High Rollers: Aerois #116 | The Darkness Inside

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hello and welcome to another episode of high rollers d d with me your dungeon master mark shaw humes this guy get out of here welcome uh everyone welcome friends uh joining us for another excellent episode of dungeons in dragon's fifth edition i'm joined as always by these people uh we got a little squad we got re we got tom we got katie we got trot we got kim uh all here from the spirit realm ready to play some dungeons and dragons i've conjured these spirits from their graves ready to play we are angry behind angry at all of my natural 20s from last week last week uh we had to cut the stream a little bit short um hopefully that won't happen again today and we're just gonna have a lovely game of dungeons and dragons aren't we aren't we we are we did commune with the spirits to make sure that they don't cut the power this time and that's a sacrifice spirit ritual business going on here that sounds like you're i spoke to him on my wall ouija board [Music] mario before we get into anything else today um a big thank you to our sponsor d and d beyond have been with us this whole time uh there's their little name down on the bottom of the screen um dnd beyond we love them we cherish them we're going to be using uh their website for our characters for the combat tracker which i am a big fan of um and everything else and chris trot is going to tell you even more about the wonderful dnd beyond hey did you know you could pre-order strix haven a curriculum of chaos now on dnd beyond for exclusive character sheet customizations and strix haven inspired digital dice available when the book launches sweet no i can tell you a little bit about what stricthaven is it's actually the third release of magic the gathering themed uh source books and this one is obviously in the world of strix haven and there'll be more information coming soon on a d d live i believe they're not actually revealing too much right now however there is an article on dnd beyond about which magical college will you attend because there's five to choose from and it goes in depth on all the different colleges there which is quite interesting so i highly recommend you check that out if you like it pre-order on dnd beyond for all those bonuses you'll get the digital format you'll get the game compendion and access options uh from searchable listings you get the encounter builder stuff built in uh the character builder and digital character sheets as well to customize to theme up with stricthaven so please go pre-order it now and uh you know leave a forum post saying uh high rollers are the best and they got me onto dmd beyond and definitely do that um use our link in the chat or in the video description below as always if you use the links to things like this it does massively support us because it says hey i came from this awesome show hi rollers and i'm supporting your website that's going to make them love us so help love us to help them love us by loving you if you can give a little love you'll get a little love of your own there's a no in the whale quote for you there you go anyone expect that no not today i don't really know what you just said um and if you don't know yeah stricthaven's kind of uh yeah it's like a magical school themed world uh it's obviously imagine the gathering um they have all sorts of crazy stuff with planeswalkers and some of those are showing you guys teachers um but yeah if you want like a cool uh idea of running a d d themed campaign or adventure in like a magical school uh you know strix haven uh check that out um one thing i was gonna mention um before we jump into the recap and stuff today uh i was going back and watching last week's episode to track all the combat damage and initiatives and stuff right now forgot to write those down last week this guy watches d yeah and i noticed on our youtube channel we are like five and a half subs away from a hundred thousand subscribers honestly uh yay go stupid brain dyslexia speaking nonsense we want the plaque yeah we want the plaque give us the plaque we want the plaque point five people yeah we need five and a half people to sub no we need five and a half thousand people to sell so close um but that's a pretty awesome thing like that would be an amazing little milestone we've recently had like a big drive to hit uh over a million views on the first rowis episode which we've done now we're actually about like 1.2 1.3 million views yeah um i think a lot of people are coming to check us out now that crit roller on a little bit of a break um for a little bit until alexandria limited and some other stuff comes out um come on over subscribe up help us get that little 100k that would be magic um magical do that that would be great is there anything else to talk about uh on tuesday uh chaos twins uh chaos quads again for the release of uh [Music] we're gonna play that on tuesday uh eight till late as usual um yeah that's it that's me anyone else so yeah that will be on tuesday eight to late on twitch on the high rollers twitch channel not on yours on twitch uh high rollers twitch channel i'm gonna play some darker lines i'm super excited um i love the dark alliance series i used to play it on playstation and this new one looks super fun playing is the cast from the uh drist deward and novels so you actually play as drist and wolfgard and bruno and category and all that that looks pretty fun um one thing to quickly mention merch wise on the european store uh we've sold out on a ton of stuff i was checking it before we came online and we've got a few more elora pins a few of our long sleeve t-shirts but a lot of stuff is gone so grab it while you can because a lot of that stuff ain't coming back so come and grab it while you can um on the us store um there's still cam and laura pins starbain mugs and other stuff as well um so you can go and check that out as well quest shots just very quickly uh changing changing stores there um but yeah so make sure you go and grab that stuff things like the long sleeve and the stats t-shirt um the pins once they're gone they gone so if they can grab them grab them now um and thank you to everybody who bought the quill plushes we are we sold out on those um we have very much enjoyed seeing everybody's pictures um look at the dead emotionless cold eyes of chris you don't believe in nothing doesn't believe in nothing um don't believe in ghosts yeah cool uh that's it i think uh i think i believe all right that's a good job okay let's play some dun duns uh and then i've got a very short recap for last week's episode uh about four rounds of combat [Music] hello and welcome back to arrows last time on rowis after returning from rescuing valor with plans to head to the city of glass to aid the gathered guardians century was lured out into horizon streets and confronted by a group of corrupted guardians who now call themselves dominators and into battle the three foes had proven to be dangerous adversaries and whilst one of them has been defeated storm chasers have taken significant damage and their opponents show no sign of stopping last week's episode was cut short due to a power cut for those not in the know does run the streams and has all the software overlays music etc but we are working on ways to make sure this doesn't happen again thank you for sticking with us through the shorter episode last week and we jump back in to the battle to set the scene we are currently in a darkened street on horizon there are a few uh lanterns offering light nearby um and a couple of the houses seem to have lights and you have heard some very nervous um movement coming from within people hurriedly trying to get out of the way of windows and doors in case the fighting escalates there uh we currently have ayla sentry and quill all surrounding this large armored commander-like figure who's been issuing orders and tactics to his companions um he is currently being affected by a slow spell that was uh cast by nova um and has dramatically prevented him from being able to uh attack uh on mass one of the uh dominators these corrupted guardians is dead um having been destroyed by ayla and some of uh lu and lucius as well uh combination of might and magic uh however in some more concerning uh situations uh one of these dominators this kind of ninja-like assassin um that sped over the rooftops and climbed along the walls has managed to heavily injure nova who has had to retreat into the ethereal plane um and has backed away in a ghostly form but has now left the sort of uh lucious undefended um and also open to this uh this mysterious this stalker this dominator stalker to now come and aid in the battle against the commander um i basically went back and made sure i tracked all the damage in the initiatives uh and i can tell you that we are going to be this is only like turn three by the way so about 18 seconds so turn four 18 20 seconds have passed um so there is no sign of guards like coming to help or anything like that you guys are on your own um because this is happening so quickly even like shouts and calls and things like that their guards aren't going to arrive for some time uh kilik um nova i'm assuming you've moved away because we basically went through your turn last time you cast the theoronus and you've moved away there's not really much more you can do you are still maintaining concentration on slow in the ethereal plane uh there's one of the nice things that you can maintain concentration on spells there's no real way for them to hurt you in the ethereal plane so that's selective just about yeah we just go just as a little bit of housekeeping i will tell you the commander still has two legendary actions left um uh to use um still has two uses of their re-roll saving throw ability as well um and uh damage wise the commander is looking pretty beaten up like heavily you know they've got big dents in their armor from ayla's weapons sentry um and and the magic of lucius have both caused some like damage to his armor but still standing still looks to be very sturdy the stalker figure when you look over lucius really doesn't seem that injured a little bit of damage but nowhere near to the same extent as the others um okay are they already we've only pulled off a couple of spells on them at the moment haven't we yes that means on the commander as well yes um speaking of the commander uh the commander is um uh is going to use two of his legendary actions at the end of nova's turn uh and he's going to attempt to use uh frightened foe which uh as as they kind of raw they let out this kind of almost like wailing screech and their body begins to pulse red and the vine like tendrils all around them trying to reach out and grab on whoever they can i need century quill and ayla to make saving throws against being frightened century i don't know if you are immune to being frightened now because i can't remember paladin okay so you don't need to make the saving throw um ayla and ayla and quill uh is a wisdom saving throw i'm so i'm oh or of courage none of them can be frightened uh there we go is this what's the range 10 feet there you go so none of them are affected by it so you just uh it's almost like a kind of reaction to it um you know century's own matrix glows and it just seems to almost kind of cancel out this kind of aura of fear being projected out from the commander wow all right thank you sandra because that was a three that would have been very bad um very nice uh quill so i had in my mind that uh my uh beacon of hope i don't have any more don't have no you lost it you took uh you took like 40 odd points of damage and you failed the concentration yeah um and as for uh helping me out and i guess also updating from where we were last time how's everyone's health looking uh ah two other things i'm going to point out both century and ayla cannot regain hit points until the commander's next turn yes uh you're both affected by uh his draining blade uh cool uh hey lucius how you doing great hey okay hey ayla how are you doing well i can't i can't regain but um i'm okay century how are you doing hurry gain but i'm just about half a half hey nova you're you're looking pretty fancy right so for my turn uh i want to shock and grasp uh this boy um so with a plus nine i get a 20 to hit him will hit yes the slow slow spell um helping uh basically you can see just about to go out of your reach but the slow spell slows them down long enough to grab well with 3d8 damage i do five damage excellent five points of damage every little house uh oh i had advantage if he's made of a metal and he is but i've got it anyway um i guess i could aim for a crit didn't get it uh so he can't take reactions uh until the start of his next turn and i want to use that anyway because of the slow spell oh great well either way i'm gonna back up from him to about uh it's still in range of century but away from him uh and then use a bonus action to heal myself uh with thingy you know that one bonus action heal word healing word yes uh so i'll do 3d four plus six boom oh god okay uh 13 healings myself it's all right okay nice uh go to sentry uh then um it's the order is century the stalker will go then it will be lucious so try have a plan of what you want to do um but keep in mind there's a monster before you century um just a quick question if i use misty step does that provoke opportunity attacks it doesn't and currently the commander can't take reactions because he's slowed and coiled issues shocking grasp anyway so even if he wasn't slowed he wouldn't be able to but yeah teleporting doesn't provoke opportunity attacks all beans i will try and smack this dude twice and then i'll try and get out of his way that's the plan let's rock and roll first roll is a unnatural 20 to hit that will hit yeah this one again that slow spell just causing his defenses to be uh low enough for these strikes to actually hit otherwise these would be um hitting well they would still be hitting they'd be hitting these ac just barely i'm gonna do a level three divine smite on this boy so that'll be five d8 bam plus the i don't know why but for a second there i was like i remember when we was new listen to her now oh unnatural twenty level three divides my arm so proud four plus five there's 29 damage for the first one 29 points of damage heavy blow as her majesty's rose kind of kind of comes crashing down tearing through the metal and uh stone plates um sweet and then i'll go again so that is a 27 to hit the next ones luck has shifted this week it's very good i'm gonna do another level three on this guy so another five 23 again plus the d4 23 24 29 again exactly the same oh man nine points damage two heavy blows the radiant light of centuries matrix kind of glowing as each strikes hits as the blinding light um you can see this this commander is is yeah heavily injured now these two blows having torn chunks of stone and metal plate armor um away from them i've just moved a couple of feet back just to get out of his range first time beings all right perfect um everything on your turn done century yeah that's it thank you uh leaping in fact actually [Music] um yeah i think the the uh the commander will actually call out uh and just say stalker get over here and help me um and you just see kind of like running up the wall and onto the roof of this nearby building this arm-bladed uh dominator will come running 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 just about managing to get in range um what's up tom it's like an x-com when you get a commander to run in one place and they take the roof and it's like that's not that's not quicker it's not quicker it is quicker this guy hasn't this guy's a climbing speed he can he can he's quicker actually you can somebody roll a d6 for me um let's say tom roll the d6 for me please oh okay uh oop bop beep boop does not recharge um the vents still kind of smoldering with smoke however this thing is going to land down um beside ayla and it's going to two strikes in your direction ayla aiming for your vital spots uh to try and score a blow it's gonna be a 22 on the first one yup yup uh this is going to be with the sneaker deck and then i need you to make a con save so i'll do all the physical damage first because we're going to half that for you and then sneak attack damage so it's going to be 32 so 16 regular damage and then a con saving throw please uh 18 plus 9 hi yeah so you feel again like this draining uh energy trying to suck the life out of you um but it doesn't you manage to kind of like shrug it off or like knock the creature away before this this uh draining effect can fully take place and that was its first hit it's gonna make a second attack against you uh for a 20 to hit yep no sneak attack on this one because it can only do it once per turn on its turn so it's gonna be ten half to five and then another con saving throw please [Applause] uh that is 19 world attack 19 again same thing tries to kind of drain this life out of you but doesn't quite manage but you can see it's it's now trying to kind of keep you occupied uh keep you know trying to take down this biggest threat to the commander that it can see um lucious lucius is going to do some uh just some sorcery management with his bonus action uh so he's going to expend a level two to get two sorcery points he's then gonna cast chromatic orb and twin it hitting both the stalker and the commander please excellent let's start two individual attacks yep stalker first level three uh here we go [Music] oh i keep forgetting about this ability because he's not often attacked you actually have disadvantage to attack him um so you can see that this darkened frame there is like a slight shimmering to the air around it 17 is the lowest 17 is still going to be a hit though um just barely the the even though there's this kind of shimmering field the orb of magic manages to strike uh properly do the damage for him first then so that is 22. acid it's one damage roll so we remember 22 damage for this one and now you roll um second attack sure so 22 is that cold or acid did you say that it's only 14 for the second one so the commander misses the commander manages to kind of bring up the great sword and kind of block the acid from striking visual right because i'm behind uh centuries like in the middle of these two essentially i'm using both hands to like whiz them past century's head smash both smashing in the stalker kind of caught off guard maybe not expecting it but the commander readies this blade and it kind of splashes not quite striking home um anything else lucious uh i've done my bonus action metamagics so i'm good okay all right uh at the at the end of your turn the commander's gonna use his last legendary action uh to use um does he want thingy to attack uh yeah technically i'd get another sneak attack um because it wouldn't be on his turn yeah he's gonna come on the stalker to make another attack against ayla desperately trying to get ayla down so he can get away uh so the stock will make an attack with advantage against ayla uh so that's currently is a 19 but the heist is actually gonna be a 25 ailer yep and then uh with the sneak attack oh that's a very low damage there the very high sneak attack so it's going to be 33 half to 16 again um and then another con save please hmm interesting uh 13 plus nine yeah it's just i think you have you basically have to roll less than a five for this um secondary effect uh but yeah manchester kind of like again while you're kind of twisting between the two foes this arm blade of this ninja-like stalker just cut you know an a visible part of your body um maybe cutting into the waist or the the ab muscles um as it does so uh then it's the commander's turn um that was at the end of lucius's turn commander's turn uh the draining effect on century and ayla ends um he is just gonna make an attack against ayla because he's only got the one attack that he can do at the moment oh at the start of his turn ayla you take five uh sorry ten necrotic damage um because all these red vines these kind of like this red mist that's exuding from it is gonna drain your energy um and he heals a small amount as well uh luckily quill and century both moved away out of that aura otherwise he would have been hitting all three of you doing that um so that's at the start then he's just going to try and attack ayla because it's the only target and he's slowed he can't really do anything else um so this is with his draining blade one attack at 24. yeah and then i need to remember that you don't have reactions where you can do stuff whereas the other guys do so only 14 damage shows seven but again can't regain hit points and that's the tactic especially against a big target like you um and that's gonna be it uh he can't do anything else so it's just a wisdom saving throw against the slow um 14 i'm guessing that's still a known over your dc's what 17 18. 