gold and some wood another mystical garden that's got to be worth it [Music] see if we can just get a couple of weeks of relative peace i think we can really get this going we're very slightly short on the town hall so i'm just gonna trade away three wood [Music] and let's just buy that [Music] and let's send the turn okay so a horde of imps this should be relatively easy uh we might take a few losses if they have familiars in particular oh wow okay there are a lot of them that's the thing okay this should still do a lot yeah that's most of them dead let's just try and block as best we can so our previous fight we did roughly as well as the autoresolve did i'm hoping that's not going to be the case here there are lots of them these guys are probably going to take the bait so let's just go slightly forward and then these guys should be safe for one more round they can't actually kill me okay all right so we shoot these doesn't do too much damage we're gonna wait with these defend with these and we're gonna open this up defend with these and these guys might as well just go forward now i think we can probably take one shot from the familiars and then there will be this one stack that goes before us but we'll kill them so that will move these guys up so if we can stay out of their range that's probably the best thing we can do okay so we do manage to kill these off we do manage to survive this and at this point just need to get a full powered shot on something so these guys are going to go first these guys second let's go for them get morale which is great let's finish them off as uh they could actually reach us but never mind okay so let's pull everyone back and defend okay so yeah we can still take a hit from them that's completely fine let's go for these wait with these off these guys can defend okay so at this point things have opened up and our archers are at risk of attack i might want to go for the prayer especially considering the auto resolve lost i shouldn't take too many risks here this is going to speed us up a lot which is going to give us the option of just finishing off a few more of them or they can move okay so we take some damage there that's fine these guys are going to go first they go for the archers we should be able to take the hit but i don't think their retaliation is going to kill them so got to finish them off i think then we can go for a full powered shot and we're going to aim that at these guys who go next these guys get a free hit and these guys are best off just defending wait with these okay seven losses that's not bad definitely worth it for this let's hope we get something good cape of conjuring that is not what i want it's kind of useful for prayer but what we really need right now is just to get the economy going so that's not ideal can't see what this is okay hey spell is good but lioness loinis has a bit of a weird situation where obviously you start off with learning so that's already one good skill slot gone and you also want water magic for expert prayer and at that point i don't think lioness really has room for air magic so i'm gonna try and actually avoid air magic if i can [Music] okay so didn't get much out of that not a huge amount i can do here i am just going to send edric to the south and i'm going to go back in this town we're gonna get the blacksmith and we now need some ore so we're gonna have to push to the west i think can't see anyone to the south let's double check this again so our second hero is agent the overlord who does come with lots of chocolate diets that's not bad [Music] still not sure i want to go for it just yet though okay so we got some wood right here and then got a little bit more to the south i'm going to send edric all the way through because i want him to do a bit of scouting doesn't really work can't really see too much i should check this out let's just see if there's something else we can do with our ore that's useful no no so we've got 2 000 gold we really want to try and get the mage guild if we can we should try and do that as soon as possible gonna have to just go i will take haste i'll take haste i'll go up to the master gremlins and if we split these guys we can probably take them on it's not a great fight but they are guarding a spell scroll so it should be above level one and they are currently in our way so i think we just have to go for it okay so best option i think is just to haste the pikeman these guys are going to take some damage that's not good if we send these forward we can hopefully keep our arches safe i actually get morale perfect so go straight for those and then let's just go down to these these guys will go for the block okay basic air magic like i said we're going to turn that down just going to go for wisdom and we're going to try and go to the orbit as soon as possible so we're blocked off by oh that's bad so we definitely can't win the fight with a horde of familiars i think we've maybe been a bit too weakened we do have a few more pikemen than we did but we also have fewer arches lots of vampire lords that's not going to be worth it it's not going to be worth the effort but the only way we can get ore is three turns time push through the wolf riders that's really not great so the alternative is the next turn we can pick up egypt ajit can probably just push straight through these maybe i'm not sure about that one we're just gonna have to win the turn it's possible that edric's about to see some awe yeah so would have been better off just pushing on i didn't know that at the time so if we just pass this stuff over i think that's the best we can do pop all this round edric lots of rogues not gonna be fun let's do it yes those losses look okay i'm gonna try and hold on to my griffins if i can and so these guys are all baited down to the bottom which is good just gonna have to send these forward try and waste as much time as we can okay so two of them get to go straight towards us let's shoot these and because these guys are only five speed these guys are six we're gonna have to take some damage that's okay okay so we've lost our one stacks these guys come forward to attack these at this point the next stack to go is these let's weaken them you guys should just kill these and these guys should go defensive we might just end up losing them anyway i think we probably will okay so yeah we do just end up losing the griffins anyway not really too sure what we can do about this one three stack goes next i don't think this makes too much of a difference let's just go for these let's kill these and fortunately they are going to go for the pikemen instead of the arches that's perfect finish them off hopefully we can still reach which we can pretty easily and then since we're here we might as well just go for these in hindsight probably should have split slightly more but never mind defend with these send these up to defend and these guys let's try waiting for now shoot these if we finish them off now if these get morale that could be a problem so let's go and block okay so they've spent their turn we could go for these instead these guys aren't going to kill these in one shot so let's just go and weaken them and then those guys have been finished off these guys can kind of block we should be able to keep our archers safe by doing this they get a kill there that's fine and then we finish them off to pikemen for a bit more mercury that's probably just about worth it we do need mercury for the portal of glory so that's a worthwhile push to make and it's day seven so i'm now extremely tempted to go for the mage guild uh to go for the barracks instead of the mage guild [Music] on day seven you just want to get the numbers up citadel was the other option and citadel