High Stakes Duel II | Round 1 | Phil Hellmuth vs Daniel Negreanu

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[Music] welcome to las vegas guys welcome to high stakes duel 2 from the poker go studio this is the way in brought to you by draftkings [Music] what's up guys i'm nick shulman i'm here with phil hellmuth daniel negranu i mean uh i've got some bones to pick we're understood really needing no introduction well i mean if you have bones to pick let's go so first of all on the ground you you have let's i want to talk about four things the greatest i want to start with the greatest of all time poker player greatest of all time tournament poker player and greatest players today let's start with those three so when i talked to jason kuhn and doyle brunson they said you're the greatest poker tournament player of all time phil it's obvious you know i mean there's nobody to compare you have to play at least 25 years to get that title there's nobody who's done that you look at golf i mean you look at you look at these other sports you have to play at least 20 years well we play competitively till our 80s i would think you have to play at least 25 years so i think it's obvious and you attacked my legacy and said i'm not even in that conversation and i was really offended and i even felt like you lied a few times you said that i'm lifetime loser in high rollers when i'm like 1.5 million winner and high rollers and so it was kind of frustrating for me you know with you attacking me i just don't think that's right now let's talk so i mean there's that and then there's the greatest of all time poker player i think i'm in that conversation too with doyle and me and johnny chan and a few others listen we go to the tournament player it might be 10 years from now it might be you it might be phil ivey it might be one of these young guys there's some amazing talent out there brian rast you know jason kuhn it might be you know uh stephen chidwick but right now in 2021 i feel like i've earned that moniker now i'm not saying i'm the greatest player today all right i'm not saying that i want a chance to prove i am and you and i have a separate side bet on that and i'll actually start playing with these guys who i really haven't played with much in the last five years but how do you respond on those three things greatest poker tournament player of all time greatest player of all time and the third one what was the third one again greatest player today okay so i'm glad to hear you uh change your tune a little bit because i heard you in interviews recently say i am the greatest the best player in the world today right so now you're saying possibly but not for sure which is good which is good um as far as like you know greatest tournament player of the year i've said and i've always said that your record the world series of poker is unmatched unparalleled right you are clearly track record wise of the world series of poker best ever now there's a whole new major league of tournament poker today that exists where all the big players that you know see the big money there they go and play like during your era doyle was in chip were not playing all the tournaments because they were playing big cash games today there was a whole new circuit of major events 25k and above that you've never not once had a top three finishing in any of these no limit holding tournaments not once zero right well absolutely but you had you have exactly like zero top threes which you may have which is kind of significant right but they may respond but hold on i didn't i didn't stop right yeah because you asked me yeah but if you're lying i have to call you but i didn't lie because i'm not i'm not talking mixed games i'm saying no limit hold them 25k buying tournaments okay i actually wanted to commend you on your comics game i think it's very very good yeah because i just finished second and third in the last five world series tournaments that we've held in the real world in mixed games so yeah maybe you might want to compliment me there i mean i said you've come a long way because you have to be very very bad and now you're quite good i actually like your game in mixed games a lot better than your nolan and we're going to see today and you're going to have you're going to get to experience and feel a little bit of what it's like to play against somebody who's well prepared that's what you're going to see today so daniel so do you deny because i mean i can prove it pretty quickly do you know that i've won 20 out of my last 22 matches against professional poker players i don't know phil i mean you come up with numbers all the time i don't know do you think i'm making it up well it was 80 out of 90 four belts it was 80 out of 82 and then it was 18 out of 20 and it's 20 now you're lying it's 10 million daniel the politician i don't care about us yeah only because we're a little bit strapped for time i hate to to yeah between you guys i do have a few sort of questions nick don't stop us this is the good stuff i know it is don't don't do me like that they're telling me that i have a bonus with you next okay so i'm a little bit pissed off because i have 120 out of my last 22 matches i'm going to stand up because stop let me get the belt now what do you think are you telling me you won't interrupt me i'm sorry i won't all right so listen i just want to say this i'm playing and i'm watching the commentary after nine hours of playing with antonio i feel like i'm completely in his head which is which most people can't experience in life i limp in with king ten for one big blind he raced with king queen i fold it i limp with king jack he raised with king queen for one big blind i fold it then i call off 44 big blinds with ace ten of diamonds what does that tell you to me that's apex predator [ __ ] bro i can save one big blind with king ten against king jack i can save one big blind you know in these two amazing spots and then i call off 44 big blinds with you didn't like any of those plays and to me this is white magic apex predator [ __ ] king kong [ __ ] what do you have to say respect respect to all of that i don't remember you limping and then folding to one big blind with king jack preet i did no he didn't don't think you did you didn't you wanted that on that but