$100,000,000 MONEY HACK in Bloons But You're The Bloon!

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today we'll be giving ourselves 100 million dollars as a monkey in balloons but you're the balloon we're also gonna be playing as the balloon itself and I'm gonna be giving myself 100 million dollars for that and yeah we're playing against ourselves in today's video because I have no friends with 100 million dollars we can go for as many towers as we want as the monkey and we can go over whatever upgrades we want as the balloon what ends up happening is pretty shocking so make sure to watch the entire video so that you don't miss a single thing and if you do happen to enjoy today's video don't forget to drop a like and also if you're new to the channel we're trying to hit 400 000 subscribers and we're now less than 4 000 subscribers away from that so it truly would mean the world to me if you could click that subscribe button and remember it's free and you can always change your mind at the end of the day all right so we're on the map Park path and take a look at our money ladies and gentlemen to be exact we have 100 million dollars and if we switch the balloons perspective we also have 100 million dollars so I guess let's get into upgrading all right but I don't want to go Overkill right from the get-go so we'll upgrade our health to like I'll fully built Ceramics so that should be around 20. I also definitely want a decent speed so that's why we're just gonna crank the heck out of this upgrade because I can't stand to be slow and then you know what we won't even upgrade our regrow at all or the Moab HP just yet but now let's go over to the monkey so what do we want to put down for this balloon AKA us right over there now obviously the best Tower in the game is by far the Super Monkey so if we just Spam those then we as the balloon are gonna have a hard time okay so maybe I should go with like I don't know like literally we could go with whatever we want so you know what I'm gonna show the glue gun or some love okay so let's go over like I don't even know like 10 of these hey I wouldn't want to have any beef with this squad that's all I'm saying so let's see if these glue Gunners can actually do anything to us oh my God my speed's already insane my speed is already insane look at this look at this okay wait it hit one of them hit me for sure because I'm definitely a lot slower look at them they're like shaking their heads now it's so funny I guess none of these though can do any damage to us technically so yeah we're gonna have to upgrade a few of those let's just upgrade every single one because why not I mean we have a hundred million dollars guys we got a lot of money to do whatever the heck we want oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys I also increased the jump height that my monkey can jump to so that's why we're essentially floating like we're on the freaking Moon okay but let's see now if these glue Gunners are gonna be able to do anything to us because I'm super fast once again okay wait dude I only have 20 Health guys no regret at all it looks like the glue Gunners were not able to pop me down you know what I should have done oh my God I only have five lives on this account oh no so I guess we have to be a little bit cautious when it comes to our live count okay but now you know these glue Gunners you definitely need a little bit of help okay so if you guys did not watch my last video which by the way definitely gonna make sure to watch it I feel like we should get a little tax shooter Army going uh just because it seems fitting okay so uh let's start spamming these and you know what we're also going to be upgrading these as well okay so we might have to upgrade then our balloon stats I guess we'll upgrade the regrow just that and our speed is already insane okay so we might be fully fine here uh but let's take a look as long as we don't get glued down I guess I stand corrected ladies and gentlemen we have gotta upgrade our stats quite a bit here because of man oh man we just got shredded okay so 70 Health that should be much much better for us remember we only have now four lives oh okay we didn't get cracked out at all right there though so I guess that's a pretty good sign you know what I just thought about since we have 100 million dollars for both the balloon and the monkey it's not like we need to go to round 100 like we can essentially make what it's round five right now we can make round five round 100 with just setting down a ton of towers so we probably honestly won't even make it all that late uh with today's video okay but we got a taxi driver going a glue Army going I think the next tire that we should put down are some monkey Aces yeah because these monkeys right here they need a bit of help because we're not even getting cracked down now look at this by the way I can literally set down this Ace underneath the path right here definitely makes sense but we're gonna be upgrading all these cases as well which only 500 to upgrade that is so cheap because that turns it into an operation Dart storm granted the monkey Ace in this game is definitely a little bit underwhelming so that's probably why uh the upgrade is so cheap okay but I guess we're just gonna spam as many of these Aces as possible wow the fact that I could set these underneath the path is actually hilarious and look at this this looks absolutely insane already I only set down a few monkey Aces but it's raining darts and I can almost jump up to be above these operation Dart storms which is