Hidden Mysteries that God Wants to Reveal to Us - Zac Poonen - May 6, 2020

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I was thinking of a particular word in the New Testament mm-hmm thought I'd share a few thoughts with you along that it's the word with Jesus used in Matthew 13 if you turn with me there mm-hmm Matthew's Gospel chapter 13 where you know Jesus was speaking a parable and the disciples came to Jesus in Matthew 13 verse 10 and said why do you speak to them in parables and jesus answered them to you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it has not been granted so one would think that Jesus would be very keen that everybody should understand what he is trying to say I myself in my own ministry of teaching the Bible my desire is often that everybody should understand what I'm saying and I'll try and make it as simple as possible but in the last 45 years of CFC churches in different parts of the world and speaking different people I've discovered one thing that no matter how simple you make it the truths the amazing truths of the New Covenant most people don't get it and that's proved by the quality of their life and the quality of their family life and very often if you're honest they have to admit there's not much difference between the quality of their life from the life of Christians and other churches so what is it that we can speak which makes us distinct and I've come to see that it's because a lot of people I mean I made this mistake way back in the beginning June when I was trying to understand the message of victory and overcoming sin and the New Covenant I thought if I understood it correctly I've got it and since I had a good mind I could understand it very quickly and I could explain it to myself very quickly and it's the same with those who are clever intelligence they're like these Pharisees they thought they understood but they didn't and one of the you know it Jesus are they asked Jesus's question why do you speak to them in parables Jesus said the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven Matthew 13 11 as it has been granted to you to know them but not to these Pharisees was it because the disciples were cleverer than the Pharisees no Pharisees were far cleverer more intelligent and more educated than these fishermen but there was something these fishermen had that those clever Pharisees didn't have and that's why they missed it completely and this word mystery is not found in the Old Testament there it comes a number of times in the New Testament Paul uses it repeatedly and mysteries of the kingdom of heaven you know the kingdom of heaven was not mentioned in the Old Testament we need to understand that the Old Covenant was entirely about a kingdom of Earth and the New Testament emphasizes the kingdom of heaven so that's the first thing if people are primarily occupied with a come earthly life and a little bit of Christianity maybe new covenant Christianity just to ease their conscience but their main interest is their earthly life you can say their kingdom is of this earth they will never never understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven and as far as this were sort goes God will deliberately hide it from me but the disciples who followed Jesus who were passionate to have the kingdom of heaven though they were not so educated they understood it clearly it's similar to what Jesus said two chapters earlier in Matthew 11 he said in a prayer to the Father he praised the father for hiding these truths from people now we often pray Lord people let on let people understand these wonderful truths about forgiveness and overcoming sin and building the church and fellowship and all these wonderful truths but Jesus prayed praise the Father for hiding them that's amazing and you see there I praise you Matthew 11:25 father that you have hidden these wonderful truths from the clever and the intelligent and you reveal them to little babes to infants now that is not something that people who go to Bible School understand they go there to study on the clever of cleverest person gets the first prize and they finish their Bible School for your course but it's hidden from them and I want to say to all of you who are clever and intelligent and I think most of you are you will never understand in your spirit you'll understand in your mind everything that is taught but you will not understand in your spirit what God is saying if you don't come like a little babe and what a little babe has which clever intelligent people don't have you thought of it it's not sharpness of mind it's not cleverness there's one thing that little babies have which clever intelligent people usually just don't have and Jesus said it he said unless you humble yourself like this little child you cannot enter God's kingdom it's humility that a little child has which clever intelligent people don't have most clever intelligent people even when they act humble before others it is to get a reputation for humility though everybody knows I'm so clever but they see that I'm very humble it's seeking honor for their humility it's all garbage in God's eyes that's not real humility humility is the recognition that if before Almighty God I'm a zero and there's no difference between me and any other human being in God's eyes I cannot esteem myself as superior to another human being in any way if I'm genuinely humble not even over an unbeliever if there is any sense in our mind that we are a little better than others and that's very nice we've got the poison of Adam in our flesh it's a thing that has to be crucified more than anything else that leaves us ignorant of these mysteries of God's kingdom the one thing that Peter and James and John fishermen unlearned fishermen had which the Pharisees didn't hear was humility they are the humility to follow Jesus who was considered a despised false prophet she'd have to talk about being related to Jesus today in today's world America you're respected okay Christian word Christian has some respect but not in pure follower of Jesus in the first century in falen in Palestine in