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[Music] hey so mate it'll still go will it it started again it'll start again yeah but what what the issue is now until the computer resets we've got um if we come to details here in mid low range yep until the computer resets itself it won't select low range mate i think the technology has come that far that it's all fully automatic hey didn't you have alternator problems before yeah and that is a design fault it hangs too low actually that's something that's worth noting they um the 200 has gone back to a stronger front dip it hasn't got that white mate little pumpkin thing with the they probably heard the cracking from japan see how the old is going they're the newest go bring it on oh this is exciting stuff it looks like serious business and then once you're through the run you just go go like we stole it five four three two one go free [Music] [Applause] this is going to be hell today i can't wait it's awesome just as the track dries out it starts raining again welcome to victoria [Music] oh yes without four wheel drives nothing happens in this country because it's so big and it's so wild and here at the murray one power station you really get to see it in its fullness see these generators there's 10 of them each one of them produces enough power to power 95 000 homes and this whole snowy mountain scheme and this is just one of seven generating plants was built by four-wheel drives so leslie thief saw how the land rovers were struggling and the old jeeps and the dodge power wagons and so he bought out the first toyotas in 1957 and from that point on toyota changed australia changed four wheel drives changed it's interesting isn't it that the biggest green scheme in the country the scheme that irrigates half of australia that provides so much power was all built off the back of four wheel drives i find that fascinating especially now when they're trying to keep us out but here we are to see what's changed since that day as far as four-wheel drives go we've got toyota's latest and we've got toyota's oldest and we've got a couple of patrols that span some of that time frame too let's take them out and see if the modern four-wheel drives are just as capable in the bush as the old ones used to be we start our journey at the murray one power station just outside of can coven and from there we're heading over to the roofton hotel to catch up with a few mates woz has got a bunch of tracks along the way that'll really sort these vehicles out they're up there in front i'm somewhere behind that's the easiest way to get around the high country anyway if you're a queenslander it's beautiful country though especially this time of year you know the 15 minutes when it's not raining in victoria and believe me it has been raining down here they've actually had higher snowfalls and higher rainfalls over the four or five months before we got here than they have had in over a decade by crikey we're talking some potential serious sludge leading the way on this trip we've got wazza who's navigating for big l in the mighty mighty maverick short wheelbase tim's along in his gu patrol tim's a victorian and a big time high country driver really good to know he's there glenn bought the roo systems 200 along all the power in the world let's see how he goes don's in the tjm prado since our cape trip donnie's had the prado roos systems up so it's got bigger berries steve who hasn't had any four-wheel drive experience before has got the hardest job of the lot he's driving the high lux with the gic extreme ranger on the back and i'm there with milo and jack the dog guys this is the lake buffalo dam wall we're going to go over here now it does get a little bit serious uh on the other side of this damn wall so i think the plan is that uh milo and uh and big allen me and the gq will go first there was a there is a lot of water around what's the go the goal is that uh this is where uh men and men and uh and men in new cars are not because this is where it all starts to get uh pretty serious it's maybe your only time to turn around what do we got here was what's happening well mate this is a uh this is an old victorian favorite and this is classic sort of mud clay kind of just pea soup kind of stuff you're gonna have a lot of fun i'm just sitting here looking at all the mud splattered up the tree next to me actually it's definitely a pretty hardcore thing and uh here is uh and on the board all right mate talking about trying again let's see how far we get here we go [Music] [Music] oh we'll keep all fours on the ground let's see how the all-terrains handle this one [Music] okay here we go [Music] oh straight into the sludge gotta love victoria but instant sludge [Music] all brains are slipping their little arsenal wow that was interesting that was just four wheels spinning all the way all the way this might sound good that's not good [Music] donny mate what did you come up there in mate i came up in second low and did it easy with plenty of berries in reserve it was terrific that's good it looked good very good they sounded good mate the chip and the exhaust that you put in it mate has made all the difference that wasn't barry's mate that was like grapefruit it's insane they're not supposed to do that you know oh and up to date it hasn't been doing it but right now well i've got a chance at some of these power hills well kyle let's go before we get some