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very briefly we'll have i'll just talk about one or two things and then we'll pray i heard your bishop talking about um isakka i think i'll just take it from there praise the name of the lord just share a few things that will bless our hearts the word of god is very powerful among many things that it does is that it gives us light it gives us illumination hallelujah and on the strength of that light we are able to make progress paul said i went up by revelation we go up by revelation praise the lord so let's go to that scripture first chronicles chapter 12 and verse 32 let me teach this morning on the sons of izaka first chronicles chapter 12 and verse 32 the bible says and the children of isaka which were men that had understanding of the times to know what israel ought to do the bible says the heads of them were 200 and all their brethren as a result were at their command praise the name of the lord now historically speaking isaka was one of the sons of jacob the ninth son of jacob the fifth of leah it was a son that he had with leah remember we're bible students leah had a number of children and the fifth of them was isaka and he was the ninth son of jacob and the bible tells us that there was something unique about this man who later became a tribe that they were men who number one please keep that scripture for us the bible says they had understanding not just of things but of times and then as a result they had knowledge on what israel should do and that knowledge put them in command very very powerful scripture in genesis chapter 1 and verse 14 the bible archives there the creation story the book of the beginnings genesis 1 14 the bible says that in creating or recreating the earth as we know that the lord made certain light signify seasons and god said let there be light in the firmament of the heavens to divide day and night and let this light be for signs let this light be for seasons let this light be for days let this light be for years that means that there are certain dimensions of light i'm not just talking of physical light alone signals signs in the spirit that if people have sufficient understanding they are able to see them like handwritings on the wall and it can help men to know when seasons come to an end and when seasons begin there are three kinds of anointings that a believer is able to walk in number one there is the anointing and the engracing that comes upon you by reason of being grafted into christ are we together your oneness with christ can afford you a measure of his grace and anointing number two there is the grace and anointing that comes upon you by reason of the office you occupy so when god calls you and mandates you and gives you an office there is a grace that comes with that office but the third kind of anointing is the grace that you receive as a result of properly discerning what the spirit of god is doing per season that one has nothing to do with you just being a believer that one has nothing to do with you just being in whatever ministerial office it is possible that you can be a believer your relationship is sound with god it is possible that you can be effective in your office as far as the calling of god is concerned but you still may not be relevant in a particular season this is not backsliding this is the inability to understand what god is doing in a season and to align with it you will find out that just because god used you yesterday does not guarantee that you will still be used today the continuation of your being in god's program is dependent on many factors among them these your hunger your pursuit but your discernment of what he's doing per season hallelujah this is where i believe many believers miss it they begin with god but their inability to discern when seasons change because you see like you'll be learning every time seasons change they come with a lot of inconvenience and we usually do not want to make the kind of adjustment that new seasons demand so would rather prefer to keep our tent in all seasons whereas the grace had left and were unable to receive the new wine the new grace that comes for new seasons the bible says the sons of isaka among the many tribes sons of jacob that these were men who uniquely had an ability to descend seasons to know what those seasons meant and then to know what to do about the seasons the bible says the result of that state was that they were in command everybody had to wait for their direction because they trusted their ability to discern seasons once upon a time men just saw unusual stars shining in the earth and they thought it was just geography what is happening this night why is there such an unusual glow an unusual illumination and yet heaven was trying to speak to the earth using the stars and men could not discern but there were a few people the bible called them wise men they were the magi these were men who had been taught to read the constellations to understand planetary bodies when they saw those stars they said no this is not just a usual glow this is not just atmospheric bodies they went and they searched their archives and they found out that those stars signified that something had happened they went to herald and they said herod we have come because we are wise men we are astrologers we are coming because a sign is directing us that a king is born and herod said really call my own people to confirm and they went and they checked and they said it is true he said please go and look for that king when you find him let me know so that i will come and bow down to him it's amazing that god can be doing something in the season and out of the millions of people within that territory they are blinded completely to what god is doing as believers most times we are largely victims of conclusions in the realm of the spirit we are hardly participants of the things that happen in the realm of the spirit we just know that seasons unfold before us good or bad it was one man who was negotiating the destiny of a territory elijah one it was not as though there were many other people who came one man was doing business with god and even other prophets were there were not even aware that something was going on a man was negotiating with god that for three and a half years there would be no drought if you were living in the days of elijah you would just find out that all of a sudden rain did not come lord what is going on and god says well because of your insensitivity one man has decided to take laws into his hands and shot the heavens over a territory for three and a half years there was one woman who spent her whole life bringing jesus from heaven to the earth her name is anna the prophetess other people read that one day he would come but the woman said no i sense that there is a season there was a man called daniel in scripture are we bible students i want to show you men who were able to discern that things were not just happening in their land i daniel understood by books when he opened the books and he saw that the captivity of god's people had come to an end he took responsibility and he began to pray can you imagine that in a whole land god can be doing business with only one person because the rest are not even aware of what is happening the day the angel came to meet mary there were people still moving around in the street whereas they did not know that a real destiny discussion was going on an angel comes to meet mary and said allow us use your womb to bring the savior yet there were people moving across not knowing that something divine was happening the day jesus was born there were still people buying and selling they didn't know that divine transactions were happening in the earth for 30 years jesus was walking on the earth and men could not even discern imagine those they sent him to buy things from when he was buying and selling and said please give me wood the man did not know he was selling wood to the man who will save him lack of discernment is dangerous it was only john the prophet who was able to discern when john saw him he said behold the lamb this is not only this is not a 30 year old man don't be deceived don't let that body deceive you that's the ancient of days behold the lamb that takes away the sins of the world the people who were in that crusade ground were absolutely clueless we don't even know what you are talking about john said i am not even worthy to untie the latchette of your shoe and jesus says suffie to be so that scriptures be fulfilled he dipped him in water and brought him out suddenly there was a loud noise from heaven that everybody had this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him the question i'm asking you is now how many more spiritual things are happening within our territory that we are not seeing and knowing you just know that once upon a time flood started going around everywhere but what happened in the realm of the spirit that led to that very few people will know you just know that once upon a time children from two years and below were being killed while they were being killed nobody knew but the devil was looking for only one person one could it be that what is happening in africa and what is happening in nigeria is because the devil is looking for just one person where are they one family one minister because they have discerned because moses was born many other people died they thought it was just an environment that was harsh for the survival of children but there was a spirit there was a signal in the realm of the spirit that someone had been born children paid the price for it when jesus was born can you imagine two years and below they died you just thought that it was that an individual or a government was wicked but in the realm of the spirit it was a search now you know why many things are happening kidnapping is happening or it's not just a sociological phenomenon of terrorism even the temp don't know what is controlling them i tell you there is a search in the spirit there is a kind of people that the devil is looking for because there are signals in the spirit jacob did not know that the ground he was sitting on was not just a geographic location he led down to sleep the bible says suddenly he saw a ladder connecting to the heavens he stood there maybe it had an address where bosses would stop and pick you and yet in the realm of the spirit that place was called the gate of heaven are you getting blessed he gave light to signify times and seasons three things happened to the sons of isaka number one was discernment through understanding they were a people of superior discernment they had the faculty and the fortitude to discern what is discernment the quality of spiritual perception the ability to perceive the impulses of the spirit discernment is akin to the five senses of a man biologically speaking imagine a human being without the ability look of place imagine a human being without the ability to see without the ability to taste without the ability to feel without the ability to smell without the ability to hear is that person really alive you will enter fire not know that this fire burning you till you die that's what it means to lack discernment in the realm of the spirit the faculty of spiritual perception is so deadened that you cannot feel the impulses of the spirit the bible says that there were men who understood the times the first quality we see in the sons of issachar very quickly is the quality of discernment through understanding they had built a corporate faculty of discernment even through understanding number two very quickly as a result of their discernment they had the strategies for every season this is the second quality we see in the sons of isaka they have the strategy for every season in this kingdom we win by strategies ask any man who is in the military that the victory of a military man is not necessarily in the vastness of the army but the dexterity of their strategy are we together number one discernment through understanding the sons of isaka number two the strategy for the season not the strategy for the seasons past the strategy for the current season number three the third quality we see in the sons of isaka is dominion and leadership leadership means they were always ahead by reason of the strategies that they had the other nations the other tribes had to wait for them to take the lead before they followed that if anyone wants to walk in the similitude of the sons of issachar this then becomes your assignment to number one develop the faculty of discernment through understanding you see this book this book is a compendium of mysteries please look up you may have heard me say it in my teachings that just because the bible is opened does not mean it is opened just because you can flip it open does not mean it is open there is a seal that unlocks this because the bible is a compendium of secrets and just because you open and you are reading does not mean the light from it is coming to you are we together now yes the secrets of the kingdom are hidden here and until the spirit of grace opens your eyes to see it says open down my eyes was he blind but he said open down my eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of thy law the day god opens your eyes you will open this bible and you'll no longer be reading a story you'll be reading yourself literally you will find a place written about you you know that no one has fulfilled that prophecy yet listen let me tell you something i hope i can preach how can i can i be it is not every prophecy here that was fulfilled in time past and is just informing us there are prophecies here that there are men on edge who fulfill it one day you are going to stumble across a scripture when you read it you will know this fast is for you not prophetically directly this one is a verse about you when the messianic prophecy was written in isaiah 61 yes prophetically to the church but it was written about a specific individual when jesus came are we bible students in luke chapter 4 the bible says that it was given to him the scroll of messiahs he opened it to read and he said the spirit of the lord is upon me he said for he had anointed me to preach glad tidings to the meek he had sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to set the captives free etcetera when he read it he said this day is this scripture fulfilled in your eyes that means the one this was written for has come one day you will open a scripture and you will read it and find out that no one has fulfilled it before that scripture is still there as a code waiting for you you will now begin to trace your background and find out that it fits the description of the one they said will fulfill this the only thing is that we come from a context that belittles ourselves we just believe once it's not a white man somewhere or is someone who has died somewhere it can't be me fulfilling this that's why nathaniel said can anything good come out of nazareth talk about the rest but can anything good come out of nazareth are we together if we want to be the sons of is a kind experience there are things that we must know and there are things that we must do let me very quickly share with you three keys and then we'll pray three keys that help us to maximize new seasons drawing from the life of the sons of isaka then somewhere as we teach