this is what you do you're miss spoon you me speak all the time and then when i challenge you daniel but when i challenge you to get money you always go this is not you i'm talking to nick i limped in with king tun for one big blind antonio raised and i folded okay sorry i limped in with king jack antonio race and i folded i lost one big blind with king tun against king queen and one big blind with king jack against king queen and then i put in 44 big blinds in a quarter of a second with ace ten of diamonds to me this is apex predator [ __ ] but this is knowing that my opponent somehow just has me crushed you insulted all three plays i wouldn't say i insulted the players there plays i wouldn't make you know i have to be on it well maybe not the ace ten but like limp folding no one likes first place but i'm gonna hear you but i'm gonna hang on a second but phil i'm the first to say perhaps there's things he understands that i don't or whatever but i mean i don't take away from why i've said it a a million times you know if you stay out of this [ __ ] no i don't know but you want to go son you want to make this a real rumble yeah i mean he's got freaking reach height listen i have to find a real dog boxing match because i thought i'd knock you out tried it you know i hear what you're saying phil i do thank you of course of course you're making high level reads in there based on the people you're playing you know i'm not but if there's a play i wouldn't make it's i try not to say what i would do too much in there but you know what i mean limp folding king jack pre playing heads no one does that and no one should be taught to do that but but i was so far in antonio's head that i suspected i was in bad shape and made a tight fold i know i would have thought you would have been up and down going oh my god that's one of the best plays i've ever seen in a heads up because i wasn't i did that a lot and i don't believe i said that a lot you know i mean uh yeah because i made like 12 folds no one else would have made it on the turn of the river sure anyway i'm pissed off you got any questions nick i do have a few questions but i mean okay daniel why do you think you're a dollar fifty favorite in the market he just beat antonio a few times in a row um why do you think that is yeah i think i think i'm better than 150 and i put my money where my mouth is because i actually made some substantial side bets and you normally obviously in a sit-and-go format that's a really big price you can't lay that right but i have the perfect opponent here right who i can use a hybrid of game theory adaptable with some exploitative plays that i think i'm best suited to pick him apart where um you know i feel like if we were gonna play this match ten times i win seven maybe i went about six and a half to seven i think so that puts me at a you know better than three to two in my mind right and we shall see and after this match i think more people are going to see and understand why i feel so strongly about that yeah antonio told me it was two to one favorite before on match two and then before the second match he also said he was a favorite i'm not antonio yeah i know you're not antonio david okay just saying yeah i have a question for you phil you said you were a little disappointed in in daniel's play against doug but then you sort of said that you didn't watch a lot of it but can you expound on that at all kind of what yeah it was very clear i've done a set of several interviews the funny thing to me is if you ding daniel on one small thing then he just attacks with like all of his might like he's you talk about sensitive he's crazy sensitive and so he just it's important to him that you know so so all i said was i i got the reports from mike mataso you know five or six times a week you guys can laugh at this no no no i gotta do i love mike mike and i had mike and i both had we both thought that we knew what daniel's strengths and weaknesses were after a lifetime of playing with him and we both felt like some of his weaknesses were uh exposed and we were both like wow and i just think that daniel's so talented and so great at poker that he should have stuck to his you should live his talent shine more than just let the math shine but here's the problem right when you make it when you make a claim like that right you say listen i don't like the way he played i didn't watch a single hand of it i don't know how he played i got secondhand information from the reliable mike madison then to make a claim saying i didn't like how he played is just weird so so for the record because i think a lot of people say like oh you know the only reason this match happened was because you know he said that i was like okay phil you didn't like the way i played i will play the same way as i did there and you get a chance to expose it and beat it in all the ways that you believe you can and that's why we're here the politician is telling the truth wow i mean how do you think you would have done against doug in a similar kind of 25k match well i don't think i could could have competed against them with two tables let's say one 25 000 hands online i don't know i texted him and challenged him and said hey let's do it and he said he's a little tired maybe later i played him heads up in this format and won pretty easily he'll tell you that he also made an amazing lay down against me that's been circulated all over poker when you went dunkin donuts on the jack eight nine what was the story with that one i give doug i give doug massive credit but yeah i'll play him online uh one hand one at one table but then i'll do stuff that makes sense to me that doesn't make sense sure but if anybody else if you played them 25 000 hands do you think you'd beat them playing one table online i well see listen if i tell you what i really think i won't get laid ten to one right now i can get laid ten to one on this i don't think that's true i don't think that what you really think would affect the odds frankly no no you're right i mean but do you think you'd be no but i mean i'm just saying like if you we all know that you i can't respond but i mean i i think it would be fun fair enough i mean do you think how do you think he would have done so i think he's the reason he says he can't respond is