pretty crazy but again monkey Ace is the worst Tower so let's see if we as a balloon are gonna be absolutely fine oh my dude dude dude the freaking darts from the ace aren't even hitting us they're literally not even hitting us ladies and gentlemen okay so I think it's safe to say oh dude but when we get glued we get slowed down and we're getting shredded okay but we still have yet to even see the rainbow layer underneath the ceramic okay so I'd have to say things are going pretty well for us so far and that yeah we need a few more monkeys I guess we can go over more Aces so yeah we'll do that okay so there's definitely a lot more Aces now but let's see even if these Aces will be able to pop us down now look at the lag that these freaking aces are causing though so that's the one kind oh oh oh my God we got popped down oh my what I was still getting popped down the safe Zone but we gotta pop down to a regen rainbow right there mainly probably because of the uh glue Gunners here Loki they're actually op because not only again do they slow us down but they also do shred us with balloon dissolver upgrade oh okay so we are barely able to make it by these defenses and like I said these monkey aces are causing insane lag so we actually probably shouldn't go with too many more monkey Aces nor captures okay because those Towers both of those constantly attacked therefore there are just more projectiles on the screen and that makes the game hard to run whereas Tower is like let's say the dart monkey those towers are only going to attack if we're within the range so I might have to eventually sell off a few of these monkey Aces because it's already pretty laggy and of course we want to go for even more Towers which that's gonna cost no I only have three laws now we got popped down though and I was legitimately trying okay so we're going to upgrade our upgrades one and two let's go for more Towers look at these bombs by the way I don't understand how I can do this but they literally are on the path just like the monkey Aces over here which by the way guys this lag it's already getting bad okay but let's upgrade every single one of these bombs cluster bombs are low-key op uh in this game okay so maybe this is going to be tough for us I don't know that's like maybe 10 cluster bombs or so okay we're building a nice Army too but like how how am I allowed to do this all right so we have a few Isis here we don't want to go over too many because Isis are really annoying but again we need to upgrade a bit so should we just go to Moab HP just to be safe yeah we'll just leave it here though and I I guess we'll leave the speed the same because the speed's already super super op but I think we need to upgrade our base Health maybe it's like a hundred regrow rate okay I did not mean to upgrade speed there but that's okay but the regrow rate needs to be upgraded as well because it's current rate is pretty bad so we won't upgrade this too much okay I upgraded it quite a lot actually but this should be good so let's see how we do ladies and gentlemen boys and girls because I feel like the monkey is oh oh my God oh my God okay just get by all these cluster bumps don't get Frozen down okay okay okay we made it by the cluster Bob Army and also the ice Army wait I upgrade all those though why aren't they showing that I upgraded them what wait guys seriously look from the balloon's perspective the ice monkeys aren't upgraded and then from the monkey's perspective they are what maybe it's because they're on the track I have no idea okay so we gotta do a little bit of experimenting I'll just set a randomize right here uh because it's not on the track okay so if we upgrade this to an Arctic win let's see yeah look it is upgrade to an Arctic win so that means if you set down an ice monkey on the path and upgrade it that it actually won't be upgraded in reality but on your screen it is that is so weird oh no oh no and the ice just froze is right there and that caused us to just leak and I only have two lives guys I have to be safe here okay so I I guess then we need to either upgrade our base Health yeah we'll upgrade base health and also regrow even more because I guess we need it because on that off chance that we get Frozen by a nice monkey weak has literally easily die so hopefully this is good oh no oh no I got frozen again let's see I'm gonna have only one life here oh oh my God oh my goodness thank God our regrow rate is good because we turned into a zebra balloon right there that was super scary okay let's sit down now more Towers guys I kind of don't even want to go over indoor monkeys because Loki they suck and I mean at this point like with us having unlimited money the triple Dart monkey is the final upgrade those can only do so much and they constantly whip shots so unfortunately we're just not gonna have down any dirt monkeys I do apologize in advance okay but we will be setting down those some super monkeys because super monkeys happen to be pretty op yeah this has got to be a glitch guys like straight up on the path but I guess like around this taxator area right here will be pretty op for soup monkeys so let's go for a few we're gonna upgrade all them as well okay I only went for a few like I said because these things are seriously op and I upgraded my Moab HP one more time because I think we're gonna need that okay so let's see how much damage they do come on come on come on oh two monkeys oh wait no I got cracked down no Isis freeze me please no ice is freezing me okay we actually actually did not do all that bad