Walking Tour The Kensington Experience Open Drug Market Up Close | 4K ULTRA HD SMOOTH CAM FOOTAGE

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From Philly, can confirm: Kensington is a cesspool drug use runs rampant, the police presence is minimal, and they closed down the transit hub at one point due to the amount of feces and used needles blanketing the area.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/n60822191 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

You got it backwards. There is suffering because we have billionaires. The bourgeois cannot exist without the exploitation of the working class.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Ironfist79 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

There is literally no open drug market in this entire video. There's just random high people.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/hp94 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

People don’t watch random videos that don’t contain what you say they do, especially when the videos go for AN HOUR!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/pialligo 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey welcome back to the channel guys my name is tune dollars if you're new make sure to hit that thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe turn on your notification bell so you can be notified every time i drop a video right now we're going to try something completely new i invested in a second camera gimbal for smaller cameras for my cell phone basically because a lot of the walking tours i'm shooting off of an iphone 11 pro max so in order to get a more stable shot i invested in this small gimbal this is the very first test i'm doing with it today so we're in the tioga section of philadelphia aka the harrow gate section we're blocks away from kensington we're blocks away from harrow gate we're blocks away from aramingo so we're just going to walk towards the kensington area i know you guys tend to have a fascination with this part of the city so periodically i'll narrate i'll tell you guys 100 block we're on i might say my two cents but i'm not going to try to talk a lot this is called harrow gate park it's a playground and a park it's currently about 9 00 a.m it's a sunday supposed to be like a 60 degree day today i could have came out in the afternoon but i have other responsibilities that i have to take care of later on so in the future when i do walking tours i try to do them more towards the middle of the day so that you guys can see a lot of activity and in the summer since the days are longer since daylight savings and all that changes i'll be able to do tours like six seven eight in the afternoon when it's most live out we have a new corner sidewalk being put into place they built the frost and now they still have to lay down the cement on my left hand side you got a grand opening of a restaurant called pound cake it actually looks closed so i don't know how well they did with the grand opening we have a gentleman right here in front of us who seems to be under the influence of some type of substance he's dipping out we're gonna go real slow [Music] what's up buddy you all right you all right papa all right making sure you're good you're all right man he almost had a heart attack i woke him up though yeah he's still saying oh my god i started him all right we're on kensington in ontario shout out to the homie ray's rays lives on my left hand side crv gang cool dude i knew him for over 15 plus years we have a 7-eleven on my left-hand side sherry's restaurant on my right-hand side we got seidman hardware seidman supply company's been there for many many many years probably one of the oldest businesses under this avenue we have kim's cosmetic academy they do cosmetology hair nails on my left hand side on the 1800 block of fair there in kensington we're going to cross because it seems that they're doing all of the corners check this out this is called invasion cafe it's a hookah lounge you see that it's a hookah lounge [Music] right here on my right hand side when i was in high school i had a buddy his father owned this business right here and i used to come i had a pickup truck so i to come help him on the weekends this household electronics right here on my right yeah it's a used electronic shop but his father passed away and i think the business is no longer in operation on the left hand side that wide open a lot you guys can't really see it because i can't have this on an extreme wide angle because if i have it on an extreme wide angle it's basically going to show you guys the gimbal and i don't want to show i don't have the gimbal arm sticking out in the shot so i have to leave it on a medium shot [Music] now i won't be surprised if i get questioned hey what are you doing recording hey why you recording imagine i used to get questioned with a cell phone camera and it's small and it's handheld so this is a one foot tall device that i'm holding up i do admit my arms are becoming a little bit tired i have to keep switching arms i already walked two or three blocks and i've been switching back and forth about four or five times already so if you guys see a little jump in the footage that's probably because my arm's getting tired all right so we're passing the intersection of westmoreland and kensington westmoreland and kensington it's