FREE Nasi Lemak to Everyone I see in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 🇲🇾

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how much are these three pieces to ring three pieces to ringy okay I'll take all of them all of them I'm going to leave those I'm going to leave those with you and you give those away on my name okay you just give them to people that need some food okay my name's Chris Chris all right I but you just you know when someone's hungry give them those today all right thank you brother thank you you want some n lak take care brother n lak n l I'll give you two man one one one one enough one enough okay n lak man for you guys okay thank you thank you you guys keep the shoes clean man there you go brother spring roll okay okay okay yeah take some bro what's up everybody welcome back to another beautiful day here in koala Lumar Malaysia and I got an exciting video planned for you guys today because we're going to be doing something well not for us but for others we're GNA be feeding some homeless here in the city and I've decided to do this because well you know I've been walking around KL the last few days and to be honest I've seen a lot of people hungry on the streets now this isn't a video to you know bash the city of KL there's homeless everywhere in the world and man these people suffer from all kinds of um diseases mental illnesses and a lot of them just had one very unfortunate situation and I've ended up on the streets and to be honest with you guys that could happen to any of us and I've made videos like this all around the world on my main Channel but today we're going to um give back to the people here in Malaysia now I am going to go ahead and point out because I don't know why it is but so many people want to always throw out hate comments and say oh those people aren't Malaysian those are Indonesians those are Filipinos who cares they're people all right so let's not do any negative comments today let's have fun let's experience KL together and yeah let's get back to people who need it the most now right now I am with solo what's up guys how's it going how are you doing today bro doing fantastic another beautiful warm day here in quore yeah true it is a nice day today now right now we're in the Chow kit area this is actually where solo like pretty much stays all the time if you guys want his address just send me a message I'll send you his address that way you can go knock on his door and bother him and if you want his phone number I'll give that to you dude let me know let me know um five ring it all right no I'm joking but yeah man it's good to be with you bro it's always a good time being with solo likewise man this dude's like the the ambassador of Malaysia let me know down in the comment section if you guys love solo if you don't let me know as well I'm just giving you a hard time now um right now we're actually on our way to go pick up some Nazi logs right where we going bro so right now we are in the Chow kit Market here you can find like daily like fruits and veggies for retail and wholesale okay and uh also there's fish here there's meat so a lot of restaurants will come here but also like individual like local people just for their family we'll buy some fruits and stuff actually you know what now that I got here this is the market I actually walked through in one of my videos I think a year ago oh yeah so yeah very um vibrant Market in here you're going to find like a wide selection of poultry Meats um yeah all the famous drinks that you always find in uh qual par coconuts yeah a little bit of everything I love this area of the city because it's just a well call it par as a it's a huge Melting Pot the whole world is found here people immigrate from all over the world to come here and it's beautiful to see it reminds me of the United States but um yeah guys we're going to find some Nasi lamog maybe a couple other dishes and then we'll head off onto the streets and start handing them out now how far are we from the Nasi lak Spa I'd say walking straight like 2 minutes okay or two yeah cool well you know what we're also going to help out the Nasi lak lady we're going to help out everybody today that's what the world is all about giving back and putting smiles on people's faces because that alone is priceless so yeah guys beautiful day here in qual par as always temperature is pretty much the same all year around right solo oh yeah definitely just like 30 and humid what is it right now 35 or 30 in Celsius yeah I don't even know I know it's like maybe the 9s and uh I'm going to tell you guys right now watch out for this car so it is 85 de fits okay 8 wow 70 4% humidity brutal that is brutal so in Celsius it is 30° and 75% humidity so yeah brutal if you guys see us dripping sweat that is why also because I'm fat we're just going to be honest right now something hard like there's no there's no sugar coating nothing man I've been eating too much Nasi lamak too much chicken sauté and that's pretty much a story of my life but yeah what's your favorite food Here solo I'd have to say saut is one of them but also nany Caribou n nany Caribou really which is like a rice dish it's blue rice and they have coconut they have these other like sauces like sample sauce so it's like a sticky rice no it's the normal rice is like the US like nasty Lama oh okay so like that coconut rice yeah but no it's coconut rice they have like coconut shavings they