How to Live Stream Using an Android Phone and External Camera

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hey everybody mike here from mike's world and today we're going to talk about how you can hook up your camera to live stream through your android smartphone so a lot of people like live streaming and especially here on youtube so what we're going to go over is how you can hook up an external camera any external camera that has an hdmi output into an android phone and then use an app called usb camera pro to live stream straight to youtube so that you're not having to use the cam the camera in the phone uh if you are a professional if a video professional you should really should never be using your phone it doesn't have an optical image zoom it doesn't have an optical zoom and it's just the quality you know they're made for home movies things like that professionals shouldn't be using that if you're serious about your youtube videos or your social media videos you shouldn't be using that so you want to be able to use an external camera and now they you could buy something like this now this they've discontinued these this is a teradek video and what this does it mounts right on top of the camera has an hdmi input you can put a usb um 4g dongle in here to use 4g you can turn on the hotspot on your phone to connect this to the internet and you can this will literally stream straight to youtube twitch or some other things like that this cost 700 when it first came out they have been discontinued and uh right now the vidi video go i believe is the one they have out it's a thousand bucks so it's a lot of money to be able to stream online so um i'm going to show you a cheaper way of doing that now just full disclosure because i know people are going to ask no you cannot do this with an iphone apple has a stymy innovation they they have a closed system with their ios operating system you can't do it android is an open system and there's just far more that you can do if you're a creative professional with an android phone that you cannot do with an iphone and this is one of them so i'm just going to briefly go over what you're going to need and how this uh how this is done and we're going to walk it through and then i'll show you a sample of how i was walking around the house uh shooting video streaming it through my android phone so um let's take a look first of all at what we need so obviously you need a camera that has an hdmi output and i have a sony nx5u it's a basically a professional camera it's what you would probably see a lot of the news mmj's using today it shoots abc hd it's a good camera and this camera i've had for a very long time and it has an hdmi output i suggest that if you're doing anything professional that you're going to have a camera that has xlr audio inputs so that you can use uh professional mics because you don't really want to use the microphone on the camera i mean it's just not very good quality so you need a wireless set shotgun mic things like that so so i'm i'm i'm demonstrating this with the nx5u the next thing you're going to need is an hdmi cable uh preferably because it's it's just a short little run you just want a short little one and a half foot hdmi cable if you're using a smaller camera you might need like micro hdmi to hdmi so whatever you need there but you need an hdmi cable the second thing you're going to need is this little thing here this is called a uvc adapter camera capture card basically uvc capture card now not all capture cards are created equal um i have this more expensive cam link 4k and one of the things you'll notice about is that it is usb 3.0 it will stream 4k video if you have a 4k camera streaming through free obs software through your laptop it will do that but it will not work for the setup and the reason is the phone really can't handle the data speeds and i've noticed it's just glitchy and it doesn't work so what i found was this this is another uvc capture card it is more generic it comes from china it doesn't even have a brand name um and the link is in the description if you want to order it from amazon i think it was like 45 dollars so it's really cheap whereas the cam link 4k you know close to 200 dollars so there's a difference now what you'll notice with this dongle is that is usb 2.0 that's important now this capture card can only stream up to 1080p it cannot do 4k but that's okay because that's not really what we want and when you're streaming on the go using your mobile data you probably don't want to be streaming more than 12 1280 by 720 anyway 720 hd because the the higher the pixels the higher the resolution the more data you're going to use and once you start getting up to the max data load from your plan or work the area you're in you're going to start to see buffering glitching things like that which we don't want that so my what i found with this setup 720p is the perfect resolution and it comes out pretty good uh in the stream uh the next thing you're going to need now this phone i'm using is an lg g6 so it's an older phone it's not a new one so if you're wondering about some older model phones this one has a usbc connector that's where it charges and this is uh this is also important because the next piece of equipment you're going to need is a usb 3.0 to usbc adapter and you can see it right here it's just an adapter and that is what that is the equipment you're going to need to do this and then finally on your android phone you're going to need to download the app usb camera pro now there is a free version but i would suggest going ahead and paying a few dollars it's less than 10 bucks i'm not sure the exact what it costs right now but it's worth downloading and uh install that on your phone so after that um what we're