Israel you were considered a fool yo considered stupid you're considered ignorant of the Scriptures and that's why we these Pharisees who study the Scriptures so carefully and knew the scriptures from Genesis to Malachi the entire Old Testament when Jesus came into the midst of that Tim into their temple they said he is busy book the Prince of devils where is the Bible the Word of God says remember when Jesus was walking with the disciples to Emmaus in Luke 24 he it says he took the entire Bible in Luke 24 27 the first five books of the Bible Moses Oh Testament and there were many 34 books of the Old Testament magic all the prophets he took all of that all 39 books and in all of them during that three hour walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus in those two disciples he showed them how you could find Christ the Messiah in every one of those 39 books that was a Bible study going on in Emmaus every one of those books pointed to Jesus and when he came because the fulfillment of all those prophecies but the Pharisees who studied those same books they didn't just say like some others he is Elijah or he is one of the prophets that it's a pretty been better they said now he's the Prince of devils is it possible for a person to study the same old testament scriptures which pointing to Jesus right through and then to look at Jesus when he comes to the mixture and think he's the devil yes clever intelligent people and the only reason they were blind only one reason it's important for us to know the reason they were proud pride brings a darkness into the heart when the mind is very active and you can quote scripture and you can even preach the Pharisees would preach but they were completely bad blind they could not see Christ as the Son of God and when when Jesus asked his disciples in Matthew chapter 16 - do people say that I am Matthew 16:13 the disciples had heard others talking about Jesus and they said some say you know John the Baptist come back from the dead some say you're Elijah some say you're Jeremiah or some say you're one of the other prophets those were people who saw him is a good man but not the Messiah son of God but Peter so here are the groups of people the Pharisees who thought he was a prince of Delos and some little god-fearing people who thought he was Elijah or Jeremiah one of those others but Peter the most uneducated and unlearning of the whole lot he said you're the Messiah the son of God second person of the Trinity how did he know that she was not through his cleverness it's because though he was a fisherman he came in a little child like a little child to Jesus and we know that because Jesus said to him you're blessed Simon because to paraphrase it it was not even human understanding by which you got this revelation but my father in heaven Matthew 16 verse 17 gave you this revelation and I am the Christ the Son of the Living God the word revelation it's a word which is not found in the Old Testament in the Old Testament the word was understanding and studying the scribes studied the law but disciples get revelation scribes study disciples get revelation so he got a revelation from the father as to who this and revelation his own supernatural opening of the blind eyes of our heart you know just like Jesus touched the eyes the physical eyes of blind people and they could see something they never saw before and you suddenly see body this is what the world looks like man in a blind man suddenly having his eyes open he doesn't realize what the world is like and suddenly he sees revelation is like that you suddenly begin to see things which you maybe you study the Bible for 25 years and you know all the verses but one day you see something by revelation that's what the Holy Spirit does when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and we submit to him and keep our conscience clear particularly keep our conscience clear and we walk in humility God gives us not knowledge not understanding but revelation and we must never be satisfied without rebel because it's only by revelation that we can come to grasp and to be gripped by the truths of Scripture so when we go to the scriptures in the Old Testament the important thing was meditation and then you understand the scriptures Psalm 1 blessed is the man who meditates in the law of the Lord and they understand something there and they give you the understanding of God's laws and the psalmist said the award is a lamp to my feet and a light unto my path but in the New Testament the word is revelation very important and by means of Revelation God hides New Testament truths from certain people from anyone who's proud and he reveals it to those who are humble and God sees among his people those who are humble and he teaches them things that others never understand others will go and listen to a sermon in a church or nowadays there are thousands of them on YouTube and if it's very intellectually well presented they are they absorb it they think boy I got it in fact many of them feel I've got it so well that I can do not want preach it to others they are preaching it for honor you know the number of people who go to the internet and listen to sermons only for the purpose of preaching it to somebody else to get honor I remember someone asked me brother Zach can I preach the things that I have heard from you on the internet somebody in our church I said sure if you live it first not if you just have it in your head then you're a hypocrite if it's not part of your life or you're not even wanting it to be a part of your life and you talked about some nice clever thought that you've got which you heard me say it's only a clever thought you don't help you don't help anybody else you tell it but I said if you are living that and seeking to live by that sincerely then God will back up what you're saying then by all means share there's what you've heard from me we want to spread the truth after I heard it from Paul I heard it from Peter and John I didn't get it straight from heaven but I've sought to leave what I read from Peter and Paul and John and then only I preached