fat head okay back off and into it again alan wasn't got the map all rolled up milo's coming up gloves behind we're all over the shop on these slippery tracks go go go go go go go oh nice work buddy there you go [Music] [Music] this brings back memories oh these washouts are sloppy all the way through this trip we kept running into trail bike riders awesome stuff they're out having the same sort of fun we're having getting through a whole lot quicker of course i think we might almost go a little bit backwards here tim came up in the patrol pretty easy you'd kind of expect that he's an experienced high country guy [Music] well just like a drive in the country on these tyres my initial thoughts were a bit of panic because uh with a camber trailer on the back you don't want to slide backwards uh john sort of gave me a bit of advice there and all it is i've seen it happen before you know like you start slipping backwards and then it's uncontrollable and all of a sudden you've got a really bad trailer we thought it was best to unhook the camper trailer in case i jack knife behind it and flip the highlights on the roof got a very good lsd in that right so come around low too get it right up here get your passenger right up here and just go as far as driving in this sort of country goes you've got to be quick on the wheel you need lots of power lots of momentum we're lucky we've got the coopers lots of spin on the wheel to keep you away from the trees [Music] as ruthie explained to me there's only a thin layer of mud on top of the actual surface we may look like cowboys screaming up there but there was a method to the madness [Music] this is the sort of country where if you haven't got decent rubber you're gonna know about it nothing makes up for a good set of mud tires when it gets like this boy am i glad i got the coopers on part of sticking big l up the front was that he had the biggest tyres with a lot of us which meant he could clear some of that slop off the track make it easier for us that's the theory but on this particular section boy we all over the place i'd love to tell you where we were but hey my old truck doesn't have a mapping system or a gps or any of those other fancy things it's got a whole lot of berries sometimes when you're sliding around backwards and all over the place the best thing you can do is just get the truck on the other side of the track or at least get it moving sideways backwards or something as long as there's a bit of movement you've got a chance that sooner or later the tires will grab and you'll go forward that's kind of what i was relying on i can tell you the method's pretty easy get a slop off the track get the truck up the track lots of mumbo lots of action on the wheels this is not the time to be frightened of going from lock to lock on the steering no way go go go go go into it traction control is working jesus is sloppy see what i mean sloppy donnie really sharpened up his off-roading techniques on our cake trip he's really got the hang of it now and with 30 extra power he's loving it go john watch the tree mate what's the tree good on ya [Applause] you're up my last good nice drive donnie you'd be punching the sky with that one man i was absolutely elated and i think i also congratulated glenn haddon when he got there behind me how good was donny's run that was sensational okay i've got a similar problem maybe a little bit worse with them white ties they're they're only 50 i've lowered them down second gear low range we'll see what happens the first glance of it was slippery wet 40-45 degree incline bad enough to steve had to leave the camper behind it was just locked a lot a bit of speedway style mate but adrenaline rush mate during the drive imagine 4000 rpm from v8 twin turbo dudes there's nothing better you hear the roar you're stepping sideways you're going like this she's coming she's coming up here we go 200 man it just kept going and going and going and it was just being on ice i thought there was no way in the world we were going to actually make it i saw al and ruthie struggle but to their credit they flicked all the top blue stuff off for us and i just gave him the berries i had no other alternative just getting to the top was like mission accomplished it was a great feeling actually i think this is the day of the late model cars we're clear at the top we're all ready i'm not first time four-wheel driving did you come around that corner i'm out with mega experts absolutely anxious um there was no control over the vehicle you just basically had to try and keep it in a straight line i didn't i didn't come back as much as a few of the other guys i think i took a better line through the initial corner uh still viewed way right and hit that embankment but the hilux just powered up through it was no problem there whatsoever i was thinking that they're going to be winching me up that hill unless i just put the pedal to the middle and hope for glory there's only a thin layer of mud on top of the actual surface so as each vehicle went through they sort of they cleared the way for me i was i think i was four or five vehicles back i had no experience going into four-wheel driving so if i can do it anyone can do it but always have someone experience with you don't get out there alone don't try and do it alone always go with another vehicle and hopefully someone that's experienced what they do because you are going to get into trouble