MrBeast in BTD 6! | 4 Funny Tower Mods!

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today we're adding four new modded Towers to Blues Tower Defense and three of them have Paragons we have the Mr Beast Tower who has a his own Mr b6000 Paragon with Carl Jacob Mr B School Rich Beast we also got the one two buckle my shoe where it's literally just a buckle my shoe Tower and you can get the metaverse shoes for 9 million dollars you got the safe monkey who has a 11 million dollar Paragon and you also have the Kirby Tower which also gives a two million dollar Paragon we're gonna need an insane amount of money to get all of these epic Towers all right let's start with a buckle my shoe Tower this looks like a this looks like the guy to go for you know he got some problems let's see [Applause] what's happening eggs what was what did I just witness my friends what that was wild it's just like a PNG of a shoe what is the buckle my shoe Tower do it shoots fire oh because his shoes are fire like that she's oh man like you got some fire kicks bro better kicks makes the shoe shoot more fire what is happening we go ahead and grab our Mr Beast Tower too here we go that's Mr Beast now so wait what is Mr Beast attack so he just shoots a picture of PNG of Mr Beast what is happening start YouTube Mr Beast starts YouTube and makes minor cash per round oh we definitely need that live streamer makes even more money okay we definitely need that's a hundred dollars around okay so now does he make like a thousand dollars around that would be too crazy for me like a thousand dollars around silver play button he makes okay so he makes 400 around now not bad the first few steps to Greatness we need to buy that silver play button all right we also have Beast Burgers shoots Burgers which do high damage to all balloon types and charity work does some charitable acts to help nearby monkeys so he increases their Moab damage by three not bad and then Community contribution contributes with other monkeys to increase Pierce of himself and other Towers that's so nice Mr Beast or the Beast Blaster I want the Beast Blaster he's also shooting Mr Beast Burgers so he shoots Beach burgers and also like blasts them dude what's happening what is going on right now with Mr Beast okay and wait he makes a thousand dollars around now wait is he making more money every round what's happening what is this picture I want the silver play button because I want to be able to make even more money he's helping us get on that grind we gotta use Mr Beast to get us all the money in the game right like because we need like millions of dollars and if you're gonna need millions of dollars we need like a rich Beast casually purchases the moon I think that's the one that we want to try to get to we need that so we can buy the metaverse shoes for nine million dollars so we are kind of struggling though all right we gotta buy some better kicks all right better kicks away wait Mr Beast kicks delegate timeout these mods are actually not related I'm pretty sure I wait Mr Beast and buckle my shoe this might be both made by Mr goopy and so that would make sense but that is too funny all right now we can buy the silver play button let's go all right we got a silver play button up in here now let's see does it make us like more money it was making us like 400 around hopefully that's gonna help us out fifteen hundred dollars around not bad all right be rich to a certain extent at least so we need millions of viewers and dollars that'll be very nice but that's 29 000. we can buy the safe monkey now our safe monkey could be here he seems like a pretty good spot here all right so we have unknown safe mode increases attack speed and Pierce let's see Futures earns oh wait earns more oh wait he makes money on this one too so starting safe mode what is safe mode pass save mode save mode is starting to make money increases damage okay well that's just like a bonus way for us to make some more oh wait we need camo detection Soldier Falcon safe monkey detector safe monkey okay we can buy detector say funky now we can see camo balloons all right let's buy some Mr Beast kicks there we go we got Mr Beast kicks which are fire super fire right all right now we can also let's get Kirby Kirby all right so we have fast punching reach and then fire ability I feel like we went just fast punching and then faster punching there we go Kirby oh man Kirby's just punching balloons wait why does it say punch and he's kicking I'm not gonna question it but we always have enough to buy millions of viewers from the Mr Beast Tower what a strange combination of towers right now what is happening wait no no the save monkey can hit cam opens all right now let's all right so we have millions of viewers and dollars wait I heard the money thing oh wait do we make more money now because he like turns them to Gold I think that's what happens there we go and all right wait wait so what if we sell the Kirby Tower so he does all right let's put Kirby over here now because now we have the Mr Beast Tower just making us tons of money does Kirby get any camera detection more reach oh look more reach gives Kirby camo detection okay reach and more reach sing for money Kirby and it can now get money and also gets more range okay so sing for money all right and then a singing Club Kirby now shoots his music in all directions can buff towers with his ability and he can attack fast whoa Kirby's singing now what is happening okay he just wait who just made Mr Beast just made four thousand five hundred dollars nice oh they all have the Kirby singing thing that's very cool okay and now he can sit whoa Kirby makes like no money though the scream maybe if Kirby screams it will do something what's happening so let's get oh wait oh whoops I accidentally bought this let's see whoa did you see how much money he just made why did he make so much money all of a sudden now I kind of want to get the safe all right let's put the save monkey down all right there we go and now let's get past safe mode so he like randomly just makes a bunch of monkey money okay agent save monkey okay there you go how's Kirby doing Kirby makes like no money whoa okay this guy just all of a sudden just look at how much money he makes like every single attack gives him 140 maybe we just stick with this because this is starting to make us some crazy amount of money actually we need to buy current safe mode then what is a safe mode it has like a YouTube play button but I'm not really sure I'm not really sure what I'm looking at but he's quickly making more let's get current save mode and see if that like helps really we need to get rich Beast which is a hundred thousand dollars I don't know if we're gonna have enough money from all of these to be able to buy everything like the Mr Beast Paragon Mr Beast I mean that's only 600 000. maybe that but the save monkey's making us some big money now we can buy some nerdy kicks according to my calculations I will commemorate these balloons to Ultimate fall what am I