would be really nice we do need to find two more in order to upgrade our arches i think i prefer citadel okay weaker the mongoose let's see so we're going to pass these straight back to loinas i'm gonna send linus up in this direction uh in our tavern we've got orin who's another great hero to have definitely gonna be my first choice for backup i think we need to get ourselves some more gold i think realistically we're just gonna have to spend this turn traveling [Music] and yeah in the turn there okay so one option is to return to base get the upgraded arches tower um and come out with some marksman i think initially well these guys have actually gone up to a horde of wolf riders so that's gonna be a tougher fight than i thought there's not really a great way to do this one thing about horn of the abyss is it's a lot less chaotic with its random map generation um shadow of death is really hit and miss you get these things that just completely block you off from actually reaching your orbit and your sawmill and it's it's a very regular thing like it happens probably about half the time it's a real problem we do have this that might actually be enough i'm gonna go for it so we get this and that allows us to buy oren and then next turn i'll be honest i did think oren was going to come with a bit more than that i didn't actually check that i just kind of assumed he'd come with some decent units that's really not great so we could go for 10 archers or we could go for [Music] a few more marksmen [Music] okay so i'm going to bring oren back i'm going to give it one more turn i'm gonna send edric to pick this up protection from fire yeah i was hoping something a lot better than that and we can see the horde of familiars actually are guarding some ore i didn't actually realize that kind of pretty well hidden there but no i think best option is just to go for the push against the wolf riders [Music] so if we just end the turn after moving edric newton begins 2000 gold i am going to spend this all on just upgrading as much as we can uh we need to get ourselves two more ore that's a bit more expensive than i thought but at the same time i don't think we would miss the wood that much alternatively if we just go straight for 13 more of these that might be enough 19 straight arches yeah i think that could work [Music] okay so we're going to pass these back to linus okay so we've got two pretty good stacks here i think we can go for this yeah so just 53 wolf riders no wolf raiders topstack does not get morale so that would have really caused us some problems but looking okay for now move these guys up to defend and as usual probably just going to keep these two stacks at the bottom can haste these when we need to okay so this stack here can reach us straight away next turn do anything that changes what i'm going to do i'm just going to go defensive these guys come up they go for the hit on the one stack now let's shoot these we can haste these that should be safe to do and then that takes us up to a speed we can go finish these off at least do a lot of damage to them are you guys gonna come back and defend so i can go defensive here and just shoot them instead what's probably gonna happen is these guys are gonna kill off the one stack and then these guys are gonna come in although these guys come in first so they'll kill off the one stack these guys will come up probably attack the archers can these guys reach our arches no these guys actually can't reach our arches so let's go for these they go for these that's fine no one else can get through so these guys take a bit of damage that's all right how these guys are gonna go next followed by these these are the biggest threats let's go for them you guys gonna defend you guys go for these okay eleven pikemen for that that's completely fine and there are lots of spells up for grabs let's just keep pushing so we're now blocked by lots of wood elves that's not a fight we want to take just try and do some scouting okay so we do at least have a completely clear path through to the orbit uh we're gonna need some gold there's a treasure chest to the west we can also come back wait for the crypt spirit of oppression is gonna definitely do us more harm than good especially against necropolis i'm gonna send edric up to here and go back towards base and then this guy we can actually just go straight past them so that's good we've not built anything this turned so let's go for some gold [Music] and this gold here we can pick up with oren best choice for lioness i think is just to keep going north return to base can't actually do anything with 1500 gold i think our best option is just to hang on to it yeah so it's a bit of a slow start which is kind of how it goes with impossible but as long as we can get our first couple of weeks without seeing any sign of anyone i'm going to feel a bit more confident seem to have lots of wood up for grabs but not so much all i think going for lots of knowledge might be a good idea okay so we can keep exploring in that direction edric's gonna go back to here um i'm pretty keen just to save up for the city hall at this point so it kind of depends so to get the pool of glory we need the mage kill that's got to be done either way um but we could go for the monastery at the barracks and the castle to get the monastery we're just gonna need sulfur and gold [Music] barracks is pretty affordable yeah so it's all down to sulfur and gold i think if we can find a decent source of gold we might be okay to go for that but there's not really that much lying around so i'm not massively confident even so i think i do want to build up my numbers so i'm going to go for a barracks and i'm just going to check if there's something better i can be doing so a pack of air elementals guarding some gold and the windmill that's probably not worth going out of our way for if we go west we don't know what we're going to see and we know we want gold and we know we want sulphur so sulfur is available through the hall of pixies also the familiars but the familiars are much harder to get to i might be better off just keeping the push going but i think gold could be a problem here so i am going to go for the knolls okay so they come with quite a few normal riders which could be a problem but they are going to start lower down so that's okay you guys defend okay so they're all taking the bait that's good i wasn't actually expecting them to survive that so i could have actually saved the stack but in any case we should be able to keep it down to one loss okay so these guys come closer they're now in range we just need to shoot them a couple of times yeah i could have prevented that second loss but never mind all right so we can keep pushing to the northeast but that's not very promising better off just following the path uh edric would go for the crystal if we were to trade some wood [Music] to sulphur that's really not affordable i think i should send deidre cup so let's go for this let's claim this i'm not going to recruit in the turn there let's go southwest pick up this and that is going to take us to the way to the underground which is guarded by lots of orcs don't really want to do that don't really want to take these on either yeah so getting extra gold is looking like a bit of a no-go uh we can still go slightly further to the west might find some lying around okay so this way in is looking a bit easier we can see um some sulfur there too okay so that has potential i'm going to actually come straight back so we've got sulfur there we've got gold there potentially if we take on a hold of halflings really don't want to take on a horde of halflings but if that's what we have to do then i guess that's okay as far as this