18 18 yep so he's still slowed still like moving like he's covered in tar like swimming through molasses just unable to uh shake off this spell from tiangong these spectral chains weighing him down uh we go to ayla hello well i'm just thinking about spellbreaker when i restore hp to something i can also end the spell of my choice on a creature would that apply to it's not a spell it's like a drain it's like some sort of corruption in the blade okay it's like it's basically imagine it like every time he wounds ayla the wound is encrusted with like red crystals and fibers that's like they won't mend together as long as this material is on there and then it kind of fades away after a few seconds oh hey i hate that yeah sorry right i just tom was making a face and i wanted to check and make sure he was uh i'm always making a face [Music] 26 to hit the stalker uh the stalker yes um yeah because he took damage so you don't have disadvantage against him anymore until his turn so yep that hits 16 damage 16 points of damage heavy blow tries to block it but on the back 30 to hit yes 30 will hit yes just about um 15 damage and a deck save uh yes deck saving through oh of course the guy with evasion rolls a natural one you love to hear it see it do it feel it 14 lightning damage 49 so because of invasion he's still going to take half damage but if he'd succeeded on the safe he would have taken no damage so he he takes half instead basically takes seven um so you can see this nimble little thing tries to leap out of the way of the lightning but the hammer blows have kind of knocked it off kilter um kind of unbalanced it and it still gets blasted along one of its arms as it desperately tries to flinch away and you can see now that stalker is like kind of swaying to and fro pieces of its broken metal and stone form of fallen to the ground looks heavily heavily injured um ayla end of your turn uh eos plus okay uh the commander that one is wait that one is weak try and finish her off um he's gonna call out and the stalker is gonna make an attack against ayla with advantage that's 22 to hit which i think does and then sneak attack plus uh normal damage is gonna be 38 so half would be 19 yep and then a con saving throw that is thirteen plus nine yeah yep still just cannot this draining effect is just almost like these uh as the arm blades dig into you the same sort of tendrils try and weave into your skin you just rip yourself free from them um unable to get a grip uh but yeah that's that's the uh that's the ally command uh we go to nova vega who is in the ghost realm hello it's spooky here and i'm really cold um in the ghost realm i am going to nip a little bit towards um the house in the north for a little bit of cover and then um i'm actually going to come out of etherealness uh step out um and i'm going to attack the commander with um eldritch blast sure um commander has um a hex blade cuss on him as well so i will get plus five damage to all of my rolls which is my damage roll size um so here we go uh so the first one is a 30 23 to hit 23. it's uh unfortunately just 12 points of damage on that first one points um 25 to hit on the second beam it's um 14 yeah 14 points of damage on the second beam second beam and 25 to hit on the third one and then 19 19 points of damage on this there's three blasts you know both of these dominators now looking basically at their last edges you can see pieces of them sort of broken off and shattered and just yeah heavily injured um all these kind of like red fibers many of them torn and spiraling um and just looking yeah low on energy you can see that they're sort of almost uh yeah coming becoming less aware and less tactical um almost becoming a bit more feral as they get more injured oh nova end of turn that send a turn for me okay at the end of your turn the commander is going to use his legendary action to make a weapon attack and seeing you pop out and blast him he just turns in your direction just like ah die and his eye lights up and he's going to fire an eye laser at you nova vega he's got eye lasers trying to take you out and vote it's a 27 to hit um it will hit um but one thing um i have been using tomb of the list is wrong thank you very much the kind person on reddit who explained it to me i can be hit by it to activate it and then the first 150 hit points will absorb that first blaster damage right okay so it also renders you out for a turn right involved in the in the thing for a turn all right well it would be uh it would be 22 points of force damage so yeah you um so how does this look so we see the beam sort of flying towards nova this like red i'd like to think as it as in slow motion as it comes towards nova tiangong being the you know bff they are just immediately activates the kind of crystalline form that just shapes up so the beam just hits as the shield goes up and then nova is just frozen kind of in a like trying throwing herself back almost um nice stasis very very cool synthesis kilik and kalar that was at the end of nova's turn nice uh so when does this healing effect uh non-healing effect sorry disappear start of the commander's turn or when he's dead right and we're delaying that yeah delaying delaying my turn will put me like way at the end right uh i'll just do a i'm going to hold actually your turn you could hold an action but that's just the end you can't yeah uh so i guess the moment ayla is healable again i want to hold an action to cast heal on her for 70 hp okay so you'll basically hold it as soon as you see those red crystals and vines break away from her body you'll activate the heal spell yeah yeah yeah first time you used that one 70. well boom i used it so much in lightfall it's the best yeah it's just a high level style i don't have much of that at the end of kellex turn commander's gonna use his last legendary action to command the stalker to make one final attack against ayla this is he's just like now do it we must flee so with advantage hopefully 25. this is all halved because it's like all the sneaker tech damage and weapon damage is half against ayla so that's only going to be 23 so 11 points this time really not very good um but the arm blade sort of tries getting a con save as well technically i have to make you roll it because if you do roll less than a five it might fail you never know uh nine plus nine eighteen 18 still succeeds um still succeeds you again the the vines and things try to dig into your flesh but it's so tough so resilient it just can't quite find purchase um century okie dokie you can see the commander by the way century is like turning and like with nova in the block of ice with ayla heavily injured you know with quill and you separated it he's turning like he's gonna start to run that you can see that he's about to flee not on my watch you son of a church um i'm gonna it's it's i don't know it's an old thing um i'm gonna move up here so i'm slightly ahead of them both i'd like to cast a shield of faith as a bonus action on ayla i can't heal her but i can give her a plus two to her ac do you have to touch her for shield of faith it's a 60 foot range okay oh great okay so i'll give her a plus two to ac and then i'm just gonna oh commander he's not going anywhere sure so bonus action shield of faith on ayla two attacks from your action roll buckaroo oh 15 for the first one i feel like that's not going to do it clangs against his he manages to bring up his sword to parrier um but you can see you know you can read their emotions like nobody else can really see their facial expressions or you know emotions from them but you can feel this fear beginning to grow inside of it [Music] come on baby 22 will hit yes cool all right let's do oh god she's turning into a dominator [Music] [Applause] i'm gonna do a level four divine smite on this guy so that's gonna be 68. okay oh wait yes because divine smite isn't casting a spell it's spending a spell so it's not burning it's not casting a spell yeah trust me dudes paladin's a strong man yeah paladins are really good dude oh my god keep it in mind for campaign three tom keep it in mind 32 plus 37 damage for that one okay well i feel that it's only only fitting sentinel prime that you describe how this goes down [Music] okay so i think century would pull her sword back thrust it into this into the commander's matrix and just say such a disappointment and then pull the sword out overlord i fail you and you see the body kind of flanks down the matrix like the hermanages road pierces through it and you pull it back and it cracks and breaks um but essentially you notice as the commander falls down i don't think ayla would have spotted this on the adept but you definitely notice it the matrix begins to crumble not because you've broken it but something's almost like eating away like a like a an acid or a virus kind of breaking the crystalline sphere that was once this guardian's matrix it's breaking it down this now red matrix is like crumbling into a into a powder um you can almost you can almost hear like a voice but you're too distracted uh and secondly you technically have a second attack sentry i don't know you've missed on the first one yeah you did that's that's that's you've done yeah so i think yeah i'll move over a little closer to ayla next to the stalker just provides do i heal now because he he did you do yeah so as the commander's matrix begins to crumble the coil you notice all the cysts all the red vines begin to break away as well and you can see oh this is my chance and you're held action 70 hp what did you get down to out of interest 20. that's the lowest no i've been on one because i the meteor strike i got to one because i yeah but it's usually relentless rage i think meteor swarm on a crashing airship that's like a special condition we put that to the side normal fight yeah um this was the closest straight up combat um okay uh well the heel goes off uh the stalker is gonna go next to rhiannon may you roll a d6 for me please okay okay here it goes this is probably this guy's only chance no the vents never recharge um so the stalker having seen all of ayla's wounds knit back together uh it no longer has i'll just grin at him as well i'll just grin the stalker is going to disengage and then run away like a little and just to annoy tom he runs up and along the wall so he's gonna go 5 10 15 20 25 and then you lose sight of him technically uh that kind of makes sense just to get to get away from us i understand yeah uh long used his action to disengage so can't dash um so yeah that's that's that's his turn uh lucious uh i'm gonna try and chase him so all right 10 15 20 25 30. do i see him here no i don't you do not i'm gonna cast fly okay casting on myself so i'm going to fly directly upwards oh actually i'm going to diagonal for do i get an a yeah your action to cast fly and you've moved your 30 feet do i then get the extra flight it's an interesting one i guess because when you fly you gain a flying speed of 60 feet but you've already used your move action so i would say no it probably i think if you want to wreck on your turn and say you cast fly first and then move i'd say that that's fine but in the future remember to cast fly first then use your move action because otherwise you've already spent your movement and then you cast fly and you'd have to wait till next turn to use the flying movement okay yeah i think lucius would have just started running and be like i can't see okay so yeah i respect that so i respect the meta play so yeah you're ready like you can feel yourself ready to shoot up into the air but you've kind of spent that time running and casting the spell on yourself unfortunately okay um yeah it's more that the angle um this house uh corner here is kind of blocking your line of sight um i'll just make you can't see through the thing i can't see him see if you can head down the other alleyway ayla can i can i jump onto this roof using my hammer a jump charger the roof can i see him when i'm in the air on that at that height well there's a couple of things we have to check here how high do you jump the roofs may be sort of like i'd say like 20 feet up but like you can jump like you could jump up in a huge arc the thing that's going to matter is the fall damage like when you land basically like i can jump 25 feet and i want to jump onto the roof okay so with my jump into the roof yeah you jump up on the roof you don't see him immediately after that not that jump basically you like jump up onto the top bit of the roof can i keep running forward with my movement then sure yeah you move use your movement as you wish um it's kind of like a pointed triangle roof so you have to like run up a little bit and then it will slope down do i see him at this zone yeah you see him directly below you so you get into the alleyway and you can see that obviously he just didn't have enough um speed to get much further away um so he's directly below you and it looks like he's pressed up against the wall or this i'd say he it is pressed up against the wall um and it's looking to the alley on the opposite side like it's gonna dash towards there yeah so i'm gonna jump down in front of him and smack him in the face yeah okay you're gonna take a little bit of fall damage um do you want to make an acrobatics check to try and reduce it or are you just not bothered okay why not that is a 30 14 15 60 70 18. yeah i'd say you half the damage from the fall um so it'd be six damage half is three and then you're raging so half that again for one point of damage the stones like the pavement cracks and breaks as you land like smash uh okay i will attack um [Music] 15 plus 13 to hit yup don't need to don't need to tell me that ends you know um 19 damage that's enough uh so with one final whip of the hammer you just send this thing sprawling spin it spinning in a circle as it smashes into the building next to you and just falls to the ground unmoving completely destroyed just wait i'm non-functional so we see ayla jump onto the roof run over and then the alleyway is just this the alleyway is just flying across it you just see parts of his body flying yeah into the alley and crashing wow got him then i'll just i'll just walk down the alley with my hammer on my shoulder back to the group sure uh yeah lucius for the point of thing you run you fly up into the air and that's like the last you see ayla just walking back with this this destroyed dominator oh uh all right and then nova unfreezes mm-hmm you guys are out of combat i'm initiative i'm gonna fly around just sure i mean enjoy it why not why not um yeah you i mean lucious i mean you know once you we're out of combat and time's kind of flowing within you know you guys have like uh um maybe two or three minutes and then you do begin to hear like you know maybe two minutes and guards are like closing in in your position and you can hear sort of like um maybe actually like a a halfling man just sticks his head out of the doorway of the building that you've been climbing over and he's like is it over and just shuts it once again and like you hear the latch and like a couple of keys being turned um i think our messenger ring out of the earshot of the locals what was that is there going to be more of it the fact that it's on horizon it's a little worrying yeah it seems like breeze has been busy since we last saw them this is boring i've seen to tell the guards what we did i'm sure they've already seen us and there's a bit of a cleanup yeah such a waste they were too up good allies they were strong well we know what happens to her touch though very difficult to bring them back once they're consumed [Music] that's what we think is happening here i assume it is it's like bree somehow maybe convinced them played to their fears and brought them over to his side i think probably breeze themselves was hada touched as well yes i wouldn't doubt that and was probably the puppet master so to speak of the events so i guess we can't fully hold them entirely accountable although they did some wrongs they wanted to extend life and it got out of hand [Music] how's everybody feeling i started to recognize your messenger ring faces especially yours lucious sentry is just blank all the time so kind of hard to recognize that what what is happening we'll update you in a minute uh we're going to just inform the guards what's happened here and we'll right okay okay somewhere safe great perfect okay good um before we go though uh century their matrix says matrix matrices matrix and is there anything that you can what's happening to them i mean i know