Hidden treasure | Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] here is our time capsule who will be the first to put something special in it Margaret oh football boots cuz I'm really good at football very good Margaret um my biggest encyclopedia my favorite toy car thank you everyone very good Henry I'm sure you've forgotten to bring something in as usual no Miss I've brought something silence thank you Henry that will do now would be good Henry follow me class standing together we follow every rule we will always and forever love school million trillion years this tame capsule carries a message to the Future Margaret smells quiet please class let the hole be [Music] dug inside everyone now bury it when the rain [Music] stops Dad D what is it Henry could I have my pocket money now dad uh yes in a moment dad oh what is it now I can't find buddy anywhere what have you done now Henry me Bunny's gone I'll never see him [Music] again come on Peter I'm sure he's somewhere let's go and look for him Henry do you know where bunny is no well not exactly Henry if you want any pocket money ever again then you'd better get bunny back fast oops better get digging no this will take forever unless I can get somebody to help [Music] me so who told you there was treasure buried here everyone knows that don't they but I don't know we're going to be rich I'm going to buy every chocolate bar in the world I want me own Jim hey B found anything I don't know Henry there's something down here I'm going to buy a yacht too it's one of these time capsules huh there's nothing in it no treasure no nothing come on let's keep [Music] digging I bet there never was any treasure how come these are all empty I don't know I'm going home thanks for nothing Henry they were all empty I want my buddy where can he be maybe he's been kidnapped by aliens I want Buddy Henry you have got to find bunny or else I've got to find out what happened to those time capsules you R that's it yes I Henry have a plan it's so easy being me I'm [Music] hry Henry breakfast [Music] ah Henry want to help me mend this um no why am I not [Music] surprised selfishness must be deplo goodness is its own reward best boys always pass the test best boy better than the rest b e s t best boy hi Henry do you want to join our club and be a best boy no way how long is your stupid meeting going to last all day we've got lots of gold stars to give out I bet you [Music] have I need to borrow a suitcase okay I'm running away wait here oh a map would help too Grizzly grub box dungeon drink kit Goose shooter Mr Kill deow slime uh what else ah Comics got to have something to read when I'm not fighting [Music] lions bedtime Henry come on into bed what's all this um Ralph me some Comics H well don't stay up all night reading good [Music] night hope they go to bed [Music] early huh daylight I'm behind [Music] schedule [Music] [Music] are you playing Turtles Henry no I'm running away and if you ever ever tell anyone you'll be sorry understand so um what are you doing thanks worm don't be Horrid Henry and don't call me worm yeah it'll probably take me all day right goodbye forever and don't touch anything in my room [Music] fluffy go away huh fluffy go home H let's see straight ahead brilliant [Music] Henry Margaret what are you doing here I've run away from home if you must know no you haven't I've run away from home no I have haven't have haven't have anyway this is my Treehouse so go away I can sit here if I want to can't can can't can ouch get off my leg shh they'll find out we're running away well don't think for a minute you're coming with me you can't come with me either I'm going to Susan's house Susan's house that's not running away it is too isn't anyway I slept here all night where did you sleep hey that's my running away food not anymore all right I'm eating some of your running away food no toothbrush no clothes no food nothing but toys it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry I want wealth before I'm old I want coins that I can hold I want Bank notes I can fold too many Rhymes write that out 300 times next [Music] and now read us your poem [Music] Henry this will really gross him out this poem is called better out than in Pirates puke on stormy seas giant spew on top of trees kings are sick in Golden lose dogs throw up on Daddy's [Music] Shoes babies love to make a mess down the front of mom's best dress thank you boy I think you've made your point oh but I haven't got to the good bit yet obviously you still have bathing upchucking gagging wretching and regurgitating to go now sit down I threw up in a boat once I threw up in the car I threw up on my teddy silence you will all stay for detention after school is finished now it's time for the next lesson music Follow Me looks like I'm going to have to turn things up a notch can anyone tell me what music is an expression of music is an expression of who we are that's right Brian now I want each of you to pick up the instrument in front of you silence double detention after school has finished one at a time Susan you first what is it boy there's something wrong with my tuber sir it is not letting me express myself properly maybe you're not blowing hard enough I think it's blocked I can't see anything you're right sir I wasn't blowing hard enough you HED boy I was just expressing myself sir head mistress's office now now keep playing do something [Music] Headly Peter hello Henry I'm the school messenger today I've got to deliver all the post to all the teachers here's the tray of post Peter now do you know what you need to do oh yes Miss [Music] Lovely oh Peter congratulations being School messenger is an important job I'm sure you'll do it splendidly this is for Mr neran thank you Miss Oro Miss Lovely may I have a moment of your time oh Henry why am I not surprised to to see you I'll deal with you in a moment petza you may return to [Music] class so when did you have to deliver everything in that tray um just before lunch oo I'm going to be the best school messenger [Music] ever just before lunch eh perfect a triple detention is that all no discipline in this school that's the problem sit down over [Music] there ohow Henry move over there [Music] Henry Henry it's so easy being me I'm [Music] [Music] Henry really great what's so funny ugly mug I'm going to win £200 and laugh till it hurts that's what nosy really what did you do trip over your brain this is a winner let me [Music] see no look what you did you deleted it you did it on purpose did not warmac turnip head now I have to start again that's not very nice nobody calls me a warmac turnip head and gets away with [Music] it come on Mom don't let me down pick these toys up Henry someone could hurt themselves how did she know I was here yes did you get everything for tea no no funny disaster no £200 not much time left what am I going to do now oh [Music] eure that's it I need a full guy okay Peter why can't I play on my happy Hopper instead because it won't look as funny I mean good mom and dad will love seeing their little Peter playing in the garden and ah [Music] woohoo I did it I did it that wasn't supposed to happen it was supposed to [Music] snap mom and dad will be so proud that their little angel has learned to ride his bike oh I don't know if I can do this of course you can come on worm just think of the proud look on Mom and Dad's [Music] faces and action come on Peter petal [Music] petal this is just what I need oh sorry [Music] flowers sorry Mom that £200 is fine Peter your brakes use your brakes what [Applause] brakes Henry are you okay do I look okay H you're okay now both of you clean yourselves up cousin Polly will be here any minute for tea oo goody fry Polly tea that's it what are the funniest disasters on laugh till it hurts the ones with food of course £200 here I come I think it's very nice of you Henry to record Polly's visit well she's my favorite cousin ah she's here [Music] come here come here oh you grown not really she meant Peter one 2 3 4 5 Henry [Music] coming Henry wants to do a video of your visit is isn't that sweet oh and I haven't even had my hair done action there isn't this exciting just keep coming this way one it is so lovely to be here with my uncle and my aunt and my adorable little cousins w c so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry oh these look nice they won't look nice on you don't be hurried Henry mom the shoe Department's on this floor can't we just have one little look Henry I don't know how you can ask for anything after that disgraceful episode I have never been so embarrassed but Mom does madam require some assistance yes these trousers are they hard wearing oh yes Madam and they're available in all sizes perhaps both your little boys would like to try them [Music] on I'm not wearing the same trousers as him and anyway they're for girls these trousers are specially made to be worn by boys and girls o how [Music] practical don't be worried Henry beave yourself go and try these [Music] on [Music] Yu perhaps we should try another [Music] pair would Madam like them wrapped uh oh uh yes thank you Peter Henry we're going hurry up Henry Henry attention shoers if anyone has found a very horrid boy would they please report to the information [Music] desk Ro toes they're so cool [Music] when I'm K I'll have a pair of bres for every day of the [Music] year see mom told you they were [Music] cool