him he says Jesus lived first and then spoke he didn't spoke acts 1 verse 1 is very important verse he did and then he preached he never preached what he never did there's a saying in English that you must practice what you preach no Jesus preached what he had already practiced he practiced it first then acts 1 1 he did and then taught that's how Luke describes his gospel so that is the seek that is the way we must preach we do and preach and if I haven't done it and I'm not interested in doing it then I shouldn't reach them I actually it's only theory so here Peter got revelation that Christ is the son of God and then Jesus said in verse that is much misunderstood acts 16 sorry Matthew 16 verse 18 you are Simon Peter and the word Peter is a word for a very small stone Petra Petra's small stone but upon this rock which is Petra a much huge rock in the original it's your Petros a small stone but on this Petra which is a huge rock which is not you beter I will build my church and what is that big rock what he just said this revelation of Christ he got a revelation of Christ and he said on that revelation I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not overpower the church that is built on a rib Christ that has come through revelation so many people build and thinking they're building on Christ they ever got revelation on who Jesus is so this is very very important and the Apostle Paul spoke a lot about it let me show you in Ephesians and perhaps first in 1corinthians in chapter 2 could begin there in 1corinthians and chapter 2 it says in verse 9 he's quoting the Old Testament verse from Isaiah 64 verse 4 here in 1 Corinthians 2 verse 9 he says as it is written the things which human eyes cannot see you read the Bible but there's something there the human eye cannot see you listen to a message even from an anointed speaker but it says you're the things your human ear cannot hear and all that even though you hear and you read it it cannot enter into your heart there are wonderful things that God has prepared for those who love them so this is reserved not not for everybody is reserved exclusively for those who have a passionate love for God who love God more than money and love God more than anything in their life love God more than the honor of men and everything else that the world lives for who passionately love God God has prepared certain things for them and in the Old Testament said the human eye can never see it has never seen it the human has years never heard it and it's never entered into the heart of man and a lot of people when they read that they think about heaven it's not talking about heaven he's talking about something right now that we can have on this earth because it says in the next verse it was not revealed in Old Testament times but it has been revealed again the word revelation the same word Jesus used for Peter it has been revealed to us through the Holy Spirit it's the Holy Spirit to bring some revelation within us that Jesus Christ came to save us his name is Jesus because he came to save us from our sins it's a revelation for many years I just thought he came to forgive myself one day the Holy Spirit revealed to me remember it so clearly revealed to me that he came to save not just to forgive now a hundred people could have preached that to me okay are they agree with them but I still live a defeated life I've seen that with a lot of people they hear everything we preach about victory in the churches but they are still defeated their defeat in their homes they defeat in their thoughts they're defeated in their lives because they haven't got revelation same understood if they understood so well they can even explain to others what I preached yeah God has revealed them through the spirit and I think part of the reason is they don't value the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in their life and the devil has done a tremendous work in confusing the Ministry of the Holy Spirit I would say from the Pentecostal and charismatic movement now I'm not against Pentecostal charismatic I'm not against anybody I'm only against the devil but I have to say when that group has taught a lot of false things about the Holy Spirit they've not emphasized humility they're not emphasized holiness they've not been emphasized fluency of love and building the church they were emphasized speaking in tongues and healing the sick people can do all those things and saying the final day to the Lord Lord Lord we did miracles in your name we cast out demons in your name the Lord said about me get away from him go to hell how is that so we need to see what is it that the Lord gives us the Holy Spirit form and I often use this expression saying an unclean spirit makes you unclean an evil spirit makes you evil what does the Holy Spirit make you even a child can understand an unclean spirit makes you unclean an evil spirit makes you evil so Holy Spirit should make you I'm speaking tongues holy that's what he sent the Holy Spirit for that's some of the wonderful things God has prepared for those who love him and that comes through revelation through the Holy Spirit it says here in 1 Corinthians 2:10 who searches the depths of God and reveals them to us that's really amazing the Holy Spirit alone can reveal scripture to as you cannot understand it in a living way by study alone here to come in humility then it becomes real so many people who can know so much of the Scriptures will they have no revelation so they never come into a godly life very important I remember when one of the things that happened after some of the things that happened to me after I've experienced this fullness the Holy Spirit was I suddenly saw that I could have victory but Jesus came and just like me as a man and was tempted and overcame and I found I could have power over demons see till then for 16 years of my Christian life if a demon-possessed person came to me I wouldn't know what to do I would just ask somebody to take him out of the meeting but once I got filled with the Holy Spirit it's almost as though I was my eyes were open to another world for