an abandoned uh funeral home am i right i don't know if they're still living upstairs have jj restaurant in front of us jj restaurant [Music] it looks like we're about to walk up to some activity right here i think it's like living quarters outdoors yeah i'm gonna do my best just to document the moment without invading anyone's privacy i don't want to get too up close and personal especially with this device so periodically you'll see me move in and out but just giving you guys the heads up i do have to respect people's privacy to an extent i know sometimes when you're in this situation it may be embarrassing and i know some of them might see a camera think that it's the worst you know what i mean but i'm just trying to document philadelphia in its rawles form exactly so why are we we're on h and kensington 3200 block of h street this used to be a bank on my right hand side it was used i believe it was like a wells fargo or something but now it's an esperanza health center i think they changed it it used to be a bank though i remember i used to work with an older lady in her 60s she said she used to work at that bank and she remembers when they robbed it when she worked there she said that the dudes jumped over the glass like ninjas like they were trained we're on professionals and allegheny this is the hot spot of majority of the activity when people come from the tri-state area delaware jersey sometimes new york sometimes north carolina and all places along the east coast they usually come to visit this avenue for our substances we got patrol unit down here she was over there checking them [Music] to walk into this avenue you got to have a thick skin we're on lip and cat in kensington passing a pawn shot passing this is like a old district uh commercial district where people will come shopping in the past there's not much shopping done here nowadays as you can see when i was a kid i would say like 17 years old i used to run a little shop right here on my right hand side i used to do clothing i'll take custom orders design shirts design pants design boots i will design all types of stuff for clients and get paid we got two people one on my left dipping and one am i right let me try to slow it down you guys ever seen the movie night of the living dead or you say everybody like they're like zombies it's sad that's almost what this neighborhood has turned into you see people i don't know how they're holding themselves up but they're holding themselves up you know i mean and it's amazing because it's like i just walked by several people loading up the needle for the morning hit you know what i mean like literally out of public just loading up the needle and as i'm walking by they're yelling work work subs subs those are the type of items that they sell out here i'm not sure why they think it's wise to stay in front of the camera but to each his own bro all three of those women on my right hand side were loading up the needles bro literally all three of them i think they were having a low conversation i guess that's the opposite of a high conversation right because they were low to the ground communicating still [Music] [Music] there used to be more businesses under here but they went out of business and or burned down so a lot of them were knocked down like on my right hand side this is a new empty lock this lock i believe got cleared out probably like a year and a half two years ago could be less old furniture and bedding stores on my left that i've never experienced growing up i'm sure i got a population of viewers from philly that was born in the 60s and 70s that have a better hindsight on what the neighborhood used to look like i was born in the late 80s so that means that i don't have like the best recollection of it at its heyday but i do remember a time when it wasn't like this this is that park that we passed yesterday remember that park [Music] you guys read that sign that sign says bring back the love you see it right here in red it says bring back the love wow what a message right i'ma cross right here because it looks like a few people hanging out [Music] so [Music] what's up bro bro oh [ __ ] my bad i tripped over a trash can got you man he said yo bro make sure i look my best on there you see some people are good sports about it not everybody's upset when they see you capturing footage it's sad too because i see people my age out here or even younger than me i see people in their 20s out here strung out yeah i had kicked their little they were cleaning up they had like a little uh what's that called like one of them broom shovel things whatever it's called that holds the trash and i tripped over and i said my bad bro bro and she's like i'm i'm sorry i'm sorry like they were more timid and apologies what's that called apologetive how would you call it what would you call it apologetic that's the term i caught a brain fart real quick i'm sorry yo what's up sir what's up sir yeah so when i was a kid i used to walk up both sides from dolphin susquehanna to like bridge and pratt and then from bridge and pratt back down this way at like 11 12 years old wow there's bloody needles everywhere it's not wise to walk around here with flip-flops because you can walk around with flip-flops and then you can get poked you can get poked and then if you get poked with something that's infected you're in trouble a lot of people use