Hey Duggee Character Best Bits Marathon | Hey Duggee

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but where's the food ducky oh sandwiches [Music] how will we get home what will we eat where will we sleep oh woof never fear squirrels Dougie has his Island badge he knows what to do [Music] so what do we need first Dougie a wolf oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it oh woof big leaves to make a shelter we'll also need to find fresh water I am writing in the unfortunate position of being stranded on a desert island who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is Dougie who's expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] foreign [Music] the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it holds oh we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat [Music] monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies but with Dougie's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island finding water from the stream and food we even made a home for ourselves of sorts and rolly found us a pet a goat who renamed Tuesday I love her what Tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again Tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all so for lunch we have one coconut One coconut soup one coconut soup and coconut surprise on toast what's the surprise there's no toast and although we made the island our own huh and it's a bit hard to play we play well Dougie could help you make some instruments small your size oh because he has his making music badge music a wolf [Music] [Music] so what have you made squirrels I made drum [Music] drum Charlie good I wonder what this sound like yeah ready a one a two one two three four [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the perfect cup for a lovely drink of thank you [Music] it's all right rolly it was an accident how will Dougie drink his mouth [Music] Stitch [Music] sort of maybe we can make Dougie a new cup but what with oh don't worry squirrels doggy nose he's got his Pottery badge what Pottery yes Pottery is making something out of clay oh a pottery whoa [Music] wolf what's that it's a potter's wheel tag oh of wolf Dougie is going to throw a cup with it bro yes ruler throwing is what Potters call um well what Dougie is doing now ah [Music] can we try Dougie oh yay [Music] oh [Music] how do you do it doggy the thing is squirrels you have to be delicate here's a bit of an art oh that's a good one oh [Music] I think that one might be a bit heavier for you but it is [Music] that's my line look what I collected Dougie Pebbles and a whopping great Rock excellent collecting Betty woof and it's a bit hard to play bye bye [Music] oh thank you you saved the day that's quite all right no job is too small Bob brilliant girl and her baseball sidekick this way to the beauty spot is look this seaweed only grows in a northwesterly direction yeah yes quite right come on due south now don't Cutlery fish always swim South before lunch exactly this way [Music] we're lost oh oh you're funny Granddad we're already here now oh well spotted Betty you've passed my test and look I also spotted this no one likes a show-off bet here Logan eye color oh orange cream yellow red no rolly this is a pen we're organizing pencils see now let's organize the blocks by shape pink green yellow rolly yes we need to organize them by shape otherwise they won't fit oh rectangles triangles circles squares it fits now let's organize the toys bye shape no by size oh slow medium gosh we've organized everything inside let's organize everything outside small medium shape thin square round oh color pink green blue oh Brown I must organize the animals yes yes oh triangles circles semicircles we are by far the best shape I'd Rather Be Square so along with and latter we have tiny Footprints that's definitely a clue let's follow him good idea squirrels [Music] oh no the footprints have stopped let's ask him excuse me sir have you seen an apple pie look but I saw a spaceship flying real low along the ground it was hmm interesting what did it look like it was round and golden brown spaceship shape kind of crunchy looking is that what you saw sure was I've got a good idea but I've got a good idea yes but I've got a good idea but I've got a good idea so for lunch we have one coconut One coconut soup one coconut soup and coconut surprise on toast what's the surprise there's no toast it says here you are going to turn green and spotty next not spots not listening not fair you're doing very well so patronizing we're really proud of you embarrassing now wounding like fog uh oh about now rabbit I'm never gonna sound like that Ribbit no way man that is never gonna happen hi you just said how did you ah they're all growing up what happens next Betty um they leave the pond [Applause] a little bit where are you going I'm off to study mechanical engineering I'm going to go on a gap year I'm going to work in the city wow don't they grow up fast oh it totally seems a minute since they were tiny remember to phone once in a while [Music] manners maketh the Frog [Music] bye bye tadpoles I mean frogs do you think they'll be all right oh yes squirrels with all the help you gave them they'll be just fine Betty isn't it time for Daddy [Music] [Music] why are