god will grant us grace to pray in this morning service i have seen with all due respect i have seen great ministries i have seen great individuals i have seen great businessmen i have seen great men and women of god even captains of industry rise to excel because they were doing well in certain seasons and then all of a sudden you find out that the entire season and just plateau there or fade back that led me to study scripture what is the secret that sustains glory what is the secret that sustains impact why do people miss seasons and some of them are not sinners sincere people and yet you find out that this man was once great was once anointed was once impactful i didn't want to live that kind of life and i had to go to scripture to say what is the secret that really sustains people transgenerationally are we together how am i able to remain relevant in the midst of changing seasons why are certain people even though well intentioned even though well-meaning edged out of certain programs as though god just used them and dumped them please pay attention to what you're about to learn three very powerful keys number one the first key is found in luke 24 and verse 45 the first key that can sustain a man sustain a ministry sustain a business bible says then he opened their eyes they are understanding that they might understand the scripture understanding is a miracle of convex understanding is more than going to school it's not just secular enlightenment when you are counting the miracles in the bible count understanding more than raising people from wheelchair there is a miracle that must be performed on an individual called the miracle of understanding where your spiritual faculties are open so that you begin to complete spiritual things the miracle of understanding you want to remain relevant you want to continue being relevant in the program of god you want to have the ability to discern seasons you must have understanding it says in all your getting get understanding that means even if you have wisdom without understanding you are still in trouble even though it's a principal thing understanding is the faculty of comprehension it is important colossians chapter 1 verse 9 paul was mentoring the church in colossae and he was praying for them and he said i pray that you increase in three dimensions of knowledge number one that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will number two that you might be filled in all wisdom and then number three spiritual understanding spiritual understanding the ability to understand scripture to unlock the codes that are written in scripture the ability to understand life the ability to understand men the ability to understand systems is a miracle there is no amount of theological study that can give you that understanding it is an impartation is a grace that god gives men please hear what i'm telling you no matter how what kind of concordance and lexicon no matter what kind of theological school you go to there is a limit this understanding is an impartation from god he opened their understanding so that you are able to see what men are just looking at understanding so you are able to read the handwritings on the wall when they think it's just a finger writing understanding when understanding comes upon you you open your bible and you can read one verse for one moment and yet you are not done one verse not just a chapter running to finish the bible one verse you are drawing from the depth of that verse and you are wondering why people read it casually [Music] understanding is a miracle to see you high and lifted up you are shining in the light of your glory pour out your power you are shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love your sweet sing the only hope yes the prayer now open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you say real prayer i want to see you open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want to see you there was a young boy called solomon listen we talked so much about him but let's recap on the miracle that happened to him he was not a wealthy man he was a man of understanding when he offered a thousand burnt offerings the bible says and solomon loved the lord he offered a thousand-point offering that night god came to him and said young man you've called my attention what do i give you guess what he said lord i am young and i am ignorant i don't trust my foolishness and i'm not ready to write any story about my foolishness i pray for one thing from you not the life of my enemy not cars and monies this life is a hidden code give me the key this is what solomon asks don't open the door for me give me the key ministry say god give me the key influence is a code give me the key men are mysteriously complicated give me the key and god looked and said who taught you this who prepared you for my coming that you did not ask for the life of your enemies just because your enemies are dead does not mean your friends will help you oh no enemies are not the only dangerous people [Music] he was not just asking for understanding he knew that every treasure in the kingdom has gates that closed them and he said lord i'm only asking you for one thing i don't need money i don't need cars he didn't even ask for anointing just give me the key and god said you got it because you have not asked for silver and gold reaches the life of your enemies i will give you what you have not asked for riches wealth and honor like no man has had before let me tell you this brothers and sisters if you fast for understanding you were right understanding is that powerful understanding is not just knowing how to speak no it is how do i put it now life is a quote ministry is a code influence is a code you will just be seeing things happen what your eyes see is not the only thing happening it's like driving i can buy a can give you you drive it you will be surprised you will crash land is still your car when you watch a professional drive there are many things you will not see happening until you sit down that can't right there is something you must know about men there is something you must know about ministry there is something you must know about wealth and prosperity there is something you must know about the anointing there is something you must know about longevity there is something you must know about grace there is something you must know about being a voice there is something you must know about transgenerational relevance there is something you must know about the hearts of men the miracle the the key that holds that is called understanding when i found this in my life i found that i would never chase mundane things money influence power nonsense stay with understanding and watch the lifting power when god gives you that miracle he opens your faculty to comprehend spiritual things this was my hunger i didn't know that was what jesus did to me when he appeared to me i thought it was just an impartation ah until i read my bible that the entrance of thy world give it light and then it gives understanding [Music] when the lord jesus christ appeared to me after my encounter with him i opened my bible and i could not believe again it was like someone drew a straight line from genesis to revelation what is this things i never studied verses just came alive no weapon fashioned against you so we personally just come they are fashioned to fashion a weapon you must study who you will be using it against so before satan designs a weapon he arrests your spiritual understanding and your ignorance he uses all of them as the tools to fashion what he will use against you the bible says it's an immunity that when these weapons are fashioned there is only so much that i can see there are other things he cannot see no weapon fashion [Music] not no weapon used the weapon used for me will not be used for you satan is that smart he fashions weapons when he sees that you do not know anything about finances that becomes a chief tool comes the poison on despair that you will use in your life no weep on fashion listen i'm challenging you in this 14th anniversary that when you go back home you must cry for understanding lock yourself and say lord i am tired of guessing it is clear that this is not how it works grant me grace grant me grace are we blessed this morning please lay your hands on your head in one minute and cry before the god of your salvation the miracle of understanding someone is praying please pray please pray [Music] for [Music] foreign please so solomon prays and he receives understanding if you were solomon's roommate you would not know he had an encounter that night except that the test was going to come two women slept on their children is that true one killed the child and quickly replaced the child brothers and sisters we're not doing a long bible study but i want you to think is it really true that two women can replace their child and yet by morning they don't know which child is there is talking of modern children this is not just about physical children there are parents here even in the dark you know your child it's more than children a child is anything that comes out from you and the bible says one died and the other one was alive and there was contention between two of them is that true and then they come to this man who now had received understanding this was a litmus test of his understanding watch this sad they said we were sleeping together with our children one killed the child and replaced the child and he sat down he looked the bible says he drew the sword as soon as the word of god was introduced into that situation the truth came out immediately when he drew the sword he said okay i will kill this child and the real mother with the child said okay no problem i rather he was using the quality of selflessness to know who was the real mother because the character of satan is that it will always be attached to selfishness so he said whoever is free from selfishness must be the real owner so i will use the word to test it and the only way to test it is to use depth that means you have no reputation again nothing to protect again and say yes let the vision leave even if i die he said the vision is yours let the ministry leave even if i die even if my reputation goes down and he said truly you are the giver of this vision listen to me [Music] he used the miracle of understanding to divide and decipher between complicated issues and his fame went abroad people listened to him and said this is not the solomon we know something has come upon him i'm speaking to someone here that after this service in the name of jesus may this grace come upon your life may it be evident before everyone that this grace is upon you in the name of jesus christ please sit down please sit down understanding let me respectfully plead with my dear co-laborers in ministry we need to contend for understanding in these seasons so that when somebody brings a gift you will know which one is to kill you and which one is to bless you understanding number two let's orio the second key is found in joshua chapter five long reading but please be patient with me joshua chapter 5 [Music] and it came to pass when this and that and that please let's go to verse two joshua chapter five now watch this they had come to jericho now they were preparing to conquer jericho are we together the lord then gives a very strange instruction verse 2 and that time what time the time where they were intending to move to a new season remember this instruction is time to time everybody say time before then such an instruction did not come but now the time has come to take jericho it's a new season and it says and at that time the lord said to joshua make these sharp knives and circumcise again the children of israel the second time why verse 3 were reading down to the last verse if possible and joshua made sharp knives and circumcised the children of israel at the heel of those four skins what is the relationship between circumcision and victory i want to defeat jericho and i'm crying for divine assistance and god is saying i cannot come joshua there is something in the camp that is stopping my presence from coming he said take the knife it is going to be a painful experience now that you have understanding although it is painful you will not fight it because you know that your victory depends on it please keep that scripture it says and joshua did circumcise all the people that came out of egypt he said and this is the cause why joshua did circumcise he said all the people that came out of egypt that were males even all the men they died in the wilderness after they came out of egypt verse five now the people that came were circumcised but the people that were born in the wilderness by the way as they came forth from egypt then they had not circumcised please be patient the children of israel worked all these years in a land of milk and honey they were not circumcised please go to verse um what's the next verse now it says and their children whom they raise up in their stead them joshua circumcised for they were uncircumcised because they had not circumcised them by the way it says and it came to pass when they were done circumcising the people they are boarding their place in the camp till they were made whole look up this is i can spend the whole day preaching here we're talking of relevance now god show up to help us and he says no inasmuch as i want to come the people you admire did something that made me partner with them i do not see that thing in you the mentor that you are listening to i'm not just visiting him and giving him miracles there's something that happened behind the scene that you are not aware if you want to produce this result let me introduce you to the process number one circumcision he said those who left egypt they left with an ordinance of circumcision but because of all age they die now you young ones you think it's just about power sit down let me teach you how it happens you will go through a painful process of circumcision notice a few things about circumcision there is no worrying after the circumcision some after that circumcision you may not have ministerial invitations for a long time i say you are you are being healed and you have been made whole circumcision is a painful and a lonely process do you know what it means to circumcise adults men you can circumcise babies but imagine an adult he said that is still the condition no matter how old you are if it's business you want to do with me circumcision of your old mindset are you willing to lay your old mindset for me to cut it away the way i was doing things yesterday just because god is not moving the way he moved yesterday does not mean he's not the one moving all paradigms seeing then that we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses the bible says let us lay aside every weight circumcision will cut you away from weight bitterness envy anger god is saying before i introduce you to that season i've seen tendencies in you you will not be able to host the kind of grace i am giving you submit to circumcision are you blessed were learning from the sons of izaka they didn't just become leaders let me tell you this as anybody who has tested of his work with god the period of circumcision is a painful process it will sting your ego it will sting your reputation everything that represents