time goes let's go back to our town and what we could do is instead of going for the monastery we could just go griffin tower into castle that just needs a little bit more gold and a horde of halflings is not impossible but i'm hoping we can find something slightly better than that then i send this guy down just to scout and see what all this is so nothing too appealing to the south there just gonna start coming back let's get the griffin tower [Music] just trying to build up my numbers oh wow okay so blue just breaks through i was gonna say they took down the orcs like they were nothing but the orcs are still there so i don't think that's supposed to happen um they break through they go for the the lizard warriors instead they still take them down like they're nothing and they've still got several vampires a few liches and a good supply of other units that's not really a fight i want to take [Music] i think i need to try and get the castle but don't really want to take on a horde of halflings with this force [Music] and we're gonna need gold to make that work so a horde of troglodytes is slightly easier in fact significantly easier but if we go too far in that direction we can't come back to defend i think we are going to have to go pretty defensive here let's just keep exploring see what we can see so lots of marksmen guarding the greater knolls flail and if we keep going south we're pretty much blocked off there's not too much that's really worth going for there or it's not really got too much he can do i could go for this wood i don't know if that puts me in range of china i think it might so i probably have to just let that go yeah i'm gonna have to start drawing back this is really not what we need because while we can kind of hold off blue we're stopping ourselves building up i really wanted just those first couple of weeks just to be completely safe but we're gonna have to pull back day six so best option i think we definitely want the castle if we don't buy anything this turn we're still a thousand short on that we go for the griffin bastion we're gonna have a bit of a griffin power stack which is not how i expected this to go and the other option of course is just to go for the upgraded arches tower and that's going to give us significantly better tier 2 units i might have to do that i would like to keep building up my my unit supply but it's not looking like that's going to work so i think mage guild upgraded archer's tower alternatively upgraded arches tower into griffin bastion because griffin bastion's not bad for day seven and we do have a griffin tower so we could get a bit of a power stack going of the griffins um something i could have done which i'm actually now too late to do unless i unless i let china get significantly closer um is i could have not got this and i could have waited until i got the portal glory and then at some point i'm going to take on two dungeon players who are both going to have portals of summoning um which would give me some extra angels but that's really convoluted and i don't want to do that i think i'm fine with just having the griffin tower i definitely want to come back to base i want to upgrade this is it worth going for the griffins well if we don't buy them this week they're not coming back this isn't one of the abyss so we have to buy them now maybe we can strike out at the very start of next week that might work because china's not going to be reinforced he's kind of wasting time for now so i don't know how much of a of a hive mind the ai is but as soon as i reveal myself to china in theory that should mean all seven of them know where i am uh also if china makes it to my base in theory that should mean all seven of them know exactly how tough my base is so that wouldn't be good i think i want day one of next week try and buy as many marksmen as possible and just hit china but at the same time i'm determined for lioness to be my main by the way i know oren's really good but i do want uh lioness to be my main he's also two levels ahead so still worth using for now um i do want to stay on the water wheel with someone i'm gonna keep scouting with edric so there is a way slightly further through there okay so perhaps what i'll do is instead of attacking day one there's nothing wrong with attacking day two so we're going to attack day two we're going to keep linus slightly further back so he can claim this at the very start of next week and then we can kind of start pushing yeah this is really really not an ideal start and blue i thought was going to go back but just kind of completely waste a turn there that's not bad oh that is perfect the game is begging us to have a griffin power stack 26 griffins if only i actually wanted them i still want to go with just the marksman for now so if we just go to this claim this [Music] get some more of these we can get one more we're just gonna need 145 gold that's probably worth it trade six of these one more of these 32 marksmen [Music] it's not like a really easy fight but i think it's worth doing i'm not sure we can actually scare her off and the other thing i've not done is get my spell points back and that could make a difference i've also not been to the mage guild at all yet i've also not bought the mage guild yet um but we're gonna need an extra thousand gold to make that work let's see if we can find some yeah so that's a dead end lots of halflings guarding some gold that's not really worth going for pack of air elementals yeah this is not a very generous map our stables are in a completely irrelevant location stables of course if you take um cavaliers to stables you can upgrade them for free that's in addition to their other effect which is to give you extra movement extremely useful um but that's just too hard to get to we're not gonna be making much use of this uh we've also not really got anything in the way of magic wells so it's hard to keep linus going we do have a couple of mystical gardens we might as well send oren to those but then do i actually want to push towards china or do i want to give it one more turn i think even without the mage guild this is probably fine yeah i would back myself to win that definitely okay so edric start coming back edric go towards this edric could actually be our backup hero he could have uh just the griffin power stack but no i i think that's a silly idea and we're not gonna buy anything this turn we're probably gonna try and buy the mage guild start pushing towards the city hall because i think lack of gold is a real problem i could also actually go back go for the crypt again i'm not sure not sure that's worth it so china is actually slightly afraid of us so china makes the same judgment we do goes back we don't know what this is i wouldn't mind going for it i'm pretty sure with 32 marksmen we can probably take this fight with pretty much no losses okay so 500 gold from that that's good and we're in down to this and yeah mage guild i think is the next thing we need we check our tavern [Music] neither of these heroes are particularly great so i'm not gonna go out of my way [Music] i will go for these i do have wisdom so i can start using this spell immediately as soon as i get my spell points back there are quite a few of them but i think we should be fine yeah so we are able to bait them slightly good for these do get the kill and these guys are just kind of leapfrogging each other which is good none of them can reach us yet just these guys left to go i'm not afraid to pull them towards me i think that's fine yep so we're doing loads of damage to them a little bit of experience too we go for this i think that should be fine oh no mistake yeah shouldn't have done that [Music] and we're not offered a good skill