you sitting in that chair doggy oh wolf oh cute your stroking ain't it the cat a woof no squirrels you must be very gentle do you love Enid the cat squirrels yeah yeah she said where did she go where is she going wow I think she's gone off to have a little lie down but I love her oh I know Betty we all love Enid the cat in fact we love all animals don't we yeah our tadpoles baby worms aren't you going to join the others Betty in a minute what are you doing Betty I'm reading my comic what's it about well it's called Power puppy my day she's a really cute puppy but at night she's a really cute puppy that fights buddies and helps people thank you power puppy wow and she had special powers like what like being really strong yes having amazing eyesight and super smell oh man what's up Betty I can't find any animals to stroke oh that's a shame isn't it Dougie woof well there must be an animal somewhere around here that you can stroke hmm have you got to eat you back doggy whoa does that feel better doggy oh and finally you hop out of the water a fully grown frog no no me huh what's the matter Betty there's nothing super to do nobody needs our help did you hear that noise a duck what's the matter little duck oh no you've lost your mummy don't worry we'll find a squirrel Squad Assemble [Music] oh I can't do it keep trying Betty [Applause] oh never mind Betty you're good at lots of other things like answering questions same people what to do Betty you whistled to die [Music] I think I'm getting the hang of this foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thanks for your time just one more thing so Betty the terrifying water got a purple jumper time and I would wear it every day as far as it allowed to and he sometimes it's too warm monster.com foreign [Music] you couldn't wear it on your head so I had to get out of the cupboard my cousin is called Eric and he's an alligator he's older than me but I'm a little bit taller than him he's really funny though one day we all went on holiday to have a competition to see if we could jump in the most puddles but there weren't any puzzles okay wow we've all grown something wow never mind happy you can have some of my onion I don't like onions [Music] wow that's a mouth is strawberry [Music] well all your talking really paid off Abby yeah [Music] a wolf owl [Music] hello dear hello sweetheart [Music] oh [Music] hello snake [Music] are we nearly there yet Betty let me see hmm water we know it's water Puppy Water Buffalo huh [Music] flamingo duck builds platypus alligator yes piranhas electric eels eels for you can you see anything else up ahead squirrels water yes I'm here thank you [Music] hold on everyone [Music] to fly yeah YouTube excuse me young man what's this um I think you'll find that our plate oops sorry what on Earth are you playing that boy we're already late for the picnic oh picnic sir we have a problem the picnic is on the far side of the water foreign [Music] what are we going to do I know we could monkey a paper boat but we don't have any paper sir No Blueberries but we do oh woof jolly good shell yay we're going to make a big paper boat yeah [Music] finished wow what a boot squirrels woof good work chaps all aboard [Music] what have you been doing today happy uh Happy's not great at remembering things it's not swimming lessons today happy it's squirrel Club oh yeah have you forgotten something happy oh yeah glass is happy oh yeah um my hoop doesn't work I know well I suppose you could use a hula hoop happy dip lift whoa [Music] wow now that's a big bubble yeah baboon it's beautiful yet fragile [Music] oh no where's it going it's heading towards the prickly Bush it will pop [Music] oh no the spiky gate [Music] View oh no the pointy cow [Music] oh no let's sneezing elephant [Music] and so the wheel of Faith turns today [Music] this remembering business is proving quite tricky yes [Music] everyone Happy's remembering something so I finished playing pirates with tag then ducky said it's drawing time so I got out my crayons and I drew some apples and then I remember the drawer made me really hungry then I thought the real apples [Music] I remember here it is Happy's found his tooth now I can give it to the Tooth Fairy yay now this is from when happy and I went on a painting Expedition then I was painting the Lush canopy the iridescent colors of the Butterflies the toned muscularity of the bear while happy is tore through the extraneous and within a few Strokes captured the very essence of the scene I think he has real talent [Music] a wolf up there is the Crow's Nest what can you see up here water so this must be the diving board oh look what I found a massive telescope oh it's not working hmm and this must be the dressing up box yeah and that eye patch there is striking a point I see a bite it's a fishing boat hello [Music] hello where are they going fishermen hey they don't like other boats near them disturbs the fish I see an octopus hello octopus picture so anti-social a shark oh no not them again oh [Music] fish why is everyone running away from us oh forget them have you seen that Island yet uh yes [Music] oh hello Moe oh hello are you all right do you ever wonder what if hmm no oh I do you see I'm a very successful mall I borrow in the most fertile Earth