really Henry it's too bad you should be ashamed of yourself it's ridiculous I can't take my eyes off you for a minute without you getting into trouble the trouble with parents is that I don't understand the important things in life I really need those shoes mom just doesn't understand [Music] attention shoppers that very horrid boy is lost again if you should find him please report to the information desk wonder how this [Music] works [Music] aha Moody [Music] Margaret I have just about had enough of you what M no ifs no butts we are leaving right now so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry I'm not staying in this [Music] dump Henry Steve that's a very nice secondhand jumper you're wearing at least it's not green like yours this isn't green mom he's got a goo shooter give me that while you're a guest in my house you will behave yourself I won't put up with any Mischief ow get it off get it off I don't know how that got in there sorry Aunt Ruby show him to his [Music] room I've put all my toys in my room and you're not allowed to touch [Music] them you're up here in the [Music] Attic I bet you're scared of the dark of course not good because this room is haunted it'll take more than a silly ghost to scare me I love ghosts you see that stain that's where the ghost [Music] [Laughter] vaporized of course if you're too scared to sleep here maybe the ghost will let me play with his toys you better hope so because up here no one will hear you [Laughter] [Music] scream I'm Henry am I scared [Music] huh it was a night like this when the ghost fast appeared you mean this really is a haunted house oh don't be silly Steve that's just a story we've never seen the ghost ourselves oh dear not another power cut spookier go on Mom tell him the story Legend has it that the house was built by a rich old man to hoard his gold he had dozens of servants waiting on him hand and foot but he was scared they would steal his gold so one night he sneaked out and buried it in the wood he built secret passages in the house so the servants wouldn't see him creeping out at night to check on his gold but one night it was so dark he couldn't see where he was going and he stumbled into the well and drowned it's his ghost that wanders the house searching for his gold yeah well serves him right with all that money he should have bought a [Music] torch that's enough silly stories it's time your boys went to bed everybody knows there's no such thing as [Music] [Applause] [Music] ghosts that's something in the wardrobe just waiting to get me don't be a scaredy cat Henry you're not afraid of anything except injections o and ghosts let me out let me out that rat lock me [Music] [Applause] in hang on a minute I'm King Henry the horrible I'm not afraid of [Music] anything just you wait stuck up Steve just you wait Revenge will be mine it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry [Applause] call dear Henrietta you must be such a big girl by now so I knew you'd love a pair of big girls pack [Music] PS I'm a boy what you think I'd be seen dead in pants like these uh no probably not oh go away Henry Margaret who let you in your mom where's my dungeon drink kit I want it back oh uh it's um what have you got behind your back me uh nothing show me there [Music] nothing your dungeon drinks kit I knew it was somewhere thank you by the way Henry they're going to get you tomorrow and I'll be watching tomorrow is another [Music] day Oh Henry Henry get dressed now no leave me alone Henry for the last time you will be late for [Music] school so 52 take away 91 + 25 going to get [Music] you he'll have to catch me first Henry face the [Music] [Applause] front and for goodness sake stop fidgeting have you got ants in your pants uh I don't think so miss blex shall I have a [Music] look oh no I wearing great aart Greta's Underpants what am I going to do uh-oh if they catch me I'm toasted this can't be happening I need pants where can I get some pants you freaker that the Lost Property cupboard uh uh please miss I need the toilet all right 5 minutes not a second [Music] more there must be some pants in this [Music] lot please please please [Music] aha these will have to [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can I do now I need to swap my pants with someone but who yes and the Three Little Pigs answered not by the hair on my chin chin chin and the big bad wolf called out I've come for pizza [Music] he's got a dentist's appointment really Peter I don't remember you bringing a letter I didn't I went to the dentist last week he said my teeth are perfect no remember Peter you had a terrible tooth AE this morning when ow see he's just trying to be brave oh poor you Peter you better go this is isn't the dentist no this is more important I've heard bad things about you not that I watch across the story carpets worse than that embarrassing things I've heard you wear baby pants baby pants no I don't look Duffy Daisy pants they're the most babyish of all if anyone finds out you'll be laughed at oh no what can I do give them to me I'll hide them until we get home but what will I wear these but they're the pants great aunt Greta sent you you said you wouldn't be seeing dead in them that was yesterday today they're cool it's so easy being me I'm [Music] hry just the sort of thing that never happens to us it's always other people but now it has oh I know Mom how many TVs has the queen got yes isn't it exciting Peter's going to meet the queen what's all the fuss about I bet the Queen's not making a big deal out of meeting [Music] Peter oh I'd die of embarrassment if my dad put up a flag pole in front of our house Henry it's not a flag pole it's just a pole get the Union Jack from the sell please Henry it's a flag pole we're going to have a proper flag raising ceremony to celebrate Peter meeting the queen oh this is so embarrassing flag Henry now you're doing it all wrong no I'm not okay fine make a fool of yourself well how do they do it then are you sure this is how you greet the queen yes and if you get it wrong they'll lock you up in the tower no and then they'll sharpen their huge Axe and Henry says I'm going to get my head chopped off don't be hurried Henry where's my flag Henry just getting it Dad Dad is it true that they chop off people's heads in the tower yes it is that's why they call it the bloody [Music] tower now look what you've [Music] done [Applause] [Music] told you it would be [Music] embarrassing and remember her majesty will see your painting when she she [Music] visits what is this is my portrait it's King Henry the horrible Henry you are not of Royal Blood oh yes I [Music] am [Music] you see Peter isn't really my brother and Mom and Dad aren't my real parents huh he just followed them home from the zoo yeahoo Henry I think you're overlooking one small fact yeah what's that there were no Royal children born in the same year as you Henry oh really now I'm never going to find out how many TVs she's got are you sure you're sure Mom yes Peter I'm sure the queen wants to meet you she doesn't want to send you to the [Music] [Applause] tower three cheers for her majesty the queen hip hip hip hock ho uh excuse me how many TV sets have you Henry um bouquet walk away bow oh no um bow question question Peter [Music] [Applause] Peter how lovely it's so easy being me I'm [Music] hen sh Peter does look cool Henry you are not going out this evening I don't like my hair stop it Henry I think you've upset Peter enough come on Peter oh okay bye but you can't do this to me it's it's like buning Santa Claus from [Music] Christmas mom and dad are always complaining that I'm not nice to the work but when I try to improve his image see what happens no Halloween how unfair is that [Music] chickat great everyone else gets treats and they get to play tricks tricks that's it you're allowed to play tricks on Halloween mom said Henry couldn't go out but I'm not Henry anymore I am the Dark [Music] Avenger Henry Henry turn the music down Henry turn the I can't hear the Telly if you want to listen to music use your headphones and don't make me come up here [Music] again yes see now he won't come up here unless I make a noise operation Halloween is a [Music] go [Music] trick or [Music] treat there you go a sense humor give me a real treat or I'll paint a big X on your door will you yeah it was Henry's idea naturally in that case I think I can find you some [Music] treats here you can help yourself that's more like it how could he give away my [Music] sweets Halloween Here Comes Henry [Music] Susan's costume looks like a Christmas tree and those heels make her wobble let Mrs Taylor get me some toughies I don't like tofes want to swap what was [Music] that Ralph is that you I am the Dark Avenger go away we know [Applause] Dragon find us Keepers the dark Avengers night of Terror has begun and weasy box of raisins I say we toilet paper them oh do you think we should I don't know I am the Dark Avenger that's not a real monster is it I don't know give me all your treats or you will drown no way they're mine I don't want to [Music] drown ah a bonus [Music] W so easy being me I'm Haron Henry [Music] oh I hate sports day it's pointless and you have to wear shorts breakfast ready and I never win anything Henry I hate butterflies too oh I'm so proud of my little athlete I just know you're going to win that egg and Spoon trophy again oh poor Henry oh