there okay teleport spell not bad i mean we are going to be going for yeah that could actually work because we're going to be going for expert water magic that could let us teleport our crusaders over their walls yeah i'm okay with that and then we've also got a magic well there finally so we can start recharging ourselves losing a griffin kind of sucks but that's okay it was weaker the griffin so we've got five more of those and we should do at least we will end up with five more than we should edric is just gonna come back to base and we're still 500 short of the mage guild but yeah i want to go for the city hall this is taking some time but it's a poor map i think we can safely say it's a fairly poor map [Music] so the problem with all this is chana's probably already cleared it out [Music] i also don't know which way she went probably west because we can see a monolith i mean that's not necessarily meaningful but doesn't look like it's guarded [Music] i'm still gonna go to this i think i need to do that and if i had spare gold i would like to start building up this hero a bit more go to the school of war five gems from that that's not exactly what i need yeah so what i could do is i could go back i could start playing a bit more defensively and i could make it my goal before the end of the week [Music] take on the portal of glory so if we get seven more arches that's going to be a total of 39 marksmen i'm not sure that's enough with prayer they're slightly better let's go for the mage guild we do need that i guess this magic arrow yeah i'm gonna come back i'm going to focus on the pool of glory [Music] and i'm going to go scout with edric if we lose edric that's okay we've got some eyes on this so blue is now approaching us from that direction as well that actually looks like it could be china uh we've also got someone else so yeah we're not going to be able to [Music] stay safe for too much longer a bit more gold here that's great keep going east some more gold there okay so that actually looks pretty promising don't think it changes my plan so i do have the option now of picking up another hero in the form of adelaide don't necessarily need to i can do that anytime do i want to upgrade my griffin tower because a bit of a power stack of royal griffins could be pretty helpful but it also kind of depends how much gold we have i start coming back let's go for this okay so blue turns back claims some resources but that's okay edric should be safe that's teal to the north [Music] okay 1500 gold there we've got lots of stone golems guarding two treasure chests and looks like we can keep going to the east [Music] yeah let's go for this pick all of those up let's go to linus i mean let's go to oren let's give these over let's start moving towards this turn or into base we can upgrade these straight away what i might do instead is just leave them behind trying to figure out if any of this stuff is worth taking so lots of horde of knolls probably is yeah let's do that with oren he starts off with archery so he's not completely useless even at level one and in fact i think we can do this with no losses let's see [Music] so if we wait with these these guys come close to this still at least one turn away even if they get morale should still be safe and we can just finish them off perfect so let's go for this that gets us 500 more gold we can now pick up adelaide we can upgrade these and everything we earn over the next couple of turns we're going to invest in griffins we could try and get one more dwelling maybe the monastery [Music] if oren goes for this that's probably fine yeah i'm gonna go out of my way for that like i'm fully aware this is a really slow start i wasn't planning on being this defensive but it just doesn't feel like a good time to push out we have got some really good stuff in our starting zone just the pool of glory really i mean it's not great but it's okay we can kind of see enemies encroaching from all sides i feel like defensive is okay for now the other thing i want is to try and have enough gold left over to actually buy one of the angels which is going to be kind of expensive don't want to take that fight yeah i think this fight should be fine so we're expected to take very few losses there but i think i don't like to do this like i don't want to be like really picky about four losses but we've not had the best start here and i do just want to try and keep that to an absolute minimum so you guys can probably kill these off in one shot which yes you can and these guys shouldn't survive either perfect yeah so definitely worth doing that okay so that gets us our sulfur and yeah we can't get through without taking on the vampire lords bit of awe not really needed but let's just do it and then linus can go for this next turn let's see that oren can reach so oren can almost reach that so if we just stop slightly outside we send adelaide back to upgrade the griffins and we send edrick over in this direction hopefully a little bit more so we've got a redwood observatory which reveals this is where all the good stuff is this is actually really worth going to um it's it's really hard to get back from though so i still want to do it i i would really like to do this there's so much here university we don't know what we're going to get a problem with loinus is he's a cleric which means he's pretty unlikely to be offered a lot of good skills so that's a good thing right there and then if we keep going we can get more gold it'll level from the tree of knowledge we can open this up and uh there's a few other things we can use to upgrade ourselves molecular towers uh but most importantly we've got another portal of glory so this is really messing with my game plan because my kind of my assumption was that i'd go for an early push just try and take someone's town but i'm not so sure about that now day six so we've got one more turn we're not going to be able to actually afford the portal of glory in our town [Music] the absolute best case scenario would be we get the monastery we get the external portal of glory and we get an angel but i don't think that's gonna happen yeah there's not too much free gold left [Music] yeah i'm just going to end the turn there okay so there is teal teal also already has access to us let's see what they have so that's fiona we're not gonna know oh actually can see so that is their best hero and like she's kind of scary but i still feel like we're not necessarily falling behind in playing it a bit more defensively with this being day seven we really want this to be gold no it's gems okay so monastery is maybe not an option so what i could do is i could go for the monastery instead of the angel but no i do want to go for the angel i can still reach i'm gonna have to take the first fight without any griffins i really hope i can still reach yeah that should be fine that should be completely fine okay so we've got all of our spell points we've got pretty decent force here even if this is a pretty scary crypt i think we should be fine this being shadow of death we can't check what's in there before we go in we just have to go for it it is a scary crypt but i think we have enough [Music] just kill these straight away these guys go up for the attack that's fine you guys can't reach but if we just pull everyone away we should be fine okay so you guys go for these doesn't get the kill i probably shouldn't have gone for that i guess yeah i didn't need to go for that but in mind i'm going to go for these finish those off then these two defend finish these off and pull back now these guys are going to come up for the attack we go for an attack on those we're not quite able to finish them off but we could have finished them off with