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this morning i want to share with us a few things and then we pray i believe that knowledge is very important and then i also believe like i shared yesterday that revelation is useless until it is sequentially arranged we need to know what is responsible for what there are people who got born again and the first salmon they heard was prosperity and that was the reason why they died because they were not told the character of the spirit that can help you manage the reality that comes at that realm it not only matters that you dispense information they must be sequentially arranged the same way all of this that make this structure were sequentially arranged to have a structure you don't put a foundation and then put a zinc on it that's not a house so it matters that as we build people the sequence of spiritual information be supplied so that you see the truths of scripture were designed to complement themselves there is something you know that secures what you are about to know and if you if there are gaps in our spiritual understanding then that becomes the loophole for the devil to access and cause what was given by god to destroy us the truth can kill [Music] the truth can be used to kill just because it is truth does not mean it will liberate it can be used to kill read the bible and see how truth killed many people because it was misused it's like a knife you can hold the knife wrongly and the knife was not designed to kill you but it can kill you it can enjoy you praise the lord was it not the sons of skiva that went to attempt casting out the devil and the bible tells us the casualty they secured on account of the imbalance in their preparedness hallelujah so this morning i i want to share with us three very powerful principles were talking about growth yesterday i began to teach us on the god of systems that there is a systemic nature to growth and success are we together that when we meet with the lord our spiritual experience does not start with principles and and methodologies we start with an encounter but that when we meet the lord then he begins to guide us supplying the requisite knowledge it will take to excel in life and let me remind us again that i did observe yesterday that our pursuit of god please you have to get this that our pursuit of god has no end we will continue to seek him that even in heaven there is room to come up either are we together so we will continue to know him but as far as my success and your success is concerned there is an exact body of spiritual knowledge allocated for our victory that can be exhausted are we together the belief that the things we need to know to be victorious are infinite is a deception is a popular thought what is wrong there is an exact body of truth allocated for the victory of the saints we can exhaust that curriculum not in our lifetime in a few meaningful years of useful mentorship and then now use that light to work practically in dominion dominion is not an impartation there's no place in scripture where there was an impartation for dominion dominion is the resultant effect of your comprehending this body of truth the bible calls it marvelous light marvelous light not just light marvelous light that is on account of this marvelous light that in experience we show that we're chosen people that were a royal priesthood that we've been called forth there were many lights but he said he made two great lights one to rule the day and then the other to rule the night so when we come in conferences like this is a feast of mysteries supplying by the spirit the truth that it will take the exact truth they are not suggestions they are not opinions they are not perspectives it is the truth backed up by god's integrity and when you find it he says they are life to those who find them it's not an information to those who find them it's an information to those who know them but it is life to those who find them are we blessed this morning so it matters that believers you see i will continue to reiterate that spiritual growth has exact indices pastor you cannot just say you are growing imaginarily you cannot even say you are growing just because you are in church there are exact biblical indices to measure spiritual growth number one very quickly i'll give to you is your degree of conformity to the image and the character of the christ it is the first biblical index to measure growth the degree to which i conform to the image and the character of the christ in experience he says my little children the apostles speaking of whom i travail until christ be formed that formation of christ is growth and then number two the depth of your understanding you're comprehending the mysteries and the secrets of the kingdom it's very important your growth is also measured by the vastness and the stability of your spiritual understanding your ability to be unperturbed by life in experience on the strength of the truth that you know that can be proven in the face of real situations there are many spiritual information that we have that are very useless to our christian experience and we must allow the holy spirit guide our understanding that's why when jesus was speaking he says i have many things to tell you he says but he cannot bear them now and then he says how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he says he will guide you into all truth the realm of the spirit is a vast realm containing different information and not many of them are useful as far as our dispensation is concerned we must be guided by the spirit of god to acquire only the information that will cause us to walk practically in dominion and to reveal the christ if you're blessed this morning please say amen hallelujah the systemic nature of god brings predictability to your success that means that you can know that what god has given me will be kept retention the ability to retain anything is true power more than having it retention is proof of mastery whatever you have that you cannot keep you did not get by understanding jesus was speaking in john 17 he says all that you have given me i have kept you gave me but i kept it all that you have given me i have kept and none is lost except the son of perdition and this that scripture may be fulfilled jesus was given an explanation as to why judas was lost it was not a proof of my incompetence it was to fulfill scripture when he gives you anything you cannot keep it was not gotten by understanding praise the name of the lord so i'm going to be sharing with us according to matthew chapter 13 and verse 11 the mysteries of the kingdom these are the truths by which we reign jesus spent time teaching the disciples on what he called the mysteries of the kingdom can we read together it's projected one to read please he answered and said unto them aha because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given please say after me mysteries there's nothing mystic about mysteries they are simply hidden truths desire to be unfolded but privy to a family of people you have to understand this i always would give this analogy pastor if i come to your house for instance by reason of relationship with your dear wife there is a way you can communicate to her without my knowing and say bring the wine the red one and i don't see your mouth moving