because phil really thinks he's going to win he would win right that's why but if he says that it comes off wrong and then i'll use it against him he doesn't want to do that right how do i think phil will do i think phil will get so here's what you know what doug did very very well was data you know analyze data right and over 25 000 hands a lot of the things phil does that he does very very well that exploits people right if you can take pen and you know if you you can take a look at that and say okay well phil is doing this here and here and then find ways to really counter that i think he's got a lot more experience doug does at that for at doing that than phil has because phil's never really played a much online right as much as he has right so a lot of what phil would do would i think be exposed over the long run and you know phil could always change his game too no [ __ ] but all but but ultimately i think that there are tendencies that would uh i mean you act like maybe you act like you you know this match we're gonna play right now i have no idea what i'm going to do right i do i know good for you i know exactly what you're going to do i plan to pitch a shutout in this match like an absolutely i'm going to pitch a perfect game where when you have it i'm going to fall and when you don't have it i'm going to snap that's what's going to happen here it will be a landslide victory coming my way guys i mean i don't but i will say this before he was interrupted me i don't know what i'm going to do so that's what i love about this i don't play my cards in these heads-up matches i always play the player that's all i do and i might limp every single hand of this match and i might raise 100 of the pots depending on what i think will work against daniel generally speaking though uh daniel just saying if he limps i'm ready i got a sheet right here against this limping strategy i'm going to do the orange i'm going to do the green and i'm going to do the blue and i'm going to do the blue it sounds like the match is over maybe we shouldn't play i wish there you go phil you can have this maybe i should just give daniel develop for you i i want to you know i i could sit here with you two all day it's really it's maybe we should just give you the belt already daniel maybe we don't need to play i'm gonna wrap it up i think it's time to play some cards i mean gentlemen any final sort of words before we get going good luck buddy daniel is one of the all-time daniel's one of the all-time greats in this in poker 100 and i've always had a tremendous amount of respect for him and i think he's one of the most talented you know maybe top five talented poker players on the planet so i think it's going to be a big challenge and a lot of fun well i just it i mean i i remember the first time i watched poker on tv it was this guy i was 16 years old and i see him win the world series of poker inspired me to get out here and now i get the opportunity to take down the guy that i watched growing up so i'm excited about it what is this velvet danny nice right oh great i like that nah boys i gotta get to dress guys you know saddle up let's go okay [Music] you feel like only defend a few times already suspects that perhaps he's a hot under the caller oh wow with the 10-8 he defends against the three-bet in position top pair and a gunshot straight draw up against the open end or buckle up and i think we absolutely put chips in here for antonio just because this board kind of hits that raise call the three-bet wrench hard hellmuth has ace-king ace queen nice jack yeah maybe he's not it's not a style kind of with those hands but nonetheless 26k from antonio i really like hellmuth of the patented cut the call out and then think things over he does come with the call check pot up to 96 000 for hearts has no impact this street is a bit weirder because hellmuth can go with something like check call with king king uh etc sort of his style now maybe we can check i think we'd mix here go with a little bit of check a little bit of bet it's like he's coming with that nice sniff from antonio and again in context roughly a third there's this sense that perhaps phil is playing straight forward and isn't in this range of the deck with that pre-flop three bet or maybe he's steamy yeah i wouldn't say straight forward because i do think he can still have over pairs and what a great result for antonio i mean disappointing run out for the queen jack by the way there was some real promise to that holding okay and antonio was worried yeah after yeah two barrels get called here he shuts it down i think he thought it was good jacks are better maybe he knows phil can roll the king's over there easily and eight i was gonna fire the whole thing too seven five button limp from phil antonio says run it two hearts two sixes and a deuce which connects with antonio for the best holding he leads or does he check i think you bet this yeah phil making the call antonio now full on the turn and helmets just peeling here in position with that seven five straddling one of those sixes yeah it's reasonable the straddle he's he's got clear outs to be open-ended he has a heart kind of card that he can bluff but now i think 61 we're done but he's coming with ali and six is full of deuces here is quite strong just when you look at the entire scope of hellmuth's range it's awkward of course but and you know what really is hellmuth's supposed to have here it's well we know he traps sometimes when he limps on the button but i don't think that on this texture he would stand up with the raise now i think he would simply call and then maybe on the river i agree and wow and and it's nice to have outs in in this life so barf bag to the main game x is full of fives and i mean we've echoed fortune favors the brave before but this is this is really a an out there kind of line from hellmuth and what a sweet side that river is and we have to go for value here not just because six is full of fives are mostly good but just the embarrass we have to kind of bet and hope he folds this so we don't have to show this one down 100k i'm not sure i think sizing wise we really want to target the duck and i would be kind of content going smaller i like this i like this bet where the duck just kind of has to call i really