Hide & Seek | Pursuit Nights -- August

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[Applause] so let me pray and let me give you this where father I pray that you will sow the word into good soil this is relentless Church Lord where three months old and we coming after you like we grown we love you and we honor you and we're not going to casually approach you we're gonna pursue you we give you glory and honor and Jesus name you have 15 to 20 seconds to give God a praise as you take this seat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y'all still standing there well I'm gonna preach why you standing it in I don't owe you coud young people y'all is y'all don't want to sit there you can't I don't mind if you want to sit there you can I want our kids to always feel comfortable this is their father's house I wish I understood what was happening our young people are sitting at an altar on the Wednesday night getting a word let's try to get them some vision journals if we can those will be a gift from the church and if we giving them journals they're gonna need pens they come with pens thank you pastor aventure you think of everything which I'll find self with your kneecaps out ain't man a theory ask for sky if you'll do me a favor and go to second chronicles 7 thank God for all of you and those who are visiting if you're a visitor here could you wave so we can honor you look at our visitors on behalf of myself and my wife pastor aventure gray and the relentless church family we want to thank you for coming out on a Wednesday night and honoring us with your presence and those who are watching as a part of our online campus we love you and we mean it and if anybody mess with you we will come to your city and we will set it off we turn something up I just want you to know there's a gentleman probably about eight rows back and he is seated next to a wonderful woman and she's got our Bible in a notepad and he is in a chair and he waved his hand in the blue shirt and it just blessed me because most people would say because you're in a wheelchair that you can't praise and this man has blessed me he lifted his hand and I need you all to know that God is going to do a miracle in his life I said God's gonna do a miracle he is a miracle the enemy wanted to take him out and God said no and what I want you to see is that if he can praise God what's your Excuse I said if he can praise God what's your Excuse second chronicles seventh chapter I do want to make one quick statement because you may have been privy to looking at the news and some of you may have seen your pastor on there I along with a number of other leaders from the african-american and Hispanic communities who were invited to the White House today to speak with the president about criminal justice reform and identifying ways where churches can partner with helping to react limit nonviolent offenders into the work force so that we can stop them from going back to prison getting them jobs with benefits so they can provide for themselves and their families breaking multi-generational poverty cycles and while I was there I was asked to pray for our president in our nation and I did that I did not go as a politician nor did I go under partisan rhetoric I'm not a Democrat nor Republican nor an independent I'm a Christian and I went as a man of God and I wanted to be heard that if there's anybody who thinks they're above praying for people who sometimes they may not agree with then you don't have the heart of Christ and I want it to be said that as a kingdom church we have people from every different background walk of life and political persuasion and though we may not agree on everything we agree on the blood this is the only thing you'll ever hear me say about it people have requested the news is requested interviews I'm not doing any interviews I don't want any of that I'm here to preach the gospel and build this church but I want you to know that your pastor wants poor people and broken people and those who need a second chance to have the opportunity and that's why I went and that's the only reason I went anybody else have anything to say tell them come see about just so you know God is bringing great influence to our local church and I'm grateful 2nd chronicles 7 verse 14 and I feel the Holy Ghost now shout all over this place to give honor to my brother in Christ pastor Q godson of the believers house in Atlanta Georgia pastor Q I give you honor just wave to the people he's one of the greatest young voices in the kingdom today he is a part of our relentless fellowship of Churches he is doing amazing work for young people who don't have resources they're doing a huge back-to-school driving one of the worst areas of Atlanta he does it every year and I want to celebrate men of God who are doing the work of the church and people don't see it I want to honor you for your unbelievable anointing and your heart for the community we celebrate you it's my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land it's my people who are called by my name will humble themselves , and pray and seek my face , catch the punctuation because punctuation is critical he didn't say and pray , and seek my face like they were two separate things pray and seek my face were one thing and then turn somebody say turn then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin heal their land go to Exodus 33 33 18 Moses is speaking to God the Living God the eternal God he's on the mountain he's talking to God he's not talking to a man he's talking to God the Living God the real God the Creator God the God who makes things with his mouth that God the God who made Jupiter just by talking the God who made stars and the entire universe of nebulas and solar systems and everything spins on an axis of nothing it's just in space and we're here and we're moving at thousands and thousands of miles an hour but it doesn't look like we're moving I just want to let you know good binding that