put a little bit of like cabbage with it it's really cool okay we're going to have to try that then later on but yeah look this is actually one of the apartments I stayed in last year beautiful beautiful apartment I found it on Airbnb for around $30 what is this a MOS solo no this is actually I thought once the first time I went here I thought it was a mosque was actually like some Hindu temple or something oh really there's a mosque in front of us though oh yeah I see the mosque right in front of us that's the one that I can hear when I'm in Kong Barrel wait is this Kong Barrel Chow kid is in coming Barrel basically it's like the same area oh okay I always get a little bit confused by that and you got to love the internet Warriors there's always people giving me comments that's not Kon barrel and I'm like one street away like I get it okay there's always got to be someone that's right all right and it's never the person that's making the videos that's the hardest thing you have to really think what exact word you're going to say cuz anytime you say anything you say uh a beautiful day what do you mean beautiful day the sky is gray this and that anything out of context of course of course but like I said let's keep the hate away from this video all right well let's find some food let's find some food um to be honest I'd like to get some drinks as well but I think that's going to be quite heavy to walk around with so you know what let's get a bunch of different um Malaysian food and I think that'll be a nice way to kick off the video man look at the petronis towers you can never get sick of that view that view is one of a kind I love this city so much if you guys haven't made a trip out to KL then please do and if you guys want to see more videos then please check out my main Channel I'll leave a link down below um on there I have so many other videos from Malaysia and unfortunately I was going to put this series is out on my main Channel but man it's just yeah I've made so many videos the past few weeks and it's impossible like it's just impossible I got too many things going on right now but yeah this is the place right here all right hopefully she has enough Nasi lch huh they should we'll see hello hello hello yeah do you have Nasi L MOX yeah we have n l um ready to go yeah like already made uh not yet not yet yeah okay how much is each one uh the normal price uh50 Cent two ring at 50 Cent yeah okay um so two ring at 50 Cent can I get how much is that how much is 60 of those 6 UH 60 ring no no 60 60 pieces 60 pieces yeah yeah yeah 60 pieces do you think you can make that like um pretty fast it doesn't take too too long smells delicious here 15 ring 150 ring it yes okay perfect H is does that mean I'm going to buy all your Nasi lak I'm going to buy everything right all right cool I want to make sure you guys are empty can I have a look yeah oh awesome so Nas's rice that's the rice yeah uh uh C rice coconut rice amazing and what's in here no this one finish oh that one's finished all right okay all right so maybe what 10 15 minutes yeah around 10 or 15 minutes cool cool all right well thank you I'll be right back then okay all right should I pay first or you it's okay okay yeah that way you know how many you got huh okay I'll be right back all right man all right well we got that taken care of let's see what else we can purchase around here imagine giving diran to to everybody we only if I was rich that would be amazing only if I was rich but I think people would rather eat a proper meal than to have a piece of fruit all right well is pretty good over here though let's see where we're going to go yeah I like the durian it's a good it's always a good time with durian let's see if this lady has any nasty lamach ready to go or something else hello sir hello do you have n you have Nasi lak to go next spot okay all right thank you yes I already I already I already ordered some over there thank you thank you all right well he doesn't have anymore well you know what you know what I could probably go for right now nice ice cold coconut let's see if we can't find one of those and then we'll head back over to the shop actually you know what there's a coconut right here let's head over in that direction let's grab one of those and and then we'll head on out oh wow look there's a lot of little food around here too you know what maybe we should just buy a bunch of everything huh let's just get a bunch of food bro why not oh this spot looks awesome hello how are you doing good how are you what is that chicken yeah no banana so it's like seafood no Seafood uh sweet love oh it's sweet okay banana banana banana okay how much are these three pieces to ring it three pieces to ring it okay I'll take all of them all of them every piece everything all of them hello all of them I want all of it yes and how much are these ones this two uh two pieces one ring it all of them everything everything are you serious serious very serious yeah of course I want you to relax today let me buy these and these everything thank you he said are you serious I'm so serious man we got a lot of people to feed there's a lot of people hungry on these streets so um we're going to take a little bit of everything we're going to give each person a Nazi L each person an egg roll inside potato and carrot that's potato and carrot inside oh they're going to love that thank you so much what's the name of your restaurant restauranta here in