like that size actually kidding me i gotta fight oh you're kidding me you wanna talk about luck how lucky are you buddy you hit the five on five seven on me also same seems like pot yeah i need you to keep i need you to keep putting in 10 000 with ace high okay no problem i can't build the third one you win the pot give it the third one give it what it deserves yeah i should have barreled the third i'm not sure the third barrel gets it done that was a mistake yeah oh and his turn to look up at a paired board with a sign snap check raise 3xing antonio just does not go away a lot of the time well he's in position and you know possession's valuable lesson i mean it is um but this of course speaks for itself straight draw picked up courtesy of the seven still the best hand and still barreling here and i mean listen if you want to tell the tale if you're antonio having outs is lovely he has some now i think it's time can't wait too long with just eight high 11 300. might we have some other worldly sniff here ollie i mean ace high beats all of the nonsense antonio has declared i have a jack 29 000 oh my you know wow i did feel like perhaps the cape was going to be dawned do we have any duality of capes here because i mean he hasn't folded yet ali there's a little bit of street poker out here in the desert right now buddy i mean if antonio piles oh pile we're still in the street me too is he calling wow what a hand whoa i check in the dark 63 800 and a dark check as hellmuth hits the ace terrific card for him antonio well of course very nonchalantly says all in cannot win the pot with eight high of course by the way that nonchalance that you just alluded to is something i mean he did it pretty pretty smoothly but i mean i think if we're phil at this point i think we listen it's not that easy when you're out there you know i mean this is this is just really an incredible hay on that this is for the match will be re-watched again yeah of course i mean and hell me it's mine you're wrong you're done yeah a little bit brought out of both guys i mean they they both sort of sniffed it out and you said it what feels like a long while back ali position he is in position and there are some benefits to being in position and he 025 yes wow that was moving in if the ace doesn't come 31 i had you on five six i had you on some kind of straight draw on them yes when you see the cards i haven't seen your hand you called and i had nothing what do you think i had you sucked out all those hands and you're unlucky that's all right you'll get it in debt again in about seven minutes these guys would make a great pair of assisted living roommates when they just sent them on down to shady acres in their 90s just cut them loose for the deck i like it ollie seven eight turns into bottom two up against just a bottom pair twenty-five not the best deuce would be disaster oh boy oh gosh i had no idea that's really sick for esfandiari she could be sick in the form of a rap i mean well he's not covered but certainly he could be dealt you're right stacks because it's the kind of hand that seeks protection it seeks value against top pair or you know occasionally ace it obviously you know inflating the pot versus all of those draws yep at the moment is a good thing i think we can definitely check call but yeah i get it i mean this makes sense and if phil continues with some outward display of aggression like all in he's counterbalanced there by many draws that are possible in theory whether he takes that line or not we don't know but bottom two i don't think there's any getting away ali this could be really a brutal cooler for antonio if phil comes with the two little words here it's going to be a sinking feeling 57 000. it does not the all-in 57. it's basically the same thing it beckons for the whole enchilada doesn't it kind of cool how phil didn't jam too maybe creating the illusion a little bit that he could even have just zero my god how can i possibly fold this are you really this lucky i wish i was good enough but i'm not 10 seconds all in you have two pair yeah sevens and eight you're so lucky man i knew what you had both times how lucky can you be if i went i have 81 000. it's just unreal why can't i just fold i know you have it gosh you really are not a human being 81 81 my sample yeah it's 81 just to double check yeah just like that i can't do it dad there's just nothing i can do you know some guys can do it some guys can't i just can't do it against hellmuth you're still jammed in your stack you're still jammed in like flying 10x from previous you can make two pair with no straights no flushes on the board the board was seven nine four ace yeah i understand and i folded sixes and fours it was impossible correct you always fold sometimes you're right sometimes you're wrong so you want to get credit for folding correctly one time early on i want to see you get two pair versus two pair late in the match there's antonio drawing dad like clockwork he's just done and it's interesting i mean phil antonio limped earlier and filled two and a half x dip from the big blind out of position with jack eight suited now we have jack nine suited and we continue the limping trend but it is at a point being in position is better jack nine's better than jack eight we have a check raise from antonio sure flush draw gonna raise some of them he chooses this one with the duck in it i mean i can't really fault it too much and this three bet from phil well done i mean antonio is is literally drawing all but dead and my god man just comes in kind of hate to see it you know i think it'll go check call check haul and all likelihood barring fourth diamond repair only ate high he has to fear the bigger stuff but it really is so cold ice cold watching this now ali it's not going to go check call because he's leading straight away so who's been luckier again yeah and for antonio to flat the three bet from phil and then lead here certainly feels like it narrows his range considerably into a lot of flushes but of course with phil blocking those flushes he should feel pretty darn comfortable that the jackey diamonds are are the winner i mean only king high diamonds beat him if antonio bets big here this is a mandatory shove from phil forgive the obvious but how much 33 800. part of the