the pikeman so it doesn't really make a difference okay centasax and 2500 gold so at this point there is a balance to be struck i'm not sure that 39 marksmen is enough [Music] because we have the centaurs x i'm not gonna spend yeah i mean that's not great but i'm not going to spend any movement points going for the red dragonflame tongue either it can keep going east as there is still potentially more to grab okay so linus needs to take on lots of horned demons this is not necessarily going to be a particularly nice fight i think this could be a mistake i'm not sure we got enough and i want to remind myself exactly how much these costs does it tell me it doesn't tell me so i'm going to check the wiki okay so wiki checked and they cost 3 000 gold so exactly the same price as the monastery [Music] i think i'm gonna risk this okay so a thousand more gold do we even need to go for royal griffins are these even cost efficient i'm not actually sure about that 240 for these 300 for these these guys 35 health these guys 25 unlimited retaliations not sure that matters that much but i don't want to throw swordsmen away they're really good [Music] so if we just get 24 of these you can literally get one of these and i'll literally take everything i can get i should probably also trade i'm reasonably confident we have a good enough supply of gems that even though this is horribly inefficient i am just going to try and pick up as much as i can because i i don't want to mess with this fight this fight could go horribly wrong i'm gonna actually let 20 go get rid of this too okay so that gives us another 1700 it's another seven of these i feel like i could still give up more yeah i think i could so let's get rid of six of these [Music] five more of these and five more of these it gives us three more of these and two more of these [Music] okay so this could go pretty badly but i think it's winnable i wish i had tactics [Music] so i need to do this one with pretty much no losses which is pretty unlikely yep doesn't look too promising okay so i need these guys to not get morale but if they do they can't reach our marksman yet yeah that's not doing much okay so two prayers is 32. so we can go for two prayers and one haste these guys are six speed these guys are five so there might be an argument at some point for hasting a pikeman haste is not really going to help us against angels although it might help the royal griffins so yeah we should try not to use that [Music] okay so next round is going to be 15 stack is gonna get to go so these guys i should have actually put these guys here i did make a mistake these guys should have gone up here these guys should have gone on the bottom because if these guys get morale that's going to be a real problem but i might be able to shoot them down it's a really low chance and if it happens then i think we just hold our hands up and we just spend the gold on the monastery instead i think that's fine i do want to shoot these they don't get morale that's good these guys are coming up towards us okay so this is not what we want to do we want to defend with these and we want these just to block as much as possible and this stack we can lure away and i think we should yep so next round begins they go for those you guys are free to attack they're potentially in range of both of these stacks but i'm not sure these stacks will actually choose to attack the royal griffins because they'll take more damage than they'll dish out especially if i defend something else i could do is i could go for a hit and run i think that's okay oh we should get morale okay so now we're gonna move back that gives us the chance to go defensive you guys can shoot these guys are going first okay let's go for those keep it simple they come forward they go for those and now these guys are gonna go for those as well they kill a lot of them and at this point this guy is pretty pointless but not much we can do with him yeah still not sure about this one so what can we do this turn can do some decent damage to these no i think we wait with these we're gonna have to take one more shot from these let's kill those these guys can come up and attack our marksmen but they don't which is really good but that does deprive us of the opportunity to absorb some retaliation i think i'm better off defending but at the same time i need to free up my marksman so i'm going for this i'm now really questioning going for the pool of glory this fight alone was tougher than i thought now if i kill these then i do get a free shot from my marksman but then these guys are free to do whatever they like so best option i think is to wait wait these so we might take one shot from these yeah we take one shot from those you guys should just absorb this these guys should get two kills but they've only got one hp left so let's not do that let's defend attack with these next round begins i think we just have to go for that hit yeah because we can't kill them both off i could go towards these but it's not going to keep me safe i can escape from these but then that just means they attack the griffins instead so i'm not sure about that still i'm gonna do it okay so definitely took a few more losses than i expected to there we do get basic logistics which is good and basic earth magic so that's some good news loinis is on his way to being slightly better is this enough we need that 3000 gold if the angels get morale [Music] we would be in a lot of trouble so let's see if that happens is that a complete game loser like do we just completely lose at that point because we don't have to do this we can still go back to town buy a monastery and start of next week we've got a decent supply of units the other thing is of course going for the the portal of glory here we a big advantage of doing that is we we would then get plus one growth in our town [Music] but of course we don't get that yet so i think just because of the risk that they fly forward they get morale and they annihilate our archers in spite of everything i just don't trust this if we got offered tactics i would probably do it but we didn't we got earth magic we got logistics i'm not complaining but this would be a lot safer with tactics i really don't trust it let me just check one final thing so these guys are speed 9 these guys speed 12. yep there's no way to make that work [Music] not going to work there's going to be three stacks of angels that are going to move in first before we can do anything they probably have something like i can't remember the exact number something like a six percent chance each of getting a second turn [Music] it's too risky we're going for the monastery [Music] and then our goal for next week is we need gold we definitely need gold so i want to get some gold i i want to get the actual portal of glory at the end of month one and then at the same time i want to open this up i also want to get the castle so i need to figure out where am i going to get 20 000 gold because we still need the the city hall and we're a long way off okay so i'm going to send adelaide towards this i'm going to move linus in this direction because i don't think there's anything else here now that's worth going for what i do have to decide is whether to go up through here and try and claim some of this stuff that's maybe a bit too passive i do think i'm strong enough to take on this guy or girl woman yeah that's doable but then are we actually strong enough after that to go and take her town i'm not sure we are so i might stay a little bit passive definitely need the city hall yeah so fiona is coming up she is starting to move back i think she knows what i have they're only making a thousand gold return yeah we need to get the city hall it's really