the spirit world where there were demons and how Christ had defeated all those demons and Satan on the cross and had given me authority over those demons in the name of Jesus not because I'm special but because I just believed that Jesus took me on the cross and I was crucified with him and he gave me his name and the authority that's for every believer but it has to come by revelation how is it that I've stood in the battle for 16 years and I couldn't see it that's what happens we don't you know we can live our Christian life without any spiritual authority because we're satisfied with knowledge I want to urge you my dear brothers and sisters please don't be satisfied with an academic knowledge of Scripture it's good to memorize verses and all that I am all for it I memorized verses to nowadays but I don't glory in the fact that I know where our particular verses I say I want revelation my heart's cry is always from revelation and I've been reading the Bible for 60 years now but even now I pray for Revelation Lord there are things in this book this is like a well that never runs dry and I'm sure there are things I still can learn from you because I haven't understood all of God's ways so this is revealed to us by the spirit and he this is the reason why he said God given us the Holy Spirit now turn with me to Ephesians in chapter 3 and there Paul speaks about this Ephesians in chapter 3 if you turn to verse 3 seasons chapter 3 verse 3 Paul says by revelation again that word that comes often in the New Testament by revelation the mystery was made known to me not my study not my careful study and how Paul did you get a pony it follows a brilliant scholar yeah I believe he was the cleverest among all the New Testament writers absolutely brilliant but he thought Jesus was a deceiver all those years when he was a Pharisee of the Pharisees and leading man among the Jews he thought Jesus was a deceiver in fact he was so convinced about it that he wanted to kill the Christians what happened on the road to Damascus it's not that he began to study the Bible more no he got revelation that this person I'm persecuting is actually the Sun God so his whole life changed and he says by revelation and that was just the beginning and then we read in Galatians that he went three years to Arabia to the desert what was Paul doing in the desert for three years after his conversion I have a theory I feel that the Lord had to take out all the chaff in his mind he had spent three years in a Bible College in Jerusalem run by professor called Gamaliel and he got all that information in his mind he is probably one of the cleverest scholars there who knew all the Old Testament you ask me anything in the Old Testament he would explain it and the Lord knew that that's that's gotta be a hindrance to you just an academic knowledge so for that three years that he spent trying to fill his head with Bible knowledge of the Old Testament the Lord took him for three years to give Ian crash the oil out of his mind and gave him replaced it with revelation and then he came back he saw things that others hadn't seen and he says here in verse three Ephesians three three by revelation what I never got in a Bible school or from any preacher it was made known to me the mystery and he calls it in verse four the mystery of Christ a mystery in the New Testament is a secret that only God can reveal to you he may use a human instrument but you can listen to that human instrument and still not get revelation you just mean your hand is information there's a world of difference between information and revelation information just make you proud that you know so much of the Bible well that you can preach it in such a wonderful way revelation changes your life he changes your attitude to other believers there's a complete change in revelation revelry information will make you proud revelation will make you humble revelation floors you you remember in the first chapter of the book of Revelation and John who is 95 years old and he's the one who remember the last supper he had leaned upon the breast of Jesus the chest oh geez he was so close to the Lord and he felt you so intimate very good lean upon his breast and when he saw the same Jesus in Revelation chapter 1 he fell at his feet like a dead man Oh Lord how wonderful you are do you have you had moments in your life where you're simply floored by the amazing love and mercy of God there's a song we sing you know about the majesty of God father of Jesus loves reward the last word says what rapture will it be prostrate before thy throne to lie and case and gaze on thee now the average Christian would be born in gazing at God's every means very thoroughly gazing of God that's boring because he said let's do something those are the people who have absolutely no understanding of Revelation or a mystery they drift through their earthly life satisfied they've been sitting in some church but never really accomplishing what God wanted to accomplish through saving them the person who wrote that him said my God how wonderful how are thy majesty how bright how beautiful mercy seed in depths of burning like he had seen something of the glory of God so many people read the scriptures they never see the glory of not because they don't come it's the humility of a babe so here what is this mystery of Christ I believe basically two things which I want to just mention briefly and you're gonna ask God for revelation on that yourself because I can't give you revelation I can explain it the first is there are two places in Scripture there are the word mystery occurs many times in the New Testament and even a million mystery of iniquity it says about the Antichrist in 2nd Thessalonians 2 and the mystery of the faith in 1 Timothy 3 9 but there are two mysteries which are called great mysteries holy - in the entire New Testament one is in 1 Timothy 3:16 by common confession great is the mystery of godliness here is a mystery that is a great mystery man all the mysteries of God's kingdom there are two which are called very great the Bible says I mean if the mystery is a