match if anybody could just call here it's him but as you said you just beat all of those little flushes you only fall to the king high i'll say what you need to say now nick because as soon as this call gets made we won't be talking for a while i think it's going to be a raise of course i mean this speaks for itself it's just hard to watch a cooler like this race 40 000. i think antonio's soul just left his body i mean it's so brutal it's so painful that's pretty special that 10 really doesn't change a whole lot phil's never doing this with just a king is he that would be pretty special you got the king high flush huh i mean i just can't beat you phil ten seconds all right all right i don't think so ali but you just have to call i think i have a jackass flush yep you're just you really are really nice nice hand pretty weird ollie guess i should have just folded it it's [Music] for eternity phil will hold over antonio as the first round winner phil hellmuth defeating antonio esfandiari in round two of the high stakes duel one thing this man does is end up with the chips and we can add this one to the resume [Music] my prediction for the match is it's going to be very frustrating for phil so one thing you and i agree on for sure either i'm way behind the curve and i don't know it or i'm so far ahead of the curve that you don't understand it if you look up the definition of a duel it is a contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor and in this case that point of honor will be settled inside the poker ghost studio at arya resort and casino welcome to high stakes duel 2 ali najad alongside nick shulman and feast your eyes on those two legends phil hellmuth and daniel negranu squaring off more world series of poker bracelets than any player in history 15 of them to be exact for phil hellmuth jr info daniel negranu how about 42 million plus in career tournament earnings third on the all-time money list [Music] there is the belt that belongs to phil hellmuth as he defeated antonio esfandiari in the first edition of the high stakes duel three consecutive games unfamiliar with our format let's get a look it is heads up no limit hold'em with 30 minute levels the winner stays and the loser has an option to challenge 50 000 ahead in this 100k match the first of up to three if the loser declines a challenger seat is open for up to 30 days and the rules on whether or not you can cash out depend on the number of rounds one we'll start with this very first one and nick during the hype show earlier you and i were discussing all right before we start daniel let me finish the rest of my uh brain fuel right okay all right this is a 10 this it spreads caffeine over 10 hours interesting which is really cool so you don't have any highs and lows okay phil phil always doing the thing you took phil hellmuth you did that i got some stuff that's chapter six promote promote promote when in doubt and then there's pictures of bill clinton okay oh look at that man you know a lot of celebrities nice pictures of tiger tiger by the way daniel yeah we can use another spokesperson for brain fuel daniel well not right now i don't know you might you might spike it with something that gets me off no you don't have to drink it now but we could use another spokesperson i don't think there's any animal products it looks good that's 110 calories but caffeine might make me crazy now so maybe i'll do it another yeah yeah yeah of course i don't know i took a little bit of the brain fuel during the hype show and i saw that bill's limping strategy i left it at a little button limp ace queen and they'll raise and you can re-raise and flop the nuts okay so just limp fold when you have king jack and they have king ten got it when they have king queen and you have king jack lympho [ __ ] this is good stuff i'm ready you could deal oh you did deal it's up to you phil i call quick note i will check everyone in the studio including that and myself from the last one check in the dark vcr test it for covering me for that check negative that's why we are able to play without plexi or masks check in the dark oh boy he's got me already 5100 with no ante yes nick sure no i was just going to it's nice to be here here we are two pairs four is good on a flush draw here we are i mean it's on dude daniel said he is going to pitch a shot i understand i needed a five on the turn and so oh my god i mean what was it like being out there during that weight right there yeah and i got two pairs you might have ended it right in the first no no no but two pairs uh you would have lost 6 000 max max i don't know two pairs hard to make you know all right maybe eight thousand felt a little beefy let's see i mean it was a lot maybe eight thousand two fifty let's just let them settle in 650. okay oh my gosh negroni with the bullets well hello the three betting huh you didn't do that much against with king queen this could be trouble early negro has to feel like this is almost spiritually correct like all this work he's been doing he has aces hellmuth history batting him here we go oh is he reaching a little deep king queen offsuit is not a hellmuth kind of hand but let's see i mean this is jockeying though at least it's what it's going to feel like yeah it's shocking but it's also an awkward spot i think we continue and kind of hate it i guess i can fold the best ant good for him you did not have the best hand you did not have the best you had two under cards no yes aces that's how i played phil [ __ ] it aces three betting the king queen look at you getting out there wow you must have got some coaching or something bravo not talk to anyone you got about who who coached you who cost you to three-bet king queen that's messed up coach me you got you got a call i want to tell you something something seemed wrong that's why three bet it something was wrong you would aces but you're right did you see me through about antonio once in the entire moment a couple of times like twice right why validate the fold yeah by showing the aces it just something felt wrong the wrong was you had the you had you you i had you read us the nothing you had the nutting yeah i had yeah i had the nut thing yeah i like the goods i'm not into that raise it up make it 300. what make him work he's not a coach phil has