undoubtedly and you need some experience there to get you out of it getting to the top of that hill after that climb i was exhilarated i was breathing like i'd just run a marathon and i felt like redmond hillary after he hit everest [Music] spaceless the more vehicles that went up the better the track got by the time tim who was coming up the back got his turn he was roaring up there things had stiffened up somewhat i'm not going to admit it was the gu [Music] wow we all made it to the top which was amazing but it was mostly because of two factors okay the first is down the bottom we went to 12 psi as soon as we saw what was happening with big al in the pig man we dropped him and so did he and that's what got us up there 12 psi the second factor as you can see is that in those sort of conditions you've got this slippery layer of really soft stuff on the top and unlike a whole lot of other four-wheel driving situations as each vehicle goes over the track actually got better more and more traction talk about good fun all right can't stop now we've got more fun to do come on guys it's time to rock and roll i mean i i go back and i look at people like len bedell for example and he cut all those roads through the outback with with you know very very limited equipment and one of the things he had was a land rover and the plural land he really really did a hard job but it was it was instrumental in breaking through um the snowy mountains as i said going right back with the land crews the land cruiser in those early days was instrumental in getting people around on the snowy mountain scheme so it really it really did establish itself as a vehicle that could take people anywhere in this country and i think ever since those early days we've been trying as hard as we can to get to just about any point in this country as best we can and people have succeeded you can drive along the blacktop in a normal car you can drive along the blacktop in a four-wheel drive but to get off and see the real scenery the real beautiful australia you need that four-wheel life four drives are the access the access that we need to show our kids exactly exactly what australia's about it's so beautiful there's so much to see get out there in a four-wheel drive so next morning there we are at the bottom of britannica which wasn't described as reasonably technical what he should have said was reasonably technical with a whole lot of mud on top of it mind you big al took the conventional approach and blasted straight up through the intro the problem was down the bottom of this track there was a couple of huge ruts sometime in the days before something with really big tyres had dug it up so i decided to try a technical approach with milo and look what happened [Music] over she goes with all the grace of fat kevi falling off a bastard i'm sitting inside i'm not worried the guys are outside jack the dog though well not happy at all tim's got the winch on but you note that he's got it under the chassis there's nothing wrong with the sidebars andrew's tjm sidebars would have handled it no problems at all but i wanted it direct onto the chassis just to roll it back that little bit slower thanks to all that tjm side protection there wasn't any damage anyway not even the root systems exhaust got bent second time round take the easy route ruthie no problem straight up there how was that is that pretty good that was good that was one for the team that's called falling over that was cool that's cool why didn't anyone else take the left-hand track you know what that's the first time ever milo's fallen on the side come very close before lots of times first time ever victorian high country and it's wet tyres are down and it's that dog you know he's got such a big fat ass when he shifted from one side to the other the truck fell over [Music] should have followed big l the first time okay boys having seen how it went tom tried the right hand track straight into the ruts and straight away good on you mate you can see his traction control cutting in and out on this hill too it was a real technical drive um wheel placement very critical diff placement articulation finding the traction in the tracks you really had to have your mind on the job otherwise man you're going backwards [Music] for that traction control doing its job here and once again by the time tim kicked off he'd watched everybody else go through and he's got this stuff nailed that gu that's a weapon i don't know about the maverick though it's got to be possibly the best truck on this trip i'd reckon maybe even a little bit better than the green truck but hey i can say that it's a good thing that maverick blends problems traction but as usual he just gets around it with more mumbo and a lot of action on the wheel this is that traction control tick tick tick tick tick [Music] in conditions like this there's not a lot you can do other than follow the ruts and if the ruts have been made by something with bigger tyres and suspension lift than you well you're going to grate out one of the best things about the extreme ranger is that it's got independent suspension which means that there's no beam axle to go plowing up the middle of the track steve's taking full advantage of it slipping straight into the ruts and gunning the berries out of it and when he does stop it's not the trailer's fault it's the fact that he's just run out of traction it's the long a-frame on the extreme