but she understands it's called mysteries and all those communication is flying all over my head and i cannot even understand all i know is we were existing and the body languages the eye signals are all coded languages and so in the kingdom we have a body of information allocated only for the saints it is based on the excellency of this dimension of wisdom that we will found principalities and powers are we together now the bible says to be revealed to creation the multifaceted wisdom of god for instance in the kingdom it is it is unusual to own things when you own things in the kingdom you are a rebel we don't own things in the kingdom we are only still words owners in this kingdom are rebels you may freely eat but it's not yours [Music] when he gave unto one five talent and two on one he came back as the owner they were stewards and the bible says moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful so the consciousness that you do not own anything already disengages you it's impossible for affinity lost to grip your life when you don't own things and then the responsibility of maintenance you are relieved the owner is mandated to take care of his estate so it immediately heals you of several pressures just this revelation alone is therapeutic so that child is not really my child that child came from heaven through me abba maintain your child let the resources pass through me then he becomes responsible it is it is difficult to own things you don't fear the economy when you are not the maintainer and the sustainer of things let's touch on three principles [Music] just help those under the anointing blessed be the name of the lord so i'm going to be sharing with you three very powerful principles i believe with all my heart you see i came from a very interesting background my grandfather was the founding fathers of one of the great denominations in the north and so i came from a very solid christian background i didn't have the opportunity to do many things it was good all the way straight up but then there were many things that i saw and discerned as god began to prepare to use me that i knew were not correct the gap in our spiritual understanding the many propositions that could not be defended i heard preachers say many things about god that could not be defended we sang songs we made proclamations we made boastful statements we claim the nearness of god but our results showed that he was far from us and so that bothered me for a while i didn't want to be a preacher i wanted to be someone who would be a witness a demonstrator of the reality of god to a generation and that still is my pursuit i only found out that preaching is one of the routes that makes that happen and so i i every time i have the privilege by god's spirit to minister to god's people i truly am careful the information that i give people because i have a conscience that will be vetted by god himself i cannot supply an information that may just be right it must be truthful and so i found a way to vet my revelations by making myself the first guinea pig to every truth that comes from heaven the things that i want to share with you i submit to you in the name of the lord and i don't mean to insult your intelligence like i observed yesterday this is a collection of a very enlightened people and by no means am i trying to downplay your intellectual investments but when it has to do with spiritual things it is important to understand that flesh and blood cannot reveal this to you it says who do men say that i am and he says i know who thou art thou art the christ the son of the living god jesus replies peter and says flesh and blood there are realms of revelation that are not within the confines of flesh and blood you must route it from a dimension higher than science higher than intellect it will make use of science it will make use of intellect but it does not come from there hallelujah the first spiritual principle that i want to share this morning is called the law of the mind mighty god the law of the mind psalm 78 and verse 41 i'll be as fast as i can so that we are done in good time psalm 78 and verse 41 please read for me if you are if you can see it want to read yeah they turned back and tempted god unlimited the holy one of israel for many years i read this scripture and it disturbed me that a man can limit god that is a statement that doesn't sound correct until i found out this principle and this spiritual law that i teach you that a possibility exists in this kingdom where men can limit god are we together although heaven is his throne the earth his footstool where can a man hide from his presence the psalmist said but that there is something a man can do in the earth that can limit the god of the universe and make him look as so powerless i found a cure for my limitations in this revelation i found out that my experience is not a reflection of god's power the lack of results that come in my life and remain in my life are not proof of god's incompetence that there is something about my in understanding and on and lack of knowledge that can cause the most high to be limited the limited the holy one of israel the law of the mind please write it down [Music] everything in life is built twice to last it must first be built in the realm of the spirit and then built physically that anything that does not have a foundation in the realm of the spirit and ever appears physical will have to disappear it's a spiritual law and so god designed man now i've heard all kinds of teachings that man is a spirit he's a soul and is a body well i agree but i disagree i thoroughly disagree no man is tripartite in operation but man is not tripartite man is a spirit that spirit lives in a body but that spirit cannot operate with the body because they are in two different dimensions and so there has to be a system of connecting both dimensions and god created an agency called a mind are we together to interface the realm of the spirit and the physical realm that becomes the system of connection between the spirit and the body so it gives that man duality of realms that means he can relate in the realm of the spirit and the physical realm so man is a spirit that spirit is hosted in a container called the body and given the mind containing the will emotions and intellect to be able these are faculties of expression are we together so the spirit can only relate with the body through the mind the only gateway to the body to this realm is the mind the soul is simply a spirit that is conscious because of the mind so you don't separate man into spirit standing one side soul stand one side body stand one side no it's already confusing where what realm does that soul belong to because there are only two realms the spiritual and the physical now you are creating three entities that's where the confusion comes from the soul is still spirit only with an advantage of a faculty of expression to help it relate with the ethrem are we together on that now it is very important because most christians have not learned how to convert and transport spiritual realities from the realm of the spirit to this realm hebrews chapter 11 tells us now faith is the substance of things hoped for it says it is the tangibility the evidence of things not seen it says for by its the elders obtained a good report verse 3 