this side of the rooted Forest I hold the dirt and grabs a mole called wish for brilliant I even hold the record for most Mall Hills dog in one night [Music] but could I have done more I had dreams of being oh oh you laugh I won't it's like silly it is I wanted to be a or imagine that I wanted to go faster and higher than any other move has ever gone before why didn't you oh life got in the way these mole Hills don't Mound themselves you know and now it's too late my cousin Eric just tried cucumber for the first time and he's eight it's never too late to try something new yes but still it's too difficult what with everything being so fuzzy up here fuzzy yes not like the crystal clear views of the underground world ah beautiful day when I was little everything used to be fuzzy then my mum said happy I think you need glasses and I said who you said that but I was only joking because I know my mum's voice it's time mum over here happy oh so I've got some glasses see and now everything isn't fuzzy anymore so maybe if you had glasses yes but then you could be a stunt mole hop hop wow hop in holes hop hop hop oh it's a cake I wonder what it's doing in a field happy hmm happy oh happy you're eating the cake you can't eat that happy it's someone else's cake also it might have been there a long time it could make you ew [Music] happy you've gone a bit green feeling okay [Music] yeah oh good oh man oh man oh man [Music] oh man you've eaten a cake oh man oh man oh it's a terrible okay oh dear Dougie you didn't quite turn off the tap oh wolf oh but we can't waste it off ah cash [Music] more thought than you think you know slash splash splash I love splashing happy yeah I do it all the time [Applause] [Music] water everyone loves water oh what was that Zaza you want to go to bed now well let's find some pajamas [Music] you don't want your pajamas now you want a glass of milk all right huh you don't want a glass of milk you want a story good idea spider me and Zaza saw a big spider where everywhere oh is it as big as an apple bigger big is a teddy um bigger as big as the beds bigger the house hello [Music] shall we show Dougie all the interesting things we've found yes yes tag you found a ball really bad you found an interesting book yeah interested unhappy has brought a glass of what well he's brought us a glass he loli has found her yes sir a rock whoa now Nori is holding something very interesting yes yes I'm not interesting well I know what's interesting about you ladybird what your spots yes that is right Nori ladybirds have lovely spots woof you have six lovely spots on your back ladybird one two three four five and six [Music] that's the same number of interesting things we found but where's the food Dougie oh you must have left the sandwiches on the boat that rock is taking our boat [Music] how will we get home what will we eat when will we sleep oh woof never fear squirrels Dougie has his Island badge he knows what to do [Music] so what do we need first Dougie oh woof oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it oh wolf big leaves to make a shelter we'll also need to find fresh who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is Dougie who's expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it holds [Music] we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the mischiefoodle monkeys who creeps into our camp and steal our precious supplies but with Dougie's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island finding water from the stream and food we even made a home for ourselves of sorts and Rowley found us a pet oh I love glitter switch I love coloring inside the lines [Music] squirrels what a lovely card yes touch like this [Music] [Music] so long scaredy cats [Music] he did [Music] something [Music] thank you nice always get them good Johnny hey boys who we've been rumbled well let's bounce it's fun to paint indoors you have to do it calmly Taco Bell and this is the door amazing we've come to see Nori oh how marvelous do come in should love to see you all spots we've made you a gap well soon card ah thank you I feel better already good work squirrels [Music] [Music] thank you I think we ate some toast remember [Music] it was so crumbly we had to eat it outside [Music] then I said maybe we should eat the rest of our toast inside and you said yes happy you said yes instead of yes so you had all your teeth then that's right ah oh pretty thank you Mrs bird ah thank you toucan thank you more cool thank you funky chicken [Music] what did you collapse Nori I collected yes Nori can you do this yes can you do this yeah a wolf yes it's about cookie cookie the dog the dog is called cookie and we're eating cookies ever since Nori was little we've been building mice Quinn signed up to a Weekly Magazine build your own boat in a bottle we'd finally put a cork in it last weekend hey hey why Nori the pirate have sailed the six Seas Seven Seas and I will see you to the other side on my pirate ship sail watch out for the sea monster [Music] hold tight everybody learn to hide [Music] hooray we made it let's look a dragon hello a fire breathing dragon however will we get past coming through [Music] oh that wasn't in the script I'm going to paint this orange inside the lines but we don't have any orange