secret that God reveals and which cannot come by human understanding just like Peter got a revelation from God and is given to the humble given to those who come like babes then it's something which God reveals to those who reference him the humble person is one who reverence is God the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and reverence him it says in Psalm 25 verse 14 the secret of the Lord that means the Lord whispers his secrets into the years of those who fear and reverence him the others just hear what is spoken there up there are truths which are publicly proclaimed Christ died for our sins and your sins cannot be forgiven just confess your sins the blood of Jesus cleanses you that's that's not whispered in a year that's proclaimed openly but there are other secrets that the Lord whispers in the year of our heart like you know there are certain things you will tell openly with the public but secrets you whisper only to those who are very close to you you may whisper secrets to your wife or your husband she don't tell others so the Lord has got secrets and it says in Psalm 25 14 the secrets of the Lord azar for those who fear him and reverence him so if I if I have a tremendous reverence for God in my life and humility they usually go together to fear the Lord in humility go together then God release certain things to him one of them is this great mystery of godliness and that is that Christ came in the flesh now you say well I don't need revelation for that I know it even the Muslims say that Jesus came as a man there's nothing so great about it but there is if it is to be something that changes my life it is just to be known as a fact can you hear it you believe it every Christian believes it and there are how many couple of billion Christians in the world they all believe it there are a couple of billion Muslims in the world they believe it too Jesus came as a man but to know that he came in the flesh and kept his spirit pure that's what it says he was vindicated of pure in the spirit is no margin says he came in the flesh and kept his spirit pure that's the mystery from the time of Adam's fall in the entire history of the human race those entire four thousand years right up to the time of Jesus nobody born of man born of a woman no human being could keep their spirit pure nobody because of the flesh and you and I know how terrible the flesh is and the moment we think we are most holy some defilement comes in it is impossible for man to keep his spirit pure and that's why a lot of people and among Christians say no Jesus did not come like us he was still God on the earth so it was impossible for him to sin and then so he just lived through this life without sinning because he was God well if that was true he is God of course seven times in the Gospels it says people worshiped him and he didn't lift them up by the Angels would have done he accepted it because he was Almighty God but what what we see here is he did not use those resources as God when he lived on this earth not one of them that's what it means when he says he came in our flesh and he lived like us and he kept his spirit pure in other words he did not use one resource that he had his God to overcome sin otherwise I can't follow him if he lived on earth is gone and he says follow me I'll say Lord I can't follow him you were God and I'm not I can use the example of an angel trying to the angel flying across the swimming pool and saying follow me I'd say I'm not even gonna try you angel if you want to teach you to swim get rid of your wings get a human body like mine that is subject to gravity get in the pool then teach me how to swim otherwise you can't say follow me you can say I admire me not follow me a lot of Christians admire Jesus oh how the wonderful life he lived how much he loved him how he loved man to die on the cross it's all admiration it's not following they don't believe deep down in their heart beg and follow I want to ask all of you who are listening to me right now tell me honestly are you answer you're said to yourself do you really believe what the Bible says in 1 John 2:6 like we can walk on this earth as Jesus walked not as perfect as he was but to the measure of light we have the Bible says anyone who says he abides in Christ 1 John 2:6 must walk as he walked how many Christians do you think even considered that as a challenge they should take up most Christians read that verse and just ignore it and because God sees they ignore it he never gives them revelation on how we can get into that path so here is the mystery the great mystery that someone came in our flesh and did not use any of his resources as God and kept his spirit pure opening a way for us to go along that way that's the first great mystery the second great mystery there are only two in the New Testament is in Ephesians 5 where it says again in visions 532 this mystery is great and now I'm not speaking about Christ the first mystery was about Christ who came in our flesh did not use the resources as God and kept the spirit absolutely pure for thirty three and a half years and then ascended up to heaven the second mystery is concerning Christ's relationship with us the church this is a great mystery I'm speaking in relation to Christ and the church what is that Ephesians the previous verse he said this mystery is great what is that but a man shall leave his father and mother verse 31 Ephesians 5:31 and be joined to his wife and the two shall be one flesh he's speaking about a unity it's this is referring actually to Genesis 2 and Adam was given a wife this horse comes up there man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh and he says this applies to us spiritually that we become one spirit with Christ and thus we become part of his church so the first mystery is concerning Christ alone and the second mystery is concerning Christ as the head of the church because that's the theme of Ephesians 5 Christ verse 23 if infinitely is the head of the church so this is the church is another mystery the real church I mean submitted to Christ as part of his body the church