devil that tells you you're not moving even if you standing still you Musa I feel the Holy Ghost I feel like preaching I'm not playing tonight I need you know standing still you're doing more than most people in a generation I need you to know God is exponentially increasing you right now the season of acceleration is upon you the season of expansion is upon you you have left the place of irrelevance and went to the place of prominence is 8 1 1 8 s new beginnings you couldn't escape it if you tried if you woke up this morning God has a new beginning for you I mean an 8 second praise break there it is I see him running run with all that hair run man of God run run run do you own a business do you own a business got just dropped in my spirit that your business is about to increase by seven figures by this time next year your tithes will be above your current salary you have 365 days to watch this word from the past and it won't even take a year everything you prayed is about to come to pass and you got the right wife for your destiny does that woman pushes you that woman pushes you and she speaks what's in you she's an intercessor and often overlooked but God is removing the hidden thing to let the world know that that woman hears from God and I declare that you sir have been given keys to the kingdom and you're going to be a kingdom financier and people are already sowing into you because people show into good ground I need somebody to bless God [Applause] you all right no you you got a bill in your purse you have a bill like like a bill that you owe did you bring it in with your mail what's the biggest bill in your life right now okay so you got student loans you got a master's degree but can I say the last part but you have a record and we was just talking about reform and how people want to hold you hostage [Applause] how much are your current monthly bills apart from student loans how much is your rent you don't have a place to stay well the Lord told me all you needed was somebody to just sew so here comes the rain bring her down here and get a basket bring her right here and get a basket or she can stay right there get a basket I want you to know that people are about to sew into you so you can sleep at night there you go God told me to tell you he hasn't forgotten about you I don't know your name but the Lord told me to tell you it's all right yeah bring her on out Master Travis let's bring her right here let's bring her right here hurry grab her hand and bring around here I'm counting to ten she better be down here ten nine eight seven move camera man I love you six five four here's what I want come here stand right there I want you to see what God thinks of you the devil thought her record would stop her but I serve a God who wipes the slate [Applause] I need you out of here that our young people that giving God praise while this woman is getting breakthrough [Music] sometimes all you need the love push [Music] [Music] pasteurize Esparza is in charge of our relentless reach which is our outreach program our outreach initiative and I need you to say what you just said because I need God is faithful for the last two days I've seen this young lady be at our relentless reach building and she's been serving diligently for wholeheartedly she's gone above and beyond I you've never talked to me about the city absolutely not she's been serving and never asked you for anything did we even know did she say she had to me I never knew about this need until right now so the fact that she served with such diligence in such great heart though she had all that in the back God was gonna be faithful and I just I just want to empower her today that the word that the that pastor did today is gonna be come alive because I want to offer her a part-time job everyone let's reach thank God hallelujah praise God praise God [Applause] praise God hallelujah praise God Oh God Oh God so now you got a job and a jumpstart you came in here and the enemy was whisperin why are you even here you don't have anything god's forgotten about truth but he hadn't forgotten about you now you got a little breathing room and a job I wish somebody would help me praise God that's what church is supposed to be right there that's right Exodus 3318 Moses said please show me your glory God said I will make all my goodness pass before you and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion but God said you cannot see my face for no man shall see me and live the Lord said here is a place by me and you shall stand on the rock so it shall be while my glory passes by that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and will cover you with my hand while I pass by then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back but my face shall not be seen I want to preach for a few minutes from the subject heading hide and seek hide and seek anybody remember playing hide and seek that was like my favorite game growing up nowadays kids don't even know about hide-and-seek because they don't go outside when we when we were growing up we only had two words go outside we'd be out and wanted to go we didn't know we were dehydrated we didn't know we were about to die from heatstroke we're outside all day making up game let's play throw the stick [Applause] we played tetherball anybody remember tetherball we put jump rope now I was jealous of people who could do double dutch listen before the summer is over somebody gonna let me get in there [Applause] I'm a walk with it I miss childhood I miss I miss I miss freeze tag not it duck duck goose so when I was growing up even the games to see who was gonna be it was a game put your foot in the circle bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many feet everything was a gay hide-and-seek was fun we were always fit we were terrible pray for us we would always pick the one who couldn't count good so we have more time to count we like Ron Tash you count like one two four two nine nine nine [Applause] [Applause] we