been on putting jonathan little.com or something no one coached me danielle no one comes this guy went and got some freaking range charts and learned how to raise before the flop oh my god we got a new phil hellmuth in the business it's so funny i think i told you before this match started i had no idea how i was gonna look at you you got a coach i think there's a little bit of nerves right now for both of them they're going to settle right in there it is i mean look at these guys illustrious resumes to say the least advantage in winnings obviously goes to daniel but the live caches and the bracelets in favor of helmuth of those caches coming in the world series of poker where he does his damage he's one of the boys of summer hellmuth don't give me i mean i think he's a great player yeah i think oh this one i'm going to this is nice okay check you might as well bet in the dark daniel oh i don't play like that oh you know better than that he checked in the dark yes all right i'm also going to check what yeah you got to try you're only going to get 61 percent all right he checked i'm also going to check oh queen slides in giving negro top hair he checks and now it's trip queens well king high pay it's a good question ollie i mean feels like a hand that could be good here it could be good it feels like the dust might bet before this but he was reaching let's see oh no is is he going to be tempted to check races 1750. oh do it phil let's i call good 1750. yep okay fair deuces or three queens you know daniel giving him a little subtle needle winner negronu i don't think i lost the pot yet phil getting weird off the bat let's see good start i'll tell you what daniel billy over there trying to rob me looking to it was a good check on the turn i thought you had an ace 8 high i know you're going to raise with a huge range of bots and so yeah 80 of the hands that's a lot of hands queen 4 is one of them i know shouldn't got so fancy i should have just called you're going to bluff with 10 high and 8 high all the time phil getting fancy hey we're just getting warmed up man this is like a feeler yeah right now we're feeling you know i will check phil limping the 85 off suit another queen four for daniel he checks back okay check flop stop there on a familiar looking board tell me with the five of hearts sort of whatever okay here we go quick check call of 250 check check now an open ender added to the mix says hellmuth makes second pair i apologize the flop that's 100 sort of pseudo value from phil check check queen good okay when i'm queen four again wow he's out here i feel he's robbing everybody's betting the river betting the river but you didn't yeah because i can't beat a i can't beat a three and a deuce anymore sounds like a five oh no no they're not ace high i think of five pizza dudes we got new theme music up in this i mean there it is it it could escalate to an obscene amount we don't know but the duel is a cool format ali there are some guys waiting in the wings who don't necessarily want to step into the other people you know numbers start to come by by the way i just want to say i held the belt it got it has a lot of weight on it a very quality belt so bravo you know whoever made that it's early guys the blinds are small let's see here we go there's no shortage of things in the post-covered world that have a lot of weight on them myself including the shuffler vibe 2.5x here from negroni 97 offsuit button the ducks for phil he's in i'll check the dark check deuce is still good got the gutty the seven of diamonds key card he checks back i mean sure 325 decent card turn you're gonna win your first pot congratulations and indeed help me first hand really queen 4 queen 4 pocket aces and what else ali the jacket is off i kind of liked it there was a kind of a lucifer chic element to the red velvet no it had not just begun comfortable mischievous undertones yeah i don't know if you win every pot i might just tilt oh boy here we go where's the burger no burger today no we're here with some sour patch kids i have this chicken thing you know i meant to bring twizzlers today please don't step i can't take it it's so cold we had to wear a mask oh should we swallow a speaker you know it's to eat on camera is one thing but the way he aggressively attacks we know negronu just oh he does three battle okay here we go normal poker three bet pot let's go see got shot straight draw on the queen high rainbow board for hellmuth who is behind the ace high and let's see how negroni navigates a very prepared player it comes with check i like this from phil i mean some sort of aggression is good daniel's out interesting negroni not looking to bloat it unimproved on the flop and if you're like a decent hand where that first bite went straight down the hatch in short order [Music] 56 years old kind of hard for me to believe nick i've known phil now for almost 20. makes sense you know wisconsin madison a couple of kids 15 wsop bracelets think on it for a second take some time to put that together what i mean like 15 clear w would i get two of these i think so right fold phil that's fold number one count it where's where's someone i need to know this what's that paul how does it work with the belt so each time a match ends someone wins a belt no one there's only one belt i think yeah but they only had one belt made because this says my name's this my name's laminated on and like you see what i'm saying like well we could delaminate that if needed right well delamination i mean uh phil earned that belt against antonio maybe there's new belt you know i don't know but he's a champ right now clearly we have a limp check i have a good feeling about this thing i feel like i'm going to beat you for 1200 1200. that's easy not easy to do is it check well queen 10 has been out flopped once daniel's got bottom pair facing 125 chips c bet in the limp pot pre he checked calls i can't tell if you're smooth calling with the jack a six or four check check or c a straight draw there's a lot of those two two quick checks on the turn after the board paired check i don't think i can beat any of the hands i named okay i got a four i can't beat any of those hands that i named yeah especially when the five i started really good though yeah yeah i was trapping trappy trappy