objects to hold up their balance cool they used to been applying shop right here on my right hand side it looks like it closed down but it used to be popular to the locals when i was a kid they saw like used appliances like used washers use refrigerators use stoves and i think they will repair them too they're over there arguing so i would love to capture this on a y lens i think it'll give you guys a better vantage point but then you're going to have a gimbal sticking out on the right side of the frame and i don't really like the way that that looks i like this because you can see all the picture you don't have to worry about seeing objects yeah i understand that what i'm doing is very dangerous it's only dangerous if you're not from the community a lot of the times the people look at me and then they second look and then they look down and they feel comfortable because i blend in i blend in it's not like i'm a news team i'm just a regular minority walking around with a camera we're on boat tonight boating night in somerset what's your recording philadelphia hood tours i got over 300 of them on youtube check me out yeah gotta try to do a plug nowadays i'm gonna have to probably wear a hoodie it might be even more efficient to wear a hoodie if i wear a hoodie with like with my youtube on my chest maybe i might say like philadelphia hoods and i can put like my channel on my back people can get a chance to like look me up you know what i mean beautiful dog bro beautiful that was like a little pocket bully a little blue nose pocket bully yeah some people gonna want to stop politic and talk i'm not really trying to do all that talking on camera that's why i think that the hoodie would be effective maybe a hoodie that basically lets them know like i'm not the news i'm just a youtube channel and i'm covering philadelphia hoods because of popular demand and you guys really enjoying the narrated tours i'll be discontinuing the silent tours the ones i used to do the large playlist that i have i think you guys appreciate these a little bit more so i have to feed the audience which you guys are requesting i have to take your thoughts into consideration thank you for everybody who takes a second out of the day to leave a comment believe it or not those comments go a long way i'm gonna probably cut down this way so we can get back to some type of activity the closer i get to the l the more activity we'll see right now it's still early so people waking up people still sleeping sunday so i'm sure people sleep 11 12 1. i've always been an early bird monday through sunday i'm up like 4 or 5 a.m i naturally wake up early even when i like go to sleep late like if i stay up to two three in the morning i wake up like two three hours later because i have a mental clock ever since i was a kid when i used to wake up i didn't need a car for school i wake up before the clock you know some people relied on a clock to get up i think my mind had a built-in mental clock let's go down this way all right i'm gonna risk here i'm gonna take you guys through some tougher blocks say i'm going to risk it because usually when they're distributing product they don't want to be seen on camera you know but right now it'll be wise in 2020 if you do decide to enter that business and be on the corner distributing product wear a mask now you got the free power to wear a mask without being questioned police would never look at you twice and it protects your identity so if that is your cup of tea and that's the occupation you're going to pick up you're going to hang out on the corner wear a mask and then if i'm walking by with the camera and you got a mask you wouldn't really worry about it because no one knows who you are i don't know if that makes any sense we're on heart la heart la i believe this will be heart lane 500 block is behind me then it goes to the east 1800 block in front of me i'm gonna cut down somerset i'm gonna cut down i was just here i was on kansas in the summer set but i didn't actually go through somerset [Music] all right all right we're gonna make a left on what once was a plagued avenue this avenue was bad probably like six seven months ago then they recently cleaned it up a little bit they had did an indictment and the indictment basically captured x amount of people and they ended up cleaning up the avenue [Music] it's really sunny over here super sunny a lot of sun blinding my eyeballs i ain't bring sunglasses those of you who don't know i got two implants in my eyes so the sun doesn't do too well on my eyes all right we're going to turn this way because there's music over there and for copyright reasons i don't want to hear the music if i have music by a known entity and i don't own the rights they're going to block and or demonetize the video so i wanted to go down that block but i didn't want to hear i believe it was like biggie or something on some type of old school 90s track we're on ruth street ruth ruth it's the 2900 block we just left the 2800 block let's take this left right here let's see if we get any back block action usually the back blocks right next to the l have some activity all right this block is empty and discreet right now quiet normally there's people over here on the left-hand side right here on the ground leaning on the gates loading up their next fix i'm gonna go up cambria i'm gonna make a right on the corner we're on