says through faith we understand look at this scripture that the walls the systems were framed they had their tangibility by the word of god but the is that the things that were seen came from the things which do not appear that that's where i'm driving at are we together now so that things that are seen are derived from things that are unseen unseen on scene not unreal unseen unseen by the optical eyes unseen by a dimension not unreal are we together now that means everything that we require is already a reality the fact that you can desire it means it exists please listen you do not have the ability to desire anything that does not exist so the concept of creation is only creation from this realm from the realm of the spirit is only a technology of transportation transporting spiritual realities from a dimension that is not earthly to give it frame in the ethereum are we together you have to understand what i'm teaching because this is how your wealth will come this is how your increase will come this is how the visions that you are seeing will find expression the law of the mind that realities are first formed in that realm of the mind before they find expression in the physical are we together that your life is akin to a mirror and everything you see in the physical is like a mirror you don't remove something from your head by putting your hand in the mirror you correct it here and the mirror correct itself that means our approach to growth has largely been wrong we attempt to change things physically and like i told you that there is a law that everything that comes to your life is a reflection of what is already in your mind this is powerful and this is true i used two people yesterday can i use them again any two gentlemen please not not our ministers thank you thank you so much please stand here please stand here i like to use this example because i want you to understand please look up let's call this guy a preacher everybody say pastor god forbid in jesus name huh let's call this guy and i'm robber now just call it in your mind don't don't speak it are we together now watch this this guy is busy robbing people destroying people's destinies jumping defense doing all kinds of things and we call him a robber and then this guy is liberating people causing people to know the things of god and you call him a pastor remember you hate this guy and then you love this guy correct now walk with me let both of them suddenly be dead bodies suddenly the preacher dies this man dies who is on the ground a dead body no who is on the ground a dead body you don't call it a preacher dead body you call it a dead body you don't call it an um robert dead body you call it a dead body now they have become equal dead bodies so who was really the preacher was it the body the mind a madman still has a spirit but why is he not useful to you because the madness hijacked the interface that makes for sanity between the realm of the spirit is why when jesus saw madness it he knew that that madness was a serious it was not just a miracle worker he was a statement that satan would come and interface the bridge between the realm of the spirit and this realm that means i do not have to do anything to your physical body whatever can cause me to stand and hijack the delivery system from the realm of the spirit to this realm i have destroyed you eventually it will be the same thing as cutting the supply of water from a plant it will root out your body will show that your mind died sins are we together now the mind the body does not have a will on its own it's a vehicle of execution please understand this that means if this guy robs this guy the body only obeyed an instruction coming from the mind are we together that means the foolish decisions that many of us take the body is innocent the body is obedient so we have to correct the giver of that instruction so that your physical reality now begins to subscribe to a new intelligence are we together now when this guy stands to preach when this guy stands to minister the body is only an executor the preacher is in the mind so who is really poor don't talk and who is really rich who is really educated and who is really dull who is really broken and who is really healed is deception to focus on this physical realm again let me give another example respectfully so have you seen someone who you give a nice wonderful white just like what a dear pastor is putting on and you give that person that i need in in two months i mean that whole thing you are it's not brown it's not white have you seen those kind of things now let me tell you what happened the the is reflecting the health of the mind are we together and when you gave it to another person the shed started looking like what is in there please listen to me very truthfully that your mind is very powerful the bible calls it the salvation of your soul that the end of your faith transformation through the renewal of the mind is the culmination of your faith experience that means you're being born again is not complete until there is a system of transformation that permits this mind to be in you which was also in christ jesus he was speaking to a people who were already saved the impact of your spirit is wonderful but you will still live a useless life until the reality of that transformation finds expression the bible doesn't talk so much about the body because the body is an executor are we together now the real miracle is the mind is god speaking to us genesis chapter 11 please genesis chapter 11 the bible talks about a man called nimrod the son of kush and then the bible says that he led a group of people to build a city and a tower whose top will reach the heavens correct now this morning i'm not arguing about the theological the whole debate whether it was a spiritual building or physical we know there was a building and there is a morale there let's go to verse four please all verse three let's start from verse three genesis 11 please and verse three someone is changing and they said to one another goto let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had bricks for stone and slime they had for mortar verse four and they said now listen they've not started the building nimrod kush is proposing like a manifesto gentlemen let's come together and build something that will reach the heavens and it says who stopped may reach unto the heavens let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth if you're a christian look at verse five one two read with me please keep it at verse 5. while they were discussing god was seeing a building rising and god said who is building god saw that the construction had finished is in your bible they had not led one physical block but in the realm of the spirit as their minds were receiving it what god was seeing is a structure finished the bible says god came down remember satan is not in this scripture the holy ghost is not in this scripture only man and the power of the minds he gave them i show you how you can build that business because when god talks to you he talks like he's talking to himself he will tell you take over lagos and as he's talking to you you don't know that he's giving you lagos already but the technology to make it real is what i show you please keep that scripture there the lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men