well expect your live I don't think I can go to school today mom I've got the most terrible tummy ache I think I might have to go to hospital oh oh dear I hope they won't need to operate operate Henry we both know you haven't really got tummy ache you're just pretending so you can get out of sports day don't worry Henry it doesn't matter if you come last in everything again and don't even think about getting sent home like last year Miss Lovely said says it's not winning that counts it's how you play the game don't be hurried Henry there Peter your egg and Spoon race eggs are done now let's comb your hair you've got to look your best when you receive your [Music] trophy genius [Music] sweets are bad for you Henry I've been in training for the 400 MERS and my dad hasn't let me eat any sweets for a month no sweets for a month that's impossible not if you've got the will power oh yeah M this yummy gummy fuzz ball is so delicious oh yummy gummy oh there my fave M are you sure you won't have [Music] one take your places for the three-legged race the three-legged race is about to begin where's your partner Henry I um um Margaret you're Henry's partner for this race what hurry up it's about to start on your marks I'm in charge Henry and I want to win so you'll do exactly what I say Get Set no I want to get sent home so you do what I say you reckon I [Music] reckon this way no this [Music] way this is more like it stop that at once me [Music] hen see Margaret I told you we wouldn't win that's it this race is cancelled and Henry you horrid child if you think I'm going to send you home you're wrong you are here all day the rest of you follow [Music] me you'll pay for this Henry that's the trouble with sports Day brings out the worst in [Music] people don't worry Ted the eggs are hard boiled so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry are we feeling a little better then Henry no I must be allergic to school dinners Miss nonsense you just fainted from Hunger so here's your dinner with extra helpings huh and don't even think of moving till you've eaten everything oh yuck you just can't be a good salad can you Wicked but everyone in my class has a pat Lune n o spells no it's too much work and you never eat what we give you but I hate school dinners I love school dinners they're delicious silence worm mom Henry told me to shut up don't be Horrid Henry please please can I have a pet lunch well if you promise to eat everything yippee pack lunchroom here I [Music] come yes you're one watch now [Music] Henry thank you Henry you have given us a perfect demonstration as to why this lunchroom is out of control you all know Greta from the cafeteria she is now in charge of the lunchroom her assignment is to keep order and she will monitor your lunch boxes to make sure you're eating everything up right everyone returns your seats open your lunch boxes and eat I'm not letting the demon dinner lady spoil my fun hey that's mine not anymore it's confiscated you ate my muffin yes I did huh no treats [Music] allowed it's really not fair she can't eat our food can she what can we do do about it tomorrow is another [Music] day give me your treat [Music] [Applause] [Music] now only [Music] rubber [Music] ah [Music] gotta at least there's one place I'm safe from greasy Greta [Music] treats doesn't anybody have any treats if you don't tell me where Margaret has hidden her treats then it's back to school dinners for you Andrew I hear it stringy stew today huh in her [Music] socks grams take his under the [Music] desk ow Henry's got a chocolate biscuit in his football boat Miss [Music] if someone in this class doesn't tell me where Henry's hidden his chocolate biscuit then you'll all be going back to school dinners [Music] you it's so easy being me I'm hor Henry I want a galactic goo shooter more than anything oh and a boom boom Basher too well um here this is for you Santa oh thank you young man that is most kind and what do you want for Christmas um I would like a dictionary some seeds a geometry kit and stamps please no toys I've got plenty you already thanks what about me what about my present well we'll see about that great when grown-ups say we'll see that always means yes Henry come and help tidy up Aunt Ruby and cousin Steve will be here any minute why did they have to come for Christmas AR Ruby only ever gives me socks I know maybe you could try being nicer to Steve I hate cousin Steve you want to know why I hate cousin Steve this is my house this is Steve's house this is my paddling pool this is Steve's paddling pool I think you get the picture Henry help your mother [Music] please W what watch out oh no it's Ruby the door was open there we thought we'd let ourselves in what a dump sh remember what I told you about about being rude to poor people now put their presents under the tree and these are for you sweetie I'm getting a galactic goo shooter really I'm getting one too and a boom boom Basher me too and that's just from mother Santa's bringing the rest if he has any room after all mine boys why don't you go outside and uh see who can build the biggest snowman what look mine's bigger than yours [Music] [Applause] already so that's how you want to [Music] play [Music] finish that's not a snowman yes snowmen don't have [Music] wings now it looks more like a Snowman hey he's my brother oh thanks Henry so I get to break [Music] it [Music] mine's the biggest mine's the biggest mine's the [Music] biggest I'm trapped I'm more trapped than you are no I'm more trapped [Music] oh there oh Peter that is pretty I knitted it myself I had to have mine specially made mom we forgotten the men's pie in milk for Santa uh coming right up I wish tomorrow would come now why so you can watch me open all the presents you wish you had Christmas is about giving not receiving silence one if you're nice I might possibly let you have a go with my Galactic goo shooter no thank you I'll have my own well we'll soon find out won't [Music] we so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be really really fine Henry not that one [Music] oh this is not a good start Henry nowhere near good you've already been horrid and we're not even at my desk yet but Dad we're being cut out by firefighters this is great an office is a place where people come to work not to muck about I want perfect Behavior my boss is very strict so don't let me down eh Dad you can count on me oh you're late bad start Bob knows best than late people AR glate people sorry bober I um hit the alarm button by accident D just told a fib this is just like School Henry this is Bob my boss and you have to do everything he tells you and this is Bill his son and you have to do what I say too welcome to my brush and pasted Empire young Henry we aim to have a foaming brush in every mouth in the land so take this day by the Scruff of the neck little lby listen and learn and one day you too could take orders from me I'll try my best sir Bob sir I promise to listen and learn I like you young Henry I wish more young men wanted to be like me tell you what you can be my son's partner for the day I expect My Boy Bill to take toothpaste into the future watch him like a hawk Henry my boy is the future you heard Bob Sir Henry do everything he says and everything bill says yes sir Bob sir meeting in the Border in five all hands on deck first task boys make the tea save the tea and remember I could be watching you remember Henry do everything they [Music] say oh we have to make all these are you kidding I got better things to do than listen to Dad give orders great what will we do instead you don't get it do you you make the tea I watch you no way if you don't do what I say my dad fire your dad so get making Bucky [Music] brain good now I order you to put this stuff in the tea remember do everything he says well if that's an [Music] order [Music] well done lovely teab [Music] Bell thank you [Music] Henry this se's been shered with who did this it was Henry Dad I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen but he told me to and you said I had to do everything he told me to do no excuses you should keep your son under more control you need to learn what hard work is Henry I want you both down in the packing department now I'll get you for this snot brain no you won't because my dad is a boss and there's nothing you can do about it you better help or I'll quit better not you'll get into trouble again and you're not working fast enough ah look at that dad eats to waste toothpast more than anything he's going to be really angry [Music] gotcha [Music] don't be Horrid Henry I tried to stop him Dad but he won't listen to me easy [Music] being did you get to anyway I don't think listen up [Music] everyone my birthday party the social event of the year your parties are never fun yeah they're never fun I never have a nice time so thanks but we're not coming but that means no presents wait this year's going to be different there'll be a brilliant tea sounds good and and the prizes will be fantastic fantastic game prizes I'm in and me if it's not too scary this will be the best party you've ever been to all right I'll come just to see This brilliant party of yours yeah me too and me and then the ants painstakingly burrow their way down through the soil to build their nest Henry Henry's best party ever item one food crisps burgers and loads of chips carrot sticks M yummy peanut butter sandwiches