going to go through now is is how to hook it all up how you set it all up so if you take a look right here at the nx5 you'll see the hdmi cable is plugged into the back here which runs up here to the uh uvc dongle so the hdmi plugs into the dongle the dongle then plugs into the usbc to usb 3.0 adapter and that plugs into the smartphone into the lg g6 and that is basically it you're just kind of creating a pathway for the video to get into the phone and then i have obviously i have the phone mounted right here on the cold shoe in the front typically i would have it mounted here in the back because i would have a light and led light in the front and i would have it back here so that and i would have it angled so i could see it but that's that's really not important the important part is that this is your setup it doesn't matter what camera you have hdmi to the dongle you the uvc capture card to the usb adapter that goes into the phone that is the most important part that is what you need so after that let's look at the let's take a look at the usb c or the usb camera pro app and i'm going to walk you through that real quick because there is some setup here now in full disclosure what you're going to be doing is setting up a manual stream to an rtmp server now if you have youtube then you go to the stream you can go to stream classic or in there you're going to find the um the streaming url under the manual settings and then under that you're going to have a stream key those are the two things you're going to need and in youtube you can click to unveil the stream key for up to 10 seconds jot that down exactly as it is with the dashes and everything and write that down you might have to hit the reveal a couple times now it's very very important that you do not give this stream key out to anybody because anybody that has a stream key can live stream straight to your youtube channel and you know with hackers and the things you know who knows what they could stream to your channel and if it's a lot of inappropriate material you could end up getting your channel completely removed by uh by youtube so you need to be very careful not to give that information to anybody so once you have everything set up before you turn on the camera and everything go ahead and disconnect your phone and go here to the usb camera app and you're going to open that up and in the top right you're going to see three little dots and you press that and we're going to go to settings now in here we'll go to general settings and we're going to scroll down most of these will already be set like this i haven't really changed anything uh i kind of leave it as is you can set it to where as soon as the camera pops up as soon as it starts seeing a signal it automatically starts streaming i don't do that i don't like that i want to have control of that so let's go back and let's scroll down here for 4g size limit leave that on loop recording now this app does allow for recording into to your phone so you can record what you're streaming and it will go right to your camera roll or your photos um you set the path sd card usb disk storage path that you want to go in there and navigate and set it so that any recorded videos are going to your um your photos or your your album things like that and for um it's pretty self-explanatory to walk through there enable microphone that is off because that would enable the microphone on the phone itself and that's not the microphone we want to use preferred video resolution that is where if you click that you want to set that to 1280 by 720 any higher than that and you're you're going to probably run into some problems use the hardware decoder turn that on turn off the bypass let's see here enable uvc audio input make sure that is on audio playback make sure that is on and then you want if you are in the united states you want to use the ntsc if you're outside the united states uh rather your pal or c came you want to set that to what you want composite video 1 enable audio input yes through the hdmi audio playback yes video overlay so i don't have this set but you can set the video overlay so you can have text over top your video when you stream you can have a logo that that's all done in there so that you can actually brand your videos because especially if you were say you're at breaking news and you're shooting something if you don't have that turned on um if you don't have some kind of watermark on it then people can just grab it and steal it and use it and you don't want that to happen so you want so depending on what you're shooting what you're streaming live if you're worried about somebody stealing your content maybe put put a bug or an overlay uh we'll scroll down the rest of these are off use hardware encoder that is on custom bitrate i stay away from that i just kind of let the phone do its thing and then here you're going to get down to push url and r rtmp stream key now you're not going to manually enter those right here and i'll tell you why here in just a second because you want the setting rtmp settings manager and if you click and open that initially there will be nothing there and what you have to do is you want to add and you want to add the title of your channel there and under rtmp push that is going to be the url to youtube if you're using youtube and that is same for everybody and then rtmp stream key that is where you're going to enter the information for your key based on what youtube has given you and that's that you've written down you add everything the dash marks and everything and then that should get you set up to where on the screen you're going to have your channels you can add more than one but that is how you manually set up to stream to youtube and you can see i have three of them here and i