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hey everybody welcome to mike's world today we're going to talk about a cheap effective way to live stream events such as high school sports um corporate events things like that in a very uh cheap and effective way that can also look very professional now high schools with things going on everybody's looking to stream their games so the fans can watch with limited capacity since everybody can't attend and nobody wants to spend a fortune so here you go this is a great alternative to that now what you are going to need is you're going to need a camera with an hdmi out if you are doing sports especially football you really need to invest in a good tripod these a good tripod can run up to a thousand dollars like the benro bv10 that i'm using for high school football and i want to show you my setup and what i do and and then we're going to take out some components and maybe cheapen it down even more if you want that so let's take a look right here this is in the booth this is the last high school game i did in 2020 and this is my setup you have a sony nx5u with an hd monitor on the side uh everything is going into an a10 mini switcher and then the a10 mini switcher is taking the cameras into the laptop via usbc and then we're running it through obs studio now in obs studio i've created a scoreboard uh they have their software a plug-in for obs where you can have a working scoreboard i'll show you that in a second and then there's also you can you can also do a scrolling uh ticker if you want so if you have somebody who is with you depending on how big your crew is you can actually you can put something in there permanent that just scrolls the whole game uh like i did or you can have somebody actually putting in scores from other high school games things like that azure so it's it's whatever you want to do how big of a crew you want um and then of course i had some fixed cameras uh mounted up there just one since we were in the press box with a window that didn't open you can't really see the corners of the end zone side fixed cameras at each corner of each end zone we had a gopro showing a wide shot which also used to show the band at half time so you could see the whole field um so anyway this is our setup so let's walk through this okay so a couple of things you're going to need and we're going to use high school football as a reference here because that's you know what i'm familiar with so what you're going to need is at least one camera you're going to need a really good tripod you're going to need a laptop and an internet connection you're also going to need a microphone if you're inside a press box without an opening window and you don't have uh and the press box i was in was almost sound proof you couldn't hear any outside noise but you're going to have to have some crowd noise some game noise because if you don't you're just going to have a picture and people talking on a headset if you have announcers and that can get that's kind of boring so you want to be able to hear the crowd hear the play people cheering so what i did was i mounted a rode ntg2 shotgun and right mounted right outside the press box aimed at the field 100 foot xlr cable runs inside the press box room where i was at and feeds directly into channel 2 input on my nx 5u from there the hdmi out of the camera i have an hdmi splitter and then from the splitter one goes to the monitor the other one goes to the a10 mini or it could go directly in your laptop if you want to not have an a10 mini and i'll explain that in a minute so that camera and several and three other cameras go into the a10 mini a10 mini into the laptop into obs that way i use the a10 mini just to kind of switch the cameras obs is for graphics and then it streams out to youtube and here's a quick sample of what it looked like uh in the stream got a single back i got i got one-on-one coverage on the top you need to watch out for that malik smith up there that's one-on-one that's who angela is looking for is one-on-one coverage and that's a touchdown so that was how high school football looked at least the last game that i had streamed and there's also a scoreboard plug-in for obs where you can physically put everything in place and then you can literally click up on the score click up on the quarter and it changes on your graphics there's other videos out there that shows you how to do that i i will make one later on if you want me to just leave a comment let me know if you want to see that but this is really just an overview of how how i stream so one of the big key components of this is this the a10 mini 300 switcher has four hdmi inputs in the back one hdmi output for programming and also this webcam out now it also has two inputs for microphones which could be headsets a cheap alternative now i have two headsets that i've used in games one is a very as a 200 audio technica broadcast headset um very very nice headset but when i wanted to add a second person it was just for the last game and i didn't want to go out and spend 200 bucks on a headset for one time so what i ended up trying out was i bought this 30 dollar commander headset that's used for gaming and i actually ran it into the a10 mini and within the a10 mini's audio software you can adjust compressor you i was able to match them up and they sounded perfect they you couldn't tell one headset from the other so you don't have to have a really expensive headset these 30 gaming headsets will work fine if you have somebody who wants to call the play by play now if you want to have two people you're going to have to have a way to get the audio into your computer which is either through a mixer or through the a10 mini or another route if you have one headset you can use this is called an irig pre has