ruth and cambria street this is a nice building on my right hand side beautiful garage really nice and they do auto body wow they're painting cars wow you guys know that i painted my vehicle well both my vehicles i did one last year and i did one this year and i did it myself only downside was i didn't have a garage to paint them in but i think i did a pretty good job considering my resources that's not this uh trunk go by wow there was just a face mask on the floor full of blood like drenched in blood this block on my left hand side turned out to be a troubled spot never was back in the day but they all just gravitated to this avenue right here so there's a little strip look at this man look how demolished this van is front windshield side look at that look at that guys they destroyed it they destroyed that vehicle my goal is to keep this tour moving not to be at a standstill abandoned house on my right-hand side two-story home houses like that will bring down the property value when they go for your home evaluation yearly or whatever they base it off of how many abandoned homes you have in the neighborhood and look at one home two home three home abandoned and on the right hand side of the street there's more homes that are abandoned so this is probably like a twenty five thousand dollar block thirty thousand if you're lucky another abandoned home all right where we gonna go where we gonna go i have a choice make a left make a right i think i'll stay going straight it looks pretty quiet over there at least you guys get to see what the neighborhoods look like when you live on a two-story block like this sometimes it's not double parking as you can see so let's say there's 40 houses and all 40 homeowners have a vehicle but only 20 maybe 25 vehicles sit on the block so you have to end up parking around the corner park up the block park the next block and then walk to your house sometimes periodically there'll be enough spots for you to like park on your sidewalk but some neighborhoods put like cinder blocks and bricks so people don't park on the sidewalk and some neighborhoods also do like the poles see how this has like the poles but these people look at they would still get in the parking so they didn't have no parking so they parked right on top of the sidewalk to ensure that their vehicle was going to be safe but check this out there happens to be a parking right here but that person could have left early for work so yeah that's the scenario guys check it out i got christmas decorations thanks to the subscriber who corrected me and let me know that was called garnish christmas garnish i think that was the term unless i forgot again all right we were on mount mouth come on let's make a left here if we keep walking right you see how i just made a left if we kept on going straight we would have went straight to frankfurt frankfurt avenue a lot of these little blocks too have drug activity for many years i know my uncle used to sell right around the corner caught a case right around the corner we're on 2000 birch street birch we got the birch mini market let's go around the corner let's go to the block where my uncle used to distribute product at see if there's any activity and allow you guys to see what the porches look like that you guys see what the front of the homes look like you see how they have aluminum siding some have bricks they got this little mobile home so toyota i can tell straight off of the front yup toyota i knew it i like the pickup truck chassis that that's using i really like it i don't know if you guys know this in every single tour i tend to go berserk over certain vehicles that's how you know that i'm a car guy all right we're on frankfurt frankfort and my mouth we're gonna keep on going straight my brother used to live on this block and my lifelong friend walt who passed away used to live on this block too and i said come and pick him up somebody immediately pulled up behind that vehicle that was just double parked and beeped some people are very impatient while on the other hand some people like myself can be patient i mean if i got somewhere to go then i'm beeping too but i usually give people a couple seconds of loading time sometimes it might be like they're trying to load a kid you know baby it might be a senior citizen getting out of the vehicle who moves slowly but if they sit there for like 30 seconds to like a minute and there's no activity i'm like bp move out the way man all right so we're gonna make a left right here orleans this is the strip my uncle used to be trapping on back in the day he caught a case here this is where they so hard which for those who don't know aka will be considered dope and i believe they sold crack out here too yeah this this was the black monkey used to be on back in the day there's a rest in peace memorial across his feet you guys want to see the rest in peace memorial wow there's two of them back to the back it's right there in that light i don't know if you guys can see him up against the wall let's take a walk over look here rest in peace memorials look like young gentlemen young dudes wow he looks so young he looks like a baby he looked like a baby guys he was so young and then we have this gentleman over here wow look at his beard wow he had an awesome beard that's horrible man bless his family that's a shame guys two young gentlemen young brothers young hispanic