am actually blurring out uh the information because my stream key's there and i don't want to show it to anybody so but once you have that set you can go back now all your settings are correct for the stream and so the next thing we're going to want to do is now you want to set your phone up on your camera you want to hook your uh hook your phone up and mount it to your camera i'm going to do that real quick and then at this point you're going to turn your camera on and you are going it'll pop up once you've connected usb camera pro allow this app allow the app usb camera pro to access the usb device you can hit it as default but i always just leave it this way so i know i'm connected so i'm going to hit ok ok again so what you're going to see now is that you'll see your picture with your phone or with your camera and so what you're going to see on the screen here if this little three lines on the bottom right press that now you can take a picture you can record video straight to your phone or the ip camera server now this is where how we're going to stream so you're actually going to press that button and turn it on it's going to say warning using data because i'm streaming through my data it does use a lot of data be aware of that click ok and then on the bottom right you're going to see this little pink writing with a little box rtmp push now this is what we're using the rest of this rtsp server you're not going to be using that you're going to be using the rtmp so we're going to turn that on and it's going to give you a choice of your channels if you just have one that's where we set up in the rtmp defaults manager we set up our channels and you might have just have one or you could have two or three and then what you're going to do is you're going to select the channel you want to live stream to click it the rtmp button and it says push started so right now i am live streaming to my channel which is mike's world i'm live streaming to it right now and i'm going to go ahead and turn that off because i don't want to stream anything there but so that is it and so once you see that has pushed in about 10 seconds your video is going to start live you're going to be live and so and to show you an idea of what it looks like take a look at this video that i streamed using my 4g data walking around my house with my son and some ducks i saw in the front yard so take a look at the quality all right just walking around live streaming with camera hooked up to my android phone how are you doing huh how are you doing testing the camera out what are you doing you want to climb that tree got your climbing gear on yes but someone has to tie that i think it's a little bit too wet to be out here climbing don't you well could you like strap this onto both of these onto a branch like one one goes right here and we put that one onto that one that's tied in the tree so i don't want to fall i won't hurt myself no we might do that once you get some shoes on i need shoes on yeah you don't have to wear shoes if you don't want to oh okay if you want to go on the grass without you you can just because it's dark out here isn't it yeah i don't care i love climbing okay so there you go that that that was using this nx5u connected to my lg g6 and i was streaming to youtube now facebook some of these other platforms it you can only stream to those if you have um if it has a manual rtmp setup i don't do anything on facebook all my live streaming is exclusively on youtube i don't use twitch or anything like that so you're just going to have to go research those platforms if you want to stream there but as far as streaming to youtube this works really really well so again everything you need the the parts uh minus the phone obviously is in the description there's links you to where you can buy this stuff uh on amazon or other places and um so yeah this is a setup so you can live stream you can walk around works really well and it's cheaper than having to spend a thousand dollars on a tarot deck to mount to your camera so give it a try again i apologize this does not work for iphone i've tried it i've tried everything possible tried hacking it it doesn't work so um but the app works extremely well but the most important piece of the puzzle here in buying this is that you buy the correct uvc capture card or what i call the dongle it is if you get the wrong one it's not going to work and and i can't guarantee that this is going to work on every android phone you're going to have to play around with it but i would think that it's probably going to work on most of them because um especially newer phones i've been waiting to get the lg g9 of the kova 19 has kind of shut down uh production and stuff like that it was expected to come out march or april it's who knows when it's going to come out so this phone's a little bit outdated but it works so the newer phones should work too try it out it's a relatively inexpensive option really for live streaming and it gives you much better quality over the just holding your phone especially with a camera like this that has an optical image stabilizer you can get a lot steadier shots a lot cleaner shots and more professional looking so that's it for that i hope you guys have learned something from this i hope you can use this and um thank you for watching uh please subscribe if you haven't subscribed comment comment comment and like this video and again we'll see you next time take care
Channel: Mike's World
Views: 37,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live Streaming, Streaming, Android, YouTube, Web, Online, RTMP, Camera, HDMI, UVC Capture Card, UVC, USB Camera Pro, App, Smartphone
Id: RCJJtl-wvkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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