your self-worth will die in that process the for life is death i hope we're still together so one day god gives you a painful instruction and says for the next six months you are not preaching again ah god how about my reputation do you want people to think of backslidden he says well you can choose to defend yourself or you can choose to walk with me one day god will wait until all your areas has been given to you then you will hear the instruction loud and clear he will use a vision he will use a dream he will use prophetic confirmation so that you can say you did here take your isaac and you drag it to the altar like a funeral and drop it there it's not about money he's killing something in you show me any man that god is using if they do not have a history of circumcision run away from them run quickly forget about what result you are seeing run away quickly circumcision is what guarantees that what you are seeing is real are we together this is the hardest part of a believer's journey because at that time god is not even entitled to talk to you that is the time when you will be counseling others as soon as they come your prophetic antenna will open up you will cancel them as soon as they go you say lord about my issue and you will not hear anything again there is a circumcision going on whereas you are trusting god for house length as soon as someone comes to say in the name of jesus and the person says you can't believe it someone transferred 5 million and you are about to get angry with god and the person will even forget you and god says sit down and continue praying for that person oh isakka we're in the school of issachar parasusia husqvara yes sir where god will give you an instruction you just bought your card just about when you are dancing around the god who says not your own you've not yet bought your car this one you bought go and give it to so so so person you will reject that spirit you will cast it you will bind it god will say i'm still the one once have i spoken you will keep hearing some of you as i'm speaking to you that's the season you are in now i'm helping you interpret the seasons lord what is wrong the more i pray it looks like there are attacks i just want to have a sound sleep i had a busy day 12 from the doctor the holy ghost says wake up there's no sleep for you again and you have something to do in the morning where are you going with me oh god what is the name of what you are doing with me am i the only one welcome oh son of issachar to the place where he makes man is a place of circumcision [Music] god tells you as a lady he has a great destiny for you just when a nice guy is standing to say hello you hear a voice from heaven say you better leave that gentleman now i told you your womb is going to bring a prophet stand aside and you say god this is how you want to make my life useless let me tell you this that is why there are only few people that eventually emerge you see how painful the process is not everything in the kingdom is a gift there are things that are rewards rewards for passing through this is what people go through when you talk about them whether in private or public god will punish you because there is blood dripping on their altar are we blessed [Music] god you are calling me to be a prophetic worshiper to the nations and god says for the next two years all the songs i give you write it but you will not produce anything you will not honor any invitation he can give you an instruction all the invitations you go to don't collect one on already return it back to them your motif will keep being poached [Music] you know god is walking with you when you feel like you are dying [Music] joshua chapter 6 let's talk about the last point and then we'll pray is god blessing us the third key that i want to introduce to us is found in joshua chapter six after that season of circumcision as painful as it is as god grants grace and the healing of course then a miracle begins to happen joshua chapter six from verse one please now jericho was shot up because of the children of israel none went out and none came in look at this kind of place of bondage nothing goes out nothing comes in next verse and the lord said unto joshua see i have given into thy hand jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of fellow verse 3 and ye shall come past the city look at this this is now the strategy for the new season are you seeing now supernatural strategy came when circumcision was done if they had tried to fight the people in jericho they would be using a wrong strategy understanding led them to a season of circumcision i didn't have time to read please read verse 5 chapter 5 from verse 1 to 15 so that you can understand the whole context because after the circumcision suddenly joshua sees an angel the captain of the lord's army who said now i am here to come and partner with you let me reveal to you the strategy that will bring jericho down you want heaven to assist you you want encounters you must pass through that season of circumcision listen god calls you to be a kingdom financier and it tells you you will be a billionaire and for a long time people even look at you and say something is wrong with you one day in your place of fasting and prayer when your circumcision is done his majesty will come to you and say get a notebook i want to give you my strategy for your rising right you will write what looks like a fully statement but that's what will lift you to the point where people would think you are holding something and they are right they are right it has to be something lifting you i remember when the lord came to me and began to give me secrets that would cause a man to excel not just in ministry and in a generation what i'm teaching is not a salmon i am teaching history these are the keys take and when you hold those keys that is the symbol of dominion it's like a scepter upon your life there is nothing the devil can do about it you are not working in ignorance you are holding this keys [Music] please listen to me when heaven decides to partner with you heaven will reveal to you supernatural strategies for victory second corinthians chapter 10 when you read from verse 4 and 5 the bible says the weapons of our warfare the weapons that we are going to use to establish victory they are not man-made not fabricated by the intelligence of men he says but mighty unto god please give it to us second corinthians chapter 10 from verse 4 the weapons of our warfare it says are not carnal man made but mighty through god mighty through god another expression mighty through partnership with god mighty for the pulling down of strongholds verse five casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of christ bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ superior weapons of victory god begins to reveal to you strategies in this case he said joshua i'm going to give you a strategy that does not make sense but believe it this is the strategy for the next season what is it gather your man don't fight go around jericho once every day for six days and then listen to what i would tell one day imagine brothers and sisters the generals in nigeria going around some visa or going around abuja every day and just singing you are good and your mercies forever [Music] you to fight and they said just relax victories on his way what sort of a strategy is that they are not carnal so god can give you a strategy and say go and lock yourself for the next three days write all your prayer requests on the ground and dance on it what sort of a strategy is that lord i want a change of season i'm looking for partners in ministry you are not giving me phone numbers i am a prophet i can hear god says leave that this is your strategy and you're dancing like a madman dancing like a madman and while you are dancing somebody is waking up from his bed because the strategies are let me tell you this divine strategy are they look deceptively weak until you see the power that is contained in them go around jericho do you know the bible says five chariots could sit on the fence of jericho that means even if it falls it's still another offence five chariots on a fence and yet a man begins to to sing around it and then on the final day it says now you will go round seven times and after the seventh time there will be a shout it's called the healer the highest praise at the instance of that shout listen please a miracle will happen and they went round and round and then they lifted up their voices watch these people of god when they shouted the bible says that the fence it did not just fall it sunk right down the fence sank down victory cheap victory because of divine strategies [Music] when elijah as a prophet sir i'm wrapping up elijah as a prophet of god there was hunger in the land the first strategy that was given to him is go and stay at brook cherith i will send you a raven a wee bible student i will send you a raven to feed you and then you will drink water from the brooks but the bible says a time came the brook dried that's usually the problem when the current strategy is no longer effective you will need to even though he was a prophet he could not invent a strategy by himself and god said now the strategy has changed if you want to last until reign comes i am about to send you not to the house of a billionaire i'm sending you to the house of a widow you will help her and you will feed from her he was on his way to zarephath and he met this woman on her way gathering sticks he said woman bring me water make me a mussel of bread she said i'm about to make the last one and i say not so i'm here on an instruction it's a new season for two of us it's a new season two of us the bible says she ate from that and lasted brothers and sisters ask successful people tell you the foolish things god asks them to do ask your pastor ask your bishops and ask as everyone who is a leader the pastors in this ministry the branches ask your bishop as his wife they will tell you at a point in their life god gave instructions that did not make sense they obeyed those instructions from dancing around to shouting like mad people to emptying your account to fasting for no reason to pray in palms of our warfare and not carnal if it makes sense to you it most likely may not be god speaking god talks to you like he's talking to himself so if you analyze his speaking from the standpoint of intellect you will find out that it does not make sense moses why are you crying before me tell the people to go forward go forward where imagine that you come and tell 2.5 million people walk on water and go but that was a strategy for their victory if it be thou bid me come he said come walk on that water the wedding in cana they were used to brewing wine but the bible says the wine finished john chapter 2 they needed another strategy for continuity embarrassment was going to happen in that feast now people were tasty they needed drink but there was no wine and he said gather six vessels another strategy fill it with water then he now decided to embarrass them fetch the water and take it to the rulers not even test it among yourself take it directly to the rulers without testing it yourself that's a risk but water he turns into wine that's a miracle worker he opens the eyes of the light there's no one like you none like you it's into the darkness it shines the reason why many of us may have marked time in certain seasons is because even though you have submitted to circumcision your ego you have not gotten your ego out of the way to have the flexibility to obey divine instructions [Music] divine instructions are very embarrassing there's no time i would have given you a few of the senseless instructions that god has given me in this life [Music] very unreasonable but they contain mysterious power that walks within them [Music] you are in this place right now and we we're going to be praying strategies are going to come for you for your life listen for your business and even for ministry lord why is this struggling this family leave the issue of a plus b equals to c open up your spirit and then god will tell you let me give you a formula not for everybody for you a formula for you a formula for you and you obey that formula and then your life would just change just like that just like that but you must trust god for grace listen to me you must trust god for grace it takes discernment to change seasons in your life you've heard my stories let me share just one of them a repetition years ago i was in just bishop i went to buy sugar cane and i saw two old women and i just felt strong in my spirit to honor them they were mothers it was less than 100 naira to give them i said please you people are my mothers give me the honor of paying for you they were trying to open their up this their rapper and remove money they said no no let me pay for you i paid for that sugarcane for them and then they kept blessing me for some reason i did not pay attention to what they were saying but then one of the women looked at me strangely and said my son forever walk upon gold is that a human being can a human being talk to you like that strategies strategies there are some of you you may find out that nobody is rising in your family everybody loves god but everybody is down at best if you rise something pegs you just doing what you have been doing before will not produce the result lord what is the strategy in this season i need to change seasons i need to change seasons even for some of us who have been carrying a level and a measure of anointing a measure of anointing lord can't you take me higher and enlarge my coast you may be praying and fasting but there must be a strategy by god to you we're about to pray i sense the grace of god in this place [Music] bring for me two people now the power of god is coming very mightily on them do i have a few minutes bishop this is a sunday service i just saw light there is such an unction that is coming on two people please let me have them here it is an anointing i'm seeing that the lord is breaking ah please once that happens i want you to bring them the power of god is moving two people it will come upon them please carry them just bring them to the front here we're going to pray and if our god is for us then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us then what can stand again and if our god is for us then who could ever stop us and if our god is with us then what can stand against and if our god if our is is sweetest then what can stand against [Music] [Applause] hallelujah or praying who is josephine is it josephine i'm hearing the name josephine is there someone with that name josephine josephine josephine is that you are wearing like a like green or lemon juice faith is there someone like that josephine what's your name is the mic working please help us just a few minutes and we'll pray we still have is it working what's your name right there you're a member of this church yes sir i want to pray for you your life is about to change in the name of jesus mama i want to pray for you the lord is breaking the bondage of witchcraft this is what i'm seeing in the name of jesus christ every power that will not let you go here this 14th anniversary in the name of jesus christ i command it leaves you now in the name of jesus the christ of god i declare that you are free free now and free forever my