minorities who grew up in the hood filled with poverty their lives ended too shortly that's sad i'm gonna go back this way because i was already liking the whole area over here if i keep walking behind me it's a dead end the train tracks cut it off but all these little blocks right here at one time or another had activity bellmore orleans birch on the 2000 block of stella 2 000 block of stella let's walk up this block this block has some christmas decorations so you guys can see people do have the spirit over here i guess they coincided and worked it out with their neighbors to invest in christmas decorations because some of them are connected by two homes you see some decorations have to be ran across both banisters some people for whatever reason they don't celebrate and that's understandable not everybody celebrates the holidays i respect that but if you were in philly on a sunday morning coming through these type of neighborhoods this is what it would look like realistically speaking this is what it would look like look at abandoned houses right here you see them we're back on frankfurt i've seen several fights out here in frankfurt like people getting jumped people getting rolled on plenty of robberies around here plenty of shootings hello good morning man usually when i see older people i try to respectfully say hi because they see me with a mask with braids black on black with a hoodie i don't want them to feel like nervous like if i'm gonna rob them or anything you know what i mean so usually a polite greeting will set the tone we're on ann and frankfurt and frankfurt we're passing elkhart elk hart and frankfurt we have the armada grocery store bonafacio's grocery store literally two corner stores right across the street from each other i don't know how they make ends be i don't know how you're able to survive when you got like three of the same exact business all next door to each other i mean i know mcdonald's and burger king and checkers go at it and they'll be right next to each other but those are multi-billion dollar corporations when you're talking about a small mom-and-pop shop that probably only makes 80 000 a year if they're lucky it becomes very very troubled some to keep up with like your bills and everything all right guys so there's somebody playing music and i'm gonna have to like speak a little bit louder so that we could break up the audio because if i talk loud and i add a voice clip to that music you hear youtube won't be able to register the track unfortunately i can't control the music around me and if i want to monetize these videos so i could be compensated for my effort i'm going to have to do that because especially in the summer in the summer doing these tours it's probably going to be hard because that's just a natural philly thing that guy was on a scooter and his system was louder than half of the cars in philly but that's the thing in philly it's like a tradition it's like a trend when you wake up you play music when you clean up the house you play music when you watch your car you play music if you have a car you install a system if you have a scooter just like that dude you install a system so there's music everywhere this is chuckles chuckles bar on my right and we have dj food market on my left i shot a music video right here at this corner store before at this intersection for an artist that was from i believe where was he from the virgin islands and he did a collaboration with philly's own ins a lot of the youngsters won't know who enes is but i shot a music video for them and that was around ines's battle prime you know enes was on making the band with puff daddy and all that on mtv so yeah come on let's make a left here and look at this cute little smart cart a little smart car i like these smart cars for this specific reason i like the fact that you can park it anywhere look how small that is wow that's awesome we have mass bomb high school on my left mass bomb is a vocational high school they were supposedly like one of the best most exciting high schools back in the day like that was like one of the schools you had to apply to get in believe it or not this school right here they had like vocational programs and stuff where you can get a job right out of high school hey car enthusiast look at that car over there it's lime green check it out you see it classic car lime green dropped it's called the matador i think he slapped that on it i don't know of a vehicle called the matador yeah that was somebody sleeping right there you'll see that a lot you'll see people just laying under blankets laying right on the curb laying right on the sidewalk sleeping it's a family dollar right here that's been robbed before too we got another hookah spot hookah pepsi six convenience store brothers wish heart two thousand block of wish heart i think homie was trying to sell me some marijuana he was on the electric scooter talking about loud light is another term for weed it's supposed to be like the more exotic strand back in the day the way that worked was everybody in every corner used to have reggie back in the day used to be like hard to find high-end stuff and if you knew where to find high-end stuff you would have to pay a higher amount for it when everything became legal and they started the legalization of it loud aka exotic is everywhere like nobody sells regular stuff anymore we're on