and plenty of apple juice item two the trip to lasers up we'll go in a fleet of stretched [Music] lios no no limos much too [Music] expensive one bus is much greener than lots of limos don't know why you're bothered you're not coming Henry Peter's your brother of course he's is coming but he'll ruin [Music] everything don't be Horrid Henry no Peter no party all right but you better keep out of my way worm yes the birthday boy's name is [Music] Henry Henry wa when you went to lasers app for Ralph's birthday party did you break all the lasers no and put slime in everybody's space suits no what about the goo in the moon boots oh yeah that was great I mean I wasn't me well laser zap have banned you that means the party will have to be here no I want to go to laser zap I promised everyone a great time time don't worry I know lots of good [Music] games happy birthday hello you can come in if you brought a present don't be Horrid [Music] Henry where's Ralph he's supposed to be here Ralph's at the dentist his mom's going to drop him off when he's finished you'll have to start without him okay go this is from I know it's a pack of Bel pens do you like it Henry I've already got some Henry what do you say thank you very much next it's a tapestry kit I chose it myself why o o I'll have it if you don't want it Henry brilliant you've got some animal soap a CD of fairy tales oh wow cook your own healthy nutritious food fantastic it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry 50p a week is quite enough Henry I'm very happy with my pocket money I always save loads you could learn a lot from Peter [Music] Henry don't be hurried Henry that's enough Henry no pocket money for a week what no I need a new Castle you'll have to save up then won't you but how can I save money if you're not giving me any you could earn it earn it get off Henry broken burst a chest set what were they thinking I need more things H you look lonely come with [Music] Henry oh smells like a baby's bum I don't know how much have you made so far 37 P you're wasting the smell if you aile Henry nothing gets past you does it Al all money raised goes to a very good cause child in need when I'm King I'll have a pair of routes for every day of the year Henry that's M's special perfume oh she's got loads of bottles she'll never miss one that's £10 hm I'll give you one done that's that's tennis racket oh stop moaning you make it that's it would you like to earn some money Peter how I'll give you 10 p is that all all right 10 p a day that'll be 20p for the weekend H I suppose it would help my savings plan all right I'll do it [Music] great why do I only get 20p if Ralph gave you £150 the expenses now run along amazing after I've paid Peter I'll have £267 I'm on to something here welcome to King Henry's the largest chain of Superstores in in the world [Music] home Henry have you seen my big bottle of perfume no I mean what bottle of perfume I thought she never notice and where's Peter he's not in his room I gave it to Ralph well you go around to Ralph's right now and get him back you horrid boy but I don't want him back Henry go and get your brother back right now when I'm King parents won't be allowed to have any pocket money Henry mom says I've got to get Peter back uh not here huh with Margaret Margaret's house oh no but I'm King I sentence you to death [Music] Co [Music] Peter peanuts now faster idiot yeah idiot sorry Margaret well we don't want them now you toss them all around the countryside go and get some drinks and don't spill a drop or I'll make you wish you'd never been born yeah never been born Henry have you come to rescue me uh no can't please I'll do anything you can keep the 20p I'll pay you 50 a pound she's horrible nearly as bad as you come back I'll give you all my buies oh all right I'll see what I can do it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry Peter we have come to kidnap you and take you to our planet space aliens [Music] help it is useless to resist h one more Finishing Touch Henry is it safe to come out yeah chase them away hey mom hasn't got a mustache I'm going to tell you don't have to yes I do Mom Mom Henry's ruin my picture silence worm Mom Mom if you you call Mom again I'll I'll paint you blue give me back my brush [Applause] momer look what Henry did don't be Horrid Henry just look at Peter's face and my floor this time you have gone too far Henry you stay in here until I say you can come out but I'm going to miss mutant Max this is all the one's fault it's not [Applause] [Music] fair Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge Revenge hey henrye the more noise you make the longer you'll stay in your room but what if I need to go to the toilet that's the only reason you can leave do you understand it's not fair I get sent to my room a lot I get sent to my room so often I might as well Live Here full time good thing there's lots to [Music] [Music] [Music] do what that's all my stuff Henry we've taken all your things away because we want you to think about why you're being punished and we'll have a talk about it later what I've even taken my CD player am I killed by rat CDs I can't live without my music hold on a minute yay destruction FM I'm trapped in my room Peter's fall I'm going to get him I'm going to get him Dad how long will Henry have to stay in his room ask your mother lock him in a cage for aund years hang him upside down and set his ears throw him in the river with the crocodiles shoot him into space for for a million miles now I'm ready to wak my revenge well as soon as they let me out of my room uh-oh if they see this I'll be stuck in here forever luckily no one comes in here unless the music's too loud h I need help and fast I'm fed up with hide and seek Margaret let's do something else my garden my Rules start counting 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 oh Margaret that hurt oh what hurt whatever you hit me with oh what's this here let me see get Ralph urgent signed Henry it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry why don't they realize I'm being invaded by [Music] [Applause] [Music] germs [Music] Yu it's this or [Music] spelling oh dear Henry too well I'm off to work before I catch whatever's going round bye looks like you'll be staying at home after all Henry yes result come on then back to bed Henry if you're sick you have to lie down and that means no computer games oh mom playing computer games makes me feel better if you're well enough to play you're well enough to go to [Music] school [Music] what's the point of being sick if you can't play on the [Music] computer Mom I'm hungry Mom I'm thirsty mom my bed's too hot mom my bed's too cold mom [Music] [Music] [Applause] dear Mom I feel terrible you'll have to look after yourselves until dad comes home oh I'm feeling much better now I play on the computer all right but first can you bring me a glass of orange juice oh if you're not up to it perhaps you should go back to bed and brings pieces of ice cream for his throat [Music] please ouch one for Peter two for me one for three for me I don't want poor Peter to be sick again hello this is Miss obod is that Henry uh no this is Peter Henry snotty no's little brother oh right well is your mother there I need to speak to her about Henry missing his spelling test no she's not I mean no she's out and by the way Henry won't be coming back to school ever again no really [Music] why he's got such a high temperature that his brains have melted all over the floor sorry I got to go and clean them up bye oh Henry where's my drink and where's my ice cream when I'm King only one person at a time will be allowed to be sick and that will be [Music] me Henry is that the post would you bring it up it's just no fun being good [Music] Henry answer the door please hello Sunny mom or dad at home mama is but she's sick left me to clean up I'll call her if you want mom h no no no no don't bother her uh just pass on a message we're making some repairs and we've got to turn the water off for a couple of hours stop it fluffy that's pet we'll let you know when we finished Henry coming so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry parents never understand anything important morning Henry my bag that M oh thank you young man grownups and with 15 seconds to go Henry R across the pitch surely he can't score from that distance it's crazy it's impossible done it it's in Henry scores the winning goal for Aston Athletic must get hold of some tickets tickets tickets now listen class we've been lucky enough to be given two tickets for the Ashton athletic Manchester United match me [Music] me quiet I have decided that the class will play a football match at lunchtime Margaret and Al will be captains and the player of the match will get the tickets but who decides whose player of the match me Henry and my decision is final no way Henry I'm not going to let you score just so that you can be player of the match why not you're Moody Margaret's goalkeeper it'll be easy yeah but how can I player of the match if I let you score don't be stupid we all know who the best player is going to be have you decided who you're going to take with you Margaret nope I'll decide [Music] later see we haven't got a chance but if I let you Scot it'll be cheating come along children take your positions just remember rule number seven of the purple hang gang members must always obey the Lord