K very nice how many years you work here I think she's trying to not lose count of her egg rolls that's a lot a lot of keep I don't even know how much that is I tried like keeping track but I yes yes what's your name my name mm M Pakistan you're from Pakistan zindabad yeah you um America California but America Pakistan friends politicians not friends all right the world we're all human the politics are the only thing that separate us what's Your Name YouTube uh travel with Chris yeah man you well upload this one yeah nice thank you brother how long I am here for uh just one and a half week right now okay okay and you how long you live here I'm uh long time after 18 years 18 years work here do you go back to Pakistan or no yeah go for vacation go one year 3 months one year 3 months okay that's nice yeah everybody misses home huh yeah here let me put this here I scrap you thank thank you thank you travel with Chris that's me right there bro okay appreciate you man nice meeting you and what's this one man is from tapioca tapioca oh so it's sweet sweet tapioca uh is uh coconut and sugar what's the name in Malaysian h UB UB caou ubby Caillou okay ubby caou sounds like Pikachu but it sounds good though huh have you ever had one of those uh maybe I think I had it one time it looks good man all right look we brought you good business today okay let's see what the too is and maybe we'll keep going here actually can you hold this real I got to have I got to make sure I have enough to to pay for the Nasi lak over there yeah I do yeah D let's spend all the money man why not why not we got to Help the People Help The Local hardworking people who keep this country full and fed all right these people are the reasons why I can't lose weight and I appreciate it kind of all right let's see how much4 45 45 45 there you go thank you take this actually so I'm going to need your help right now thank you so much I got can I get um can I get uh two bags two small bags small a small one yes for our hands thank you T masi you from America from America yes Malaysia's good I'm from Indonesia you're from Indonesia's good Indonesia is beautiful take care okay take care brother no man Indonesia's beautiful Malaysian is beautiful everything's beautiful what's up bro you know what solo before we get to work we need a coconut brother you ready for one yeah hydrated why not yeah let's do it let's do it oh man you know what let's put this right here yeah it's kind of heavy here I got here let's set it right here hello sir can we get two coconuts please two yes thank you I love he has them how he has them in a cage over there good ones good ones please yesterday I had one that was like sour man you know ever happened to you where they cut it open and you're like oh bro I can't drink this it's too sour it's a fruit you don't know what it going to be like in the inside it's Hit or Miss but it's funny how they have it in cage because I guess if somebody wants to steal at night time steal those coconuts yeah they ain't getting nothing huh take um no we drink here drink here real quick thank you oh man dude I always get so shocked at that man I I would take my whole hand off wouldn't you solo definitely first one's for you bro oh look at all that juice dang let me see the inside of that bad boy sh all right all right let me know how that is real quick bomb so refreshing all right yeah that's exactly what I need right now I'm feeling like a little bit dehydrated today there goes ours what do you call coconut in Malay uh what's the name of the coconut in Malay glappa glappa oh glappa okay wow big gaaa thank you all right dang dude how nothing better bro all right we're going to drink our coconuts and I'll message you guys all I'll message you guys oh man I'm a mess I got to get my life together I'll talk to you guys once we pick up the Nasi lak let's come over here and see exactly what our Nasi lamak is looking like oh dang this one's for our order yes man this is amazing yo what's up bro how's it going you watched the videos before yeah yeah yeah I watch your name Chris man yeah bro thanks man where you guys from I'm from India I love it man from uh Punjab no New Delhi New Delhi oh bro crazy City man yeah youve been there yeah of course bro um like konut Place Kon place um gurunam you have some someone have uh before one lady in India I see your video really yes one lady with you yeah yeah yeah my girlfriend my girlfriend yeah yeah yeah I can see how you guys live in Malaysia yeah yeah yeah man amazing right nice to meet you guys bro thank you brother appreciate you man thanks for watching bro appreciate you guys like I like your guys I like your guys' uh mustache thank you I get the I get you get my video on YouTube I can see also yeah you're going to this one will be on YouTube man you watch so when you upload um this one will be on YouTube this week this week yeah but on my second channel on the second Channel you you'll find it on the same same thing I have two channels but check it out bro yeah it's coming out nice man nice meeting you guys man nice person thank you brother thank you I appreciate you thank you man all right I love it oh man the nzi lamak is well on its way look at this beautiful dish so the Nasi Lok this one here has this sambar sambar right sambar beans cucumber and rice and a little piece of egg this one is about two ring 50 obviously you can spend like what 14 ring it and get a big chicken breast on