the belt is mine okay so you so daniel this is a cool looking belt that's going to be big they just they literally just handed this to me uh before this match so i guess this is for beating antonio well yeah you crushed him so that's great if you and i play so i keep this even if you end up beating me i said this before but a lot of weight on it felt good another trophy you love poker i love it all i can say is poker go spend a fair amount on that belt because it was nice you know what i mean like i threw it over my shoulder it felt good i felt like the champ here's the thing with the belts i will check you can't rock the belt no we're not wearing it out to get coffee i mean but the belt quality anybody would he might wear it around town but the belt felt good check from helmets nine high doesn't feel so good you could have seven i could beat seven high some posturing some jockeying end of the day they are playing heads up you know they're they're they're sort of shooting the breeze so to speak choices choices every hand presents a choice it's a match and they're super deep so if i can't quickly read you on queen high then i should have theoretically made it you said exactly they're going to eat yes but you you know i had something i had queen huh it is yeah i felt like you felt like i came ace 10. i have to bad concern but but negranu is most likely i thought king higher queen high you know challenger right this isn't a tomato can they threw out there no no this is a very prepared heads up players who's looking to get it done so let's see i'll meet with queen four oh call comes with the limp runner shoots it up the 1070 chair beautiful hand yeah oh my god what kind of player would i be snap defend from phil who binks a four up against a ten high flush draw right some continuation will ensue negrono's c betting 400 into six two thirds pot four is with the queen the queen of clubs no less he does shoot it up and and of course negronu has it continue in some capacity let's see okay the deuce is reppable in a in a limped pot kind of negron who's sort of behaviorally he's a little spooked but here we go king called the extra 550 as hellmuth made it 950 total the turn helps neither player as hellmuth's queen and kicker no longer plays knocks and the clubs come home on the end those two over cards the king and the ace in a raised pond pre might allow helmets to escape a bet from daniel overtly scary for for phil facing uh aggression let's see looks like daniel does reach 2000 and fours and deuces with the queen kind of a weird spot i think we find the fold there's just enough sort of stuff the ace high stuff the club club stuff there is some backdoor hard hard interesting maybe but okay here we go fold good fold winner for next good fold normal had a very good hand it's true ace no good it's all true wow negs and phil heads up i mean it's all happening ollie i'll tell you what i it's no good i didn't see this i didn't think i had much better than that that daniel would be much better than an ace i mean i smashed the flop by the river i couldn't beat a nice phil's second round opponent there were so many people i was surprised too wow i'm glad he is though same he's a queen or something maybe especially given he really took a beating against doug polk financially obviously but i think he did garner a lot of respect in the process 100 i'll check king queen deuce couple of clubs kings up for hellmuth here negronu does not see bet he picks up the bad side of a gut shot on the turn take your money all right i had nothing god i needed you to have ace king oh that good huh oh yeah we need to have ace king on the flop oh we we'd still be dancing get it in huh no i don't know how much money you're you're going to lose when uh when i start winning some pots you won one maybe two two but you said you know all every match you play the other guy wins like sixty percent of the hands and you always that's an absolute fact right every every match i play the other guy wins at least 55 percent yeah i won i won most of those matches but speaking of ace king so it comes with the limp protecting the limping range and the bottom end of daniel's range yes i don't really understand yeah i'm going with three seven i could go with four if you prefer i think it's a standard but i'm splitting threes and sevens i think it's kind of a mess around kind of strategy phil 700. you know what i mean guys like negron who's so confident he's just all right we're suited we got the nut low maybe i can beat it and the call may be re-raised but he comes with the call okay well the door looked good but we got the middle east straight draw backdoor situation versus top top so let's see obviously a great situation for phil looks like he comes with a tickle i missed he's out of there age queen no good yeah ahead okay oh boy oh i didn't have that man lucky didn't come ace high you get me ace king ace queen if you really did have ace queen i didn't but there's something nice about like i messed it up i should have come in on called the four and let you blow off off another 900 or something yeah would have been better i would bet more i would have i probably would have bet all three streets go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go but i might have got there he knows some weird possums i figured i'm not sure if it's also raising with eight and eight or six yeah pure transparency i i don't know or if it's a leveling game it's all of the above let's just see it's primal out there it's a feeling out blinds are small they're pretty deep here we go okay tens and a seven not in either neighborhood and negroni with the initiative follows through on the 250 pre philadelphia deuce bravo let's see buck and a quarter okay and a binky on the turn and here goes negronu with a sort of lack of interference with the draws one of these weird spots where sometimes you don't want interaction with the flop to keep barreling but of course jen for phil i mean negronu drawing dead phil check calling the 750 will daniel try to rep some queen jack or some asap good question he gives up winner and called phil's hand negroni with a bit of disdain maybe for phil's continue but we don't know be trappy winner hellmuth crappy trappy i messed up with the ace king i had the idea for some