build dead finished done you argue with that let's go to the next verse verse six here is god testifying ready please read and the lord said behold the people is one and all have one language now listen and this day begin to do stop now he's talking to the aram i saw that the people is one and they are about to do what was finished and now nothing nothing will be restrained from them which they have talk to me [Music] so the bible says in ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 please give it to us it says now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly far above all we or think now listen ask or think ask or think if i say sit here or here it means either ways car is equal value that means there are two prayer warriors in your life your mind and your mouth are both praying that god is a listener to two dimensions of prayer request the one that comes from your lips changed my life and the one your mind says don't bother again lord i'm comfortable he's saying that god is able to do whatever they are saying when you ever thought that your mind is a prayer warrior that it consistently sends requests about your destiny to the throne can do above all we ask not and think or think so could your situation be an answered prayer is it possible that the lack of growth is god honoring you for the several requests that continue to go from your mind to heaven keep us this way oh god and he says i gave you a will and i must honor it your mouth says i'm rising but your mind says it's all right just i changed my mind [Music] are we together they limited the holy one they limited the holy one the holy one wanting to reveal his multifaceted possibilities but the channel that gives him expression to the earthrealm was limited by a man's understanding this is very powerful believers hear me many spiritual people will never succeed because of this simple reason success is not really in doing success is attracted by the transition that happens in your mind which is a reflection of what you are becoming every realm of spiritual understanding and mental development has possibilities that are cruel to that realm an attempt to attract a reality that is higher than your mental level is only like pulling a rubber ring it will go back [Music] that's why many of our results are short-lived they did not come with growth they only came with desire and sometimes ego if you have 200 members and there are 1 000 members here it's impossible for them to remain 200 they must match it's a law not invented by science invented and maintained by god's own integrity show me a man who stays in one tiny room with no privilege let your mind you see the beautiful thing is that you don't need a visa to travel here you don't need to go to any consular office you can dream with god and he takes you to that realm this is the technology of growth the holy ghost takes your mind to your future the moment your mind gets there it comes and takes your body to go and join it so anywhere listen when you stop moving is because your mind stopped traveling please believe what i'm telling you realities are first fear a man who has arrived in his mind because god testifying said no power in existence the ability to stop such a man could that man be you this morning who has gone with god to dimensions i know that it looks like nothing good can come out of nazareth i know as it is right now there's no testimony nathaniel said can anything good come out of nazareth and jesus at age 12 was in the temple traveling traveling the world traveling please listen to me if you're a businessman here this is a very powerful secret it will never come just by trying to you know do a lot of physical things leave all of that you don't need to be embarrassed that you cannot buy the shoe now there's no shame there anybody who laughs at you is ignorant and they do not understand the power of transition that comes in life why fake what can be real stay and travel with god and watch him lift you sometimes overnight is god speaking to us any successful person who is very honest and open with you will tell you that once upon a time they never they did not know how this will happen all they knew was that god said it and i believe it and he begins to indoctrinate their understanding that's why he shows you dreams because we think in pictures when your mind captures it it's impossible for you to leave it [Music] so whilst you are sitting here he shows you the nations watching you minister watching your products go beyond the shores of this country and africa and while he's doing that you don't know anybody while he's doing that not even your neighbor is interested in what you offer don't mind your neighbor he doesn't hate you he's only ignorant finish your business with god and i tell you a generation will stand as attention to honor the god see please listen listen listen believe what i'm telling you and you stop being angry at your environment the real secret of success is you and god not what you do who you are what you do will continue to become who you are that's why promotion never blesses people sustainably they grow i'm not insulting you a lot of people say once i'm promoted then they are promoted and then nothing really happens then they change a job nothing really happens because the law is that it will always reflect you but grow here leave the chains around you just keep growing and you watch the power of the loss of the spirit he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bars of iron in sunder is there any chain that can hold a man who has grown out here if i capture your hands and i lock you in prison and you are mandela even after 20 years you are a president a president is a president and you will come out and truly be it so when they took the body of joseph to the prison they didn't know that it was only the body that was there the mind continued to dream i'm a savior i'm a lifter this is the cure for the anger that we have about our background why did my mother marry my father did she see him all of that that that is not only sinful it's unnecessary are we together there is a bailout system one simple law dream with god that whilst you are standing here i may not have the transport to go back but i'm not ashamed listen don't rush where you are you will miss where you are living today a day will come you would turn back if you ever tell people you were here they would not believe you or enjoy the process with honor while you move because you know inevitably you're on your way going oh yes yes it's true it's true it's true it's true that men can change is true that transitions and translations are still real it is true that people continue to upgrade to higher versions of themselves don't be ashamed of your pain don't be ashamed of the bills don't be ashamed of the tears if you need to cry cry cry while your mind travels because it's about to pick your body [Music] some of you while you are sitting in this conference just right now your mind has already gotten there and he's holding your body no power hear me there is no divination and no enchantment that sustains the ability to keep a man down who has gone on [Music] these are the justice systems of god it is proof that he is just and one lord who is rich unto all i can find my way out of life it may not be a cause that