Horrid Henry - Fun Run | Adventures with Horrid Henry | Videos For Kids

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[Music] we'll start with an easy one just as far as that tree as far as that tree come on henry [Music] see that wasn't so bad oh admit it it was fun wasn't it no but at least it's over now let's get a taxi and go home so i can watch gross class zero over henry that was just a warm-up the fun runs not until next week there's going to be a lot more training between now and then [Music] 23 24 25 [Music] ah [Music] he likes you [Music] hmm what looks easy have a go henry [Music] [Music] i thought athletes were supposed to eat real food like chips i'm glad to see you're taking an interest henry now how's your sponsorship coming along what what sponsorship i've got miss lovely and everyone in my class to sponsor me for the fun run and i've got everyone at tingly toothbrushes to sponsor me where's your sponsorship form henry the one i gave you a week ago um does this ring any bells oh that sponsorship form the fun run is a chance to raise money for charity yes that's the whole point you mean if we don't raise any money then it's not worth doing the fun run well yes [Music] and after about a week you have a perfectly flat dried bloom like this chrysanthemum [Music] thank you peter what a wonderful show-and-tell [Applause] yes can we help you henry um miss oddball wants to see you urgently oh i see i'll be right back children [Music] right listen up babies this is fang he's my hamster and he's in this room somewhere i need to find him does he bite the crocodiles bite but he's very cute though and he only bites teachers [Music] got you now what where'd he go why did you bring that horizon to school this is all your fault worm you wouldn't let me your mummy now fangs lost all alone poor fun what about poor ross i will not tolerate a rat in my school drastic measures are called for the rat will be disposed of immediately walk don't run ralph get your finger out of there i'll escape this time [Music] come on funky come to henry henry oh oh where are you i know you're in here you horrid boy [Music] this school does not totally tell me [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] do something then oh yes um let's get you in the cage then [Music] now you understand that this afternoon you will be representing the school and any bad behavior will be severely punished you don't have to worry about me miss oddball [Music] hey margaret we're supposed to take one each can't pull the muscle doing ballet when i'm king i'll never have to carry anything come along henry i'll dump these bags then i'll be off to the park to read my mute and max comic [Music] hello i'm margaret and i've brought you our donations from giving week ah it's not just lovely of you so uh we'll be on our way then what's your rush come on in and meet everyone they've been waiting for you but love to wouldn't we henry hmm [Music] so my name's chris and i'm the senior care worker caring chris this is the day room where some of our residents like to sit and read or play games or just uh chillax [Music] are you ron are you olive who wrinkly run an old olive margaret perhaps you'd like to finish your tour with olive come along terry we girls have to stick together now henry what should we do with you well you know i should be going so uh thanks for the tour go in oh no no no i thought it'd be so lovely if you when the residents could uh chillax for a while what are you frieda are you sure ash are you both chillaxin look what this is henry er henry we've come to reach you i can feed myself thank you [Music] here you go henry enjoy enjoy the complete book of thimbles this has got to be the most boring book in the whole world no it's not the most boring book in the old world is the encyclopedia know it all's bumper book of thimbles oh let's get this over with the earliest known thimble dates back to roman times and was discovered at pompey [Music] this is what i call reading new to max versus robotroid [Music] [Music] nearly lunchtime henry see you outside i need the yellow get your own give it here [Music] margaret you can stain it lunch time oh this is all your fault yeah lunch time [Music] stay in great idea henry did you do that yes miss oh shall i stay in at lunchtime it wasn't henry miss it was me and me yes you two bet you know oh get out the lot of you i've had enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] oddbod's office no [Music] nearly home time i knew they'd never catch me looks away now get changed for the games games it's not games today it's always games on tuesday no it can't be and henry i don't care if aliens ate your pe kit no excuses [Music] yes henry no excuses oh no i've got the perfect excuse what no [Music] you've forgotten your underpants have you heard quiet well henry this is your lucky day look what i found in the boys toilets huh can wear these [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] henry what are you up to uh nothing dad i finished cleaning the car can i go to ralph's now no mom wants you upstairs now [Music] [Applause] [Music] right i want you to take the laundry down to the basement my arms are aching they're going to drop off don't be ridiculous henry and don't forget to separate the whites from the colors [Music] [Music] mr mom said you've got to separate the colors from the whites so what are you going to do about it telltale i'm going to tell mom who cares what colors they are henry did you do what i said yes it's all sorted good then you can tidy your room now this is torture [Applause] gods are tied in my room later i want to go to ralph's not until you've finished empty the bins wash the car do the laundry i'm just your slave and pick up your socks they're all over the floor that's where i keep them and don't forget to hoover henry [Music] don't be worried henry now get on with it please the sooner i know i know [Music] why do parents always make you tidy your room i'd like to get untidy again so why not just save time and leave it the way it is [Music] i hate picking up socks [Music] wow [Applause] [Applause] henry you just hoovered up one of your socks hey mum will be really cross [Applause] [Music] [Music] henry [Music] henry it's late go to bed but bed fine i'll run away tomorrow [Music] henry breakfast [Music] ah henry want to help me mend this um no why am i not surprised [Music] [Music] hi henry do you want to join our club and be a best boy no way how long is your stupid meeting gonna last all day we've got lots of gold stars to give out i bet you have i need to borrow a suitcase okay i'm running away tonight cool way too oh you know africa probably always wanted to visit africa you can come if you want nah i miss karate killers on the blood channel wait here oh a map would help too [Music] grizzly grub box dungeon drink kit goose shooter mr kill day glow slime uh what else ah comics gotta have something to read when i'm not fighting lions [Music] come on into bed what's all this um ralph let me some comics hmm well don't stay up all night reading good night [Music] i go to bed early [Music] daylight i'm behind schedule [Music] come [Music] [Music] let's go somewhere else museums are so boring good morning class and welcome welcome welcome my name is mrs crunch [Music] c-r-u-n-c-h crunch and i have the pleasure of being your tour guide extraordinaire while you grace our premise i want to see the dinosaurs me too that's impossible i'm afraid our new dinosaur exhibit is presently closed for the public my dad says you've got a mummy well dear most of us do have ma oh of course how silly of me you mean the uh the mummy from the ancient egypt exhibit [Music] unfortunately the ancient egypt gallery had to make way for the dinosaur exhibit so it too is closed to the public well let's come back when they're open young man this is a place of learning for those who find civilized behavior impossible we have a naughty children's room you would be wise to avoid it follow me class gather round class as you can see our permanent exhibit tells the story of this very spot throughout history the flora on display here once covered this induction stop in our garden let us start with the soil the very earth beneath our feet unchanged since the dawn of humanity [Music] see it touch smell it our very soil is alive with the mysteries of history it's alive it's a very funny young man but also accurate the soil is very much alive behold the worms [Music] we could eat them like they're doing tilly oh yuck what do worms taste like to know [Music] everyone help i want all the worms picked up immediately [Music] oh for goodness sake they're only worms can i go to the low yes yes fine but don't doddle henry someone is responsible for this i am very disappointed very disappointed you
Channel: WildBrain Bananas
Views: 4,482,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horrid Henry, Horrid Henry full episodes, Horrid Henry (Film Character), Horrid Henry: The Movie (Film), HHFE, horrid henry the movie, henry, horrid, henry horrid, horrid henry episodes, horrid henry full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, cbeebies cartoons, cartoon, animation, henry cartoon, horrid henry the movie full movie, horrid henry movie, perfect peter is born, horrid henry theme song, horrid henry new episodes 2017, horrid henry in hindi
Id: I0dP6svRQn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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