ranger that gives it stability under tow but of course that's always the first thing to catch too as soon as you get into a bit of lumpy stuff didn't do it any damage though these ruts were so deep we knew something big had been up here before us and that's why al even with his 35-inch tires the biggest on this trip was dragging his pumpkins all the way up and made the rest of us think gee what are we going to do here once you see a pumpkin rut and you know the guy's got bigger tyres than you you know you're in for it massive wash aways deep ruts which trapped your wheels and often the front wheels would be in one set of ruts and the rear in another so as a matter of putting your car in the right place at the right time well pretty soon it's steve's turn again and i'll tell you what he's into it i'm in the rut and i'm not going anywhere steve knows full well that if he runs backwards out of control he's going to bend that trailer up and possibly do a lot of damage to the back of the hilux too this is no time to be mucking around when you've got a trailer on the back but he's doing an amazing job he really is what steve really needs now there's a free ticket to the bar later on in the day good on you mate well we've got this new versus old debate my opinion on the whole thing and there's good points for both the old trucks are doing great with their live axle suspension yes the new one's got independent front suspension the debate between the new and old um engines drivetrain computers your call my call is new versus old good points in both let's do some more tracks right at the summit of this track we came across a really weird problem the easy track on the right was ditched out that badly that panel damage would have happened if we tried to squeeze up there whereas on the left we had this awesome looking rock that just seemed to take the tire straight vertical before you got over it someone had to call it on this al was up the front he said i'm going the rock was i said you can do it al al said i don't know what's going on but good walter said stomp it do it point it that way and guess what i'll drove the map straight over the rock all attraction in the world [Music] [Applause] that was a huge effort that was really big i don't know if the old girl will do it once the pig was up well the rest of us knew we could have a go at that too but there is something very scary about sitting behind the wheel and seeing nothing but sky the massive rock ledge on the britannica track uh gave me cause for pause i'd watch big al negotiate it with some difficulty i'd watch ruthie come up and i didn't think i could do it on my 32-inch tyres and my approach angles were just not good enough so not to damage the car i decided to get up as far as i could take it easy and then winch myself but it just proves the point again doesn't it the two old trucks are up here and the new one that's down there grips a bit of an issue technology you don't need it do you not if you want to get somewhere we are on a precarious angle here but i think we're safe and sound and the winch will get us out of trouble the 9000 is pretty much the same which is the twelve thousand just get a bit differently it's a very strong unit job like this you need everything you can get too i thought there's no way in the world after seeing the other guys going up um my tyres weren't as big you know the traction was i that i had was nowhere near what these other guys had i lowered the tire pressures down i thought i'd bash the bull bar but actually getting into it i thought i'd hit the side steps but we didn't they actually get up there first time man what a sense of achievement i was just jumping for joy what's this about uh the old winning look at the tyres on this latte get a load of that i cannot even smoke them up go traction control thanks buddy little aside here big difference between the prado and the 200 was 18 psi in the prado 14 psi in the 200. he could have had bald tyres on then as long as he went low enough because it's rock but don't tell anyone i told you mate smoked them up how good was that eh i thought there was no chance in the world to do on that i'll walk that hill first before we before we actually drove it and when i saw that rock boulder i just thought this is madness well this is complete insanity we're originally going to do a uh winching scene and now it's a drive thing we're not going to be able to get over this rock bolt and this is crazy i've got a trailer on the back but uh i was assured that if i did it the right way which was basically hit the hill at pace um go as fast as i can till i basically get to the boulder and then almost come to a dead stop and creep the front tires over i should be right i need to come back and try it again yep boss's truck i know but you're going to hammer that rock if you punch it too hard so you're almost for you're getting stuck six feet before it yep so see if you can get a bit of a run-up bit more oomph just to get over this bit yep and i'll put that rock there which should kick it up all right shouldn't do any damage all right it's your call but don't slam into the rock back off three feet off the rock i know how hard that is hey steve you ready to go right again okay mate okay now because he got all this weight and because of the steepness of this gradient what you need to do we've got two winch extension straps up there there's about a meter to a meter and a half