find the best hiding spots me and my mom we played hide and seek in a two-bedroom apartment and I couldn't find her and sometimes when I would play hide-and-seek and I was little I would hide by covering my eyes because I figured if I can't see me but perspective is everything because one person's blindness is another person's exposure and night is as day to God and we came hide from God and many of us have been playing hide and seek with God but the truth is he actually does want to play it but he ain't it he wants you to be it he wants you to hide for him to hide and you to seek it's funny because in second chronicles he says if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face didn't he say it but then in Exodus he was like you ain't gonna see my face cuz if you look at my face you're gonna die okay so I'm confused Heavenly Father so the trick is seek your face and my prize is I die if I win [Applause] and then what I get hey I see it so either we don't understand body is tickled over there either we don't understand the point of the game or us dying was the point of the game trying pastor Q I submit to you on a Wednesday night the first day of a new beginning that God says I want you to come after me and I want you to pursue me and I want you to come after me like what I have in my hand is everything you've been praying for which means don't be casual with me I'm not some regular man I'm the Living God the Bible says in the Train of his robe filled the temple there's a moment in scripture that says when he is angry perhaps he will turn and leave a blessing behind him the blessings not in front of God it's behind God too many people have been trying to get in front of God I dare you to tell three people to blessing us behind him tell somebody the blessing is behind him stop getting in front of God the blessing is behind him I dare you to pursue God like everything you've been praying for today was the culmination of dreams my wife asked me last night she said how do you feel knowing that you're going to the White House how does it feel knowing that this is the culmination of prayers that your mama pray your grandmother prayed told prophesied in journals when I was three that I would stand before world leaders in 42 years later 42 40 in two generations see the Christ came through 40th see it takes time forgot to work out his plan but if he'll bring you into a new beginning because the persuit process pruning and preparation did you hear what I said yes process pruning and preparation I'm in my new beginning but I had to pursue him I've been pursuing him but as I was pursuing him he was cutting me am I talking to anybody I need to talk to real Christians tonight just so our visitors can get some hope because some of y'all are like I got saved and it seems like it got worse how come people that aren't safe seem to be doing good they ain't thinking about Jesus don't let what is a temporary moment cause you to think God is not processing you for something eternal because when you're pursuing God he doesn't prune dead things he cuts living things oh it wouldn't hurt so bad if it was already dead and just hanging on but he loves us too much and the closer you get he says I can't let that come I gotta cut that off see because the Bible says no flesh can glory in his presence and if that thing ain't God it's not coming where you're going I dare you to thank God for the stuff he cut off I dare you to give him eight seconds in another eight seconds to thank God miss April for the things he cut it hurt because I wanted that friendship to remain it hurt I like that sin that was my preferred sin that was my habit and God says I love you too much to let your habit take you to hell [Applause] booty squat [Music] I love you too as a J or jai jai god loves you so much he puts you right here right now for your pastor to remind you that he is preparing you for a leadership position come stand with me please come up here chai whose son is this are your parents here John where's your mom come here I want you to I want you to see who you're raising I saw guys standing there and I looked and I heard the Lord say he's next let me help you to know what I mean mom today the Lord sent me at a table with the president and God says you'll always know where he's taking you based on who he puts you around so I stood here and I was minding my own business and the Lord said him so my hands on joy is not just show what I'm saying is the anointing that's on me is on him he's a world leader he's not a local leader he's not regional he's never fit in he's brilliant he already wants to talk about politics city deep things he's brilliant his mind doesn't work like other kids his age he's advanced and sometimes that level of advancement causes you to feel lonely and you don't fit in he's never fit in he's never going to fit in because leaders can't fit in ciao your next you're a world leader and I'm honored to meet you you're at the right church because God raises up world leaders out of Greenville at relentless church go on with your momma stand right there give God praise give God a praise for jung-tae we are right pastor AB he proves what else process preparation see pursue tonight is preparation see Sunday's you know that's kind of like tradition if you want to go to the next level you come to stuff like this if you know that there's a calling on your life you sense it but you're not exactly sure or maybe you are sure but you don't know how to get there let me see your hands he says Moses ask what he says show me your glory what he was saying is I want to see what you're made of it's pursue tonight hide and seek is the title and Moses said I want to see you God says I'm gonna show you what you need to see not what you want to see the most difficult thing for faith Walker's is to trust that God is not showing you everything he's just showing you the necessary thing it's so hard when all he shows is what will make you move to the next thing