your mother didn't go to school it is not a course that your father was not addicted it's not a cause that out of 12 siblings you are the first to ever rise he takes you here while they laugh yes jesus died but he only died for three days he didn't die forever while they were laughing at the dead jesus a newer version was already up the same way they laugh at you say rejoice not over me my enemies i know i came to lagos and you met me under the bridge last week last week is not today i'm in a conference [Music] this is the reason why it is powerful to honor all men because you don't know what part of their growth imagine the person who greeted obasanjo the last time before he came out of prison if that was a wise man he would greet him and give him how many plates of food and say sad do you have the chef here eat is painful to miss your lifting because of lack of discernment just because you see that brother sitting down and his shoe looks like it's not a testimony his mind has gotten it his mind is in a boutique shopping for the higher version of him just because the preacher laid hands on 50 people and nobody got healed he left that meeting like a funeral what happened did you really call me oh god he prophesied every word of knowledge was wrong you felt bad for him i said why didn't you just preach and sit down while he was doing that the prophet accessing the depths of the spirit three years later you step into a meeting i remember him just when you are about to laugh like before he calls your name no once upon a time peter i could not heal the epileptic patient but now my shadow [Music] i will not always remain an amateur there is growth in the spirit rejoice not over my yesterday that laughter will embarrass you tomorrow rejoice not over my yesterday please sit down [Music] you are the glorious i refuse to be ashamed of my space in the name of jesus in this kingdom the praise i did not have yesterday is please sit down please sit down some of you as as we share the grace this this this morning and into the afternoon the anger you will carry back to your house you will shut the door and blast in tongues and say why was i about to borrow a shoe i would wear the one i have why was i about to borrow a shirt why was i about to tell lies that my carpenter father was my uncle he is my father so that you will be witnesses when he leaves me listen let me tell you this our generation has no regard for people's growth when they see people grow they say he came out of nowhere she came out nobody comes out of nowhere while they are dreaming with god they don't look it when solomon was dreaming with god and receiving something if you were solomon's roommate you would not know something had come upon him [Music] do you not know that while you are sitting now you are running i told you yesterday that the secret to run is to sit down the secret to speed is to wait don't run by running you run by waiting and when he's done with you you will find out that any door takes you there because you were already there [Music] as it is in your mind so it will be in your life for as he thinks it in his heart so he didn't say so he will become so he already is [Music] satan knows this so this is what he comes to do when he comes to you he projects he doesn't touch you he only projects a picture of failure put two by two you've been a preacher in lagos is this how ministry should grow and while you keep watching like the flock of jacob you begin to see what you are seeing in your life [Music] he won't stop he won't stop till my life looks like him he won't stop no he won't stop till my life looks like me [Music] god is raising mighty man in this place god is raising sons and daughters in this place and he wouldn't stop no he would stop but he won't stop till your life looks like him you may cry but he won't stop till your life looks like him he won't many of us think the secret to change is to acquire physical things it's only a secret to frustration everything is connected to something in the realm of the spirit and if it is not in your mind i promise you that it will leave you please hear me i know why growth may not be happening to you i know why growth may not be happening to you the reason is because our society cannot see into the realm of the spirit so they deceptfully look at your persona and while it is true that eventually it should reflect what is in your mind but it doesn't start from the beginning so the embarrassment nobody wants to look like a failure so we quickly go to outsource things that tries to coin a picture of what is not there and we continue to multiply pain there is nobility in growth that you pay the price go back and open that notebook that you stop writing on sins five years ago because he said lord i can't continue to mock myself like this while he's looking from heaven did you not know that satan is only coming to you because he sees something being built the thief comment not that means he has no business coming except he sees what is tylable killable [Music] the thief commit not the reason why the devil doesn't bother certain people is not because they love god it's because he doesn't see anything that is worth his presence i hope you know that satan is not he is not omnipresent to get his attention you must do something striking so he lets you alone while he goes to disrupt someone have looked at this family i never saw this construction where is this coming from the grandfather could not have it the grandmother could not have it but what i see being built in the realm of the spirit is a life and a destiny full of color who is this and he comes to find out and then he lies to you and so the bible says while we look not at the things that are seen but we look at the things unseen [Music] look at the things unseen because they can be seen for the things that are seen are temporal subject to change ah rejoice not over me rejoice not over me don't don't rejoice that nobody has a job in our family no problem don't rejoice that is joblessness that is making you a faithful worker in church you are such a jobless young man you are moving around you would have been married now but look at this this austrian thing is killing your destiny and you feel stupid for being an usher keep watching when god is done with you well he will not only lift you he will restore you you see that bring you to a position as to nothing no lag ever happened in your life your enemy opens the office and there you are seated even praying in tongues he says a joke he says not a joke god is a lifter and he has brought me here please i want you to guard your mind jealously no matter what happens to you we build garages for our cars we build stores and wardrobes for our clothes but we don't build a protection for our minds a car will come and go your clothes will come and go preserve your mind for out of it comes the issues of life are we together can i steal a few minutes to share one more key oh dear i wish i had time this is a sunday service don't forget i hope you didn't leave food on fire amen praise the lord my life changed as i have opened myself to be mentored by profoundly great people i have found out that this is a common string something happened to their minds and it changed their lives that their lives eventually became an expression of the dexterity of their