normally you store the guardian soul but can anything be done with these ones i can ask root and see if root has any contact with them but i have a i feel like if we were in contact with hadar touched guardians that could be bad news that would open them up to corruption in some way right you can see uh looking down out of the three the commander's matrix is nearly gone there's only a you know a chunk of it remaining really it's rapidly uh disintegrated the stalker the one that ayla destroyed its matrix is is breaking down but there's still maybe about half of it left but you can see almost like like uh rot eating away at it just kind of breaking it down it turns it into a powder and then that powder just almost just dissolves it just becomes like air it just turns to nothing um uh do you does anybody like it check it out more thoroughly or are you just like looking at it from a distance at this point i'll go have a look okay so century when you kind of get closer and look um you sort of heard it before but there is like a faint whispering when you kind of reach out almost maybe just kind of like looking at it you get closer you do hear this kind of echoing voice uh and you sense pain you sense terrible fear not of you but of something else you just hear this voice they are mine and you feel this horrid sort of scream but scream isn't the right word like something spiritual like a spirit crying out in agony you can make a pretty good guess that hadar is consuming the spirits of these guardians like the the guardian spirit was still there in the matrix corrupted as it was it was still there but it's it's not anymore like as that matrix is dissolving the spirit itself is being consumed can i commune with prime sure yeah you can spend you've got the have you got the charges on the prime matrix to communicate oh i don't think i do we haven't long rested have we no we have not i don't have the charges no you can always take a rest and then ask at a later date yeah i think yeah i mean if it's not a specific question like you can just try and get a vibe or a feeling like you can you can ask me the dungeon master a question but if you want to ask root prime specifically questions yeah yeah that you have to use the community spell i was going to ask root if there was a way to save them but well i'm afraid that you're going to have to just make any decisions of your own now there's no chance no time to ask roo if you'd like to try anything oh let me see [Music] um i could do like a like a medicine check maybe i don't know though investigation what what would you what are you trying to do you tell me what you as the character would like to do and then i'll figure out the mechanics of it you know if there are any i want i just want to see if there's any semblance of goodness left in the shard i want to see if there's a part of the commander that hasn't been corrupted that can be convinced otherwise sure you to do that you would need to touch you'd need to touch the what remains of their matrix you would need to try and connect to it to try and do that worth a shot let's do it reach down you grab it in your hand and you feel that connection to the prime matrix go out when you do so you normally when you touch a guardian's spirit in this way when you reach out to call them to come into the matrix or to install them into a new body you get a sense of many of their emotions their regrets uh their their spirit their courage with this you find fear fear of death fear of not a death like a mortal knows it but death as guardians do this long endless sleep or this maddening hunger and that's what this guardian was afraid of this maddening hunger turning feral becoming a thing that is not itself this need to feed and that has grown like a tumor it has become twisted and shaped and warped and this thing has been enriched with magical life like the ritual you saw brees doing where he tried to feed on the sorceress energies this guardian has has glutted on that sort of energy draining magic wherever it could go i forgot he did that with like all things there is there is still there is there is a a tactical mind there is a warrior a peerless warrior you know a great fighter who fought not just in the wars for a roast but the spirit that fought here is a spirit that had fought for millennia past you know this this great warrior and that's where that source of fear comes from knowing that this warrior was so strong that it had overcome so many battles to simply fade away was terrifying and that's when you feel this other hand where you have got this spirit by one hand you feel this red calloused clawed just being gripping the other end of the spirit you can't see it you can't hear it but you know it's there and it is immensely powerful i need you to make a charisma saving throw please sentry oh okay oh no no no no no all right my charisma is plus 12. what yeah it's going although i did get a 16 so that was a bad roll so the rest of you as your grip for century i'll come to the rest of you actually in a minute century as you're gripping the spirit and you you can feel the spirit you can see that there's still something there a lot of it's been destroyed being killed but there's something there maybe if you can save what remains inside the prime matrix they can heal they can know peace and they can be reborn they could be re-educated and given a second chance maybe and you try and pull it into the matrix and then you begin to see in the formless golden void of the the spirit world of the prime matrix this figure begins to take shape almost in the twisted form of the guardian that you're trying to save this red humanoid head with just this grin there's no eyes no nose it's just like a blank shaped head but with this enormous widespread toothy more i see you and it opens its mouth wider and wider and it begins to swallow you and it's beginning to like clamp onto the rest of you to the rest of you century's holding onto this shard and the shard glows bright red and all of like centuries vines and like parts of her arm you begin to see like this red infection like a virus spreading through her her eyes kind of begin to flash the matrix begins to flash and century just collapses like convulsing on the ground as this thing is beginning to spread um what are the four of you do knock that overhand immediately make a strength check as soon as you touch this thing racking pain spreads through your body like it's like your blood is on fire when you touch this thing and it's fused into her hand like century is gripping it with an an unnatural straight strength it's just straight straight 20 plus strength 25 for all the negatives okay you managed to get two hands on it your blood feels like it's gonna burn out of your body like you are in intense agony and pain you manage to get two hands on it and grip it and you're pulling it away and you can see now that it's not century holding it this shard has like embedded these crystal-like vines into century's own you've pulled it free but these vines are still connected but it's taking all your strength failure to like pull it away from from her hand leaving these kind of um tendrils exposed century in your mind i need you like right now you're almost engulfed in darkness and red and you begin to see visions you see this kind of sprawling space like crimson jagged crystal formations forms almost like a hollow like you're inside of a great geode but these aren't crystals it's bone covered with gore and it's covered with shards of cysts all shaped in this deep red crimson and they're covered in mouths just everywhere you look you see these like toothy moors on the walls on the stalagtites on the stalagmites all around you and at the center of it all you see this almost sprawling palace the palace is carved it crafted from blood red rock and it's shaped into a giant screaming mouth and in the center of it all is a throne a throne made of teeth and bones and that humanoid shape just this this formless androgynous limbs too long no eyes no features no muscle your definition just red energy but with this huge mouth is just sat in it uh can you make another charisma saving throw for me please oh come on come on [Music] ah seven plus twelve [Music] your mind begins to become overwhelmed you you fears you begin to imagine all of century's worst possible fears you feel parts of yourself like you can feel things like memories being eaten away from you can feel beliefs being eaten away from you you can feel your very essence like everything that makes you sensory is being consumed by this thing you are unprotected like in this space you realize this thing it can do whatever it wants this is its space its realm you are its porn you are its puppet you can only hope that it gives you enough mercy to let you live or just be consumed by it and you almost lose for a moment uh quill lucius nova ayla is pulling this thing away from her hand but it's taking everything ayla has to just rip this thing as far as he can but there's these tendrils these thick crystalline tendrils what do you guys do get the tendrils get them get them quick hang on way back when uh when century was going feral i had the wand of guardian recovery i want to use that on sentry uh and or allow you to use a reaction to roll your saving throw again against not a feral saving throw the wand has absolutely no effect on this this is the power of hada this is not anything to do with century game feral century can't go feral this is century's being attacked by hadar right now oh but it says allow a guardian to use a reaction against a sailing throw ah against going feral yeah things yeah different things i'm gonna throw that away i will also call out to cut the tendrils i'm gonna try and save her from the inside uh and i'm going to touch sentry's matrix knowing that i have a connection with it yeah lucius has done this before you reach out lucious you place your hands on the prime matrix and you feel that connection of magic that you've you've had before this this primal magic within you that you've sensed in all of the guardians that you've encountered before and you try and focus your mind you feel you've seen visions when you did this before you would have visions of that guardian's life this is different you're not seeing the past you're seeing what's happening to century now as you kind of reach out but it's like you're seeing it through this kind of red glass you're almost like banging on it and you can see century just stood in this middle of this place and you begin to see that same space that domain that she was in these crystalline red mouths forming this cavern this throne this temple built around this thing and you you can you can't see it but you can feel this ancient powerful god-like thing and it is eating century you bang on the glass what like what's the plan here like what do you want to do i was like you've you've entered this space like you can you've got this connection but you're on like you're like it's like you're on the outside like of watching this happen i've got an eighth level here yeah what do you want to use it with i think i might try and smash my way in in the most powerful way that i know and that is prismatic spray well this is a kind of perfect spell i think because this is color magic this is lucious's magic yeah so i'm gonna try that uh at eighth level yeah you don't need to worry about casting the damage and stuff of the spell the red the red it's blocking other light you have that magic to create color to bend light you focus the spell and just this column this this cone of magic erupts your eyes begin to you've had this before the others don't see it you don't see it but to us the audience we see lucius's eyes where they're blue and orange we begin to see kind of like fractures of other colors they begin to shift almost like prisms as we see other shades reds purple black you know we see all the different kind of shades of color beginning to come in this column blasts against the glass just all sorts of energy cold radiant fire necrotic and it begins to crack and break but as soon as it does it smashes inwards and you feel this overwhelming strength just kind of billow over you and the same thing as century you begin to feel your very essence being consumed immediately as you're exposed to this place that you've broken your way into that you forced your way into this god-like realm everything that is lucious you almost feel it being pulled out of you you see this humanoid figure you see hadar this humanoid shape with this eternal mouth that has consumed gods and worlds and universes and is consumed civilizations and you are next nova um so can i see physically like tendrils reaching out to centuries imagine like from her hand ayla's pulled this this shard away and there are these like thick kind of like vines but they're made of crystal and they've like embedded into century's hand and then you can see this infection beginning to spread all up her arm almost one entire arm is covered now i i don't know if this would work um i think it's down to dm's discretion i have this idea where i want to cast arcane gate and create a portal that cuts between century and the tendrils and then yeah either side so basically it almost blocks between it but i don't know if that's it's down to you really um i'm gonna put the text in roll 20 so you can read it no don't worry about the text i know the smell i know arcane game it's stuff like this i'm the wording of the spell it doesn't matter the intent here is that you are going to use your your your portal magic let's call it that like this idea that nova can create holes in space to try and cut the vines by separating their literal fabric of reality from each other an ambitious plan nova vega this will require all of our available power we will need you to support us in this matter there is no question do it you bring tiangong up high and almost cut like the the space that you want to create and you see this kind of blue black tear forming like a portal when it reaches the crystal vines they begin to kind of almost splinter but they're resisting like they're trying to fend off the tear in the fabric of reality itself tiangong glows blue as bright as it can and you begin to feel yourself nova like literally on your feet wavering can you make a con save for me please [Music] okay uh 17 18 19 20. you just meant you just by the way dc 20 managed to keep your like keep your um awareness like you managed to keep your uh con you meant to keep conscious as tiangong sucks every amount of magical power it can out of you and you watch as these rock these red vines are cut entwined by the portal the other side of the portal just these fragments of of of crystal vines part as soon as that's cut lucious and century you feel yourselves that whole thing that you've seen just disappears in an instant and you are awake back in the material world um ayla the chunk goes flying out of your hands as you are thrown backwards as soon as the vines are separated it just evaporates as soon as it becomes exposed to air as soon as those vines aren't connected to century it just i think century centuries laying on the ground right i think after that sentry would roll on her side curl up on a ball and she would cry like [Music] i don't think she's has she cried but she would she would be sobbing as if like yeah like you've never heard just yeah big chesty sobs yeah uh and just exhausted i think at the moment yes just staring upwards yeah all of you except quill um because ayla this was this was like a you've never had a test of strength like that before it was like fighting the strongest thing you can imagine like trying to pull that that gem away took every like your muscles are just on fire nova like you feel like you're going to pass out from tiangong just taking everything it could lucious and century obviously experience this incredibly you know mind-shattering horrific thing quell you're just looking at your friends and they are they are out you know uh yeah i'm also just snapping this wand in half um the uh so the vines on her arm they've also dissolved and disappeared away right yes all of that red material is beginning to kind of burn and evaporate and and disappear very much like the kind of wounds on ayla and the the the matrixes themselves when they begin to dissolve returning century centuries army's going back to normal ayla would probably just crawl over to her pick up the arm and like be examining it making sure every last spot of red leaves sentry's arm sure damn you saw him didn't you you saw him yeah yeah thank you i i it was awful [Music] thank you i i don't know what i was expecting stupid centuries it's not stupid you did save that spirit [Music] confusion i know that did it i feel it yeah i said i saved him [Music] you did what you had to that's what i nearly killed all of you every single one i nearly lost them thank you thanks saving a guardian who just beat our asses is the most sentry thing i think i've ever heard of so you know good for you century you're the leader back that's why you're their leader [Music] i can't we can't let them win we can't let them keep taking and taking it's not fair no one deserves this [Music] well we know what our next step is city of glass immediately as soon as possible do you want me to find out where this this this this i'm not going to call him by his dumb new name do we want to find out where brees is yes please okay i'd like to mother's name i'd like to scry on breeze overlord veracito please okay i have to make a saving throw i believe for scrying do i not uh you do so uh because i've met him well i've met brees you are familiar with the target i would say okay so minus five because i'm familiar i don't have any possessions from him i don't believe um or anything like that but uh it's a wisdom 21 with a minus five to their role minus five kind of wish i had uh overlord rasta's stats ready to go but i'll make a good guess at what his house wise i'm gonna roll this one to myself i'm not gonna show you guys this one oh okay food so the store and this is through the storm i yes uh it is we see quill your vision turns cloudy as it does we see the crack of lightning like before the mist is isn't it is not as clear as it has been before but the spell still functions it's just growing you're not trying to see the past or the future you are trying to view the present and that it seems the eye can do no problem you focus in and you see uh it's difficult because it's only a certain area around him yeah you don't recognize breeze to the guardian that you had seen before instead you see this nine foot tall skeletal very much like these dominators were red matrix red eyes now sort of six of them kind of all placed