High excellent Majesty that's me but and if I do win I'll obviously return the favor you mean you'll take me you see Ralph it's not so hard is it right children everyone ready that was a foul don't foul me [Music] again hey that's not fair Susan to me pass [Music] pass utterly disgraceful football is supposed to be a team sport not a pack of hooligans with no respect for the rules let's try again shall we [Music] Henry why didn't you pass the boat to me have you decided who you're taking to the game yet all right I'll take [Music] you [Music] yes here goal to Margaret's team one nil H we'll see about [Music] that ginda over here to me Henry no way okay we're on the same [Music] [Applause] side go to Al's team what are you doing was a bird a big one it did a was name right in my eye I can't see any [Music] [Music] bird my [Music] head why didn't you try to save it I know 21 to Margaret's team one minute to go right No More Mr Nice [Music] [Applause] Guy what should I do to me to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me look over [Music] there go it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry this is a d nonsense this is perfect where's the TV no TV here thank goodness where's the pool no pool we'll swim in the lake where are the toilets no toilets only joking it's over there that's the toy this is real camping oh yes Dad the bonjour trees bonjour Birds bonjour oh oh um bonjour monly um I I think that means welcome hand me that pole please [Music] Henry you were why can't we stay at Camp Le fun comfy beds and hot showers that's not real camping bour camping we're staying here Henry so you might as well stop making a fuss and enjoy yourself can it get any [Music] worse last one in a cowardy [Music] custard come on you too it's lovely much better than a swimming pool a Peter much better come on Henry no way it's filthy and the snakes will get me snakes don't be such a baby you're coming in no come on a bit of mud never hurt anyone no I I hate [Music] nature what was that I don't know probably a werewolf no it's not you're just trying to scare me oh that was you Henry no it wasn't oo see it wasn't [Music] me I think it was an owl or a werewolf pretending to be an owl werewolves are very clever well good night then O Henry I need the toilet go then it's dark out there what if I meet you know the werewolf go ahead I'll keep guard with the torch werewolves don't like light there now he's safe from the werewolf o it's really dark in here and [Music] smelly Henry [Applause] Henry oops sorry WR T and Henry what's going on where's Peter Peter um asleep Henry took my torch and left me in the toilet Henry I know I'm horrid send me home please please oh no you don't your father wants to be close to Nature and that's what we're doing why could we camp in our back Garden that's close to Nature and proper toilets too nonsense this is our holiday come on Peter I thought holidays were supposed to be fun for everybody nature you Freer that's it they want to be close to Nature then they're going to be close to [Music] [Music] nature morning [Music] d [Music] come on shoot shoot shoot so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry no don't be Horrid [Music] [Music] Henry [Music] 1 2 3 4 5 [Music] 6 what's going on don't know sounds like daffi and are dancing daisies pet Peter Peter get back up here now [Music] Peter woohoo Saturday my favorite day remember what we said Henry no TV until leave done all your chores chores no [Applause] no now Henry can I still go to Rous today maybe after you've done all your chores we'll see yay when parents say we'll see they always mean yes I love doing my chores worm come on Henry the sooner you get started the sooner you'll be finished oh all right what do I have to do well you can start by cleaning out your hamster hello Fang remember [Music] me come on Fang climb inside all right come on little fangy fangy who's a pretty boy then little fangy little fangy I love you I love you Henry what are you doing [Music] nothing love [Music] stop it your you horrible hamster ow you stupid C get off take my oh poor fluffy poor poor fluffy whatever is going on here Bang's being hored to fluffy that's not true [Music] put Fang away now Henry you haven't got time to play with him oh look at your room it's even more of a mess than usual you can tidy it later can you empty all the rubbish bins now please oh come on frang time to go back when I'm King only parents will have to do chores Henry what are you doing emptying the bins well I don't think that's what Mom meant I'm going to tell you don't have to Mom worm mom [Music] Henry yes oh have you emptied all the bins yes can I go to Ral now we've only just started Henry dad wants you to help him wash the car oh so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry what's the car for the Park's just down the road we're going for a prop hike in the countryside the countryside no we could get chased by chickens man eating chickens can't we just go around the block n o spells no Henry well I'm telling you you'll be sorry we should have listened to Henry who' have thought man eating chickens would eat our darling Henry I'll never eat an omelette again Henry in no I live in the city I'm not going come back here now do your seat belt up and try to [Music] behave oh look a wood pigeon let's go Henry you can't make me fine but each step I take is 5p off your pocket money until you catch up 5p off 10p off 15 P off 20 P off I'm missing a rapper zapper Marathon for [Music] this [Music] [Music] Henry Henry a not patch they're really rare oh you missed it I'll live mom Henry took my my binoculars Henry give them [Music] back oh oh it's gone all dark smell that fresh [Music] air all I can smell is manure couldn't you wait Peter no h he called me smelly don't be Horrid Henry come on Henry why don't you help Peter find something for his nature project right um but that's a wasp's nest they sting you don't they uh not if you sing to them no one else will have one you'll get top marks [Music] easy sing Peter [Music] sing Peter come away from that wasp's nest it's all right Dad I'm singing to them hry said they won't [Music] sing Peter stop of course they'll sting come down now how could you be so Horrid Henry well D said to help him find something for his nature project so I did something safe oh oh well he should have been more [Music] specific come on Henry you breaker that's it the sooner we get to the stupid Lake the sooner I go home to watch rapper uper come on let's run isn't this fun that's the spirit Henry that's by the Light nles oh oh come on slow coat last one to the lake is [Music] rubbish there it is I see it I see the lake there's a shortcut come on I knew he'd enjoy our hike down I knew they would good thing I'll double back ding ding I'm missing rapper zapper how am I going to get them to hurry [Music] up oh [Music] right so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry I got blue green oh yellow but uh I don't know it's black like a hole in your brain what gizm did you get um actually I got silver no way that's nothing I got gold never you're so lucky is it beautiful can we see it wow a boy with a gold Gizmo could do [Music] [Applause] [Music] anything where is it where is it is is where is it uh it's at home I don't want to bring it to school do I it might get stolen my lunch box was stolen once rubbish you haven't got a gold Gizmo Henry and you you know it if you had one you'd be showing it off come on Henry show us show us show us show us show us show us show us show us okay okay tomorrow and you're all going to look pretty stupid when you see it we'll be waiting this is going to take something Mega clever [Music] jesset marbles coin collection what are you doing just saying what I want when you're gone I'm really sorry about the gold Gizmo why everybody wants a gold one but what about the curse what curse it's been in all the papers every single person who's got a gold Gizmo dies a horrible death that's not true it is didn't you say about that girl she got a gold Gizmo and she fell down the toilet and [Music] drowned then there was the boy who was out with his gold Gizmo and his dog and they fell right into a pit of molter lava and all because of the curse of the gold [Music] Gizmo oh no I saw it the giant flying cursed bird of tragedy it's a sign that you are doomed I am not [Music] doomed I'm doomed I don't want to die well if you give the gold Gizmo to someone else the curse passes to them I suppose I could take the risk I know you'd risk your life for me Henry you're the best brother in the world easy [Music] peasy Margaret's here Lord High Majesty I can't wait till tomorrow Tom if you really have got one I want to see it now Peter I'll have some crisps some chocolate and then even more chocolate right away my big brother's so brave yeah yeah whatever so where is [Music] it it's beautiful I want it no way hey a gold Gizmo is everything I'm not giving it up I'll get you a double drencher a 3,000 if you like brand new in the box you're on tomorrow at school be there tomorrow's going to be a good [Music] day oh am so [Music] cool [Music] [Applause] you cheated did you really think I was giving up a gold Gizmo just for a Double trench of 3,000 I want a better offer on Monday you can all bring your best swaps and I'll see if any are good enough it's so easy being me I'm hor [Music] Henry bingo [Music] number 