minds hallelujah law number two can you pray in tongues while i turned here sabra to scared remember this is a conference [Music] hallelujah a man amen and amen the second key to growth the second key to lifting is understanding men the law of men that man as an entity has to be studied for you to succeed it is not enough to know god in as much as i've shared with you about the power of the mind the psalmist said something very interesting he said when i consider the works of your hands the lilies and all of that then he said what is man that thou art mindful concerned of nor the son of man he says that thou visites him do you know what brought the psalmist to this realization when you study all through scripture you see the unashamedness in god's seeking man not just man seeking god for a while he would abandon man and say you are not serious i leave you to your enemies and then on his own like a man in love and says i'm not doing again and after two days he just acts and says are you there fine it's not are you there he's saying look i don't know the name of what is happening to me but are you still god is not ashamed to present his vulnerability before men that while the worship in heaven is going on suddenly he becomes distracted and he looks at man and he still comes to mind he will raise a prophet to say oh yeah man he's okay just come to me and man will casually arrogantly come back to god and god will receive him seriously and so the samus was bothered god did you lose your intelligence can't you wipe man and start another humanoid species what is the man that you must fix no matter how damaged what is man what did you put in man that we are not aware of to the point that you come to visit him you died for him won the victory sat on the throne and you are still interceding abba you gave him the holy spirit on earth and then you are there at the right hand of the father and you are still not quiet you are interceding and you are still about your melchizedek priesthood what is man if god is asking that question you should ask what is man that have refused to rise what is man that i must depend on to rise [Music] this is the world of men and not knowing this will cost you anything good praise the lord pastor every time god wants to help israel he will send jacob he sends a word to jacob for the sake of israel every time god wants to help a man he sends a man you've heard me say it for some of you and i will repeat it again that all blessings come from god through men to men nothing comes from god to men it looks like it comes from god to men but the truth is that everything comes from god through man to man that means if god agrees and a man refuses the answer in your destiny is no who are teaching that's why i'm god says yes a man says no in a strange way your answer will be no abraham is in a vision with god and he sees that the captivity will last only 400 years correct and then the difficulty in preparing moses adds 30 extra years to their captivity and god had to make do with that script because it took that long for moses to be ready are we together another instance david is in the wilderness having visions of the throne as a little shepherd boy seeing that he would become a king saul offends god and god rejects him yet god cannot anoint david because a man in between david and saul refuse to agree it's in your bible so god comes down to somewhere and says somewhere please how long will you weep seeing that have rejected saul you are delaying someone else's destiny i intend to have started but because you are a man and you refused my own plans is delayed take on your horn go to the house of jesse couldn't he bypass him please understand this we have taught for many years that you don't need a man to rise if you are saying that to express god's sovereignty and might you are right but if you are saying that to mean that god can do without men he has chosen to incorporate men and believe me if you ignore men you will pay for it this is the world of men in this kingdom who hates you does not matter but who likes you matters there are men who you cannot cast god will only make them like you for you to pass that gate not everybody can be casted and can be bound there are men who are gatekeepers they are the kinds that the bible says when a man's way pleases the lord he makes them to be at peace with you otherwise you will not pass please listen to what i'm teaching you listen listen listen please settle down listen this is make sure you're not just excited you are getting what i'm telling you because this is very powerful very powerful great business people great preachers great intellectuals but they ignored men and they are paying for it today this is a world of man please hear me this is a world of men believe us let's wake up this is a world of men those who know this rise as if satan does not exist those who have ignored men when jesus meets with saul pastor who would later become paul even an encounter with jesus did not stop him from meeting men jesus referred him back to man for the continuity of his lifting go to the house of judah although you've met me still go there a man will come jesus christ the son of the living god who was a the word walked under a close heaven for 30 years till he met a man the word your word who became flesh the logos of the father walked under a close heaven until he met a man called john the baptist and john wonders our jesus uh he said suffice to be so it's an ordinance if you ignore me my heavens will close abraham was a man who continued to wallow in confusion until he met a strange being called melchizedek the king of an ancient city of salem and he gave him a title of all and melchizedek blessed him and said blessed be abraham son of the most high possessor of the heavens and the earth to the point that jesus had to become a man to help men he did not help men as god today he's on the throne as a man he didn't change back the man jesus is still on the throne this is the world of men if you ignore men god didn't ignore men you shouldn't lack of wisdom to ignore men men are gatekeepers of the anointing men are gatekeepers of influence men are gatekeepers of endorsements there are times you do not have access to the gate you will need a man who is already at the gate to speak for you the territory has been designed to listen to his voice and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon not god the king a man can send for another man and bring him out of a dungeon it comes from god through men to men are we together there are things in the bible that did not happen because god said it should happen it happened because men decided to make it happen and god honored it in a very strange way relationships are very powerful they are called advantageous connections everything grows and multiplies on the basis of relationship please listen that advantageous connection in your life when god wants to lift you he will send a man the credibility of men matter to our growth the endorsement of men it matters what they say about you don't ignore men and say it doesn't matter now they limited the holy one jesus only arrived because another prophetess a man was praying he's coming he didn't just arrive because he left heaven and arrived no no no no no a woman was praying for his arrival simeon the prophet