there all kinds of things but this is a nice little proper meal to give to somebody so um today we're going to be handing out all of these Nasi lxs man a lot of food a lot of food we got solo well look at this this is like only like five or eight how many we have 60 60 more to go all right you know what I'm probably going to have to eat one of them myself that thing looks good son it does all right we'll wait a little bit and we'll see exactly what happens once this food comes on out so we're all packed up now how many did you say we have sir um 52 52 in total okay how much do I owe you 130 130 yes okay 20 for you all right okay all right thank you brother all right man look at all the amazing food we got so we got 52 Nasi LX we got like 50 egg rolls I don't know guys I don't even know I lost track but it's time for us to hit the street thank you brother appreciate you guys thank you brother thank you thank you look I'm going to leave those I'm going to leave those with you and you give those away on my name okay you just give them to people that need some food okay your name my name is Chris Chris all right I but you just you know when someone's hungry give them those today right all right thank you brother thank you take care okay all right we got a lot of food guys so it's time for us to get ready now how we going to do this solo we got three bags we got some any ideas on how we're going to handle this situation I think we might have to get like a backpack or something just to have everything I don't know look I I can carry like two you have a camera in your hand I don't know how many you maybe I carry three I can sold okay all right well we're about to be on our way I'm excited man I'm too look at this hey we who needs to go to the gym when you have 50 N LX in your hand this is going to be a workout man oh it's hard walking around with this weights I don't I don't think I was prepared for this you don't realize how heavy um food is until it's all in your hands but yeah we're going to walk over to the main streets now solo actually lives in this area so he says that he sees a lot of people um usually like on the Main Street right correct like asking for food so we're going to head over there and it's right around lunchtime so hopefully there's some people that are hungry that we can surprise with a nice lunch because this year is a good lunch I mean it doesn't get much better than a nice little Nasi lamach to start your day especially when in Malaysia even though who knows maybe these people are sick of eating masty Lon cuz they eat it all the time I don't know you can never get sick of NY L I don't think you could get sick of it yeah all right well let's turn the camera around and we'll start seeing who we come across first man but all right it looks like this man's carrying a lot more weight than I am so um props to him you know what let's feed everybody today let's head over here look I see some guys some hardworking construction guys over here we'll give them some nasty lak hello Brothers you want some NY lamak take care brother you're welcome here NY lak for you you guys want um here yeah take one of those as well that's another oh two n lamak yeah no take one as well and here potato spring roll those are good man for you too enjoy brother okay all right have a nice day okay enjoy oh yeah bag's already a little bit lighter I see what you're doing solo take two hey a little sneaky one over here he's not he's trying to get rid of the weights but yeah those look like some hard some very hardworking individuals man I got a lot of respect for the people that take care of our streets like the trash people um the street uh the street sweepers I think those are the people we really got to take care of man because without them can you imagine what these places would look like oh all right well we're not too far off now from the main streets now I'm going to be honest with you guys when the camera was off there was a lady that came up to me to beg for money I handed her a Nas luk and cuz she said she needed food for the baby and food for her I handed her to the food and and she said no food money and I politely told her to go ask someone else for money because if you're hungry you're not going to say no to food and I learned my lesson I don't give people money anymore because guys money is hard to earn I work hard for my money just like you guys do but if someone's hungry I have no problem giving them food because that's the human thing to do however I've been messed over many times where I give people money and then later on I see them like drinking a beer drinking getting high yeah bro it's crazy where I walk down the street donate some money to somebody and then turn around come back like 30 minutes later after eating and they're drinking a beer and they told me they were hungry so that broke my heart and I won't let it happen again now me and solo we got a pretty strict um donation policy like we walk around koal Lor and we donate to the people that we see that are handicapped of course that can't work that can't go out there and make money but if you're willing and able to I don't know my personal opinion but I'm always willing to help anybody that needs help hello she said hi and kept walking all right we're on the main street now man my shoulder's killing me all right we got to start getting rid of some of this stuff so yeah this here is the main street you know what the name of the