is the body of Christ that's another mystery you know the way a lot of people understand a lot of believers all the other believers we are all part of the church they haven't understood the body you know if you understand I'll tell you just like if you understand the mystery of Christ coming in the flesh you'll have a passionate desire to walk in his footsteps and you will little by little you'll experience the power of the Holy Spirit enabling you to overcome sin and walk in Jesus footsteps you see his footsteps in your life the same way when you see the mystery of the church you'll have a passion and desire to be a part of that church even if it's a little finger you will not want to be everything some some preachers want to become so big there's no place for anybody else in that church no you just want to be that one small part God has made you and you will never have competition with others I tell you when I saw the mystery of the church I have zero competition with anybody in the world I'm not in competition with anyone in the world to be a better preacher or to serve God more or any such thing I'm so happy to do my part to help other people to do their part because I've seen the mystery of the church as a body of Christ of which he's the head and I have to do my part by keeping connection the head and cooperate with the other parts of the body who have seen the same thing it's a lot of difference between just being members of one Church on earth and working together and being but that would be a nice Club you know there are many clubs where people don't fight with each other they help one another in fact there's the Masonic Club where they care so much for each other they even pay for each other's medical expenses imagine that but it's a they don't have any faith in Christ it's a club so here we see here that's not the church like you got that book there on your in your book table the congregation the club in the church you read it sometime many churches are congregations and many other choices are clubs nice Club where they love one another care for one another they come to the church because there's a nice place for my children to grow up or something like that and they are their favorites with whom they will always mingle together because this one's easy pleasant to live with and some other persons a little difficult to get along with so I avoid him they haven't seen the mystery of the church so this is another great mystery and God reveals it to those who fear Him and I believe that it's only those who have seen this who can really be co-workers with Christ in building his church I I won't you know it's Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 when recorded that verse at the beginning I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it I've often said if I were living in the time of Noah I would do everything to cooperate with Noah and building his art I would be the ninth person in that Ark without a doubt and I would cooperator them a hundred percent I would invest my time energy everything to build a tower because I know that's the only thing that's going to remain when the world is destroyed and I'm not living in Noah's time I'm living now if you believe that the church that Jesus is building is the only thing that's going to remain when this world is destroyed you'll commit yourself completely to building that I decided that from the time I understood it everything every fiber in being in my body as long as I live you know if I live up to a hundred years I'm gonna devote myself to build a church because I know this is the only thing like Noah's Ark that's going to remain when the world is destroyed and I would see the number of foolish Christians who never lived for building the church who live their own selfish lies there I'm living a good life and I have enough and just attend church there's no such thing as attending the church you have to be a part of it and very few people have seen that it's a mystery I cannot force people to see it because they have to come to the Lord in humility like little children and I say with Jesus I say the same words I thank you Father you have hidden these mysteries from the clever and the proud and the intelligence praise God and delighted you've hidden it when you revealed it to those humble sincere seekers who are longing after you who say like the deer pants for the water so my heart longs for you O God those who cry out for the Lord in the hours of the night and Lord I wanted to know you better God reveals to them he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him my dear brothers and sisters time is running out and all these things that are happening in the world are to me an indication that the coming of the Lord is near make use of this time and you're locked up in your home to seek after God cry out to him in midnight hours on your bed say Lord I want to know you I want to know these mysteries no I can live in overcoming life and how I can bring the church along with others god bless you all thank you for listening let's pray our Father in Heaven we are nothing we're nobodies what mercy he Lord that you care for sinners like us to reveal things that are hidden from the angels of heaven I think it was a part in the body of Christ unless everyone who has heard this message Dornan but them to seek for that revelation from heaven to seek for the fullness of the Holy Spirit and to hunger and thirst for it because you said if any man thirst let him come to me your Lord you pray they come to you not go to man but come to you directly and receive as they hunger and thirst for those water from you that will finally flow out from them like rivers of living water hear us we pray in Jesus name Amen thank you [Music]
Channel: River of Life Christian Fellowship
Views: 31,542
Rating: 4.8605232 out of 5
Keywords: rlcf, river, life, christian, fellowship, church, god, jesus, bible, scripture, sermon, zac, poonen, hidden, great, mysteries, reveal, revelation
Id: 3_AWjCm0gcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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