cuz if he showed you the whole thing you wouldn't even take the first step I was talking to my wife I said if I knew what I was walking into with pastor Ron called me in October I would have like don't call this phone anymore but the Lord told me just enough to make me move then I got here and then I turned around and I was too far to go back and now I'm in the middle and I know you didn't bring me out here to drown so I just got it anybody else hasn't read water when it didn't make sense sighting through your own emotions your own intellect your own best interpretation is that anybody other than meter said God why didn't you tell me I loved it God was determined to process you everybody wants the anointing nobody wants to process everybody wants to platform nobody wants to process everybody wants to position nobody wants to process yeah I want to be anointed like you be ready to cry be ready to be lonely be ready to be misunderstood but be ready to worship while you cry and while you're lonely and while you're misunderstood and when the devil hits you and tries to tear up your family be ready to fight that devil even if you're not sure if you got enough in the tank for what he's throwing I need some are there any warriors in here is there anybody in here that's ever had to fight for your sanity you have to fight for your mind because the enemy comes after your [Applause] there was no one closer to God on the earth than Moses he says brother blocker I want to see your glory God says I'm gonna show you my back that's not what I asked he said I'm gonna show you I'm gonna proclaim my name I'm gonna put my hand over your face I'm gonna hide me from you in front of you you'll know I'm there but you won't see me somebody other like God I can't see it's because his hand is in your face oh you missed it it's not blindness you're in his presence he doesn't want you to look for his face he wants you to look for his back why his back because his back is where purpose comes alive [Music] [Applause] I'm trying to help somebody in here why his back because I don't never want you to think that you're on my level so we're not gonna talk face-to-face cuz we're not on the same level I'm gonna show you my back because all I really want you to do is follow hide and seek hide and but while you're hiding I need you to seek and praise you ever play hide and seek and you couldn't find somebody you belay give me a clue what happened somebody will make a sound look Sam over here you get over there they not there make another sound I need you to be listening for the whisper of God in this season of pursuit because what he's doing is as you're looking for him you don't know it but everywhere you're walking he's giving it to you they missed it pastor Q pastor Brandon pastor eyes pastor app they missed what I said they thought I was talking Church talk when God speaks he wants you to go in that direction because everywhere your foot goes you possess so he wants you walking all over the place because his word says the whole earth will be filled with this he says show me your glory he thought it was going to be a presentation but God says I want domination I'm trying to help y'all if you want to see his glory get in position walk when I told y'all this this earlier this evening I need some people that I walk around a few of y'all did the rest I just stood there I needed you to know up but it was a prophetic declaration of unlocking because some of y'all have been in place for too long and in this season God is rewarding crazy faith movers people have the unmitigated gall to walk around the house that you know you crept your credit couldn't get you that house if you tried God is looking for some crazy people that I walk around that house against I I've come to see the home I'm gonna talk to my banker you don't have a banker I'm gonna talk to my banker you guys take checks yeah take checks great great great how many bedrooms can we add another bedroom on there how much of that cause God is looking for somebody that's crazy enough to know it's not your money it's not your it's not your annuity is his anointing is there anybody that has enough faith to pursue whatever God whispers [Applause] [Music] hide-and-seek he said I'm gonna put my hand while I passed by then I'm gonna take away my hand and all you're going to see is my back I'm gonna hide myself from you and show you the part you need to see because there are some things that God hides on purpose Oh help me Holy Ghost 1st Corinthians 2 6 however we speak wisdom among those who are mature yet not the wisdom of this age nor of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery the hidden wisdom which the rulers the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory there's that glory word again tell somebody he hid it which none of the rulers of this age knew for had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory then here's the scripture we all know but as it is written eye has not seen nor ear heard nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him but there's hidden wisdom somebody say hidden wisdom what he wants you looking for is the hidden wisdom I need you to understand that in this season God has been separating you from people who are carnal and temporary the only people who will last for the rest of 2018 our covenant people temporary people are going to have to say goodbye before the end of 2018 hear me if they get into 2019 with you their covenant [Music] this year was designed to get rid of everything you cannot have as you're going in you're not going into a season you're going into the rest of your life season is a word insecure angry Christians used because they want your blessing to be temporary oh it's just your season but that's alright just keep living get it get worse I find that devil I find those words I buy knows I've been through hell I've cried I've had lack I've been through that I'm getting ready to see everything that's been held up and the rest