of uh kinetic energy you know stretching them so the big trick with something like this is to winch down till the motor starts really working you know until it's almost pulling it forward and then just give it a bit of drive and you'll hop up each time you hop stop let it build up again bang it a little bit more you know what i mean yeah i hate doing it but it works so um that's what you're gonna need to do man you're game ass i'll tell you you're good thank you ruthie [Music] oh that was an experience very happy with that wow that was good eh brave on the technique mate very great [Music] [Applause] [Music] being in new south wales i'm very proud of my own backyard but the victorian highlands is it's just gorgeous countryside and i couldn't say enough for anyone in australia especially the victorians to just get out there and do it it's absolutely stunning countryside up there climbing to lake mountain for me first time in the snow was a super experience a lifetime changing experience the closer we got to the mountain the more snow was around everyone else was looking at the other scenery but to me it was about the snow victorian high country tracks everywhere and great people and terrific challenges mountains that i've never seen the like of before are tracks going straight up absolutely unique it's a little bit chilly i'm sort of battling in here with my bare legs but i've thought about um you know our forefathers that were hard and we're building the stone i think i should harden up so a little bit of water in it yeah she's full holy dooley look at that in the summertime it's sort of right down the bottom there's a good bit of grip at the base of it but that's uh right it's flowing there's a bucket load of water in there i can see the rocks in it yeah you know what we've got to do guys we've got to find someone who's clearly impervious to coal walk this forest a victorian haywards preferably a local chap do i get to get my jocks out if i walk it oh you mate you can sit in the raw for the rest of the day you can do whatever you want you can't believe i'm doing this i can't believe you're doing it i wouldn't do it [Music] [Music] this is where the jazz crackers it's good it's very cold but it's good with the prado because we know this from high country they float really good so you want to be aiming a little bit to the left okay and then when it starts to float because it probably will with this height just give it the berries and go head towards the exit you'll be right because sooner or later it'll grab somewhere down there cool [Laughter] [Music] oh that was really good it wasn't to do that now we know what we're up against here which is not a lot of depth no real need for a bra a little bit of cooling down which should take about three minutes otherwise dips will be hot everything's hot sucks in the water headlights off obviously or they'll all snap in there because it's probably about minus six degrees or something um and most of all especially for the prado they float cars float when the water's like that so donny's got the big job here he's gonna have to poke it a bit to the left and then as the water takes it if the water takes it screw it up lots of berries and go that way paddle wheel here we come [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] was did have a surprise for us up at lake mountain um i had no idea i was going up into the actual snow country with a foot and a half of snow oh we're up at lake mountain there's a blizzard coming in good time to park the old girl up she's not real good in that stuff i'll take this thing for a roar instead i feel like the scop of the antarctic it's unreal [Music] so [Music] the snow was falling so much lower than normal that we had the chance to go and camp in it now it's not the sort of thing sensible people would do but we figured what the heck let's give it a go flynn hadn't have never seen snow well don he's a queenslander too we're not exactly used to this stuff and steve while he might have spent a bit of time in and out of the snow he's not used to it either big hell had the idea though he had a fire in a box all ready to go i guess you get that when your job's joinery pretty soon we had a fire blazing didn't even melt the snow and we've set up the camper and we're in [Laughter] oh hello cooking segment time when you're in the snow first thing you've got to do is laugh is that right has been man is it cold but that's all right because i've got something uh i'm going to cook here it should warm us all up with a bit of luck anyway um i don't know what to call it what am i going to call it's got prawns and stuff in it prawns and noodles and things it's been a bit muddy and a bit of quagmire quagmire quagmire prawns glenn's a snow virgin this is the first time he's seen snow you can tell he's really impressed how's it going mate [Laughter] let's get into this and see how we go right starts out by trying to get the gas to burn it won't burn because it's saying i'm too cold there it goes off we go yeah beauty now olive oil onions beautiful you can go the onions whoops now the flavor for this meal comes from a couple of you butte ingredients first one's garlic lots of because it's freezing there's about half a bottle in there and the second is chili lots of because it's freezing you'll have to pardon me if i lapse into a bit of russian every now and then it's this hat makes me feel like russian get that frying a