praying for his arrival the body of jesus is hanging on that cross and no angel could bring it down except a man of influence called joseph of arimathea he went to another man and requested the body of god to come down who have you ignored who came to you as an answer to a prayer and you ignored god sent a man as an answer to your prayer and he said what is there i can't watch what is there with parmesan you want to pray for me this was the mistake the simple mistake of saul was ignoring man that was it saul did not offend anybody he did not for the man ordained by god to offer sacrifices he did it himself and somewhere came and said you have done foolishly men are not just men even among the stars one different from another in glory please listen to me many of us have ignored men there is a law that your lifting is man-dependent god is limited when men do not give him space i wish what i was saying were not true but it is true you have been blessed in this conference now not because god chose today no the day man available becomes your today if the pastor if your pastor shifted this conference the will of god must shift to for you because a man is it nothing now watch this we are going to pray shortly he was going to share the testimony many of you were blessed by victoria's administration powerful ministration and all the ministrations and all the preachers and everybody because a man agreed with god and chose the date for your deliverance can you imagine that it was not god that chose the date a man sat down and said i agree lord come within this period and lift your people and god honored it please listen it is very powerful you ignore men you will pay the price it's true the act was supposed to be carried by men they invented a cat and then when the cat was about to fall and innocent man came to hold it and died and the cat didn't fall listen to me men are true gifts from god the moment you begin to pray don't wait for a lot look out for men when you see a man come and start rejoicing because god is sending breakthrough [Music] i preached a message yes ago called the gift of men the true proof of favor is not money the true proof of favor is the hearts of men when god gives you the hearts of men you are really favored because when you have the heart of a man you have everything my son give me your heart a man can give you his hand and his resources and he would not love you please if you're a ministry here listen this is a grace you must need if you want church to grow you will need men that agree with you and can take that risk to hold your hands and build with you it is in the multitude of men that the kings honor lies not estate men in ancient times any king who had men was feared so they would conquer people and carry their men not necessarily their land their men for god so loved man he came and died to redeem man your job is not in heaven your job today as we talk he's in this city in the hand of a man [Music] consider his appointment and your prayer is answered and you think and you think that is not an issue contracts of millions are hanging not in the realm of the spirit being suspended by the wills of men [Music] listen a man is so important that when god wants to rescue his people he looks for a man of influence and the only available man who could hear him was joseph but joseph was in a prison having a dream would not help him so god has to use an unbeliever called pharaoh to have a dream that is prophetic and then they now call another man to interpret it the same way nebuchadnezzar the same way darius look at the man god had to make do with if you get what i'm telling you today you can sit down pray and say lord who have you anointed to lift me who has my eyes refused to see who is responsible for my lifting it can be after this service you will quickly quickly buy plantain and run to that man and say i just came to greet you he said i'm busy saying no problem you are not being foolish you are connecting to men for your living men are very powerful my life today has not just been glorified at the mercy of god alone but also at the mercy of men is the reason why men are a big deal to me i don't ignore men i don't dishonor men many of us do so to our peril our sincere loved ones do so you see a music artist i say what is there is it not just god there's a giver of all that statement alone you will pay for it because every time you despise a man you despise what he or she carries honor is the key to access everybody and everything you dishonor you authorize that that grace should run away from you so you can listen to pastor's message in the secret and despise him in the open the anointing will never bless you even if you fall down i tell you why it's hard for people to rise these are the systems of the kingdom the god of systems the lifter of men someone can come to another man and say i have discerned that there is so much grace on your life you came into lagos and in two in two years you have five houses in two years all your children have gone to school there must be something in you man can i talk about the anointing and then we pray because this anointing thing i want to talk about now is the last law the law of spiritual empowerment but i may not have the time to talk about it it's the reason why i spoke to you about men [Music] i have tried to obtain things in my life through the years that proved very difficult and every time i prayed god spoke to me as if i already had them [Music] but then i met certain men and i was amazed at how easy my life became [Music] i remember years ago i had the privilege of meeting a man who would later become a general in the army this man's heart was so connected to me like jonathan and david there was nothing i wanted that this man would not take as a case over his head i remember one time my passport expired and then i wanted to renew it he wore his army uniform carried his entire yes and entered the passport office people said it's a general son i just looked at them say i know emmanuel i know god but i know man that's why you need favor with god and favor with men you can have favor with god alone you will grow spiritually you will have visions you will know him but you will suffer on it because the favor that walks on earth is favor with men listen listen please listen jesus green wisdom statue favor with god and man that was why he could ask that a man's donkey be brought to him are we together i remember that time and i watched with shock the man entered everywhere you know how these uh precious military people just walked in and all the access and um within minutes i was done i said ah god keep this kind of people around my life you do ministry like this why would you be sad i mean when there are all kinds of men around peace your prayer should be lord who are you lifting help me to help hold that person while it's rising because when you contribute to a man's lifting he will never forget you you can't change the future but you can't change history what has happened has happened some of you today a few years from now when god would have honored you you will come back and meet pastor and buy him one can buy his wife he can't say pastor you may not remember me but last year by this time i i strolled my way as though going to fall on top of a bridge to entire church to sit at the back