Hidden Camera Shows How Strangers Can Get Close To Unaccompanied Minors on Planes

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[Music] On Any Given weekend 3 to 400,000 children fly solo across the country and it means big money for the airlines which charge parents an extra $300 round trip for their child to travel unaccompanied now they promis to keep the kids safe but as our investigation found that is not always the case 8-year-old Aaliyah pury is about to go on a great adventure all by herself going on the plane by myself Aaliyah is flying from New York New Jersey to Charlotte and her anxious father Matt is there to see her off this her first time she's I she seems like she's going to be natural he's putting his daughter's safety in the hands of American Airlines and its unaccompanied minor program with her parents' permission we followed Aaliyah with a hidden camera to see what she experienced alah was seated in the last row to make it easier for the flight attendants to keep an eye on her we are about 10,000 ft right now lucky for her she had the row all to herself until this happened an inside edition producer left his assigned seat and sat down right by her and no one did a thing the flight attendants were too busy serving Refreshments we were even able to give Aaliyah a candy bar imagine if he had been a complete stranger like little Aaliyah this 13-year-old girl McKenzie also flew solo on American Airlines in her case it was on a flight from Dallas to her home in Portland but what she says happened to her at 30,000 ft will shock you I would never think this would happen McKenzie says she was groped by the passenger sitting next to her Chad Camp who upon Landing was charged with abusive sexual contact he's pled not guilty McKenzie's mother Rachel Miller he was able to touch her he was able to basically do whatever he wanted their lawyer Brent Goodfellow has filed a lawsuit against the airline from the beginning of the flight to when they found her crying tear coming down her cheek and the man's hand in her crotch area was approximately 30 minutes youngsters flying alone can sometimes face other nightmares Inside Edition found that in the past 5 years there have been 244 complaints about unaccompanied miners filed with the Department of Transportation can you believe this headline Jet Blue lost my kid 5-year-old Andy Martinez the kid in the baseball cap waving goodbye at the airport in the Dominican Republic on his way home to New York City was actually put on the wrong flight it's a mother's worst nightmare that their 5-year-old child is missing instead of boarding the flight to JFK Airport little Andy somehow ended up in Boston when his mother showed up at JFK to pick him up the airline gave her the wrong kid she goes to see him it's it's not her child it's another child with her son's passport fortunately for Aaliyah perie she landed safe and sound and ended in the warm embrace of her mom but young McKenzie knows her parents will never let her fly solo again you see this stuff and you think that's crazy and then happens to you and it's shocking American Airlines says they fully cooperated with law enforcement in McKenzie's case and say they care deeply about young passengers and are committed to providing a safe travel experience [Music]
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 29,624,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safe, complaints, investigation, Alliyah Purdy, parents, American Airlines, Inside Edition, airlines, unaccompanied, alone, supervision, inside edition, nightmares, airport, inside_edition, stranger, assaulted, producer, girl, fly, permission, Charlotte, North Carolina, demonstration, plane, Unaccompanied Minor Program, Newark, New Jersey, minors, sexually, inside edition investigates, refreshments, travel, safety, charge, passengers, experience, children, attendants, summer, flight
Id: 9q9vFOMGD38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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