dear look at me the josephine lady lift your hands what do you do i work with ncdc presently ncdc ncdc let me pray for you in the name of jesus every antagonism against you in your office this is what i'm seeing in the name of jesus because i'm seeing trouble let her go now in the name of jesus the christ of god the bible says wherefore god has so highly exalted him and given him a name that is above every other name i'm hearing the name chokudi shokudi is there someone with that name who is that what do you do sir i'm a data scientist i'm a data scientist you are a data scientist legal data scientist dental science research and public policy okay an economist i want to pray for you i'm seeing you climb a ladder and every time i see this in a vision i know that increase you are stepping into a new season you believe that we're going to pray someone will shout loud under the anointing bring the person out please i just want to speak to the person we're going to pray now remember we're talking about divine strategies for some of you the strategy god gave you was to come for this program that's it you see how the devil fought you from coming you tried to come no transport you try to come something happen like that man there because his ministry is about to change bring him you see the devil you will try and try and try and try and try someone will annoy you you want to stay back but it's the devil trying to stop you because the strategy for your lifting this man please stand up this man i don't know you will come i don't know anything about you but i want to pray for you i'm seeing what do you have to do with anugu state i'm a pastor guy i'm a pastor you're a person in a new state that's what i'm saying i want to pray for you the grace for revelation this is the grace that is coming on you in a very strange dimension i i stretch my hands towards you in the name of jesus i decree and declare take that grace may that anointing shift you to superior levels in the spirit in the mighty name of jesus superior dimensions of revelation by the spirit in the name of jesus christ this is the minister's role there's somebody i'm seeing the power of god come on one person please don't be embarrassed just one person just on this road i don't know i'm seeing like light fire it's an ignition of the prophetic grace [Applause] take that grace to a new season this man in the name of jesus you will never be the same i shift you to a new dimension in the spirit sheila everyone please open your mouth and begin to pray in one minute [Music] new season that oil look at me sir shout jesus as loud as you can shout love jesus as loud as you can i release you into a new level of grace by the power that raise christ from the dead you will never be the same again in the name of jesus christ my friend what do you do huh ministry sir ministry ministry you are doing ministry your own ministry yes where well um don't feel bad i'm seeing change all around you this is what i'm saying and the lord is saying to set you free i stretch my hands take that grace take that fire go back with signs and wonders i open new horizons by the spirit in the name of jesus christ to do ministry with integrity may the lord anoint you in the name of jesus christ please lift your voice and pray father the kind of circumcision that must happen in my life and my destiny in this season hallelujah i have to walk with time please apologize just give me two three minutes i'm seeing a family is like every two two years there is a pattern of death two years someone must die either someone in the family related or like maybe um [Music] just someone within the family is there someone like that i want to pray and break that demonic chain right now where are you from [Music] i'm seeing someone you've been looking for admission for one two three four you've written jam this like five years or so for five years you've been searching searching for admission is there someone like that i want to pray with you very quickly it's your time for deliverance now mama i want to pray for you still the same case i'm standing in faith with bishop and we're declaring that every planting that is not of the lord that brings patterns are we in agreement church that every pattern that is not of god over this dear people he must go right now open your mouth and begin to pray for them [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want to pray i'm seeing change in this place please i want you to believe god brought you here to shift seasons in your life you shouldn't come here and just go back and say i came to church no seasons this is why god put it upon the life of his servant insist be angry i can't be at this level again for the rest of my life it must be a new season in my life i want to pray right now listen there are people here and there are families that have been under all sorts of demonic captivity the bible says for this purpose was the son of god made manifest that he may destroy the works of the devil at the count of three i want you to shout the name jesus listen shout it as loud as you can from the depth of your heart please ushers i want you to bring those under the anointing after that shout whether you are an usher or not just help them if you are there and you are a worker in the in the ministry are we ready father every power that is not of the christ sitting over the destinies of people here on this mountain of the lord i stand in agreement with the bishop the angel over this commission and lord i declare that at the count of three as they shout let that wall of jericho he must fall down now are you ready at the count of three shout jesus one two three jesus [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] someone's life is changing [Music] please media can you help us just five minutes and we're done zechariah 1 and verse 18. zechariah chapter 1 and verse 18. then i lifted up my eyes and saw and behold four horns next verse [Music] 19. [Music] and i said unto the angel that talked with me what be this and he answered he said these are the horns which have scattered judah which have scattered israel which have scattered jerusalem 19 20 now [Music] praise the lord well let me just quote it he said and i have sent these at the horns okay let's go to 21. [Music] that these are the horns that have scattered judah look up please saw that no man did lift up his head but i have come to free them to cast out the horns of the gentiles which lifted up their horn over the land of judah to scatter it there are horns that insist that people don't rise there are horns that insist that families don't rise madame that woman at the back there lift your hands you yes i'm seeing light coming to you this woman yes no the one looking at me now lift your hands i just saw light coming to you in the name of jesus i declare that everything that will not let you go help her everything that will not let you go help her please my god he must let you go [Music] [Applause] now all those who are out here in the name of jesus i declare that every power that will not let you go right now in this assembly hear my voice i speak as one cent in the name that is above all names i declare their exodus from your life forever forever forever that the egyptians you see you will see them no more forever what is this that you are holding my friend what is this ah you are looking for a job where what is your name do you believe in miracles give me your credential [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus look at me i'm saying it in the open it's not in the secret i give you three months from today in the name of jesus may god say to you honorably by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ i place a grace upon you go with this grace in the name of jesus christ the lord will open doors for you beyond your imagination to the glory of the name of the lord in the name of jesus christ hallelujah let me pray for someone who is always in dead people you go to bed and here they come people that have died a long time ago calling you trying to eat with you this is what i'm saying the lord wants to send that person free please with that person very quickly [Music] your members of this church you see why it's good to come you see why it's good you listen for all the remaining sessions in this conference i want to go and gather your family members even if there's no space you will sit on the zinc are we together now by the grace of god i'm still here i think we have two more sessions in the morning and in the evening i think god is really ready to visit and just end some things once and for all my sister look at me i'm looking at you and in the realm of the spirit i'm seeing a fail all over your face this is what i'm saying that you are looking at someone physically but in the realm of the spirit you are not seeing a face anything covering anyone's glory here in the name of jesus i hear that fell into pieces i hear that fell into pieces hear me the living has nothing to do with the dead it is appointed unto men to die once after that the judgment whoever has died no matter how close the person is they are gone and they're gone there is a a partition hear me the grave is a spirit it can call men it can call men in the name that is above all names here this church every one of you who the spirit of death and the grave is trying to call or trying to call love habakkuk and brexit be free right now in the name of jesus be free right now in the name of jesus i release you what do you do sir look at me stop broken stop looking you're a stock broker i want to pray for you stand up i'm looking at you and i'm seeing a lot of load on your head i have to pray for you because what is on your head knife i don't pray for you you are in trouble you can even have bp it will destroy you in the name of jesus who is the son of the living god may god show you mercy may god show you mercy may god show you mercy in the name of jesus [Music] we have to round up for some of you here as you lie down to sleep god will open up the blueprint of the next season of your life and show you what you need to do in the name of jesus christ for some of you as you go to the place of prayer god will show you the mystery behind the occurrences in your life alongside the solution that brings you into victory in the name of jesus who is the christ of god [Applause] in the name of jesus who is the christ of god everything that is dead in your life hear the word of the lord i declare that it comes back to life now help her help her help her with the child please just believe what i'm saying i'm not entertaining you i say it again that everything that is dead in your life hear the word of the lord talita kumi i declare that he comes back alive now [Applause] and every door that has refused to open that door has been before you for many years and yet it will not open in the name of jesus we scatter that god right now [Music] in this 14th anniversary everything [Music] that your father the bishop truly desires for you in your life your finances your spiritual life i stand in faith and i lend my voice with him and his wife i agree with you by the spirit may it be yours let victory be yours let increase be yours spiritual fire let it be yours a resurrection of your prayer life let it be yours activation of spiritual gifts let it be yours in the name of jesus christ [Applause] of i'm under the shadow of your wings please bring her your influences all over me i am under let's save time i let his wife come quickly i want to pray is this the wife just keep them don't worry we're under the shadow are you a minister lift your hands this man break that grace now in the name of jesus shifted to seasons new seasons in your ministry you will never be the same never be the same by the power that raised christ from the dead this woman wearing black the one you are holding i shift you by the spirit of the prophetic new wine in the spirit open your mouth and begin to pray please everyone shake it pray prayer foreign what's the name of your ministry what is what has to do with i'm saying something that has to do with revival ministry what's your name of your ministry what is the name god's end time i want to pray for you because god is shifting you to a strange dimension in the spirit you and your wife drink of this world do ministry with integrity but i release power upon your life i stretch my hands right now take that place in the name of jesus christ for you and for your wife i open up those wells and i declined the name of jesus no limitations let help us come from the north the east the south and the west in the name of jesus who is the christ of god every limitation in ministry goes it rolls like smoke before the wind in the name of jesus christ [Music] please sit down listen now sir come place your hand on your tummy do you know what is happening to you are you a man of god you're a lecturer look at me i want to pray for you there is a planting that is evil if i don't pray for you they will diagnose your prostrate in the name that is above all names i declare let it get out of your body now this is witchcraft so this is not sickness at all put your hand there in the name of jesus christ i bring you life i bring you healing right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus be gone now [Applause] you will see an innocent man like this and they will tell you suddenly prostrate came from nowhere how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost for someone you are looking at me now but when you return back to your altar it will not be what you left fire you are going back with a strange dimension of grace in the name of jesus christ [Music] healing that demonic occurrence is god wasting your time what is your name [Music] come are you a man of god hold on is that your friend two of you come who is justice what's your name [Applause] [Music] where are you coming from sir [Music] how about you i want to pray for you sir [Music] i believe in jesus so listen don't think it's everybody that fakes this thing there are people who have paid the price with god let me just clarify it immediately so that the devil does not even plant any wrong seed of nonsense there are people who have spent time genuinely with the god of heaven [Music] i want to pray for you sir your life will never be the same there is a level of financial blessing you are stepping into you will marvel and wonder this is god it's not even talking to me about ministry there's someone here you're a lawyer you're a lawyer like a barista a legal a legal practitioner is there someone like that i want to pray for you you are a worker like a worker in this church who is that person i want to pray the moment of may into june july this will be strange months of lifting for you god is you believe this sir i want to pray for you father in the name of jesus christ you are the helper and the lifter of men i stretch my hands over your son and i pray that he will carry the grace that would distinguish him in an unusual way even as touching his legal practice in the name of jesus christ so let me pray for you the grace even as god is revealing to me i don't know why god called to call this man i hope you are friends do you know him oh you're a pastor too because what is happening to him will also happen to you sir in the name of jesus christ i stretch my hands there is grace coming