Accepting I'm A Murderer - Jacob Dunne Interview | This Morning

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I'm very brave to come on and talk about this now and I know that this is this is still something that you very nervous about talking so thank you so that night out in 2011 we have to start with that what happened and I wasn't on that out with my friends celebrating a birthday and but then we kind of had a culture of a negative culture where we kind of there's a lot of masculinity a lot of aggression held and we kind of felt as if we held these beliefs where you've always got a back your friends and Stickle for your friends if anything ever happened and I remember I got separated from my friends and I received the course in it was an altercation somewhere and me being me back then I went to the scene and didn't understand what the circumstances were or what the whole occasion was about and threw a punch so you through it was a it was a random punch an unprovoked punch you know and then after that you carried on with your night they'd been a bit of a broad you throwing a punch and you carried on yeah I do run away yeah well you know did you know lies that doing something serious but nothing to that extent and you're actually then after that you went on holiday and and life continued until you got back a month later you found out that your mates houses have been visited by the police your house had been visited by the police at what point did you find out what you'd actually done what those suspicions of what happened with hearsay through all my friends and whatever was being raided for and eventually the police rang me and said can you come down to the priests station we're following upon an investigation we want to follow up on this investigation and I went down and that's when the homicide squad was there and they told me that I was being arrested on suspicion of murder and how did you feel when you found out cuz you like you said you ran away from the scene you didn't know what had happened you knew you through the hunt but you didn't know that the punch had killed this guy how did it feel to know that you'd done that I've said before it was so much goes through your head and and I didn't have much going for me in life at that time I didn't have any qualifications I dropped out of school didn't have any prospects but I still it I still wanted better for my life than that yeah and it was just everything just came crashing down really well you said that you serve 14 months about 30 months sentence for manslaughter of James Hodgkinson him--his he was a 28 year old paramedic and that in prison you actually came out worse than you went in yeah why um I think it would have been a crucial time before I went to prison because I actually realized like I said I wanted more for my life but when I went into custody no one challenged me no one ever came to me and said have you ever thought about the victims in all this and how that's impacted them you felt like a victim yes and I kind of felt as if I was a bit soft I kind of felt as if I was unfortunate and in as if I was the one that was gonna go through all the hard times everything changed for you and how you felt about yourself when a probation officer suggested this restorative justice and and this was the very first time you actually took responsibility for what you've done yeah and why was that what was it about it that worked um well up until then I'd never even thought about the parents family who whose lives you've personally torn apart sit with you face to face you know so the opposite you're sitting across a table is that how well um how it started because we didn't none of us felt comfortable meeting each other face to face book they said they had a few questions to ask me and I said that well my thought process was that the least that I can do in the situation is answer some of these questions that they have and and then move on from there but what ended up happening was they asked me Leos questions I tried best to answer them the best I could and but then after that they started to ask me but what you do me your life now and that that's what kind of took me back I was that how can they be interested in what I'm doing with my life you know I mean I know that just impacted me so much that he just spurred me on to think okay so what I'm going to do my life now to move forward in a positive way and it hasn't just helped you because it's helped them also hasn't it I mean there's a lot of people think that gosh with is resource justice you know it was you with a person who took someone's life so why do you get all the help but actually most importantly this helped the parents to move on also yeah I think it's important to say that when I first went into this process I didn't expect to gain anything I just wanted to try and help them have a bit peace of mind and answer some of their questions there was such loss in this world because to get to get you to this stage you had to go through a process to get there terrible loss to a family and what would you say to those boys that are out there now that culture where they think you know it's friendship no we'll support each other we'll look after each other before they have to go through what you went through all that family lights will go out without you Chuck a few punches I would say stories like this get put out there in the newspapers and stuff and people say that wouldn't have happened to me but I would say this is a lot more common than what people think and and and well it doesn't matter if someone tragically passes away people can be seriously here as well and for you to end up risking it all go into prison losing your jobs if you can think about those of you who have got kids as well just because of just because you want to have a little bit of banter with your friends and and it's not worth it you need people is to put themselves first start being a little bit more responsible
Channel: This Morning
Views: 4,570,611
Rating: 4.724875 out of 5
Keywords: celebrity interviews, celebrity gossip, tv news, soap news, holly willoughby, real stories, ldsmusic, ldscl, jacob dunne, murder, murderer, james hodgkinson, restorative justice
Id: Snz6GawGpV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2016
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