an xlr input 3.5 millimeter output which can plug into your laptop in obs it will recognize this and that can be your audio source if you have one headset but again you're going to need a crowd noise coming from from another microphone things like that the problem with the a10 mini at this moment is there is an issue with audio where all audio that comes through this device when it streams out using the webcam out usbc over time there's drifting and the audio becomes unsync with video hopefully that gets fixed by blackmagic pretty soon at least by next football season hopefully they know about the issue i've contacted them so i'm just waiting on a fix but that is using the a10 mini 300 bucks cheap switcher they also have the a10 mini pro which is about 600 bucks difference is with a10 mini you have to output this to a laptop to stream a10 mini pro has extra buttons right here and a streaming output so you can literally stream to youtube straight from this and not need a laptop if you don't care about graphics if you just want to put the video out there then you can use an a10 mini pro you don't need a laptop uh i use a laptop because i need graphics and i think it looks better looks cleaner looks more professional one other option if you don't want an a10 mini you don't have the money for it or you just don't want to have to mess with this let's say you only have one camera that you're live streaming and you're not going to have multiple you have one single camera so one option you could do is you could plug your crowd uh microphone into the xlr input 2 this is assuming you have a camera with xlr inputs because some of you may use a cheaper camera like a canon vixia r80 like i have here and that might be your camera it doesn't have it has one single 3.5 millimeter input which you could put a headset but then you're not gonna have your crowd noise things like that so i suggest a camera with an xlr input that being said crowd noise can go to channel two broadcast headset can plug into channel one even the cheap gaming one if you have an xlr adapter you can plug it in now you run that hdmi out of that one camera and instead of going to an a10 mini you can use one of these these are hdmi to usb uh capture cards this one right here is called the elgato cam link 4k um this thing is amazing when i bought this this was 200 bucks okay now a10 is 300 so there you go this has been knocked down currently to 129 bucks it has us has hdmi one in usb 3.0 on the other that's important to know because you'll need a laptop that can handle usb 3.0 if you want to use the 4k these are tremendous you hdmi out of the camera directly into this into your laptop you can run obs still have graphics one single camera stream this is all you need this works tremendously like i said 129 bucks right now here's the other option this is an hdmi capture card no brand name on it it's a usb 2.0 i've used this with an 11 year old laptop and it works it will now the 4k will stream 4k video this will only do up to 1080 and most people that are streaming live right now aren't doing more than 720 because of bitrate and quality issues so this could be all you need this uh i bought this for 25 bucks and this was a cheap chinese knockoff i got and i've got two of these you can actually buy these now at b h and on amazon they're still about 25 to 29 bucks and they do work they i've had occasionally have a little bit of an issue and video glitching or like a drop out or a short with these so it's kind of hit miss so if you're to buy these i'd buy a few of them because they're inexpensive and you never know when you might need to switch one out and obs has has i have seen obs somewhat at times want to crash using these now if you're plugging a camera in with this directly laptop and going straight to youtube bypassing obs or something like that works great um but this doesn't doesn't work well with obs sometimes so i would suggest the cam link 4k if you just want to stream one camera live i would use this that is your option to bypass the a10 mini [Music] with the current audio issue with a2 mini you can bypass that by using the hdmi out into the cam link and now you can still switch cameras and you have a solid source and you don't have the audio drift problem uh if you want to go that route um but that is my setup it allows for graphics allows for a lot of things it's looked pretty good looks pretty professional sounds good with the headsets and things like that so that is how you can set up relatively inexpensive to live stream sporting events corporate events things like that so uh please like this video uh subscribe to the channel if you haven't subscribed and also leave your comments if you have any questions about this setup if there's anything else you wanted me to talk about or go over um i'd be happy to do so one last thing i'll mention is i picked this up for 35 bucks this is a cheap it's a i y h i don't know but it's a nice little hard case that is perfect for the a10 mini a10 mini and all the accessories fit in here just perfect nice little hard case to protect your a10 mini if you decide to buy one um much more inexpensive than a hard pelican case uh does provide the protection and you want to have something you don't want to just leave this out and you know get destroyed so so i have the case i like it it works really well with a10 mini keep everything zipped up and locked up and uh yeah so anyway if you have any questions leave your comments hope this video has helped and uh look forward to seeing you next time take care
Channel: Mike's World
Views: 18,112
Rating: 4.9702601 out of 5
Keywords: High School Football, Live Streaming, Stream, Setup, Video, Sports, Events
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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