on you now take that grace in the name of jesus christ you will never be the same i take away limitations from your life in the name of jesus christ the lord is shifting you to new levels in the spirit gentleman that man you looking at me this one yes lift your hands where you are what do you do please can you help us is this mike working you are a student come as you are like this god is going to use you god is going to use you in a very mighty way huh god is going to use you it will be like play but the grace that god will put on your life will surprise you i stretch my hands and i pray in the name of jesus christ may the holy spirit pass you through all the dealings of the spirit that make mighty men in the spirit in the name of jesus christ i declare and declare may grace speak for you by the power of the holy spirit by the power of the holy spirit the eyes that see and the ears that hear may god grant it unto you in the name of jesus christ [Applause] please sit down [Music] isaiah chapter 9 and verse 8 isaiah 9 verse 8 the bible says he sent a word unto jacob and that word lighted upon israel please look that means every time god wants to introduce dimensions of his grace and his power to a territory a people and a dispensation he starts by finding a man when he finds that man through a covenant that he has with that man god himself will pour that dimension of oil and grace upon that man but the oil and the grace was not meant to remain with that man he only becomes a conduit that becomes god's authorized channels there are people who have businesses and they have what we call distributors is that true distributors of a product maybe minerals or whatever product it is they station them strategically across regions every time you call the head office and you say i need the supplies of this they will there are phone numbers they will give you in the parable of the ten virgins it said go to them that sell and buy there are those who sell it they were given it he said why are your oil finished oh because we did not buy extra oil he said quickly go and look for those who are the authorized there are those who have been given the grace to sell it the only thing is that you don't buy it with money money is not the currency you use to buy that grace go to them that sell [Music] hallelujah so when god sends a word to jacob he intends for it to be lighted upon israel let me tell you this the anointing of the holy spirit is the ability to produce god's dimension of results there is no man in your strength there are certain results you cannot produce as a man please listen no matter how educated no matter how enlightened there are certain dimensions in the spirit that men cannot command results beyond there is a threshold that you cannot cross as a man there must be an assistance if men see you operating beyond that dimension it is proof that a spirit is assisting you whether is a demonic spirit or is the holy ghost but it is impossible for you to be alone and cross beyond that realm we together [Music] politically financially in ministry there are certain levels of influence there are certain levels of power there are certain levels of miracles there are certain levels of the grace that you cannot rise beyond the level by your strength no man we are not given that grace the moment you get beyond that level the holy ghost has to assist you from that level onwards or a demonic spirit assists you but you cannot go alone there are some dots that don't open [Music] just as a man no sir the holy ghost must be the one to usher you into that realm that body of spiritual reality are we together now yes and listen god never designed for us to do the work of god in the strength of the flesh he says for by the arm of flesh shall no man prevail you have to understand that we are contending against forces of darkness there are spirits that want to ensure that the purposes of god do not advance there are spirits that have been sent to destroy your ministry to destroy your life to scatter everything that represents god about you it will take more than a well-intentioned heart to drive [Music] are we together [Music] man of god women of god we need more than good salmons to represent the purposes of god you need more than just a theological exception of scripture jesus said listen very carefully the spirit of the lord is upon me not just the intellect of the scribes the spirit of the lord is upon me luke chapter four he opened the scroll where it was written the prophecy that desires wrote concerning him and he began to read and he said this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears there was a man in the congregation with a withered hand and he said stretch forth your hand when that man stretch his hand it was a proof that he did not just come with empty talk there is a lot of noise making this is why the world sees ministers as a nuisance they see people as a nuisance they see christianity as a nuisance to civilization but not when the power of the holy ghost is upon you when jesus resurrected in acts chapter 1 the bible says he gathered together the people and for a period of 40 days he was teaching them on the matters of the kingdom and then he got to a point where he began to talk about the restoration of israel and they said will you at this time restore the nation of israel he said it is not for you to know the times and the seasons that the father has put within his care verse 8 says but ye shall receive anything it says you shall receive you can reject it you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you it says and you shall be witnesses unto me a witness is a validator of a claim a witness is not needed until there is contention when you go to the court of law and you say this one this happened and someone says no the judge will say where is the witness the assignment of the witness is to make sure that you validate claims more than being an emoji more than being an apostle a prophetess a businessman a prophet your real assignment is a witness john 1 verse 6 there was a man sent from god the bible says his name was john the next verse says the same came for a witness to the truth that through his witness we might believe the assignment of a witness is to prove that what he is saying and what god said is not a lie and every witness in the court of law has a token of truthfulness the name is evidence the evidence of any witness is a token of truthfulness if it is true that jesus died if it is true that he hung upon that cross it is true that he defeated hell if it is true that he rose again triumphantly don't just tell the world he died or dare witness where is your evidence we were not there when he hung upon the cross we were not there when he died we were not there when he resurrected what audacity do you have to tell the world you are not lying so he said even though you are not there the spirit of truth was there and so you shall receive he comes in partnership with you turning you from an ordinary human being to a witness a validator of god's claim if he says he heals and the devil is using sickness to speak to creation that god lied god sits on the throne and says abuja where are the witnesses there has to be someone sent to advocate and prove that god does not lie so when a miracle happens when a healing happens when a lifting happens is more than just showing that the man of god is powerful god is now using his servant to speak to creation that i am still god the agency that produces god's dimension of his results is called the anointing [Music] the anointing is not oil this was created for cooking this was created from plants oil does not anoint until someone who is anointed anointed god stores his anointings in three three basic places number one he stores it in men men are the official custodians of that anointing and in partnership with the holy spirit they are also the distributors of the same number two god stores his anointing in institutions there are institutions that have covenants with god and he stores certain dimensions of graces in those institutions you come under the influence of that ministry or that spiritual platform even before you have an understanding of what you are doing you will begin to enjoy certain possibilities then number three god starts his anointings in physical locations just like minerals the same way you go to certain places and find out that there is gold you find out that there are certain places but the most important storehouse for god's anointing and the distribution of it is men so he calls jacob and places a grace upon jacob and the intent is that through jacob in partnership with the holy spirit the entire israel will come into that reality can i tell you the days of superstar christianity is over when god anoints one man is not to stand and outshine no it is so that by the privilege of god's election of grace you become a distributor of that spiritual possibility to as many people please follow me carefully the second thing i want to say about the anointing is that the anointing is in levels and the anointing is in dimensions listen again the anointing is in levels and the anointing is in dimension the anointing works like money just because you have money does not mean you can buy everything are we together if i have one thousand naira and someone has ten thousand error and someone else has a millionaire if i say all those who have money stand up all three will stand up but you know the difference of what they are carrying when it is time to purchase the one with one thousand can only eat a plate of food and that's the as most the one with ten thousand might be able to buy a few things but ten thousand cannot buy a house it cannot even pay rent so even though you have money what you have is insufficient as far as your needs are concerned it's not enough to just say i'm anointed to what degree and what dimension do you have you see the anointing of the holy spirit is dimensional that means you can have a grace for healing it will not prosper you you can be healing the sick and still be broke because the grace of prosperity is not on you the presence of one dimension of grace does not automatically cover for it no no please listen carefully below people of god this is where we deceive ourselves many times just because there is a dimension of grace at work in your life you may believe that automatically every other area will answer no the bible says and god is able to make all grace all all that means you can have some it's your assignment through honor and discernment to fish the other graces that you do not have and add it to your life i may have the wisdom of god at work in my life but the supernatural power of the holy spirit may not be there when you sit down under my administration you will get wisdom you will understand the scripture but you will still return with your problems you will still return with your pain so just because you have a dimension of grace does not mean you will not hunger and punt and search for another it is your assignment to find out from god my assignment on earth what are the graces and anointings that will be required to make me efficient and then through hunger and discernment you begin to search where do i find the grace for favor i will need it in my ministry where do i find the grace for speed where do i find the spirit of prayer and supplication the grace that grants me access to pray you are only as efficient as the graces that surround you please listen very carefully this is true and then you can have higher levels of the same anointing you can have the prophetic grace but as it is your discernment your perception and your interpretation is still hazy but you are a genuine prophet you can encounter a higher level of that same grace you can be working in the healing anointing pray for 20 people and one or two may be healed you genuinely have the healing anointing but the level you have is insufficient let me tell you this you become a blessing to the degree to which you have superior dimensions of the anointing enough to supernaturally provide solutions to most if not all the people that god will bring to you if god keeps bringing people to you let me teach you something can i have one person anyone at all come my friend come look at this please look up let's assume that this gentleman has headache watch this delay are we together now and he has maybe some sort of demonic attack i can pray for him in the name of jesus christ be healed be delivered it is the dimension of grace i have will only solve the problem that is under it so i if if the dimension i have can only solve headache he may fall and roll but he will stand up with only having healed the delay will still be there and the regression will still be there although he has fallen down i believe i'm a man of god he will only return with the testimony of headache listen carefully this is why people keep falling down and rolling and you know the kind of grace you carry by the testimonies that recycle around your ministry god shifts you so the bible says acts chapter 10 and verse 38 give us give it to us please you will now understand why the bible says how god not just that jesus was anointed how god look at the extent to which god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power [Music] he went about doing good and healing all day that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him so you come after a conference like this multiplied levels of grace upon your life you return back to the same person in the name of jesus christ move to a new dimension and the next day the person comes and says ah someone who forgot me aha you have introduced another grace that was not there listen it is what is on you that controls what is around you [Applause] the hour anointed my head with oil it is not my copy or noise i use my copper as proof as what is on off what is on my head if your cup is empty it tells me that what is on your head is empty [Music] do you believe what i'm sharing with you do you know there was a time in my life there were certain conditions that would never be healed when i pray for them i love the lord with all my heart hiv barriness i will pray and nothing will happen i was there were miracles here and there and i said what is what is in this thing until i learned that just because you are anointed does not mean that is all just because you have ten thousand the day you want to buy a house that's when you would know it's too small you have money but you need more of it so the man who has said a billionaire when he comes to stand almost every i'm just using money as an analogy if you tell him by this he smiles in fact because he has a billionaire some people who follow him that he doesn't even need to be the one to talk to this situation this is how it is spiritually there are supporting graces that follow you because of certain others you carry watch this this same man will say nobody is blessing me my uncle is a wicked man he will not stay for me he will not lift me uncle gave me twenty thousand nara and the man would say no because the grace for favor is not upon his life watch this the same uncle will go to someone else and count two million naira and kneel down and say please can i can you receive this from me is the uncle really greedy now is that what is on you is not compelling enough [Music] [Applause] saul