Dodge & Burn FAST with 'Lines' in Photoshop!

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hi there this is sunrish from pixel perfect i hope you're doing fantastic and if you are the 14 of the audience most of you already know what contouring and highlighting is you don't even have to watch this explanation and i don't recommend it because i know i'm gonna mess it up but for the rest of the 86 i got you guys contouring and highlighting is simply burning and dodging in real life that's just what it is look at this diagram by aesthetica and aesthetica if you're watching this you guys need to sponsor me anyway contouring is applying darker shades to create shadows and highlighting is applying lighter shades to create guess what highlights and then of course these shades are blended a combination of contouring and highlighting allows you to sculpt the face and create the illusion of angles and dimension now what if you could refer these diagrams and create highlights and shadows just this way in photoshop and apply a blend wouldn't it be the easiest and super fast way to apply torch and burn maybe let's find out and i'm excited to share this technique with you so without any further ado let's get started [Music] back in the magical world of photoshop and if you want to go ahead and download this for and follow along or refer this diagram check the links in the description by the way this is not the only diagram you can refer there are lots and lots of styles keep in mind makeup is an art and that's why they're called makeup artists so as an artist there can be lots of styles i'm going to share with you a very simple method you can customize it your way you have all the freedom to do that so first of all let's create the burn layer and for that click on the adjustment layer icon and then choose curves now simply create a point in the middle and take it down like really really down now let's name this layer burn all right select the mask and then press ctrl or command i to invert it now before we start painting let's also create the dodge layer and for that as well you guessed it right we're going to create another curves adjustment layer create a point in the middle and this time what will we do we'll take it up like really really up let's name it dodge again select the mask and press ctrl or command i now it's time for showdown take a hard round brush so take the brush tool and make sure it is a hard round brush and it does not have pressure by the way there is no restriction you can paint with a brush with the pressure it is absolutely up to you we are doing it this way to keep it simple let's start with dodge make sure the mask of the dodge layer is selected opacity and flow at 100 blend mode normal make sure it's not at overlay otherwise it won't paint and let's first start highlighting the cheekbones let's do the same on the other side now she doesn't have dark circles otherwise we would have added a line just like this but we don't need it now if you refer this diagram we have highlights on the forehead over the nose over the lips as well and right here on the chin and along the sides a little bit so let's start with the forehead then on the nose and by the way if you want to learn how to create an absolute straight line just dab once hold the shift key dab on the other end let's do it for the upper lip and the chin now again if you go back to that diagram have a look there's a brighter shade just below the cheekbones so we need to do that anything else left i don't think so so let's do it right here similarly on the other side and you know what you're the artist you don't have to confirm to the rules of the diagrams so i think that maybe we can add a little highlight on the eyelids just a drop now it is time for us to do some contouring in other words burn so let's select the burn mask with white as the foreground color let's contour the cheekbones right here let's do it on the other side as well and if you're having difficulties drawing a smooth line just increase the smoothing right there and then do it take a look how easy it becomes let us decrease the smoothing because we might need to rapidly paint so here we might need some darkness similarly here as well at the top there is hair there's the shadow of the hair so we don't need to do anything at the top just like this but the sides are fine and here as well a little bit of darkness now if you want you can add darkness in the neck as well and how can we forget we need to make the nose stand out if you look at the diagram again have a look there's darkness added around the nose so we'll slightly do it so let's bring it from right here other side as well and then let's add some underneath the nose too and there we have it ready ready for the climax all we need to do now is just apply the blend so first of all let's blend the highlighting and then the contouring so with the highlighting mask selected or in other words the dodge mask selected open up the properties if you cannot see it go to window and then make sure properties is checked or you can double click on it and then slowly and gradually keep on increasing the feather zoom in a little bit see how it's blending so nicely we're going to keep it at about 60 pixels for now we can increase or decrease it later but for now let's keep it at 60. similarly let's go to the burn properties and increase the feather here as well 60 seems fantastic here too take a look at the difference so here is the before and here is the after look at the glam that we have added now some of you might say mish this looks trash and you're probably right because there are a couple of essential steps remaining first of all if you feel that the blend is not enough you can keep on increasing the blending and as soon as you do the burn starts looking right that's one of the things you can do but if you want more dimension and if you want to keep the edges and the angles of the burn here's another thing that you can do let's keep it at 60 for now and then you want to make sure that you don't darken the areas which are too bright or brighten the areas which are too dark and for that we can take the help of you already know it blend if so double click on the right hand side of the dodge layer and take it slightly away from the dark areas by taking the slide off the underlying layer from left to right but only half so hold the alt k the option key click on the slider to break it apart and take it away from dark areas see now it's becoming more and more natural we're going to keep it at this number hit okay similarly let's do the same for burn double click on the right hand side of the layer and take it away from the bright areas hold the alt option key click on the slider to break it apart and take it away from the bright areas i think this works hit okay and as soon as you apply that take a look at the difference now on top of that you can increase the blending slightly so from 60i view let's keep it at 72 and then you can group both of them so select the first one hold the controller command select the second one press ctrl or command g and decrease the overall opacity and slowly and gradually increase it only to the value that you like so we're going to keep it at about 60 percent and take a look at the overall difference so here's the before here is the after absolutely makes the face pop one more essential tip if the dodging and burning is leaking slightly outside the face because of the blending or the feathering that we had added you can do this once you create a group create a mask of that group and simply mask it out so take the brush black as the foreground color we had darkened the ear accidentally due to blending so we can take it away from that first of all let's choose again a soft round brush and then just paint with black right there similarly on the other side make sure smoothing is back to zero and remove it simple there you go that's how to easily dodge and burn with lines in photoshop let's do a quick little recap first of all you create a curves adjustment layer and take it real down then you create a curves adjustment layer and take it really up and then invert the masks of both then take a hard round brush and draw in the highlighting and contouring lines and after that simply blend it open up the mask properties and just increase the feather as much as you like so in this case we chose 60 and for the burning we chose 72 and it looks perfect after that sometimes you might accidentally darken areas that are too bright or bright in areas that are too dark and to protect you from that you can apply a little bit of blend if on both then of course you can make a group and decrease the opacity and if the dodging and burning leaks outside the face in a way that you don't want it to just simply mask it out from the group and that's a super fast way to dodge and burn i decreased the opacity even more and now it looks perfect so here's the before and here is the after now since you stayed this long i just wanted to take the time to thank you and just to thank you you don't have to do all of this process you can just download an action and this is your secret link to your special little gift it's nothing big it's just a simple action but i wanted to give you something so all you need to do now is to just go to window actions load the action using this link and this is what you see after you load it in photoshop just select it play it it will create the dodge and burn layer for you so it will do the curves adjustment and just create the layer invert it for you and also select the brush tool for you all you need to do is to start drawing those lines and blend it so it just saves the step thank you so much for watching this video i hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep fixing perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for your time i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] true [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 387,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dodge and burn photoshop, contour face, contouring and highlighting, photoshop action, portrait retouching, make portrait pop, curves, adjustment layer, masking, feather, adobe, photoshop, tutorial, makeup, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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