of my life it's gonna be black I've been running after God my whole life just somebody is hidden wisdom so this is what's deep and I'm almost done the wisdom is not hidden pastor DeMarcus from us Pastor Jermaine is hidden for us let me help you to understand it doesn't require wisdom to go to a city like Charlotte or Atlanta that's just a it's turned up millions of people a lot of industry so God would put a hidden gem in between there to see if anybody will catch the move of God am I talking to anybody here's the thing he'll put his hand and let you pass by and it's okay if you pass by that means it wasn't for you I need you to understand some people you're like they didn't choose me no the Lord let him pass by oh my god that that was a word for some of my single Saints oh my god it didn't work out you need to thank God he let that person pass by they weren't purpose they couldn't get you to destiny and God loved you too much to let you give stop they had to pass because you didn't even know what you carried so he kept what was in you hidden because you were so caught up in them that you would have stayed with them but they couldn't push what's in you out of you Godhead y'all you need to thank the Lord that he hit you but I need you to know you only hiding for so long cuz God's about to romans 8 18 and 19 you right now so I consider that the sufferings of this present age are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly awaits the revealing of the sons of POD I want you to know I have been sick tonight to declare as I close that you are hidden no longer I declare that the curtain has been ripped and the glory on your life is about to be revealed you have served you have sold you have say you have seen and now God is about to reveal what's bidden you the entire time and not only back but the people who couldn't see it he's gonna make sure they're there to watch it everybody who thought they were your replacement will be there while God elevates you God has been working on you in private but he's going to present you in public and one day your whole life is goteng somebody give God a hide-and-seek range I said give me my hide-and-seek prey [Applause] everything that didn't make sense is about to make sense right now you've been running after God and what the pursuit is is it purified your motives Oh help me Holy Ghost I know it's time to go but I need you to know that pursuing God purifies your motives because when you got serious about God the people who were around you who said they were serious couldn't keep going cuz in their mind they said oh snap they're for real and you're going forward you look back come on I know you got it because if they were playing games they can't stay in your life you got a business to run you got ministries to build you got a kingdom to establish you have a godly agenda to push forward you don't have time for games [Applause] [Music] hide and seek tonight the Lord is saying some Souls have been hiding in these pews but I'm gonna count to 10 and if tonight you need to seek his face and give your life to Jesus or rededicate your life to Jesus or become a member of relentless church by the time I finished counting you need to be at this altar bubble gum bubble gum in a dish how many pieces do you wish if you need to get saved if you need to rededicate your life or you need to become a member of remembers Church I'm counting right now and when I finish counting I want you at this altar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 because God will stop the clock and he'll wait just for you 9 9 9 9 9 is the number of birth he wants to birth something move out of you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] concerning me and soullow lake it's turning in my favor tonight I believe it's turning around for me yes it won't always be like this oh the Lord will perfect anybody else's sir need me come on say sooner or later soon say it's turning tonight in my favor you gotta believe today is turning come on one more time it won't it will no ways B I need somebody to throw your hands up and say it again to eat one always it won't always be [Music] [Music] but sooner or later say but soon it's fine [Music] I believe it's y'all have to forgive me but it's been an emotional day God is so good he loved me so much that he trusted me with this beautiful woman who I didn't even really know all of what she carry and she is the reason that this vision has produced the fruit it's had in such a short amount of time 18 to 20 hour days to serve this vision and I want to tell you this harvest is because of your hard work that no one sees but I see I want to tell you thank you in front of these people that relentless church could not have a better pastor and first lady than you miss Laurey you are healed the cancer cannot stay you're gonna come back here and tell us that God did it and the doctors are gonna be confused and we're gonna shout and we're gonna run all over this place and some of us are gonna throw our shoes I want you to pray this prayer with me if you're at the altar Lord Jesus it's me and tonight I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord I thank you for the blood that was shed for me tonight I receive the free gift of salvation found through the blood of Jesus the cross and the empty tomb I've been running but now I'm running toward you instead of away from you I'm not hiding anymore I'm seeking you I'm pursuing you and I declare tonight marks a new beginning in Jesus name you are my Lord and my Savior amen amen and amen we believe if you prayed that simple prayer you just got saved can we celebrate our brothers and sisters [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 21,536
Rating: 4.9178743 out of 5
Keywords: #JohnGray, #Church, #Pastor, #TheWord, #YouTube, #subscribe, #comment, #channel, #uploads, #views, #likes, #series
Id: A3l9cmljGGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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