frankfurt and allegheny this is a church right here you guys can't see it because the sun the sun is so bright all right well frankfurt and allegheny we're walking on a red light if we had a speed tracker i promise you those guys are speeding let's make a right right here so i can tell you a little story about this spot about two maybe three months ago there was a female standing right here waiting for the bus 8 am in the morning she was waiting to catch the bus and as she was waiting to to catch the bus she had a bag a purse and i think some items that she had bought and she was sitting right here where this little bus stop was at and the gentleman or the guys jumped out of their vehicle snatched her purse and she was struggling but they pushed it to the ground and they took off with her belongings and now i see somebody passed away here guys i didn't even know that somebody passed away right here look at that wow i was a female look at her that's a shame rest in peace rest in peace young queen may your family find solstice it's not easy losing someone it's like a bad dream that you can't wake up from check out tracks t-r-a-x that's the philadelphia graffiti artist he has a pretty nice hand all right right now we're going through bino neighborhood another artist that i worked with abino i'ma tell you an interesting story about that yellow i don't know if you can see it at the top of the screen it's a yellow self storage location i'm going to tell you something very interesting about that that just recently was discovered less than i think like a year and a half two years ago that they just discovered it meanwhile let's walk up to madison it's across the street right here shout out to bino this is his hood see i'm fortunate enough to know people from different areas of the city and like i said if i don't know you i'm pretty open-minded like i don't mind saying what's up i don't mind meeting and greeting people a lot of time if you just respectfully like how you how y'all heard me talk yo what's up buddy yo what's up bro bro yo y'all nice like yeah i mean like the longest you be real with the people the people will be real with you back now if you just walk around with a grizzly look on your face looking angry looking like you know you got a problem then there will be a problem but yeah we're in the 2000 block of willard willard and frankford that used to be drones alternative school i know that i used to go there for a sibling we used to drop her off in the morning jones alternative they had the other jones but i think that was like another extended location right there yeah for people who went to school in this neighborhood they know i'm talking about i never go there so i don't know how was the education but they got one cute little strip of of garnish there's some weave on the floor i can't show you guys that cause it's too low to ground the way i have the gimbal set up is to keep the access level so even if i do try to tilt it down i would need to change the mode and i'm not going to change the mode at the end of the video but yeah we're on westmoreland and frankfurt we're in the 3200 block of frankfurt avenue all right so back to the self storage spot remember that story i was telling you about so about a year year and a half ago they found a body that was being stored inside this self storage unit they said the female was missing for like 15 16 years and they found her body in there in an abandoned storage unit and the most ironic craziest part about it all guys is i shot a music right a shout out music video right here on this block hold on let me take you guys through this alley so you guys can see what a philadelphia alley looks like this is a philadelphia alley this is nice for a music video right here i would totally use this for a music video wow this is an awesome shot guys alright so let's reverse so back to the story yeah on the news they just discovered it there was a body in one of the old storage units there she was there for like 15 years and what made it even crazier is that i literally shot a music video right here on this block like three or four years ago like yeah like three years ago so to think that i was out here on this block shooting a music video while on the opposite hand of the street there was a female's body inside the storage unit that's crazy right i'm telling you some people are incredibly sick i don't know how you can do that like and then live with it whoever did that lived with it for 15 years trying to get low for you guys i'm trying to get low trying to get low so you guys can see something it's not easy i'll tell you something this was a workout and a half holding this camera i'm sweating i had the mask on i had to pull the mask off a couple blocks ago it's definitely a workout [Music] you can see this building on my left it looks like a factory that was once abandoned but they just did all the windows they did all the brick pointing it looked like they brick pointed it and filled it any of the cement that was bad and now they got these bags sandbags holding up the gate because this is probably gonna get turned into a loft and they're gonna again rent it out rent that bad boy out i don't know how many lofts they'd be breaking those buildings up to but i can imagine they're huge buildings so you can imagine that you know you could probably get like 40 lofts or like you know maybe 50 