because life could not answer but it was based on your platform that i rose and i have vowed that every time god leaves me you must eat of it there are people who have covenanted their success to others those kind of people the only thing that will go wrong in their life is hellfire whereas fast earth is concerned god has said to them there are men who have found that every estate they build your house must be there because it was through your platform you lifted them there's nothing the devil can do about it these are the systems of the kingdom which man did you ignore in your life when god wants to anoint you he doesn't anoint you through a jar of oil a jar of oil does not carry the anointing a jar of oil only carries oil the anointing is resident with men oil has never anointed anybody a horn has never announced anybody a horn comes from around the anointing comes from god through man if a man does not touch that horn you can pour everything you want to pull and nothing will change in your life please listen to me i apologize i've taken a few minutes but we cannot waste this atmosphere we're about to pray it says but my head shall now exalt like the horn of a unicorn and i shall be anointed with fresh oil the law of spiritual empowerment that the grace upon your life is what controls what comes around you i can know what is on you by what i see around you i can know what is upon your life by the testimonies that recycle around you i can know the level of grace you carry by the possibilities that your life commands if it is not there it is not there are we together yes that it is true that god anoints man it is true that god leads men it is true that god helps man he gives power to the faith and those who have no mighty increased strength he does that by putting something upon your life that will cause a generation to come at a standstill our generation is too busy to be called together by common things it will take the bush burning to attract moses [Music] there has to be more than science there has to be more than philosophy if it is by the thinker of god then it can call the attention of creation listen to me god brought us to this conference to put something afresh again that will lift you to a dimension i have seen the power and the excellency of spiritual empowerment bring for me a weak person with no door opening and let that person have the privilege of obtaining genuine grace from a man and i show you a sign and a wonder it is not difficult it is only the grace on you that makes it so every mountain is relative to the anointing that confronts it there are annoying things that can treat their lives what looks like a mountain a mountain is relative please hear me people of god i share the burden of your pastor to tell you i know he put this conference because it looks like the economy is challenging it looks like a lot of things are happening but there is enough grace how god anointed jesus not that he was anointed look at the extent to which he was anointed with the holy ghost and with power then he went about doing good it takes more than a good heart to do good it takes the anointing holy fire burn upon my altar from waving me spirit to take over holy fire burn upon my own [Music] holy fire burn upon [Music] [Music] holy fire [Music] we're about to pray something will come upon your life that will reward your sacrifice in this conflict please listen to me listen to me years ago i had the privilege of meeting a man of god i was researching about god's generals pastor i wanted to know who had met with the generals that was alive and had put in his heart to study them because the day i took god's generals to read it was as if i was reading about my relatives something in me could not leave that book it was a scene in baton rouge was looking for me and then when i heard that that man had met a number of the generals and those they had met i went to go and meet him and i said lisa came i want you to talk to me what did the general say and i remember him saying smith wigglesworth told lester he said do not die with this anointing that every time you are old find your men find people empowered with the spirit transfer these possibilities to them i said that's it that's it i have come to connect to that lineage because there is a generation in need of this pattern we cannot talk about the things that happen as history and stop there man carrying the anointing of the spirit i remember that day i started having encounters after that time now my life has been full of encounters i'm sorry i'm talking about myself it's not any means to be arrogant at all i just want to as we pray to just share this with you and i remember one of the nights i met this interesting personality after we finished talking was like an impartation happened and he turned and began to go and i asked him i said sir you did not tell me your name and then he walked in well and turned to me and said paul and he turned and continued moving the very apostle that wrote two thirds of the new testament and the spirit of revelation came upon me in a strange way the eyes that see and the ears that are here let me tell you mantles are real functions graces are real if you have not captured them in your life you would think people are lying the possibilities in our lives are not governed just by our desires they are governed by the graces that we can host god is able to make all grace because there are many it's not only one so we are going to pray there are people here who desire certain graces i can share with you stories upon stories upon stories i'm a product of many anointings many anointings many anointings i went a few years ago pastor the lord gave me an instruction to one with god's servant bishops and i went down carried a seat i went down to canaan and you know his grace and when i was done i came out and the holy spirit asked me to place my hand on the ground right there and i placed my hand on the ground there and the spirit of the lord spoke to me he said from today you have entered the overflow anointing please hear me if you see men in the flesh you will never receive anything if you can see me as i'm taking if you decide that i am not just a person elijah was saying i'm a system embodied in a person men are not just men they are continuity of a program don't mind the bodies look at the agenda through men let me tell you sincerely many of the people you see are carrying what is older than them is ancient the bodies are the only ones who are modern and if you sustain that eyes to see our generation has lost the honor of reception this is why very few people are anointed it's not god's desire to have just a few people no born not a few he wants many vessels but the reason why the vessels are small is because we see men in the flesh we're going to pray when god wants to lift you he brings a man my life is a product of many graces please rise up everybody you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2020, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2020, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, power of god, eternal plan of god, eternal, god, spiritual principles
Id: kL0-we78K_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 36sec (5076 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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