42 yes mission accomplished boys you'll have to keep an eye on each other your father and I are helping with the games huh oh what shall we do first get L worm I have to buy my ticket before anyone else gets my number oh just keep an eye on myself then where's the pirate prize Booth other side of this tent I think want a bite yeah thanks come back B stop [Music] him now who wants to be the next to play ah Henry you're an eager volunteer no I can't I I have to get to don't be shy now just do your best come back Henry w oh sorry Miss up uh got to [Music] go hello hello I want to buy a ticket hello we're not open yet Henry come back later there he is get him got to [Music] go huh who's next sit properly theree [Music] tickets can now be purchased for the pirate prize competition take a chance win a prize g coming [Music] through [Music] wow oh no one of them is bound to choose number 42 before I can okay calm down think what would raer Zao this is where ordinary Mortals would give up but I will fight my enemies one by W and I will Triumph okay who's first rude Ralph Easy I'm going to mash you to pieces calm down I'll make it up to you I'll tell you what the winning number is really sure and I'll tell you for only 50 pck deal it's number [Music] 95 hi Andrew uh you do know that the first prize is a bungee jump don't you what and the second prize is two bungee jumps don't try and but in don't need to I know the winning number want to buy it which number is going to win number 42 it is honestly number 42 is the winner you owe me 50p you really think I'm falling for that one Henry G I'm picking 31 Yes Putty in my hands oh no beefy bird on the Queue ah 42's gone beefy Bird's Got My Ticket bird I'll give you 50p for that ticket I don't know and my new football I don't know okay okay 50p my new football and a Killer Boy Rats poster uh I don't know look Henry I bought a treasure map ticket and a ruffle ticket go away worm I'm busy do we have a deal great I'll bring your stuff to 75 I don't want this number somebody's got my ticket Peter Peter's Got My Ticket Peter Peter come back [Music] here it's so easy being me I'm hard [Music] Henry everyone knows the more sweets you eat the quicker your teeth [Music] rot oh this is going to take forever but you don't like toppy Henry no because it always gets stuck in my teeth so I reckon a tooth could get stuck in it a clever well is it working I can't open my mouth help me what what oh help you course okay one two they're all still there uh Henry ah aha but I won't lie to you that's my toffee I threw it at you and I deserve a punch in the mouth don't I I don't know well think about it don't you think chucking confection Rea you shows a certain lack of respect I don't know take my word for it it does and if you were to punch me in the mouth and knock my tooth out I wouldn't even mind I [Music] swear I don't [Music] know did that work no brilliant save though one tooth that's all I need operation Moler is a [Music] go [Music] Henry what are you doing doing nothing I I thought I heard a noise in Peter's Room went to check don't want anything to happen to my little brother do I H I see well now you'd better get back to your room and back to sleep good idea [Music] Tooth Fairy prepare to open your [Music] wallet where is it where's my [Music] money Mom Dad Henry the Tooth Fairy left me a whole pound what a whole pound it's not fair the Tooth Fairy tricked me Mom yes Henry say that there was someone whose tooth fell out but he lost it so it didn't end up under his pillow maybe it even ended up under someone else's could he still get money from the Tooth Fairy anything you'd like to tell me Henry no no just interested this is completely hypocritical hypothetical and I think the Tooth Fairy would know who's just lost a tooth how from the gap between their teeth the Gap yes the Gap got to go Henry what a stupid place to sit Henry if you want to see me use a front door so I don't have to answer it this is an emergency I need your teeth huh your rubber Dracula teeth from your Halloween costume now would be good oh I see and what are you offering in return offering do you want any orange do I want any orange what do you want any orange M lady yes thank you Henry that would be Splendid and could I have a SCE lemon in it a slice of lemon do you want those teeth or not it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry I hate swimming when I'm King no one will have to do swimming ever give it up Ralph oh it worked on Andrew you can't scare me if I do will you give me your pocket money yeah okay all 50p of it deal so what are you going to tell soggy Sid this week I forgot my trunks no way you did that last time and the time before H okay then time for Plan B oh no Ralph you're right look there's a mountain lion right there way I want this is not a mountain lion's natural habitat oh oh it could have escaped from AO H good point there's no mountain lion are you having a laugh Henry no look it's on this side oh it's still not there Henry you were too slow it's [Music] gone [Music] what a great day soggy Sid had to cancel the lesson cuz nobody had their swimming costumes Ralph you're really pathetic oh yeah well this will really scare you the school rang my mom we've gotten an extra swimming lesson tomorrow tomorrow and we're doing our badges [Music] [Music] a 5.3 5.5 10 8 Henry time for school swimming [Music] today keep this to yourself Andrew a shark just escaped from the aquarium a shark yes a super intelligent mutant shark and it's headed this way so stay alert Oh Henry says there might be a shark in our pool sharks are salt water creatures they don't like chlorine I don't like chlorine but I still swim in it h good point that's not even as good as the werewolf I'm just warming [Music] up I'm going for my 1,000 M today right you lot get in the pool Henry don't tell me sorry sir I can't swim today because enough excuses Henry you horrible child I don't care if you've got a slight Touch of leprosy or Bubonic plague you're swimming today get changed now I love to sir but uh unfortunately I've forgotten my trunks spare costumes put one [Music] on I can't wear any of these I won't get [Music] changed I've got to swim five whole meters without drowning Henry [Music] Henry he's a scaredy cat sir he's scared of the water of course I'm not scared I I love the water watch [Music] this Henry swim do you really want to be the only one in the class who hasn't got his 5 m badge you should make Henry a special badge sir in the shape of a drowning chicken swim swim swim swim swim swim swim there 5 m easy can I get out now Henry how stupid do you think I am uh is that a trick question I said swim not walk easy being me I'm [Music] Henry we could get a babysitter no we're going out as a [Music] family Henry he's got the car keys [Music] again Henry I'm coming in there Henry no not the toilet he wouldn't would he you didn't see that Peter right let's go I can't wait a chance to try new things I love food well um all except beich I love food too well all except squid oh and dad doesn't like tomatoes well I don't like anything except W whoy Burgers I'm not going that's that all right Henry here's the deal you come along behave yourself and eat everything on your plate and I'll give You2 2 just for shoving a few mouthfuls of disgusting food in my mouth normally I have to do that for free how about £3 don't push it Henry okay deal what's my reward for being good goodness is its own reward Peter darling H it's very nice of Aunt Ruby to invite us to dinner at restaurant Leos it won't be as good as whoer Whoopi they have real food and your cousin Steve will be there too boys oh no not stuck up [Music] Steve [Music] Steve's my favorite [Music] cousin um where shall I park we park sir unless you happen to be the [Music] chauffeur Darlings on Ruby Mah Mah new car Ruby I'm not sure darling all our limos look the same to me what make is your car Henry Russ bucket 2000 thank you sir oh look at that yes isn't it fabulous it's carved completely completely out of ice I didn't think you'd be coming Henry I'm getting 2 for eating everything on my plate and I'm not getting anything because goodness is its own reward huh quiet worm I thought this place was called Le push it don't seem very push to me shh you're shouting don't tell me I'm shouting bua BX I'll tell you if I'm shouting sh mother wow I didn't think teachers had mothers so what's everyone having I [Music] recommend don't they know any English it's a French restaurant stupid um you water for me Aunt Ruby I eat everything yes perhaps Aunt Ruby should order for all of us excellent idea no way I've got to eat everything on my plate so I'm ordering for myself which one is the hamburger and chips that would be on the lunch menu Miss and we do not open for lunch I dare you to order escargo as an appetizer es cargo what's that snails yeah right like they're going to serve snails in a fancy restaurant and then Tri for your main course that's sheep's intestines but if you're chicken don't call me chicken I'll have S cargo and tripe H our speciality very good [Music] M voila oh gross let's see you eat that 2 lb Henry 2 [Music] lb not bad taste like chewing gum what Steve they're so scrumptious so easy me I'm [Music] Henry yes Chocolate Moose my favorite Henry don't touch that oh no Henry do I have to clean the floor yes and the walls as well I want this place