around the head a crown almost like these curved horns like a crown shaping up a giant staff in one hand sat i think you would recognize it's some sort of airship clearly on some sort of airship but around him you see maybe a dozen more of those dominators that you just fought right against all different types but you see about a dozen of them all kneeling as if to a king uh and you just he just seems to look around soon we will have many brothers and sisters to add to our new glorious empire my lord hadar has informed me that some of our brothers and sisters have failed in their task but a blow has been delivered to the pretender to the false prime we will have victory my brothers we will rule over the barren worlds left by our mighty lord and we will conquer again and again until all is left but rock and iron and i see you little spy yeah oh good just kicked so much ass holy an airship uh surrounded by more of these uh well guardians um he's building an army and he's calling hughes a false prime sentry we need to get to the city of glass as soon as we can that goes without saying um but he's on an airship probably headed there now there will be him to it to not to play out everything but a patrol of gods you know this is all taken a couple of minutes at best you know you guys have uh have arrived super this battle and then even the scene like everything with century has maybe taken two minutes um guards eventually arrive uh they do recognize you you they nobody's gonna suspect you they interview the people in the houses who all claim that yeah you were attacked and you fought off these horrible creatures that used you know poison gas and all of this kind of stuff [Music] the gods seem completely dumbfounded at how these these guys got into the city nobody seems to know how um but yeah they they help they'll dispose of the the bodies if they if you want them to or they ask you if they well they probably ask century like what do you want us to do like we don't really know what to do with these these bodies uh are they they're dangerous material it's best you dispose of them no one can get to them we'll have them destroyed sentinel prime well we'll speak with the mages in the citadel and i'm sure they can find a way to dispose of them thoroughly uh do we have i storm chase is my apologies we do have some medics with some minor healing capabilities but i honestly think that they'll pale in comparison to to your own um if you do want us we we can have uh medics here but i'd almost rather see to the citizenry make sure that there are no injuries or that we almost want to check to make sure that these people haven't hurt anyone else we don't know if they just attacked you or if they've done anything else in the city there's no need to all take care of ourselves thank you for the offer though i just might be sure everyone in the air is safe yes we will make sure you're likely a personal attack just for reference they were looking for us specifically we'll still have a look through see if there are any reports of missing people or any injuries or battles elsewhere but make sure that um you check in with with commander rain uh make sure that uh if we do find anything we'll let we'll let commander ray know and then they can pass it along to you um go back we can have you do you want an escort back to the citadel no no we'll make my way back oh good luck storm chasers thank you for dealing with these i from the looks of your own injuries i don't think any of the horizon guards would have been much use against these these foes i wouldn't say that well we know our limits uh mr el alasto we can fight soldiers sure these things and against people like you we know our limits they just kind of half half salute not in like a you're a military person but like a gesture of sort of like hey we respect you kind of thing um and then they'll leave you to it okay and leave you guys to head back to the citadel for a long rest i would assume as they go nova's like can someone carry me when they're out of sight i can't feel my legs yeah i'm just just going to get my legs [Laughter] you lay on hands as i'm trying to get on ayla's back and you give me like a little boostie on her back there we go i'll give you guys a 20 each oh nice lovely there we go thank you again everest yeah okay sit down yeah well long rest you guys make it back there are no no further incidents um i think valor will obviously be very concerned we'll go cover that if there's any conversations you want to have there but other than that uh that seems like a pretty great place to take a little five-minute break e and then we'll come back yep tell uh get to get this city moving it's great to see your glass yes that will definitely be happening um yeah i will i will say that probably when you get back uh rain or somebody an aide will tell you that uh in the morning danica will be making a proclamation to the city and then she will begin transporting the city to giselle in the morning um awesome also don't touch it yeah i mean do touch the red stuff because hey save money you did the most paladin thing you could which is i know that this is an obvious danger i have to try and save this this person even though they tried to kill me incredible powered in play good job but also cool though in it cool yeah through yeah description forever yeah it's easy that's very much what this you know uh i mean i saw him at a very great distance through the storm eye but i think i saw him before i don't think that's back yeah i would i would also say that anything that quill and nova saw pales in comparison to what lucious oh yeah like i don't think you guys are like knowledgeable enough about the planes but maybe if you talk to nova and nova make some checks she might be able to glean some insight into what you guys specifically saw but yeah it was uh a big deal um yeah well definitely connection direct connection we're in the nope plane yeah close that far realm's not a place mortals want to go generally uh pretty bad um and that was in you ugh father's day is just around the corner and nothing says i love you dad more than a world-class trimmer for his own natural 20s you heard that right the lawnmower 3.0 from manscaped is the best body hair trimmer on the market manscaped offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels and you can get 20 off and free shipping by going to manscaped.com and using code high rollers have you ever seen a nose bush sticking out of your dad's nose well included in this new package is the weed whacker ear and nose hair trimmer which is waterproof and uses a 9 000 rpm motor powered 360 degree rotary dual blade system that's 20 off with free shipping at manscape.com with code high rollers and don't forget to show your dad some love this father's day with his own little body trimmer isn't that just a wonderful gift from manscaped it's me your boy reading some donations but before i do that i just wanted to say a big thank you to our patreon which is still ongoing still getting early access to episodes uh figured i'd let you know that we've uh used some of your support to uh get everyone some extra light so if i look a little bit nicer today mics and lights well the mics we mentioned last time but uh yeah with this time we got some new lights everything is getting better um and we've got some ideas of future things we want to just make the show better for everybody involved and it's all thanks to patreon um what more worms no uh so these are donations from last week because we never had a chance to read them so they might be a little bit out of date but they'll be in relation to the first few rounds of combat from the last episode we had a quarter hundo from by gang phoenix and they say clear skies from arizona started watching high rollers a year ago and finally leaving vod squad to join the live hive uh what a bad episode to do so power cut uh question can we get some car decals added to the shop maybe uh i'd love to advertise uh y'all while cruising the desert thanks and much love to y'all uh maybe maybe uh we had a half hundo wow from crispy uh and that was no message thank you very much crispy and another half hundo from sarah marna uh and sarri's hub hubby uh we want to thank honky konky crispy and everyone else for their generosity kindness and love this community has been uh such a godsend this is uh such a small way to say how much everyone is appreciated we are extremely grateful well there you go uh honky konky crispy and everyone else uh from sarah manner and thank you very much sarah manner and hubby uh x-star x with a quarter hundo hi rollers i've been watching lightfall uh anderos uh for almost two years now uh i finally caught up welcome unfortunately i won't be able to hang live for a bit since i have work but i'll enjoy vod squad for now uh love you all lot a lot and thank you thank you very much x-star ghost in progress with a half-hundo oh my god that's big numbers going on here heyo i've been on vod squad for like two months i'm so happy to be back now take my money you beautiful peeps thank you very much and welcome back ghost in progress uh oh man bro thank you for your donation ollie uh has donated 30 dues and they say uh hi just wanted to say thank you for keeping me sane i have a level mocks soon and it's somewhat stressful and watching and listening to you guys helps make it all less painful uh you guys are great thanks to everything you do believe in you ollie you can do it king rogue pantaloons as donated with thanks guys so much for being an inspiration to me and my games been watching since episode 3 of lightfall anyway uh on to tom's tantalizing tongue twisters the sixth sixth chic six sheep sick the six six six no uh thank you rogue pantaloons uh that norwegian guy um sorry for the cruel you're okay joke last week tom it's okay i just did it for the uh did it for the emotions from everyone else i knew i knew you had my back um you took it like a champ i'm an eternal vod guy because of my own campaign so can't watch live i hope you all have had an amazing session and great evening thank you very much and uh there's still a few uh donations from last week that i still need to get through but they will have to be at the end of the episode uh thank you very much i'll be back in a sec see you um so did tommy read out anything from the from nope mod room there you go yes with the nope there's nope okay clearly a note let me scroll on down uh there's a bunch of ones from last week that we didn't get to because of the issues um so last week we had lots of gifty subs from jaylee5397.d miller uh 1841 ghost in progress crispy zonwick sarah manner mark's left nut rain moon zero zero one and s mitchell 86 thank you very much we had bits from trumphole anacosta uh ola renve did a dono on yoggs uh no message um thank you very much that was all last week uh that we didn't read out thank you very much uh this week door club sports being wolfie near a shed uh narash i never know how to pronounce it hi danny ken an anonymous thank you very much trump all inflatable cat uh height as 420 um and super punk 86 thank you very much for your bits as well you were the guys uh you guys are the best thank you so much for the wonderful content thank you very much ola renve uh with a no message over on yogs with a donor as well thank you very much um and a raid from the lovely zoev on yogs for us thank you very much um that's it oh boy hey how how we feeling how are we feeling ree you got biscuits you got you you're right come on with some comfort snacks got some shorts yeah shortbread keep that energy up um how's everyone else doing trot you know what i couldn't handle that emotional moment without without my favorite digital tool set d and d beyond thank you uh i wouldn't have thought to use prismatic spray but it was so easily accessible it's just right there it's just in the spell list and i knew exactly how many spell slots i had left that weren't scrawled out and pencil and rubbed over multiple times on a paper sheet uh so thank you gross indeed beyond check it out um sweet [Music] you look like you're just you're you're just having a moment well i have this thing where like when i when i like tear up like i was getting a bit emotional because rhee was was emotion so i was getting a bit emotional but what happens is like it puts eye makeup in my eye and then that triggers a bigger reaction because i'm a bit allergic to my eye makeup so it's half me crying from emotion and half me crying from like ow this really hurts like i have something quite painful in my eye wash it all off yeah makeup's dumb i need to start wearing makeup to these streams like i'm just crying don't cry i'm allergic to every stream don't cry yeah just don't cry just don't cry if i could turn that part off of me and be chris trot i would you don't want to do this no i don't want this okay did you think you know i got you down to 20 hp and i was like oh you thought that was that's that was the real danger nah now it's now it's the bit after that's the scary bit so i'm not feeling well in general today so that was like right my brain curiosity if i'd failed my con save what would have happened yeah you'll never know would would certainly didn't happen it happens there's no point thinking about it right tommy we all good yep all good [Music] stalbane nova and had our century let's do it living the dream [Laughter] you know that was in the evening so by the time you guys get back and have a long rest it is a brand new day uh in the citadel um things seem to be things are busy in the citadel of the reborn um there are soldiers running to and fo seem to be carrying lots of messages um things are happening although you don't you're not in the chain of command so you don't exactly know what's going on uh vala having kind of uh checked on you last night but seeing you all being exhausted and things uh didn't probe too deeply um she just seems to have been spending the evening you can see that like the main desk in your uh little study that you have like this kind of like apartment that you've been given in the cita these barracks um the main desk has been covered with lots of books um that have been taken from somewhere um she has all sorts of diagrams and like parchments where she's writing notes and things like that and she seems to be working on something um maximilian uh has uh doesn't seem to has refused like a bed and has basically put like some things on the floor to sleep uh by the desk um and that is just you know but he hasn't been eating he doesn't he seems to be sort of not refusing to eat but he's not properly eating or anything like that and looks kind of a bit worn out and disheveled um and yeah vala sort of when she when you do all eventually come to if there's any particular characters that want to sort of just not emerge for a while i do say um but valor will check in with you all when uh when you all do appear all right so lucious is just like nope not coming out today i think lucious had some nightmares um without getting too harrowing he's had a lot of bad stuff and this is just adding to that pile of things uh the emptiness and the seeing sentry almost get consumed um just another thing to add to the list of horrible stuff it's interesting because you say seeing century almost get consumed i mean lucius was it was the same as soon as lucious broke through that glass and like entered into that space it was the same but i'm guessing lucious folk is yeah more concerned with like seeing century right like it seems to be that he cares more about that was the immediate concern but yeah there was that that wave of power right that just overwhelmed as soon as he smashed the glass into that plane um it would also tie in i think i think obviously this is talking meta right now and if you guys know exactly what lucius is thinking but there you can tell us for the audience i think there's a level of the idea of hada that seems on a very base level to lucious that is an option okay yeah only because it's like the fight has been so hard yeah giving up is easy right nothingness is what's left you know yeah it is something that he shuts down immediately but yeah sure i imagine that's something that hadar could fester upon well i mean there's no direct connection but that thought's there for lucious now and you know maybe there will be other things that fuel it or feed it or whatever but i leave that in your you're capable role playing hands chris trot um if you want to let that thought fester but also lucious has been in a surprising a surprising amount of marriage especially when it comes to the dark uh maybe we should just coat you in something you know so that is you know when you get that fingernail stuff that you choose yeah stop biting your nails yeah yeah nothing can stop me um biting my nails so apart from lucious uh anybody else who emerges valor sort of gives you a moment it's like i didn't want to ask but i mean there was something different when you came back last night i i've heard some of the guards talking about you you're fighting some guardians but i didn't feel like that would be enough to affect you the way that it did is is everything all right i think century would be like pottering around like in the kitchen like cleaning trying to like keep busy doing anything yeah just like oh it's everything's fine everything's okay we're just ah you squeak squeak squeak squeeze get clean um i'm like whispering this so everyone like like century like well obviously lucious can't hear it like it it's uh it's it's delicate um and i think we need the time to um figure out exactly what happened back there um yeah of course but just if you do if any of you if there's anything i can do to help just say i'm sorry i wasn't there to help you valor you kind of actually did help us um i i i did something that was inspired by you i i i don't know how i i just it it came to me you know and and i i just copied you to the best i could and it it helped well that's a comforting thought considering how much i've well so much of everything i've been learning i i just remember basing it off things that i saw all of you do or thought of what you might do and things like that or things that just come naturally but um if there's anything i can do to help just say i i danica still won't let max and i really wander about but she's been kind enough to give me a lot of books and things to work through on the the uh titans and the issue there i'm not sure how much good it's going to be doing i think it's going to be something i need to explore more with magic but um it's still good to know okay uh i mean i i i feel like i'm i feel like i'm still treating you like a child please just interrupt me whenever if i'm if if i i'm treating you like