reading see look at how much money this guy makes this guy makes way more money it seems like well we can also let's buy some nerdy kicks all right we got the nerdy case and then also pick up sticks oh wait wait one two better kicks oh Mr Beast kicks nerdy kicks Pickup Sticks I want the metaverse shoes it's nine million dollars I'm so curious I gotta get it but now he's not making any money I have no idea why it like sometimes you make crazy money sometimes you you make like no money all right but now we can buy the rich Beast all right we now have a rich Beast what was that did that just make us ten thousand dollars in a round I'm very curious let's see almost twenty thousand dollars okay that's very good now we can save up and also buy future safe mode because this makes us more money right safe monkey is now making big money future Sim mode we need 113 000 and like it's already on round 60 but we haven't even gotten like any of the towers they're all just so expensive and boom future safe mode okay so now we should make big money whoa who threw out that big cat created cash this guy threw out the big crate of cash nice okay this guy is starting to make us crazy money now I still oh my gosh what he just threw out so many crates of cash all right I'm gonna put down a banana farmer he should just like pick up all the cash crates so that should help us out all right we have a hundred thousand dollars we need to start like getting it together current safe mode all right let's get the scream ability for Kirby so now we have Kirby's scream ability I have no idea what that does we can buy the Pickup Sticks so now we have Pickup Sticks the metaverse shoes is the next one so we need to go ahead let's get let's get more Mr Beast Down so this will be another Mr Beast Tower and then we went top path so let's go middle path so Carl Jacob cards throw five Carl Jacob cards which shred smaller balloon types okay execute executability takes down the biggest Moab Carl Jacob cards do motor damage thank you Carl Jacob cards and then beast on top Mr Beast on top Mr Beast on top all right charity work I guess we can do that one we need to start making more money I'm these Mr Beast isn't making enough money I'm sorry guys he's just not doing he's just not doing it all right we gotta we need to start putting in more effort we have to get like 10 million dollars okay these it's an absurd amount of money let's see Kirby I mean we have our sing thing see Kirby's only made four thousand dollars it's like not that great we I want to see how powerful some of these things are let's go up to around 80. let's see what we got all right now we're starting to be cooking all right so we need all right another Kirby Tower and then another Kirby Tower so you know we beat round 80 we still got a ways to go friends I feel like we need more banana Farms all right we have Kirby maxed out do we let's get the Mr Beast Paragon because maybe that'll help so there's the beast on top let's get the other Mr Beast Tower so now we have to get the Mr Beast charity work all right learn the Beast all right we have the b6000 Mr b6000 oh oh so we need six hundred thousand dollars now so it's time all right I hope the Mr Beast Paragon is worth it friends let's see Mr Beast Paragon and boom what is happening what is is oh it's the Carl Jacobs cars let's go okay all right and why is all right what is happening I'm really concerned right now this is the This is Wild but oh Mr Beast is making us big money now oh Mr Beast is making us big money all right all right let's get okay we can upgrade this and we can get the fighting Master Kirby upgrade and then we can also go bottom path and get that all right so now we need two million dollars for the Star Rod two million dollars wait let's go up to round 100 oh okay round 100 is gone all right let's get this and this will be our Kirby Paragon wow what's this cool thing all right so now we have the Star Rod wait it's another it's like another Boomerang Paragon that's too funny so now we need all right we need metaverse which is nine million dollars all right let's see if we can get the safe monkey maxed out too because he also I think has a paragon so that was this one let's upgrade this guy and then we can put them over here too bottom path all right save monkey Paragon 11 million dollars the Mr Beast Paragon says too strong all right look at this look at all these we can just skip like a crazy amount of rounds we can get the safe monkey Paragon which is 11 million dollars what that was around 140 like we could just skip rounds I feel like now now that we're starting to get these like upgraded and let's go I mean the Mr Beast Paragon it's six million dollars what oh wait this ability is just infinite you can just always use this ability okay that's that's a little overpowered wait what if I just got a tech bot and then we just link the tech bot to it there we go yeah all right Mr boost all right there we go he's made eight million dollars all right we almost have 11 million we're getting close that's so overpowered okay all right let's go ahead and we can buy the save monkey paragon all right so there's the same what am I looking at it's the safe monkey Paragon all right now we have to buy the metaverse shoes for nine million dollars now all right let's just jump up to round 200 what's round two the Fortified okay oh that's Kirby has five million I mean Mr Beast is 30 million okay let's just get what is happening all right we need to get our metaverse shoes the ultimate how are these towers so powerful all right we're at eight million dollars the metaverse shoes Mr Beast is Unstoppable okay we now have the metaverse shoes too all right so we now have all the paragons friends okay let's just get to like something crazy around 500. around a thousand it's around a thousand he's at Mr Beast has 10 billion but he just beat her okay okay okay okay round two thousand none of the other Towers gets to actually pop anything the save buggy Paragon only has a thousand pops Mr Beast is literally too strong he just beat around two thousand okay round three thousand Kirby's getting Kirby has like some okay amount of Pops round four thousand Mr Beast can't be stopped what is this he has a hundred billion bulbs why does Mr Beast have a hundred billion bombs we're around 4 000. nothing is even like thinking about getting okay five thousand round ten thousand around fifty thousand oh my game froze hey crashed that's it friends balloons has a failed balloons gave out before Mr Beast did let him be known that Mr Beast beat balloons tower defense I don't know what to say Subs like the video guys thanks for watching I'll see y'all later
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 1,085,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Mod, hack, Mrbeast, Btd 6 mrbeast, Bloons TD 6 MrBeast, Mrbeast mod, Meme, Meme tower, Funny tower, Weird tower, Custom tower mod
Id: 4ySVW5IL5v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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