paint don't worry squirrels Dougie can help you make some oh because he's got his color badge [Music] a hoof woof woof that's right you can make Colors by mixing other colors together so if you mix yellow with red you get orange whoa rolly you're in my sleeping bag Maybe you're in mine oh that's tax towel Dougie where's salsa a wolf doggy I've left sarsar outside okay I've just realized my top is wet can I get an extra blanket Dougie and socks and this doggy likes surprises find out nothing [Music] yup Daddy loves surprises but ah rolly you scared away the birds are you coming rolly Birds I think roly is going to keep an eye out for the birds but rolly the birds are behind bugs [Music] do not it's called the Poncho poncho Poncho Poncho Poncho I've got a funny shape does it go here or here does it go here or here [Music] I'm hungry where's the kitchen purple oh woof woof ah a nice cup of tea tea yes and in Dougie's favorite teacup it's just the right shape as Optimum beverage capacity and a good size handle oh the perfect cup for a lovely drink of [Music] away it's all right rolly it was an accident where's Bucky now [Music] she's by the filter filter tell her to go left go left left wow can we look for the snard oh woof remember squirrels the key to spotting the snod is to be quiet okay a woof hello spider oh I wish we could be soup squirrels yeah so what two [Laughter] dusting is messy hello Rooney what are you doing I don't know [Music] oh woof you're stuck here perhaps it's time for a little nap [Music] my name is the doll's house uh Angry let's make breakfast yum yum yum Splash roll me could you be quiet please we are trying to learn here yes oh six yes yes [Music] what ice on a stick did you just say stick everyone everyone look what I found a stick yes rolly we've all been collecting those not like this it's special ah what an amazing stick a wolf oh woof woof woof it's not a stick squirrels it's a stick insect it looks like a stick it smells like a stick stick it tastes like a stick you you see if a stick insect gets scared of something that wants to hide it can look just like an ordinary stick [Applause] okay wow Nick a stick stick tick tick stick stick stick stick stick sticky [Music] I go it's a lizard lizards are green rolly it's a bit messy Here Comes Enid remember Inna doesn't like like loud noises rolly you've scared her away sorry never fear I will not have my nap time until we have found her me too and me hello a fire breathing dragon however will we get past coming through [Music] that wasn't in the script yay nothing will stop us now none of these compares to the buck Mr Blue the world's smelliest cheese it has to be kept in a triple glazed case and can only be handled by professionals isn't that right oh hang on where's it gone huh this oh it's really smelly oh and my hands are blue oh dear looks like we've got a code blue on our hands don't worry squirrels that he's been trained for just this kind of emergency oh wolf wolf yes to contain any outbreak we need to stay exactly where we are even rolly especially ruler but where is rolly oh he is Birds but how are we going to catch him Birds oh woof are you sure this is going to work yes [Music] [Music] okay no more are you gonna take us Birds watching Dougie Birds oh dear yes squirrels if you want to go bird watching then you have to be very quiet otherwise the birds fly off and you won't be able to see them you'll have to whisper a bad about I've spotted a bird oh what but rolly remember be very quiet squirrels or you'll frighten the birds I think Dougie has spotted another bird it's Annie the ostrich what way [Music] sorry wow squirrels what a lovely Nest you've built do you like your new Nest Mr Mrs bird remember to stand back while Dougie takes the cakes out of the oven yes because they will be very very hot what are you grubbing ducky watermelons Tomatoes potatoes wolf and onions I love onions can we grow something ducky woof yay I'm going to grow spaghetti unfortunately you can't grow spaghetti in the ground tank I won't know it's on trees can we grow in the ground well mainly fruit and vegetables Nori I'm going to grow and I'll grab a cat tle boy [Music] this is fun but I'm not laughing yes really sometimes something might be fun but not necessarily funny busy this is a funny what a busy bears oh my [Music] God knock knock [Music] [Laughter] oh do elephants like potatoes no no mum won't even have them in the house not even chips it's not about she doesn't like those either that's not the lips are potatoes she doesn't like them roasted yes they are rolly boiled they're the wrong shape right but that's so tight it's not the point oh nothing's making tag laugh what's wrong what's funny dog [Music] she went away huh see this song [Music] oh I don't know please well yeah yeah [Music] all singing dogs [Music] [Music] [Applause] and a parrot oh again [Music] I made drums a TV thing donkey plunks balloon Johnny good I wonder what this sound like yeah ready a one a two one two three four [Music] [Music] what shall we do I go no and stop shouting yes you are balloons [Music] what's that I don't know Nori it's worm yuck oh dear have you swallowed too much Earth go dear oh dear oh that Earth has given you hiccups worm holy that's not nice you wouldn't