you're just too young to deal with these things clearly you're not you're you've grown so much in a surprisingly short time frame yeah it's it's weird it's it's it's because it's you would think that i would still feel young because it hasn't been that much time but there's something the way that the magic's working i feel not that i've got new memories but like it's like my mind's older there's something to do with the way that this magic is affecting me here something as my power is growing it's like i'm becoming someone else maybe that doesn't make sense but i don't know it's hard to explain either way i'm still you're wrong on me i'm just not little think of it that way yeah well yeah you're older than me so uh i guess that's true that's true if you have any questions or and you deserve all the answers it's just figuring out how to explain it really i think out of all of us i think my answers will come in time i think that as my power's growing and as as we help ciasca i think that she's going to have a lot of the answers to my questions okay uh well as long as yeah as long as you're being made as comfortable as you can be here so you can focus on these things guide us in the right directions that's uh the best we can do i think i hope yes wow and she just sort of nods um she looks over at mac in max's direction then looks back at you quill and sort of again whispers under a breath like i'm worried about him he's not eating he's he i don't know how to help him he he treats me too differently to everyone else i mean we've tried getting him onside we've tried speaking i don't know i don't know what i can do to help him i don't know what we can do i i i don't want to put the responsibility on your shoulders but i don't either he's he's to me with me he's like he acts so subservient if i tell him to eat he'll eat i don't want to have to constantly be telling him just to do these basic things it's like he's just given up on himself he's just trying to be a tool now that's all he wants to be ah uh still uh think about it um if you can i will century as yes would you like a coffee what would you like anything uh i would love one laundry okay no no laundry needed i just you're you're okay right yes i'm quite all right yes goddamn unmoving face that was convincing very convincing no convincing needed i don't know what you mean by that so coffee yes anyone else questions that you would make you feel better if we all had coffee right now yes okay we'll all have coffee yep incredible yes lovely okay i'll get on that starts making coffee just making a lot of noise just just take the coffee yeah okay just take the coffee okay uh i mean does lucious ever make an appearance or is this like uh he'll come out eventually he's not eventually like a step just like an hour or hour or so late takes that time discard the character he's never coming out of his room now i'm done i'm done for the day wait me when we get to city he won't necessarily understand the party and that he's going to worry them too much if he stays in bed for too long so he'll keep up appearances and come out looking fine looking fresh uh makes sense jimmy's best yeah i think at some point in the morning sorry if she overhears them talking about max not eating she might just grab a bit of food go over to him and just hold it out and just stare at him he just kind of looks up um his bags under his eyes he looks a bit tired he's just like i'm fine thank you how are you going to protect her if you can't protect yourself you're going to be too weak i'm not too weak i have eaten what i need i don't need you to tell me how to do my job because your job is looking after vala and i care about her so please eat something [Music] he doesn't take the food but he he doesn't object if you like place it near him or like next to him or anything like that he just sort of continues like looking in valor's direction and if you want to talk max remember not me and then i'll walk away yeah just sort of watch as you go kind of cast like an eye at you raises an eyebrow like is this some sort of trick is this some sort of game to make me talk to you um i won't play it and then just goes back to sort of being gloomy um as he does at some point during the morning uh rain comes and finds you um kind of very smartly dressed knocks on the door stormchasers danica has requested your presence she is going to make a speech to the city and then we're going to get things underway very well oh thanks okay come with me she'd like you to be there uh and rain will kind of snap to military uniform press breastplate on uh and will lead you uh to that balcony that she was at before where she looks out onto horizon um and when you arrive and look down you can see the streets are like they are filled from tears all the way down people are out and you can see looking up you can see various uh mages are replicating like down into the streets they are conjuring illusions of danica that rep basically like um mirroring what she's doing and speaking um so they're like conjuring these images like relaying it between each other uh to kind of pass the message down creating like these platforms um when you arrive onto the balcony uh danica nods and smiles um stormchasers i heard uh about some sort of conflict in the streets last night i'm so sorry that you had to deal with that but for a moment i just need you i need you to look as as as powerful and as strong as you can do i need to speak with the people and let them know you're not putting us in front of all of those people are you yes i need to see you stand outside oh i didn't get laundry done i only asked for coffee this morning they won't be able to see you that detailed from up here they just need to see your present i cast in large she looks up at super big century and she's like excellent choice sentinel prime and she just smiles like very good idea um thank you [Music] and she just gestures forward and then she stands and she's wearing like much more regal wear this time you've seen danica kind of wearing more casual um clothes when she comes to speak with you very dressing like very down like almost like in like sweater pants and stuff like that like she kind of just hangs out in like a row like a not like a dressing gown but she just dresses very casually around you but here it's like full golden sort of collar mantle long flaming dress her dress has got the um same glamour weave that lucious has but this one creates like rolling flames coming off of her shoulders and down her dress um her hair has been styled to be like long waves um and her eyes are actually you can see are glowing they're almost glowing red um and she moves up to the balcony and the whole city just begins to cheer for her as soon as she appears you become aware that this city loves danica they they look up to her immensely um and she looks down good people of horizon you have no doubt heard the proclamation by callous starbain and by now you know my stance on his offer of peace champions of arrows she's just just two of you have shown me proof that his beliefs are not just misguided but will bring about a greater doom than can be imagined when kallus was defeated and our city was set free into the winds it was fear and desperation that drove the high elves mad and turned them against their people they had sworn to protect they made deals with beings they did not understand and we paid the price in blood i will not decide my future or yours because of i am because i am afraid or because i am desperate callous thinks us a city to be conquered let him meet the same fate as those who have tried to conquer us before we will not go quietly on currents or paths set for us we are horizon we are the future we are the dawn we are the dusk i will light a new future for us and it begins today as we blaze a trail into the unknown with all the fury of a flame launch the horizon engine and she steps back and this magical voice is projected amongst the city [Music] all citizens horizon is preparing to activate sky city engines proceed to civilian shelters or militia posts immediately you begin to hear like a murmur and things like that around and then on this great platform that overlooks the city of horizon these golden discs set into the floor kind of spin open like irises and these two great sort of control orbs emerge out um danica places one hand into one one hand into the other and then she ignites like an inferno the magical flame just erupts from her and it begins channeling down into these columns you begin to hear the rumbling of stone when you look the great docks that the airships are normally attached to begin to split apart with golden cogs and gears and these great kind of brass cylinders begin to emerge from either side of them hundreds of them along one side flame begins to erupt from them and for the first time horizon deviates from the course it's on and begins to push in a new direction the citizens are just they're cheering they're like screaming they don't know what's going on guards are like gesturing to them many of them are rushing and putting on militia uniforms and things like that as they begin to rush to posts uh in position and horizon is now on its way hell yeah oh my god oh that's so cool holy crap hell yeah oh you've got an airship that's cute try it try it yeah oh my final fantasy 8 fantasies coming to life here oh yeah big big balum garden uh energy uh for anybody who's watching at home big macross energy as well is very much a big influence here um rain comes over uh whilst now whilst danica is busy i'll be coordinating efforts our cartographers um and aracoco messengers believe it will take us about three days to reach giselle uh based on some calculations this is horizon's first flight we are not sure if it's going to go exactly as we planned we have magitek engineers we have uh enchanters working non-stop to monitor the sky city engines we estimate about three days until we arrive near giselle we will be sending out forward scouts with some of our airships our smaller lighter airships horizon is not quite as fast as some of the fastest vessels um we'll be using those to scout out the situation once we arrive we will be able to let you know until then the city will remain on high alert we will keep civilians in shelters uh militias will be trained uh to use all sorts of weapons uh we have the the turrets and city defenses prepared um but we would ask that you be a part of all of this that you are on hand if we if we need you but uh obviously you are still free to go about the city as you wish of course happy to help brother yeah i mean we need to figure out well three days time uh give or take uh we need to figure out what our actual plan of attack is how do we get into the city of glass how do we get everything out um that's what i think that we need the scouts to analyze we know that just the senzian commonwealth the current ruling power of of giselle they are infamous for their ship rights they have many airships under their command we already believe that they are blockading uh their their territory with these airships but if they see the city of glass as a tactical objective they may send more to it if they don't we may be able to bring horizon close enough to send you down in a transport skiff you may be able to do whatever you need to do and then either evacuate the guardians here or go about however we need to if you have any ideas i'm welcome to hear them helek oh well not not just yet almost exactly what you just said was my idea um but yeah we just need more information um the forward scouts well as an oracle of of hesper if you can lend us any magical aid in this it would be appreciated the sooner we know the sooner we can prepare yeah um anyone else anyone uh plans for the next three days yes um one thing that we probably need uh for two of us is some anti-scrying magic or anti-detection magic um i did receive we've begun making preparations to have your quarters awarded uh but this does take some time in terms of individual protections there may be some independent traders in the city that may sell scrolls or things like that of of spells that protect you but i'm afraid in terms of the city's resources we can ward your your quarters but i'm afraid anything else is a little beyond us [Music] well it's a start try in with some of the independent merchants that's all i can offer you at this time the dale girl company have many stores here there may be independent scribes and things like that or more individuals i know that there are magical relics that can protect individuals from scrying in the like or mind reading but also there are spells perhaps stocking up on scrolls that can be cast or or if uh kilik can prepare them or perhaps any of you who have magical knowledge you may be able to learn these spells i don't know thank you for your suggestions yes of course uh is there anything else anything else that i can help with or any queries or questions that you have just keep an eye out for guardians on ships yes i've looked into it i was up most of the night the only thing we can the only thing we suspect is do you know if any of these guardians that detect you did any of them show any ability to cast spells do you know [Music] i believe kayla's too dumb to know she just know things hurt i believe not i believe that magic is innate so i don't i don't think they can cast spells particularly that puts out my theory we've not had reports of guardians i've gone through the logs of all of the docs there is no report of guardians entering the city only leaving it under this this apparent message to head to the city of glass they all left uh several weeks before the summit or weeks before the summit um the only theory i had was that perhaps they used magic to disguise themselves to enter the city but if that's not the case then either they the only other thing i can think of is if a small airship were to avoid detection and reach the under uh part of the city and these guardians were brave enough they could have climbed up through the rock face but a single mistake would have sent them plummeting to the earth uh to the ground so uh it's the only thing i can think of there are waste there are waste ports and things like that where the cities uh we dump the city's waste as it accumulates in our sewer system and things like that but uh yeah they seem like they're willing to try anything that could make sense i've dispatched guards to be patrol uh the the ports and the sewer systems and things like that to make sure that we do not have any more unwelcome guests i've also made sure that our doc dock workers have at least one person on shift who can see through magical disguises and invisibility and the like normally we only check for invisible creatures but for magical disguises i will make sure that we have somebody checking for those as well it's not not very common so we weren't checking it up until now i can help provide an aerial patrol if you'd need it anything you can do to assist at this point um any any help that any of you can offer whether helping our training our troops whether it's patrolling whether it's uh magical in nature whatever it is it would all be appreciated do some training with them it would be very welcome um perhaps miss ayla i will find some of our more reckless troops for you to train i feel that i would prefer to have most of the guards still very disciplined in combat but there are a few individuals that perhaps a strike force could be put aside it works for me it does you are unnaturally strong and tough however but i will find some of uh potential recruits to send your way very well well if there's nothing else my friends i will leave you to it uh okay uh yeah i think discuss plans figure out where we need to be um and when all right oh oh i have this overseas as a just as a little point of um housekeeping um during that last long rest um i'm actually gonna swap out my messenger ring for that helm of teleportation that we picked up from the sarkiris simulacrum um so bye bye super cool yeah headband um is it is a helm of teleportation yeah it's just it's a cool circlet of teleportation instead not a goofy looking helmet like the dr is um so this means only century lucius and ayla have messenger rings at this point um i guess the question is do you guys want to lose those and because nova has a bunch of other magic items you you might have some magic items that you've been avoiding attuning to if you're gonna if two of you are out of the messenger rings it might be only really beneficial for maybe like lucious and like npcs to have them or like you know if you wanted to like you know only have a couple of you using them or i don't know have a think have a think yeah i've got a ring of evasion and a ring of free action as well that can go to someone yeah feel free to just look those up um if you're on the stats like the basics is ring of free action is you can't be paralyzed you can't be restrained um difficult terrain doesn't slow you down i think it's pretty good might be very good for century or ayla because it means you can't be paralyzed and that's like a big weakness for melee characters ring of evasion yeah quite might be lucious um anything it's basically a the ring of evasion is three charges when you make a dexterity saving throw you can spend a charge to basically have the benefits of the evasion ability so if you succeed the save you take no damage if you fail the save you take half damage um and that's three charges regains charges daily i believe um oh i'm going to keep my messenger ring for now okay um cool cool cool all right anyone for anything else no i haven't even got my message yeah the the what was the other one the free reaction i did have that before it was pretty good for yeah for me to be honest okay i've take i've taken it off my inventory so if you want to put it on yours sweet cool cool cup okay so sweet sweet plan we need a plan we need to figure out how we fly this entire city over well it is doing it anyway but once we get to gisella they're going to see a giant sky city heading their way potentially towards their barricade of airships if i were them i'd call that a declaration of war if i were them how do we deal with that how do we get through the barricade if there is one and how do we get into the city of glass i wonder if we can do similar to what we did on the twin um the twin star when we came back um do you remember when we basically made it invisible danica is a very powerful uh magic caster so maybe we could build a bigger system mark yes let you get away with it for an astral ship once yeah it let a girl dream let a girl dream nova lives and you know she dreams big you try you can try this game i'm trying to think we have three days