living quarters and if you get 50 living quarters out of one large building and you charge let's say 2 000 per living quarter a month times 50 living quarters a month whoever owns those factories and they're turning up to loss those people are making like buku money they're making incredible money all right on my right hand side we have a large building that looks like um it had something to do with like the irish back in the day because they got like a like a irish um i don't know if you see like a four-leaf clover you see it right i don't know if you guys can see it the camera doesn't do justice but i remember when i was a kid i used to come past this corner and they had tons and tons of low riders like an exaggerated amount probably 10 low riders parked right out here with hydraulics with the switches now if you know about cars you know that low riders isn't a philadelphia thing yet alone an east coast thing low riders 99 of the time are la things like you know over there in la and in cali in general or in the west coast they really kill it with the low riders but when i was a kid i should come here and look forward to seeing all the low riders out there to be honest now that i think about it i think they burned down the garage with the low riders in it i'm dead up i'm serious when you say that you're dead up that's just like a metaphorical term saying that i'm being real yeah i mean it's hard cause sometimes i let my ebonics get a hold of me but i have to keep in mind that some of my viewers probably have no idea what my slang means so i have to break it down for you sometimes shout out to the homie mo mo and hoodstuck92 my guy mo og from the area right here my philly i believe that's his youtube channel yeah this is his area they be out here opening up shop check out these little storage unit things right here basically just a bunch of shipping containers thrown in a lot which as you can see is very uneven the foundation is crooked out of this world and then they rent those out too i can't imagine them renting them for much they probably rent them for like 200 a month maybe two 300 a month probably i don't know but you know he got 40 units so even if you charge 200 a month plus 40 units then you know what i mean dude was sleeping y'all saw a selfie on me right look at me looking all hot yeah but i don't know if he was under the influence because sometimes they'll park up they'll take their shot and then they'll pass right out just like that so he could have probably been honestly tired from work or he could have just got some stuff around the corner took it right there and boom passed out a lot of the time let me tell you all this a lot of the time those people they don't wait to get home to use the substance they'll cop the substance they'll buy it cop means buy that's a hood slag when you say i'm a cop something that means i'm gonna buy something so they'll cop the substance and they'll walk maybe like five ten feet away from like they won't even leave the block and then they'll start shooting up or they'll start prepping it to shoot shoot up which is crazy same thing with cocaine i remember when i was younger people will buy the cocaine on the block and then they'll walk feet away and just shoot right up so it's crazy that you know some people are like so brazen and so open with their habit but then again i don't think it's dumb intentionally being brazen i think when you're under the influence you don't think through things thoroughly and it's like you don't care the substance takes over your mind it changes your personality it changes how your brain is wired i don't think i talked about diamond furniture but it's coming up on my left hand side the burgundy building that we passed in the very beginning right across the street from 7-eleven used to be a diamond furniture we're walking past kensington and the 1800 block of cornwall street all right guys so i think we've reached our hour mark an hour seems to be the sweet spot for these tours with that being said if you're new to the channel make sure to hit that thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe when you subscribe turn on the notification bell if you don't turn on the notification bell you will not be notified when the next video drops so make sure to turn on that notification bell i don't ask you guys for any cash donations but i do ask if you can make a donation of a simple thumbs up on the video you see where it says thumbs up a thumbs down click thumbs up that's like making a donation and or if you want to be really really supportive comment on the video that goes a long way guys thank you for your time and stay tuned for the next walking tour that we taking the hood my name is tune and i'm tuning out have a good day guys
Channel: TOON215
Views: 1,314,665
Rating: 4.8446946 out of 5
Keywords: kensington, kensington philadelphia, kensington drugs, kensington up close, morals over money, raw and uncut, uncensored footage, the real kensington, kensington and allegheny, north philadelphia, philadelphia badlands, northeast philadelphia, k&a, walking tour, travel videos, raw footage, rare footage, never before scene philadelphia footage, under the el philadelphia, open drug market, addiction, opioids, philadelphia dope, drug addict
Id: -FD7xxo5ApY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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