like it if you got hiccups rolly too much space oh hello naughty monkey do you like our bigger tree house oh dear there isn't anything for monkey to do maybe Dougie can make something foreign [Music] should I get my dad to help oh [Music] naughty monkey We Made You Some monkey bars [Music] well happy what happened after that hmm it starts it's a rain yeah [Music] and then some dinosaurs came [Music] and they jump up and down I don't remember dinosaurs well I certainly remember you both being muddy look you had all your teeth there happy so you didn't lose your tooth in the puddle either all set Dougie oh woof no Lily the boat horn isn't a toy oh right then off we go [Music] hello hmm I think now might be a good time to Sound the Horn Road [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah on off on off on off [Music] ense [Music] how do you show an animal you love it that's right you can stroke them stop oh oh shuck hmm really Birds might be a bit difficult to stroke they're a bit oh never mind [Music] because that's right really it might be because it's a bit too Buzzy oh welcome everybody [Music] I can't get to sleep well Dougie could help you tag because ah he's got his sleeping badge yay there are lots of different ways to get to sleep tag oh woof woof woof see how it is getting ready for her cat nap now oh yeah meow [Music] well doggy I think that's done the trick ah [Music] still can't sleep doggy it's too light oh but lots of animals sleep in the daytime tag oh woof woof look they're nocturnal hmm like the badger he burrows underground where it's nice and dark I'm going to Bubble like a badger still can't sleep it's too warm under there yes sleeping underground isn't for everyone oh woof woof indeed Dougie some animals sleep above the ground like bats who sleep hanging upside down uh still can't sleep oh never mind tag there are many other ways to get to sleep yes some animals sleep standing up [Music] still can't sleep well turtles sleep with everything tucked in still can't sleep ah tag what did you collect I collected an old balloon a piece of string a bottle a lolly stick and an old brown cushion what made you choose these things tag Dougie said I should look for things that make me feel happy huh oh woof remember this slowly [Music] oh yeah remember this Betty oh my shoelaces let me help tag you do it like this thank Betty I remember this reminds me of you happy [Music] try this [Music] that was really funny I know why you picked this tag here you are tag [Music] but Lolly made my sore throat feel a lot better knobby ah you chose things that remind you of your friends yes let's play first aid [Music] sounds like the squirrels are enjoying practicing their first aid Dougie stayed aren't we doggy oh woof wow wow wow wow wow showing an interest tag but this is quite fragile up and down and up and down hmm I think tag might be feeling a little seasick [Music] a woof good idea Dougie we can stop on that island it's not moving mean I am running oh all right oh it's a little caterpillar hmm are you hungry caterpillar hmm I know can I have fat lettuce please Dougie oh woof yeah here you go caterpillar laughs hmm excuse you oh you're still hungry Dougie can I have some of that packed choy a woof and maybe I'll take some battle too wow myself uh it's okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dear this is getting rather silly [Music] [Applause] that was fun how will we get tagged back up the hill I think you're going to have to push him foreign [Laughter] well done everyone that must have been hard work pushing that back up the hill oh off oh no oh not again [Music] [Applause] are you okay tag yeah that was fun water water water water water huh Wally [Music] thank you that was brilliant shall we Thug yeah let's show them the brooch last summer tag and I were skating in the park come on Doug you can do this oh [Music] when they suddenly realized I'd lost my brooch where's my brooch I'll help grandma oh [Music] [Music] oh no me what a lovely story you have to have a Super Squirrel name if you want to be a Super Squirrel tag oh okay um hmm I am super tag you want to play come on then [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] tag isn't it time for doggy [Applause] [Music] smashy why is it taking so long yeah I'll see how he's getting on [Music] is he finished nearly what is it I don't know [Music] maybe it's time for a cup of tea Dougie what color was it don't know what did it look like don't know how big was it uh I don't know useless I'm going to have a look me too me please write squirrels Doug is coming ready or not laughs foreign [Music] caterpillar gone well tag there Comes A Time in every caterpillar's life when they go through a little change first they build a cocoon and then well you'll see but where's caterpillar gone oh tag that is Caterpillar but now she's turned into a beautiful butterfly you mean that's caterpillar [Music] ah just time for one more thing [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 2,671,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, duggee hug, hey duggee badges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 46sec (4906 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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