right there I thought we're gonna do much much freaking worse guys I'm thinking about just selling these monkey Aces okay they're barely doing anything at this point in time and oh no oh no please please oh I got frozen twice wait wait wait upgrade I can't afford to die again I can't believe I just did not die right there but now we are a BFB so it's gonna take a lot more to pop us down and you know what with all these monkey Aces that we have maybe we should just replace them with super monkeys at this point because it's gonna take a lot for us to get cracked down and these ices right here they don't do anything unless I'm in balloon form if they were Arctic Wednesday would do something oh my God these cluster bombs too cause insane like oh yeah we have one technically let's continue and like I said let's replace these monkey Aces okay this is a squad I definitely would not want to mess with so let's see if that army of super monkeys can take us down as a BFB they're all upgraded by the way every single one of them oh no no way no did I really upgrade it that much okay can I get a me over here okay so they popped me down but Metal Man and dude we didn't even upgrade any any abilities either like we could have blue fortification super speed just the whole nine yards you know what let's go for super speed right here and let's use the speed boost oh we're barely faster because probably uh we only upgraded at one time okay okay okay let's see yeah dude we gotta cover even more super monkeys okay we went for even more super monkeys so let's see if this time around that they can pop us down a mat oh my God oh my God oh my god dude dude how are we not dead how are we not dead oh no no no no no no you guys saw that I turned into a red balloon right at the freaking End oh my goodness that means we barely could get past these super monkeys right here oh my God we might actually die this time around though we might no okay we didn't even better that time but still that is terrifying now it's like at this point we went for the most overpowered Tower in all of this game so all we can do really now is just fill up the entire map with as many super monkeys as possible although I'm not kidding you guys that would actually just take forever to even set all those super monkeys down because it takes a while to place these towers but I think that's what we should do because again this of course is the best Tower of the soup monkey oh my God I got bowed down yeah I only have one life left okay well technically two but we of course need to play this save yeah we're gonna sell every single Tower that's not a super monkey and I'm gonna try to fill up as much as we can with only super monkeys one eternity later okay I think this should be enough now time to upgrade all of them okay I think every single one of these super monkeys is upgrade ladies and gentlemen I mean look at the army that we have just built I mean I could build even more but I'm not kidding you guys when they say this this took so freaking long for me to do so we're just gonna call quits here and let's switch over to the balloon now so obviously we need to upgrade and I guess we're just gonna upgrade our live HP quite a freaking bit let's go to like a thousand Moab HP okay and I kind of forgot about this too guys so there is rampant in this game I think it's like every 20 rounds every tower on the screen gets plus one damage so I forgot about that but we're still probably not gonna go that far uh but we'll keep the speed the same I guess we could go for blue modification um although I'm not sure if we're gonna need it or not I mean we have a hundred million dollars by the way like look at how much money we still have we barely even made a dent and the same goes for our monkey as well okay but without further Ado let's see how we can do as a BF freaking B against an army of super monkeys okay we got Crackdown oh no oh my God super speed fortification dude dude guys guys I wasn't even getting hits I wasn't even getting hit right there I think I was out running all of the Super Monkey projectiles wait no no it's because of the fortification I I just didn't hear the balloon popping sound effect okay wait oh you gotta be Kitty baby we just lost that ladies and gentlemen ABS in the freaking chat man oh my goodness I did not expect to die wait when did we lose our last life too I'm so confused you know what I think when it actually says we have one life left in multiplayer we legitimately only have one life left so very unfortunate to stop pretty anti-climatic man I want to upgrade even more but the arm is super monkeys they were just too op and if you have not already make sure to check out this video where I got 100 plus tax Shooters as a monkey and this was without hacks it got absolutely crazy so if you haven't already go make sure to watch
Channel: Boltrix
Views: 91,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: btd battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd battles, bloons td battles, bloons td 6 update, bloons update, gaming, bloons td 6, bloons, update, battles 2, bloons td, btd, btd 6, battles, btdb2, new bloons game, best strategy, boltrix, game, bloons game, BTD, Bloons 7, New, Update, mod, bloons but you're the bloon, Hacked, hacks, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Bloons hack, BTD hack, Bloons 6 hack, hacker vs hacker, infinite money hack, BTD 6 mods, best btd 6 hack, modded bloons td 6
Id: AmmcOhuqi-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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