and twin star city um it took a lot of our power to get that twin star to be invisible so i'm gonna pin that one i'll put a pin in that one just hold that to the side what's your idea quill what's your idea i don't know um maybe we'll just turn all of a rose invisible starbain can't invade any invisible planet can invade the invisible planet excellent technically technically it was invisible until we screwed that up it was invisible for a little bit yeah yeah what if we use the city as a fraction what if horizon itself averts your cell's gaze and then we sneak in change the goals there's a lot of people up here that i don't want to die though i mean that's the thing we want us to be the target not a lot of people in these houses so if we're gonna make the city a distraction then we have to make sure that the people on the city can definitely defend it without us but what if it's more of a long drawn-out diplomacy distraction so it's a kind of hovering looking threatening but we do diplomacy while we sneak in uh hell i've come to bargain yeah exactly yeah i mean would giselle have the military strength to be able to a control its entire border and b potentially stop an incoming city that's looking threatening in the distance maybe if the if horizon is nearby but not directly at the city of glass that would avert a lot of the airships and troops to that area just in case the horizon does march forward it won't we know that obviously but it would take them away potentially from the city of glass i think it does give us an opening i think it's up i'm just gonna keep on muted for that one i'd like to think that that's just valor in the background just crunching just yeah distraction method utilizing horizon in the best way we know how it's what it's capable of that's what it's built for um and we go in and try and save as many as we can [Music] though we need a method of getting them out yeah and there's only so many i can like there's only so many i can transport with the the wayfinder's guide we could utilize our storm chaser to get some more we would have to convene with gust haven to get it back and catch up it could cost us some time as a reminder um the stormchaser is heading to horizon it's not staying aggressive okay cool um it's no it's moved yeah it's going along hey um yeah right to go to the city of glass because thalia is also coming back with a storm chaser cool okay in which case yeah that is the the plan that lucious puts forward aside we could use the stormchaser get more on board and get them to a horizon yeah and use it to get ahead of horizon and covertly enter the city of glass okay that's uh that's evacuation plans um moving them all to horizon i suppose um what about the uh you know the lord veracetor problem um probably headed that way almost definitely how do we deal with that when that comes up either we intercept with our airship on theirs there's no doubt that's where they're heading for right now they could already be ahead of us by a day or two we don't know that could have been a distraction in fact on horizon so didn't didn't the dominators say though when they first spoke to century that they wanted to take her somewhere did i make that up did i hit my head have you created law they wanted the prime matrix yeah they wanted the matrix the false prime matrix according to them no no you're just a false prime prime matrix is legit but you're false you're the problem wrong housing unit yeah wrong battery and wrong device i got the eye two more times uh so i can find out i mean it makes more sense to use it in three days um i i imagine to find out exactly where it feels weird calling him breeze you're writing over but lord varane please yeah all right no i'm not giving him that title you could just call him veracito big v sure the big v head i think that works better suit some more yeah find out exactly where is in three days um they finally took my name suggestions yes i was wondering i was gonna say you've called you've called so many people in our adventures so far it it might be a bit because head it doesn't really matter though isn't it it's just they're all so current it's the current one here it's always the current one you know see i'm not thinking about the other right now i'm thinking about that particular head all right okay well in that case i don't most recent and most pressing head um i can find out where he is in three days excellent maybe even find out if moving the city elsewhere will free up the city of glass or us it's worth a try uh but where are we putting horizon i guess actually we don't really know much about gisella beyond the city of glass and then the rest of it the rest of it you did there is um the capital well not the capital but one of its major trading cities imxeng you actually went there in session zero is where you went yeah yeah i'm sure is heavily mountainous so the the big bulk of the the scent the continent is a huge mountain range that just covers basically the center of the entire continent um the senzenzin commonwealth is built into like mountain cities that just are connected by you know roads dug through the mountains themselves um and they all have airship towers they all have ship shipyards they that's what they do is they build their ships and they trade um on the via airships and things like that they also have lots of like metal and gold and gems because of this mountain range that they they have um uh primarily goliaths humans and dwarves um in the sansian commonwealth is the chief make up the races there lots of guys very strong warriors very good builders they they the goliath shipbuilders are known for making very resilient ships um that's kind of their whole thing is they're very tough okay we're figuring out a place to put the city so everyone can see it everyone in in giselle can see it and just be like oh what's that yeah i mean you bring it you bring it to like the main coast and start heading it towards places like amexan people will know it's there you'll see it they'll be able to like look up and be like the is that um yeah also do we have an idea of how long it will take our ship to get say if if we said here's a point where we're gonna be in like a day and you get there then we can dock and horizon while it's moving we can get on to it yeah in theory you could try and have the you think that the stormchaser if it leaves gusthaven it should be able to meet with you in about two days so like a day before you're supposed to arrive and just sell it could in theory like coil would know this being a messenger and knowing the maps and the wind charts and things like that and be like well if gus tavern was here and we're here uh that's you know rough mental calculation it would take around two days if the weather is fair if it's bad weather then it means that the storm chaser might be delayed okay that's what we chase that's what it's for um so i think that could be the plan storm chaser docks with us before we get to giselle we before we get to giselle leave so that we can split off horizon then uh gets all spooky off in the coast and to be like in the distance um everyone gets all freaked out in giselle move all their troops we then nip into the city of glass save the world kill veracito and and that's my plan basically imagine all of that but i said that in character that's my plan the in whole invisible arowas thing that was a joke at least until the scouts come back with any information maybe then we can just double check that it still checks out with that yeah absolutely okay we'll adapt if there's anything you want to do uh you know things you want to try and buy or things you want to do um there are two things that that do there are a couple of things that happen that you probably don't want to happen um oh in fact actually because of the storm chaser if you want to meet them i'm going to roll to see their weather conditions um whether the weather is fairer okay all right well i'm gonna look that up in a minute um there's a couple of things uh in the two days leading up to this point where this kind of break point we'll call it like where you're going to have stormchaser arrive and then you're going to decide your plans when the scout ships can tell you what's going on um nova your parents who are still on horizon and under sort of like semi not quite house arrest but kind of under protected watch um want to have a big dinner and they're like you're going to come and have dinner and you should bring your friends um at some point we ship them off to gustavo you ship them to gusthaven you did i forgot about that to the delete that one live with the prince so i'd really like that but no i'm hungry yeah they're living out with them prince aradan you're correct i had forgotten i had forgotten that moment in that case that's fine we scratched that off they're safe and gustaven don't have to worry about them i can take them off my casualties uh random table that's exactly why thank you arvel who is still in horizon basically is like the guards or like probably rain will find you at some point on like the the first day um and be like um sometimes i i have a mr aval dagus he has left the civilian shelters and has demanded to come and speak with you um he says that he he was waiting to hear back on some mission you were going on um let him in all right well we will bring him up and then you can confirm it's who you believe it is want to make sure that there are no more surprises uh he's not in any sort of magical disguise we don't believe him to be affected by any spells but let's just confirm that he is the individual that you believe him to be uh reign brings up arville it is arvel uh who is very sort of like get your hands off me and he's like shrugging off the guards like i'm here to speak to the storm chase um and then yeah when he sees you he's like well my goodness there you are what's go what's been going on what where where have you been how what's happened uh uh i'm i'm trying to remember between in what break did we last see you was it before we went to gust haven again was it uh before we went just roaming around i can't remember before your window she's fine she's good she's here we're fine let's just like get out of my life there was another situation that we had to tackle which is why we haven't spoken to you but ayla i don't care about that you're very busy heroes being champions varus and all that where is mala i want to see her where is she okay who are you put that sword down boy i'm in trouble with you i'm marvel digs what are you doing where is it you just he's like for goodness sake and then it's just like it can't be it [Music] are you you look you look like oh it's good to see your garage and you hear like the sounds of you know little quiet dwarven sobs and things like that coming from inside when you peek around he's just uh because val is taller than him now you know the side effect of like having you know this kind of magic slightly changing her uh she's now taller than novel but aval's just sort of like got her in a sort of big big hug and just sort of like thing max is looking very perplexed um he's still like he's holding the sword to arval's neck but he's just like so confounded but that this dwarf does not give a like ours just walked in with the blade at his throat and he's just like oh like look at you is this some sort of magic or or or am i just am i going crazy i don't remember you being this big and she's just like no it's some it's magic it's magic [Music] max put the sword down he's trust me i know who he is just takes it away everyone's here everyone's here i think while this is going on i think um can century like whisper to one of the um horizon guards and then um ask for an escort and go sure go go see petal sure of course yeah the guards say like sentinel prime you don't need an escort from us if you want to go anywhere if you'd like us to go and bring someone here we're happy to do that but if you would like to go anywhere in the city you're allowed you're welcome to your champion of horizon champion over rose okay i just wasn't sure of the rules okay thank thank you and then yeah i'll quietly just go find peril yeah well is there anything you guys want to do with avalon valor like are you just going to let them sort of reconnect and do their own thing like imagery for lucious is he's just going to stand there hands clasped in front of him and just tearing up and enjoying it from the sidelines i think just letting them have their moment lovely yeah just watching it all happen uh yeah um within like a few moments arvel is like pouring over the paperwork uh and he's basically saying like oh you need a copy of uh oh there was this famous wizard i once knew and he's got written by a plumbus yeah we'll go find his he's got a bunch of books on guards and he's like he's like drafting up like oh and you need uh this parchment's no good this will this stuff will tear the pieces we'll get you the good stuff and he's like writing like a list of like stuff to go and buy and better supplies like oh this inks crap throws it away i guess you're the good stuff when he's like coming up with like a list i was buying yeah you're not you're not valor you don't get you don't get special you know you don't get dad vibe um he's like well if you want some nova i will buy you good ink if you need it too you never asked my dad gave me my dad gave me that you're just throwing it on what's on the floor now it's garbage batting get you the good stuff wow i'm going to get you the finest and the finest parchments hi lucious hi how are you doing by the way fine uh so what we should do is get you some new ink and also look for something in the market to stop us being scribed upon how about we do that yeah i was thinking that would be a good idea all right we'll leave them soon okay nice why you guys leave that to it century yeah you um uh you going back to petals shop it is closed um all of these civilians have been taken into secured shelters which are actually underground um so they're kind of like um you know like places to go like if they're a battle broke out in horizon um so heavily guarded quite thick walls and things like that and people have like little there are like little curtains uh spread out like freestanding little um dividers but you know bed rolls on the floor and things like that and yet petals cause she's a citizen of horizon is gone you know where she's been told to go which is into these places and you find her kind of helping coordinate things she's like stacking supplies and you know she's cataloging a bunch of medicinal herbs and things like that like naming off of all these plants and things like that um and she turns around and sees you and it's just like oh century i'm so sorry i didn't have time to let you know when when danica called for the um the order for citizens to take take refuge i i didn't have a way of letting you know what was going on oh no no that's okay that's okay i'm i'm sorry i haven't had time to see you recently we've been getting caught up in so much you've been doing what you're supposed to do century you're protecting everyone of course you don't need to apologize is there is something wrong do you need something or no where where are you staying around here is there is there a place i'm staying here here yes everyone shares it it's basically my little street uh your designated one of these chambers and we're all sort of in here together um quite a few of us have little herbalist shops and florists and things like that so we're trying to make sure that we've got a good cat we've got a good supply of healing herbs and things like that food and things that can be used trying to make sure we're useful really well let me help i'll i'll help you of course yes of course i'd love that and she just sort of like takes your arm and leads you over and yeah basically just goes about fussing and she it's just you know it's busy work it's like they're trying to keep themselves distracted and busy by doing useful things like stocking stuff and making sure everyone's got supplies and um maybe i think petal might have a couple of like little constructs that she's working on and things like that to you know do bits and pieces with but yeah it's just nice it's just nice pleasurable little busy work really [Music] tell me everything tell me talk to me about everything tell me stories tell me everything that you've been up to your favorite places to go what you like to eat every just everything tell me everything npc is going to make an insight check nope doesn't have a clue yeah she does she just tells you everything and just is like oh okay yeah sure talks to you about uh everything is if nothing's wrong um just tells you all about things and it's all sort of like just normal people stuff not even royalty stuff it's like a little shopkeeper in a busy city you know it's it's uh very different to the life that she would have led um had things gone differently you know she's normal really um yeah yeah accenture will quietly help and listen to everything she's saying and take everything in i i do think that peta will be like oh century you must come and meet the most wonderful person i've met they they're so they just they love plants and flowers and things and like leads you over and there's this centaur like oh my goodness it's centuries rosemary pepper would absolutely be friends like they would be like absolutely like super happy uh hippie friends together um quill uh well no nova and lucious i don't have like ever like plans for like shops and stuff in horizon fully yet in terms of trying to find anti-scrying things and there is the main thing you can really find are scrolls of non-detection there's no like rings or magic items really that will protect you from it um but you can or but there are also things like rings of spell storing so not like a you could have somebody cast non-detection in it and then you could cast it from it but if you can do that why not just have them cast it on you um but there you can definitely buy there's probably if you look around all these different shops there's probably about five scrolls of non-detection non-detection they cost about 200 gold each um how long would they last they last eight hours each but it one person how um is it is it a ritual that is just what i was gonna look up because i know you can do that yeah i was wondering if i can learn it through my book of shadows uh it is not a ritual spell i'm afraid to say okay okay um however uh uh oh no it's only knowledge domain clerics can learn it um not arcana domain clerics um but yeah so yeah you can find these scrolls uh which will protect you for some time um i mean it's yeah it's better than the other thing actually it wouldn't be another