street is called something Jalan something oh man funny guy Jalan something so we're about to cross the street now because when I walked down this Boulevard earlier today I had actually seen quite a bit of people that needed some food over on these streets all right you know what I think this guy with the crutch could use some Nai lamach in his life let's see Hello Brother yes brother n lak oh n here I'll give you two man one one one one enough one enough okay you want a egg roll what egg roll I don't egg roll no no no enough no enough okay thank you take care bro enjoy that you plastic oh you want plastic okay okay thank you there you go all right enjoy okay okay no problem okay no problem I love I love uh the Bangladeshi and Indians here they're so funny man very friendly good people man like good people there's some of the some very friendly people you know what the shoe guys man they're so important here in the city hello guys you guys up n lch man for you guys okay thank you thank you you guys keep the shoes clean man there you go brother you guys don't like um you guys don't like egg roll very delicious man very very delicious no okay take care brother all right solo look at this guy I think this one's for you man hello brother Nasi lak here you go two enjoy okay I'm going to make sure solo keeps all that weight in his hands the entire day no I'm joking it's okay I can do I work out I got some muscle you know what guys I got to take this back it's actually not just feeding the homeless we're feeding all the hard working people in Malaysia as well anybody that's down this street is getting Nasi lak today let's actually turn back this way I spotted a lady right here hello ma'am Nas lak you want to enjoy okay all right my bags are getting lighter and Solo's like bro you're making me work right now that's okay it's all right solo doesn't mind Man solo loves doing good deeds just like I do honest that's why we're good friends man like you know what I mean like-minded people become good friends you get blessed with money you're blessed with so much blessings you pass on the blessings exactly exactly all right now we got to get rid of some of Solo's weights how much stuff do you have in your hand I think have you given away what two yeah I think so yeah that's about all right we'll get we'll make sure that solo gets rid of a little bit more oh look here's another shoe repairer right now I think they deserve not L man the shoe guys I think a lot of people don't appreciate the shoe uh cleaners or shoe repairers as much as they should be appreciated 100% you know all right let's give this man a meal right now what's up bro good good here brought you a little n lak man thank you of course brother here I leave you two very delicious take two okay enjoy okay okay thank you for what you do all right yeah we're going to get rid of this pretty fast man we've already like put a lot of smiles on some people's faces and you know um for a lot of you guys you might be like Chris you should have gave these people a little bit more because people are never satisfied on the internet but let's keep it real guys a lot of these people are cleaning shoes repairing shoes for like four or five ring it which is the price of two of these Nazi lxs and a lot of people you know they're missing meals just to make sure they can have a dinner with their family now I'm not saying that's everybody in Malaysia because let's be honest man there's a lot of people doing very well here in this country but like everywhere else in the world there's also very unfortunate people and it's not our job to make sure they're okay but if you're blessed enough to be able to eat three meals a day and walk around and eat snacks and drink whatever the hell you want then man you're probably blessed enough to be able to give back a little something and to be honest with you guys the money that I'm spending right now on this it wasn't much man it was around $40 but for all of the smiles that you're going to put on all these people's faces that is priceless all right let's see where else we can come across some other individual oh you definitely feel it in your in your wrist man woo yeah I'm on fire right now but yeah walking around these streets is always beautiful there's so much energy such a good vibe what is this area primarily is it like a Chinese area Indian area well actually the name of a kind does sound Chinese right Chow kit Chow kit yeah that's like a place in like Hong Kong or something yeah exactly it does remind me of Hong Kong they call uh also they call it little Jakarta Indonesians work here and live here too they have a lot of Indonesian food uh there's a lot of people from like Bangladesh and other countries as well a lot of uh i' say like a lot of like non-locals live here maybe okay you know what I see a gentleman over here on a wheelchair let's head over in this direction and I love that right now it's like Chinese New Year celebrations so you got you know decorations all around the city all right solo it's time for you to start handing some of these bad boys out man all right we got you got to get rid of some of that weight bro all right make my hands lighter oh man it gets hard huh yeah it does walking around with all this beautiful day though every day you get to wake up it's a beautiful day hey you want some uh some of these fried foods as well one see as much as you want okay this one too egg roll okay enjoy okay