urgent this is a dead end gonna have to come back to this adelaide's gonna go to this five gems it's not what we need how are we going to make this work so if we had experts slow we could probably go for the naga bank i don't want to take on the wood elves but i can haste my griffins that's still not ideal yeah dwarven treasury there's a bit too far away um there's no real other creature banks that are massively worth going for i still think the naga bank might just be what we have to do yeah we want city hall we want bottle of glory but we also want the castle so i can't see how this would work but there's not many alternatives i think we do just have to get going there are lots of what else we don't want to do that yet so what we can do is go back in this town recruit tyrus or recruit ingham instead ingham comes with more units and yeah we've got seven monks available to us that we wouldn't have otherwise had so i don't regret not going for the pool of glory i don't think one angel would have been that important to us would have helped in this fight though let's see can you actually get back and get to lioness at the same time i think he probably can so i'm going to win the turn there i said okay so teal is chasing us down that's teal's main though so they're kind of wasting their time [Music] okay so we send this guy back to here we can pick up 13 more of these that's a lot of gold for this particular fight i think we want these instead can't quite reach the thing is the griffins don't help us too much against the nagas we we do want to level up what i might actually do is one thing we don't know is what are we gonna see if we go through this particular subterranean gate there could be some good stuff there [Music] so pack of dragonflies would be pretty easy to do that's another creature bank wrong of halflings that's gone up we don't need the university as badly as we did before because we've got some pretty decent skills on the go um there is actually some wood there that i missed i think what i'll do is i will open this up but i'm actually doing it for the sake of easier travel i'm not gonna go for the naga bank we need expert slow for that we're gonna corner fiona and we're gonna just try and open up as much of this as we can because there's a lot up for grabs here that's gonna really get us going um i think if we go start chasing down our opponents it's a lot riskier i don't think they're strong enough to come and attack us so yeah let's go after her let's finish her off that's at least teal slightly weakened at that point [Music] and in the meantime we're gonna get ourselves as strong as possible okay so they have started off with grand elves [Music] we're going to want to haste taste going to be enough shadow of death doesn't tell me i haven't memorized if it's three speed or i don't think it's two speed i think it's three speed so if we get three extra speed that's gonna be one two let's put the grid on the three extra speed is going to take us to and not close enough for my liking i could just haste this stack instead or i could just go for teleport and we have seen a magic well up there so let's just do that then these forward i'm gonna turn this off i think it looks nicer without sugar and uh i have misclicked there i've accidentally clicked wait shouldn't have done that there we take a loss there that's okay let's weaken these they get a few kills that's okay and these forward go for the attack on these oh okay i think that's worth doing we're going to be using this path a lot but that's all open keep going with as we push towards fear and we can't quite reach even having done that but that's okay we we could kind of use a bit more time just to build up some numbers but at the same time i think i i do want to go towards city hall before i do anything else so i think going for the halflings instead it's not urgent that we go for this i mean i kind of want to get to the stone golems before she does so thinking about it her slowest units are slower than ours if we go towards her we should be able to chase her down and we're not gonna quite have the numbers i'd like but i think that's fine okay so she stopped there that is i think still their main yep still their main still their best heroes that's a good positive sign we want to make sure we attack the dogs as strongly as possible and then she's gonna come towards us with hit fiends and um hellhounds which is fine we can block those off yeah so some pretty bad loss is expected of the griffins let's try not to let that happen i'm going to start by waiting in terms of spells i can teleport these straight across they can't quite reach otherwise don't think it's in my interest to do that i think we want to try and draw her in i could actually go straight for the attack just play as defensively as possible force them to come towards me i kind of like that because i think i don't really want to send the royal griffins forward no i prefer waiting because that brings them in okay we take a couple of losses there that's fine so we're now free to go for a full powered shot on these those guys come forward that's fine so what i want to do is i want to be out of range of these and ideally out of range of these as well so if i go to here that should get me close enough okay so next round begins i'm gonna go for these you're pretty much all of those then these guys are gonna come in and attack us i think that's okay other stacks can't reach our marksman so what i should have done is i should have attacked these on my way through that would have made more sense that was a mistake but in mind i'm a frazzled today all right so if we go for these two shots that's gonna be slightly less than three kills per shot so probably get about five kills that's the best thing to do okay so yeah we do we do lose one extra griffin that's fine you guys come down to block you guys defend and then with these they've got 24 hp left i think we just wait we let them attack us we kill them with retaliation we defend with these two don't think they survive nope they don't survive we kill these or they can go and now not able to kill off that stack these guys free to come down okay so next round begins these guys get to go next i use these to weaken the demons the other thing i could be doing is i could use some spells but i don't think we need to here i know there's a magic well coming up yeah i don't think there's any need i'm gonna go for these weaken these and she flees so those losses are not bad at all taken out of maine got some experience got advanced earth magic that's not bad let's go to this we can get armor for 2000 gold let's come back for that yeah the magic well is actually pretty close but yeah next turn we can go for the stone golems uh we can open up the two treasure chests edrick could actually go for that now i don't see why not there's a very slim chance that this could actually get us i mean this is not a massively easy fight having lost a few of our marksmen but there's a very slim chance this could actually get us the city hall this turn so i'm gonna do it this guy is the griffin specialist which is good if we need to use those to attack but they're not ideal no spell book good thing about these is they can't get morale so we can kind of kite okay so these guys are now in range we can do some decent damage to those and the other guys we're just going to try and pull away oh so yep we do manage to successfully bake those and now you can bake them slightly more in this direction pretty much kill off these or near enough and we're just going to pull these in can't go full powered yet so we probably have to cut them slightly more although the morale might be just enough let's go defensive wait they come in