magic game it'd be another spell it'd be another scroll um but nova would know this um any spell where you you would know how scrying works scrying can observe you in sort of like a 10-foot sphere it can hear you it can see you but there are other spells that can create demiplanes or sections of a room that can't be scribed upon so obviously if you have your barracks warded they would be protected you won't be able to be scribed in there but if you were out and about and you needed to have a a private conversation um you've got spells like liamon's tiny hut can't be scribed upon while you're in it more than kindness mansion um damn like anywhere where you'll know like not in the material plane you could use that to escape being squired upon okay uh are any of those rituals uh probably not oh lehman's tiny heart might be yeah yeah tiny hut but the only problem is is obviously that is like a thing that doesn't move so once it's in place but it would be like uh we need to have a conversation let's step inside here and then we can do that yeah i'm also just checking if that actually does work the same way i would argue that it can't do yet other creatures and objects are barred from passing through its spells and other magical effects can't extend through the dome or be cast through it so yes it would protect you from it and that is a ritual it's a third level ritual tiny hut um if you search that up it just needs a small crystal bead as well so not too yeah well that if you learn it as a ritual you wouldn't necessarily need that tiangong yeah okay um well that's probably a good idea to learn in my little ritual book the other one is if you have the ability to see invisible things you would know if the sensor is nearby you would be so i do but only through only through the world of alertness and only when that's like see invisibility at will um i mean you can cast c invisibility at will you can constantly just be trusting it i can see invisibility yeah yeah every hour i could yeah there you go i i guess if we work out a combination of learning lehman's tiny heart for me and um just casting c invisibility invisibility a lot and then maybe you can also those scrolls as well yeah for eight hours you just know that that person can't be scribed upon it's kind of a good protector especially for you and lucius who you know have this much easier connection to be scribed upon that doesn't mean that callus he could still scrounge quill ayla or century it would be a harder um you know there would be they would have a greater chance at knowing that it's happening and and it not working um i think but with youtube it's definitely at least getting two of them for this mission to see your glass knowing that we can roam freely knowing that we are non-detectable um yeah well they're 200 gold each so five of them would be a thousand and then the tiny hut is 200 gold so you can easily do that yeah i've got 1200 platinum so that's 230 23 platinum is 230 gold i'll just take 1200 out of the stash yeah didn't we have like a million you've got a lot you've got like 19 yeah cool 16. that's fine then all right there you go um there you go five girls so i'll add i'll add leonard's tiny hat to my ritual list um lucius if you want to take do you want to take both of the scrolls i can do so as a note quill will have to cast the spell um for it to not be a check so you'll just need to have coil cast it okay okay well if cool takes the scroll then so five scrolls of non-detection to quill there you go and then yeah and we'll assume you know we'll basically until you're in like a combat scenario or until there's like a rush for things going on i'll just assume that you have c invisibility on basically yeah yeah easy yeah yeah i think just in terms of rp i'd love to like maybe maybe just like connect it to the goggles so like the you know i somehow tuned like the rod with the goggles and then i'm just like putting on like looking around nothing yeah okay we're good sounds good cool cool um the first incident of that by the way is on the second day um it's nothing it's not like a particular scenario uh yeah like a sensor begins following lucious oh oh oh oh lucious lucas get in the box now get in the back okay get in the box now now running now okay yep and lucious runs up and as soon as he enters the barracks the sensor disappears there was there was a thing on you there was a thing the thing they're looking they're looking at you ah there's nowhere safe i'll stay in here we're safe in here for now yeah we're good here for now okay but we could we saw it i saw it that it's working at least we know it's working true you're right uh the that is on the second day so if there's anything else on the first day you want to do do say but yeah until the second day basically you get that sensor it doesn't crop up again uh once once you in fact after that time there's never a sensor ever again as soon as like nova's like oh sensor go go now you don't get another scrying attempt like that another sensor doesn't seem to appear um because they would see they would be able to see that you were like being spied on legs yeah and you know they're going to constantly keep trying to do it but for for the next couple of days you're safe um quill yo you receive a sending spell from your mother ah oh crap i keep forgetting to message you in trouble you in trouble boy tilek long time no message have heard from your ship encountered bad weather will be delayed messenger guild passing on the message your mother goodbye it's very terse very terse message mother been busy you're embarrassing me try to get here as soon as you can love you sorry again we'll be better those guys sure um she doesn't know what cliffs goes means but uh yeah uh cool god damn it with all of them is there anything you guys want to do i'm i'm done my little list of stuff is out now the only thing i wanted to say was yeah in terms of my spell list i think yeah i think you were looking at a spell that i can't learn but i do have uh knowledge temple temple of the gods uh which takes an hour to cast uh lasts for 24 hours i basically just make a temple and also it restricts a particular type of creature from entering it and also no divination spells can appear inside the temple but it does is like a fixed place so it doesn't really help with uh being followed around and stuff but i just throw that one out there i mean it it you could literally go down into like an open plaza in horizon and be like temple of hesper emerge it is time to worship now um i am constructing this right here um but yeah maybe i could literally just have a temple just appear on the storm chaser like yep that's where my new temple of hesper is uh and also restricts just a ton of stuff it could be useful that's an um spell holy crap pretty cool pretty cool uh and also doesn't cost a lot um sure so yeah just an hour of my time all right any other sendings any other scrollings any other business if not we'll jump to basically day beginning of day three you said the storm chaser is delayed right that's right i said the message to quill is from his mother oh okay so oh i mean yeah yeah i tell everyone they're delayed they ain't gonna be here that kind yeah that does actually kind of ruin the entire plan um well at the beginning of day three wow uh rain comes to find you storm chases we have sent out some initial scouts ahead they have just returned we are maybe about 12 hours out of reaching uh the pit the the point where the city of glass is located we should discuss what the scouts have found uh this is is quite a grave matter a grave matter what have they found come rain accompanies you to a war room uh council room danica is there seemingly resting from uh preparing for this next movement of horizon um as well as a few uh officers uh people military looking people um one of them has projected an illusion onto the table which mimics a and you recognize it a section of land that um uh goes into a peninsula where you can see this this ruined city of glass this that which you know is the city of glass this kind of sweeping thing that's been broken away the forests that were outside the front of the city of glass and this very narrow sort of path valley into it and then the long stretches that lead up into the hills and mountains above it looking at it there is a fleet of about 10 airships hovering over the city of glass um there is battalions of ground forces um marching uh and encamped on the plains beneath the mountains outside the forests and the entrance into the city and you can see um there is some sort of icon which indicates more forces at the very entrance of the city of glass um and there is sort of an illusory projection of battle like between the two forces when you arrive danica's like storm chasers i'm glad that you're here we need to discuss this uh our scout ships returned this morning um they were fired upon by the sensing wealth common by the sensing commonwealth uh airships but we did manage to get most of them back and they've given us out their reports it seems that her royal highness of the commonwealth has dispatched a significant force to attack the city of glass i don't know if this is connected to your guardian sentinel prime whether this is something in the city they want or this is under the orders of kallus they have committed a military engagement here we believe that they are that these airships are supporting a ground force and they are attempting to assault the city of gaza however it would appear that there is a rebel force some sans in commonwealths some appeared to be guardians by my scouts reports fighting back guerilla tactics they've erected barricades and obstacles which is making it very hard for the ground troops to get in the airships are providing fire support but it seems that the airships are they're not firing upon the city itself it seems that they are concerned about damage to the city this means that they are providing fire support down to their ground troops but it is limited in its in its regard we need to decide what we want to do now i was not expecting a full-on engagement uh here i i thought that perhaps we may be able to send you a head in the scout vessel sneak you in and then bring horizon in for a quick pick up but this changes things do you have any questions stormchasers how many airships did you say we estimate about 10. um my scouts believe that there may be reinforcements on the way but we have a window where this is the force we would be engaging horizon has weapons we have arcane turrets and cannons built into the city walls and defenses but we don't have any ability to board airships we have no ability to engage our troops our troops are defensive they're equipped for a defensive siege battle we only have limited offensive capabilities we do have a number of smaller airships we could deploy with some weaponry but the sansian commonwealth ships they're equipped with arcane cannons their crews and their soldiers on the ground seem to be equipped with weapons that my people have never seen before i suspect these are valkyrian weapons what would it cost what if we could teleport straight in to the city of glass that would certainly help you getting into the city of glass itself there are two things i fear for that one we wouldn't be able to come and get you i don't know how we would get the the guardians there and ideally if these rebel forces are fighting against the commonwealth why see them as potential allies if possible i would like to rescue them but we would have no way of getting them back to horizon horizon will have to engage this force if we are to recover the guardians uh into the city uh otherwise we won't be able to get close enough even for even a teleportation circle is limited in how many people you can fit through it uh it would be it would be difficult to do well when did you say the uh storm chaser would be arriving on horizon is that about today just fyi like if we had three days i got that message i would have communicated that one like i just assumed that was communicated uh well the the storm chaser being delayed you got on like the second day so you've only had that news for like you know less than a few like you know 10 12 hours yeah they uh were to be here well by now um but uh i am gonna be honest i was a little bit more focused on how uh angry my mother was to listen to the entire message and get how long until they are going to be there for no okay wow we need to i feel we need to join them this rebel group of guardians i think we need to engage while like was suggested this force we understand the size of it at least right now maybe horizon can provide some aerial defenses well uh rain commander reigns please and she gestures to reign uh mr elena there are some factors we need to consider here from the scouts reports and our own calculations this force this rebel force we don't just we don't suspect they've been fighting long perhaps a few days uh before we arrived here they won't last long they're using delaying tactics they're slowing down these ground forces to keep them away from the city of glass but they won't be able to keep this up forever a concentrated push by their ground forces will overwhelm them on the other side if horizon is to engage these airships i fear that 10 is more than we can handle a choice needs to be made you are the deciding factor in either of these battles from what we've gathered there are no shall we call them high-powered individuals in either battle the airships are crewed by soldiers with unusual weaponry yes but they are normal soldiers the airships are normal airships the ground forces they have some some strange vehicles or carriages of starbain's creation but i've not seen any individuals that would pose an incredible threat if you engage one the other is likely to come under threat if you engage the airships if you can help disable some of these airships three four of them horizons should be able to defend itself against the rest that will however leave our ground forces these these rebels and the guardians in greater danger of being overrun if you engage the ground forces well horizon will be in greater danger but the ground forces are much more likely to survive very much if you have any communication with anybody on the ground this would be useful to know the exact nature of uh this herald that century wishes to reconvene with we don't none of my scouts could report on we gave them herald's description and none of them saw her in the battle we don't know where harold may be are there no allies of herois in the vicinity that can get to us quickly not in the vicinity no that we are we are on the very tip of giselle's continent even our allies in in miaskir or voxar they are days away we need to make this decision within the next 24 hours otherwise i fear that those ground forces they won't survive [Music] okay diplomatically uh this is forces of giselle fighting over territories of giselle the moment we intervene won't this have repercussions across well everywhere else danica will look forward and say my dear kilik these people have thrown thrown in their side they've thrown their flag to kallus what's already been declared it's just a matter of time whatever we do here i don't think that it will have a greater effect on the rest of the rest of roasts we know that this battle is coming kallus made his intentions very clear just this will be the bit that lights the fuse so to speak um i imagine so but if there are people down there that need saving guardians or these rebels that are fighting against kallus this is where horizon has to take a stand [Music] sentry i could try to scry on a herald and see where they are any information you can provide nova vega would be welcome anything to build onto our reports the greater understanding we have of this conflict the better uh whatever you wish to do we'll need to decide how you get there as well do you own anything of harold's did they leave anything with you no i don't i mean i'll just go with me okay i'll just call sending just speak to her yeah just ask asking basically where where she is right now what the situation is in city glass in 25 words with clear skies when you get the response key quill there is interference magical interference is messing with the message you don't quite get the full message through when you get back to something along the following which one is my correct one [Applause] uh okay um i mean you remember that the city of glass magic is kind of funky down there as well um yeah i read that out obviously as it's happening to everyone um uh okay well well okay i mean are obviously embroiled in this combat as well um so that wasn't a huge amount of information but harold is down there uh at least do you want you never want to try scrying as well yeah i'll try sky as well might as well see if i can see something harold unfortunately doesn't know who's scrolling on her so i do make the saving throw um uh so you'll be minus five because you're familiar with the target but you don't have an object so minus five to this uh that's gonna be a fail so very much like quill the sending spell having this interference you're scrying is also it's distorted like it kind of shifts and glitches when you're looking through the goggles and over it shifts and glitches it's hard to exactly see clear it's like a fuzzy lens um the audio is all sort of garbled uh you can see harold you you know that she's in the city of glass not outside in the battle but in the city and is fighting something you see her turn around you see her like using magic to fight um there's something like some sort of explosion or spell goes off nearby she's thrown to the side she bursts in like through an old wooden doorway takes cover in a refuge she calls over some some allies from another piece of cover and you see a like maybe four or five other guardians one of which is massive and has this big flail on the end of a chain and just kind of bursts through the stone wall and you just hear smash and then it just kind of looks around smashes through another wall creating an another exit out of this this area um you see a much more live warforged uh kind of very slender with these eight eyes all around its head um and it's kind of like looking around and it's got a bow and you can see firing one with a big kind of vice grip for a hand and then a giant hammer in the other kind of like looks around they've got like makeshift armor and shields on almost like a little tactical team and they're moving their way through these ruins and herald seems to be trying to find something the the the static and the interference the magical kind of chaotic nature gets more and more severe as the sky goes on and then eventually it just [Music] she's in