listen to me saul is on his way with his servant to go and look for the missing donkey are we bible students and the bible says that once they went the donkey that was missing for a long time if they had returned they would write a book that restoration cannot happen because of their experience be careful do not create a theology around your limitation to mean god cannot move past your experience there are vagina dimensions we need to push into just because it took you a long time to see god manifest that way does not mean he has to stay that long it is a level of grace you carry that made it that long someone else can come with a superior dimension of grace and rewrite something you have known about god as soon as saul saw somewhere he did not say somewhere my donkey is missing just a contact with this grace the donkey started going back home the same thing they have been looking for they search with their intellect but one encounter the donkey was on his way home [Music] and he said as you're on your way going back it will not be the way you came when you are going back you will meet three people holding two loaves of bread they will salute you as if they don't know what to do with it and they will give it to you if they did not carry that grace let me demonstrate some something just give me anything maybe a handkerchief or something just to use watch this i always give this example let me use that thank you [Music] look no no no no no it's not invitation dear people of god watch this i always give this example and i want you to learn someone else please come stand here watch this and never forget this for the rest of your life look at me you hold this or bring your own handkerchief this is breakthrough this is what you are looking for watch this keep moving and passing yourselves this guy is his destiny helper but there is nothing on him that calls a helper you are still in the same abuja every day he's passing you there is nothing on you lord lift me and in your visions you are seeing that your helpers are there but there is nothing on you one day you will come for a conference like this and not know what has now come on you watch this the next time come you are about to pass him this auction will call this guy and force him to attend to you it is true oh there [Music] now anointed my head with oil my god you must desire superior dimensions of grace you must cry and convert please sit down let me show you one more scripture and we pray just a few minutes we'll tie up this will not stay later than necessary [Music] romans chapter 1 and verse 11 paul the apostle was speaking mentoring the church in rome and he said for i long to see you i desire to see you he said that i may impact upon you impartation is a transference of spiritual possibilities possibilities are transferable impartation a transference of possibilities that means what was not in your life you can come after a conference like this and walk back with what you did not come with when you were entering this door it is true there are graces there are anointings our fathers told us this these graces came upon them ordinary people and look the unusual things they did even them for many years they did not know what was moving them but they were under the influence of these graces and now the baton has been passed to us we cannot afford to fail just using education alone and intellect as important as that is is limiting you will need to stay with god let me tell you this some of you have come from far and near in business in ministry if you go back the way you came to be to your own detriment the door refused to open because it has exhausted the level of the current grace you carry you must need an upgrade just because the sea did not part for you does not mean it cannot part when you carry elijah's mantle elijah's mantle it will part it did not part for elijah he parted for whoever was carrying that mantle [Music] listen many years ago we organized a crusade [Music] and in that crusade in the entire crusade ground i'm not sure we're more than 30. can you imagine you travel for over six seven hours we fasted we prayed for this grace that makes for influence this graceful visibility i did not know there was such a grace [Music] sick people were healed but there was nobody to come and attend to what we carried in that same crusade ground we hired the sound people they were almost going to one lock me after that crusade because of 150 000. i didn't still know it was the god of heaven that i came to serve but because we did not know that just because you love god just because you are passionate about souls does not mean every other thing will just answer automatically we went sincerely the one we carried walked because the sick were healed deaf ears were opened god healed people but there was nobody to come and show help nobody to arise and support us how could we label so much publicity everywhere and just about 30 people then i went back you see if you want to encounter god's grace you must be humble enough admit the one that is there and the one that is not there and with humility and meekness you will receive i would have gone to just argue and say oh i know that maybe something just happened maybe it's rainy season or dry season no i went back and i said lord something must be wrong there is a grace i'm not carrying what is all this you finish a crusade and because of 150 000 naira for sound now that was a lot of money then let me tell you [Music] you go and lock me up one did i steal serving the kingdom you see if you reject certain graces it will misrepresent what you are doing for god it is it is the absence of some of these other graces that will keep providing gaps in your christian experience i made up my mind that every grace that will be required for my efficiency i will pursue with meekness and with hunger you've heard me say i'm a product of many anointings many anointings many anointings show us the ancient past will you lead us a long eternal highway we want to follow the ways of jesus we want to enter your rest show us the ancient past will you lead us along eternal [Applause] i always didn't used to prophesy like this okay word of knowledge would come one thing or the other i don't know if i was exactly even interested in it it was a night that i sat down i was watching i watched a lot of videos and i was watching william branham a simple video about him and i said look at ignorant people criticizing this man because of mistakes he made towards the end of his life and ministry most people if they carry one tenth of the grace on that man they will not last two years in ministry and yet here are people who are not doing anything not changing any life and yet talking and while i was watching something mysterious began to happen to me [Music] it was like a cold sensation something just rested upon my head and started going down my entire body for over a period of 30 minutes and then that was it [Music] i said what is this the next time i would go for a meeting new dimensions in the spirit [Music] you can reject the grace you need it doesn't change god it doesn't affect him you are the one who will remain limited let me tell you this i believe in the bible the bible is your authorized platform for knowing god and even for accessing grace but when i tell you i'm a product of many anointings by the privilege of the apostolic call i have encountered many of the saints i have encountered patriarchs i've had the honor and the privilege of encountering fathers of faith some have gone to be with the lord and some are still alive and the purpose is not just for me i am sent to the body of christ there are people who may never reach those people they may never have the capacity and so god sends us through that sacrifice to piece together these graces and say body of christ if you are interested these are dimensions that are available for you i'm in the spirit on this day and i see this man who comes to me and now we are talking i can't even remember what you are discussing and at the end of that conversation i knew something entered me and he just turned and began to walk and i said sir you did not tell me your name and he stopped he turned to me and he said paul and he turned and continued moving [Music] you cannot produce this kind of result just by the strength of the flesh what is he not is older than us forget about the body it is a grace for the body of christ who are not the first to carry this anointing others carried it i began to search for those who knew those we call god's generals across africa and across the globe i didn't want those people to die without transferring their crisis because of the level of dishonor in the body of christ i knew that many of these people will go and there will be no people to carry their graces and i became like a spiritual archaeologist i wanted to search for these men and meet them and serve them and ask them what did god tell you what did he teach you about the coming revival don't die with these things i had the privilege of meeting a few and one of them told me he said before smith wigglesworth will go to be with the lord he called lester sumrall and he said make sure you do not die with this grace he said when you are old find young men everybody will not dishonor you there has to be somebody who will be serious enough he said transfer these crisis don't don't die with these graces i was talking with the man of god who was telling me what one of the fathers in this nation said and he was lamenting he said so this is how i'm going to go to my grave [Music] with this grace and this anointing is it that there cannot be people who are aligned enough to become continuations of this that god began to teach us and i was so touched and i was broken can i tell you this there is a move of god that is coming greater than the world's revival greater than their souza street revival it is true and god is looking for men and women this is not a move just for men of god it will happen in business it will happen in politics the move of god will not just be a move that is limited to church however there is a condition there are men and women who right now are on their way let me tell you something are you aware that in this nigeria in the next 10 15 years most of the people you see do you not discern that the cloud is already moving [Music] do you notice they know they've already seen the cloud but why is elijah standing alone elisha where are you what distracted you that you could not see the cloud is about to move and yet you are not seen you are there busy doing ministry making a name over nothing [Music] elijah had sons of the prophets the next prophet should come out of the school of prophets but they were proud people we know god is going to take your master we are that prophetic we have grown to and god went to look for a farmer a farmer who had no business you will be surprised at the next set of people that will become the apostolic and the prophetic voices some of you you do not even know them yet they are not yet on tv they are not the joshua sermons there are still people in the cave of adullam with discipline the spirit they are in the furnace the holy ghost is making them [Music] these are not men who are looking for ministry these are men who want him they want him more than church they want him more than money many of the fathers in this nation are beginning to grieve over the fact that in truth many of them are yet to find true people who will carry their mantles not partake of it everyone there are many people already partaking of disgraces but those they actually can say come is it not because the lord has anointed you [Music] i can tell you i know what i'm saying look at our crusades now empty crusades nothing happens there you gather people people come on wheelchairs crotches and at the end of it we share the grace as if we came for a breakfast meeting was it not in this same nigeria that once upon a time our stadiums our school sports theaters were packed with people and there were people before they will enter the building already they are already off from the wheelchair where are those mantles where are those graces the disowner of the body is eroding a generation from caring genuine power listen to me we're going to pray but i'm bringing you a prophetic clarion call no matter how much you know god and no matter how close you are to god he will still refer you to systems he has placed in the body [Music] even when you meet jesus christ as paul he will still send you to ananias for that invitation not even your encounter with jesus will exempt you let me show you a scripture show us the ancient past will you lead us along eternal highways we want to follow the ways of jesus we want to [Music] and the lord said unto moses take the joshua the son of noon in whom the spirit is already he is already an anointed man but he said lay your hands on him apostle i'm also anointed though i also prophesy this is the pride of this generation next verse 19 [Music] and set him before eliezer the priest and before all the congregation and give him charge of their side look at the next verse may this be a prophecy for you verse 20 and thou shalt put some of your honor or no is a grace that is transferable the young man already had the spirit of god and to him you would think i have everything i need in ministry and moses said come my friend even though the holy ghost is on you there are still things you do not have come i'm saying oh no your life does not have honor i see power but i don't see oh no he says take some of your honor put upon him so that israel may be obedient to him so if men and systems are not obedient to you the grace that is deficient in your life is honor [Music] are we together deuteronomy chapter 34 and verse 9 deuteronomy 34 and verse 9 please read with me it's projected you can see it ready as a family of faith let's read together one to read and joshua the son of none was filled with the spirit of wisdom for moses had laid his hands in numbers he was already full of the spirit but not this dimension when moses laid hands on him something that was not on his life now came on his life [Music] there are things and graces that may not currently be on our lives but if our hearts can be open we can receive these graces let me tell you why impartation is very difficult on the part of those who release it they know the sacrifice of the pain the blood and the covenants that brought those graces it is precious to them and they will not cast their pearl before swine do you know let me tell you many of you here men of god you know there are many people who come to kneel down after service or everyone say man of god please do a transfer impartation you lay hands on them but even you you know nothing really happened just so that they will just get out of the way and not disturb you a genuine impartation is difficult not because you do not want to release it you are looking at the preciousness of the years of pain you remember the fasting the prayer and then you see the irresponsibility that surrounds the life of those who want to read and you are saying no no no let it not be that because i transferred this grace this person will abuse these things and then on the path of those who receive the vessels that carry these graces are not perfect people [Music] is one of the mysteries that god