spotless for the mossies and Henry it's a grown-up's only e you'll be in bed when they arrive in bed but I'm staying up to play the cello that's not [Music] fair Dad please can I stay up for dinner after last time no [Music] way that was ages ago I was younger [Music] then ah dinner is [Music] served oh no I'm more grown up now I promise to behave you're going to bed early tonight Henry it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair a still not fair what you cooking tonight dear salmon with lime and ginger and uh chocolate mousse for dessert Mom I'm really looking forward to meeting the mossies tonight nice try Henry but it's not fair Peter gets to stay up and you're having chocolate moose I love chocolate moose Mr Mossy wants to hear Peter Play The Cello and then it's off to bed for him as well I'm rather looking forward to an early night I understand that grown-ups need to be by themselves [Music] [Applause] sometimes don't be worried Henry stop it go to your room I won't I want to stay up I want chocolate moose I want upstairs now and don't come out until I tell you oh you didner gu so here oh no the Moose I'll have to make another one good evening hello delighted to meet you Mr and Mrs Mossy I'm Peter what a journey put Hercules down [Music] dear look fluffy a nice big tasty Mouse you oh [Music] my this should help Peach's jellow sound better po Hercules will protect you they really ought to keep that wild beast locked up it's just not fair I'm stuck here while they're all having [Music] fun chocolate chocolate mousse well if they won't invite me to dinner I'm inviting me to [Music] dinner perfect [Music] dinner is [Music] served uh-oh Peter doesn't play that [Music] well someone has tampered with your music Peter [Music] not bad come on boy a boy sorry but it's the last one yikes and it's such a lovely neighborhood for the kids to grow up in and oh um Hercules bad dog it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry Henry hurry [Music] up settle down class now I'm afraid there's been a change of plan the ice cream factory is close today a so we're going to the museum instead the museum no oh you just have to wait will everyone please sit down let's go somewhere else are so boring good morning class and welcome welcome welcome my name is Mrs crunch c r u n c h Crunch and I have the pleasure of being your tour guide extraordinaire while you Grace our premises I want to see the dinosaurs me too that's impossible I'm afraid our new dinosaur exhibit is presently closed to the public my dad says you've got a mummy well dear most of us do have M oh of course how silly of me you mean the uh The Mummy from the ancient Egypt exhibit oo a [Music] [Applause] mummy unfortunately the ancient Egypt Gallery had to make way for the dinosaur exhibit so it too is closed to the public well let's come back when they're open young men this is a place of learning but those who find civilized Behavior impossible we have a naughty children's room you would be wise to avoid it follow me class gather around class as you can see our permanent exhibit tells the story of this very spot throughout history the Flora on display here once covered this entire Stu in our garden let us start with the soil the very Earth beneath our feet unchanged since the dawn of [Music] humanity see it touch it smell it our very soil is alive with the mysteries of History it's alone alive it's alive very funny young man but also accurate the soil is very much alive behold the [Music] wory I hate worms we could eat them like they do on Tilly oh yuck what do worms taste like I to [Music] know wash your feet do do not tread on the worms everyone help I want all the worms picked up [Music] immediately AR no touch the might catch something oh for goodness sake they're only worms Miss can I go to the L yes yes fine but don't tole Henry someone is responsible for this I am very disappointed very disappointed Miss Lovely those early settlements were really interesting wait for me let's get the other one after [Music] lunch nice hat but you're wearing a skirt take your hands off me it's spoke that St you it talked did it how interesting now you better catch up your classmate M no that's my brother's class my class is out here it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry open [Music] to the king cool oh can I go can I can I please well all right then yes but don't be Horrid Henry no Mom I won't I'll be really really hurried next parents let him get away with anything make sure the kitties are all in bed because it's hor Gore in Midnight movie time [Music] this is going to be great now Henry I want you on your best behavior I don't want any midnight calls like the last time all the time before that come and pick up your son come and pick up your son come and pick up your son come and pick up your son and the time before that and the time before that and the time okay Dar get the [Music] picture best behavior now I mean it I don't want Nick's parents phoning me to come and get [Music] you um I'm Henry welcome Henry welcome Henry welcome Henry [Music] uh does Nick live [Music] here down boys down don't mind our babies nikk your little friend is here don't mind mother she's just warming up for the monthly Opera [Music] karoke hi Henry ignore them they think they're really cool your parents are really um loud yeah they call it expressing [Music] yourself so what time is bad time any time I love M I make my own rules cool is it cool you're really lucky yeah except breaking your own rules isn't that much [Music] fun meet my kid sister Lily I love you [Music] hening you're my first sleepover so um what do we do now let's R the kitchen oh that sounds [Music] good um where do we start where does your mom hide the [Music] biscuits here CCH um thanks this isn't exactly like a real raid oh um he want me to hide them letto give that back sorry about that Henry uh maybe [Applause] late maybe we should try something [Music] else H my want to give you a big [Music] kiss off you go liy she's disgusting yeah cool is [Music] it so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry next oh can you actually play that uh no but I know lots of interesting things next I told you Ralph no girls allowed aha there is our third band member so if you join my band you can be Captain Peter of the purple hand gang what like like an in charge Captain yes sort of I'm still leader of course and I'm second in command but you can be next in charge after that wow I'll do it but there's no time to practice don't you worry about that killer Bo rats here I come well my horrid Heroes today's the day yeah the day we're going to win and you are going to come last yeah last what if she's right what if we do come last oh relax I've got it all sorted those Killer Boy Rats tickets are [Music] mine good afternoon and welcome to this our first talent competition our First Act is Al who's going to try and beat the school press up [Music] [Applause] record Wonder 2 3 4 five 6 7 come on do your stuff eight nine ow uh well next we have Brian's brilliant brain ask me a question anything at all and I will know the answer who invented the telephone e Alexander Gram Bell what's the capital city of Portugal simple Lisbon who gave lazy Linda the answers in last week's math test in return for a big bag of sweets well I me I did it I want to work with you yes well there goes Brian and his brain um next is Margaret and her ventriloquist's dummy Susan I say I say I say why do ducklings walk softly cuz they can't walk hardly I was supposed to say that b you were supposed to say I don't know well I didn't they're really good too good then let's give the audience something to really laugh [Music] about what are you doing they're about to drop out of the [Music] show say something then [Music] dummy oops that was really Horrid Henry oh dear and now is the moment we've all been dreading please accept my sincere apologies for Henry's horrid Heroes 2 three [Music] 4 Henry's cheating wo let's go [Music] no they were my M my office now and you [Music] Ralph Easy Being me I'm [Music] Henry for you Margaret I don't like sprouts and I like my corn off at the cob fine give it to me and put the corn on a separate plate I don't like vegetables touching my meat yeah and put Margaret in a separate room I don't like looking at her ouch Henry kick me no I didn't this is so embarrassing don't be horri Henry when I'm King I'll show Moody Margaret who's who's King Henry stop playing with your [Music] food Henry you've already lost your pocket money for one month Henry we can make it two if you don't start behaving [Music] now good night bunny [Music] good night buddy oh [Music] yuck Margaret get it all Margaret did this Peter why don't you tell Mama and get Margaret into trouble for a change tell my guest I couldn't it's Bad Manners Bad Manners you're a wormy worm she's in there snooping through all my stuff you raker that's it yes Margaret is our guest if she wants to Snoop then it's my duty to make it easier for her tomorrow is going to be the return of [Music] Henry [Music] what stop it stop it at once oh for goodness sake it's 6:00 in the morning I always wake up at 6:00 and I always practice before breakfast fine then let's go downstairs and I'll make you breakfast right now all clear operation bye-bye Margaret is a [Music] go girl stuff in my [Music] room hey what are you doing nothing um nothing