These Flights Were all Nightmares

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these are some of our most memorable air travel nightmares that ear piercing scream is a child on a 2018 flight to New York passengers said it was an eight-hour flight from hell with a Non-Stop noise the three-year-old's mom was over her telling the flight attendant he had behavioral problems which she kind of looked like she was used to it he was climbing all over the chairs he was uh just screaming would not let up uh he was running up and down the aisles there was nothing she could do before the plane even took off the child's mother was heard asking a flight attendant to turn on the Wi-Fi so the child could use an iPad everybody was just kind of looking at each other like oh this is going to be a long flight foreign passengers on this shaky 2017 flight panicked after the pilot reportedly asked them to pray for 90 minutes Flyers endured a ride that resembled being inside a washing machine the nightmare reportedly began after one of two engines malfunctioned the pilot sounded calm as he turned the jet around to get back to Australia passenger said the pilot told them to pray he also reportedly said he was scared when the flight landed safely shaken passengers were understandably relieved in 2019 this Airline passenger said she fell asleep during a flight and woke up alone on the locked plane it was completely pitch black I thought this is a nightmare this is not happening it's just a sheer sense of like helplessness when you feel like you're locked on this aircraft when she realized she was trapped on board she texted a friend I just woke up alone and playing OMG her friend replied what nobody woke you up can you get off Tiffany texted back no the door shut OMG I'm stuck by myself alone on plane I know my phone died her friend called the airport I said I don't know what's going on but she's at the airport I'm so scared that I'm gonna touch something that's wrong but I knew I had to do something and I found the flashlight and I was so happy that was like the best moment ever Tiffany got the cabin door open and used the flashlight to Signal a baggage handler afterward the Air Canada incident raised serious security concerns what else is being left on that airplane that should not be there is there is there a bag under a seat uh if you if you missed the person laying on the seat what else are you missing we are now over six hours on the plane in 2020 passengers took to social media to vent after being stuck on the tarmac for seven hours it's been a very very long ordeal to say the least their American Airlines flight from Las Vegas to Dallas was diverted to San Antonio because of bad weather then the nightmare began this ain't right we got people's lives stranded on the tarmac the hot hungry and thirsty passengers stood in the aisle when you don't know what's going on and you're on an aircraft a small space especially in a coveted world you you get you get worried and scared and stressed in a very short amount of time no I don't it seems as if disturbing scenes like this are always happening Karen Mulder a seasoned flight attendant runs the website the flight she told Inside Edition that flight attendants are trained to de-escalate situations involving drunken passengers so I'm belligerent what's the first thing you do I come assess the situation and see how you're doing and you notice this right away or I want some wine yeah yeah we have about two hours left in Flight I could definitely get you that in a little bit let me first grab you a water just so you don't get yourself dehydrated as a last resort flight attendants can use handcuffs or zip ties to restrain an unruly passenger this is the final straw obviously if someone seated near you is out of control Cara has this advice and just say hey I'm gonna go use the lavatory I'll be right back so I should get up and go and go to the flight attendant people don't realize how alcohol will affect them in the sky like it reacts with your body differently for Inside Edition digital I'm Andrea swindle
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 1,132,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air travel, travel, children, new York, australia, inside edition, inside_edition, ie newsdesk, holiday travel, travel nightmares, airplanes, nightmare passengers, alcohol, drinking, flight attendants, pilot, turbulence, andrea swindall, new york, air canada, las vegas, dallas
Id: HHo-f0XQI7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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