gave me the mystery of the body of christ the secret to receiving from the body is found in the riddle of samson samson gave a riddle when he stood before the philistines he said out of something strong came something sweet do you know what happened he was on his way to go and see a woman are we together and he met a lion she lion that came to disturb him and he tore the lion with bare hands and left one week later he was on his way going and a mystery happened i told you that the bible is a coded is a coded mystery if god does not open your eyes you will just be reading stories and he found out that bees left every other place and came and made their honey inside the caccas bees left trees with fresh evergreen leaves and came and entered a dead rotting decaying carcass and made honey there and so when he came he had to tear the kakas and take from the honey this riddle is the mystery of receiving from man of god if you can endure the smell you will find the honey there [Applause] it is amazing that out of the many places god can put that honey he chooses to use a carcass you want it to be on a tree with a nice fragrance tree the man of god may be a prophet but he has anger problems can you enjoy the shouting and set your gaze on that prophetic grace [Music] the man may like money but sincerely he's anointed he's not fake it's just a weakness that came with his background an aspect of flesh he has refused to let god deal with in his life can you ignore the excesses the kind of vessel you are looking for does not exist this is why impartation does not happen to many people the riddle of samson do not forget this revelation but there is this treasure there is this treasure mama may not be an educated woman always insulting you stupid girl but there is a grace on mama she does not beg quoted to shame help always arises can you enjoy the insult and say my man keep insulting me i know what i'm looking for do you know what it meant for elijah to follow elijah elijah was a temperous man for disturbing his time fire will come from heaven on you all the prophets the the sons of the prophet they were justifiably angry with him but elijah said no matter what you do i will end you i made up my mind to love the body of christ it is one of my secrets you will never see me talk about any man of god you will never see me come and tear down any congregation it does not mean i am blind it does not mean i am stupid i have my values are we together now adaptation is proof of honor do you sustain intelligence yes i know that there is a lot of tribalism can you look beyond it yes i know there is a lot of this no there are times people can demean you can demean you you go to see a man of god sometimes they can demean you and can you endure and receive the dishonor of the body i've been warning the body of christ for many years that our dishonor is going to destroy us honor is not human worship is discernment if you can see me as i'm taking up was he not looking at him that means if you descend what i represent that i'm not just an ordinary body he said my father my father the chariots of israel and the horsemen thereof [Music] we're going to pray tonight this oil is coming on your life but you see it can be an ordinary oil and you just use a handkerchief and clean it and return back or for you it can be a defining moment this is the place of encounter do to me what you want this is the place of surrender to me what you want many years ago i went for a reinhardt bunker crusade there was a crowd of people i desired a grace upon that man i was already in ministry i was already walking in miracles but when you want to receive you have to shelf those things with humility i stood on that crusade ground the first day [Music] by the second day i said i don't just want to come to this man empty-handed i did not have much to give him what i said at least let me serve [Music] i saw them wheeling people from wheelchairs and i said please give me the honor of helping to serve let me push them to the front they say no no no you are not in that committee i said what committee are you talking about do you know where i traveled from that i came here while i was pushing the people on the wheelchair i said lord one day this is how my crusades will be too i have honored you and i've honored this vessel one day [Music] 2007 christ embassy prosperity convention in potakota i was there it was evangelist eddie wasser that preached the first day and by the second day people were going to sow seeds i didn't have mochu let me tell you but i said lord i cannot remain at this level [Music] i gathered everything that i had bishop i put it in a bag i laid my hands on it and i prayed in the spirit for three hours god is my witness in tongues by the next day i dragged it my bag it was like a funeral that was everything i had i went late there was an overflow so i sat down outside [Music] the holy ghost now decided to do his thing with me while people were coming it was one of the model parishes while people were coming to drop seed sacrifices the holy ghost asked me to wait and not come while everybody finished everything he said now you can go said god why would you disgrace me like this i held that back and i was dragging it dragging it in the presence of everybody look when you are desperate for certain dimensions in your life when you are angry at your current level it says through desire a man haven't separated himself his secret and intermittent with all wisdom i wanted my life to change when i dropped that back i went back and i sat outside i wanted to cry [Music] the holy ghost spoke to me clearly he said my son from this day you have entered wealth the next day 6 10 in the morning someone calls me shaking under the anointing is this joshua salman i said who are you and he said jose and sami are you the one i said yes he says send me your account details i said for what i thought it so then scammers were not very much like this but they were still people like that i said what for [Music] and then he sent me i sent him my account and i was surprised what he sent what is the meaning of this the lord gave me an instruction [Music] that one of these days he was going to send me then to god's servant bishop david and that morning he told me this is the day i got up carried a seed i would not sometimes it's painful but it's good to share these things listen when you are teaching people don't lie to them tell them what you did don't just tell god no tell them what you did so that people just not be claiming nonsense and sit down are you willing to pay the price [Music] i got up went to canaanland i had the privilege of sowing my seed and when i came out i was going to enter the car remember i'm a man of god too and the holy ghost asked me to come out he said place your hand on the ground i placed my hand on that ground and he said from today you have entered the overflow anointing when i tell you i'm a i'm a product there is hardly any campground i've not gone to in this nation [Music] one time i went to preach for foursquare and after crying to god and say lord whatever you put upon empty simple magfesting may that grace come upon my life they now lodge me in mfm mfm the the prayer city i said excellent after i was done preaching and doing man of god and the protocol and everybody go away leave me like jacob and god in the night i came out alone i entered the main campground and i laid down there i said lord i will not disrespect anyone you have planted grace in men i obtain that grace for the sake of the body [Music] one time i had the privilege of entering the prayer room of baba debois alone in that prayer room and when they close me in that prayer room i was not playing praying nonsense oh god give me a call give me fame no i said oh god the covenant of answered prayer that you have with this our father that can make him stand and just say in the name of jesus may god bless you and you will return with testimonies made that grace let it come upon my life i know our time is gone be patient with me we'll pray this is a defining moment for your life we're returning back from equity state i was done preaching and i noticed we passed a region where people were living mysteriously old 120 112 i now saw one 132 years i said you must be joking on it a lot of white people are there saying the oldest person is 118 114 they should come to nigeria the habitation of mysteries there are people 1 32 years i now saw 140 something who just died when we were returning back after preaching heading to the airport in the lorry [Music] i told them i said when you get there pacquiao car we stopped at the where they put the signboard of the man i came out there was nobody around our vicinity there who could speak english as we know i said please look for the oldest man in this city we want to receive an impartation for long life i know the kind of assignment god has given me [Music] and so eventually we found someone who could speak limited english and then we saw a few women gathering and then they said okay they would take us to someone else we entered a room and there was one baba who was seated very old we said we are men of god sir we just came to preach and we came to honor him so into his life and that he will speak over our lives for long life the man laughed he said kneel down see those who carry these things know they have it a hospital does not go around looking for patience you build it and keep it there even if you need icu you will find a way of going to that hospital said kneel down and while we were praying he was speaking you know he was speaking in europe i didn't know what he was saying i just felt like a crown was being put upon my head and when that happened we got absorbed into his life honored him sincerely and i was going out to enter the car and then they just showed me they pointed a woman and said this one 32 year old man who just died that's his wife's standing i'm sure that woman she at least was hundred and something yet you would think she was just 60 something no stick no nothing i said what grace i said we're going back home i went and i said they should tell her that since her husband is dead and she married him two have become one he's still alive in her that she should pray for us when they told the woman she laughed she said i should follow her we entered one of their small rooms and she started showing me the photos she was the wife of his youth the wife of his youth and you know those days they married very early they were married in teenage [Music] when she was done i said they should tell her mama please soon you will be gone but this grace you know it's a grace walking when the results are consistent [Music] and we knelt down we said mama please pray before we go do you know what happened the woman said kneel down and she took off her shoes she stood with her when a woman stands on barefoot to bless you for more than 15 minutes this woman was raining down blessings singing songs europa songs and prophesying all my life men are made by the encounters they have we say these things many times not to brag but for you to know that behind every glory you see there really are stories behind it tonight we came for an impartation this is seven years of god's faithfulness upon his servants in nabya state seven years here in abuja and they have called for a convergence many pastors have come many of you great servants of god you have traveled from far god brought you here to take something back to your people and many of you have been here you are planted in this ministry others you are following maybe there are people following online who are getting into a very prophetic moment right now we may just have maybe five ten minutes and we are done for tonight but please i beckon on you may your heart be opened may your spirit be alive and sensitive are you ready to pray i'm going to give you one or two minutes your way to pray father every grace every dimension needed to shift me to the next season in my life that is not yet at work in my life i cry by the spirit of grace let it come oh god please cry to the god of heaven [Music] jesus something special supernatural about your name jesus something jesus [Music] she [Music] it's a new season new season for your business new season for your ministry oh pray pray [Music] [Music] there is a grace for influence and visibility i want to show you a mystery and we'll pray please be sensitive [Music] acts chapter 12 acts chapter 12 we're reading the first ten verses please help us media now about that time herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex saturn of the jews and he killed james the brother of john with the sword and then the bible says because he saw that it pleased the jews he proceeded further to take peter also they were in the days of unleavened bread and when he had apprehended him he put him in prison watch this now he put him in prison and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him intending after easter to bring him forth to the people verse 5 and peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him while reading to verse 10 the bible says and when herod would have brought him forth hallelujah it says the same night peter was sleeping between two soldiers with two chains and they keep us before the door kept the prison seven and behold an angel of the lord came unto him and a light shined in the prisoner smote peter on the side and raised him up saying i rise up quickly and his chains fell off his hands verse eight now watch this the angel told him gerd of thyself bind thy sandals and he did and he said unto him cast thy comment about thee and follow me nine and he went out and followed him and wished not that it was true which was done by the angel but thought he saw a vision then when they were past the first and the second gate the bible says they came to the iron gate where does the island get little the city every city has a gate he said there is an iron gate that leads to the city which opened to them of his own accord when that gate opens the next thing you see is the city there is a gate that controls influence just because you are out of the prison does not mean the city can see you he was already out of the prison past the first gate you are no longer a prisoner but the city is still not seeing you he came to the ion gate this was a revelation god gave me he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bars of iron in sunnah when that gate opens to you then the city can place a demand upon the grace that god has given you for someone that gate of the city over the region that you are in do you know you can be in this city and yet the gate is not open for you physically you are in a city but in the realm of the spirit you are still outside that city you will do all you know to do and the gate will not open will you open up the gates [Music] it's a prophetic word open up the doors will you open up the case [Music] open up the doors listen my brothers and my sisters these are the keys that control the results that we command in this kingdom we're going to be praying over the requests and then i'm going to be laying hands on this oil and then we'll have a few people maybe the bishop would delegate a few people as this oil just touch it on your head and begin to blast in tongues you are declaring lord i will not be the same new level in