again we go for another shot that takes them down to five and we do get one more shot and we finished them off perfect so no loss is there good to level up edric very slightly and we can go for this and that is actually all our moving points gone so there are still things we can go for but no we'll go for city hall next turn we definitely need that [Music] let's go and pick this up and uh yeah we've got a few extra griffins coming up not sure we need them we don't really need them urgently but i'm gonna keep going in that direction so we've not seen too much of blue since we first saw him teal is pretty badly weakened [Music] we'll go for these is worth doing because we might as well just bolster our heroes slightly it's it's a slightly tedious fight just to save one griffin but let's do it it's very easy to do oh we do it should survive that okay good i was just thinking that's one thing that could go wrong but no we're fine okay there we take this and we move back towards loinis we can just about make it so we give loinas his units back give him his artifacts back don't think we need curse but let's just take it and let's go in this direction let's go for that and we don't want to go for this we don't really want to take on the monks we could benefit from pretty much all of this stuff we do want the gold all of glory is probably not going to happen this week but we might be able to change some units over next week so the best sources of gold are to the east we want to go for the the combination the crypt and dwarven treasury but is that doable before the end of the week i think it might be so what i'll probably do is i'll go for these two with lioness we'll take the upgrades and then we'll leave the hobgoblins to edric should give us enough movement to push in this direction and we can also take on the zombies pretty easily let's go for these taking very few losses shouldn't need to take any losses here again okay so that's plus one knowledge and then we go to the normal marauders we have enough gold at last to get the city hall should have done that some time ago i kind of underestimated how poor the map is and how little would have available to us before being encroached upon okay so this next fight should be pretty easy might as well do it for the xp again the ai loves to just throw these forward but there's absolutely no reason okay so if they get morale they can definitely reach us and there's not much we can do so let's just go defensive we have a plus one attack and let's move towards these next although before we do [Music] take all of this and let's go open this stuff up and then linus is going to pick this up because why not we should go for the zombies it's not really urgent we can do it on our way back so let's go for this let's send oren be a middleman adelaide i think is fine where she is yeah so we do have a couple of extra heroes available to us i wouldn't mind doing some scouting but i do just want to try and save up as much gold as i can i'm pretty sure if i push to the west go underground um the chances that there are free resources just up for grabs here i think is very slim yeah so some of the players are now ahead of us in terms of town count which means there are some free towns but i'm not sure how we reach them so there's a good chance there's a tower town up to the north and we haven't found a way through but it's still possible there will be one [Music] we should keep building up i think going from stables to training grounds is a less ambitious but more realistic target this week [Music] let's do it [Music] okay so edric's going to go up and attack these we should do it for the xp once again [Music] uh okay no morale so we shouldn't need to take any losses finish them off and that is now open we'll go to these once again worth doing for the xp autoresolve really likes throwing away these griffins it's an annoying fight to have to take but let's just get it over with very easy to do basic earth magic this guy's actually looking okay now oren is the one i'd rather power up but yeah i think that's all fine so let's swap these over pass the artifacts over and now take this over to lyoness linus will take them back visit this go to the [Music] it's a pretty weak one uh okay we're just gonna move pretty much everything away and we're gonna wait at the start of this turn i'm gonna kill these off these guys come closer now i think 31 griffins particularly with our stats rising might be able to get the kill here yep they do actually pretty clearly overkill okay but only 1500 gold for that that's not really what i would like a pack of basilisks we could get a good spell out of this let's do it again i think we don't need to take losses here they get morale they are going to do some damage but they are going to put themselves in range i mean they're probably slow enough to kite this is really risky but i'm gonna try it i think this works if i understand the ai correctly this is actually fairly safe it depends if he wants to go towards the 31 stack which hopefully he doesn't there we go here we're within one hex of where he's going to end up he does come forward okay so it doesn't really work but we can send these through to attack or no there's no point baiting the retail let's just go for the attack they don't actually manage to kill us off so that's good let's uh go safety first just go block off our marksmen weaken these slightly and these guys can go again finish them off perfect expert wisdom east earth elemental that's okay we have uh we have earth magic yeah that could actually save our skin i mean it's it's unlikely to but that's not bad obviously what i'd really like is a dimension door or something like that um i think i can just go for this yep okay so dwarven treasuries i'm not massively experienced in let's see what we're dealing with so a throng of dwarves just dwarves they can be kited if we actually had expert um earth magic i'd be more confident i might actually summon elementals here i might do that yeah i think we do want as many stacks as possible and let's just go in okay so actually expected to lose that's not good all right so i'm just gonna try this i'm just gonna try and summon some of these just to waste some time and keep that one stack away and i might be able to use them to bait some of the others as well these guys are actually within range so that's not the best spot for them we're gonna have to just move away there is a risk of morale here but i think we just have to accept that crap okay so they do get morale but they're only able to reach them one stack is the stack of 22 we have to be a bit careful of but we do get away with it so i could try and move away from these but is that going to work yeah i think that does make sense should i prayer instead so if i prayer that's that's going to leave me with not enough for any more earth elementals i do quite like using the earth elementals here can't really keep my griffin safe still i think i know what i'm going to do so this is the 31 stack we're going to send the 31 stack just to attack these and then these guys are gonna go up to here although actually that doesn't make sense what i should do is try and bait them the other way i mean i could just use them as a bit of a barrier because these two stacks are coming in nothing i can do about that and definitely bait this guy away yeah something i didn't consider is it is their native terrain so they're slightly faster than i was hoping let's do this and let's use these as our bait okay they're going for it okay so they they get in next to the marksman but that could have gone worse all those guys up there gonna have to just march these away yeah that can work so we send these here we send these to the