little bit now um once again my bacon was actually frozen i took it out this morning it was frozen so fortunately the bacon pieces weren't in they go so we've got onion garlic chili and some bacon pieces oh gee that feels good smells good and it's warming up the tent right now before things get too hot this is uh diced capsicum this is where we add the yabbies except they're not yabbies it's frozen formed meat oh look at that it's still icy holy ghoulie how did that happen you can hear the chilly getting into everyone's lungs [Laughter] these are the old hockey and noodles as you know they're a bit of a favorite with me because they're pretty frozen they're not pre-frozen john they're just frozen because we're in the high country i took them out of the fridge and they froze right oh well we're just about there guys i know you're hanging out actually they're just cold but that could be a shiver of anticipation one more stir turn up the gas a bit because i've got a couple more things to introduce well i did a good job of introducing that the handbrake will be pleased there we go this is cream look at that how good is that and this is butter um lemon and lime marmalade which means it's got ginger in it too that's going to really add something to this mostly jam now somebody has to volunteer to taste this i don't know about you guys but i'm thinking glenno being the snow virgin he should get to do that do you reckon what do you reckon glenn i won't say no you won't say no hang on i'll just flick some of it out of the pot i want an honest opinion on this mate have you got a fork okay here we go give that a try tell us what you reckon [Music] it's definitely uh a nasal clearer isn't it with all that chili and garlic i'm definitely not sharing it there you go quagmire prawns brought to you from the snow country of victoria wow it might be cold outside but inside we're going to be warm it's pretty good all right okay off you go we're going to feed the crew guys pretty soon we're heading out of the back of big patch creek and the mud's flying again and this is a different sort of mud softer deeper very pumped can't wait to see what the trailer's going to do today it's going to be good got me nervous here we go [Music] go buddy go [Music] everything i've ever read or seen about world war one well it makes me think we were there right in the middle of it on this day fair dinkum the snow's melted six months worth of rain the mud had to be at least eight feet deep we were losing boots shoes but i lost my thongs if i had them on almost lost the dog at one stage but oh never mind he showed up [Music] three hours into this we worked out we've done about half a kilometer and it's at least five or six kilometers to the nearest turn this is not good [Music] and guess what every time we got through a tough bit it just got worse big al in the maverick he was awesome he had it all over this track well it was all over as you can get before you get stuck anyway milo did some good numbers too the reason why we had to uh scream to ruthie to stop right there is this is a bit of a death corner so a little bit more to the right he would have been down here into those ferns and that's a fair income recovery it's probably an over and over but uh you can see the wheel tracks here he came that's where he stopped so uh he was pretty lucky just pulled up in time could have been a fair bit of fun that one he would end up on his roofie yeah it's got plenty of traction you can see the traction control working so you'll enjoy this so just give it deeps and get through cool waza was our tall leader in the first week in the victorian high country and he took us to the world war one track and when i saw him in his footy birds shorts stripped ready for action i knew it was gonna be a massive day of challenges [Music] now watch glenno he's all over the place thank heavens he's good on the wheel the best thing about a track like this is that even when you're taking your pumpkin out it's nice and soft isn't it mostly because it's six foot of mud the differences between the old motor and the new motor it's just a computer virtually there's still a four-stroke diesel engine so that high compression they go up and down they run oil power steering they've got everything that the older trucks have got but they're electronically controlled they're safer because the factory computer it's a safety thing you can't over rev the engine you can't overheat it you can't you just can't wreck them they're just going to last forever [Music] i wonder how deep that is 18 inches and just a bit deeper back there once my front wheels start to drop i'm on it for recovery practices you need to limber up first so when you see a hole like this it's it's often best to start moving a few muscles stretching out because i reckon i'm going to be doing a fair bit of work for you getting through there oh i don't know judging by steve's technique back there mate i don't think he intends going through the hole i think he's just going to take off about here and land over there that's a big old air don't print that the problem with this hole is the drop-off angle as you went into it that meant you've given it too many berries you're just as likely to bury the front of the truck halfway down the hole [Music] big al had the petrol maverick revved up and roaring through here and petrol power really paid for itself too sorry i've left you down here uh but it means