Hero Boy Who Put His Mother's Attackers in Jail | This Morning

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this happened on the 13th of June last year what do you remember what can you tell us we came home from school normally come home straight home diverted through Camden came home pulled the car into the driveway wasn't thinking about looking at anything just pulled in he come in you've got a child in the car you just want to get into the house open the garage Didier came out of the car and went into the house by the garage as he went in he went into the kitchen I came out of the car went to put something in the bin which was at the top of the drive today realized he'd forgotten his school bag he came back out as he came back back out he was face to face with two large men one with their arms around my neck one with her hands over my face stop me screaming and what did you think because for you thank goodness he'd gone in the house at that point I mean thank goodness but that's a saving grace but you're as you said you put something the pin in you you want you didn't have weather this arm came round you and at first you thought it might be one of the kids or something mucking about and then very quickly you realized how serious this situation was judy has got three older brothers and as I felt an arm around my neck I could feel that the presence was a high presence behind me and I thought it was one of the bigger boys friends because the big my sons weren't around but it was one of their friends as I turned to look I managed to sort of turn around I could see that it wasn't and I was being attacked and the adrenalin sort of kicks in and I always had this fear of it ever happened not that I thought it would ever happen but that you would not have a voice and that you'd freeze and nothing would come out and you'd open your mouth and it would just be nothing but when the adrenaline kicks in you really do find a punk kicked Julie in the face yeah the CCTV footage I didn't know at the time because of the way they were holding me I could see nothing except Didier's fear watching me but when I saw the CCTV footage and didier later told me he said just watching them kick Julia in the head because she she obviously knew that something was wrong it wasn't a good situation I'm Anthony absolutely horrible so for you you come out because you've forgotten something you walk out and then you're confronted by this what was going through you um we won when you think of it you never think it's gonna happen it's it you never expect it could happen at any time and then when you see it you think this can't be happening you must been terrified yeah and you were you're so bright you must be so clever because you sat there and you considered all of the options that you had in front of you and you knew I mean there was no point in going out there to go and save your mum because it would be an impossible situation that it would even be in very incredibly dangerous situation you as a mother definitely didn't want him to do that but you did something which was the perfect thing to do which was to set the alarm off yeah why did you do that um I did it because it was her one it helped because it was the closest thing to me yeah I mean I thought that calling the police it would take too long yeah so so the noise you thought if I press press the panic button press the alarm button then that's gonna scare him off yeah so not only would I scare them off the peace would also come and at the same time as doing all of that you were very carefully the state you could see they've got hoods on but you thought right okay I want to study their faces and so it was it was as if you know you'd in your own mind that you'd memorize their faces which you used later on were you thinking about that I didn't think about memorizing their faces when I looked at them it just it was like stuck in my head something you're never gonna forget yeah and so when any bet and you got there got the number play at the car and and the the vital thing going to court was tricky because of it you knew he'd have to relive it all when you went to call well when we got the number play I ran after them after the alarm had been ringing for a couple of seconds and I was sort of trying to fight them off they were quite aggressive your they'd ripped your earrings that you were terrified that I'm taking lobe oh well I was worried they were going to rip the lobe so they got one they went for the other one and I said to them get off me and I'll give you what you want which went they loosened and that's when I tried to fight back adrenaline kicking in obviously and then there was another one which I hadn't realized at the time so there were two of them on me and after a couple of seconds of them hearing the alarm they obviously realised that the police would turn up so they ran I ran after them and I saw them getting into the car and I took the number plate I just had to memorize the number plate as it turned out the car had been stolen but the amazing police were they tracked the stolen car to a different number plates they use cameras whatever and they managed to track the car down and then it was a sequence of events that followed that and so being going into inter court were you were you worried about him having to relive it all well I was worried when they came back to me and they said eventually that they'd found someone and they wanted to do to give a statement so we went to the police to the police station he gave a statement and then they asked him if he would do an ID parade if he could remember their faces and he was very confident that he could if they hadn't have pleaded guilty that was the one worried that he would have to come in with me yes so thankfully you didn't have to know I went out of court to watch the and you picked them out and the identity again so they are now in jail and the reason they're in jail not just for the offense committed against you and your family but for other offenses and other families that have had to go through and and live in fear of them you must be very proud of yourself yeah well not only that but you you've won the Westminster police's hero of 2016 yeah it's amazing you are an official hero and that must make you very I was very proud today I reacted very quickly and he was clearly in fear because he was watching what was going on and it was happening so fast and he did the right thing and the fact that he did remember their faces and he was able to his men that he's very dangerous men are now off the street you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,964,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, Didier Levenfiche, hero, attackers, memory
Id: FspjZOl-QP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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