reason i just sip of zev you know i'm gonna pop him went against my usual mm-hmm should have smooth called you i might have picked up a lot more of that hand oh could have hit a miracle runner runner yeah of course but but you bet 700 than 400 you think you have to come after that pot maybe you get unlucky and turn a jack or something yeah jack ten got to rethink that strategy i'm gonna be doing this [ __ ] check if i'm gonna limp with ace king i gotta maybe just wait till the river middling stuff suited in both instances and the all diamond flop with the straight flush redraw for negranu who is up against middle pair the king of diamonds deuce please check wow i mean i can't beat kings can i hold on oh i have a big hand but i can't be kids daniel check called the 200 on the flop both players check the turn okay now fourth pair are the sevens 800 and facing a bit of 800 which almost had a straight comfortably released too good lie down i mean oh bluff me oh six eight of diamonds wow i flopped open in a straight flush draw and a flush wow i hit that flop too oh my god oh i'm glad a nine didn't come two pair would have been tougher to get away from yeah early advantage to negronu here albeit modestly and easing in if you will ollie nice little first level get your feet wet have some fun with philly you may notice the stack of plaques each player with five 60-second time banks a 30-second shot clock in play shoots are 2.5 tell me with the seven dewey oh my 14 and we see this a lot people take the dead bottom of the range and they play back at their opponent he's out you know a seven deuce offsuit doesn't want to do this but the way i interpret this is a guy who's had an amazing career he's saying i have the stone worst hand let me just give back a little winner you know what i mean like it's not a good play but philanthropy that's phil hellmuth right there early lead for negs i mean we got the belt right here it's all fairly meaningless at this point a lot of poker left but let's see 10 in the window followed by a couple of fours advantage negranu check check turn checked tens and sixes three streets of checking for daniel who sought to induce the jack hi to get frisky unsuccessful i think that but when you're able to show down a few of those nick you kind of give your opponent some pause in future situations like you'll check some decent no kidding it would have been a really weird play if i just felt like 3 000 into 200 on the river that might have got it yeah 3200 you got that you got that in your repertoire how much horticulture goes on in the early rounds no i don't think i can do that when you're playing heads up nick as far as seed planting looking to do some things that you'll be able to exploit very nice hand here later on in the match okay the sand's been lucky against you already want a nice pot yeah i'll check it's all real help me through those a very high frequency see bad ali it's all real you know seed planting early in a match like this is is a thing they're all jockeying for a pseudo position we have a check call here from helmuth of the king town let's see king ten still good after the four pairs on the turn two tone board check negronu not looking king queen 10 yeah yeah that's a winner okay yep i mean yeah some of these hands aren't the most exciting but we're getting right into the nitty-gritty as far as you're saying i'll leave with the posturing and all this yeah it's a thing i mean we'll see they're out there of course it's trying to establish psychological dynamics i know you're a vegan guy oh you go for you do your thing yes i mean don't do it don't do it just like this the layer of steam on the inside of the clam shell alone suggests a real sog on that bun look cool this is ted bundy here ibm oh god the chicken breast assassin right away i mean 10 hands in he's just wolfing that you could eat it right before the match but here we are i mean and it's been sitting there more seven deuce out there negroni checks back hellmuth obviously establishing the limp check i mean a couple of whiffs on the king jack four board same story on the turn maybe next fire's a hundred lovely i like this you know we have seven deuce on king jack jack four five multiple checks i think i'm gonna beat nine high three streets later by the way and that chicken is still working i mean yeah winner probably supposed to call with 10 high uh-huh you're crazy oh 10 high those are sponsors the last guy played antonio yeah then high would have been good there i might have called him and quickly are you referring to when you bite off more chicken sandwich than you're prepared it's debatable to chew through and swallow or was that not what you're referring to fold he's out 9-3 off done winner i mean 1500 50k stacks like we're gonna an easing in process if you will you really brought it on that nine three muck by the way i always have food with me in these big events oh god what kind of food do you have oh my god yeah like what kind of going on vegan stuff i know you just you know those stuffed animals kind of vegan let me be more what kind of vegan food you have i actually didn't bring much now because we've got snacks ungodly volume being pursued i mean we got the san francisco suited let's see you put the quarter in the machine then the claw comes down and then the stuffed animal you're trying all right here he is okay we have a little limp back from negs jackson five let's see check got the backdoor situation for homies bottom pair for nags puts a hundred in there a little soft pot next is in picks up the gut shot straight draw on the turn does hellmuth quick check check pair fives fives will win it tell me if it's a give up sure i mean okay mini break and that is going to draw the curtain on the first level you see the fist pump from daniel negrano he's ahead we'll be back in a bit [Music] you
Channel: PokerGO
Views: 314,624
Rating: 4.5652175 out of 5
Keywords: Poker, watch poker, poker on TV, poker vlog, Online poker, online poker vlog, online poker highlights, PokerGO, Poker Central, no limit holdem, online poker tips, how to play online poker, High Stakes Poker, Phil Hellmuth, High Stakes Duel, daniel negreanu
Id: Aj0DINo2qB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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