what's getting his hands dirty i'm all for it and i don't care i cannot get to that cable about now we realised how good steve was on the shovel and smart with it too while the rest of us are worrying about how to get the vehicle out steve's decided to drain the puddle and see what he can do about a bit of track maintenance too good on you mate i'll have a go at this but i honestly think even in reverse going that way uh i'm going to lose traction before either [Music] i had to chuck it in reverse just to double up on the traction it's not often you can sit there and reverse and not go anywhere yeah i'm happy to run that winch coil in there yeah we'll just leave that um yeah and also the three pack protector please while i'm getting this set up look at this beautiful clean fresh new recovery gear i'll give it about 0.8 nanoseconds that when she's starting to give me the here what sort of extensions have you got uh there's another one of these i believe identical watching the speed of that winch we might be inclined to place a dampener on the cable rather than anywhere else don't you think just this side of the hook uh yeah i was going to i'm just going to put it right here the dampener right on the hook cool okay that doesn't do that let's go i know i'll get it on i'll get it on you'll get it they're pretty good john they're nice and flexible though this is gonna be good what have we done 300 yards well we're into our third lot of recoveries we went out on these tracks we had like wazzer and ruthie two really experienced four-wheel drivers trust you having these guys you just know what they're doing the communication that they were giving people because of this bog hole that's heavy right so you need to tension that winch cable up as much as you can and enter the bog hole under brakes and that'll save you diving down right so yeah so let the winch pull you in and you almost break into it you know what i mean to keep the attitude of the car up at the front enough so that you're not i'm not pulling you through all that absolute quagmire mate everybody just felt safe i know for myself i felt in good hands you know i had a hundred thousand dollar motor vehicle with me and not once did i think okay that's too much for me we did it there was always an element of risk these guys knew what they were doing [Applause] the weather particularly from a queenslanders perspective was atrocious freezing wet and continually raining and had been doing so for quite some time the conditions were very very tough well rosberg and i who just had a little chat and what we're going to do is double up the snatchy off the front of milo so we go from one side of the chassis out and back to the other side of the chassis on the two recovery points and then we'll thread one of the loops of the winch extension strap onto the end of that well it'll have to go on before won't it before we hook it up um that'll give us double snatch strength single winch extension strap strength so if it breaks anywhere it'll be up that it'll knock back this end that's all right that makes me happy there's no shackles involved and uh hopefully because there's no traction here really but hopefully big al can gun the mavo at the same time as i lock into the hole and we might get milo through a bit quicker without having to pull the winch out the big bog hole that we came to on this track was a massive challenge and uh i was on my 32-inch tires and i knew i was in trouble hey was it can you get down your knees in the mud come on carry out for me for sure while the boys are sorting out that end uh i know where al is there's no traction at all so we're going to put milo in front of it on another snatch strap just at least to double the lack of traction so we should be able to make some sort of traction out of it fred i'll have to reverse back if once i get this hooked up if you could um just carry the strap for me the world war one track bog holes that go forever and winching recoveries man it was just a total total hard day in the office [Applause] [Music] three vehicles in one hour no sorry three hours that's my correction you know i'm reliving it now man that was just insane absolutely insane we're going to go through here com trucks go through there not a 200 series land cruiser or a prado and all these other vehicles come on what are we doing pop it in that's it whoa let me come in i won't make the same mistake slowly take it up go [Music] okay and it was just like the suction on this mud it was like concrete you just it was unbelievable just stuck it's like being drilled down by the 100 meters and trying to get something out it was it was definitely an experiences i've never had before oh [Music] [Music] stories written in the mud isn't it it was it is like you said the trail bikes have turned back yeah in the dirt box you turn around somebody got stuck here long enough to light a fire at least one night another busted strap failed recoveries they could have left us some wood yeah let's go i've got some wood they must have been it must have been queensland get out of here i hate doing this but it's four o'clock we've got about an hour and a half of daylight if that um it gets very dangerous winching at night and we are going to be anyway just by going back down the track our sums at the moment tell us that there's at least three to four hours to get just to this spot here and the guys the information we have is that there's