I'm uh I'm just writing in my diary Diary oh I didn't know you had a diary it's secret my secret thoughts not to be read by the likes of you which is why I keep it in this box which I lock with this key and that's where it stays now if you'll excuse me I have teeth to clean [Music] H once a snoop always a snoop dear diary I'm really really worried that she's going to put Peter in the rubbish bin Peter would never tell on a guest so I'd be blamed and really really punished my life would be over over and it had all be Margaret's [Music] fault when I said your wish is my command this wasn't exactly what I had in mind what are you going to do tell I could never tell on a guest huh good watch your fingers oh over here don't forget this one H's going get it oh [Music] oh operation bye-bye Margaret phase two email send Henry have you seen Peter yes he's gone to live at the dump because he's rubbish Peter Peter Peter it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry out of my way worm I'm taking Mom and Dad their juice but I always take them their juice too late slow coat oh you haven't put something horrible in here have you Henry no open the door well I can take it in for you no let go oh don't be worried Henry go and get something to clear up this mess [Music] hey can I come with you dad I love going to the supermarket of course you can Peter out Henry that's not fair you're taking Peter why can't I come because I remember the last time you came shopping [Music] that was an accident I'll be good I promise I just want to help [Music] please cucumber Tomatoes salad dad said I could push the trolley you did it last time Dad Henry's being mean don't be hored Henry it's okay Peter can push I don't care what what did you say Peter can push the trolly I don't mind are you feeling okay Henry fine thank you um well well done well done then being good is really hard work hm I don't know how about leak and broccoli um yes but Mom likes spicy pnip fine Henry we need baked beans I know where they are Dad it's okay I'm on to it this has [Music] possibilities Henry don't oops nearly forgot Henry what are you doing get down from there it's okay Dad I've got it oh I've got the big beans dad lunchtime Peter can you lay the table yes please why can't I do it well I want to lay lay the table all right Henry but don't break anything I always lay the [Music] table let go you let go okay have it your [Music] way so thank you Peter what a good boy you [Music] are Henry sit up properly I am sitting up properly oh so you are well don't slurp your food I'm not slurping I've eaten all my carrots good Heavens Henry what a good boy well I've eaten all my carrots [Music] too ow Peter kicked me [Music] Peter I know what you're doing you're only being good so you can go to the fair but it won't work so there oh no no because sooner or later you'll do something horrid you always do smelly I forgive you mom can I do some gardening you why to be helpful of course well um there is one job n doing it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry sorry you can't come in we've got a clown already thanks yeah and he's standing right in front of me out of my way I'm missing my favorite TV show for this party there better be [Music] jelly wow look at that it's it's beautiful it's mine no cake until after the clown oh where's the jelly Henry have you got Peter's birthday present uh yeah it's upstairs yippe woo pupp it thank you Gordon oh look mom I got a a torch for reading fairy books at night a pair of hand knitted ear warmers an encyclopedia of flowers and a box of Disappearing chocolates from Margaret disappearing chocolates yeah they've all disappeared wait till Peter gets a load of [Music] this here's your present [Music] Peter yeah it's a stin bomb Henry how could you be so hored now inside everyone the clown is about to start goody goody goody y one more trick like that and there'll be no cake for either of you no cake no cake now come inside with the this let's get this over [Music] with hey K I'm calling the cloud where's the birthday [Music] boy what's that it's lion get it out of this room I don't do lions why not let's just say I had a bad circus experience right well now for some [Music] magic very good now for some [Music] cake to hurry this up I want my cake my next trick is the amazing disappearing milk the milk is gone oh it's okay look I found it for you don't be hurried Henry but I didn't do anything for my next trick we have the amazing Vanishing banana wow now I shall make the banana vanish does anyone know where it went yeah it's here now can we have cake not until the show is over how clever you are Henry how would you like to be my assistant what for the box of bewilderment I shall now attempt to make this clever little boy disappear bravo bravo oh lovely step inside oh all right I'll do anything for cake Al Kazam nice Henry hey silly me that shouldn't happen should it let's try again Abra [Music] Cadabra One Last Time Big Bang bigly [Music] boo it's so easy being me I'm [Music] Henry but I didn't start it I don't care who started it PL nicely or else it's not [Music] fair what's the matter with you are you in trouble if I'm not good they're going to get rid of my fult oh no oh yes and plant more vegetables instead oh that's really mean yeah really mean cuz even vegetables wouldn't want to join your ratty gang compared to my gang your Club is stinkier than a pooper scooper everyone knows the purple H gang is best you think so well why don't you prove it are you challenging me I dare you to challenge me okay I challenge [Music] you I declare that today will take place a series of challenges and dares to decide which is the pre the the pre the premiant the best the best the secret Club hooray or the purple hand gang [Music] H let the battle commence did she twitch um uh oh can we get on with this she's going to scream no she isn't so what else have you got one point to the secret [Music] club last chance are you going to say my club is best your Club is pwn [Music] scum is that the best you can do no this is the best I can [Music] do got any more one point to the purple hang hooray ready ready ready ready ready oh we're all ready start counting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what's next it's glob [Music] [Music] time [Music] mine's going to be the yuckiest glop ever mine's going to be the yuckiest muckiest most revolting glop ever [Music] what's that my secret [Music] ingredient B fight my secret ingredient it's so easy being me [Music] Henry I want you to add these numbers then multiply the answer by this number then divide it by this number then speak the [Music] [Applause] [Music] lady [Music] take this alien math monster calm down everyone Math's never hurt anyone Yu [Music] Willow hey Alien over here Wibble you saved us well someone had to get rid of the maths monster Henry Henry Henry are you listening to me now which of you deserves a brave badge that mes I've saved us from the mass monster as I was saying we'll find out tomorrow who is brave and who is not because tomorrow is injection day injection day no it's only an injection it's not like it's major surgery silence worm don't be nervous Henry H no nervous why would I be nervous it's only an injection that's right it's just a few cm of needle jumed into your [Music] flesh and the winner of the gold medal for Javelin is Henry oh wait it appears we have one more contestant and then they pull the needle out and Henry [Music] Henry Henry time for school I can't go to school today Mom whatever not I've got to cough oh come on Henry you'll have to do better than that um the school burnt down yesterday oh I didn't see any Flames silence worm don't be hurried Henry I can't go to school today because I've broken my [Music] leg ow ow oh the pain oh poor Henry I know it's injection day today Henry and you are going to school whether you like it or not now let me see be for broken leg just lie back and relax Henry I can help you yes Peter yes you [Music] can but I don't want to pretend to be you for the day you get to play in the Big Boy's playground yes [Music] whoa and you got to sit in the Big Boy's class [Music] so you'll get Mass homework goody I love Mass homework um but if I'm you won't I get your [Music] injection oh yeah uh I hadn't thought of that but think of all that Math's homework this is never going to work of course it will Henry Peter you're right it's never going to work this injection better not leave a mark my arms are beautiful and I want them to stay that way you better hope she doesn't hit an artery this causes is massive blood loss gangina and possible amputation that means they cut your arm off
Channel: Horrid Henry
Views: 78,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horrid henry, horrid henry full episodes, full episodes of horrid henry, horrid henry movies, horrid henry the movie, horrid henry in english, horrid henry cartoon, cartoon horrid henry, horrid henry english, cartoon of horrid henry, horrid henry song, horrid henry theme song, horrid henry audiobook, horrid henry season 1, horrid henry theme, horrid henry noooo, horrid henry new episode, new episode of horrid henry, horrid henry intro, horrid henry birthday
Id: rpwP9WKmhqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 26sec (10526 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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