ministry everyone under the sound of my voice by god's grace this oil will come upon your head it is not the oil the oil is an ordinary you see something from plants don't idolize the oil it is the revelation that sponsors what you are doing are we together lift your voice and begin to pray please carry it for me i just want to lay my hands on them but thou o lord had a shield for me my glory you lift my hand [Music] on a oh from me my glory you leave in the name of jesus i stand in agreement with the bishop over this commission i lay my hands over these bottles this oil may they lose their earthly significance as just cooking oils and carry up a divine representation lord i pray that as it comes upon your people let it bring impartations of breakthrough let this oil be an oil of judgment over everything that is not of god hear me in the name of jesus except god is not god but if it's true that he is god if this oil comes upon you everything that fights you must go down [Music] may this be an oil of favor may this be an oil of speed may this be an oil of lifting [Music] influence and visibility access to systems and structures in the name of jesus christ now very quickly in two three minutes let's do it you can just go to your assigned places just touch it on your head and then blast in tongues we're praying everyone lift your voice and begin to pray please very quickly [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you're not the same again is a foreign is let your kingdom come here let your will be done let your kingdom come let your will be done okay there are people here desiring the grace for signs and wonders i want to pray for you please whether you are an usher or not i want you to help whoever is under the anointing so that they don't injure themselves right now in the name of jesus i stretch my hands father as many who must drink of this wine for signs and wonders i declare the count of three in the name of jesus may that fire come on your life one two three in the name of jesus take the grace results grace that commands resources i want to pray for you mentors are falling here tonight anointings are falling here tonight graces are falling here tonight for the kings to arrive for revival to return for the king oh there is a grace for prophetic intercession that is coming on women here in the spirit of the poorer i stretch my hands where are the wearing women my eyes by the spirit of god drink of that wine foreign exodus chapter 3 and verse 21 you're about to receive the grace for favor oh there is such a place for favor [Music] please read with me it's projected as loud as you can please want to read and i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall come to pass that when ye go ye shall not go empty lift your voice in one minute and cause emptiness from your life your church in emptiness financially someone is praying in his country in the name of jesus the kind of flavor you have never seen in your life and even in your ministry i stand by the election of grace and i declare me that grace come upon you now may that grace come upon you now strange favor strange favor there is a grace for speed where in a short time you can do much for the kingdom listen the unit of destiny is time whatever it's your time is eating a part of your destiny the bible says in the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he ran and over on barefoot he overtook the chariots of down to jesus i want to decree speed i don't know what has taught you in one place upon your there is no man who rises without the assistance of men i want to pray for destiny help us keep your hands down first first chronicles 12 22 let me show you in scripture never forget this scripture for the rest of your life first chronicles chapter 12 verse 22 [Music] please read with me if you're a christian ready to read want to read for at that time day by day they came to david to help him until he was a great host like the host of god where are your destiny help us i stand in the name of jesus by the lord of the prophetic and the apostolic i prophesy to the north i prophesy to the south the eastern the west every one whom are sure to help you i command them appear now help us in ministry appear now financial help us up here now [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to me [Music] it's important that help comes for you first it was the delay of the bridegroom that made the oil of others to finish they were not bad people it's just that the bridegroom didn't come fast it says i will hasten my word to perform it i will send my word to perform it can i pray for you everything sitting on your destiny it looks like those are not opening right [Music] is and that night could not the king sleep and he said bring me the chronicles when they opened it in front where more the guy saved his life but did not reward him many of you have been there for people you were there for the rising of people but for some reason there is a spirit that lets people die right forget you i've come by the road of the apostolic prophetic make the book of remembrance be open over you now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before we pray over the requests listen to me do you know just because one person forgot to tell the king he added two years to the pain of joseph joseph said when you stand before the king please remember me when he stood before the king he forgot after two years when god was ready to bring him out he shot the heaven over the sorceress the astrologers and the man said i remember my wrong two years ago while you were angry you sent me to prison there was this young hebrew boy and the bible says and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon and the king sent for joseph there are times that you can deliver but you don't have access to the gates you will need somebody already at the gates to speak for you i prophesy to you whoever is at the gates that can speak for you for your business for your family for your ministry and has not yet spoken i open the book of remembrance and i declare they must speak for you amen for you amen in the name of jesus christ amen [Applause] [Music] philippians chapter 4 and verse 6. the answers for nothing the bible says but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving it says make your request known this is the most accurate representation of your desires and your expectation we may not have all the time to prophesy and to do all that we need to do but i want you to please stretch your hands here [Music] want to pray king of kings lord of lords you reign above all so we sing your name and song you reign king of kings [Music] you reign father in the name of jesus you don't have to knew just stretch your hands and believe i'd like you to pray in the spirit and declare these egyptians that i see today [Music] i see them no more forever [Music] i release my faith with the apostle over this commission the bishop unto thee that answers prayer shall all flesh come lord this is a representation of the pain a representation of the troubles [Music] in the name of jesus every request you have written here in the name of jesus who is the christ of god it is torn tonight into a testimony it is turned tonight into a testimony i stand upon this request prophetically it will never stand above you again i stand upon it prophetically i declare it will never stand up of you again dominion over everything you have written here let it be yours in jesus name let it be yours in jesus name let it be yours in jesus name almost done can i pray for your prayer life [Applause] he speak a parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to faint elijah was a man of like passion the bible says and he prayed endlessly over a span of three and a half years that there be no rain and there was no rain he shot the heavens an attack on your prayer life is a real attack pastors pray my house shall be called the house of prayer if it is not the house of prayer it will be intent of robbers if your life is that house and it's not a house of prayer a robber will come and steal in your life it is either a house of prayer or a den of robbers whatever has eaten your prayer life whatever has reduced your passion and your fire for prayer in the name of jesus help them please by the power of the holy ghost pray our fire from heaven let it land upon your life now prayer fire from heaven please help them let it land upon your life now let it land upon your life now the grace to fast the grace to pray in the name of jesus receive that grace haber cook chapter 3 and verse 4. amplified we're wrapping up habakkuk chapter 3 and 4 amplified is that possible [Music] i want to release the grace for revelation [Music] habakkuk chapter 3 there is a dimension of dominion you can never command until the word of christ dwells in you richly i'd like you to read it please can we have amplified if not no problem we'll just walk with what we have the bible says and his brightness was as the light the bible says he had horns coming out of his hands amplified says out of that hand the rays that were coming there was the hiding place of his power god's power has a location it can hide in his light so the more spiritual illumination you have the more you can command real authority exousia the capacity to legislate on behalf of another [Music] paul prayed the prayer colossians chapter one verse nine he prayed that we grew in three realms of knowledge number one that will be filled with the knowledge of his will colossians one verse nine number two that will be filled with all wisdom and then number three that will be filled with spiritual understanding he says and now i commend you brethren to god and to the word of his grace he said it is able to build you up and then to give you an inheritance even among them that are sanctified and that from a child thou has known the holy scripture which is able to make you wise the bible says unto salvation it takes access to the truth of god's word john 1 5 and the light shine it in darkness and darkness comprehending i declare [Music] the grace for revelation access to the mysteries of the kingdom may that grace rest upon you now in the name of jesus christ access to the mysteries of the kingdom may that grace rest upon you now in the name of jesus christ tell me the bible says the hospital man shall be the first partaker in this 14th year let me pray for all the workers who are in this ministry you are a faithful worker in this ministry the bible says moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful in the name that is above all names the grace to be faithful i release upon you number two the rewards that follow faithfulness paul said all of you are partakers of my grace as god leaves your man of god may he lift you as god honors your man of god may he honor you and by prophecy we stand over this ministry we measure a thousand cubits in the spirit move deeper to deeper realms in the name of jesus christ he said and he measured a thousand cubits and it was to my feet and he measured a thousand cubits and it was to my knees he measured a thousand cubics it was from my loins and a thousand cubits an overflowing river this great ministry i led my voice with your prophet and your man of god and i shift you by prophecy step into a new season step into a new season a season of signs and wonders a season of increase a season of fruitfulness and the lord blessed jacob genesis 32 and the sun arose and he called that place peniel for i have seen god face to face and my life is spared may the glory of the lord multiply upon your life in the name of jesus christ whatever has found that you will not rise financially for you and for your family i pray in the name of jesus the christ of god i prophesy psalm 112 the bible says blessed is the man that feared the lord that delighted greatly in his commands the bible says his seed shall be mighty upon earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed then the bible says wealth and riches shall be in his house and yet his righteousness and just forever experience superior dimensions of financial blessings in the name of jesus those trusting god for jobs i agree with you three months from now in the name of jesus who is the lifter of men may you resolve with surprising testimonies everyone who has given and sown all kinds of seeds into this conference you have sacrificed you have labored i pray in the name of jesus my god who is also your god may he lift you beyond your imagination in the name of jesus christ and i use this headquarters as a prophetic sign to all other branches the ones that are there now and the ones that are coming we declare in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus drive in the name of jesus excel in the name of jesus prosper hallelujah praise the lord you're here very quickly and you're saying apostle i have seen the grace of god i've seen the move of the spirit but something is wrong with my life i'm here to truly give my life to jesus christ i'm here to make him my lord please no movement around or you are saying apostle i love jesus with all my heart but in all sincerity one thing has led to the other and right now i need a renewed relationship wherever you are please run we just have one minute for you don't be afraid of anything run and come and stand here i'll just count three one quickly please come and stand to say ye must be born again listen to me the bible declares for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son he says that whosoever believes in him you should not perish but have eternal life the life of god i salute you for the courage to come and make this decision for some of you this is your first time for some of you is a rededication regardless what category please lift your right hand high to heaven and i want you to pray this you are not reciting a poem jesus is here let it be from the depth of your heart say lord jesus one more time and those of you following online those who are listening now watching now or might be watching some other time you want to make this decision join them right now in this prayer say lord jesus i love you with all my heart and i believe that you are the son of god tonight i have heard your word i desire a new relationship i declare that the power of sin the power of satan the power of the flesh is broken over my life forever from tonight and forever i declare that i am the child of god i receive forgiveness of sins newness of life the abundance of grace the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign from tonight and forever i go forward ever and backward never in jesus name father thank you for these ones they have come declaring their need for you may the grace that preserves preserve them i commend them to the ministry of the world and the ministry of the spirit you will go from glory to glory and grace to grace in jesus name i pray all right very quickly there are a few counselors waving their hands all of you please in concert just follow the counselors let's celebrate them as they go follow the counselors just a minute or two with you and then you will be back hallelujah you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: iZ7PfSoP5MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 36sec (11676 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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