you know we give you another naal Mar too why not okay one for later one for later okay thank you thank you brother thank you enjoy your day okay all right what a lovely guy brother n l no nil Lok good it's it's oh you have one okay thank you for na lak all right well solo got rid of a few now we're a few pounds lighter we still got I don't know how many kilos of food solo you still Co it like maybe five at least five huh at least five and I'm starting to sweat right now so yeah it's probably a best a good idea to start just getting rid of all of this all right let's see how many more people we can come across right now brother Nas lak yeah thank you thank you of course of course brother nzi lak here let me hook you up let me hook you up look spring roll okay okay okay yeah take some bro as many as you want want more more oh dude yeah he's hungry look at that yeah yeah yeah take that all man yeah yeah yeah take that all here you know what let me leave you with the man these guys are hungry yeah let me leave them a couple more NY lak here two more NY lak for later for later brother okay yeah yeah enjoy bro thank you you're welcome oh man that breaks my heart to see and let's be honest I already know the comments you guys are going to have oh those people are on drugs doesn't mean that they're not humans I saw the needles on the floor I saw the aluminum foil but damn they were hungry you seen how much food they took out of that bag surpris like you know at the end of the day man we all got our demons we all got our problems and some people just fall into that hole that they can't get out of man and it is what it is but that doesn't mean that they don't deserve a little bit of food so keep that in mind as you're walking around but yeah hey we're making progress solo yes we are feels good too man I'm telling you what if you're having a bad day like get out there get your hands on some on some food take some invite somebody else out to out to eat someone who is a little bit who's living a little bit how can I say it you know not as good as you unfortunately yeah who's some someone who's unfortunate help them out and I think you'll notice that it'll even brighten up your day man I love this area of the city man to be honest with you guys I think the child kit area is like my favorite area of the city I love that you can walk around here too and not see any foreigners it's awesome look a bunch of local food man this place is popping shees that's the spot to be crazy huh all right let me see n l n lamach for you let me see um potato spring roll yes take as many as you want okay take as many as you want there you go maybe she has a whole family she has to feed and some of these [Music] too that's the problem is that a lot of people out here as well thank you a lot of people out here as well man they have they have families to feed not just themselves so she probably saw that and was like oh man this is my time to take some home to everybody man it's starting to rain n l no okay we've had uh um oh so many Nai logs to give out we still got so much left solo yeah I know but it's starting to rain so hopefully we can get rid of them I think we can I think we can too before the rain comes but yeah look there's a KFC here on this corner all kinds of little hotels too I'm not sure what the quality of these hotels are because yeah they don't really look like the greatest places to probably hang out but I can imagine they're pretty budget friendly in this area huh well there are some really nice hotels actually like really sany Hotel over there there are maybe the outside looks a little bit rough in some of these hotels the inside it's very nice okay I think Solo's trying to get me in a trap and get me to book one of these spots all right let me get these bags organized okay I think we're good okay you know what I almost sorry guys trying to get my life together right now I got I think I think I'm good now oh yeah you're you're running low now yeah all right let's start getting let's give away a few more here hello n lak here let me give you egg roll enjoy okay you know what let me leave her one more as well thank you all right let's give away all of these there's a few more people on the street that could use some food see another lady over here in this direction let's get her some Nasi lak hello ma'am Nasi lak Nasi lak oh you don't want Nasi l n l oh you want a beer oh man I can't give you a beer sorry sure this lady wanted a beer bro you her you're welcome you're welcome all right let's keep walking man she's straight up tell me I want a beer all right let's turn around I want a beer too to be honest come on now that's the kind of stuff that I'm telling you that's why I don't give out money guys I refuse to give out money unless you're missing a limb and it shows that you're out here really on the grind heart trying then I'll give away money but that was a perfect example of why I don't hand out money you seen that I I had I tried to hand her n lak and she pulled out a beer and was like beer you seen right after that he was giving some guy saw me I saw you giving it he oh what do you guys have yeah there's always going to be people a little bit hungry oh man look at this little um lady over here let's see if we can give her a few more Nasi lxs maybe you could prepare those and walk them up to her solo get rid of some of that weight that you got I think we could give her two I think two's perfect for