bottom try and bait these wow okay so i'm now actually really glad we got that uh elemental spell that's working pretty well we still got six more speed that's enough for one haste or it's enough for one curse i'm not sure what i prefer because i don't want to try and run away from these so i think i might just curse them yeah i'm gonna curse them i'm gonna attack them i get morale so i don't think we need to bother finishing them off they can reach our marksman though which is really annoying um but we don't have a great shot on anyone else i'm just gonna do it you use these guys as bait if that works i'm not sure it will gonna defend with these these guys are pretty tough so let's just go and attack these okay so now they're pretty much all out of range but we might be able to bait these guys slightly closer so let's wait you guys attack these yeah it doesn't quite work these guys can come in and come back you guys can't get a full powered shot on anyone so just go for the closest stack i want to bring them slightly closer but i think it's safer just to go defensive okay so they're all dead we've got no spell points left so at this point it's a straight fight we've got them on the other side of the field hopefully that's enough these guys can bait them in let's give it a go wait with these these guys can wait too hopefully no morel so i think these guys might just about be in range i'm not going to use these yet yeah they are in range perfect so we do a decent chunk of damage to those i'm going to try and pull them up towards the top might not work those guys are dead these guys are coming closer let's move back down to the bottom you guys are going to have to try and bait them over here okay so i think the kiting does work so at this point this is fairly straightforward i'm probably gonna just speed this up okay so we've got no shots left we're gonna have to just go in for the final attack might take maybe one extra loss yep okay so the earth elementals of course don't exist so that's fine losing them seven royal griffins for that i'm hoping we get a really good amount for this expert earth magic is really good too 7500 gold definitely worth doing that i'm really pleased with that so we can get the castle definitely want to do that um but could we actually go for the portal of glory we need the castle either way and then we need probably about seven or eight thousand more gold i'm not seeing a way to make that happen even if we push in this direction we can get to the water wheel uh we can get an extra pile of gold there's this stuff up here which of course we can go for next turn either way i think it's pretty clear we're going for the castle this turn and i mean there's an argument for getting more heroes but i actually don't want to do that i i want to try and hang on to my gold i really don't think we can accomplish much with scouts right now i'm going to keep moving in this direction i'm going to win the turn there okay so no sign of our opponents i'm actually really glad i came this way i i don't feel like we had great force to go and make a push with um and now we're starting to really lay down some good foundations so we want to get the portal of glory that's going to cost another 10 000 gold that's not going to work what i can do is i can probably go for the training grounds and now the fact that we sold off all that wood is actually starting to bite so there's a little bit of wood up here next to the orcs that might work let's go for the gold first see what we get [Music] okay so we're only 7 000 off now [Music] that's still not going to work so yeah we want to go for the training grounds definitely there is some wood up here if we were to send oren up there i'm not sure he can make it back if we were to send loines up there he's got a better chance of getting back we've also got the guard house which would be some free pikemen but if we do that i do think we can get back difficult choice i'm gonna try this so what i'll probably do is i'll have to just leave the guard house not the end of the world we'll lose a few pikemen but i think that's fine um maybe just sacrifice a griffin here or no we should go for the attack definitely yeah we can easily get the kill um we can't make it to oren but oren can probably you know what let's do this so we claim these that gets us 14 extra pikemen technically 15 extra because we're gonna get one more in our town and then we can kind of get close to oren i'm hoping oren will have just enough moving points to make this work starting to have my doubts he also doesn't have a way of speeding up our griffins i'm gonna try this yeah so some bad loss is expected let's just try and throw these guys forward as soon as we can if we take a few losses to our griffins that's fine if we get morale that's perfect weaken these no morale unfortunately and wait with these take a few losses to our marksman that's okay these guys i don't think we're going to involve [Music] okay that does allow us to reach the wood and if we return to our town we just need a couple more wood for the training ground let's do that it's really expensive but it's worth doing [Music] okay so going into month two we still don't have angels but we have a decent chance at two external portals of glory um and then i think we're gonna get the capital pretty soon into next week so portal of glory at the end of month two week one is possible um and then i'm not sure we can go for this particular portal of glory anytime soon it's possible we can we are starting to look a lot better with lioness uh we do have expert earth magic now so we could potentially go for a slow on them there's still that risk of if they get morale they'll pretty much immediately kill off our um our marksman so i'm i'm not sure i want to risk that but i think we've actually laid down a pretty good foundation here i know we're we're going to be slowly falling behind our opponents in some ways but in other ways we we have a really solid town building up and if we can just reach that point where loinus is extremely strong has a really good supply of units and has expert prayer we're still some way off that we don't have any sign of um water magic yet but i think it's workable this has been a really long introductory episode i usually do them a lot shorter than this but this is going to be a pretty lengthy playthrough we've not been blessed with an amazing start here although we have managed to somehow put off attacks i'm not sure how so in that regard i guess things could have gone a lot worse but yeah i think it was beneficial to be a little bit more passive here to actually build up our town a bit and just to get a decent force going what's going to happen next i'm not really sure we still have seven opponents left they've had a month to build up undisturbed it's definitely going to be a fairly tough play through to keep watching do click the playlist link in the description we've got a decent foundation to work with and i think we'll leave it there thanks for watching guys i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time
Channel: Norovo
Views: 502,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroes 3 tutorial, heroes 3 castle, homm3 castle, heroes 3 castle tutorial, heroes of might and magic 3 castle, heroes of might and magic iii castle, heroes 3 challenge, heroes of might and magic 3 challenge, heroes of might & magic 3, heroes of might and magic iii, homm3, homm 3, homam 3, heroes 3, heroes iii, hmm 3, let's play heroes of might and magic, let's play heroes of might and magic 3
Id: -Z1Qkndv0nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 59sec (6299 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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