the city she she has guardian allies but they're under attack they're i i don't know if they're on retreat or if they're on the move i i can't tell um they're looking for but she's in the city i don't know why brooke will yeah mentioned rook but i don't really understand the significance unless i'm forgetting something about rook uh what makes him so i told her to go find him [Music] i didn't i it must be pivotal i wanted to i wanted to bring tracker back that was all [Music] and now i'm we need a plan we need to figure out what to do we do i say we join the rebels we fight our way in there and we help [Music] if you jump if you join the ground battle horizon i believe that we can take these airships but we will suffer we will it will be a difficult battle but if you think that that is best then you must do what you think is is the best use of your skills and abilities i i i leave this decision in your hands you will also need to decide on a way to get down to the ground uh danica it probably is best if you discuss the limitations yes horizon i can move horizon but i have limitations i can't bring horizon down lower to the ground i can position us maybe a few thousand feet above the city of glass or above the continent but i have no way of getting us down uh to the city you could take a patrol skiff these are vulnerable to attack we also have sky sails you could try and use those to basically deploy them as soon as you are closer to the ground this will make it much harder for the enemy to attack you um and would hopefully slow your descent enabling you to properly land and join the battle on the ground that seems like a good option i could teleport us using this and i point to the circlet keep in mind nova video i'm not sure if you're familiar with the teleport spell but there is a chance that you can go off course between you and me variation can be miles we can also make our party fly that would also be suitable yeah will can fly i can fly i don't need a cast i can fly i oh all right i can fly you can't it's gotta melt i can't fly just for the record well one of us can cast fly on you not a problem [Music] yep that'll get us down there very well are you decided then you will join the ground battle and horizon will deal with the airships lucious just looks at sentry i look at everybody else you have to understand that callus and potentially a threat of other guardians from hadar are against these guardians on the ground if we don't get to them before both of those threats then we've lost them miss ayla please i am making no judgment on your decision i just want you to be aware of the situation uh i just want you to be aware of it tall just there are two forces there's another one that could potentially show up and i worry that without us they don't have much understandable understandable i think i think you're right i think we need to quell this before innocent guardians succumb to hadar and thus create a bigger threat for auroras danica nods very well we'll do our best to take out the cannons on these airships i think if we can take out their cannons target them specifically maybe try and down some of their sails that will force them to retreat ideally i want to stop them being able to fire down bombardments from their airships will be a real pain for you to deal with if we can get the airship close enough and i can join the fight personally i may be able to do something i wish there was a way that we could pilot the ship without me needing to use all of my magic to do it if we had some way of doing that i might be able to do something afraid that piloting the cities takes a considerable amount of my power but we may still be able to do something fella could someone else know where the city like fella bella is very powerful from what i know of your curious friend uh impossible uh the the city's engines aren't just built to take magic keep in mind this is not just a case of pouring magical energy it is fire it is raw fire to create propulsion to create energy to to cause force to move she would need to do something similar create not just magic but force uh if you think are capable of doing something like that it's worth it it has not been tested however i just thought of the weird gravity cobalt uh they're sick i think he's on gustaven he's having a chill time no i can pick anyone up zupinzu pound my book uh true i think he'll be able to do it for some reason um val is more powerful and capable than even we know it's worth investigating what she is capable of very well bring her i we will send for her and see what we can do uh but i would not no this would be a gamble whether it works or not i'm uncertain [Music] why don't we test something before we get there my fear for that is if we disable the engines in this test we won't even reach the city of glass it would take us hours to repair any damage i fear it is almost better to go with our even though it may be flawed or may have weaknesses go as we currently intend once we arrive into the battle if your friend is capable of keeping doing what is needed then so be it i will reserve some of my power the closer we get all right all right well if you have your own methods of transport down to the ground i suggest you head to one of the docking platforms on the uh make you ready to make your descent this you will be entering a battle here this battle is already underway airships have clear firing lines down to the ground you may even take some fire on your way down so be prepared good luck storm chasers good luck teach everyone how to fly real quick good luck everyone actually they're going to be faster than me and with that i'm going to end today's episode of high rollers d d and get ready for next week battle of the city of the glass yeah it's time to halo jump those guys in that gel layer psp [Laughter] yeah basically st yeah uh sky city drop squad awesome cool fantastic we're really good at dropping right yeah you're pretty good at flooring century's greatly falling so good i have i've got a feather full token just in case i fall off so i would suggest you have a think about feather fall tokens because remember they activate basically as soon as you start falling and they go very slowly afterwards you don't want to be like a thousand feet in the air just like now it is eight o'clock i don't know if anyone is on right now but it's probably best if we close off on youtube before we get into any conversations so if you want to continue the conversation go on to high on so otherwise please enjoy yeah if you're on yoggs enjoy passion pearls say hi to uh pet and boba we're gonna head over to high rollers d d to just do the final chat and read out donations and stuff all right thanks everybody bye yogis where we uh promised we'd talk about lucius being inside century um [Music] yeah that's the after dark this this like the one no no no no no no no no no that's besides i'm pretty sure there's probably already art of lucious inside prince aradan so you know there's some nice bathtub there's some very nice bathtub out of it yes i did see anyway one episode lucious is my fault oh my god yeah you did you did encourage it you did uh fight went one way and then everything after that fight boy howdy that was the spicy bit um you know one of those things as a dm there are things you you're like well if they do this i guess i could do a cool thing with this but they'll probably be all right century's got a really high charisma save bonus it'll just be a cool moment didn't do anything but it's rhiannon rolling fail um i was like plus 12 i'll be fine not a problem turns out very big yeah wow super cool like it's like i said to you like such a great paladin century thing to do and then also it gave us a super cool moment of like those moments of the team coming together to do stuff oh it's literally my favorite stuff my favorite um epic speech and then sky city flying about super cool kicking the crap out of the remaining dominators like holy crap um [Laughter] amazing amazing amazing amazing well fantastic stuff tommy boy hello uh quite a few because i still need to finish uh the donations from last episode so i will uh probably do some speed running dirty tooth hole has donated with hi uh still re-watching lightfall and i needed to remind mark how much of a chad derm it was also can you imagine marie and dusk city outlaws with the hat films crew oh my god the chaos would be beautiful you've played uh dust city outlaws haven't you ready or at least i think we played spectaculars which was very similar they really played spectaculars with us i'm sure there was one speed run dork lord with a quarter hundred that's what you're thinking of rerun uh dog lord with a quarter i have once again escaped the depths of the vod squad welcome uh sounds like breeze or overlord veracital now needs another whacking you guys are loads of fun and really brighten up my sunday so keep doing what you do you glorious people clear skies thank you very much fantipotier uh i've read that one wrong with dollarrydews hello have been lurking for longer than i dare to admit uh in vod squad something like episode 22 of lightfall and watched everything since uh very happy to have been with the stream today um to share the joys and passion for d d with so many like-minded is magic yes indeed it is we had a couple of uh donations from shire thank you very much tristan waterman donated with hale i can't watch live because i'm still not caught up but today's my birthday that was a week ago happy birthday for last week happy birthday happy birthday i want to give you guys some love mark you're an absolute inspiration as a dm and everyone is such amazing players thank you for everything you do thank you very much happy birthday again honky kong has donated uh mark you are once again banned from the digital dice they were better this week uh they were much better this week it was fun no these these are still last week uh dirty two hole is donated with wow crit roll is finished and i'm only 20 episodes behind it doesn't feel even close to being done yet wait a minute squint suspiciously at high rollers uh mere kitty with a quarter hundo uh once again can't watch tonight but i am uh as i i'm on track for a promotion great uh thought i'd share a bit extra today um looking forward to watching the vlog when i came out thank you very much the herb has donated thank you very much delinedan these are from chaos twins skip ahead skip ahead skip ahead uh varys donated with no message thank you very much um wait no these are cursed straws now um here we go rock cube donated with unfortunately i missed the window for the adorable quill plushie because of an unexpectedly awesome set of dates however i know in my heart that quill will be my wingman even without a plushie uh roll high on that heat resist because oh lord it's coming uh yeah maya dj has donated these are from today by the way um hello and clear skies long time watcher first time donator i graduated high school last week so i thought i would send some love to you guys for being a big part and helping me get through it keep at it much love congratulations congrats um darrow then it was vod goblin today but thank you for being such a consistent source of positivity i had to go to psych treatment last week and the first thing i watched when i got home was strad something familiar and comforting helped helped me transition back home more easily awesome great sweet um natalie hawthorne update time they killed two krakens on the sea and then mama cracking in her lair and then killed more children before deciding to adopt one of the orphans after leaving only it alive also our drought druid fell in love with zarial oh my god zariel's pretty great incredible i'd i'd fall in love with zarel me and ria like simp symphosis yes um johnny irons i really really hope that's your real name because that's awesome johnny iron johnny hail been watching since episode 20 of lightfall but finally got a job where i can afford to donate and hoping to add some high rollers dies to my collection soon last year's been rough but i do enjoy the weekly streams they do wonders for morale thank you very much brian indigo has donated with bird boy and buddies bashing bots who blaspheme for blaze and the big bad [Music] please thx csv 2015 thank you for your donation ghost in progress with a quarter hundo don't get me wrong i love the intense character-driven rp but damn that was stressful uh mr altissimo with a quarter hundo hail hope you have been well texas has gone from freezing to frying now hopefully we can decide on one or the other just start a campaign in cursive stride with my group time to see what chaos will happen let's see varys uh thank you for your donation with no message that norwegian guy not to backseat dm i'm gonna give mark inspiration for epic descriptions love it nice that took a turn i like i like that that's a whole lot yeah yeah that's a whole nother whole yeah it's that inspiration though we don't need that snake grant has donated with clear skies from delaware because every u.s donor has tom uh stating the state in it uh tom healed and has been playing support like an absolute god finally uh the character progression in this show is so good it's almost unrealistic uh i'm doing it i'm doing it you guys i promise i think we meet someone talking about this i think he's become a better he since tom's like well i don't have garbage healing spells now so yeah i like healing now he likes numbers masculine it's the best thing heal is also insanely powerful it's just early on like a level one cure wounds great i've healed you for one percent of your health uh okay cool i don't have to make the same savings because i've got unconscious no it's not because every spell and every weapon does more damage than a heel no it doesn't a long sword does d8 plus x damage 1 d8 plus 8 healing all right it's exactly the same all right we're going to be here till 10 o'clock cure wounds 1d8 plus the same the same level spell knocking ball keep going right because monsters have more hit points in general that's why player spells deal more damageless monsters can do guiding ball if something guiding bolts us it's 4d6 i'm just like oh i'll just won the eight plus six this like that's not going to heal the amount of damage i've just said such a pleb i'm just saying saying that it spells the same level of healing yeah more powerful than the heel itself spells that's possible yeah but that's but so dolphus has donated with oi i'm back b a riddle for u give them the d don't take the l none better than i i'm a real g phonetically pronounced ache i'm better than t yeah pump that in your little dirty noise holes your nasties hope your day goes swimmingly cheers mates i've got no i do next one hey guys just wanted to share some love as i've recently been binging your vods i've had a really year but you guys have helped a lot lately especially with my mental health issues um and i will share the rest of your there's three donations in total for a total of fifteen dollar reduced i will share the rest of the story thank you with the guys thank you very much for your donation happy to have helped as well through it all uh x-star x with a quarter hundo hi again rollers i donated for the first time last week but there were a few technical difficulties either way just want to say thanks for the many months of entertainment you guys are amazing i'll be able to catch up more live sessions so i'll talk to you later talk to you later awesome uh thank you 41 donation no message thank you very much fail those were stressful and traumatizing three hours and my quill plushie isn't even here yet to be aggressively cuddled truly a tragedy but hey lovell valor reunion that was nice fingers crossed valor flying a city that'd be extremely cool uh crispy with a half hundo yet again um yet another amazing but stressful episode brilliant imagery and wonderful gameplay thanks to all for another week of such stellar entertainment thank you very much chris thank you very much very kind thanks chris uh area of chaos i never get to donate but i felt like i should uh to apologize for the throwing my quill plushie down some stairs to make a funny video it was very funny it was very good it was really good love you guys thanks for everything you do all right i've thrown mine down as well and yeah not flying toy jellybean key uh also donated with uh had to get a cover test today which is sucky but this stream always helps uh also even through exhaustion and bad covert symptoms mark still made me tear up with his you saved the soul you mark i'm weak and you took advantage of it [Laughter] i'm really happy that my awesome friend reed did a cool thing with a player character that's not smug that's like i'm really happy for a player doing a cool thing if i did it it would be smart it's like when like kim like you've all done you've all done stuff where i've had that like you did like when you did the mending tiangong thing with nova i was like i'm already weak this is weakening these even more we also had some gifted subs after the break from crispy gifting more subs good god uh aj i casey and some bits as well from boondoggle and uh and this donation has just come through as well purebullfit who donates with first time here i just want to see more high production rp project out there great job to each of you thank you thanks thank you very much thank you and that is da lot i believe amazing as the kids say they say da lot do you ever cool well thank you very much they're great or good thank you very much everybody uh we will be back uh on tuesday with some chaos quads uh playing dark alliance um so that's gonna be on tuesday eight till late on high rollers d and d hopefully back on thursday for curtis gerard um which if you've not watched yet that's going to be wrapping up i think as well i don't think we've got too many sessions of that left um and then back on sunday for the battle of the city of glass i just want to see what he does next no he's not he's just gone oh no he's in our houses there we go we'll be back then until then take care we love you play d d we'll see you next time
Channel: High Rollers DnD
Views: 50,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high rollers, high roller dnd, dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, 5e, wizards, wizards of the coast, mark hulmes, yogscast kim, yogscast, trott, hat films, chris trott, tom hazell, katie morrison, trailer, channel, youtube, twitch, stream, aerois, lightfall, campaign, rhi, rhi gower, rhiannon gower, kim richards
Id: OLtIhtzcxQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 57sec (11457 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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