at least two more bad spots before we can turn off this track so adding all that up and somewhere after midnight we're still going to be winching when i heard over the radio that we were turning around on the world war one track there was it wasn't a sense of relief that the driving we were doing i knew the driving that we were doing we were capable of doing especially the guys showing me how to do it [Applause] i knew turning around it was going to be another four hours back because we had to go back through the exact same bug holes and the exact same ruts and everything we'd just come through so i knew it was going to be fun at the same time watching big al go through i had a funny feeling we were going to be here for just a little walk you just want to pull that rope off and we'll just pull it up with the wings from here well straight off that yeah why not you reckon on the trip back down with the knowledge of where the holes were and where they were we'd have a better go at it than this if that wasn't to be the case we'd stirred it up so much going up that it was rotten on the way back too when the decision was made to turn back i was in two mines i was thinking to myself if one vehicle a good capable vehicle and a couple of guys went ahead see how far it was track conditions maybe that was an option [Music] sometimes the only way to get through is to hook two or three vehicles together pulling pushing shoving at least you've got a chance okay yeah i don't like the three walls i think maybe if we do that again but we'll use two vehicles up here tie them together and uh off the back of them each of these vehicles has got a winch that way we can control it we don't go over that edge happy yeah i'm happy being in being a novice i'd never seen snatching and recovering was a ruthie digal they really put their heads together to get us back out of that mess [Music] now listen it's street to roll down the window and you call stop everyone here has to stop okay we're all hooked together then i just need to go a little further first audio done you hate it on the way back things were getting so tough we decided the only thing to do was to hook two three four vehicles together in a possession we could almost smell the beer at the bar at the roofton oh and then this happened thank you mike i'd like to go back a bit mate mate you're just having a leisurely foggy affair fun and games don't we love it all day in the mud this is i think the front suspension sliding down a little bit [Music] that would be it gonna be the only thing how much funds is not over yet that's gonna be a long night on it but uh after we'll get back in time and get a couple of cold beers in the night of it i think what drove everybody to keep going was just the sense of achievement of completing this track and i suppose my own my own thoughts on it were team everybody just gelled together a great bunch of blokes the same ambition and uh you know it was just a really good feeling well i got a feeling glenn is traction control stopped independent front suspension means they're not clearing these ruts and so far it's the old cars that keep pulling them out [Music] yes gleno's lost extraction control possibly from redlining through that mud puddle um which has done something to the computer what's the cure glenno turner off ignition on and off five times ignition on and off five times normally resets the computer you don't have to get out sort of walk around the car three times anticlockwise or and hold your tongue to the right [Laughter] you just make sure you believe that parmigiana i couldn't have any faith in that at all one of the worst things about this at night was the fact that the lights were covered in mud too oh strooth you can hardly see the thing could be a few more of these before it was hard enough to do in the daytime let alone at night all this just to get to the pod [Music] [Music] though after slogging away in the mud for a good ten hours we've had enough we turned around and guess what it took us another six hours just to get out but eventually we got back to the pub and that made it all worthwhile it's all good guys wow that's the high country i tell you what after a bit of rain nothing beats it for four-wheel driving and the hospitality in the pub afterwards well you just can't beat the rooftop this is just too good you can't miss it but this old versus new thing okay now we've seen the old trucks do really well in all sorts of ways and we've seen the technology of the new ones work really well too there's all sorts of pluses and minuses here at the end of the day what is the best four wheel drive ever built well i know milo's my favorite that's for sure but what about you guys hey what do you [Music] [Music] reckon g'day welcome to ruthie's ruthless tales go on grab a slice of feared income australia get your dose of roofie and put a smile on your dial [Music]
Views: 66,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4xForum, RonBacardi666, GallBoys, ExpeditionOverland, OverlandBound, markstuff681, AlmazanKitchen, UbeefHooked, Misadventure4WD, OHM26, Hemi4WD, Off-Road Control, go4x4media, josephallen19, 4wdaction, PowerfulJRE, 4xOverland, 1all4Adventure, 4x4Australia, Roothy, UCzRkxmVeTP_29MMtEzPF4KQ, Muddy, Beards, 4x4, UCU7WCO2ymb8HSfee1z72X-w, UCKSKD6XxpsRE1IwSyGC8bKQ
Id: lIrJM137pt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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