everybody that way they I have something to eat later on true all right got it okay I'll watch solo give this one out and then um yeah maybe we'll walk over this way but yeah what a blessing to be able to give back to those in need so yeah Solo's over there just handed that lady out some food and we'll keep waking our way down this street it's called Jalan Raja la oh man I drank a drink yesterday called air Kapa LA but yeah this this street is called Jalan Raja Laut dude that's crazy yesterday I had a drink called air Kapa Laut oh really I wonder what Laut means interesting huh nice lady was she a nice lady yeah it was really good let's leave this man some nasty lak we'll leave that there and man we're almost we're almost out we're running low you know what solo maybe you can help me for a quick second sure let me prepare this bag real quick it's kind getting kind of difficult to hold the camera so I would say we got probably about I don't know 20 or so left maybe more man to be honest with you we got quite a bit um you know what maybe we can hold that one there let me get rid of this bag yeah I got four in here and some some more egg RS we're actually getting rid of the egg r like people are taking handfuls of them which is nice all right let's keep it going let me know what you guys think of this video so far and let me know are you guys inspired to go out and you know give back I think we should all do it when we can obviously we we're all humans we can't do it all the time but when we can it's nice to do all right brother Nasi lak and enjoy okay I had put the camera down for a little bit um because I didn't really notice anybody else on the street but I ended up handing out what how many more people did we see about five yeah about five so a lot of people have been fed today and that is a beautiful thing my friends I don't think anybody should go hungry in the world that we live in today especially in the world that like we're so much food goes to waste like there's no reason why anybody should be going to sleep with with a hungry belly man it's messed up all right solo told me that on this street he always finds uh people in need of food so we're going to walk around this corner right now but yeah man this City's awesome I love the contrast of K don't you yeah it's really interesting cuz you see like a lot of older architecture and with the new like all these buildings right next to us are like older than behind it highrises yeah it's so cool to see now if you guys want to see a lot more of KL check out Solo's Channel man he has videos all around the city showing you guys yeah everything from the malls to the street food so uh great videos over in that direction but yeah this place is beautiful look at that little corner building the little pink building W that is beautiful huh you find even in Singapore you'll find like some little buildings like this kind of in some parts in Singapore tucked the way in between the skyline huh yep that's cool to see I didn't realize that inkl they like they go so crazy for Chinese New Year but man it's everywhere the decorations really love that Chinese stuff any Festival inko bro yeah oh man I almost ate it guys I almost had to go take care of my ankle man that was scary actually if I wasn't vlogging I would have been like I almost ate it man yeah I saw no but yeah I think Malaysian people just have any any reason for a for a festival or a get together they're up for it huh it's cool to see all right well I'm going to put the camera down for a second guys and we'll catch back up here in a minute surprisingly the street that we were just on there wasn't too many people but I do see a lady right now um right here in front of me oh man you really start to feel it once you're sweating in this heat I see l n l enjoy okay I have some too yeah I have some to yeah here you can have those ones you can have those ones okay thank you enjoy Joy okay hey you know you can have all of these there only a few more left take care brother all right well we're getting rid of a lot of these but yeah you can definitely tell who's the who's the people that need the that have the families and um have more people to bring the food home to because they ask for more you don't want L you want money nice ah sorry bro I need money too man we all need money don't you but come on dude if you're hungry take the food I don't know I don't got sympathy for it a lot of you guys are probably still get angry in the comments but I don't care I've been dude look at the channel I've been making YouTube videos for a long time I'm so used to it you get hate no matter what you do in this world I promise you but I'm not giving people money all right guys well you know what I think the rest of these I'm going to go ahead and give them away um as we make our way through the streets but for now I think that's going to be the end of the video I hope you enjoyed that solo dude I love it anytime to give to people it's always a great day it's always a great day and yeah we're going to continue on now enjoy the rest of our day here in KL I hope you enjoyed that video and yeah I'll see you guys again soon for another one later guys
Channel: Chris Rodriguez
Views: 179,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uI4GVGsJd0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 45sec (2745 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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